Non-traditional drawing techniques. Project "Development of creative abilities of preschoolers through non-traditional drawing techniques"

Topic: "Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions and their role in the development of preschool children.

  • Project author:

Khromova Alena Yurievna

"The origins of abilities and the gift of children at the tips

fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads and streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Project implementation period:

The project is long term.

Project type: creative.

Project participants: preschool children, educators, parents of pupils.

Educational area:"Artistic Creativity"

In the process of non-traditional drawing, the child develops comprehensively. Such classes do not tire preschoolers, children remain highly active, working capacity throughout the time allotted for the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of hand-eye coordination (for example, drawing on glass, painting on fabric, drawing with chalk on velvet paper, etc.), as well as coordination of fine motor skills of the fingers

  • Lack of didactic material for drawing.
  • Insufficient attention to the problem at an early stage of development of children (in early preschool childhood) on the part of parents.
  • Insufficiency of knowledge, work experience in preschool children on the problem of fine arts by means of non-traditional drawing.

  • Target: – maintaining interest in visual activity through the use of non-traditional materials and techniques for creating an image and
  • create pedagogical conditions for the development of children's creative imagination through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques and techniques.


  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

Relevance of the topic

  • The relevance lies in the fact that modern society has a need for a creative person. Great potential for the disclosure of creativity lies in the visual activity. Drawing and visual arts can give the necessary knowledge that is necessary for the full development of a person, so that he feels the beauty and harmony of nature, to better understand himself and other people, to express original ideas and fantasies, to become a happy person.
  • Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, instilling interest and desire to create, experiment with art materials and improvised objects.


Increasing the activity of each child - a participant in the project in the use of non-traditional techniques and materials in independent activities.

The manifestation of a steady interest in visual activity in children.

Development of sensory skills, fine motor skills.

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in the development of children's visual skills, reorientation of value systems in the significance of this type of children's activity.


1 - Preparatory - introductory.

2 - set the task of reproductive: to acquaint children with various means of expressiveness .

  • 3- constructive.
  • The task of this stage is to teach children to perform collective work, organize joint activities (with each other, with a teacher)

Plan implementation project


Stages of work


Organizational and preparatory



- project development,

1. Holding events with children



September October

- monitoring,

1. Familiarization of parents with the results of the project

- Informing parents about the project


2. Consultation for parents: "Unconventional drawing techniques." 3. Round table of parents and children "Drawing without a brush"

October -

4. Exhibitions of children's works

- replenishment of the developing environment,



2. Familiarization of teachers of the preschool educational institution (project council, presentation)

5. Conversations, holidays, classes, exhibitions, competitions.


- selection of material for artistic activities, development of a thematic plan of events.

Technical equipment.

  • 1. Sheets of paper.
  • 2. Gouache.
  • 3.Stencils.
  • 4. Brush with a short pile (poke).
  • 5.Tampon.
  • 6. Glass or plastic.
  • 7.Threads.
  • 8.Brush and stack.
  • 9. Krupa.
  • 10. Trays.
  • 11. Used felt-tip pens.
  • 12. Seals, stamps (material at hand, plants, leaves, erasers, colored pencils).

Studied work experience:

I.A. Lykova “The program of artistic education, training and development of children aged 2-7 years. "Colored palms";

A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques";

G.N. Davydov "Unconventional Drawing Techniques";

R.G. Kazakov "Drawing classes with preschoolers".

At the preparatory stage, I got acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten", I.A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T.N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R.G. Kazakova "Fine activity in kindergarten".

Methods and techniques non-traditional drawing

  • 1. Print by hand
  • 2 . Signet use
  • 3. Drawing with a feather
  • 4. Finger drawing.
  • 5. Monotype .
  • 6. Stenciling with a swab .
  • 7. Drawing by poking .
  • 8. Blotography .
  • 9. Spray.
  • 10. Grating.
  • 11. Painting with soap bubbles .
  • 12. Drawing with crumpled paper 13. Instead of a brush - a hole punch.
  • 14. Threadography .
  • 15. Drawing with an eraser.
  • 16. Drawing with cotton swabs.

With children of preschool age it is recommended to use:

  • finger painting;
  • imprint with potato prints;
  • palm drawing.

Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • stopper printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.

And at older preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

hand drawing

Age: from two years.

Expressive means:

spot, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: wide saucers with gouache, a brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins.

the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

foam impression

Age: from four years old.

means of expression :

spot, texture, color.

Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.

Image acquisition method: the child presses the foam rubber against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, another bowl and foam rubber are taken.

Wax pencils + watercolor

Age: from four years old.

Expressive means:

color, line, spot, texture.

Materials: wax pencils, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Image acquisition method:

the child draws with wax pencils on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. Drawing with wax pencils remains unpainted.

Monotype subject

Age: from five years old.

Expressive means:

spot, color, symmetry.

Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

Image acquisition method: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrically). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

To each of these methods is a small game, their use allows children to feel more relaxed , bolder, more direct, develop the imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

  • Tips for parents and teachers:
  • materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax pencils, etc.) must be placed in the child’s field of vision so that he has a desire to create;
  • introduce him to the surrounding world of things, animate and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw;
  • do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to draw;

praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Novozhilov Ruslan

Project Manager:

Kovalenko Svetlana Yakovlevna


MOU "Secondary School No. 36", Vologda

In this art project on the topic "Non-traditional drawing techniques" a list of various methods and ways of drawing is proposed, with a summary of the progress of work and the necessary materials for each of them, there are also illustrative examples made in the proposed drawing techniques. In the creative project, the technique of drawing with watercolors, with graphic and other materials was considered, experiments were carried out.

In the presented creative project on fine arts "Non-traditional drawing techniques" a hypothesis has been put forward and substantiated that drawing is one of the most important means of developing a child's creative activity, so the use of non-traditional drawing techniques will contribute to the development of students' creative imagination and increase children's interest in visual activity.

Within the framework of the drawing project (FIS) "Non-traditional drawing techniques", based on the studied methods of non-traditional drawing, the goal of identifying the creative abilities of 6th grade students through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques was achieved.

Project passport
1. Survey of students and parents about drawing techniques.
2. Non-traditional techniques in visual arts.
2.1. Watercolor technique.
2.2. The technique of combining materials in the visual arts.
2.3. Drawing technique using unusual devices.
2.4. Technique for working with graphic materials.
2.5. Experiments with art materials.


The development of creativity is one of the “bridges”
leading to the development of artistic abilities.

I really like to draw with paints and pencils, felt-tip pens and wax crayons, and I naturally had a question, what else can I draw with? How to create unusual works of fine art?

My job is to use non-traditional techniques in drawing. Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fascinating, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights.

What does the word unconventional mean?

Unconventional: not based on tradition. Occurring not due to established tradition, settling not according to established custom. Distinguished by originality. Not sticking to tradition. (Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova.T.F. 2000) Synonyms: individually, in a new way, extraordinary, unique, non-standard, non-trivial, original, in a new way, in its own way, original, independently, peculiar, original. (Synonym dictionary). What is meant by the phrase " unconventional drawing"? Non-traditional drawing - The art of depicting without being based on tradition.

How many unnecessary interesting things are at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam plastic, spool of thread, candles, etc.). On a walk, there are just as many interesting things: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff, thistles, poplars. All these items can do interesting work.

Unusual materials and original techniques are attracted by the fact that the word " it is forbidden”, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, where you can even come up with your own unusual technique. You can experience unforgettable, positive emotions.

Drawing– this is not the area where you need to follow the rules. It is in creativity that you can give scope for self-expression: choose what to draw, on what to draw and how to draw.

It is very difficult to depict objects, images, plots using traditional methods of drawing: with a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens. The use of only these items does not allow you to widely reveal your creative abilities, does not contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy. After all, you can draw whatever you want!

Very young, together with my mother, I tried to reflect my impressions of the world around me in my fine art, drawing with my fingers, palms on the misted glass, with a stick on the sand, sometimes with my mother's lipstick or toothpaste on the glass; spilled water on the table. And over time, becoming a little more mature, I was already trying to find new ways of reflecting the surrounding reality in my own artistic work.

The choice of this research topic, devoted to the problem of using non-traditional drawing techniques that affect the development of creative abilities in visual activity, did not arise by chance. After analyzing my work, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to facilitate drawing skills, since I need the result that would cause me joy, amazement, surprise.

