Piercing on the pubis. Female genital piercing video

Since time immemorial, people have tried to somehow embellish their appearance. And one of the most ancient types of "decor" is piercing. At one time, warriors going into battle adorned themselves with earrings in their ears and nostrils. Now piercing can be seen more on a woman than on a man.

But for many girls, a simple ear or navel piercing is no longer enough, they want more. Some just choose a special procedure in the secret corners of their bodies. Why do piercings on int. places in girls, how do they do it and does it hurt? You will learn about this from this material.

Where is intimate piercing done?

Usually the puncture is located:

    On the clitoris. Usually, either the clitoris itself or the fold above it is pierced. This type is not suitable for everyone, since the structure of the clitoris is different for everyone. And for many girls, the puncture of the clitoris can cause discomfort and pain.

    On the nipples. A very common type of piercing, especially among young people. With the help of such a puncture, you can give a new one that will make the breast more beautiful, as well as exacerbate the sensations during sex.

    On the labia minora. It is considered the fastest healing puncture in such places, it practically does not cause inconvenience.

    On the labia majora. It is very important to make a puncture in the right place so that nothing rubs and does not interfere when sitting. In this place, the wound heals for a long time, and it is more painful to pierce here.

    Why do this procedure

      girls who get pierced in intimate places often want to emphasize their individuality and peculiarity;

      it just looks beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure to the woman herself;

      decorations in such a place really like the opposite sex, it turns on;

      it can diversify sex and bring new sensations;

      piercing in such a place stimulates not only the girl, but also the partner.

    Selection of jewelry

    Now there are many different "intimate jewelry" in stores, and, of course, among all of them there are good and bad ones. It should also be noted that they must be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body. All these decorations differ in different parameters, namely in color, material and shape. An experienced craftsman will always help you choose the right earring. So, the most popular jewelry for piercings in intimate places:

      Banana. This decoration in the form of an arc is used to pierce the nipples and genitals. Most often made of titanium, as well as gold.

      Horseshoe. The name speaks for itself, there are wraps around the edges of the product.

      Barbell. This type is most often used for nipples.

      Rings. A popular decoration for the nipples and genitals.

      Spiral. Best suited for labia piercings. It is made from almost all materials.

      You should be especially careful about the choice of material, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

      For example, surgical steel is good because over time it does not change shape, does not rust or oxidize. It is also not demanding on storage conditions and a lot of jewelry is made from it. The price of products from this material is small. However, such steel quickly changes temperature, which is inconvenient when visiting a sauna.

      Another popular material for female intimate piercings is titanium. Its advantages are that jewelry from it weighs little, and therefore problems such as stretching of fabrics and inconvenience when wearing can be avoided. Titanium is also resistant to rust, stable in contact with water. When wearing such earrings, the likelihood of allergic reactions is very low. A big plus is the huge selection of a wide variety of colors for jewelry. But there are also disadvantages. Titanium is also sensitive to temperatures, so it is not very comfortable to wear titanium jewelry in winter or in a sauna.

      Bronze is a popular jewelry material because it is fairly inexpensive and can last quite a while. But you should carefully buy earrings, because products made of this metal from unknown manufacturers may contain hazardous substances. There may also be traces of jewelry on the skin, and this does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, bronze oxidizes, and the decoration can change its appearance.

      If you choose silver jewelry, then you will have a lot of choice, because the metal can be different, for example, light or dark. Such a decoration will last a very long time, and at the same time it also looks beautiful and expensive. However, please note that some people may experience it because it contains various impurities. Metal becomes dirty over time, and therefore it must be cleaned periodically. Well, the price of silver jewelry is much higher compared to many other types.

      Also, piercing earrings can be made of plastic, glass, porcelain, gold, wood, etc. All materials have their own characteristics, so carefully read all the characteristics of the jewelry before buying.

      clitoris puncture

      This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone, since this organ is very sensitive and all women have a different structure. If it is small in a girl, then the nerve endings can be damaged as a result of improper placement of the jewelry. For a puncture, the clitoris must be large. Also, it should not be covered with a thick layer of skin. This organ can be decorated with a banana, a ring or a barbell.

      The hood can be pierced vertically, that is, the needle passes through the skin above the clitoris. Also, a puncture is made horizontally. Then the needle is passed through the fold of skin above the clitoris in a horizontal direction. Such a puncture is the most popular. Hood piercing allows you to increase the pleasure during sex and get new sensations. Decorate it with rods, rings, half rings and horseshoes.

      "Decor" chest

      As a rule, when nipple piercings are done, anesthesia is always performed first. That is why this process is almost painless. Most often, nipples are pierced as follows:

        vertically - they do it least often;



      You can pierce both one breast and two. It depends on your taste.

      How to make a piercing in intimate places: labia

      The procedure depends on where you want to "place" the decoration. If you make a puncture on the labia minora, then you need to pay attention to their thickness. After all, it will pass through the skin of the inner labia. The thinner they are, the easier and faster the procedure will be. To decorate the piercing, rings with or without a ball are most often used. Thrill-seekers adorn themselves. It should be noted that the piercing of the labia minora is the simplest piercing on int. places for girls. Therefore, this decor is popular.

