Signs and symptoms of early labor in primigravidas. How to understand that labor is starting

Every expectant mother at the end of her term feels mentally and physically approaching an important, culminating stage that will end her pregnancy. All women are unique, everyone feels the approach of labor in a special way, with different intensity. But I especially want to say about the precursors of childbirth in first-time mothers. The first time is always exciting: first love, first kiss, first exam, first day at work. But what can compare with the importance of waiting for your child, who is inseparable from his mother for all 9 months: he breathes with her, eats thanks to her, rejoices in her joys and grieves with her.

A woman who is expecting the birth of her baby for the first time must carefully study the necessary information and be fully prepared for an important and demanding moment in her life - childbirth. And, having noticed the first harbingers, do not be afraid, but gather courage and rejoice in what is to come, because the closer the cherished date, the sooner the long-awaited meeting.

You need to try to track every sign and be attentive to your body so as not to miss the main thing and not be distracted by trifles.

What to pay attention to

  • Abdominal drooping is the first and important warning sign that can appear 2–4 weeks before birth. Due to the fact that the baby's head approaches the birth canal, the stomach drops lower. It becomes more and more difficult to walk and sit down, but the uterus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm, so it is easier to breathe, because pregnant women so often suffer from shortness of breath.
  • False contractions. The uterus, as if training for the upcoming test, contracts and unclenches, the stomach turns to stone. It can be very painful. During such fights, you should be extremely attentive and look at your watch. If contractions are not regular and eventually subside, your time has not come yet. To alleviate these unpleasant moments, you need to lie on your side and relax as much as possible. You can take a relaxing bath (after studying all the precautions and consulting with your doctor). Doctors often prescribe antispasmodics to women, but you should not take medications without a prescription from your gynecologist.
  • Nagging pain in the lower back. A woman’s spine, bones and ligaments bear double the load, preparing for the upcoming birth. The pelvic bones diverge, thereby making it easier for the child to emerge. A woman can feel such pain 2–4 weeks before delivery.
  • Decreased appetite. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, thereby preventing the woman from overeating. There is usually almost no weight gain in the last weeks, which makes a woman’s life easier in the last, and so difficult, weeks.
  • Frequent urination. This happens for the same reason as described in the previous paragraph. The baby is already big, he is cramped in his mother’s belly, his head, arms and legs put pressure on his mother’s bladder. The result is increased urination, so long trips and events should be carefully considered in terms of the necessary comfort.
  • Removal of the plug. The mucus plug closes the entrance to the cervix, thereby providing protection against infections. Her departure indicates that the “X” moment is already close, you should be prepared for an early birth. This usually happens a few days before birth, however, the plug may come off in parts over the course of two weeks.

Pleasant moments

There is one more point that shows that the harbingers of childbirth in first-time mothers can be quite pleasant - nesting. This is truly the most positive sign that very soon the expectant mother will become completely real. Instincts give many birds and animals the signal to build nests, dig holes and arrange dens for their future offspring. These needs have not spared humanity either. In about a month (it’s different for all women), the expectant mother has an urgent need to prepare the “nest”: buy the baby a dowry, put it in order, stroke it and put tiny clothes on the shelves. Endorphins flood a woman when she arranges a place where the baby will sleep, be it a crib, a cradle or a stylish sling that the mother will use to wrap the baby around her; shopping trips with the future dad to choose a stroller, the best diapers, high-quality cosmetics and the necessary first aid kit.

All these pleasant chores will most likely be the most heartfelt moment of the entire pregnancy, which is not easy for everyone, and even more so the difficult last weeks that women spend in impatience to meet the baby as soon as possible.

A woman can have all of the above precursors, both collectively and individually. However, each of them should be a signal for the expectant mother that it is time to prepare the necessary things and documents for the maternity hospital.

Shortly before the long-awaited first meeting with her baby, the expectant mother begins to experience some sensations and signs indicating that labor is approaching. They are called harbingers. It is especially important to know about them for those women who are pregnant for the first time in order to prepare for the upcoming event correctly.

What are the harbingers of labor?

This is the name given to a number of sensations and symptoms that the firstborn experiences at different periods. Based on one or another precursor, a woman can approximately determine how soon labor will begin and decide whether to go to the hospital. It is worth noting that there are a large number of signs, but this does not mean that any first-time mother will necessarily experience all of them. Each week of gestation has its own precursors to childbirth.