Getting involved in art, I chose the following direction of work- the use of non-traditional techniques in drawing. After analyzing many of them, I realized that some of these techniques give the most unexpected, unpredictable options for artistic representation and a tremendous impetus to the imagination. Their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques and each of these techniques is a small but exciting game. Their use allows me to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Conclusion: conducting classes using non-traditional techniques contributes to:

  • removal of fears;
  • develops self-confidence;
  • develops spatial thinking;
  • teaches you to freely express your intention;
  • encourages creative searches and solutions;
  • learns to work with a variety of materials;
  • develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception;
  • develops a sense of texture and volume;
  • develops fine motor skills of the hands;
  • develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.

While working, people get aesthetic pleasure.

Project passport

Topic : "Unconventional drawing techniques"

Project participants : 6th grade student Ruslan Novozhilov.

Age of project participants: 12 years

Target: Revealing creative possibilities through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Get research experience.

Selection of drawing techniques for research. Generalization of the obtained results and implementation of the album of creative works " Unconventional Techniques»

Project idea:
The idea of ​​the experience is to promote the development of intellectual and creative abilities, fantasy, imagination, the ability to express the perception of the world around them with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques; the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities, purposefulness of activity.

Acquaintance with unusual drawing techniques and the development of creativity.

Relevance of the topic. The relevance of the experience lies in the fact that modern society has a need for a creative person. Great potential for the disclosure of creativity lies in the visual activity. Drawing and visual arts can give the necessary knowledge that is necessary for the full development of a person, so that he feels the beauty and harmony of nature, to better understand himself and other people, to express original ideas and fantasies, to become a happy person.

Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, instilling interest and desire to create, experiment with art materials and improvised objects.

Hypothesis :
If you select non-traditional performance techniques for creative work, then interest in fine art will increase and motivation to experiment with artistic materials will develop.

The study consists of 3 stages :

Stage 1: research.

Stage 2: practical work

Stage 3: creative work

Planned result: Execution of an album of creative works made with non-traditional techniques and their presentation among peers in order to instill interest in the creative process.

1. Study of the results of a survey of students in my class and parents about drawing techniques

In order to identify the attitude of adults and children to fine arts, I developed a questionnaire for adults and children.

I interviewed 6th grade students and parents, for ease of counting 100 people. (1 person \u003d 1%)

The following questions were asked (initial testing)

1. Do you like to draw?

2. Can you draw?

3. Which picture method do you prefer?

4. What imaging techniques do you like?

5. What unconventional techniques do you know?

And got the following poll results:

1. Like to draw -70%, don't know-23%, don't like to draw-7%

2. Can draw - 60%, a little - 23%, can't draw - 17%

3. Most children prefer to draw from fantasy, adults prefer to draw.

4. Most of the children surveyed like to draw with paints, felt-tip pens, adults - with a simple pencil, pen.

5. Of the non-traditional techniques, palm painting and splashing are the most famous.

After the survey, the goal was set: to attract attention and interest in non-traditional ways of depicting.

Tasks, the solution of which will help to get the result:

Build technical drawing skills. Introduce various non-traditional drawing techniques. To teach how to create your own unique image, in drawings on non-traditional drawing using various drawing techniques.

Tatyana Detskova
Project "Unconventional Drawing Techniques"

Pedagogical a project to master non-traditional ways of drawing"Merry Rainbow".

Developed: Educator MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1, Ostrovnoy" Detskova T. A.

Type of project: short-term, creative.

Members project: children of the middle group, teachers, parents.

Dates: December - February.

Estimated result:

Project must ensure the achievement of specific results:

Preschool children have knowledge about unconventional ways of drawing;

Possession of preschoolers by protozoa technical

The ability of pupils to independently apply;

Increasing the competence of parents of pupils in the matter drawing using non-traditional techniques, active participation of parents in joint creative projects.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques:

Helps relieve children's fears,

Develops self-confidence

Develops spatial thinking

Teaches kids to express themselves freely

Teaches children to work with a variety of materials,

Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception, volume,

Develops fine motor skills of hands

Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy,

While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Possible risks project: unwillingness of parents to be participants project, the probability of not meeting the deadlines.


