Simple and effective ways to smooth the fur on a mink (or any other) coat at home. Ways to fluff and refresh fur

The fur coat, although it has a high price, does not differ in reliability. Damage to mink fur is easy. It is enough to fold the fur coat incorrectly or leave it for a long time without a protective cover. Wrinkled fur will remain wrinkled. To return outerwear made of mink, muton or astrakhan to its former shape and attractiveness, you will have to try.

What do you need to straighten a fur coat?

  • Fur brush. This is a special type of brushes, as in the photo, which are designed to service fur products. You can find them in the appropriate stores, and the easiest way is on the Internet sites.
  • Colorless sponge. A sponge is required for surface smoothing, which is clearly shown in the video. The main thing is that the sponge be soft: a hard one will damage the fur coat, tear the fur fabric.
  • Water. It is better to fill water in a standard sprayer. Moisture is needed a little, but it is necessary for proper straightening.

The order of work will depend on the degree of complexity of the problem.

If the fur coat is completely wrinkled

This usually happens when clothes are stored in a box or simply folded. For straightening, you need to turn on hot water in the bathroom, wait for steam to appear. Next, hang a fur coat from a muton on a coat hanger over the steam for a couple of minutes. When the fur gets wet, you need to smooth it with a sponge and hang it out to dry on the balcony.

If the fur coat is wrinkled only in some places

Most often we are talking about a collar or back. For such purposes, a special brush is already used. It is necessary to slightly wet the fur and smooth it with a brush in the direction of pile growth. In this case, the smoothing will be uniform, and the fur will not receive any damage.

If the fur gets wet in the rain

After rain or snow, outerwear can get a lot of defects. In order to eliminate them, it is necessary to shake the fur coat immediately upon arrival home and hang it on a coat hanger. Wipe rumpled areas with a slightly damp cloth several times.

What if a mink coat or other elite fur is wrinkled?

It is difficult to keep clothes made from natural materials in good condition, especially in the conditions of the changeable Russian climate. It is necessary to follow the storage conditions and recommendations from the manufacturer, but if problems cannot be avoided, the following tips should be followed:

  1. In addition to the sponge and water, find a rare comb. This will help to “unstick” the villi, give the astrakhan fur coat a beautiful and fluffy look, and also avoid unpleasant torn defects during smoothing.
  2. Hang a fur coat from a muton on a coat hanger, but shake well beforehand. It is necessary to get rid of excess drops of water.
  3. Wet the sponge and comb the fur. The sponge should be only wet, but not damp, otherwise it will be problematic to achieve the desired effect. With a rare comb, you need to smooth the fur in the direction of pile growth, which will quickly return the aesthetic appearance of the material.

How and with what to dry?

Many try to dry clothes from astrakhan with a hair dryer. Doing so is strictly prohibited. Firstly, due to intense exposure, a hair dryer can damage the fur, and secondly, dry it in a wrinkled form. For drying, you should choose a closed and well-insulated room, but with a slight draft. This is especially important for fur coats made of polar fox, silver fox and sable, which belong to the elite category. Cheap and including artificial materials can be hung even on an unglazed balcony.

Another common mistake is trying to dry a mink coat under the influence of lighting devices. Lamps not only will not lead to the desired result, but they can also cause critical damage to the material. Under the rays of light, the fur will quickly turn yellow, and artificial products can melt and even catch fire.

How to avoid defects on outerwear?

First of all, you must comply with the mandatory storage rules. Do not store mink coats rolled up or in a box. The use of conventional plastic packaging is also not recommended. There are special covers made of safe materials and providing proper ventilation.

After a walk, a mink coat should always be hung on a coat hanger and thoroughly shaken off beforehand. This will both get rid of wrinkled surfaces and quickly clean the dirt. Dried stains from natural fur are very difficult to clean.

With the onset of the warm period of the year, each housewife cleans her outerwear and sends it to the closet for storage. But after 5-6 months, when it’s time to wear warm clothes again and it’s time to take out jackets and fur coats from the closets, many find that the fur on the collars has dried up. There are methods to return the fur trim to its former attractiveness. Professionals will tell you about all the secrets and methods of fluffing fur.