How to understand that a first-time mother is going into labor

This is the name given to the feeling of pain that accompanies the process of dilation of the cervix. Many first-time mothers mistake training contractions for real ones and go to the hospital. You can tell them apart if you learn to listen well to your body. Before that, in first-time mothers, their mucus plug comes off, but if this happens, for example, simultaneously with urination, it may remain unnoticeable. Then a nagging and aching pain appears.

Labor pains are recognized not only by the occurrence of pain, but also by the feeling of compression of the uterus, “petrification”. The pain resembles that which a woman experiences during menstruation, it begins in the lower back, spreads to the sides, and then to the stomach. Gradually it intensifies significantly and is difficult to tolerate. The following signs of the onset of labor in first-time mothers are identified:

  • labor contractions do not end, which is completely uncharacteristic for training contractions;
  • the period of time between them is constantly shortening;
  • The pain with each contraction intensifies and its duration increases.

Characteristic signs of labor during the first pregnancy week by week

Their list is very large. For some women, it is not enough to know about the warning signs of labor in first-time mothers, so they look for other signs and become overly superstitious and wary. In fact, you need to understand what symptoms may appear in the last weeks of pregnancy and be prepared for this. As a rule, their number increases gradually if labor does not occur. Some primiparous women have no precursors at all, especially multiparous women, while others have one or more. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body:

  • age of the first-time mother;
  • a list of chronic and previously suffered diseases;
  • body structure;
  • condition of internal organs, reproductive system.

Precursors of labor at 37 weeks of pregnancy


  1. This is the week when the belly drops before childbirth in first-time mothers and its shape changes. This is very clearly visible in the photo. The uterus moves into the pelvic area. At the same time, the woman can breathe much easier, and her heartburn finally disappears. Previously, they even tried to determine who would be born: a boy or a girl, by the shape of the belly.
  2. Pressure on the intestines and bladder increases, so a pregnant woman goes to the toilet more often.
  3. The body weight of a primigravida decreases. Weight does not increase anymore because a lot of fluid leaves the body.
  4. The pelvic bones expand, which is accompanied by discomfort and sometimes severe pain.
  5. The center of gravity is shifted, so the gait changes. People around her note that the woman began to look different.

38 weeks pregnant

At this time, the following precursors of labor may appear in first-time mothers:

  • slight increase in the volume of discharge;
  • periodically the stomach aches and pulls;
  • the mammary glands become even larger, colostrum may be released;
  • movements are felt less and less often;
  • during this week, a mucus plug may already be released, which indicates the onset of labor in the coming days (this is normal, the fetus is already fully term).

39 weeks pregnant

Characteristic precursors of labor in primiparous women:

  1. A woman's mood changes frequently and greatly. She feels the nesting instinct. Pregnant women, for example, carefully clean the house and prepare children's things. This change indicates that the first signs of labor in first-time mothers will appear very soon.
  2. Training prenatal contractions begin. As a rule, this happens at 39 weeks, but sometimes the warning signs of labor appear earlier. Contractions are irregular. Taking a bath with warm water helps relieve pain. Some, on the advice of a doctor, take No-shpa.
  3. Vaginal discharge is abundant, it can be either transparent or beige, milky, light brown, sometimes with bloody streaks.
  4. Constipation stops.
  5. At this stage, the mucous plug often comes off, which indicates the birth of the baby within two to seven days.
  6. The weight of the first-time mother becomes less than one and a half kilograms.

40 weeks pregnant

If a woman has reached this period, then she will feel the following harbingers of imminent labor in first-time mothers:

  1. My appetite suddenly disappears and I almost don’t feel like eating. By this time, the weight decreases by another one or two kilograms.
  2. The cervix becomes soft and short, however, this symptom is noticeable only to the doctor, the woman will not be able to feel it. Upon examination, a specialist can determine that the fetal head has entered the pelvis.
  3. The child is already very large. The uterus is cramped for him, so he moves much less. Only occasional jolts and kicks will be felt. Immediately before birth, the baby may become, on the contrary, overly active.
  4. There may be leakage of amniotic fluid, which should be reported to the doctor.
  5. The woman has loose stools (diarrhea), and sometimes has bouts of vomiting. This is how the body reacts to the upcoming stress and tries to “bring out” everything unnecessary in order to more easily bear the load. Often these symptoms are a sign that labor will begin within a couple of days.
  6. The mucus plug should come off completely or in parts. After this, it is not recommended to take a bath or swim in open places to avoid contracting an infection.
  7. The last symptoms before childbirth are contractions, regular and painful. Gradually they intensify, and the gap between them decreases. Then the amniotic fluid leaves, which indicates the beginning of labor. If this does not happen, the doctor can puncture the amniotic sac, this is quite acceptable.