Project"Merry Rainbow" designed for children aged 4-5 years. Learning goes from simple technology work to a more complex one. Classes are structured according to the age of the children. The first lessons of each subject are educational. Through direct teaching, children are introduced to the objects and phenomena that they have to portray, and are taught with non-traditional technique performing this work. The last classes are creative in nature. Thus, an opportunity is created for the development of the creative abilities of each child.

Painting with a brush is one thing, but creating a composition without a brush, but with the help of paints is another, unusual for children's creativity.

In addition, the lessons include introducing children to the visual arts, as well as didactic games and exercises that are closely related to the content and objectives of the above classes. The games with paints, water and paper that the course offers are very interesting, and even useful. They develop eyes and fingers, deepen and direct emotions, excite imagination, broaden horizons, develop spatial imagination. Classes of this kind help to learn more about paints, remember the names of colors and their shades, bring up the need to search, think, make independent decisions.

Target project:

The development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children through the use unconventional drawing technique.


Introduce preschool children to unconventional drawing methods, to form interest in visual activity;

To promote the mastery of preschoolers with the simplest technical methods of working with various visual materials;

Form sensory standards: color, size, shape in the process of productive activity.

Encourage students to apply non-traditional drawing techniques(monotype, printing, finger painting, crumpled paper, cotton swabs, salt, etc.)

Help parents get to know non-traditional drawing techniques; create conditions and stimulate joint creativity of parents and children.

Implementation stages project.

Stage 1. Preparatory (organizational):

Activities of teachers:

1. Study and analysis of research, methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue; selection of software and methodological support for this problem; visual and demonstration, handout material.

2. Content development project.

3. Planning for future activities aimed at implementation project.

Stage 2. Basic (practical).

Expansion of children's ideas. Accumulation and consolidation of acquired knowledge about methods non-traditional drawing; stimulation and activation of children's imagination; implementation of competent pedagogical leadership.

Joint activities of the teacher with children.

Conversations, work with visual material.

Practical exercises to develop the necessary skills.

Reading and memorizing fiction.

Examination of reproductions of paintings.

Interaction with families pupils:

1. Individual conversations with parents;

2. Consultations on the topic project;

3. Master class for parents on topic: "Usage unconventional drawing techniques with preschool children.

Stage 3. Final.

Teacher activity:

1. Preparation for the presentation. Presentation.

2. Organization and presentation

Perspective plan.

Topic: Cold and warm pictures.

Target: To introduce colors that belong to the warm and cold parts of the spectrum, to introduce the method of obtaining a new color of paints. Learn to mix colors on the palette, achieving the desired tone.

Topic: Self portrait. (Printing with stamps).

Target: Improve skill in artistic typing and finger painting techniques. Develop color perception, a sense of rhythm.

Topic: Teddy bear. (crumpled paper drawing) .

Target: To improve the ability to use this pictorial technology. Develop the ability to choose your own color.

Topic: Space. (Wax crayons + watercolor)

Target: Improve skills in data techniques. Learn to depict planets, use unusual materials to create an expressive image.

Topic: Frost patterns. (salt painting) .

Target: To improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for work in non-traditional fine arts.

Topic: Cactus. (Plasticineography).

Target: To improve the ability to work with plasticine and additional materials. Develop a sense of composition.

Topic: Free theme. Monotype.

Target: Exercise children in monotype technique. Introduce children to symmetry. Develop spatial thinking. To consolidate children's knowledge of symmetrical and asymmetrical objects, skills gouache painting.

Project for children of primary preschool age "Instead of a brush hand"

Material Description: I offer you a project for children of the younger group on the topic: "Instead of a brush, a hand." The material will be useful for teachers of younger groups of kindergartens. During the project, children get acquainted with the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. Classes were held with the children in which the children looked into a fairy tale. Children did not just transfer something from the surrounding world onto paper, but lived in this world, entered it as creators of beauty, enjoyed this beauty.

Project activity on artistic and aesthetic development in the first junior group "Instead of a brush, a hand."