Bring back attractiveness

So, if after being removed from the closet or due to exposure to rain or snow, the fur on the jacket has lost its original appearance, it is necessary to dry the product. For drying it is not necessary to use open centers of heat. The ideal option is to hang a fur coat made of fox, mink or rabbit on a hanger away from heating appliances. After drying, the fur should be combed without much effort.

To fluff up the fur on the hood, you can use steaming. However, it is important not to over-moisten the dressing. It’s great if there is a special steamer or an iron with a steamer function at home. To restore and fluff the rabbit fur, the steam flow should be kept at a distance of 50-60 cm from the fur surface.

To preserve the beauty of natural fox, mink or rabbit fur, it is important to remember that this material is sensitive to high temperatures. This means that a fur coat made from natural vychinka is dried at room temperature. In no case, without laying the product on the heating battery.

We clean from dirt

If you come from the street and find that there are drops of dirt on the collar of the jacket, there is no need to rush to clean the fur. It is better to let the product dry naturally at room temperature, and then gently comb the patch, trying to clean the surface of dirt.

  • hairspray,
  • spirits,
  • toilet water.

Any perfume, when it gets on the fur, contributes to the formation of tangles, which are very difficult to fluff at home.

If, however, lumps of dirt still formed on the fur. And the villi have strayed into tangles, it is recommended to use alcohol for cleansing. Taking cotton wool, you need to moisten it in alcohol and gently wipe the fur collar. You need to act very carefully, swiping the cotton in the direction of the growth of the villi.

After washing

Housewives know that if you wash a jacket with a fur hood, then after drying the fur will look like the needles of a large hedgehog. To prevent this and fluff faux fur, or natural, it is recommended to wash the fur trim with animal shampoo. If this is not at hand, you can use regular shampoo.

At home, fox fur can be fluffed by rinsing in a solution of vinegar. A weak solution of vinegar will return the fur trim to its former attractiveness, making the dressing fluffy and soft.

We store correctly

In order not to think about how to fluff the fur trim on the jacket with the onset of cold weather, it is important to follow the rules for storing outerwear. Jackets and coats should not be stored folded. Such clothes are hung on hangers and stored in the closet.

Never use a polyethylene cover. It is best to buy for a fur coat:

  • paper or
  • fabric cover.

It is important to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the fur trim. Under the influence of the sun, artificial and natural fur can fade, lose its luster and attractiveness.

At the end

If the fur trim of the collar on any outerwear has lost its attractiveness, any housewife can restore its former beauty. At home, the edge of the jacket is recommended to be moistened with a steamer, dried and combed.

If there is dirt and tangles on the fur, the material must be wiped with cotton soaked in alcohol. If necessary, wash the fur, it is recommended to use animal shampoo and vinegar rinse.

People from the northern regions of Russia will understand me - fur has accumulated in the house, which the hand does not rise to throw out. These are old hats and fur coats, which are a must in the north. But the need is, of course, a beautiful mink (fox, etc.) fur coat in the form of a fashionable warm coat, hat, mittens, etc.

I used to post posts and MK how and where I apply the old fur. For example, how to crochet chic fur coats? Below I will give links, and now a post about old fur and how to update it?

During the storage of fur, the leather fabric coarsens, loses its plastic properties (especially at home with severe dryness of warm air). And in order to sew something from old fur (there is a round mink hat, some pieces), you first need to update it all, soften the fur, stretch the skin into an even canvas for cutting. How to do it?

To do this, the core of the skin should be carefully wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar essence and 50 grams of salt in 1 liter of water). Moisten the mezra with this solution with a brush or cotton swab, then fold the product in half from the mezra to the mezra and hold under the film (or in a plastic bag) for 3-4 hours.

After that, the skins are dried at room temperature, thoroughly kneaded and stretched in different directions. It is important not to overdry the skin and remove it while still damp. The skin should be soft and pliable.

