About energetic tuning - how everything happens. How can knowledge of quantum physics help turn your dream into reality? If you tune into the energy frequency


I am proud of my daughter, who asks GREAT questions, who wants to understand HOW THE WORLD WORKS, who sets herself MASSIVE GOALS, although there is no exact plan on how to get there, but she takes the steps that are available, and they really move her forward. She is smart, and is already actively breaking out of the thinking paradigms of her peers...

Why did I write this?... I like her proposal, when I was in the 8th grade, to figure it out myself and write a report on a free topic in the subject Ecology - “How knowledge of quantum physics influences the life of modern man.”

The resulting work will help many people to understand their success stories in simple, understandable language, to see the patterns that happen specifically for you, to unravel accidents that are not accidental... explain miracles, expand your understanding of yourself…. remember HOW MUCH YOU CAN YOURSELF...


Research work on the topic:


Everything in the world is energy. Energy is at the core of everything. If you tune into the energetic frequency of the reality you want to create for yourself, then you will get exactly what your frequency is tuned to. This is not philosophy. This is physics. Albert Einstein


Work by 8B grade student Valeria Bulavina


The Great Questions are the key to the door to a new consciousness

So what is quantum physics?

Relationship between energy and matter: E = MC2

Why do we need goals?

Law of action

The power of faith

Main part

Practice - how to turn a dream into reality

What is the flawless zone and how to get through it?





“By asking “eternal” questions, we discover new ways of existing in this world. It's like a breath of fresh air. This is what gives joy. Life becomes much more interesting when we throw away our belief in “knowing everything” and stand before the door that leads to the Mystery.” Fred Alan Wolf, theoretical physicist in the field of quantum mechanics.

Great discoveries were preceded by great questions. The answers to these questions reveal to us something we did not know before. And searching for such answers is the only way to penetrate behind boundaries of the Known.

But why don't we like to ask such questions? When you ask the Great Question, you have no answer, and you enter the field endless possibilities . Are you willing to receive an answer that you may not like or agree with? What if he makes you uncomfortable or takes you out of the comfort zone you once created? What if you don't get the answer you were expecting?

Now let's think about what makes a question Great. The Great Question is not necessarily taken from philosophical treatises, it does not necessarily have to be devoted to global problems... But the answer to such a question can RADICALLY change your life.

This is the essence of the Great Question: it can change a person's life...

Most of us only ask the Great Questions when we are experiencing a major life crisis.

Young children constantly ask questions, they love to learn new things, and every day they take journeys into the unknown and make discoveries.

So, now I wanted to find answers to the following questions.

How often do we dream, but our dreams take us nowhere? Everything remains the same, no changes occur. Although this is not the case for everyone...

I wanted to figure out why some people easily realize their dreams, walking more and more confidently through life, revealing more and more opportunities, while others remain out of work, their lives become less and less joyful, dull and, at some point, uninteresting. by themselves.

And more and more often we hear about quantum physics, a quantum leap, a quantum transition... and I wanted to know whether the knowledge of quantum physics can be applied in ordinary everyday life to realize one’s own... dreams, desires of absolutely any person, even those very far from the world of science?

First, in a simplified form, we will get acquainted with the basics of quantum physics in order to understand what we ourselves are made of and what this world is made of. This is the first step towards the knowledge that will allow us to make things work the way we want them to. After this, our world will change - we will never see it the same way we saw it before. We will gain an amazing sense of inclusion, a feeling that the entire power of the Universe is at our disposal.


You may be wondering: what does quantum physics have to do with realizing your dreams? How can you build a house without knowing what it is made of and how to build it?

Quantum physics explains our world. Quantum physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe. For example, your body is made up of cells. These cells are in turn made up of molecules made up of atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles like electrons. This is where the world of quantum physics begins. Everything that surrounds us consists of “large accumulations” of subatomic particles. Your body, trees, thoughts, cars, planets, light and everything else are “clusters” of energy. All these are large groups of the same subatomic particles. The only difference between all these things is how these particles are connected to each other into building blocks that are much larger than these particles in size. Knowing how this works is the KEY to knowing how to change and create yourself, how to recreate the world around you.

Subatomic particles are packets of energy, sometimes called quanta. Everything in this universe consists of energy, and these energy formations, these “packets” exhibit the most amazing properties! They can be controlled! The reason why they form, for example, luxury yachts is our own thoughts. All you have to do is select what you want to observe. Choose confidently and definitely - and this will cause the energy fields to materialize into exactly this over time, and the speed of this materialization depends only on the clarity of your intention, your confidence and concentration.

Everything you do, every thought you have, like the circles radiating from a stone thrown into water, changes the structure of the entire Universe, no matter how small this change may be. Quantum physics makes us understand that our world is not something dense and unchanging, although it may look like it.In reality, the WORLD is a very MOBILE, constantly CHANGING ENVIRONMENT, using the individual and collective thoughts of people for its formation.


There is hardly an adult who does not know this formula. Sometimes it is even called the most famous formula in the world. It became known to mankind after Einstein created his theory of relativity. According to Einstein, his formula shows not just the connection between matter and energy, but the equivalence of matter and energy. In other words, according to this formula energy can turn into matter and matter can turn into energy.

You can see the transformation of mass into energy right in your hands. Light a match and there it is. Some chemical reactions, such as combustion, release energy from mass loss. Moreover, when you eat, the food releases energy through complex chemical reactions due to a miniscule loss of mass, which you then use to play table tennis, or on the sofa in front of the TV to pick up the remote control and change the channel. So when you eat a sandwich, some of its mass will be converted into energy using the formula E=mc 2 .


