Why Asians don't age. Secrets of Asian women: how to prolong youthful skin

On the Internet, you can often see various pictures, where, for example, a European woman at 30 is depicted, and next to her is a lady of Asian appearance at 50, looking much younger. Why this is so is no longer a secret.

Now in most perfumery and cosmetics stores you can see a lot of Korean and Japanese brands, and popular Western brands have analogues of products from Asian colleagues. What's happening? It finally dawned on people that these remedies work.
I will tell you about a ten-step care system, which, by the way, minimizes the need for cosmetics. Not all ten steps need to be done every day and, believe me, if you get used to it, you can do it in 15-20 minutes. And it's much easier than drawing arrows.

1) Hydrophilic oil (morning and evening)

Western cosmetologists taught us: everything that contains oil is contraindicated for oily skin. But this is by no means the case. Hydrophilic oil is ideal for oily and sensitive skin and also helps fight acne. Here the rule is quite simple: we all know that water does not take oil well. Remember, after all, a greasy frying pan. It will be quite difficult to wash it with water. But oil loves oil (because almost all dishwashing detergents contain oils, you can check), so an oil-based cleanser will perfectly wash off sebum, makeup, and sunscreen. How to use: Apply the oil on a dry face, massage, rinse with warm water.

2) Cleansing foam or any cleaner on the water (morning and evening)

You are probably familiar with this step. After hydrophilic oil, use foam to permanently get rid of dirt, sweat and other water-based debris.

3) Scrub / exfoliator (2-3 times a week)

Every day, the skin “sheds” billions of cells from itself, which eventually turn into dust. Doesn't sound like much, right? But if this does not happen, the skin will begin to become dry, dull, which can lead to blackheads, pimples and uneven skin color. Scrubbing (or exfoliation) allows the skin to regenerate faster, helping to get rid of dead cells. Moreover, after exfoliation, the rest of the products (creams, tonics, serums, etc.) will be absorbed better, because they will not need to penetrate the layer of dead cells, the products will go directly into the epidermis. Well, and most importantly, scrubbing stimulates the production of collagen, which reduces the risk of wrinkles.

4) Tonic (morning and evening)

It is possible that this tool is on your shelf. But check if there is alcohol/alcohol in there! From it, irritation can begin and even the protective barrier of the skin can be destroyed. Tonic should moisturize and nourish the skin. It serves as a preparation of the skin for subsequent treatments. Imagine a dry shower sponge. If you soak it first, the products will absorb better. The same thing happens here, only instead of a sponge, your skin.

5) Essence (morning and evening)

The Koreans themselves call the essence the heart of the skincare routine. Many Koreans consider this step to be the most important. Despite the light texture, the essences contain a lot of active ingredients that moisturize, remove grayness, even out skin tone, and reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

6) Serums, boosters, ampoules (morning and evening)

This product may be called differently, but in fact its purpose is the same: they have a denser texture than essences, hence a denser concentration of components. Usually they are applied pointwise to problem areas (for example, age spots on the cheeks, wrinkles around the lips).

7) Sheet masks (2-3 times a week)

If essence is the heart of care, sheet masks are the soul. It's not just part of leaving, it's a ritual. In general, it is enough to use the mask 2 times a week, but if your skin is dry, you can use it more often. The beauty of masks is that they are not at all expensive (from 50 rubles) and you can try a lot of different things. Just put the mask on your face and rest for about 20 minutes. The secret of these masks is that the product does not evaporate in this way and the skin absorbs it much more than in the case of ordinary masks (and even creams, serums, etc.).

8) Eye cream (morning and evening)

This hero hardly needs an introduction. There are a lot of eye creams now, and I still advise you to use a separate eye cream, since the skin around them is thinner and more delicate.

9) Moisturizing cream (morning and evening) and Sleeping pack (once a week at night)

Hydration is the key to health. What else is there to say? This step should not be skipped, any skin needs moisturizing. Especially (shock!) oily, because it releases a lot of its own moisture. Sleeping pack or overnight mask is a highly concentrated moisturizer. Apply it on your skin at night for extra hydration. Usually, this is enough once a week.