      Large labia are also pierced. But in this place, healing takes longer. The piercing goes through the skin of the outer labia, so the thickness of the skin is also important. It should be noted that it is not necessary to make a puncture at the edge of the lips, so that there is no irritation from frequent contact of an unhealed wound with clothing. For jewelry, rings, arcs are most often used, less often rods.

      Care after a puncture

      After piercing on int. In places, girls may experience various inflammations, bleeding, allergic reactions, which can subsequently lead to serious problems. Wounds in such places need to be looked after especially carefully.

      During the first two or three weeks, the puncture must be washed 5 times a day with a special disinfectant solution (miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). You also need to apply an ointment with a healing effect.

      Naturally, you need to control hygiene, do not touch the piercing with dirty hands, and keep this place clean and dry.

      Until the wound is completely healed, baths, saunas, swimming in pools and reservoirs should be abandoned. Sexual contact is also better to exclude, so as not to be injured.

      You should not change the piercing jewelry until the wound is completely healed, because there is a risk of infection.

      It should be remembered that the healing time for each individually. In addition, much depends on the puncture site and the choice of jewelry. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the master, then everything will heal well.

        it is best to wear underwear made from natural fabrics during the healing period of the wound;

        only a specialist in a good salon should do the procedure;

        during the healing period of the wound, try not to let the clothes come into contact with the decoration;

        you can make several punctures of the labia at once, but you must be sure that you can cope with the care and possible pain;

        you can re-pierce in the same place, but only after the old wound has completely healed.

      Who can do this procedure

      In salons, genital piercing is done only to those girls and boys who have reached the age of 18. If you are less, then be patient for a few more years. At the same time, you can think carefully about whether you need a female genital piercing or a nipple piercing.

      In some salons, you can come with your parents, then perhaps you will have this procedure.

      Also piercing on int. places in girls are not recommended if there are such factors:

        blood diseases;

      • reduced immunity;

        allergy to metals;

        skin diseases;

        high sensitivity to pain.


      If you did this procedure with a good master in a proven salon, followed all the rules for caring for the wound, then you should not have disastrous consequences. However, if mistakes were made in the process, then after a puncture, you may face serious troubles. Negative consequences of piercing intimate places:

        infection, up to hepatitis B and AIDS;

        allergic reactions - redness of the skin, first near the site of the wound, and then throughout the body;

        if you did this procedure on the clitoris not quite in the right place, or if you chose the wrong jewelry, then during sexual contact you can injure yourself;

        if the nipples are pierced incorrectly, sensitivity may disappear.

      How much does the procedure cost

      The cost of piercing intimate places is varied. It depends on the city where you will do it. An important role is played by the choice of the salon in which the procedure will be performed. The level of the master also affects the price, a beginner will charge less money for a puncture than a professional. On average, the cost starts from a thousand rubles. A nipple piercing will cost about one and a half or two thousand rubles. But the puncture of the labia or the clitoris will cost more, about four thousand. Decoration is not included in this price. In addition, you should additionally purchase various ointments, patches and bandages that the master will advise.

Every woman chooses her own ways to draw attention to her appearance. You can make an unusual manicure, change the shape of the eyes with makeup or grow hair. Piercing is becoming quite a popular choice. The word "piercing" refers to both the piercing process itself and the result - a piercing with an ornament inserted into it.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, even earlobe piercings were rejected by society, and today they are perceived as a completely normal way to embellish one's appearance. Moreover, if you decide to get a piercing, you have a huge choice - you can pierce any part of the face and body. Let's take a closer look at the most common types from this list.

Eyebrow piercing

You can pierce the eyebrow both vertically and horizontally, and it is not necessary to limit yourself to one piercing, for example, two eyebrow jewelry looks interesting.

nose piercing

Nose piercing includes several types.

Bridge- a vertical or horizontal puncture in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose.

nose tip piercing- the puncture is carried out from the inside of the nostril with access to the tip of the nose. Not a very popular choice.

Piercing of the nostrils or wings of the nose- the simplest and most common type of nose piercing.

Septum- a puncture in the area of ​​​​the nasal septum, under the cartilage or through the cartilage itself.

Lip piercing

Lip piercing also has varieties.

Jellyfish- a puncture in the groove above the upper lip.

Labret- a puncture under the lower lip.

Monroe- puncture on the side above the upper lip. Imitation of a "fly".

Kiss of an angel- two punctures, one on each side above the upper lip.

Snake bite- two piercings of the lower lip, one on each side.

If two lower lip piercings are located next to each other, then the piercing is called a spider bite. If you add a jellyfish piercing, you get a predator bite piercing. But by combining a snake bite and an angel's kiss, you get not much, not a little - a dog bite!