(The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the development of creativity with young children)
Project type: creative.
Project implementation period: short.
Project participants: children of the younger group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.
Objective of the project: development of artistic and creative abilities of children of an early age group through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.
Project objectives:
- We introduce children of an early age group with non-traditional ways of drawing (fingers, palms), we form an interest in visual activity;
- We contribute to the mastery of the pupils of the simplest non-traditional ways of drawing, we continue to acquaint children with the names of primary colors;
- We help parents to get acquainted with non-traditional drawing techniques; We stimulate their joint creativity with children.
Theme and its relevance:
I draw - hands in paint, this is a trifle for me,
I paint with bright paint, look at me.

Early age is a period when the formation of all organs and systems of the body is proceeding at a very rapid pace. Therefore, it is very important to lay the foundations for full-fledged development in a timely manner.
Visual activity brings a lot of joy to a little person, the need for drawing is laid down at the genetic level, copying the world around them, they study it. Having experienced an interest in creativity, they themselves find the necessary ways. But not everyone succeeds, especially since many children are just beginning to master artistic activity. Children love to learn new things and enjoy learning. It is by learning, gaining knowledge, skills that the child feels confident.
Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing opens up new possibilities for using objects well known to children as artistic materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil uninhibits the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.
Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him, what upsets him.

The main stages of the project:

Stage I - Preparatory:
- selection and study of methodological literature, Internet resources on this topic;
- development of the content of the project;
- planning future activities,
- selection of visual - demonstration material.
Stage II - Practical - Providing conditions for the implementation of the project:
- development of games-activities for pupils;
- improvement and expansion of the corner "Artistic Creativity";
- education of parents on the use of non-traditional drawing techniques;
- development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations on the topic “Non-traditional drawing technique with young children.
I present a list of games-activities in non-traditional ways, conducted with children within the framework of the project.
Theme: "Let's get to know each other!", finger painting "Decorate the matryoshka".
Target: teach children to draw dots with their fingers, continue to acquaint them with the primary colors (red), develop fine motor skills of the hands, and instill in children an interest in fine arts.
Topic: "Group tour", finger drawing "Smile to emoticon".
Target: to teach children to draw with their fingers, to draw an arc, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to instill in children an interest in fine arts.

Theme: "Turnip", drawing with foam pads.
Target: teach children to draw with foam pads, improve the fine motor skills of the child. Develop fantasy and imagination, support the emotional mood of children.
Theme: "A fairy tale has come to visit us", drawing with a cotton swab "Grains for the mouse."
Target: teach children to draw with cotton buds prepared by the teacher. Develop fantasy and imagination, support the emotional mood of children.

Topic: "On the way to kindergarten", drawing with a cotton swab (traces along the path and fallen leaves).

Theme: "Quietly falling snow", drawing with a cotton swab (traces of falling snow flakes).
Target: learn to draw with cotton swabs, rhythmically imprint on paper; perform movements in accordance with the rhythm of the music.

Theme: "Sunshine", palm drawing (rays), teamwork.
Target: to teach children to dip their palms in gouache and leave an imprint on a piece of paper, to cultivate a love for nature.

Theme: "Merry Tree", hand drawing (the birds flew in and sat on the tree), team work.
Target: to consolidate the ability of children, with the help of an adult, to lower their palm into gouache and leave a mark on a sheet of paper with an image prepared by the teacher in advance, to cultivate a sense of beauty.

Stage III - Final (analytical):
- registration of an exhibition of drawings;

- identifying in children the skills and abilities to use non-traditional drawing material in their work.
NOD Topic: "Teremok, teremok, who lives in the teremochka", drawing with a foam rubber sponge (houses for animals).
Target: to teach children to lower the foam rubber sponge into gouache and carefully apply it to a sheet of paper with a finished image of a house, drawn with wax, prepared by the teacher in advance, to cultivate a sense of beauty.

Forms of work, methods and techniques.

