An unconventional technique for drawing a landscape with semolina for younger students. Master class "Applique from semolina Pictures from semolina for children

Non-traditional drawing techniques at school

Non-traditional drawing technique with semolina. Master Class. Landscape "Birch near the river"

The audience: The master class is designed for younger students, teachers and parents.

Target: acquaintance with the non-traditional technique of drawing semolina.


Learn to draw a landscape, correctly position objects of the first and second plan;

Learn to use different non-traditional techniques in the process of creation;

Paintings (“raw”, poke with a semi-dry hard brush, foam rubber);

Develop hand motor skills;

Develop an aesthetic perception of the world, observation;

Cultivate interest in creativity.

Purpose: such works can decorate exhibitions, the interior of offices, apartments; This technique can be used in art classes.

Children get acquainted with the unconventional technique of drawing with semolina even at preschool age. Using this technique, the guys create beautiful masterpieces. I want to show how you can use semolina when creating landscape paintings in the classroom with younger students. So, for this we need.


Cardboard or paper for watercolor;


Simple pencil;

PVA glue;

Brushes (artistic and with hard bristles);

Foam rubber;

Bank with water.

Stages of work:

We draw a sketch of the future picture.

Wet the top of the leaf (sky) with water using a brush. While the sheet is not dry, we apply blue paint in places. Under the influence of water, the paint will spread, painting the entire surface of the sky. (Technique "raw")

Without letting the sheet dry, take a piece of foam rubber, soak it in water, wring it out a little and stick it several times to the painted surface. This will create clouds.

Using the same technique, color the river.

Now take a brush with soft bristles and paint over the forest. In order to depict trees of different heights in the distance, we use different shades of green and the “sticking” technique.

We paint over the surface of the glade in the second (far) plan with light brown paint.

When the paint dries, take a brush with stiff bristles and draw grass. We perform short sharp strokes. (Semi-dry hard brush technique)

We use paint in darker shades.

Let's start with the objects of the first (foreground) plan. With the help of a thin brush, paint over the birch trunk and the stems of the shrub.

Now we will apply a layer of glue on the crown of the birch and on the remaining glades.

Until the glue is dry, generously sprinkle it with semolina in an even layer. Gently shake off the excess grain. Let the painting dry.

It remains only to color the semolina. To do this, we moisten the desired color of paint with water with a brush and stick it to the semolina. Keep using different shades.

Finished landscape painting.

In contact with

Needlework contributes to the development of vision, speech, hearing, color perception through fine motor skills. Crafts from cereals are a great way to awaken the creative abilities of a child.

Buckwheat, rice, semolina, barley, pea paintings and panels are a fashion trend. As it turned out, grains different in color, texture, shape, number of faces are a fertile material for creating real masterpieces.

This material is completely safe and environmentally friendly, available to everyone and is inexpensive. Paper, cardboard sheets, plasticine, glue, food coloring, multi-colored crayons with pencil leads will come in handy in case you need to “color” semolina, which perfectly replaces sand in the so-called “sand drawing”.

Types of crafts

Starting with the simplest gluing of grains on glue or plasticine, many do not even realize how diverse this area of ​​​​applied art is. It is enough to list the main types of cereal products to understand: this hobby can develop into a serious hobby for many years.

So, from plasticine and cereals, as well as some additional materials and glue, you can make:

  1. Crafts (photo frames, vases, magnets, panels, figurines, sculptures, boxes). Objects are glued with grains, covered with paints, varnish.
  2. Paintings. Gluing grains occurs with the help of plasticine or glue.
  3. Compositions in the technique of drawing with sand or semolina.
  4. Beads, seeds, pasta, dry berries can act as additional materials.
  5. Colored bottles, inside which tinted semolina, salt or sugar are poured in multi-colored layers.

This is far from the limit. Crafts from cereals with their own hands are varied. It often happens that the first rice hedgehog leads the young artist to a large and complex portrait, the work on which can take many months.

The simplest pictures that almost all kids start with are grains pasted on a plasticine or glue field. In both cases, work begins with drawing a simple drawing on a sheet of paper, the individual parts and objects of which can be painted, covered with a thin layer of multi-colored plasticine or glue. Having offered the baby jars with different grains, you should show how you can lay out different parts of the picture with cereals, making them voluminous.

Crafts from cereals - a great way to awaken the creative abilities of a child

After some time, flat characters from a sheet of paper will literally “come to life”, become convex, tangible, shiny (if varnished on top), real. And if you experiment with the thickness of the plasticine layer, you can get interesting images. Therefore, sending a baby to kindergarten on the eve of, for example, March 8, you can get a picture precious to your heart with rice daisies or millet tulips.

It is enough to list the main types of cereal products to understand: this hobby can develop into a serious hobby for many years.