Smile- piercing of the frenulum of the upper lip. Antismile- puncture of the frenulum of the lower lip.

tongue piercing

There are five main types of tongue piercing:

Vertical tongue piercing

Horizontal tongue piercing

Tongue tip piercing

Puncture of the frenulum of the tongue

cheek piercing

Cheek piercing will help to simulate dimples on the cheeks, if nature did not reward you with such.

Ear piercing

This piercing has three varieties

helix- piercing in the helix of the auricle or in the upper part of the ear.

Industrial- two holes in the upper part of the ear (cartilage), connected by one, most often, direct decoration - a barbell. Less commonly, other parts of the ear are pierced and connected.

Tragus piercing- puncture of the part of the ear located opposite the auricle. The puncture of the opposite part is called antitragus.

nipple piercing

Nipple piercing is divided into many types: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, combined, etc. Contrary to myths, nipple piercing does not prevent breastfeeding. But if in the near future you are planning pregnancy and feeding, it is better to reschedule a visit to the salon. It is also better to remove jewelry during feeding if the piercing was done earlier.

Belly button piercing

The navel piercing is a very feminine, less painful type of piercing. The puncture is done both above the navel and below it, or both can be combined at once.

intimate piercing

Intimate piercing includes:

Vertical and horizontal clitoral hood puncture

Nefirtiti– puncture through the hood of the clitoris to the tubercle of Venus

Kristina- when punctured, the needle enters just above the hood of the clitoris and exits at the tubercle of Venus

buffet- puncture from the vagina to the anus

large piercings and small labia

Princess Albertine- the most uncommon type of piercing, passing through the urethra, with an exit on the upper wall of the vagina.

In addition to the considered types of piercing, there are various combinations of them, as well as rare types, for example, eyelid or anus piercing. Regardless of the reason that prompted you to have a piercing, you are sure to find your type of piercing.

What to pay attention to when planning to do a piercing?

You need to do piercing with a specialist, and not with a neighbor and not at home! Make sure that the instruments used are disposable or sterilized. The workplace itself must also be disinfected. Failure to follow these rules can lead to sad consequences, such as infection and rejection of jewelry.

The healing of the puncture depends on the quality of the jewelry. Purchase quality jewelry made from a biocompatible material such as titanium. Jewelry for primary punctures should be larger, because at first swelling will remain, which is not always noticeable visually.

Depending on the puncture site, the piercing can heal from two weeks to six months, do not rush to be disappointed and remove jewelry.

Strictly follow the care instructions given by the master. Care is not limited to processing by special means. You can not touch the punctures, take out jewelry, go to the bathhouse, etc. The list of rules is long, treat the task responsibly!

The body of each person has its own characteristics, so a single type of piercing can take root in one and not take root in another.

There is an opinion that piercing is for teenagers. This is not true. If you choose a beautiful jewelry of an elite brand, piercing can emphasize your individuality at any age.

Piercing: all pros and cons

Before getting pierced, weigh the pros and cons. Like everything in the world, this procedure has its advantages and of course its disadvantages.

Piercing Disadvantages:

  • Some types of piercings are quite painful.
  • If the intimate piercing is performed poorly, the sensitivity of the genital organs may be lost.
  • If you walk with a piercing for several years, then scars or small holes may remain after refusal.
  • If you are an office worker, you will have to face a number of restrictions.
  • Jewelry often clings to clothing, hair.
  • You will be exposed to questions and jokes of people around you almost daily.

Advantages of piercing:

  • Aesthetic pleasure. Piercing helps you to express yourself, please, first of all, yourself.
  • With the help of piercing, you can correct the flaws in appearance. For example, visually reduce the nose by making a septum puncture at the right distance, inserting a suitable decoration.
  • Intimate piercing can bring new sexual sensations. The decoration in the clitoris creates additional stimulation and helps to achieve orgasm faster, and the "Princess Albertina" stimulates the male genital organ during intercourse, increasing the erection.
  • Nipple piercing increases their sensitivity several times, which is also a source of additional pleasure.
  • Tongue piercing will give sensual experiences to your partner during oral sex.
  • After complete healing, you can remove the jewelry for a while, for example, during an interview or business meeting. Also, many types of punctures can be easily hidden under clothing.
  • According to many men, piercings such as nipple, genital or navel piercings make a woman more sexually attractive.
  • Piercing is not for life. If you don't like it, you can remove it.

Thus, even if there are shortcomings, piercing can bring you great moral and physical satisfaction. Perhaps he will help you become the person you always dreamed of being, love yourself and please others!

It is possible to pierce through the soft tissues of the body and place any objects in the holes formed for a variety of reasons: the ancient Romans, for example, quite practically used rings threaded into the nipples to fix their raincoats. And the famous "avant-garde" Prince Albert, whose name bears one of the most popular options for male genital piercing today, once pierced his own head of the penis in order to "tie" the latter to ... the thigh: this was required by the style of his favorite tight trousers, " conflicting" with the anatomical features of the royal person.
What is an intimate piercing for?