10) SPF (morning)

Now there are a lot of moisturizing creams with SPF on the cosmetic market, and there are also separate ones, for whom it is convenient. This step is very important, but you will see the results not in a week or a month, but in a few years: you will not have (or will have very few) wrinkles. SPF creams protect against the sun, and the sun is known to promote wrinkles and skin cancer. And no, if we live in Russia, this does not mean that you need to use such creams only in the summer. Of course, in the summer you need a cream with an increased SPF, but use this cream whenever you go outside or even sit by the window. To convince you completely, take a look at this driver from Chicago. He worked as a van driver for 28 years and the left side of his face was always in the sun, and the right side was in the shade of the car. Amazing difference, isn't it?

So, after reading this list, you are probably wondering how much it will all cost. I dare to assure you: Korean cosmetics are not so expensive, besides, since I started following such a care system, I have practically stopped using decorative cosmetics (for example, I almost never use foundation and concealer), because I have a clean and good leather. In general, I strongly recommend at least trying such a care system so that we all do not grow old together. And they haven’t had skin cancer yet (according to statistics, in Korea, skin cancer is not even included in the top 10 oncological diseases, when in Russia it is in first place).

In Korea, youth is a cult. Looking as young as possible is the goal of every Korean woman from 18 to 60 years old (after 60, the so-called period of happiness begins: Korean women retire and devote themselves to their favorite hobby, sports and loved ones, after 60 appearance fades into the background, since the main thing in this age - to get as much pleasure from life as possible - according to local traditions). Youth in Korea is a kind of social elevator, appearance greatly affects career achievements, prospects, and circle of friends. Korean women spare no effort and money to maintain a youthful look, and cosmetics, injections, and plastic surgeries are used - everything to prevent old age from giving a single chance.

French women do not strive to look younger. Almost every self-care girl will have several moisturizers in her arsenal, several masks with different purposes, but in general, French women perceive age signs more calmly. “Don't try to look young, you should strive to look good” is the unspoken motto of French women. French women are very careful about their health, diet, try to lead an active lifestyle, but all this is done not for the sake of an outwardly young look, but to improve the quality of life. But French women take care of their skin all their lives: here, 70-year-old women buy serums and lotions, put on makeup and do not allow themselves to “bloom”.



In Korea, the principle “Better to prevent than to cure later” applies, and this applies primarily to appearance. Korean women cover their faces with special masks so that they do not breathe dust and protect themselves from the sun. In Korea, it is shameful and publicly condemned to be fat, because you destroy your health, your body. In Korea, they drink alcohol very discreetly, watch their diet very much so as not to overeat and not gain weight, and if you admit that you do not go to a fitness club, they will look at you like you are crazy.

French women don't like to go to sports clubs. Morning jog - yes, stretching and some yoga at home - is fun, but torturing yourself at the gym? No, please. French women drink quite a lot of wine, do not deny themselves cheeses and pastries, and in general do not bother with their health. One must live in pleasure, and postponing it for later is a crime against oneself, so they reason. French women love to sunbathe because freckles are so cute, they love their wrinkles because they speak of experience and wisdom, and in general, a French woman is always sure that she is beautiful, no matter how much she weighs and no matter how she looks. .

Self care

What does it mean for a Korean woman to “Dedicate all day to yourself”? Most likely, she will go for a run, then go to the pool, then do some other activity, dine at a vegetarian restaurant, and in the evening arrange dinner for the whole family, cooking their favorite dishes.

“Dedicate a day to yourself” for a French woman means going to a spa, for a massage, to a beauty salon, for a haircut and styling, and in the evening go to dinner at some restaurant with unusual cuisine.

Relation to Botox

Usually, Korean women start thinking about Botox at the age of 25, and at 30, most of them already have experience with these injections. As a rule, when starting, a Korean woman will inject Botox all her life 3 times a year to keep her skin smooth and avoid wrinkles.

Botox is extremely unpopular: French women believe that it erases individuality and turns the face into a mask. Botox is rarely used and usually after 40 years.

New directions in aesthetic cosmetology, features of aging in different countries from the point of view of aesthetic medicine were discussed by the participants of the conference of the 3rd Summit of Russian Experts Merz Aesthetics (MARXS), which was held in Moscow.

