The name of the group in kindergarten is bells. Decoration of the "Bell" group in kindergarten

Larisa Puzanova

Hello colleagues! I would like to present to your attention decor corners and zones in our group. Children's The garden is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and its children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The group in kindergarten should be decorated in bright, colorful and rich colors. Pictures and posters were used to decorate the walls. With the help of images of their favorite characters, a joyful, kind and cheerful atmosphere is created for children. It is very pleasant and fun for children to see their favorite characters on the walls. Children enjoy musical activities. Theatrical games for preschool children have educational value. With the help of theater, children learn verbal expressiveness and the ability to listen to each other. Physical education is one of the most favorite activities for children. With the help of play activities, preschool children develop positive relationships

Kindergarten is a second home for children. I would like to make its premises nice, cozy and, preferably, decorated in the same style. Primary attention should be paid to the following areas:

  • stand with information for parents;
  • shelf for crafts;
  • drawing board;
  • posters in different development areas;
  • children's lockers in the locker room;
  • doors on cabinets for toys, stationery and aids;
  • cribs;
  • stands (for those on duty, birthday people).

Of course, it doesn't stop there. If possible, you can paint the walls in suitable colors - blue, light blue, purple and a combination of them. Or make a floral design on one or more walls.

Let's start with the locker room and move on!

The locker room in a kindergarten is a public room where both children and parents come. It needs to create the appropriate mood. There are individual lockers here. To personalize them, you need to stick suitable stickers or pictures on the doors.

Posters and stands are designed in the same style. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, several developmental and educational centers need to be created in the garden: for example, about space, countries on the world map, animals, traffic rules, safety, mathematics, ecology.

The design of each corner includes its own thematic materials: maps, atlases of animals and planets, rugs with numbers, plants in flowerpots, etc. I propose to make posters for each center with the name of the zone in the same frames with bells. Similar bells should be used for parent and congratulatory stands.

What materials and kits should I use?

There are various kits on sale designed to simplify the life of educators and methodologists. For example, like these locker room stickers . There are also more extensive sets made of PVC plastic, which include a couple of dozen stickers, a stand for parents, a sign on the group door, a passe-partout for photos (for birthday greetings), and a stand-magnet for drawings. All this is made and sold on an industrial scale, in different sizes for groups with different names.

There are a lot of art templates on the Internet with bells, animals, and berries. They can be redrawn or printed on thick paper and glued to a solid base. The more you use ready-made ones, the more time you save. By the way, I would like to recommend materials for the parent corner in the locker room - at September-February and on March-August . They save incredibly.

Pictures for lockers in the locker room do not have to be just colorful bells or bouquets. For example, can be used:

  • Drawings of girls in bell dresses.
  • Cars of different models with a flower in the back.
  • Identical flowers, against which different animals are drawn or photos of children are placed. Parents love the last option (you can then take it home as a souvenir), but they are too lazy to bring a photo. We photograph the children ourselves.

What else can you use for decoration?

If you want to get creative or are running out of money, I can recommend a few design ideas:

  • Painting with paints or making an applique is a classic option.
  • Old Soviet postcards. They make pictures for cabinets and applications for stands. My colleagues who have boxes of these postcards at home do just that. Costs are almost zero.
  • Invite parents to make a picture for the locker themselves. Draw with pencils or glitter, make an applique, cut it out of a magazine, sew it out of felt - whatever inspires you. Some parents don’t like it, the pictures come out “at odds”. If you are ready for an idea, explain in advance that this is not a competition “who has it better.”
  • Laser cutting on wood or plastic. With its help you can create masterpieces. Carved stands and shelves are especially beautiful using this method. But it costs money.

To create an atmosphere in a group, you can use auxiliary decor: themed photo wallpapers with bells, magnets for displaying drawings, hooks for towels, cups, toys for the Christmas tree. There is a lot of decor on the famous Chinese site, but you still need to find it there.

You can include DIY crafts in the form of bells in your lesson plan. For example, folding cards, New Year's toys made from sour cream cups. There are many rhymes and rhymes to learn on the theme of bells.

I would like to remind you that any design must be safe: it attaches well to the wall or base, does not have sharp edges, and does not crumble. We haven’t tried all of the proposed ideas, but I’m sure there’s still a lot to come. What ideas for the Bells group would you recommend? Share! Don't forget to like and subscribe to blog updates.

Here you will learn everything about the life of your children in kindergarten, about past and future events, you can look at photo albums, and get advice from teachers. If you have urgent questions about the information posted on the site, you can ask on the forum.