Goals give your thoughts the right direction in pursuit of your dreams. Goals focus your thoughts, give them the correct form, acceptable and understandable to the Universe, organize your images and give them permanence. Correctly set goals turn into a powerful and effective force.It is your THOUGHTS and images that become the drawing, the scheme according to which your world is created, created for you and according to your own plan.

How many goals should you set for yourself? There will never be too much. The most successful people have hundreds of them. Some even have thousands. If you want to understand why there are so many, you must understand the nature of goals.

- Goals are images of our mind, this is the material that the Universe uses to create. So the more goals you have, the more work material you give to the Universe, and for the Source nothing is impossible or too difficult

- Goals have the ability to “simply come true in reality”, at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected way. The more goals you have, the richer your life experience will be.

- When you achieve a goal, its power disappears. You no longer have a driving force, and the Universe no longer has anything to work with. Therefore, the more goals you have, the better.

A man with one goal will achieve less than a man with a hundred. A person with a hundred goals will achieve less than a person with a thousand. The fewer goals you have, the less you achieve. The more goals you set for yourself, the more you get.


Solve the problem. Five frogs were sitting on the leaves of water lilies, one of them decided to jump into the water. How many frogs are left sitting on the lily pads?

Ideas are worthless without action. Even the smallest action can be the missing link you need to make your dreams come true. Everything matters: Every action matters and every action determines what your tomorrow will look like. The universe is one big chain reaction.

Don't try to do anything. Just do it. If you try to do something, the Universe will try to reward your efforts. But if you just do something with determination, the Universe will appreciate your determination and respond to you with its own.

Opportunities increase as you use them.

“Take a step and the road will appear by itself.” Steve Jobs

Make the most of the opportunities that are given to you at the moment - and this will open previously hidden paths to even greater opportunities for you.


Confidence, faith, conviction are a necessary part of creating anything at all.

All things are only as possible and impossible as your faith is strong and your thoughts are clear. But in reality nothing is impossible.

Faith is born of perseverance and consistency. You can use persistence to increase your faith. And with faith you will gain perseverance.By persisting, even when things look like giving up, you increase your faith in the outcome and thereby create it.It is a conscious decision you make because faith makes perseverance possible. Everything here is firmly connected to one another. In reality, nothing is impossible.

Whenever you notice doubt and fear in yourself, immediately stop these thoughts; don't let them develop.

Why is Donald Trump so rich? Because he accepted the opportunity to earn up to three million dollars a day. He built a model of opportunity that most other people don't have. Most other people's model allows them to get maybe $300 a day, but no more. He simply added a string of zeros to the number and accepted it. He was not born with a special gift at all.

The whole secret is in the ability of acceptance. How do you increase your acceptance rate? Athletes increase it by training and participating in competitions. In this way, they learn not only the limits of their capabilities, but also their strengths. The coach helps them, and eventually their physical capabilities increase, and some of them even become Olympic champions. Why should working with consciousness happen differently? Shouldn't we train our consciousness in the same way, increasing its capabilities?

Main part


The realization of a dream or desire begins with a thought - light, airy, barely perceptible.

Let us consider the stages of how a THOUGHT is realized and condensed into physical reality.


Let's take a common, understandable example. A man is lying on the sofa, and suddenly he remembers that he hasn’t rested for a long time and he WANTS TO REST.

Thoughts flow through our consciousness in huge quantities, but we are now considering exactly the thought that we consciously noted, paid close attention to and began to develop. The first stage is THOUGHT - a seed that can be sown.

  1. IDEA
  1. FORM

We further ask ourselves the forward question, HOW I want to realize my journey, and stage 3 begins to appear - FORM - in our case it is CRUISE. Notice that the man is still lying on the couch and just thinking.


Our thought becomes more and more rigid when we further and further ask ourselves the advancing questions HOW, WITH WHOM, WHAT and we receive the same answers and the STRUCTURE manifests itself. For example, this is a week-long cruise in the Mediterranean Sea with your parents.

  1. PLAN

Everything we talked about before was a mental action while still lying on the couch, in order to further advance along the path of realizing our dream in the physical tangible world, we will have to get up from the couch and start implementing the plan, otherwise the dream will remain a dream that is not destined come true. A grain that is ripe must be planted and carefully looked after: watered, weeded... create conditions for growth.

Very often the mistake is that, having found a dream, we freeze: we believe that since we have thought about something, it will be done. Alas, nothing will happen until we let's focus on our THOUGHTS .

The weakest link for most people is implementation and daily implementation. It's very easy to read something, say, “Yes, I know,” and put it aside.

The paradox is that our mind consists of 2 parts: the conscious part, which is aware of the processes taking place in life, and the other - the subconscious - exactly that mysterious world that dictates our behavior, controls our activities, capabilities, etc. When you set a certain goal, declare the realization of some intention, say what you want, then this is your conscious part working, and you can fully believe in this: “Yes, I want this.” This is your intellect, the intellectual part of your brain. But the paradox is that the process of implementing and implementing everything planned in life is handled by a completely different part of the brain.

Understand: everything that sets goals is one part, the conscious one. And the part that helps all this come true in life is another part, the subconscious. Without exception, it is programmed to repeat a certain situation over and over again so that you in the future live the way you lived before.

Who has experienced the fact that small wishes come true, but when you set a global goal or task, things start to slip, and eventually you end up in disappointment?

It is necessary to take into account that the universe is abundant, that there are different options for development in it. There are always an insane number of choices in front of you, different potentials of opportunity, a large number of things that can be done. But if it were a “flat” fee, and one could walk along it easily, then we would say that everything was obtained free of charge and without effort. In life, however, it’s the other way around – the universe gives everything, but you have to pay for everything. Pay... with effort.