It is useful to stretch old stale fur on thin nails. To do this, the mezdra is slightly moistened with clean or slightly salted water with a shaving brush and immediately, evenly stretching it in all directions, it is carefully nailed along the edges with long (3-3.5 cm) and thin nails to a flat board with a pile down.

Then, with a flat ruler or a knife with a blunt side, we lift the skin on the nails so that the fur does not press, but hangs freely. This will make the future product fluffy.

When the skin dries, the details of the pattern of the future product are applied to the mezra, which are pre-cut out and outlined on the skin with a pencil. When cutting, do not forget to follow the direction of the pile.

Then the details of the cut are cut out with a sharp razor or a very convenient clerical knife, adding 0.3 cm to the seams. The fur is sewn from the inside with frequent stitches over the edge or buttonhole, without grabbing the hair and tucking it inside.

Something like that.

And, I must warn you that not every worn fur should be used further. For example, modern consumer thin fur coats are dressed in such a way that fur can be used with maximum benefit. That is, these cheap minks are already initially stretched to the maximum. Therefore, it is unlikely that such fur can be used for years.

My girlfriend had a fur coat so thin and cold, well, only for beauty, it sprawled straight on her. So, it’s still not worth coveting cheap fur, except perhaps some kind of jacket, again for one season for beauty, to throw it away. Because then you can’t sew anything out of this fur.

Well, in general, maybe this post will be useful to someone. And what to sew from fur - that is anything! From a small brooch, a scarf, a bag, to a big chic plaid!

Interesting ideas, useful information, examples, fashion trends, designer collections, scroll through and see the label

And now some specific useful links:

A post with information about the wear resistance of all wearable furs, about all types of fur (directly animals), how to choose, etc.

Is your beautiful mouton coat dirty? Think you can't fix it on your own? This is not true! So that you can deal with this problem without outside help, without damaging valuable fur, let's figure out how to clean a muton fur coat at home.

If your fur coat is not dirty from long-term wear, but just a little wrinkled and dusty in the closet, it is not necessary to dry-clean it or use harsh chemicals to clean it. You can refresh a thing like this:

  • First you will need to pull the thing out of the closet and shake it well to straighten the fur. If it's too heavy and you can't shake it yourself, hang the item on a coat hanger and lightly beat it out with a carpet slapper.
  • After that, take a vacuum cleaner with a clean nozzle (be sure to check its condition before starting work with your fur coat, otherwise all the old dust may settle on it), turn on the device at minimum power and walk through your fur product. Please note: even a light fur coat can be cleaned in this way, there will be no marks left on it.

if the fur on the fur coat is disheveled after such cleaning, you will just need to brush it with a clothes brush. After this procedure, you can freely put on your outerwear and go anywhere in it.

How to clean a fur coat without any detergents? You should use this method when there are no greasy stains or sticky liquids on your product. You will need to act like this:

  • To begin with, you should hang the product on a coat hanger and wait until the dirt is completely dry.
  • Next, you will need to take a fur brush and gently comb through the places where dirt has accumulated.
  • After that, you will only need to comb the fur and make sure that there is no dust left on it.

you can do this procedure quite regularly - it will not spoil the fur. But your fur coat will always look beautiful and well-groomed.

If you do not have a vacuum cleaner at hand, you can proceed more simply. Take a clean, but always damp sheet, wrap your fur coat in it and beat the fur coat well with a carpet beater. As a result of such exposure, all the dust from the fur will settle on the sheets, and you will get an impeccably clean product that will only need to be combed with a clothes brush.

If you do not want to experiment with fur, being afraid to ruin it, you can use special ready-made products to clean it. These are now widely available on the market. The most popular mixtures are Insaf, Ultra Finish Milk and some other imported products. They are suitable for any type of fur and can be used not only to clean it, but also to prevent the occurrence of pollution on it.