To understand the psychology of installing a piercing on your body, you should remember that piercing is primarily an ornament. Sex occupies a significant place in our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that the desire to use earrings for additional stimulation of a partner and oneself. In this case, piercing is done on parts of the body that are actively involved in love games. This is primarily the language and directly the genitals. For example, piercing the clitoris enhances the sensations of stimulation. For this, the clitoris is usually pierced, or a fold above it. Such piercing is most often done by those who are over 35 years old and who already want new sensations, impressions for themselves and their partners. And not necessarily a person has a complex of insufficient sexual attractiveness. It's just that extra attention among potential partners expands the opportunities for acquaintance, and for some it helps to find a reason to start a conversation. Piercing of the labia is also sometimes done, but it is more of a decorative function. Such a puncture does not heal for long - about a month. It is contraindicated to engage in sex until complete healing.

Male intimate piercing is much more diverse, the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum and testicles are pierced. Healing takes place in the same way as with a female intimate piercing. The goal is to cause special sexual sensations in the partner. In the performance of women, piercing in intimate places is completely safe. In men, it can cause a violation of physiological functions, including due to the formation of scar tissue. As a rule, intimate piercing is a desire to get a more abundant range of sensations in sex.
Contraindications for intimate piercing

First of all, intimate piercing is contraindicated for people with blood diseases, systemic diseases of internal organs (kidneys, lungs, heart) and skin diseases (psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema). A common chronic disease such as diabetes is also a contraindication. Reduced immunity, delayed healing is also a contraindication for piercing. You can not deal with punctures and people with mental pathology, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics. The question about the presence of an allergy to metals is obligatory: if there is an allergic reaction, then piercing is contraindicated.
Healing time for intimate piercing

Each body copes with the healing period of a piercing differently. The healing time of an intimate piercing ranges from 1 week to several months. Taking into account the characteristics of the body of each client, the master issues a memo, which indicates the drugs that contribute to the speedy and safe healing, as well as how to use them correctly.
Types of intimate piercing for men
Prince Albert

This type of piercing has been known since the Victorian era. The eccentric Prince Albert, after whom this method is named, had a ring threaded into the head of the penis to maintain a flaccid organ, not wanting to offend his wife, Queen Victoria. The puncture was made at the base of the head through the urethra. The procedure is fast and does not lead to complications. The pierced skin is very thin and heals quickly. Despite the fact that both partners like this piercing, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for two weeks after the procedure. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.

It is not yet very well known in the West and not many have experienced it for themselves. Popular in the Indonesian islands, where it is performed as a boy-to-man initiation. The puncture is made horizontally through the head. The bar can pass both through the urethra and nearby. Suggested decorations: rod.

This is a vertical piercing. Crosses the head in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This method of piercing is even mentioned in the Kama Sutra (an ancient Indian treatise on love), because it gives pleasure to both men and women. This is one of the most difficult genital piercing options. In order for the canal to heal ideally, it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships for several months. Suggested decorations: rod.

This variant of the piercing is of recent origin. Usually a paired puncture is made on both sides of the head. Small surgical steel rods are inserted. Many owners of this piercing say that during intimate relationships they were able to regain the sensations lost both by themselves and their partners. Suggested decorations: rod.

Piercing of European origin. Used as a stimulant that guarantees long-term enjoyment. A puncture is made into the skin at the base of the head, the ring passes through the skin and goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation. The size of the ring is selected individually. The procedure is easy and fast. One of the easiest types of genital piercing. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Types of intimate piercing in women
Inner Labia

It is performed on the labia minora. It is the simplest female genital piercing because the thin skin of the labia minora is easily pierced and heals faster than any other body piercing. Brings variety to intimate relationships. A prerequisite is to maintain cleanliness until complete healing. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Outer Labia

The labia majora form the outer side of the vulva. The punctures can be done along the entire length, but if they are too close to the perineum, they can cause pain when sitting. The labia majora are thicker than the minor ones and take longer to heal completely. Modern women who choose this type of piercing like that the rings additionally stimulate sexual sensations. In ancient Rome, as well as Persia, India and Africa, such punctures were widespread, although for other purposes: a puncture was made in two lips in the form of a lock to prevent sexual relations and preserve innocence. In Europe - on the contrary - the ring in the genitals becomes a gift to the partner. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.

Piercing is very fashionable among modern girls. A thin fold of skin over the clitoris is pierced. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically. Causes stimulation of the clitoris during walking and sexual intercourse. Suggested decorations: microbarbell, ring with a ball.

This piercing is very sensational, but the procedure is very risky and difficult to perform. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically at the center or base of the clitoris. Suggested jewelry: a ring with a ball.
Intimate piercing care

The zone of intimate piercing is very rich in blood vessels, so its drilling can lead to serious complications - severe bleeding, subsequent infection. In addition, pain may occur when urinating. Sometimes these kinds of problems force us to resort to an ambulance of surgeons.