The first signal that something great is going to happen in life is resistance. When we embark on the path of something unknown, there is a feeling inside that we are not ready for this and we need to make an effort to overcome this step. This is a signal that we are ready and have taken the path we needed to take, that we are approaching the desired desire, dream, etc. The Universe takes payment through effort. When everything flows well, it means that the challenges were small. The challenge is the price.

So, let's return to the further embodiment of our dream.

When we begin to write a PLAN, our THOUGHT descends from the level of information to the level of ENERGY, and passing through even more energy, the thought manifests itself in MATTER.

How to fill our thought with energy and, ultimately, condense it until it manifests itself in matter, that is, in obtaining the specific result we intended.

You have sails, but you are clinging to the anchor. Confucius

Don't look for reasons - look for opportunities. Henry Ford

No matter how big your dream is, you have the strength and energy to achieve it. Create the necessary conditions for your own success.

  1. I want to call it I WANT and IMPORTANT. What it is? When a person begins to have an unbearable toothache, he drops everything he is doing, unconsciously calls it important and runs to the dentist to relieve the pain. Therefore, you really need to understand that you need this, and, accordingly, under any circumstances, the necessary time and resources to move towards your goal are always available - this is priority number 1 every day.
  2. Believe that it is POSSIBLE.

- I can not believe this! - said Luke Skywalker, seeing Yoda pull a star fighter out of the swamp with just the power of his thoughts.

“That’s why you can’t do it,” Yoda answered calmly.

film "Star Wars"

Your brain can do anything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. The arms don’t know that they can’t do push-ups, the legs don’t know that they are weak. Your brain knows this. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can truly do anything. Robert Kiyosaki

  1. Start behaving as if your dream has already come true. See how others do something similar. Success stories in various areas of life work well here - such stories inspire, strengthen self-confidence and help you move on; emotions are connected, which help strengthen new neural connections.

The goal set must have specificity and the presence of the Self.

If you want to get what you never had, become what you have never been. Brian Tracy

What kind of person do I become when I reach my goal?

What habits do I need to change to become the person I want to become?

What kind of life will I lead when I reach my goal?

What kind of environment will be around me? It is very important with whom you go towards your goal.

The goal should excite. The goal must have scale. There must be grandeur in the goal!

Remember the ANTS principle - I see the goal, I see no obstacles.

If the goal is grandiose, then no obstacle will stop me. The ant does not think about obstacles, but focuses on the goal where it is moving. Plans may often change, but the goal remains the same.

  1. Creating a vision board. Imagine what it will look like when this happens - look at pictures in magazines, find information on the Internet and place the images in places where you can see it throughout the day and get used to new images - a screensaver on a computer screen, on a phone screen, just on the wall or a separate vision board.


When a bright, interesting thought comes to us that inspires us, energy immediately comes to realize this goal, we feel a surge of strength. If you haven't noticed this yet, please note it when you have the opportunity. Sometimes it manifests itself like this: you are lying on the sofa, tired and generally want to sleep... but suddenly the phone rings and you are invited to an interesting meeting... you have the THOUGHT “I really want to go there”... and then everything passes almost instantly the following stages of creation, but notice how fatigue and sleep immediately passed and a cheerful state appeared, the desire to implement the PLAN that had already manifested itself in the head to realize this thought and obtain a result, that is, to be at this desired meeting.

When the desire is not very great, then from the manifestation of the desire to the receipt of the result, that is, to materialization, the stages of creation pass almost easily and simply, without much effort, but the more grandiose your desire is, the more effort or energy is required to realize it.

And in the second case, the following very often happens - you begin to strive for your dream and everything works out, everything goes according to plan... But at some point a time comes when you do everything in your opinion necessary to realize your dream, but nothing happens , and the internal saboteur begins to turn on, the doubts “I won’t succeed” turn on, the state “I can’t” appears... And it is when this moment comes that most people roll back...

But if you understand WHAT happens during this period, then it becomes easier to overcome this state. In different sources it is called differently, but the essence is the same - a BLIND ZONE has arrived - it’s as if we are going blindly, that is, we don’t see the result, although we do everything we planned, or this zone is called the ZONE OF IFECESSITY - we don’t see the result, but then and continue to flawlessly fulfill the plan we have set for ourselves.

No one knows how long this zone will last, usually it depends on how large the given goal is for you, but the most important and important thing is that this zone does not last forever, it will definitely END. The most important thing is to believe in yourself, in your capabilities, that “I can do everything”, to go despite any obstacles.

When you're ready to give up, you're closer to your goal than you think. Edison made 10,000 failed attempts before inventing the light bulb. To found Disneyland, Walt Disney had to listen to 303 refusals from various banks before he achieved what he wanted. Do you sense a pattern? If you want to achieve what you want, be persistent and don't give up!

But when you were able to achieve the realization of your dream, especially if this dream was a real challenge, a breakthrough for you, you will feel a surge of energy, pride in yourself, and a state of "I CAN DO EVERYTHING". And set a NEW goal...

You cannot give up not only after one, but also after a hundred defeats. Abraham Lincoln

You are not a loser until you give up. Michael Jordan


We are constantly creating our own world. And when someone asks the question: “How can I create my own reality?”, it’s like... If a fish in the ocean felt thirsty and asked one of the underwater inhabitants for a sip of water, everyone would laugh. After all, fish live in water. We realize what we are when we go beyond the boundaries of everyday life and conventional ideas. And then a lot becomes clear.

Check everything yourself.