Cereals and seeds

Moving from simple to complex in their work, most come to the conclusion that cereals can be combined with other natural materials:

  • pasta;
  • tea;
  • seeds;
  • dry berries;
  • herbarium elements - leaves, inflorescences, buds.

Such combinations can be used both in the manufacture of paintings, panels, and in the decoration of vases, caskets, frames for photographs and paintings. It is worth considering these techniques in more detail with practical examples.

Cereals can be combined with other natural materials

You can make a decorative plate with the image of a goose out of semolina, apple and melon seeds. To do this, you need to prepare cereals, cardboard, PVA glue.

In order not to waste time cutting out plates from thick cardboard, you can take a ready-made disposable white paper plate. It is necessary to draw a big cheerful goose on it and start laying out the grains.

Combinations of cereals can be used both in the manufacture of paintings, panels, and in the decoration of vases, caskets, frames for photographs and paintings.

It is not necessary to apply glue to the entire sketch at once, otherwise, due to slow, painstaking work, it may dry out on empty parts. It is applied in stages. The goose body can be laid out with melon or pumpkin seeds, the contours of the wings can be emphasized with apple seeds.

Paws and beak are laid out with cucumber seeds (it will be easier to paint them red). The background of the picture is covered with semolina. You can paint it in 2 colors: green for "grass" and blue for "sky".

Attention! Laying out images of different animals and birds from seeds and cereals with your own hands for children is not difficult if you prepare sketches of such paintings in advance.

Here's a chicken you can make from seeds

Cereals and pasta

Cereals can be very successfully varied with pasta. It turns out not only paintings and panels, but also nice decor elements. For example, pasta and cereal bottles.

To make, you need to prepare:

  • several types of cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley, peas);
  • curly pasta;
  • glue (tube and gun);
  • a bottle with a cork, which must first be washed, dried, and freed from all labels.

Cereals can be very successfully varied with pasta

In working on the bottle, one should move from the bottom to the neck, gradually lubricating it with glue and laying out different cereal grains layer by layer.

Advice! You can alternate them in any order, as the soul or the eye desires, remembering that this will only be a background for the subsequent pasta installation.

When the bottle is completely girded on the outside with several dozen rows of cereals, on top, using a glue gun, you need to lay out flowers from figured pasta. Spaghetti will serve as stems for flowers. On the bottle cap, you can lay out another pasta pattern. When everything is dry, you should cover the bottle with gold or silver paint.

Not only paintings and panels are obtained, but also cute decor elements

Cereals and tea

Grain classes for children initially take place in the form of a game that allows you to develop imagination and fine motor skills. With age, patterns gradually fade into the background, and children begin to experiment on their own. If combinations of cereals, pasta and seeds have already been mastered, you can add teas and other handicraft elements to this - ribbons, beads, multi-colored threads.

From several types of cereals, tea, beads, colored cardboard and threads, you can make a cheerful Cheburashka. Moreover, it is tea, its rough structure, that will give the animal a very realistic look. For crafts, you can choose a puppy, a bear cub or a fox.

If combinations of cereals, pasta and seeds have already been mastered, you can add teas and other handicraft elements to this - ribbons, beads, multi-colored threads

First, draw a picture on paper. If there are difficulties with this, you can find a stencil, cut it out and stick it on paper. Next, glue is applied to the entire body of Cheburashka, without touching his muzzle and chest, and sprinkled with tea. When everything dries, you need to grease the breast with glue and lay it out with buckwheat, and the muzzle with rice. Using beads or buttons, lay out the nose, eyes. The red thread will play the role of the company. And from the lace ribbon you get an excellent bow.

Working with semolina: coloring, types of crafts

Semolina, among other cereals, stands out for its similarity to sand, as well as for its many ways of coloring it. Sand painting is a serious virtuoso art, the heights of mastery in which have been reached for more than a dozen years. However, when it comes to childhood, the use of sand can be difficult and not even entirely safe. In contrast, semolina is a natural product, the availability and cost-effectiveness of which allows you to start mastering cereal creativity quite early.

Semolina, among other cereals, stands out for its similarity to sand, as well as for its many ways of coloring it.

At first, semolina crafts can be the simplest. These are the same pictures, more often on a winter theme, where semolina plays the role of snow perfectly. If you suddenly want to lay out a camel in the desert, semolina will act as sand. But it will be possible to start more complex drawing with semolina, having previously painted the grits in different colors.

There may be several ways here:

  • using gouache, water and a blender;
  • colored pencil leads;
  • chalk for drawing.

The first method is suitable for coloring a large amount of "sand": gouache is diluted in water, poured into a blender, the right amount of semolina is added there (the amount of paint depends on the desired shade). The mixture is poured onto paper and dried at room temperature.

Sand painting is a serious virtuoso art, the peaks of mastery in which have been reached for more than a dozen years.

If you need a small amount of multi-colored semolina, you can use pencil leads or crayons. They are crushed in any convenient way and mixed with cereals. In this way, you can quickly get a large palette of colors.