You can also clean your muton coat with folk remedies. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to clean a fur coat from a muton if it has greasy areas. It is recommended to act like this:

  1. First you need to take wheat bran and drive it into the fur with patting movements.
  2. The most polluted places of the fur coat need to be massaged a little.
  3. After that, you should shake the thing so that the remnants of bran spill out of it.

if small particles of such household cleaner remain in the pile, you can remove them with a brush. The main thing is to do it delicately so as not to damage the fur.

You can also use hot river sand for such cleaning instead of bran. It does the job just as well, but is usually much more difficult to remove from the undercoat.

This method will help you get rid of even greasy stains. To prepare a cleaning solution, in this case you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • a teaspoon of ammonia;
  • 500 ml of water.

These components must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the item, and then removed with a brush. It is especially recommended to use this recipe for working with light things, since it can still lighten dark products a little.

There is another option for using ammonia for processing fur products. It is recommended to use it in cases where light fur has turned yellow. To do this, you should take a jar of peroxide, add a few drops of ammonia there, and then collect the resulting mixture on a sponge and treat the wool with such a sponge.

If you need to clean a fur coat from stubborn dirt, you can use a mixture of water, alcohol and vinegar in equal parts for this purpose. You should deal with it like this:

  1. The coat should be hung on the shoulders. It is advisable to do this over the bathroom, so as not to stain the apartment.
  2. Next, you will need to take a kitchen sponge or a clothes brush and use them to apply the detergent composition to the pile.
  3. Then you should remove the remnants of such a fur cleaner with a regular paper towel.

After such a manipulation, the fur coat should be left to dry on a hanger until the pile is completely dry. After that, you can ventilate it on the balcony so that the specific smell of vinegar does not remain on it.

How to clean a muton without using detergents? You can do this with starch and gasoline (however, you will only need to use refined aviation gasoline in this case, it copes best with stains). You will need to take these substances in equal parts, make a slurry from them and apply them to the pile. Then you will need to wait until this paste dries, and use a brush to remove its remnants along with dirt from the fur.

Important: after such cleaning, be sure to hang your fur coat to ventilate at least on the balcony. If you don't, your beautiful fur will smell of gasoline, the smell of which in the future will be almost impossible to remove.

This method is most suitable for the care of light-colored things, since it has a slight whitening effect. You will need to take equal parts peroxide and water, apply it to the pile and leave it for a while. When this product dries, it will need to be removed with a brush.

if you use this method to work not with white, but with light beige or cream products, you should definitely check before using it whether the presented product will leave white spots on the product. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a cleaning composition and apply a small amount of it to the pile. If you notice that under its influence the fur changes color, in no case do not apply it to the entire fur coat.

What to do if only the lining of your fur coat is dirty, and the fur remains in perfect condition? You must proceed as follows:

  1. First you need to cut off the lining. It is not necessary to contact the studio for this - you can do this simple manipulation at home with an awl or a blade.
  2. After that, the lining itself must be washed by hand or in a washing machine, while observing the manufacturer's recommendations for washing.
  3. After that, you just have to dry the lining, iron it and sew it to the fur coat.

minor dirt on the lining can be removed without cutting off the material. To do this, you will need to carefully hang the thing at home, after turning it inside out, cover the fur with polyethylene so that soap does not get on it, and clean the stains with soapy water. So you will put the thing in order in just a few minutes.

How to clean a fur coat from a muton on which stains have appeared? This task is easiest to cope with an ordinary soap solution. For this you should:

  1. Hang the product over the bath.
  2. Take a bowl of water, add a few tablespoons of powder and beat soap suds with this powder.
  3. Using a clothes brush, apply foam to the fur, leave for a few minutes, and then remove its residues with the same brush.
  4. Treat fur with clean water.

If you need to clean the hem or greasy sleeves of a fur coat, you can proceed as follows: apply starch to contaminated places, then use a spray bottle to cover the same areas with soapy water and wait until it all dries. Next, you just have to brush off the remaining dirt with a brush.