A fresh piercing requires consistent care to eliminate inflammation: Wash the wound at least twice a day with a special disinfectant for two weeks, use only fat-free, disinfectant creams until complete healing, and refuse from the sauna, swimming pool and solarium, swimming in natural reservoirs and, especially in the sea - salty sea water prevents healing.

In case of complications - such as severe redness, pain, etc., you should immediately consult a dermatologist, who may remove the jewelry. If everything went without inflammation, the first decoration should be worn until the wound is completely healed; otherwise, dirt can get into the wound, then inflammation cannot be avoided. Do not use cleaning products other than those recommended.
Materials used for intimate piercing

Surgical steel
Gold plated titanium
Black titanium
Intimate piercing rules

1. In no case should you trust a piercing to your friends, even if they have a medical degree, or do the piercing yourself.

2. Do not treat the puncture site with alcohol-containing substances, unless such care is recommended by a specialist.

3. Before visiting the piercing salon, it is recommended to eat to avoid dizziness and weakness, but in no case should you drink even low-alcohol drinks.

4. Having come to the master, it does not hurt to ask how he sterilizes his tools.

5. You should make sure that the jewelry, which will soon take place in the skin or other soft tissues, is made of biologically inert metals - gold, platinum, titanium or surgical steel (you should not "save" here).

6. The piercer must provide all the necessary recommendations for "management", both "preoperative" and "postoperative" periods. Including explanations on the "pluses" and "minuses" of piercing a particular part of the body, and the features of hygienic care for them.

And, of course, do not forget that if something suddenly goes, not quite smoothly, or even not at all smoothly, you should see a doctor. It is better to do this as early as possible - in this situation, even one single hour can be important.

Many people cannot imagine their life without piercing. From harmless earlobe piercings to tunnels and intimate "beauty" - it is so variable that it is sometimes difficult to say where the aesthetics are and when the limit will come. In any case, every girl should know whether piercing can be done during menstruation and how to protect yourself from the complications of the procedure. After all, even a seemingly harmless puncture of the navel or ears can bring a lot of trouble.

Piercing can be located on the head, neck, torso, genitals. The number and types of jewelry are also determined by the place of the puncture. The most common piercings in Russia are the earlobes, navel, and tongue. Other places for piercing are considered more "exotic". But, despite this, the younger generation is very passionate about it, using tunnels and other "curiosities".

Head and neck

Most often, it is here that various decorations are localized. If eyebrows are pierced, the following options are possible:

  • horizontal piercing - along the eyebrow,
  • vertical - above and below the hair growth, can be performed at an angle or perpendicular to the line of the eye.

Piercing of the upper part of the cheek, eyelid and forehead (in the center, like Indian women) is also often performed.

It is popular to pierce the nose, and in different parts of it. The most common options are:

  • vertical and horizontal Bridge, when the entrance and exit are located on the sides of the bridge of the nose or above and below;
  • the tip of the nose with a pinpoint puncture or horizontal, without affecting the septum;
  • piercing of one or both nostrils separately or simultaneously;
  • piercing of the nasal septum.

You can imitate the dimples on the cheeks by performing a piercing there.

Quite often you have to deal with piercing of the lips and chin. There are the following options:

  • Tunnels in the lip, which can reach large sizes. Interestingly, even with huge "holes", the sensitivity of the lips remains, as before.
  • Piercing of the frenulum of the lip.
  • Monroe piercing. On the site of the famous mole of the actress.
  • Making punctures on the lower lip. They can be horizontal or vertical, dotted, located in different parts.
  • Upper lip piercing.
  • Jewelry in the chin area at its different levels, including near the corners of the lower jaw.

There are also many combinations of punctures under their own names. For example, a shark bite - double punctures of the lower lip on both sides. There is also an angel kiss (double Monroe), a spider bite, a dog bite, a dolphin bite, etc.

There is also a tongue piercing. His body is pierced (in the horizontal and vertical direction), the tip, the bridle. Sometimes you can find a uvula piercing.

The most popular part of the body to wear jewelry is the ear. Its various parts are pierced. The most painless option is the earlobe. Piercing is also carried out in the following departments:

  • auricle curl throughout its length - from the outer to the inner radius, closer to the scalp;
  • median cartilage;
  • tragus and antitragus;
  • multiple tunnels of various sizes.

The neck is also pierced, most often on the side or on the back of the head with an entry-exit hole.


Piercings are also carried out on various parts of the body. One of the varieties is corset piercing, which can be done on the back, arm or other large part. A ribbon is fixed between the punctures and visually a real corset is obtained.

Also, punctures are made on the nipple. It is believed that this can increase a woman's sexuality and sensitivity.

Belly button piercing is also quite popular. It is carried out in its upper fold, heals well and is extremely rarely rejected. But even a navel piercing during menstruation is not worth doing in order to avoid consequences.

intimate piercing

The external genitalia are pierced in both men and women. As for girls, most often piercing is carried out in the area of ​​the clitoris and labia. It is believed that this can increase stimulation during intimate relationships and increase the level of pleasure. Intimate piercing during menstruation should not be carried out, in addition to hygienic inconveniences, these days girls have increased bleeding of all vessels, which can result in additional blood loss.