Semolina is used with other cereals in the simplest patterns. It will provide beautiful snowdrifts, sand dunes and even clouds. With age, you can move on to drawing decoys. Here you can get very serious abstract canvases, monochrome sketches and even portraits.

At first, semolina crafts can be the simplest. These are the same pictures, more often on a winter theme, where semolina plays the role of snow perfectly

It is worth mentioning the multi-colored bottles. They are made by simply falling asleep with layers of semolina of different colors.

Idea! An interesting effect can be achieved if the vessel is pre-filled with a handful of large transparent beads or multi-colored glass.

Cereals and dried fruits

A funny craft can be made by combining plasticine, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, large beads, dried fruits and herbarium elements.

As a result, a hedgehog can be obtained from cereals and other materials. Moreover, it can be made in the form of a picture on a sheet of paper or a three-dimensional figure, which will first be molded from plasticine, and then decorated with cereals.

Crafts can be made from dried fruits

In the first case, a hedgehog drawing is applied to a small sheet of paper, the location of other elements is schematically outlined. Then buckwheat is laid out on a glue or plasticine layer. It will be the body of the animal, the seeds will be its needles, and the beads will be its eyes and nose. Around you can lay out dry leaves, and “prick” small dried berries and fruits on needles. In the second case, the same thing is done, only not on a sheet of paper, but on a figure molded from plasticine.

Sometimes, in order to decorate the house or keep the child busy with creativity, it is enough to look into the kitchen cabinet where groceries are stored. Indeed, from cereals, beans, spices, grains and seeds, you can make decor in eco or rustic style, as well as developing children's crafts. The main thing is to show imagination and allocate some free time. In this material you will find 10 ideas and step-by-step instructions for making crafts from cereals with your own hands for children and adults, as well as a master class on coloring them with food coloring.

Idea 1. Topiary for table setting or interior decoration

Beans of bright colors are an excellent material for decorating the crown or pot of a topiary. For example, from green peas, you can create such a decorative tree for spring home decoration or table setting for Easter.


  • 1 package of green peas (chopped and polished);
  • Styrofoam base ball (sold in craft stores);
  • 1 pack of dry moss (any other material for topiary “soil” decoration is also suitable);
  • 1 clay pot of medium size;
  • PVA glue and hot glue in a gun;
  • tassel;
  • 1 wooden stick, skewer or simple pencil (this will be the trunk of the topiary);
  • Acrylic green paint (for painting the ball to match the peas);
  • Paints of the desired colors for the decoration of the pot (optional);
  • Styrofoam, floral foam, or any hardening mixture like cement or alabaster.

Master Class:

Step 1. If you are unhappy with the look of your pot and/or stem, paint them and leave to dry.

Step 2. While the pot is drying, paint one half of the foam ball to match the beans and let it dry. When this happens, paint the other half of the ball and leave it to dry in the same way.

Step 3. When the ball is completely dry, cut a hole in it for the barrel 2-3 cm deep with an awl or knife.

Step 4. Start decorating it with peas. To do this, put it on a plate, use a brush to apply PVA glue to a small area and sprinkle peas liberally on it.

Let this area dry a little and proceed to sprinkle the next part of the ball. Continue the procedure until the entire ball is covered with green peas, and then leave it to dry overnight.

Step 5. When the resulting crown dries, work on the gaps. To do this, glue the voids with glue and sprinkle them again with grits.

Step 6. Now insert the barrel into the ball, after pouring a drop of hot glue into the hole made earlier. To keep the barrel stronger, you can lay pieces of paper around it and fill the hole with glue to the very top. Keep in mind that without paper, the glue will melt the foam and deepen the hole too much. Finally, when the trunk is fixed, decorate the area around it with peas (if necessary).

Step 7. Engage in creating a fixing "soil" in a pot. In this master class, floral foam was used to fix the tree. If you are also using foam or styrofoam, then you only need to adjust its dimensions to fit the pot so that the tree stands even and strong. Otherwise, you can dilute any fixing compound according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 8 When the base of the topiary is ready, all you have to do is decorate it with moss, sisal, the same peas or any other cereal.

Idea 2. Panel or picture from cereals

Cereals, beans, grains and seeds come in a variety of colors, which means that they can “paint” a picture or fold a mosaic panel. Depending on your idea and artistic skills, the drawing can be more detailed or very schematic.

The following selection of photos presents examples of children's crafts from cereals and pasta in the form of applications.

In the next video, you can see the process of making cereal applications with your baby.

And here is a selection of examples of panels and paintings from cereals that you can do with your own hands to decorate the interior (scroll the photo to the right).


  • Various colored beans, cereals, seeds, pasta;
  • PVA glue and glue brush;
  • Thick and strong cardboard (for children's applications), a piece of plywood or canvas on a stretcher (for "adult" paintings);
  • Drawing sketch;
  • Paints and brushes.