What to do if there are signs of impending labor

Many people want to end up in the hospital faster, but this is unnecessary worry. The appearance and intensification of the precursors of labor indicate that they will occur no later than in a week or two. From now on, you need to behave more correctly: get plenty of rest, don’t lift heavy things, spend time in the fresh air. Moderate physical activity and walking will be beneficial. When real contractions begin and their frequency decreases, you should go to the maternity hospital. If your water breaks, it is advisable to get to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible.

There is always a danger of premature birth, so you should immediately consult a doctor, regardless of your stage of pregnancy, if you notice that:

  • vaginal bleeding began;
  • the color of the waste water is not transparent or pinkish, but yellow, green or any other uncharacteristic;
  • the child has completely stopped moving in the stomach and does not respond to your touch;
  • attempts began;
  • vomiting lasts more than several hours;
  • unusually severe or acute pain appeared in the abdomen, back, or other parts of the body.

Video: how labor begins in first-time mothers

This question probably worries any pregnant woman, and the closer hour X is, the greater this anxiety. Pregnant women spend the last weeks of pregnancy listening to their feelings and catching any symptoms.

For many, curiosity about how labor begins begins almost with the first positive pregnancy test, and does not let go until the birth of the child.

Let's figure out what the harbingers of labor are, false contractions, and when we can say that this is the beginning of labor.

Harbingers of childbirth

Already from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, women begin to notice that the uterus periodically becomes toned. This is a painless feeling of tension in the uterus, and when palpated, you may notice that the abdomen hardens and tenses. It's not even contractions yet...

Signs of impending labor usually appear about a month to 2 weeks before the event itself, and can cause a lot of anxiety. In primiparous women, they usually appear earlier than during repeated births, but they are less pronounced; in multiparous women, they can appear only a few days, almost immediately before childbirth.

Precursors of childbirth are a set of symptoms that represent a kind of replay of events and the establishment of the necessary connections in the body of the expectant mother, which will ensure the normal course of childbirth.

In many ways, the woman’s nervous system is responsible for the development of childbirth, and in order for everything to end happily, it is necessary that the appropriate nervous connections be established, the so-called dominant of childbirth must be formed. It is clear that if a woman has already given birth, this happens faster, according to a previously worked out scenario, and the shorter the interval between births, the easier this happens. This is why repeated births are shorter, and the warning about childbirth also takes less time and is more clearly expressed.

When do the warning signs of labor begin? They usually occur at 37-38-39-40 weeks of pregnancy.

How long do the warning signs of labor last? Usually they continue until the onset of labor, and this can happen after a month, or after 2 weeks, or after a couple of days.

So, what indicates that labor is about to begin? What are the warning signs of childbirth?

Weight loss before childbirth

Women can lose up to 2 kg of weight 1-2 weeks before giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, the amount of progesterone in the blood decreases and the amount of estrogen increases. Progesterone promotes fluid retention in the body, and when its level drops, the fluid is excreted and the woman loses weight. These are the earliest signs of labor.

Descent of the abdomen

Sagging of the abdomen during pregnancy is a symptom that is not always noticed. In recent weeks, the baby takes up so much space in the uterus that his butt can literally rest against the ribs, preventing the mother from breathing, bending over, and even causing pain. But a few days before birth, its head is pressed against the pelvic bones, which causes the abdomen to lower before childbirth. These signs of childbirth are especially noticeable in first-time mothers; during the second and third births, the child may drop just before the event itself.

Signs of a lowering of the abdomen are easier breathing, a feeling that it has become lower and interferes less, and at the same time it can cause a certain discomfort of a different kind. The head puts pressure on the bladder, and you constantly run to the toilet, at the same time, it can be difficult to go big, and constipation can bother you.