The clitoris can be pierced directly by itself, but it is necessary to do this only in specialized salons. The fact is that it is extremely rich in blood vessels, and even a small wound can cause severe bleeding.

It is less dangerous to pierce the skin above the clitoris horizontally or vertically. There are also dangerous types of piercings. They go in the direction from the urethra to the clitoris deep enough and can injure the urethra up to the formation of fistulas if the procedure is performed by a non-professional.

A safe labia labia and labia minora piercing, but it can also be accompanied by a lot of bleeding. Sometimes the area of ​​​​the posterior commissure is pierced - from the vagina along the midline to the anus.

Watch the video of the procedure:

Piercing is not a cosmetic procedure, but a surgical one. It must be performed in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Salons, on the other hand, do not always adhere to all norms, as a result, the likelihood of complications after piercing is high. Also in such situations, there is a chance of contracting HIV infection if the instrument used is not properly disinfected. Piercing should not be done during menstruation.

The main complications that may arise when trying to decorate your body:

  • Inflammation up to the formation of an abscess. Depending on the part of the body and the nature of the puncture, it can be a minor inflammation or one that will lead to serious consequences. Small crusts (lymph, blood, elements of pus) almost always appear at the site of the holes, but if the rules for wound care are not followed, the infection may intensify.
  • Allergic reaction to the metal used. This complication is quite common. Itching, redness, peeling, pain appear at the puncture site and nearby. All this will not pass until the decoration is replaced.
  • The formation of keloid scars occurs in people prone to this type of regeneration. This can only be found out if there is some kind of wound on the body: if the scar is large and ugly, the likelihood of such a complication is high.
  • When piercing the upper eyelid, you can injure the mucous membrane of the eye. This may affect the quality of vision.
  • Piercing of intimate places is sometimes accompanied by damage to the urethra up to the formation of fistulas.
  • If a vessel is hit during the procedure, threatening bleeding is possible.

When You Shouldn't Get a Piercing

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do nipple piercing during menstruation, when it is generally better to postpone the procedure until the next time. With regard to menstruation, any intervention should be delayed during these days.

The fact is that the properties of the blood change on critical days, according to laboratory indications, slightly, but in practice the degree of bleeding and complications associated with this really increases. The reactivity of the woman's nervous system also increases, so even minor pain sensations are perceived as serious.

Many girls in the second phase of the cycle have swelling of all tissues, which can affect the puncture itself and the speed of its healing.

Also, piercing should not be done in the following situations:

  • Until reaching adulthood. If there is a desire to pierce something earlier, then it is better to choose a salon and do the procedure with your parents.
  • In the case when some chronic diseases have worsened at the scheduled time, it is also necessary to postpone the piercing for other days.
  • If the temperature has risen at the time of execution.
  • If there is a clarified allergic reaction to metals or painkillers, in particular, the lidocaine group.
  • Under no circumstances should you be pierced while under the influence of alcohol.
  • You should be very careful in the presence of diabetes mellitus, since serious complications of the procedure are possible due to a slowdown in tissue repair.
  • With blood diseases.
  • If there are any skin pathologies in the place where the girl wants to make a puncture.

In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and clarify whether piercing can be done in a particular situation in a given place.

Optimal time for body decoration

If we talk about the optimal time in relation to the menstrual cycle, it is better to do piercing after critical days, approximately 10 - 18 days.

In addition to the general features, if a puncture in an intimate place is performed during or close to menstruation, the discharge will enter and contribute to inflammation, which will lead to poor healing. With general poor health or even minor signs of a cold, it is better to postpone the piercing until complete recovery.

If you can not transfer, how to prepare for a piercing in an intimate place

If it is impossible to transfer the piercing in an intimate place, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  1. Before the procedure, you should carry out all hygiene measures, change linen.
  2. For such cases, it is better to use tampons.
  3. At the time of healing and before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all hair on the pubis, labia, perineum. In addition to interfering with the piercing process, they also increase the risk of infection and slow healing.

It is also necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse the day before and throughout the healing time.

Procedure safety rules

So, in order for the piercing to decorate the body and not bring other troubles, you should follow simple safety rules when carrying out the procedure and choosing a place. They can be represented as follows:

  • It is better to use a proven master and salon. In no case should you try to make punctures yourself. This will greatly increase the likelihood of all possible complications.
  • You should come to the salon in advance and clarify what tools they use. In the case of reusable - how the material is disinfected. They must also have documents authorizing this type of activity.
  • If you have a non-standard type of piercing or if you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor about the safety of this procedure in a particular case.
  • On the eve of the procedure, you do not need to drink drugs that affect blood clotting. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, and others.
  • When undergoing piercing, women should take into account that in the future they may have pregnancy and breastfeeding. Especially when piercing the nipples and intimate piercings. During gestation, the growing uterus stretches the skin of the abdomen so that the punctures in the navel become ugly and deformed. This also needs to be taken into account.