Master Class:

  1. Paint the background of the picture in the desired color.
  2. Pick up cereals that match the color of the selected pattern and sort them into plates.
  3. Draw by hand or transfer the sketch to cardboard, for example, through carbon paper or using a ready-made / homemade stencil.

  1. Apply a thin layer of glue to a small area of ​​the picture and immediately sprinkle on it the grits of the color that matches the picture in this area. When the area dries a little, remove the excess grits and continue to “draw” the picture in parts so that the glue does not have time to dry.
  • Remember that PVA glue dries completely in about 2 hours.

Idea 3. Frame decor

With the help of cereals, you can transform a simple frame for a photo, picture or mirror. You can fold an ornament of colored beans or just give the surface a relief, strewn with cereals.

If desired, the frame itself and the cereal can be painted with spray paint.

By the same principle, you can decorate with cereals not only the frame, but also the interior letter as in the photo below. For the manufacture of such a letter, the following were used: beans, purple paint in a spray can and a blank in the shape of the letter B, cut out of plywood with a jigsaw.

And here is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts from cereals for children - a fridge magnet frame with an ornament of colored beans.

To make such a cute photo frame, you just need to cut out a frame blank from cardboard, decorate it with colored beans according to the mosaic principle, and then glue a couple of magnets on the inside.

Idea 4. Decor vases and bottles

Grains can be used as a decorative filler for glass vases and bottles for candles, artificial flowers, branches, dried flowers, makeup brushes and even knives. The following selection of photos shows examples of candlesticks in the autumn range.

This slider contains photo examples of decorative filling of vases for flowers and plants with grits.

Groats and beans can fill not only vases, but also bottles.

And here are examples of the practical application of vases filled with cereals.

Cup for cosmetic brushes filled with dyed rice

Here are some tips to help you create a beautiful composition:

  • In order not to spend a kilogram of cereal on one candlestick, you need to put a glass in the center of the container that will support the candle.
  • You can use one type of cereal or several types of cereals and beans in contrasting colors to create a striped vase filling.
  • To pour colored cereals into the bottle in layers, use a funnel or just paper rolled into a cone.

  • Colored beans can replace rice dyed with food coloring as in the photo below (see the master class at the end of the article).

Idea 5. Easter Egg Decor

Fine grains, grains, spices, star pasta, seeds and dried herbs can be used to decorate Easter eggs. You can simply apply PVA glue to the egg and roll it in grains or create any patterns according to the mosaic principle, having previously drawn a markup or sketch on the shell. Use stencils to depict more precise shapes and figures.

Idea 6. Bird food in the form of figurines

Feeders in the form of cute figurines are a more original alternative to birdhouses.

Making such crafts from cereals and seeds is so easy that kids can do it almost without the help of adults.


  • 3/4 cup bird food;
  • 1 sachet of gelatin;
  • 1/4 cup water;
  • Cookie cutters (large and medium size);
  • Twine or ribbon;
  • Straw;
  • baking paper;
  • Large bowl;
  • Pot;
  • A spoon.

Master Class:

Step 1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and add gelatin. Keep the resulting mixture over medium heat for about 5 minutes (until the gelatin is completely dissolved), constantly stirring it with a spoon.

Step 2 Remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for about 1 minute. In a large bowl, mix the gelatin and bird food (3/4 cup or more) with a spoon or your hands. This work can just be entrusted to children.

Step 3. Lay a piece of baking paper on the table and place cookie cutters on it. Half fill the molds with the mixture of bird food and gelatin and tamp it down.

Step 4. Make twine loops of suitable length and slightly deepen their knots inside each mold with a mixture.

Step 5. Fill the molds to the very top.

Step 6 Put all the figures in the freezer for 20 minutes and then leave them to dry overnight or a full day.

Step 7. Remove the figures from the molds, hang them on the trees and wait for the first guests!

Idea 7. Napkin rings

Decorate toilet paper tubes with a mosaic of cereals and seeds to create adorable napkin rings perfect for fall or countryside table setting.


  • Variety of cereals, seeds, beans and spices;
  • Tube from toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Tassel.


Step 1. Cut the toilet paper tube into three sections of the same width (about 4 cm).

Step 2 Paint each section (inside and out) with a neutral or contrasting color. You will get ring blanks.

Step 3. Prepare and sort various seeds, grains, beans and spices.

Step 4. Apply a thick layer of glue to a small area of ​​the ring and sprinkle or point it with cereals and seeds. Wait for the glue in this area to dry before moving on to the next area. Continue these steps until the entire surface of the ring is covered, and then leave it to dry.

Step 5. If you are afraid that the seeds will peel off and crumble, additionally treat them with a thick layer of glue, even covering the gaps between the seeds.

Idea 8. Decorative balls

From cereals and foam blanks, you can make decorative balls that will look spectacular on a dish or in a glass vase. Such a composition will decorate any dining table, console table or coffee table.