Any fur product during home cleaning is extremely easy to spoil. To prevent this, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  • Do not use a hair dryer to dry this product. It can completely ruin the fur.
  • You should not use any powders with a bleaching effect to clean your fur coat, especially if you are working with dark brown or black products. An exception can be made only for very light fur.
  • It is not recommended to take the product outside immediately after a wet reading or even hang it on the balcony. Wet outerwear is recommended to be left hanging in the bathroom at least overnight.

Guided by these rules, you will significantly reduce your risks of unknowingly spoiling the product. If none of the above methods helped you, how to quickly clean a muton fur coat at home, just take this thing to the dry cleaner. Professionals working in such an organization can easily cope even with old stains and in a few days will certainly return your item to you in perfect condition.

A mink coat, like any natural fur, requires special care and compliance with the rules of operation. Excessive humidity, rain and sleet, pungent odors, too bright sun can adversely affect the material. If stored incorrectly, the fur may wrinkle.

To clean and smooth a mink coat, to return the product to a presentable appearance, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. However, many people prefer to carry out such procedures at home. Let's find out how to smooth a mink coat.

Two ways to smooth a fur coat

  • Steaming is a traditional method of ironing clothes without an iron. Before straightening the fur on a fur coat using hot steam, fill the tub with boiling water. Then carefully hang the product over the bathtub. It is important that the hem hangs some distance from the water! After that, the product is outweighed in a dark room with good ventilation and left to dry at room temperature;
  • Take a damp sponge and run over the pile several times. Wet the fur thoroughly and then comb it with a metal comb or a wide-toothed brush against the hair and finish by smoothing the surface with your hands. As a result, the pile is smoothed out. After the done procedures, shake the product and hang it to dry in a dark and well-ventilated area. When the fur coat is dry, knock out the garment from the wrong side. This method is suitable if the villi are slightly wrinkled after prolonged storage.

How to care for a mink coat

In order for mink outerwear to retain a presentable appearance for a long time, you need to properly smooth and store the product. You can not straighten the fur with an iron, you can not dry the pile with a hair dryer, on a battery or with the help of electrical appliances, near an open fire (for example, over a gas stove burner).

With improper drying, the fur will become thin and brittle, lose its luster and attractiveness, begin to crumble and crumble. And when dried near an open fire, it can ignite and catch fire, acquire an unpleasant odor. Do not dry the fur coat in direct sunlight.

For long-term storage, you need to hang the mink product on a hanger with wide shoulders, preferably with a soft coating. In this case, the fur must be dry and clean. Put the product in the closet and hang it so that it does not come into contact with other things. How to properly store clothes and other things in the closet, read.

To store a fur coat, you can use a special fabric cover made of natural breathable material. Cotton works well. In no case do not choose synthetic or polyethylene covers that will not create the ventilation necessary for the fur.

To protect the fur product from moths, put special sachets in the closet with the addition of aromatic herbs, the smell of which repels moths. In this case, the aroma of oranges and tangerines, lavender, geranium, chamomile and tobacco is suitable.

So that during long-term storage, the fur retains an attractive appearance and does not wrinkle, take out the fur coat twice a month and ventilate it in the fresh air. But avoid exposure to direct sunlight! Hang the clothes on hangers and leave them out in the fresh air for two to three hours. In the process of airing, the material is straightened with a brush or comb with rare teeth.

What Not to Do

  • Wash and iron coats;
  • Store the product folded or rolled up;
  • Store clothes in a bag or bag made of polyethylene or synthetic materials;
  • Dry the fur coat on a radiator and with a hair dryer, next to an open fire, under direct sunlight;
  • Treat fur with various detergents and chemicals;
  • Hang a fur coat close to other things;
  • Hang the product for storage in a closet in its raw form;
  • Use special chemicals from moths.

What to do if the coat gets wet

If the fur coat gets wet in wet snow or rain, shake the moisture off the garment after wearing it. Then hang the product on wide coat hangers, blot the fur and lining with a clean, dry, natural cloth. After that, leave the products to dry at room temperature in a room with good air circulation. Until the garment is completely dry, do not rehang the item and do not wrinkle the material, otherwise the pile will deform.