If you notice these symptoms, this does not mean that labor will begin tomorrow; drooping of the abdomen can occur even a month before the event itself; these are the first signals about the approach of a significant date, one of those that appear the earliest.

Mood changes

Most women are characterized by apathy, feelings of fatigue, and a desire to sleep before giving birth. Some ladies, on the contrary, are too active and iron their diapers for the tenth time and sort through the contents of the maternity hospital bag (nesting syndrome).

Both options are normal, it is better to obey your desires. If you want to sleep, sleep, gain strength, you will need it very soon.

Discharge, removal of plug before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervical canal is closed by a mucus plug; this is thick mucus that closes the cervix in a lump and prevents infections from penetrating to the fetus.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth begins in advance. First, it shortens and smoothes out, gradually its canal opens slightly, this is called cervical ripening. By the time of birth, it will become completely soft and smoothed; this preparatory opening of the cervix during pregnancy is ensured precisely by training contractions, and only a mature cervix will allow labor to develop normally.

It must be said that in repeatedly pregnant women, the opening occurs literally before the birth itself or even with its onset. In primigravidas, the opening of the cervix by 2 fingers may already be at the time of admission to the maternity hospital, in advance, even before the start of active labor, for them this process is extended over time and begins in advance.

Signs of opening of the cervix are discharge from the genital tract. The discharge is caused by the release of the mucus plug. Even if the mucus plug has moved away, it is impossible to predict when labor will begin. The plug before childbirth is a lump of mucus, up to one and a half to two centimeters in diameter, it can be of different colors, transparent, yellowish, brown, and even streaked with scarlet blood. These are all normal options.

The plug comes off in different ways, for some it takes several days, and then there is a mucous-bloody discharge, for others it comes off all at once. Most often, labor begins within the next week after the appearance of this discharge.

Appetite disturbance

More often, appetite is disrupted 1-2 days before birth, you don’t want to eat anything. This is normal and you don’t have to force yourself.

Decrease in child's motor activity

Before birth, the baby moves less and less in two to three weeks. Sometimes there is no movement for 6-7 hours in a row, which makes the mother worry whether everything is okay with the child. The lack of movement is due to the fact that the child simply has nowhere to turn around; the uterus becomes very cramped.

An excessively restless child before birth is a reason to consult a gynecologist; intrauterine fetal hypoxia is possible.

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Nausea is not the most pleasant harbinger of childbirth, and fortunately it comes literally just before childbirth and not for everyone. But some women experience not only nausea, but also vomiting.

Diarrhea is somewhat more common and can occur a couple of days before birth.

All these not the most pleasant symptoms are a kind of liberation for the baby; the intestines should be empty before birth so as not to interfere with the child’s passage through the birth canal, and nature took care of this.

Pain in the perineum, pain in the sacrum and pubis

The lowering of the child's head and the separation of the pelvic bones cause pain in this area.

False contractions

Pre-labor contractions, or false contractions, are contractions of the uterus that closely resemble real contractions. Quite often, during the first birth, they mislead the pregnant woman and force her to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Even before labor begins, false contractions can deplete the nervous system if taken seriously. Yes, this is a signal that labor is imminent, but the birth is not yet, perhaps another two weeks will pass before you give birth.

What are they, training contractions before childbirth?

These are contractions of the uterus, somewhat painful, the pain resembles that which sometimes bothers you during menstruation, this is not the feeling of pulling in the stomach that happened before, but real pain, coming in attacks, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, growing in waves and letting go.

But it is not so strong and long-lasting that you experience real discomfort; you can easily continue to do your business, despite its presence.

If this is just a warning about imminent labor, contractions are inconsistent and not regular. They can bother you at various intervals (5-15 minutes) for several hours and stop completely, as if nothing had happened.

To understand whether these are contractions or not, you just need to note the time between them. If they do not increase in duration and the intervals remain chaotic and long, this is not childbirth.

If this is your first pregnancy and you don’t have to travel more than an hour to the maternity hospital, you shouldn’t go there immediately. Childbirth for the first time lasts long enough, and even if you make a mistake, disaster will not happen. Try taking a warm bath, taking a nosh-pa tablet and going to bed. Most likely, you will fall asleep peacefully.

Sometimes false contractions turn into real labor. The intervals shorten, the contractions intensify and lengthen, and then it’s definitely time to go to the maternity hospital.

What are the warning signs of childbirth that indicate danger and require immediate attention to the maternity hospital?