  • Black spray paint;
  • Styrofoam balls of small diameter (or balls of floral foam);
  • PVA glue;
  • Cereals such as split peas, red beans, white beans, black beans and lentils.


  1. Paint the styrofoam ball black or grits and let it dry.
  2. Apply glue to a small part of the balloon with a brush, then sprinkle on the beans or glue them in dots. Let the treated area dry before moving on to the next area. Continue these steps until the entire ball is covered with beans.
  3. Make a few of these balls and lay them on a beautiful dish. If desired, complement the composition with candles, dried branches, cones or any other decor.

By the way, if you take foam eggs instead of balls, and paint the grits in pastel colors, then you will get original Easter decorations as in the photo below.

Idea 9. Decorative wreath

From cereals and a base ring, you can make a beautiful wreath for seasonal or festive home decoration.


  • Split green peas;
  • Two straw wreaths with a diameter of 20 cm (can be replaced with a foam blank);
  • PVA glue or glue gun with a large supply of glue sticks;
  • tassel;
  • baking sheet;
  • Foil;
  • Leg-split.

Master Class:

  1. If you are using a foam base, first paint it to match the grain with acrylic paint and let it dry completely.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with foil and fill it with peas.
  3. Apply hot glue or PVA glue to a small area on the inside of the wreath, then sprinkle the cereal on it, brush off the excess and wait until the glue dries.
  4. Decorate the next area in the same way. Continue until the entire inside of the wreath is covered with peas as shown in the photo below.

  1. Glue a small area on the outside of the wreath with glue, immediately roll it in a baking sheet with peas, rotating it a little. Wait until the glue dries a little and proceed to the next section until the entire outer side of the wreath is covered with peas. Then work on the voids, filling them dotted with glue and grits.

  1. In the same way, arrange the back side of the wreath, and then its sides.
  2. When the entire wreath is covered with peas, and the glue is dried, additionally go over the groats with a brush with PVA glue, filling the gaps between the peas with glue, among other things.
  3. Wait until the wreath is completely dry, then tie it with ribbon or twine and finally hang it over your front door, window or dining table.

If desired, you can decorate the wreath with dried flowers, twigs, artificial flowers and berries, or an appliqué made from cereals in a contrasting color, for example, as shown in the photo below.

Idea 10. Coffee or serving table


  • Large photo frame;
  • Bar stool, the seat of which is slightly smaller in width than the frame;
  • Drill and drill;
  • 4 small screws;
  • Primer;
  • Dye;
  • Paint brush and glue brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • Epoxy resin (in this case, it took less than 1 liter);
  • Cereals;
  • Floor protection film.

Master Class:

Step 1. Separate the frame from the "native" back panel.

Step 2 Cut out a frame-sized panel from a thin piece of chipboard or plywood and glue it to the frame itself using liquid nails or wood glue. At this stage, it is desirable to seal the joints, for example, using wood putty. This is necessary so that later the epoxy does not seep through the holes between the frame and the panel.

Step 3. Put the frame on the stool and fix it with 4 screws using a drill (in the middle of the frame). You will get a design that resembles a table.

Step 4 Lay a floor protection film on the floor. Cover the table with a primer, wait for it to dry completely and paint with paint in 2-3 layers. Keep in mind that each coat of paint must be allowed to dry before applying the next coat.

Step 5. Draw several sections in the frame niche if you want to decorate the table in the same way as in this master class, or draw a sketch of the drawing / markup according to your idea.

Step 6. With a brush, apply a thick layer of PVA glue to the panel in a niche in a certain section and evenly spread the grits there. Make sure that the layer of cereal does not protrude above the level of the frame. Continue to decorate the panel with grits in accordance with the markup.

Step 7. If you want to prevent grains from moving when pouring resin, additionally cover the entire composition in the frame with a thick layer of PVA glue and leave it to dry for about 24 hours.

Step 8. Now it's time to fill the groats in the frame with resin. Make sure the table is on a level surface. Carefully following the manufacturer's instructions, mix the resin components, and then slowly pour it all over the composition in one layer. Remove any bubbles that form by blowing on them through a straw. Leave the table to dry overnight.

Step 9. When the first layer of resin dries, carefully fill the grits with a second layer, making sure that it does not go beyond the ledges of the frame. Let the resin dry for another 24 hours and enjoy your new table.

Master class: how to color cereals and seeds with food coloring

Any light-colored cereal like rice, white beans, or, say, pumpkin seeds can be colored with food coloring.


  1. Zip-lock bags or simple plastic bags that will withstand a little shaking;
  2. Alcohol or vinegar;
  3. Liquid food coloring;
  4. Groats;
  5. measuring cup;
  6. Baking tray or paper plates for drying colored cereals.