Working with parents:
- conversations with parents;
- consultations for parents;
- designing a corner for parents on this topic;
- exhibition (collective work of children);
- joint creative activity.
Replenishment of the visual activity corner with non-traditional drawing materials (cotton buds, animal prints, potato stamps, foam rubber, corks, etc.).
Work with children:
- joint activity of an adult and a child;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading fiction;
- productive activity with music,
- games and exercises for the texts of poems;
- observation of nature;
- looking at toys
- design of the exhibition.
Ways of non-traditional drawing.
Finger painting: the child puts his finger in gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
"Drawing with a palm": the child dips his hand in gouache (the whole brush) or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with napkins, then the gouache is easily washed off.
"Bitmap": one of the unusual tricks is drawing with dots. For this, ordinary cotton buds are suitable. The principle is very simple: you need to dip the stick in the paint and leave a trace on a piece of paper. It can be rain, snow or grains for chickens, chickens, mice.
"Printing": you can make homemade stamps, for example, from potatoes. To do this, we cut out some figure on one of the halves of the potato - an asterisk or a fish. The signet is lowered onto the ink pad, pressed down, and then an imprint is left on the paper. Kids really like to slap on paper with such homemade stamps.
Prints can be made from any material at hand, in particular from vegetables, corks or bottoms of plastic bottles, foam rubber, polystyrene, and so on.

Expected results of the project implementation:

Formation in children of an early age group of knowledge about non-traditional methods of drawing (drawing with fingers and palms);
- development in children of skills and abilities to use a variety of means of image;
- increasing the competence of the parents of pupils in the issue of drawing using non-traditional techniques, the active participation of parents in joint creative projects.


The project "Instead of a brush by a hand" (non-traditional ways of drawing for kids) is aimed at developing creative imagination in young children through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.
An unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives impetus to the development of children's intellect, encourages the creative activity of the child, teaches to think outside the box. An important condition for the development of a child is an original task, the very formulation of which becomes an incentive for creativity.
Children are very attracted to non-traditional materials, the more diverse the art materials, the more interesting it is to work with them. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques allows not only to increase children's interest in visual activity, but also contributes to the development of creative imagination.
Using non-traditional drawing methods, we came to the conclusion: if you like it when your children's eyes sparkle with delight in the classroom, if you want every lesson to be a holiday, if you want to laugh, be surprised and communicate with smart, creatively thinking children - you need to more with them to observe, draw and improvise.
We intend to continue to work in this direction, since the non-traditional drawing technique opens up opportunities for the development of children's creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination.


1. G. N. Davydova "Non-traditional drawing techniques",
2. M: Scriptorium 2003.
3. A. V. Nikitina “Non-traditional drawing techniques”, KARO, 2010.
4. Komarova T. S. "Children's artistic creativity" - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.
5. O. G. Zhukova “Planning and abstracts of classes on art activities”, IRIS-press, 2006.
6. O. E. Litvinova “Artistic and aesthetic development of a child of early preschool age (visual activity)”, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2014.
7. I. A. Lykova The program of artistic education, training and development of children aged 2-7 years “Colored palms”, M .: “KARAPUZ-DIDAKTIKA”, 2007.
8. Lebedeva E.N. The use of non-traditional techniques [Electronic resource]

Relevance of the topic choice

In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of children's creativity has always been one of the most urgent. Modern society has a need for a creative person. Many abilities and feelings that nature endows us, unfortunately, remain insufficiently developed and undiscovered, and therefore unrealized in the future life. The presence of a developed imagination in mature years determines the success of any type of professional activity of a person. Therefore, the development of creative abilities is one of the main tasks of preschool education.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that visual productive activity using non-traditional visual technologies is the most favorable for the creative development of children's abilities, because. in it, different aspects of the development of the child are especially manifested. Non-traditional techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. Applying and combining different image methods in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

We, adults, must help the child discover the artist in himself, develop the abilities that will help him become a person. A creative person is the property of the whole society. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. It can be said that non-traditional techniques allow, moving away from the subject image, to express feelings and emotions in a drawing, give the child freedom and instill confidence in their abilities. Owning different techniques and ways of depicting objects or the world around him, the child gets the opportunity to choose.

After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as the advanced experience of working with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign practicing teachers, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods of creative activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. The technology of their implementation is interesting and accessible to both adults and children.

That is why non-traditional methods are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

Working with children of older preschool age, I noticed: children love to draw, diligently master the skills of working with different tools and visual materials, master certain techniques and methods of drawing, but when creating their own works, the visual and expressive skills of children remain at an average level, many compositions are distinguished by scarcity content, stamps. There is no main thing - "their", sincere drawings, there is no creative approach, they do not reflect what is significant for the child who draws them. After analyzing the drawings of preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to facilitate drawing skills, because not even every adult will be able to depict any object. This can greatly increase the interest of preschoolers in drawing. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.