THOUGHT creates. Whatever situation you find yourself in, it is your thoughts that brought you there.Barbara Marciniak

If you try to test the proposed scheme and laugh when you discover that it doesn’t work, you are programming your own failure. The Universe will provide you with any number of facts to confirm your theory of the world.

The technique can only begin to work when you use it with faith in success!


1.David Cameron Jikandi "Happy Pocket Full of Money"

2.John Assaraf and Murray Smith "The Answer: How to Succeed in Business, Find Financial Freedom, and Live Happily"

3. William Arntz, Betsy Chace, Mark Vicente “The Rabbit Hole or What We Know About Ourselves and the Universe”

Our mind is “programmed” for a good mission - to warn about dangers, thereby prolonging our lives. But, if for him the concepts of “pleasure”, “unusual behavior”, “not like everyone else” are equal to the concept of “danger”, then such a “long life” may cease to please us. How to understand your thoughts and “agree” with your own mind? Learn to keep it "open".

A sign of an “open” mind is the ability to analyze one’s own fears. It can and should be developed. There are many fears in our heads. They are transmitted at the genetic level and acquired through life experience. But many of them are not true. For example, if you eat a lot of sweets, a disease may develop, which means unpleasant medications, hospitals, death. Yes, an exaggerated example, but similar logical chains occur in our minds. As a result, we succumb to the impulse of the mind and deny ourselves the cake without analyzing the situation. After all, a moderate amount of sweets in the diet will bring more benefits than its complete absence - this thought is generated by an “open” mind.

Therefore, it is important to learn to live consciously, analyze and understand whether this fear is true or not. Of course, this doesn't come easy. You will have to control your thoughts, track their direction, and work a lot on yourself. And when you learn to keep your mind “open”, you will be able to manifest desires with the help of thoughts. Controlling your life like a ship, steering it away from storms and wrecks is real happiness that you can learn.

The consequences of the prohibitions of a “closed” mind can be depression. Lack of feeling of happiness, joy in life. It is also possible that your mind is “closed” if at your favorite job you do everything joylessly and monotonously, out of a feeling of greatness, “for show.” And if you don’t like the daily activity by definition, then in this case everything is much simpler - find your dream job and be happy!

If, nevertheless, the profession is loved and the team is pleasant, but the joy flows away like water through your fingers, then the reason lies in you, in your self-awareness. The more actively you work on yourself, the better results you will achieve and the sooner you will begin to notice changes in a positive direction. By performing actions of a completely different nature, you will definitely gain experience. Even if this action represents a concentrated comprehension of what you heard, you gain experience!

Information is valuable only when effort is made: you pluck up the courage to leave the house, sign up for the gym, take out a dusty cookbook and start preparing a dish that you’ve been wanting for a long time, but “just never got around to.” Your actions transform the information received into useful experience and materialize it.

From a professional point of view, certified coach and business trainer Nailya Safina draws attention to this statement by Albert Einstein: “Everything in the world is energy. Energy is at the core of everything. If you tune into the energetic frequency of the reality you want to create for yourself, then you will get exactly what your frequency is tuned to. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Energy is incomprehensible to the mind, but it is easy to feel with the soul and heart. It is the spiritual component that is responsible for feelings and emotions. When we fill our mind with feelings, we do everything we undertake with pleasure. And the result is excellent.

That is, in order to get what we want, we must first explain to our mind what exactly we want: what emotions this situation evokes, what we see, what we feel when we get what we want. Imagine everything at the accomplished stage. Imagine what you want in all its colors - this will mean “tuning in to the energetic frequency of the reality that you want to create.”

We often draw an indelible line between reality and imagination. We think that the mental image of things is just an illusion that should not be taken seriously. This line of thinking is wrong. This happens because it’s hard to tear yourself away from reality. It is difficult to see wider than we are used to seeing. But for a complete and clear picture of the world, you need to learn not to get stuck in reality.

The obstacle that appears before us at the moment of imagining what we want is the result of an incorrect approach to imagination. For example, there is a problem. But we are not interested in the problem itself, but in its solution. In this case, the problem lies in the plane of reality, and the solution lies in the plane of imagination. And we cannot tear ourselves away from the vibrations of the problem (from reality), it is difficult for us to imagine a solution, and that is why it takes so long to reach us. You need to tune in to the vibrations of the solution, imagine not the problem, but its solution in the best possible way. We need to imagine what it’s like when the problem is solved, it no longer exists, we only have favorable consequences. Feel joy, relief, feel the “pleasantness” of the moment - and solutions will come to you that will lead to the imaginary situation. In this case, we emit vibrations in which there is no problem, and it leaves our life.

The difference between the vibrations of a problem and a solution is the same as between a question and an answer. By concentrating on the question, we prevent the answer from coming. There is the same difference between the vibrations of suffering and COMPASSION. Suffering is a negative vibration that creates despondency, loss of strength, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life. Compassion is, on the contrary, a vibration of action, encouragement, and helping another person. By expressing compassion, we focus not on trouble, but on positive moments, we share goodness and thereby attract it into our lives and into the lives of our neighbors.

A person does not get promoted when he concentrates his thoughts on the position he is in now rather than on the position he wants to be in. Distinguish between the vibrations of need and the vibrations of gain. Act in harmony with the imaginary desire. And you can learn to imagine correctly by following simple practice from Naila Safina.