- The warning signs of premature birth are similar to those described above. The development of such symptoms before 35 weeks is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist. Premature opening of the cervix and labor can develop in the middle of pregnancy if it fails due to injuries during abortion, surgery and previous births.

The appearance of pure scarlet blood from the genital tract at any stage is a threat to the child’s life.

The appearance of leakage of amniotic fluid. This is a feeling of dampness, watery discharge, intensifying with movement. If you notice this, you should consult a doctor immediately, there is a risk of infection of the uterine cavity and fetus. Wearing a white fabric pad helps to distinguish the leakage of water; it is easy to assess the nature of the discharge; the amniotic fluid does not smell, it is usually transparent. They may be brown (a very bad symptom) or green from meconium (also very bad).

Signs of the onset of labor

How does labor itself begin? Then you will smile, remembering how you were afraid to miss this moment, but not now, now this is probably one of the main fears, and it seems that you can miss childbirth. Don't worry, childbirth is something you definitely won't be able to sleep through.

What determines the onset of labor?

Of course, it depends on whether you and the child are ready for them. The ripening of the cervix, the formation of the necessary nerve connections and hormonal levels lead to the appearance of symptoms of the beginning of labor.

The first signs of labor may appear between 37 and 42 weeks; if labor does not begin on time, doctors try to speed up the onset of labor.

Usually the second birth begins earlier. If labor does not begin, measures are taken to prepare the cervix. Very often, sex brings great benefits; there are more than enough cases when labor began after sex.

What time does labor begin?

Oddly enough, most babies choose to be born at night. This is due to daily fluctuations of hormones in a woman’s blood; their optimal level usually occurs in the pre-dawn hours, which is why labor begins at night.

Are there differences in how labor progresses during different births? Yes, I have. And this depends on many factors, for example, how much time has passed between births, at what time they began.

How does premature labor begin? Usually, if the first symptoms of preterm labor begin are contractions, and if the woman goes to the maternity hospital on time, this is regarded as a threat of premature labor and in most cases it is possible to stop labor if the dilatation of the cervix has not gone too far.

It is much sadder if premature birth begins with the rupture of amniotic fluid. With severe prematurity, pregnancy can be prolonged for several days or even weeks, but in most cases the child is born.

How and when does the first labor begin?

The first birth often begins at 40 weeks or more, and is preceded by a fairly long warning period. Most often, the precursors smoothly transition into labor, having previously managed to spoil the nerves of the expectant mother and forced her to consult gynecologists more than once with suspicion of the onset of labor.

How do the second and third births begin?

Usually at an earlier stage than the first, 38-40 weeks, and develop more rapidly. The period of harbingers is either very short, a few days, or completely absent.

How to recognize the onset of labor is usually not even a question for the expectant mother; she remembers how it happens. Contractions are not the only possible way for labor to begin. The onset of labor can vary...

Transition of the harbingers of labor into labor. The frequency of contractions before childbirth increases, their strength increases, the intervals shorten and become rhythmic.

Independent occurrence of labor. Contractions begin regularly from the very beginning and gradually intensify.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid. It must be said that the onset of labor is usually easily recognized by a woman, and at the same time there is always a great emotional upsurge, composure and readiness to fight arises, you will experience joy and relief at the same time. And of course, there will be a feeling of anxiety and fear, how else? Even the beginning of the second birth is a step into the unknown.

Let's look at all the signs of the onset of labor.

Transition of labor harbingers, false contractions, into real contractions

You may have been experiencing false contractions for a week or two, but they never became regular and went away completely. But this time everything will be different. The first signs of the onset of labor are a reduction in the intervals between contractions and their intensification, they become longer. If during false contractions you could go to bed and fall asleep peacefully, you could distract yourself from them with activities - if this is the beginning of labor - the contractions will take all your attention.

If this is the beginning of labor, how do contractions progress? If during training contractions they can hardly be called painful, how to understand that labor has begun is not difficult: the pain becomes severe. This pain is no longer similar to menstrual pain. This is pressure in the lower back, spreading to the lower abdomen, with a dull aching sensation that intensifies and then releases. There is no pain in between. At first, such contractions are short, 10-15 seconds, but as labor progresses they become more frequent and longer.