The use of non-traditional drawing methods causes an abundance of positive emotions in children; makes it possible to use often unexpected objects as visual materials, surprising kids with originality and unpredictability. Knowledge, skills, pedagogical tact enable the child to create his own picture of the world, and non-traditional methods of drawing make the drawing beautiful, understandable, attract him and interest him.

The idea of ​​pedagogical experience is the development of creative abilities, of each child by means of non-traditional techniques, to help realize oneself, to be able to combine various materials in one drawing to obtain an expressive image.

In order to identify and realize the possibilities of children, I developed a project on the topic "The development of creative abilities of preschoolers through non-traditional drawing techniques" . The project I developed was drawn up in accordance with the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, as well as taking into account the psychological aspects of the development of a preschool child.

By supporting children's aspirations for creativity, the project will help children enrich their existing knowledge and skills, give them the opportunity to use them, experience the joy of discoveries, victories and success.

Objective of the project:

The development of artistic creativity in preschoolers and the activation of creativity through non-traditional drawing techniques.



  • To form creative thinking, a steady interest in artistic activity

Develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination.

To form the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works.

Develop a desire to experiment, showing vivid cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from learning new things.


To consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about different types of artistic creativity.

To acquaint children with various types of visual activity, a variety of artistic materials and methods of working with them, consolidate the acquired skills and abilities and show children the breadth of their possible application.

Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques. Help children master various technical skills while working with non-traditional techniques.


To cultivate industriousness and the desire to achieve success by one's own work.

Cultivate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creativity



Strengthen the health of children, using complexes of health-saving technologies, beneficially influence the emotional state and mental development of children with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Project type: creative.

According to the composition of the participants: children of the older group.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Basic principles for the development of children's creativity:

  • The principle of phasing (from simple to complex)
  • Principle of dynamism (the technique is clear and mastered to perfection)
  • The principle of comparisons (a variety of options and the search for new techniques and materials)
  • Choice principle (creative interaction between an adult and a child)

Expected results of the project implementation:

  1. Formation in children of senior preschool age of knowledge about non-traditional methods of drawing;
  2. Possession by preschoolers of the simplest techniques for working with various visual materials;
  3. The ability of pupils to independently apply non-traditional drawing techniques;
  4. Improving the professional level and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques;
  5. Increasing the competence of the parents of pupils in the issue of drawing using non-traditional techniques, the active participation of parents in joint creative projects.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage.

  1. Definition of the problem, purpose and objectives of the project.
  2. Study of literature, selection of material (theoretical justification), finding and establishing effective relationships with parents.
  3. stage.
  4. Identification of the level of artistic abilities in the visual arts of children:
  • experimenting with various artistic and visual materials in solving creative problems;
  • the ability to use the possibilities of various visual and artistic materials to create an artistic image;
  • ability to use various equipment and tools;
  • on one's own "open" for themselves ways of acting with various objects, drawing conclusions in the process of analyzing their own actions;

2. Development of artistic taste.

3. Creation of a developing environment based on various types of art, subject environment.

4. Studying the creative potential of educators, questioning parents.

5. Creation of program-methodical and organizational conditions for the implementation of an innovative project.

6. Development of a work program "The Magical World of Colors" on the development of artistic creativity based on the manuals of G.N. Davydova "Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten" .

7. Development of a cycle of classes with children and educators within the framework of the project.

8. Development of a plan for entertainment, competitions and exhibitions.

9. Drawing up didactic games and exercises for the development of creative imagination, each of which would combine elements of different types of visual activity: modeling, drawing, non-traditional techniques.

10. Organization of work on project implementation.

  1. Joint artistic activities of children and parents in the preparation of exhibitions and drawing competitions.
  2. Monitoring the satisfaction of parents with the effectiveness of interaction with the kindergarten in the development of children's creative artistic abilities.
  3. Summing up the results of the work - diagnostics, an exhibition of family art works in kindergarten.

Project implementation.