Imagine that you have a stick. At one end there are vibrations and faith in what you do not have, and at the other end there are vibrations and faith in what you do have. Imagine the first circle at the end where you don't believe. What colour is he? And the second circle is at the other end, where you believe. What color is this circle? Concentrate on the “circle of faith”, imagine how its color fills you. Feel what sensations arise in you. Look at the reality around you. What do you want to do with this reality, with the people in it? Now imagine abundance and happiness flowing easily into this reality. What color are they? What texture? You are feminine, you have a harmonious and inspiring relationship with a man. You radiate calm and pleasure. You get everything you want. Feel it. Now leave the first circle. “Shake off these vibrations.” And enter the second circle, begin to be filled with its energy. Everything is different here than in the first round. What are you like here? What's going on in this world? What are you creating in reality? You can move from this circle to the first one and see the difference between them. You are no longer locked into one thing. Now you can take a broader view, cover all possible options and choose the best one for yourself.

With this practice, you have switched to the desired energy wave. And there is nothing complicated about it! This is awareness: the mind is open, we are ready for a variety of options and we can make a choice. There are no fears, no doubts, there is only harmony between reality and imagination.

Believe that you already have what you want - and you will be surprised, because it really lies in your hands. Just like at this very moment you have a switching technique. What else do you have has already?

Everything in our world is energy. And every person constantly exchanges energy with everything that surrounds him - he gives and receives. Today I want to tell you about what energy attunements are, what they are for, how they work and how to take them.

Energy Tuning – this is the transfer from one person to another of a specific energy structure. The receiving person receives a certain kind of high-frequency energy that enters his energy body and chakras, after which the person becomes a constant channel of this special energy. He can feel it, work with it and pass it on to other people.

Today, a huge amount of high-frequency energies, both free and paid, are coming to Earth. Light energy settings are transmitted free of charge, which affect the general background and energy of a person, most often these are self-tunings. If the attunement is transmitted through a specific channel, which has the power of transformation and is aimed at improving human well-being, then in this case the attunements are paid, since energy exchange is important. I already wrote about this in the article.

I receive a huge number of letters about settings and “But most people have absolutely no idea what it is.

Of course, there are people who have been working with energies for a long time, they have Reiki initiations or have already received various energy attunements. There are people who have not worked with energies, but when they receive attunement they begin to feel it and this becomes the beginning of their path to themselves, they begin to engage in self-development and sometimes even radically change their lives. And I am very grateful to everyone who writes to me about their realizations and changes in life.

But there are people who are absolutely not sensitive to energy and they do not understand whether they have accepted the attunement or not. The problem is that they do not quite understand what it is and how to deal with it. I’ll say right away that if the setting was transferred, and the person expressed his intention to receive it, then he received it. If a person does not see energy, this does not mean that it does not exist. We do not see God or our Guardian Angels, but they exist.

A person may not see a lot, but not because it doesn’t exist, but because he either doesn’t believe or doesn’t want to see.

Depending on the type of setting and its direction, a person receives a certain kind of energy with a certain energy vibration and connects to a certain energy channel. The energy field is adjusted to the vibrations of the energy channel and it becomes possible to work and interact with high-frequency energy.

Most often, information about settings does not come to a person by chance. As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Energy Settings: Rules of Acceptance

It is imperative to prepare for the acceptance of energy attunement. Sometimes the Master transmitting the setting gives some special instructions or there may be some additional points in the manual. Today I will tell you about the basic rules for receiving settings.

1. Before applying for attunement, think carefully and come to this decision consciously. The initiation process begins when you have a desire and inner intention. Everything must happen with your consent at the Soul level.

2 . On the day you choose to take the adjustment, drink more water than usual. It is advisable not to eat heavy foods. Alcohol should be completely avoided.

3. It is possible to take a shower before making the adjustment. If this is not possible, then simply wash your hands up to your elbows and wash your face.

4. Pour a glass of water and place it next to you. After receiving the attunement, drink this water.

5. Choose a quiet, peaceful place where you can relax and be alone. If you wish, you can light a candle and turn on music (but only light, relaxing, without words), or you can just be in silence.

6. Ask your loved ones not to disturb you, turn off your phone and anything else that might distract you. Pets should also not be present with you when receiving your attunement. It is advisable to take energy tuning when no one is home or when everyone is asleep. If you don’t know exactly when you can be alone, then order the setting “on demand”.

7. Take a comfortable position; it doesn’t matter whether you sit or lie down. The time for accepting the setting is not limited, but not less than 15 minutes. Relax and ground yourself (just imagine that you are rooted in the ground and your feet are very firmly planted on it).

8. Ask your Guardian Angel for help and presence with you as you accept the attunement. You can also call on Archangel Michael and ask him to help you, protect and protect you under any circumstances.

9 . Do everything that is written in the manual for the selected setting. It is advisable to speak the text three times in a row. And then just relax, you can watch your breathing, you can just take a nap or even fall asleep. There is no need to assume or expect anything.

10. It’s hard to say how long acceptance will take. This is all very individual. Most often, upon completion of the transfer and acceptance of the attunement, a person begins to be drawn to do other things.

After accepting the attunement, thank the Higher Powers, your Guardian Angel and the Master who gave you the attunement, and then drink water.

The next day you can start practicing energy work. For some people everything works out easily and quickly, for others it’s slower. Unfortunately, there are people who generally stop halfway. But this is a personal choice of each person.

You yourself are responsible for your choice and further results, and not the person who transferred the setting to you, since he is just a channel for transmission. The resulting energy must be developed in practice and meditation independently, and also work on your personal and energetic growth. The manual for each energy setting always describes how to work with it.

I am often asked which setting is better to get - or “. If you have never worked with energies, then I recommend starting with the lighter energy of the Diamond of Prosperity. And only after working and assimilating this energy, move on to the Heart of Money. If you already have experience working with energies and see and feel them well, then you can receive the “Golden Heart of Money” right away.