Piercing can be a pleasant aesthetic decoration for every woman. But when choosing a puncture site, many factors should be considered, for example, pregnancy in the future. In order to avoid possible complications as much as possible, it is better to give preference to a familiar or well-known master, as well as a salon where all norms are observed. Many are interested in whether it is possible to do piercing during menstruation. Ideally, it is better to postpone the procedure, especially for punctures in intimate places.

05.04.2016 1 475 0

The word "piercing" comes from the English "piercing", which means "puncture". Body piercing is any procedure that involves piercing the body for decoration. The most popular type of piercing is ear piercing, followed by navel, nose, tongue, and eyebrow piercings. Much less often you can see punctures on other parts of the body: fingers, hands, feet. There is also an intimate piercing (piercings of the nipples and genitals).

Beware of stereotypes!

It's hard to find a procedure surrounded by more stereotypes than piercing. Those looking to get themselves pierced with something other than their ears should brace themselves for scary stories of impending problems, from inflammation to blood poisoning. How justified are these fears?

Of course, the lion's share of "horror stories" are the usual reaction of rejection of everything new and unfamiliar. In the European tradition, unlike the Indian or African, it was not customary to modify one's body, so any punctures, including navel piercing, cause instinctive rejection among "conservatives". But the fears cannot be called unfounded. Getting pierced in an unverified salon, there is a real chance of getting a bunch of problems, from an allergic reaction to the notorious blood poisoning and HIV. In order not to regret your choice, contact only reliable salons, where they monitor the sterility of instruments, the quality of jewelry, and piercers know their business at a professional level.

Belly button piercing.

The navel piercing service is especially in high demand among girls and, to a lesser extent, young people. A shiny metal jewelry on a flat tanned tummy looks beautiful, intriguing and, what to hide, sexy.

When should you refrain from punctures in the navel? Contraindications for navel piercing are:

1. Overweight. A channel does not form in adipose tissue, so soft and plump tummies are best decorated in less traumatic ways.

2. Prone to scarring(It turns out by the presence of scars from old wounds and abrasions). The scar at the puncture site looks ugly and is very difficult to remove.

3. Pregnancy. Firstly, the stomach grows and the canal lengthens (it is solved by replacing the decoration with a silk thread or other device), and secondly, regeneration processes are accelerated in the body, and the canal can become overgrown.

4. Common contraindications for piercing: diseases of the blood, stomach, kidneys, bronchial asthma, diabetes, heart disease, psoriasis, rheumatism, eczema, epilepsy.

Piercing Care

After piercing in the navel, refrain from physical activity, especially on the abdominals, from visiting the bath and sauna, taking a bath, swimming in the pool and swimming in natural reservoirs.

The first days you will need to carry out the following manipulations several times a day:

Treat the puncture site with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or other means recommended by a specialist. Do not use alcohol unless directed by a specialist!

Remove the accumulated pus in the puncture by gently moving the jewelry.

Treat the puncture with a healing ointment.

When taking a shower, protect the puncture with a thick layer of bactericidal ointment and a bandage.

Video navel piercing.

1. How a navel piercing is performed in the salon, video recording.

2. Video answers to frequently asked questions about navel piercing.

3. Video navel piercing - to do or not.

4. Video of how the navel piercing procedure looks like.

There are male and female genital piercings, as well as male and female anal piercings. Women usually perform a puncture of the clitoris or folds under it - this enhances the sensations during stimulation. Clitoris piercing is recommended for women over 35 and for those who want new sensations for themselves and their partner. The puncture and decoration of the labia has a decorative function. Such a piercing heals within a month, at which time it is forbidden to have sex.

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In male intimate piercing, the piercing is done in the foreskin, in the glans penis, in the frenulum or testicles. Healing occurs similarly to female intimate piercing. The purpose of this procedure is to enhance the partner's sexual sensations.

Intimate piercing is safe for women, while for men it can cause physiological dysfunction and scar tissue formation.


Intimate piercing is contraindicated:

  • With blood diseases;
  • With lung, kidney or heart disease;
  • With skin diseases;
  • With diabetes;
  • With reduced immunity;
  • In the presence of allergic reactions to metals.

Prince Albert- a puncture is made at the base of the head through the urethra. A ring with a ball is used as decoration.

Ampallang- the puncture is performed horizontally through the head. In this case, the bar can pass both next to the urethra and through it.

Apadravya- a kind of vertical intimate piercing. The puncture in the head is carried out in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This type of intimate piercing stimulates the sexual sensations of both partners. For the wound to heal, abstaining from sex for several months is required.

Dydoes- a pair of double-sided puncture of the head is inserted into small rods made of surgical steel.

Frenum prolongs erotic pleasure. In this case, the base of the head is pierced and a ring is passed through it, which goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation.

The main types of female intimate piercing

Inner Labia- puncture of the small labia. For piercing, a ring with a ball is used. The puncture heals quickly and does not cause inconvenience. Brings variety to intimate relationships.