To paint one serving of cereals in one color, you need to do the following:

  1. Fill the bag with a couple of handfuls of cereal.
  2. Pour in 1-2 tbsp. l alcohol or 3-4 tbsp. l vinegar.
  3. Add a couple of streaks of food coloring.
  4. Close the bag, remember and shake the bag several times so that the paint covers all the grains.
  5. Lay out the dyed grits on plates lined with paper towels and let dry.

Making crafts from cereals with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance, it is interesting for both children and adults. The main advantage of crafts from cereals is originality, because even adults will examine the finished work, peering into the details. Not everyone can guess what material was used, especially if you look at it from afar. If a picture made with cereals hangs on the same row as standard drawings, it will look brighter and more memorable.

Advantages of the idea

Originality is not the only reason to teach a child to make such crafts. Today, many parents teach their children to use gadgets from childhood, so that they quickly master the technique, while mental development suffers, which directly depends on fine motor skills of the hands. Simply put, children are not accustomed to working with small details, because of this, their ability to learn and develop is rapidly declining.

Especially often such problems arise in families living in apartments, in such conditions, children may not even have the opportunity to play in the sand. Caring parents understand how important it is to take care of the development of the child, so the idea of ​​​​making crafts from cereals attracts them. A nice plus of such an activity is that the finished work is a great option for a gift to grandparents and other relatives, so that a child learns to please others from childhood.

Psychologists say that children with whom parents are engaged in needlework from an early age tend to learn new things faster, perceive information, and develop in the future. Even in adulthood, they will be helped by the perseverance acquired from childhood, diligence and diligence.

Where to begin?

First you need to make sure that the child is at the age when such an activity will be not only useful for him, but also interesting. Forcing children at a very young age to do something together is dangerous, as it can discourage them from spending time with their parents in the future.

There are no specific age restrictions. Every kid has a moment when he begins to be actively interested in drawing: a pack of clean paper can be enough for a day, while the notes of the young “artist” appear on the wallpaper and other furniture in the house. This is the time to channel the child's energy into creative development.

At the same time, children who go to kindergarten and primary school also have a need to develop fine motor skills and perseverance. It happens that a child seems to be an uncreative person - nothing related to drawing arouses his interest. Then parents have to invent something, the original idea will be crafts from cereals.

The first thing to start with is to choose the right cereal. It is better not to be guided by the principle of “what is not a pity”, but to think about how it will be more convenient for a child to work.

The main rule for choosing a material is the smaller, the better.

Using one cereal will be boring, so after coming up with an idea for a drawing, you need to choose different options. You can paint the selected material in different colors, some people like to paint semolina. You also need to prepare a flat surface, it can be part of the table or a tray, a dish, another flat dish.


Preparing a template is the task of parents, because the child will not cope with it. The final appearance of the finished work will depend on the selected and drawn template. It is important that the drawing consists of large details, it is necessary to calculate that there are no more of them than there are variations of different cereals available.


It is easier to pick up a drawing from coloring pages or children's books than to invent it yourself. Most coloring pages designed for children under 3 years old contain just simple pictures with large details, they can simply be redrawn.

Together with the choice of a template, you need to prepare the basis, it can be anything:

Of course, the more complex the base, the more difficult it is to apply the drawing, so if you are practicing crafts for the first time, it is best to use thick cardboard. For such a base, you will need PVA glue and a brush for applying it.

An alternative to gluing the cereal is to press it into plasticine. This execution technique also looks bright and original, but for the first time it is better to do with gluing, and then experiment.

How to do?

Let's look at an example of how to embody the ideas of an application according to a template. The whole process of making crafts consists of several stages:

Choose and print a template. This method of preparing a template is the easiest, on the Internet you can find many simple drawings with large details and print them out. You can use other methods - redraw, and if you have artistic inclinations, even draw by hand, but it is important to try to make the contours and lines as even as possible.

We blow off the remnants of cereals that accidentally fell on the drawing, leave it to dry. This may take about 10 minutes, if a lot of glue was applied, then more.

After that, you can use paints, you need to do this if you did not initially paint over the cereal, but there is such a need. It is also convenient to paint small details with paints.:

  • eyes;
  • buttons.

It is best to use acrylic paints.

After the final drying of the work, it can be hung in a frame or used as a decor for a child's room.


The easiest cereal to use is semolina. It is easy to paint, it is easy to apply, it keeps well in the little fingers of the child.

From cereals and pasta

Pasta is a great craft tool. Many use them for various decorative purposes, such as decorating a Christmas tree, making candlesticks, and many other crafts. And all because the variety of forms of pasta allows you to do this.

Such crafts are performed according to the same principle as simply from cereals. To begin with, a template is selected, then the parent determines which parts of the pattern will be made with cereals and which with pasta. Then, with the help of glue and a brush, first large, then small details are painted in turn, the prepared material is glued.