P.S. I invite all readers of the magazine “Happy Ticket” to join our VKontakte group! This way you will always be aware of all the news, I will also be glad to communicate with you and discuss new topics! Join our group -


Everything in the world is energy. Energy is at the core of everything. If you

tune into the energetic frequency of the reality you want to create

for yourself, then you will receive exactly what your frequency is tuned to.

This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Albert Einstein*

Not long ago I worked with a client named Alex in a remote coaching program. Alex was depressed and wanted to change something in his professional activities. He owned two companies and was doing quite well, but both businesses required a lot of time and effort from him. Alex earned good money, but he had little time for family and rest. He felt that he needed to focus on one of his businesses and make it more profitable, or start another business so that he could have more money and at the same time more free time. We started our coaching sessions by working on beliefs and internal energy.

I taught him how to control his energy, we explored his limiting beliefs and replaced beliefs that were already outdated and of no use with a new belief about the possibility of a quantum shift. He had a nine-week hypnosis and coaching program.

We worked on his self-esteem and his belief that he needs to work hard to earn a good living. As we worked, Alex began to feel much better and relieved, but still did not know which direction to move.

Due to some changes in plans, we had to postpone the last coaching session by two weeks. And at our last session, Alex said that he was glad to reschedule the meeting. He didn't want to tell me that, despite the improvements in his condition, he was still not clear in which direction to move.

A couple of days before our meeting, Alex spoke with one of the representatives of a group of investors whom he had approached several years ago. At that time, he was denied investment. Over the past years, an investor group had been following Alex's success and it was decided to invest in his business and make his company the largest enterprise in the industry, but Alex was required to leave another business.

Shortly after this call, he communicated with a person related to Alex’s second company with a desire to purchase it for his own purposes. In just a few moments, Alex's life changed. Now he knew which direction to move in, he had support and more free time. He thanked me and said that this was the life he had always dreamed of.

And all this literally in an instant. This is how a quantum shift occurs, and often success in business and life is the result of such a quantum shift.

In this chapter we will explore how internal changes cause a quantum leap and how our internal energy comes into alignment with what we want. To achieve what you want, you need a technique that will lead you to that very state of success.

First of all, we need to understand what is stopping us from being successful right now.

In most cases, the reason lies in one or more problems:

    lack of awareness, training or opportunity;

    limiting beliefs;


All these things are interconnected, and one either influences or gives rise to the other. The first problem has the most direct impact, since in order to be successful, it is important to understand where to look for new opportunities and have the necessary knowledge and skills. But if we don't believe in ourselves, then we either won't try to look for new opportunities, or we won't see this opportunity when it comes. Fear also prevents us from seeking opportunities or trying those that come our way. And all this is reflected in our internal energy.


In the realm of reason, a person believes that this or that concept

is true or becomes true within certain limits, which are established by means of internal and external experience.

These frameworks will subsequently become those beliefs beyond which you can

go out".

John Lilly, Human Programming and Metaprogramming


Limiting beliefs are a huge barrier that prevents us from being successful. We can only do what we believe in and nothing more. I imagine my unconscious part of my mind as a little boy (for reasons unknown to me, he is Japanese) sitting at a keyboard.

My face is a screen. On this screen there are 7+/- two bits of information that this boy selects to focus my attention on something at a certain point in time. This is an insignificant fraction of information compared to the reality that is around me. He knows my beliefs and simply won't waste precious screen space on things that I won't react to based on certain beliefs.

Changing a limiting belief is like changing the reality around you. Suddenly your attention is directed to new possibilities. It feels like the world around has changed. Beliefs are the frames with which you frame your experience. Changing a limiting belief greatly expands the frame in which you exist, and thereby allows you to gain greater opportunities in life. Beliefs are easy to change once you learn to identify them.

In my seminar “Take the Money and Run to Control Your Life” we identify the beliefs of the participants and change them. Seminar participants constantly tell me about the changes that are happening in their lives. At the seminar, I use a deck of Tarot cards not for predictions, but to identify beliefs due to the large number of vivid images contained in the Tarot deck. We pay most attention to the first card of the Major Arcana - the Magician card. The Magician symbolizes the ability to control reality and represents the first lesson in the life path of the Jester card.

A good start in working on beliefs is the “belief friend” technique. You listen to each other in conversations about everyday topics and point out each time a limiting belief is said. Moreover, you change your beliefs starting from those very “I can’t”. It's very simple and makes a significant difference.

When you hear your partner or yourself say “I can’t,” you stop him and reframe “I can’t” into “until now I couldn’t” (stop and repeat these two phrases, noting how you feel in your body when you pronounce them). If you can feel the difference, you are on the right track, you have learned the feeling of faith in success.

By using the phrase “until now I couldn’t,” you stop your “can’t” before the present moment and open the way for “can” in the future. And the guy at the keyboard will exclaim: “Great! Now I can show you all the possibilities you can make happen.”

Thus, the reality around us is changing.

Some common beliefs that get in the way of success:

    “I have to work hard so that I can have money.”

    "Poor people are good and rich people are bad."

    "I don't know what it means to be rich."

    “If I have money, I will have to change my lifestyle and friends.”

    “If I have money, everyone will start asking for it, and I won’t know how to say no.”

    "I will never be successful."

    "I will always be poor."

    “I will always have to fight for money.”

Changing Beliefs

Once you have identified a limiting belief, the next step is to change it to a more helpful belief. Often, awareness of a limiting belief is enough to change it. If you already have enough evidence that the new belief works, your belief changes automatically. There are many great techniques for changing beliefs. Some of my favorites are Tricks of Language by Robert Dilts and Changing Presuppositions by Connirae Andreas.