Outer Labia- piercing of the labia majora. Piercing can be performed along the entire length, but if it is done close to the perineum, then pain may occur when sitting. As a decoration, a ring with a ball is used.

Hood- a vertical or horizontal puncture of a thin fold of skin under the clitoris is performed. A micro-barrel or a ring with a ball is threaded into it - they stimulate the clitoris during intercourse or while walking.

Clitoris- vertical or horizontal puncture of the clitoris. This procedure is quite risky and difficult to perform. It is performed in the center or base of the clitoris. Decoration - a ring with a ball.

Possible Complications

The intimate piercing area is rich in blood vessels, and a careless puncture can lead to complications:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Puncture breaks.
  • Nerve injury from clitoris puncture.
  • Displacement of piercing jewelry.

  • Difficulty urinating.

Precautionary measures:

  • For 2 weeks, wash the puncture site with a disinfectant solution (2 times a day);
  • Use only degreasing creams for the care of the genitals;
  • Refrain from visiting the pool, sauna and solarium;

Why girls do it Usually, women who are already over thirty-five do it. They are looking for new sensations.

How to make a labia piercing: videos and photos, types

Who should not do labia piercing?

Not all girls can afford such a piercing. The clitoris must be large so that it can hold the jewelry. If a girl has a small clitoris, then piercing can lead to bad consequences.

There are many girls who are not suitable for labia piercings. In order to make sure that this type of piercing will not be harmful to your health, it is enough to go to the doctor for an appointment, which is recommended for everyone!

Types of labia piercing

There is not much lip piercing types which is done on the labia. First of all, this is the execution of a vertical and horizontal puncture. This type of piercing is one of the most popular among women. In this case, only the hood is pierced, and the clitoris remains unaffected.

Types of labia piercing

As for the vertical puncture, in this case, a barbell or a microbanana is used. Such a puncture can be painful. As for healing, the puncture site heals as quickly as when performing a horizontal puncture. It also adds new sensations to intimate life.

How to care for piercings in intimate places?

Remember that in such a zone there is a huge number of blood vessels, so bleeding can occur, and pain can be felt when urinating. If the inflammation persists for more than six days, then you should consult a surgeon. Well, small rules that must be followed in order to avoid bad consequences.

How to care for intimate piercings

First of all, you should never climb into the puncture site with dirty hands. After a puncture of an intimate place, it is not recommended to drink alcohol for about two to three days. Do not smear the puncture site with iodine, alcohol. During the first two weeks, the wound should be washed with a disinfectant about five times a day.

This will help you avoid inflammation. Already after two or three weeks, washing can be slightly reduced. Until your wound heals, you do not need to have sexual intercourse, visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool.

As for the decoration, it can only be changed after your wound has completely healed. The period during which your wound should ignite is from fourteen days to half a year. It all depends on your body, on the material from which the jewelry is made and on how you take care of the puncture site.

Do not harm yourself - get intimate piercing right!

Here are tips that can help you avoid bad consequences. It is best to get pierced after the age of eighteen. Don't do your own piercing at home. Be sure to take care of the puncture site.

Do not harm yourself - get intimate piercing right!

Do not inject during menstruation. As soon as inflammation appears, consult a doctor in order to establish the cause of the inflammation. If the inflammation lasts more than five to ten days, then you should get rid of the jewelry.

Consequences of piercing in intimate places

Intimate piercing is an extremely risky procedure. As a result of piercing, you can get an infection, get hepatitis and diseases that are sexually transmitted. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, the wound will heal for a very long time and bleed. In addition, you need to remember that jewelry can cause an allergic reaction. In general, such a harmless procedure may not slightly affect your health. The consequences may be different. Therefore, weigh everything well before taking such a step.

Clit Piercing Reviews

For a long time I thought about getting a clitoral piercing, but did not dare. And one day this idea nevertheless took over and I grabbed my friend and ran to the salons in search of a master. Finding a salon was not difficult, besides, a friend helped with this issue.

Clit Piercing Reviews

This salon was small but cozy. I went there and immediately posed three questions that bothered me. Does it hurt to get pierced in this place, is this type of piercing suitable for me, and who will do it for me? I really wanted the girl to be the master. I was shy about guys, especially the one you see for the first time in your life. Moreover, in front of him you still need to completely undress.

But I was received so well that after five minutes I boldly discussed what I want, looked and As for the price of the piercing, it was quite acceptable. The guy asked to sit in a chair and undress. He began to examine my clitoris and finger it. For a long time I could not understand what I should have a reaction to his actions.

This guy gave me an injection so that I wouldn't feel pain. And there were two such injections. Then the guy already made a puncture. Such a puncture was very fast and not even painful. The piercing procedure was carried out, he inserted the jewelry and processed everything.

I left the room joyful and then the master said that after half an hour the freezing effect would pass and painful sensations would begin. That's how it all happened. I learned how to properly care for the puncture site from the same master who did my piercing. He explained everything and laid it out on the shelves. Because I followed all the rules, my wound healed quickly as well. In general, I was pleased.