When the intervals between them do not exceed 10 minutes, and they themselves last 40-50 seconds, this is already active labor, you definitely need to see a doctor urgently.

Although the first birth usually lasts at least 12 hours, you will agree that it is better to arrive early than late; it’s time to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Independent occurrence of labor

Most often, with repeated births, the period of precursors of labor is very short, and labor can begin literally immediately. The body is already ready, the reasons for the onset of labor are the formed generic dominant in the woman’s brain, and with repeated births, the memory of it is still alive after the first birth, when there is a script, the performance develops quickly.

And the problem of how to determine the onset of labor during repeated births is no longer necessary, the woman is familiar with all the sensations, she remembers the symptoms perfectly.

The contractions at first are not strong, but they increase very quickly, it is impossible to miss the onset of labor, and you need to go to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible, such births are often very fast. If labor begins suddenly, if labor begins at home, this is a reason to quit everything, you will have time to do everything later. Take your documents with you, a bottle of water (plain, without gas), and urgently go to the maternity hospital, without waiting for your husband to get home from work, etc.

You won’t need things at first; you can bring them tomorrow.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

If the water begins to leak or pour out before the contractions begin, such an outpouring is called premature. Even if you have a full-term pregnancy, the beginning of labor with the rupture of amniotic fluid is not very good, especially if it is the first birth. A period without water of more than 6 hours is called a long anhydrous period, in such a situation the child is at risk of intrauterine infection. Thus, even leakage of amniotic fluid is a reason to urgently go to the maternity hospital, even if the water has poured out and there are no contractions.

At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head descends into the pelvis and puts pressure on the bladder, which is why many women have problems with urination. Not only do you want to run to the toilet often, but you may also experience urinary incontinence. In such a situation, how can you understand whether labor is beginning and water is leaking or just incontinence?

It's very simple, you just need to wear a panty liner. It should be either a simple white cloth or a pad with a non-mesh surface, then you can easily assess the nature of the discharge. Amniotic fluid is very easy to distinguish from urine.

How do the waters break? There may be two options.

They may come off at once, 150-200 ml of liquid will pour out onto your legs. Your task is to assess their character in order to tell the doctor about it. Normally, amniotic fluid is light and odorless. If you have green amniotic fluid, an unpleasant odor from it, or a brown color, you must tell your doctor about this; you can be sure that you will be asked about it. The discharge of amniotic fluid may be accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

How do you know when labor has begun if your water is just leaking and there are no contractions? Is it water or just discharge? Tighten your stomach, strain slightly. If at the same time you feel increased discharge, do not hesitate, this is amniotic fluid, and you need to go to the maternity hospital.

When the pregnancy is already long, has exceeded 40 weeks, and there are not even harbingers of labor, impatience, fatigue and irritability appear. I really want labor to begin faster, and women begin to use various methods to speed it up, for example, they start rearranging the furniture at home, develop intense physical activity, and have an active sex life. This all helps to bring the onset of labor closer, but at the same time it is tiring; the best thing you can do before giving birth is to sleep more. There is no need to stimulate the onset of labor, the time will come and it will begin, no one is still pregnant.

If you are concerned about why labor is not starting, ask your gynecologist about it. An error in timing, for example, is quite likely, especially if the first ultrasound was only in the second trimester.

If accelerating the approach of labor is necessary from a medical point of view, doctors will do this using medical methods, and your task is to know the signs of the onset of labor and promptly determine that it has begun, and get to the maternity hospital on time.

The first pregnancy is a very exciting time for a woman, because she does not know how she will feel before giving birth, how it will go, how much pain she will have. Therefore, almost every expectant mother awaiting the birth of her first child listens to her body in order to understand when the “X-day” will come. Sometimes excessive vigilance forces pregnant women to urgently go to the maternity ward ahead of schedule.

In order to be in the maternity hospital at the right time and not resort to stimulation, you need to catch the moment of the establishment of labor. To do this, the expectant mother needs to know about the symptoms that appear in the last weeks of pregnancy, indicating the imminent appearance of the child. This complex of phenomena is called “harbingers of childbirth.”

Signs of approaching labor

The symptoms that appear in pregnant women before childbirth are usually natural and follow a certain sequence:

3-4 weeks before birth

The first signs of labor in first-time mothers are the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain radiates to the lower back, leg, and there is a feeling of fullness in the pubic area. Pregnant women also notice a prolapse of the abdomen, it becomes a little smaller, but sometimes in first-time mothers this symptom appears much later - a week before the birth of the child.