I recommend NLP training or one of these great books on changing beliefs. Below I provide a simple but effective technique for changing beliefs and a trance induction text that you can write down and listen to as often as possible.

When you integrate a new belief, it is important to correctly identify the belief that will be useful. If you want to have confidence, you must realize that confidence without competence will be useless. More helpful is the belief that you have enough motivation to learn and acquire the skills you need to succeed. It is important to have an understanding of what you can do and what you need to learn.


Fear often becomes an obstacle to achieving a goal. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of seeming ridiculous. People who see an aura say that fear represents dark spots in a person's energy field. Additionally, fear causes our energy field to tighten around us (which is exactly what we feel when we say we feel tight and depressed). I believe that the work I do with people is a process of cleansing and expanding the energy field. By changing your energy field, you change your life. As I have said more than once above, internal changes, such as a change in belief, change the aura. And vice versa: when you change your aura, you change your beliefs.

Did you know that words can change your energy field and your beliefs? By working on changing the statement from “I can’t” to “until now I couldn’t”, you change your feelings and at the same time significant changes occur in your aura. Thus, changes can occur in both directions. Even if you don't see the aura, you can control it. I recommend trying the following exercise.

Enter your neutral state. Relax and clear your mind.

1. Think about a time when you felt stressed and depressed. Immerse yourself in these memories. Remember what you saw, heard and felt at that moment. What belief did you have about your ability to be successful?

2. Now return to a neutral state again by remembering what you were wearing two days ago.

3. Remember a time when you felt wonderful, free and at one with the world. Immerse yourself in these memories, intensify your sensations, as if you were turning a dial on a thermostat. Make your sensations as strong as you need them now. Imagine your energy extending beyond your room.

4. While holding this state, think about what provoked that fear and feeling of tension, feel the difference between the two states and realize how many resources you have now. Think about what is your true state?

5. Remember what you had for lunch three days ago and return to a neutral state.

6. Imagine a situation in the future that usually makes you tense, tight, and compresses your energy field. Now imagine yourself expanding your energy field and living this experience again.

7. Notice how you feel in control of this situation, or at least notice your reaction to this situation, how you now cope with it. You experienced new sensations and created a new belief.


If you want to live the life you've always dreamed of, like Alex, start by finding a friend of conviction. Identify your limiting beliefs and the beliefs you want to acquire to replace them. Change your beliefs using the seven steps of the technique described above. Below is a hypnosis text that will help you enhance the changes on your path to success. Record the audio and add whatever will make it more effective for you. Listen to this recording often (but not while driving).

Trance induction text to create a state of success.

Remember a situation when you were completely relaxed. Immerse yourself in this state. Remember what you saw, heard and felt in your body at that moment. Take a deep breath and count to yourself to 3. And as you exhale, let go of stress and tension, let go of everything that is preventing you from achieving the success that is now possible for you.

Allow your limiting beliefs, conscious and unconscious, to rise to the surface of your consciousness and float away. Watch how they dissolve, and you feel light and free, you are filled with a new feeling of excitement and anticipation - that unusual feeling before upcoming achievements. You know that whatever feelings you want to experience, you can experience now, and they will come to you at the speed that you need now. Think about what you would like and realize what it will be when it comes to you. And realize once again that this is exactly what you want.

Complete this picture with details so that you clearly feel: this is what you really want. Fast forward to when you have already enjoyed your success for the year. Feel the rhythm and shades of that reality and resonate with it.

Then look back at the moment where this change occurred and notice how easy it was. Remember what you did in the first place and how this change happened. Now for you this will become the very proof and example of success that will lead you to even greater success in the future, something that is your integral part. And once again resonate with this new experience (pause 30 seconds). Now bring this experience into the present and take three deep breaths and let it connect with who you are now. Let this state penetrate you and change your every cell. Let this state go beyond your boundaries and penetrate the energy field around you. And your energy field becomes larger, brighter and cleaner, it has more vibrations and it attracts more of what you need in this universe.

If you listen to this before going to bed, you will skip the trance part and fall into a deep and healthy sleep, in which you will see your bright and successful future.

If this is a time for wakefulness, you return to a state of wakefulness, full of energy, so slowly that everything that we have worked with today is built into your unconscious and behavior. Take advantage of all the time that you now need to return back full of strength to reality, where change and success await you.

Energy attunement is the process of one person or spirit guide transmitting a specific energy pattern to another person, their energy body and energy centers (chakras), allowing the recipient to become a permanent channel of that specific energy.

Certain energy has a certain energetic vibration. To gain access to it you need to pick up “energy keys”. One of these reliable “selections” is energy tuning. You get the opportunity to tune your own energy field to the vibrations of the energy channel, work with it and interact.

There are several ways to transfer settings (initiation):

1. Setting up during a personal one-on-one meeting

2. Setting up during a personal meeting in a group (seminar).

3. Remote setup (takes place at a distance at the appointed time)

4. Remote setup (takes place at a distance “on demand”.)

IMPORTANT! All these methods of settings (initiations) are equally effective! They are one hundred percent effective and none of them is inferior in strength to the other! There are no time or spatial boundaries for energy and all adjustments occur primarily on the Higher planes.
All other reasoning about what is “right” and what is “wrong” is the thinking of the dual ego.

Rely on your own feelings and follow your inner intuition both when choosing a tuning method and when choosing a Master for initiation!

How do I know what attunement I need and what energy is right?

Go through the topics. Read the introductory information.
Pay attention to emotions, the setting, the energy that is needed at the moment will cause certain feelings - the expectation of freedom, change, fulfillment of desires, etc.
It is the language of premonitions that your intuition speaks.
If you still have doubts, try to find the answer during meditation. Ask your question to your guardian angels and the answer will definitely come.