Consultation for parents “Games for toddlers”

Most often, adults mistakenly believe that communicating with young children is easy and simple. But a small child is not an ordinary child. Parents of children aged one and a half to three years should know that verbal methods of influence are ineffective for this age category of children. It is useless for a toddler to say, “Don’t do that! It is forbidden! » At this age, he will not follow your verbal instructions. The words of an adult must be supported by action - not irritable, but confident. Example: Children play in a group. Two kids didn’t share a toy and one of them wants to hit the other. The teacher’s action is to calmly take the little brawler by the hand, take him aside and offer some other activity. For example: Treat a sick doll, saying: “Don’t hit the other baby, it will hurt him. You are good and kind. Let's better treat the doll, she is sick, she needs to be given an injection and medicine. The child copies the behavior of an adult, repeats his gestures and words, and it depends only on the adult what norms of behavior his child will learn. Therefore, positive emotional contact plays a big role here. In communication between an adult and a child there should be no falsehood, irritation, or reticence. The subject environment is the source of the development of all mental processes in children. When this environment is properly organized, the child’s mental development is stimulated. For this purpose, children are offered “smart toys”: pyramids of different colors and shapes, various labyrinths through which the ball rolls, wooden puzzles consisting of 2-3 parts, objects that make sounds when buttons are pressed, all kinds of boxes that need to be closed, open, invest in each other. Parents need to know that young children are still learning to play with toys together. Therefore, every child should have the opportunity to play with the toy he likes. During a walk on the playground, the teacher lays out various toys and invites each child to choose one of the toys and play with it. As soon as the child has played enough with this toy, the teacher offers to take the toy to its place and take another one. We should not forget that each baby requires individual attention. If an adult addresses all children, and not a specific child, the latter ignores the adult’s words. Communication among toddlers begins in the form of fussing. Children run after each other, scream, fall. Adults are usually annoyed by this turmoil and noise and they want to quickly stop these children's entertainments, but this fuss has its own psychological meaning - this is the first experience of collectivity. Joint activities of children. You need to learn how to organize it specifically. Games with nursery rhymes and jokes are best suited for this purpose. They are usually very simple, there are no main roles. There is no competition. Children do something at the same time, but each for themselves, with a very simple plot.

Adaptation of a child in kindergarten in a nursery group. Recommendations

First time to kindergarten.
“Every day we come to kindergarten as if we were going to work, but when we need to go home, we don’t want to go back. Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten...!”- these are the words of a good children's song. How I want the kids to run to kindergarten with pleasure in real life. What is needed for this? Firstly, be patient, secondly, gain wisdom and thirdly, love your child very much.
To adapt your child with the least stress for him and you, you should follow several rules:
1) At a family council, decide who will handle the adaptation (bringing and picking up the child). Take time off from work or recruit relatives who can help.
2) Prepare your child for visiting a preschool educational institution. How to do it? Talk to the child (or better yet, tell your son or daughter every day about what kindergarten is, what awaits him there, etc.).
3) On the first day, you and your child come to meet the group and the teacher (you must write down the teacher’s phone number and leave him your number). You and your child inspect the premises where he will be from morning until evening. According to the agreement with the preschool educational institution, you have every right to stay with the child in the group for three days for some time so that his adaptation is more successful. It is advisable to leave the child for an hour and a half (if the baby is not crying or afraid). You can wait patiently outside. If the child becomes sad, the teacher will contact you and you will take the baby.
On a note!If on the first day your child does not cry, plays, and looks around the room with interest, this does not mean that he has adapted and is ready to stay in the garden all day. The first day is not an indicator for the adaptation process.
4) When you pick up your child, discuss what is happening with him. Remind him of the teacher's name. Ask what he saw in the group and what he did.
On a note! Tell your child every day that you will definitely pick him up from kindergarten. For what? Until the age of three, children have not formed an attachment to an adult. Every time you leave, the baby thinks you're gone forever.
5) Every child is unique. Therefore, each baby adapts differently. One child happily stays until the evening after a week, while another takes more than a month to do so.
On a note! The process of adaptation to the garden includes aspects:
1) Behavior in kindergarten, mood in kindergarten.
2) Behavior and mood at home.

If a child suddenly begins to behave poorly at home, becomes whiny, fearful, but in kindergarten the baby behaves and feels great - this is a process of adaptation to kindergarten (it is possible and vice versa: impeccable behavior at home and hysterics in the garden). At home, a child can behave in completely different ways: from refusing to eat to insomnia. This is how the child tries to cope with the stress that has “fallen” on him.
6) On average, a child adapts to kindergarten in one month. This period may vary. Remember that every long break (vacation, sick leave, etc.) in attending kindergarten will resume adaptation.
7) Be on the child’s side, think about him, about his experiences. Don’t immediately try to leave him longer, thinking that this way he will “get used to it faster” or adapt better. On the contrary, the baby will be very frightened by your absence and, thus, his psyche will be traumatized.
8) Gradually increase the child’s time in the garden (adding one to three hours daily).
9) The child will get sick more than once while getting used to a new environment. This is absolutely normal, because there are many children in the group and each of them can be a potential carrier of the virus. Gradually, the baby’s immunity will strengthen, and he will not be so susceptible to infections. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should visit a doctor! One child can start an entire epidemic in a group, be attentive to the health of children!
What you need to bring to kindergarten:
1) Change of underwear (for the first time it is better to have 5-8 pieces in the cabin);
2) Replacement shoes (sandals);
3) Change of clothes (3-4 sets);
4) Handkerchiefs (dry handkerchiefs are fine);
5) Wet wipes (large package);
6) Cellophane bags (one package) for dirty underwear and clothes;
7) Pajamas or a T-shirt for sleeping;
Love your child, be interested in his life in kindergarten and encourage him for small victories. In this case, the adaptation process will go smoothly.