Uterine signs of labor in first-time mothers are false contractions. They differ from the real ones in their unsystematic nature; the severity of the pain syndrome varies from almost imperceptible to extremely intense. Some expectant mothers notice tension in the uterus, when it becomes dense and hard, this feeling lasts up to several hours.

1-2 weeks before birth

Signs of labor in first-time mothers that appear at this stage are decreased appetite and loss of 1-2 kg of weight. These symptoms are associated with the removal of fluid from the body. Some pregnant women do not notice weight loss, but their weight stops increasing a few days before giving birth.

1-3 days before birth

Signs of approaching labor in first-time mothers are the appearance of a mucus plug and changes in the digestive and urinary systems of the body. The mucus plug is a jelly-like substance with dark red streaks, often coming out quickly and with a loud sound, sometimes flowing out in small portions over several days. Usually it goes away 1-3 days before birth, but the timing of its appearance is extremely subjective and varies from 1 hour to 10 days before the birth of the unborn child.

Some expectant mothers may experience diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Some pregnant women, on the other hand, experience constipation before giving birth. The nature of urination also changes; it may become more frequent or less frequent.

A few hours before giving birth

Signs of beginning labor in first-time mothers require special attention; they are the signal for hospitalization in the maternity ward. The main indicator of the onset of labor is contractions. During the upcoming birth, they are systematic, accompanied by dilatation of the cervix and do not go away with relaxing procedures. As the moment of the birth of the unborn child approaches, the pain syndrome intensifies. Sometimes women in labor experience rupture of amniotic fluid - the discharge of a large amount of clear fluid.

With the following sensations before childbirth in first-time mothers: systematic contractions, increased pain, rupture of amniotic fluid, hospitalization in the maternity ward is required, as they are a signal of the birth of a child in the coming hours.

However, you should not panic ahead of time, since it is much easier to endure contractions at home. It is better to go to the maternity hospital when contractions begin to appear every five minutes and their duration reaches 45 seconds. If a woman in labor is afraid of the upcoming birth, earlier hospitalization is indicated.

Signs of premature birth

Premature births are those that occur between 28 and 37 weeks. The signal to start is:
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • cramping pain for more than 30 seconds;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • absence of movements of the unborn child.
The appearance of these symptoms requires immediate contact with a doctor, who will either take action to maintain the pregnancy or carry out a premature birth.

Preparing for the birth process

Every expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition, as various symptoms can serve as precursors to labor. The main signal of the upcoming birth of a child is the beginning of contractions. It is necessary to distinguish true contractions from false ones. The first are systematic, accompanied by dilation of the cervix and are not relieved by relaxing procedures.

When a pregnant woman begins to experience contractions, to speed up the onset of labor, she should actively move to open the cervix of the uterus. In the future, to relieve pain, it is useful for the woman in labor to make rocking movements with the pelvis and massage the sacrum. Toward the end of contractions, it is important for a woman to control the correct breathing rhythm.

When contractions occur at 5/45 (duration 45 seconds, interval 5 minutes), you should go to the maternity ward. If the pain is very intense or there is rupture of amniotic fluid, immediate hospitalization of the woman in labor is required. The most important rule for expectant mothers is not to panic and follow all the doctor’s instructions, which is a condition for a successful birth.

While expecting her first child, a woman may experience various symptoms - warning signs of labor. These signs are subjective and can occur at different times. Precursors of childbirth are the response of the mother’s body to changes associated with the future appearance of the child; they are not a pathology. The main reason for hospitalization in the maternity ward is the appearance of systematic contractions. If the expectant mother experiences unusual symptoms before 37 weeks of pregnancy, she should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of premature labor.

While expecting the birth of a child, a pregnant woman worries about when labor will begin and how it will go. This concern is natural and justified, since moral and physical readiness for labor significantly facilitates it. For those giving birth for the first time, it is especially important to know what the precursors of labor are for first-time mothers. It should be understood that bearing the first, second and subsequent children is different.

Signs that “didn’t work” during the first birth may be relevant for the second or third.