The concept of female beauty and attractiveness largely depends on the layering of the cultural characteristics of a particular country, but there are still certain standards, experts noted.

“The presence of facial symmetry, youthfulness, signs of sexual dimorphism are signs of attractiveness that are clear to everyone,” says Jani Van Loghem, an international expert at Merz Aesthetics, director of the clinic (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

Yana Yutskovskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Pacific State Medical University, believes that the attractiveness of a woman depends, first of all, on the quality of her skin. “Smooth skin, no wrinkles, beautiful bright lips are visual signs of a woman's reproductive function. Therefore, it works,” says Yana Yutskovskaya.

However, unfortunately, even the most beautiful face is subject to aging. At the same time, as cosmetologists note, everyone ages differently. There are four morphotypes of facial aging: tired, finely wrinkled, deformed and muscular. In women of the Slavic type, the first three morphotypes are found, while in Asian women the muscular one predominates.

“There are common features of Slavic beauty and Slavic aging. More visible aging in women of the Slavic type is manifested in the lower third of the face. Aging in Asian faces follows the muscular type, it is associated with a difference in the structure of skin tissues and a difference in the density of fatty inclusions. Therefore, the techniques that are used in Europe are fundamentally different from those used in Asia,” said the head. Department of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova Irina Khrustaleva.

Another characteristic feature of the faces of Russian women is often pronounced cheeks, which also affects the characteristics of aging. According to Yana Yutskovskaya, under the influence of ptosis, the cheeks begin to droop, forming the so-called jowls, which appear quite early and are not so easy to correct.

“There are many nuances in the appearance of Russians that are characteristic of our territory. The mixture of blood has led to a special face shape that favorably emphasizes his features. When correcting it, you need to remember that it is characterized not only by high cheekbones, but also by voluminous cheeks. With aging, the volume of the cheeks decreases. Restoring it during cosmetic procedures, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with a Russian face than with a European one,” says Yana Yutskovskaya.

In Germany, in women, the aging process manifests itself a little differently: the process of flattening and ptosis over the entire face is more pronounced, there is less differentiation of the lower third from the upper one, notes the head of the Department of Aesthetic and Laser Dermatology at Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany) Tatyana Pavichic .

In general, according to her, women in Germany are less concerned about their appearance. “Age-related changes in German women appear at an earlier age than in Russian women. They begin to carry out aesthetic procedures much later. In Russia, the emphasis is on shape correction, face beautification,” says Tatyana Pavichic. Yana Yutskovskaya adds that, unlike European women, Russians are not ready to take care of themselves daily in order to delay the visible processes of facial skin aging. However, readiness for recovery procedures in Russia is much higher.

Indeed, Russian women often do not realize that beauty is a daily work and expect an instant transformation, experts say. And they add at the same time that in addition to aesthetic and restorative procedures, traditional cosmetic care is especially important. After all, including, and this is a special culture of attitude towards oneself.

The name "tired face" speaks for itself: the skin is puffy, loose, acquires an earthy tint with age. The main cause of problems is a violation of microcirculation.

What to do? Try all types of lymphatic drainage. The number one remedy is classic manual massage. Many experts believe that nothing better has yet been invented. The experienced hands of the massage therapist will improve the movement of blood and lymph in the tissues, and so gently that you will hardly feel anything.

In second place are hardware methods. Electric lymphatic drainage (microcurrents, myolifting) resembles myostimulation: sensors are attached to the skin, which slightly “shake” the face. The currents affect the tissue at the cellular level, help the outflow of fluid and increase blood circulation. A mild tonic effect on facial muscles enhances the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Ultrasonic procedures superbly activate cellular metabolism, enhance regeneration and remove harmful metabolic products. And since ultrasound is also able to "open" cells, helping the penetration of useful substances into them, it is better to combine it with ultraphonophoresis or special masks.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage operates on the principle of cupping massage: a strong pressure drop is created on the surface of the skin, awakening and forcing the deeper layers to work. However, in the case of the face, you need to be very careful: vacuum nozzles pull the skin, sucking it inward, and noticeable marks can remain on aging skin with its fragile vessels and reduced elasticity.