However, some types of pasta are difficult to glue due to their weight, so the material chosen for the base of such an application must be durable, ordinary paper will definitely not work, and if you choose cardboard, then hard. If it is not possible to glue the product, it can be sewn on. The pasta of the shape of wheels, spirals looks beautiful, you can simply grab them with a few stitches of a needle and thread.

Of course, this part of the process is carried out by parents, especially if the children are very young. If the child is already entering school, then doing such a craft may be a suitable occasion to teach the child how to use a needle. Usually pasta is attached to the finished drawing at the very end of the work.

The advantage of pasta is that it is easy to paint them in the desired color. Therefore, when doing cereal crafts, think about what you can decorate in it and try using pasta for this.

If you chose a puppy template, why not add a leash with a "badge" - a wheel-shaped macaroni, or why not use them for snowman buttons.


Many stores sell multi-colored pasta - they look great crafts.

Crafts-hair ornaments from pasta

Pasta can be used not only with cereals, but also as the main material for work. Pasta manufacturers, as if they are specially developing a beautiful design so that craftsmen can use them not only for cooking.

Hair ornaments with pasta look especially original. Few will guess how they were made, but no child will definitely have the same accessory. There are several options for using pasta for making jewelry:

1 Hoop. All you need is to buy a solid color headband, it should not be too thin so that the pattern can fit on it. Pasta in the form of spikelets glued along the entire length looks beautiful, especially if they are pre-painted in silver or gold.

2 Crown. Using the same plain headband, you can make a crown for a little princess. To do this, you need to pick up several types of pasta, it is convenient to use wheels of different sizes. You need to design the shape in advance, and then glue them in rows.

3 small hairpins. A suitable form of pasta for this is bows, they can be decorated in any color, even with patterns. After that, the bow is attached with glue to an invisibility or a small hairpin so that it is not visible.

You can prepare several hairpins for different outfits. Under a blue dress with white polka dots, make a bow of this color, under a striped one - striped and so on. A young fashionista will be delighted with such an abundance of jewelry.

Pasta accessories

You can make more than just hair ornaments from pasta. Everything that girls like to wear so much, beads, bracelets, earrings, can be made from this material. How much joy the child will have if the parents do not just buy jewelry in the store, but take the time to make it on their own with the children.

Beads are easiest to make from pasta of a shape that is strung on a thread. You can use different types, decorating them in different colors. It is important that the thread is strong, if it is thick and ugly peeks out from under the "beads", you need to pick it up in color or just paint it.

Beads with pasta in the form of bows look beautiful. It is impossible to string them on a thread, so this work is more painstaking and takes more time.


Each bow must be tied in the middle with a thread, fastened to a knot, then move on to the next one.

You can make beads and bracelets by combining pasta with ordinary beads. You can decorate not only one thing, but a whole set, supplementing it with a hairpin in the same style. Such sets of "jewelry" look stylish and original.

New Year crafts

The easiest way to use cereal for New Year's crafts is to make New Year's cards with your child, which he can give on his behalf to relatives and friends. To do this, you need to choose a simple drawing template on a New Year's theme, print it, transfer it to cardboard, decorate it with cereals.

A common idea is a Christmas tree. You can draw it yourself without using a template. The selected small grain must be painted green in advance, allowed to dry and used for drawing, in this case it consists of one large part. You can decorate the Christmas tree with beautifully shaped pasta, for example, bows.

Small crafts that can be hung on a wall, window, Christmas tree look original. To do this, you need to cut out New Year's figurines from cardboard. You can make many different options and hang them together like a solid garland. Good options would be:

  • mitten;
  • skates;
  • felt boots;
  • Christmas decorations.

It is easy to draw and cut out all these figures along the contour, and you can decorate with cereals in different ways, because each of them is one continuous piece. For example, a mitten can be made "fur" from rice, and the rest - from any other cereal. If there are many children in the family, such an idea would be especially good options, because each child will be able to show creativity, sometimes parents themselves are surprised at how much little dreamers can come up with.

Christmas toys from cereals

The typical glass Christmas decorations are a thing of the past, and there are many creative ideas that you can use. One of the most popular is the use of cereals. For many, it is surprising that it can not only decorate a finished ball, but make it from scratch.

This craft will not take much time, if at first glance the idea seems complicated, just try it. Production takes place in several stages:

  • We take a newspaper, roll it into a ball. How much material to take depends on the size of the expected toy. If you are making it for the first time, you should not immediately make a large one, but you don’t need a very small one either - it will be inconvenient to hold it in your hands.
  • We give the ball the correct round shape using threads. To do this, you just need to start winding them in a circle, periodically changing direction, as if rolling into a ball. When the shape is even, we fix the ends of the thread, making a small knot.
  • We prepare the cereal, which we will use for decor, pour it into a plate. Buckwheat toys look elegant.
  • We spread PVA glue on top of the threads with a brush, wrap it in a plate. If there are empty places to which the grains have not attached, grease them with spot glue and add them with tweezers.
  • We take spray paint, preferably gold, spray the toy, leave to dry. It is advisable to choose the color of the spray according to the color of the cereal used, gold looks good on buckwheat, silver on rice and semolina.