How to choose a Master?

The Master appears in life as soon as you become ready for it. Now there are many Masters, and there is a choice. This should be a person who is interesting to you, for whom you feel a special feeling of spiritual kinship and intuitively you feel that this is your person.
You can use the principle of sympathy or the principle of antipathy in choosing a Teacher. Moreover, in case of antipathy, the Master may turn out to be the best Teacher. But do not choose a Master based on his regalia, territorial principle, recommendations from friends, or out of devotion to him.

How to get setup?

How to prepare, what to do, what to expect?

The process of preparing to receive energy is very important. Before you decide to take initiation, consider this choice. You are taking an important step and must bear responsibility. The process of initiation on the subtle plane already begins at the moment of internal intention and desire for initiation. Everything happens with your consent at the Soul level, and nothing else.

You need to prepare in advance. If there are no special recommendations in the manual, then there are basic fundamental steps and you should follow them:

Separately about expectations about the received settings and practice with them:

Energy tuning is not a hallucinogen, it is not a show, it is not entertainment and not a way to prove something to anyone. Just because you don't feel the energy doesn't mean it's not there. Sooner or later you will begin to feel energy flows.

IMPORTANT! You should not accept energy for the sake of any expectations during and after initiation - this nullifies all energy work. Waiting is a “binding” to something. “Binding” is an energy clot. When waiting, energy flow and energy exchange are disrupted and the adjustment process becomes ineffective.

If you want to have fun, find another way.
Initiation does not involve showing images from the subtle world, and is not designed for you to be distracted by strange pictures and unusual sensations during attunement.

But! This does not mean that during initiations those who see or feel something are simply dreamers.
There are people who have experience in energy practice, have subtle sensitivity, special sensitivity, and they are the ones who have the opportunity to see, hear, feel anything.

During attunement, work takes place in the energy and physical bodies, especially in problematic, chronic places. Everything is possible - seeing colorful pictures, and smelling strong smells... You can undergo a process of cleansing and filling with new light energy. Even if there is no sensation, know that the adjustment was successful.

Know that it is not energy that gives sensations, but your special subtle structure.
If you want entertainment and instant results, then there are many other ways to do this that have nothing to do with energy settings.


You can start practicing with energy the very next day.

Personal practice is serious and responsible work. Dedication opens the door to the world of energies; it hands you a guiding thread to follow the Goal along the Path of Spiritual perfection and harmony. You already have everything. Don’t go astray from the Path and hold the guiding thread of energetic creation tighter in your hands. Practice with Love and Gratitude, do not expect or become attached, do not lower your vibration with fear, unbelief and laziness. Be here and now, in the I AM state, and your life will change the way you want.

Neither the Master, nor those around you, nor loved ones, nor enemies, nor the Higher Powers, nor the Creator - no one is responsible for what happens in your life. Only you are the only one who creates and creates.
Have the courage to admit this and use this Power for Good!


In the space of the Universe there is a complete continuous spectrum of all possible energies. Part of this spectrum falls into physical reality, the remaining ranges are beyond the boundaries of physical reality - in the subtle planes of existence.

Initiation, connection, and other tuning methods create an energy portal on the subtle plane, through which an energy beam of a certain spectrum “leaks” into your subtle structures. Many energy tuning systems used in Reiki, Cosmoenergetics, etc. are built on this.
During the attunement, carried out by direct contact on the physical plane (this is how grandmothers-healers, for example, or a Reiki Master pass on their channel to the heir to a student), a portal is created through which energy of a strictly defined spectrum begins to flow. Similar tuning can be carried out by other methods - for example, by the influence of sound, by the influence of symbols, texts, and tuning to the same channel can be carried out by several different methods, different combinations of symbols or sounds. Attunement can be carried out by pronouncing mentally or out loud a sacred decree.

The setting only creates a portal, that is, it opens the way to the Source of energy, and the source is the entire Universe, filled with different energies from the Day of Creation. If a person actively practices and uses these energies, the portal expands and lets in more and more energy, which is why the effectiveness of the impact varies from person to person. The secret of mastery is in practice!

If the person receiving the attunement does not use these energies, the portal shrinks, but it can be opened again if necessary. And only in case of rejection and mistrust does the portal close.

Some frequencies that are often used are more often in demand, for example, the “Source” of Reiki, have their own egregor in the mental plane and work with great power, since they are additionally fed by the power of the egregor. An egregor is filled with energy from the intentions of the participants in the community that gave birth to this egregor. All Reiki practitioners exchange energy with the Reiki egregor. The egregors of cosmoenergy channels “work” the same way, but they are “younger” and less powerful.

New times give rise to the need for new energies. In order for a person to more easily adapt to the changing conditions of physical reality, today you are given the opportunity to tune in to the frequencies that are necessary today, which will help your physical bodies gain greater ability to adapt, to regenerate, and to heal. New energies come to you in different ways. Some esoteric groups have already received attunements to new frequencies and tested them on themselves, gained some experience, developed methods for using these energies, created sacred texts and images for initiating portals.

The egregors of new energies are still weak, but they are developing and will soon become effective energetic support for new channels. Although these energies themselves have frequencies that are relevant and effective today, even without the support of egregors.

Several years ago, Healing Impulses were transmitted through this channel - texts charged with healing energy frequencies. Today these frequencies are coming out of manifestation and fading, those Impulses are still working, but today greater efficiency is required. We will now transmit through this channel a series of new Energy Impulses - texts charged with new healing energies that are now more effective and efficient.
(From channeling Imhotep 2009)