Compared to manual massage, physiotherapy procedures have more contraindications. They should not be carried out by pregnant women, people with metal implants (for example, a pacemaker), an excitable nervous system.

Type #2. Cobweb on the face

So people grow old with a very tender. By nature, she has a very thin protective shell - a hydrolipidic mantle. With age, it becomes even thinner, the skin rapidly loses moisture; as a result, the face loses its porcelain radiance and becomes covered with a network of wrinkles.

What to do? First of all, such skin must be protected. And do not neglect the simplest means. A cute scarf or wide-brimmed hat will save you from the sun and wind; home flowers, an aquarium or a humidifier will protect against dehydration. Your "sissy" just needs hothouse conditions!

The sooner you start using creams, the better. For teenage girls, a regular, good-quality oily cream is suitable: it will protect the inner layers of the skin, helping to retain moisture.

After 20 years, creams should contain moisturizing elements, preferably in special microcapsules.

A real lifesaver for this type of skin is hyaluronic acid. It perfectly retains moisture and is included in many creams, but it works only on the surface, since its large molecules are not able to overcome the barrier of the epidermis. Therefore, experts advise using hyaluronic acid in injections - as part of mesotherapeutic cocktails and gels. After a few procedures, the skin will again become smooth and elastic.

If you are afraid of injections like fire, you can try tricky moisturizing masks. Hyaluronic acid and other useful components specially processed at the molecular level are sprayed onto the film obtained from the placenta, and under pressure the films penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

Very useful and electrophoresis. It amazingly restores moisture, as the necessary substances are literally driven into the skin to bring in with the help of an electric current.

All types of chemical peels theoretically help fight wrinkles. However, in the case of dry thin skin, you need to be especially careful. Superficial peeling will definitely not cause harm, and median and deep peels are fraught with serious troubles in case of an overdose: new skin will grow unevenly, become spotty, and vessels close to the surface will protrude.

If things have gone very far, and the face resembles a baked apple, you can not do without dermabrasion - skin resurfacing using a special attachment or laser. This procedure is very effective, but also complicated, so choose only a proven specialist.

Type #3. Loss of form

yellow man's burden
Asians age differently than Europeans. The latter muscles do not have so many, at one end they are attached to the bone, and at the other end they are woven into the skin, providing rich facial expressions. In people of the Mongolian type, all the skin is stitched with muscles. Thanks to this, the face does not age for a long time, but then at one moment the muscles weaken and sag greatly, deep folds cut through the face. Therefore, representatives of the Asian type are shown all the procedures for strengthening muscles - first of all, massage and myostimulation.

A characteristic sign of a "deformed face" is a strong sagging. The cheeks droop, the eyelids fall, the oval of the face blurs, it acquires a dull, obnoxious expression ... Usually, heavy full faces with oily and porous skin grow old this way.

What to do? This type of aging also needs massage. It returns the tone to the muscles of the face, the skin is selected and tightened. All types of lifting are shown - myostimulation, ultrasonic exposure, vacuum massage. Another powerful tool is modeling masks. They are great at helping to restore the skin that has crawled down.

The most famous and affordable is a paraffin mask. The cosmetologist will first shape the face with his hands, and then “fix” it with paraffin heated to 55 ° C. When cooled, it shrinks, creating a press effect: blood circulation improves, fluid leaves, puffiness disappears. A course of ten paraffin masks to a certain extent allows you to restore the oval of the face.

It is with this type of face at a certain age that one should think about plastic surgery. Overhanging skin of the upper eyelids and fatty hernias can only be dealt with with the help of blepharoplasty.

Type number 4. All at once

With the combined type, all the symptoms of aging can be seen on the face: swelling, wrinkles, sad folds creep to the corners of the mouth ...

What to do? In addition to all the above procedures, injections can be useful. They will relax the muscles and fix the muscles, as a result, the wrinkles will be somewhat smoothed out.