1. Creation of a developing environment based on various types of art, subject environment.

For this purpose, an art studio was created in the kindergarten to organize classes in fine arts. The studio contains highly artistic samples of folk and applied art, paintings by Russian and foreign artists, a tape recorder, attributes for games, didactic games, books and teaching aids, and sculptures. Special equipment and furniture: there are easels, tables can be arranged in different ways, depending on the topic and form of the lesson.

For drawing, there are various necessary art materials, the quality of which to a certain extent determines the results of children's education.

Required visual materials:

Watercolors, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, plasticine, wax candles, cotton buds, brushes of different sizes, glue brushes, pieces of foam rubber, children's scissors with blunt ends, fabrics, natural materials, carbon paper of various colors, the remains of woolen or semi-woolen threads , story postcards, glue, colored paper, cardboard, beautifully shaped smooth pebbles, shells, cocktail tubes, caps, plant material, foam rubber.

2. Implementation of the project through the implementation of the circle program for fine arts "The Magical World of Colors" .

The purpose of the program is to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children aged 5-6 by means of non-traditional drawing.


  1. To acquaint children with non-traditional visual techniques: drawing with fingers, palm, blurring of paint with a finger, poking, printing with seals, candle, monotype, blotography, scratching, splashing, nitkography, etc.).
  2. Learn to combine previously mastered elements in new combinations. Learn to use various materials in drawing: cotton buds, cocktail tubes, threads, dry leaves, crumpled paper, foam rubber.
  3. To develop observation in children, the ability to see the characteristic aesthetic features of surrounding objects.
  4. Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional fine arts. Develop the ability to choose your own technique.
  5. Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities.

Methodical technologies and techniques of non-traditional drawing with children 5-6 years old.

1. Print by hand

Image acquisition method: the child puts his hand into gouache (whole brush) or paint it with a brush and make an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors.

2. Using a seal

The child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the bowl and the signet change.

3. Drawing with a feather

Feathers of various sizes are dipped into gouache, drawn with a pen over the sheet. To obtain an image of different colors and sizes, the feathers change

4. Drawing with your finger.

The child dips his finger into the gouache and puts dots, spots on the paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint.

5. Monotype.

The child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it. (items are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

6. Stencil drawing with a swab.

The child applies the stencil to the paper, dips the foam rubber into the paint and sticks the foam rubber on the stencil, then carefully removes the stencil, if necessary, repeats the procedure after the paint dries.

7. Drawing by poking.

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, for example, a cotton swab. We lower the cotton swab into the paint and with a precise movement from top to bottom we poke along the landscape sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The shape of the print will depend on what shape the object for the poke was chosen.

8. Blotography.

The basis of this drawing technique is the usual blot. During the drawing process, spontaneous images are obtained first. Then the child draws the details to give completeness and resemblance to the real image. It turns out that a blot can also be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, will also be praised.

9. Spray.

The child picks up paint on a toothbrush and hits it against the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.

10. Grating.

The child rubs the leaf with a candle so that it is completely covered with a layer of wax. Then mascara with liquid soap is applied to it. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a stick. Grating can be colored and black and white, it depends on what kind of ink is applied to the sheet.

11. Drawing with soap bubbles.

Dip the tube into the mixture (gouache, soap, water) and blow it to make soap bubbles. Touch the bubbles with a clean sheet of paper, as if transferring them to the paper. It turns out interesting prints, you can finish the details.

12. Drawing with crumpled paper.

Tree drawing. To do this, crumple a thin sheet of paper, dip it in paint and, dipping, draw a crown of trees. In the same way, you can draw grass, sky, snow.

13. Nitkografiya.

How to obtain an image: we lower the threads into the paint so that they are saturated, while the ends of the thread must remain dry. We lay the thread on a sheet of paper in random order, cover it with a clean sheet of paper on top, the ends of the thread should be visible. Pull the ends of the thread while pressing the top sheet of paper. Draw the necessary elements. After mastering this technique using one thread, you can complicate the work and use two or more threads.

14. "Plasticineography." Creation of stucco paintings depicting more or less convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface.

Having analyzed and selected for work with children those non-traditional visual techniques that are most accessible, understandable and interesting to a preschool child, she developed a long-term plan for visual activity using non-traditional drawing techniques.