You can choose any animal, imagine with the help of what kind of cereal or pasta of a certain shape it will be possible to make it. All you need is to turn on your imagination, look at the picture of the animal, think about what its coat, body shape, and other features look like. Consider for example a hedgehog based on puff pastry, but using this idea, you can come up with your own options:

  • We prepare salty dough: for 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt and 250 of water at room temperature are taken. Knead the dough, give it the desired shape. This is easy to do, as the softened salt dough looks like plasticine.
  • For needles, oblong-shaped pasta is best - take spiral ones. Paint them silver with spray paint. When they dry, you can make needles.
  • Visually draw a line that separates the muzzle from the body, lubricate the edges of the pasta with glue, put a “needle”, lightly press down. We start moving from the muzzle, because if the last row turns out to be uneven, it should not be visible.
  • We paint over the rest of the dough with silver spray paint, make eyes, nose, mouth. To do this, you can also take pasta - star crayons, if they are not painted, they will stand out so well. You can also take beads by putting them on glue.

You can decorate such a hedgehog as you like: make a pasta bow for it, put some small craft on needles, or simply make it colorful.

Today, a variety of materials and techniques are offered for children's creativity. Such an unusual type of needlework as drawing with colored sand is gaining great popularity. Already today on sale you can find kits for creating crafts using this technique at home. The problem is that such kits, consisting of sand and pictures for coloring, are often unreasonably expensive. If you wish, you can do such needlework at home using colored cereals. How to paint semolina for children's creativity using available tools and materials?

Cooking dye at home

One of the options for coloring cereals is using paint and alcohol. Get a small bowl or jar. Mix gouache of the chosen color (1 tsp), vodka (2 tsp) and water (2 tsp) in it. Pour semolina into a thoroughly mixed coloring liquid. The groats should be mixed well and rubbed so that it is stained evenly. How to color semolina without lumps? It's very simple - carefully knead it with your hands. As soon as you are sure that the grits have been dyed well, sift it through a sieve onto a sheet of paper and leave to dry. Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, the semolina will dry in minutes, and you can start creating.

How to paint gouache semolina with a blender?

If you have a food processor or blender handy, you can color your grits without alcohol. Mix gouache with water, paint can be added arbitrarily, depending on the desired saturation of the shade. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl of a food processor and pour the cereal there. Then mix everything well, the cereal should not get too wet. Pour the finished mixture onto paper and leave to dry in a warm place. This option for painting grits is ideal if you want to get a large amount of colored "sand". If several batches of grits are dyed in different shades at a time, do not forget to rinse the blender well after each color.

Coloring cereals with colored pencils

If you have spare crayons or pencil leads handy, they can also be used to make colored "sand". How to dye semolina at home using such dyes? Grind the lead or colored crayons to a fine powder. Then mix the resulting paint with grits. Stir thoroughly, semolina should become colored. Since this method of painting does not involve the addition of water, you can use the grits immediately, without wasting time drying.

Now you know how to paint semolina with gouache, but what if the paint is not at hand? Theoretically, you can use any other dye, for example, food. The most important thing is that the selected paint should give enough color with a minimum water content. Try not to wet the grits too much, otherwise it will begin to swell and you will not get the “sand” effect. It is not always convenient to paint semolina every time before a creative task. It is easier to have a supply of ready-made "sand" of various colors. Prepare transparent jars of the same size and store the colored cereal in them after drying.

If you did something wrong, and the semolina froze with lumps, try to knead them manually or with a rolling pin. Try experimenting with the amount of dye used for one serving of cereal. By adding more or less paint, you can change the intensity of the shade. Of course, how to paint the semolina, in a bright or muted shade, is up to you. But if you wish, even using the basic palette of colors, you can get a whole collection of "sand" of all possible tones.

Ideas for "sandy" creativity

You now know all the ways how to paint semolina for crafts. But what to create from ready-made multi-colored cereals? "Sand" drawing is performed in the following technique: we take a sheet of paper with a printed picture for coloring or manually draw the contours. Next, with PVA glue, using a brush, cover all the places that should be painted. The final stage is the most interesting - the adhesive layer should be sprinkled with multi-colored cereals. Remove excess with a tissue and leave to dry. Set the finished drawing aside for a while, and after complete drying, carefully shake off the excess.

In the same technique, you can also decorate some voluminous objects, for example, flower vases or pencil holders. Attention: if you will decorate a thing used in everyday life with grits, finish it with 1-2 layers of a transparent universal varnish. Try to dream up and create some other crafts from this interesting material, because you know how to color semolina. Creative activities with colored sand are recommended for children from 1.5-2 years old. Offer this interesting type of needlework to your children, and they will definitely like it.