It is possible to re-round the face and fill wrinkles with artificial fillers. First of all, these include collagen and slowly absorbing forms of hyaluronic acid. The Restylane gel injected under the skin remains for about six months. Over time, it completely dissolves, but before that it creates the desired effect.

Finally, combined preparations appeared, when the same hyaluronic acid was applied to a granule of some polymer. Such funds not only replenish the volume of the skin, but also improve the condition of the tissues. Over time, they are not removed from the body, but fermented. Therefore, it is important to clearly remember what and when you have already been entered.


From the point of view of anatomy, it is very difficult to imagine "skin stitched with muscles." What is it like? Of course, I understand that 1-2 extra muscles on the face is a matter of individuality. And then, as a rule, it is ear or near the mouth ("dimples" when smiling). And sometimes the point is not in their presence, but in their development. But the difference between the face of a European and the face of an Asian in terms of muscle composition and location is, to put it mildly, nonsense.

Comment on the article "Your type of aging"

They write that the deformation type of aging is mainly common in our country, when the face slides down, the cheeks and the second chin appear.

Good evening, my dear fellow soap masters and newbies who recently came to my blog! In cosmetology, there are a few magic words, hearing which absolutely all cosmetologists and cosmetics experts fall into reverent ecstasy. One of these words is collagen, a very important element of our beauty. Collagen is the most important protein in our skin. The main tissue of our body is connective, it occupies half of the body weight and is important for all structures and organs. Connecting...

Here I’ll tell you about miracle jars that help our joints remain flexible and mobile, as well as work prophylactically and rejuvenate with our favorite organ - the hallmark of everyone, the skin! Hyaluronic acid. Only the lazy don't know about it anymore. We need hyaluronic acid to retain water in the dermis and epidermis, thereby maintaining the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, joint mobility. Dehydrated skin ages quickly, becomes inelastic, sags, joints creak (Here...

I have a "European" type of aging, this is when "everything shrinks but nothing sags", but at the slightest weight gain, it immediately "spreads" the face and the second chin be-here) ...

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No aging or no holiday? In general, people either grow old or die young. [blank] 10/09/2013 19:08:06. ?I'm a young woman type?

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The concept of beauty for each woman is different, but the general opinion that it is impossible without grooming is supported by everyone. Ridiculous makeup, mini-skirts and fishnet tights are unlikely to amaze others with beauty. Therefore, it is so important for women to observe the measure in pursuit of it. A beautiful woman first of all glows from the inside, and for this she needs excellent health. It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to identify ailments and overcome them under the supervision of doctors. Remember that many diseases ...

Serum for skin elasticity and anti-wrinkle. Natural seed bal-hyo ampoule (30ml). Price 500 r. Certified for wrinkle care by KFDA. Does not contain artificial colors, parabens and fragrances. The serum contains 80% cochlear secretion filtrate. The high content of snail secretion filtrate and epidermal growth factor helps skin cell regeneration. 30 ml. Collagen serum. 30 ml. Price 600 r. Professional cosmetics for home use. Aqua collagen...

I don’t remember if I wrote that I am allergic to absolutely all creams ... And until my almost advanced years, I didn’t take care of my face with anything other than celestoderm. And then when I contacted Eicherb so successfully, I decided to try to take some kind of cream, in the hope that I would not be allergic to more natural creams. I chose 2 creams one night and the other day. I chose CoQ10 OliveVitale at night, I read that Q10 is good for the skin. The cream is suitable for weakened skin that has lost its elasticity. Saturates...

I seem to have a different type of aging. There are practically no wrinkles, and the oval of the face floats. 07/23/2012 02:07:11 PM, Shura.

What is your energy type? Have you taken your place in this life? Is it difficult for a business woman to be a good housewife, a caring mother and a loving wife? Let's figure it out together...

If you don’t need to raise your eyebrows (there are different types of aging), then you can do your cheeks. start again small - biorevitalization (meza will no longer work ...

It has been proven that the aging process begins at the crown, and the first wrinkles. Cosmetic procedures, such as myostimulation, artificially force the muscles of the face to work.

were made easily, such as “paralysis”: how will I do it (everyday tasks of an average level of difficulty, such as Not to mention the cataclysms that occurred during their years of aging.