The timing of gestation varies from person to person; the norm is 38…42 weeks of gestation. If a baby is born at 36...37 weeks, he will not be considered premature. Perhaps the date of conception was determined incorrectly or the child’s intrauterine development had already completed by this time. Inducing labor before the end of 42 weeks is considered inappropriate; this is done for medical reasons: late toxicosis, fear for the health of the mother and child.

Between 37 and 40 weeks, women begin to experience signs indicating that labor is approaching. They are called “harbingers of labor”; primiparous women usually already have them at 38 weeks. Precursors are conventionally divided into physiological and psychological-emotional. The former relate to changes in the body of the expectant mother, the latter are associated with hormonal changes and affect the woman’s activity and her reaction to the world around her.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes changes. They prepare the body for the difficult process of childbirth. First of all this:

  • Changes in hormone levels in the blood. Relaxin prepares muscles and ligaments for strong stretching, prolactin increases the pain threshold (reduces sensitivity to pain), and prepares a woman for milk production. Oxytocin promotes uterine contractions. It accumulates in the body in the later stages of pregnancy. The release of oxytocin into the blood is a signal for the onset of labor, so a sharp increase in it is considered a harbinger of labor in first-time mothers at 38–39 weeks of gestation. The production of progesterone decreases and estrogen increases;
  • Due to hormonal changes and muscle relaxation uterus descends . In the correct position, the baby is head down, with the head located in the pregnant woman’s pelvis;
  • Releases of small doses of oxytocin into the blood stimulate " training contractions“, that is, test contractions of the uterus, preparing it for full-fledged work.

Other precursors of labor in first-time mothers (36 weeks of pregnancy and later) are also associated with hormonal activity. This includes the release of a mucus plug from a relaxed cervix, an increased urge to urinate and defecate, and changes in a woman’s weight.

Psychologists studying the behavior of pregnant women note changes in the emotional background and mental (physical) activity. This is due to hormonal changes. The body thus “programs” the expectant mother to behave “correctly.” Oxytocin forms attachment to the unborn child, reduces anxiety and calms the pregnant woman.

Instincts and the influence of upbringing (society) form other psychological precursors of childbirth in first-time mothers (37 weeks and later):

  • "Nesting" . This is a woman’s instinctive desire to furnish her home and prepare a home for the baby. Among other things, “nesting” is understood as a pregnant woman’s desire for privacy or being with loved ones, refusal to meet with strangers and go out to public places;
  • Increased or decreased activity. Depends on the character and well-being of the expectant mother, her habits and lifestyle;
  • Changing food preferences and daily routine . Lack of appetite or constant hunger, drowsiness or insomnia indicate imminent changes in life. The stronger the changes appear, the sooner you can expect the birth of a child.

Unlike physiological ones, psychological precursors of labor in first-time mothers do not necessarily occur at 39 weeks.

Physical sensations

Another group of precursors of labor in first-time mothers (38 weeks of pregnancy), associated with physiological changes. Women note:

  • ease of breathing - associated with prolapse of the uterus before childbirth, decreased pressure on the lungs, stomach and other organs;
  • a change in gait is the same reason; due to a change in the center of gravity, the manner of movement changes;
  • nagging pain in the lower back and uterine area - the cause is considered to be stretching of muscles and ligaments, displacement of the usual center of gravity, redistribution of the load to other parts of the spine;
  • mucous discharge from the genital tract. These include increased vaginal secretions (colorless or white viscous fluid) and a “mucus plug.” The plug acts as a protection for the cervix, protecting it from infection. It looks like a dense lump, may be colorless or stained with bloody streaks;
  • changes in fetal activity. 5...12 days before birth, the baby “calms down” and immediately before the onset of contractions begins to actively move (not always).


To summarize, the harbingers of labor in first-time mothers (39 weeks of pregnancy, 40...42):

  • prolapse of the abdomen, possible protrusion of the navel;
  • decreased activity of the baby;
  • “training” contractions;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • discharge of the mucus plug;
  • decreased or increased appetite, drowsiness;
  • weight loss (1...3 kg) due to loss of excess fluid;
  • changes in emotional background.

Important: in multiparous women, the precursors of labor are less pronounced and begin later; between the appearance of the first signs and childbirth, 2–3 times less time passes.

It is not necessary for a pregnant woman to have all the signs of impending labor; 2…4 standard symptoms are present.

Paying attention to your body and receiving timely information is the key to a successful birth process and maintaining the health of mother and child.