My sister is 32 weeks old and the ultrasound doctor gave her early aging of the placenta, tell me what it is? Could it be dangerous for the fetus?

The next ultrasound did not show either oligohydramnios or aging of the placenta (although they tried to put it before, but now it seems to be younger;)) 10.06.2003 11:52:53, Milochka.

But back to the features of aging - how does it differ among representatives of different races? Cosmetologists say that Asian women and women with dark skin are the most lucky. Both those and others have a lot of collagen in the dermis, so firmness and elasticity remain much longer. Asian women have drier skin, so it needs intensive hydration, but mulattos and blacks, on the contrary, are oily and with large pores, prone to inflammation and acne, they need comprehensive care and thorough cleansing.

As for women of the European type, and Russians in particular, they were less fortunate. Generally, the lighter the skin, the thinner it is. Accordingly, the barrier function is rather weak. A smaller amount of collagen leads to the fact that the skin tone decreases quite quickly - both small and deep wrinkles and creases appear. If in women of Slavic and European phenotypes signs of aging are clearly observed after 30-35 years, then in Asian women this bar is pushed back to 40-43 years. In women with dark skin, active aging also usually begins after 40 years.

The intensity of the manifestation of age-related changes also differs: in this regard, women of European appearance are in a more advantageous position - they age gradually. But in women of Asian and Negroid phenotypes, age signs appear sharply, literally in 1-2 years, when the tone of the facial muscles decreases sharply.

"Tired" face

In addition to the features of aging associated with the phenotype, there are several more types of manifestation of age-related changes that are associated with physiological characteristics.

It is believed that this is the initial stage of aging for everyone, over time it will go into a different form. However, for Europeans and Americans, this period usually lasts longer, and it seems that they age more slowly.

Manifestations are associated with a violation of the lymph flow and a decrease in muscle tone. The corners of the mouth begin to drop a little, wrinkles appear, deep mimic wrinkles turn into creases, swelling is noticeable, especially in the afternoon. In general, a face that ages according to this type remains attractive for a long time, retaining its usual features.

The skin needs nutrition and hydration, cosmetic anti-aging procedures, as well as the introduction of fillers, give a good effect.

Who is more likely to:

o Europeans and Americans.

o In thin people.

o People with normal skin.

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"Baked apple" (finely wrinkled type)

Those who age according to this type are also lucky: the skin does not stretch, the muscles remain in normal tone, so the face does not deform or sag. The skin is covered with a network of small wrinkles, but the features remain attractive, and the oval of the face is clear.

The mechanism of occurrence is due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity as a result of insufficient production of sebum. As a result, there is an intense loss of moisture, which leads to the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Effective cosmetic procedures that stimulate the production of collagen, mesotherapy, circular facelift.

Who is more likely to:

o Asians, Europeans and Americans.

o In slender people.

o Those with dry skin.

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Deformation type (ptotic)

Age-related changes are most noticeable in those who age according to the deformation type. And this, unfortunately, is the most common mechanism of aging among Slavic women - it manifests itself in 3/4 of Russian women. With age, the tone of the muscles of the face of the middle part and the lower third decreases, so there is a significant sagging. Deep creases and folds appear, “flew”, the second chin becomes pronounced.

The most effective methods in terms of slowing down aging are the normalization of metabolism, general weight loss and liposuction (reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer), cosmetic surgery - skin reinforcement, all kinds of braces. All actions are aimed at increasing muscle tone, nourishing the skin and improving facial contours.

Who is more likely to:

o Representatives of the Slavic phenotype.

o In people who are overweight, especially in the "apple" type.

o With violations of the lymph flow, the presence of varicose veins and venous congestion.

o People with oily skin.

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Muscular type

According to this type, mainly Asians age, in representatives of the European and Negroid races, such a mechanism for the manifestation of age-related signs is extremely rare. At the same time, the face does not “blur”, the oval remains clear. Muscle hypertonicity is observed, but skin tone decreases, as does its elasticity. As a result, it remains smooth on the cheeks, and wrinkles form in the area of ​​​​the eyes and nasolabial folds - from a fine mesh to deep creases.
