Fun mom dad i healthy family. Family leisure scenario “Dad, mom, I are a healthy and friendly family

holiday scenario


to the scenario of the prizdnik “Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family!”

S.A. Zhdanova, L.V. Lyarskaya
The relevance of this work is due to the urgent need to form a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle, both in children and adults, as well as the need to assist the family in solving pedagogical problems.

The novelty of this event lies in the approach to its content, which does not involve complex sports competitions that require special sports training. This allows you to expand the number of participants. In addition, the team is supposed to include two children, and one of them can be a family friend, which allows you to provide the opportunity to participate in the event to a child whose parents could not or did not want to participate in it.

The value of the holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family!" is, first of all, that it contributes to the formation of a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle in the process of joint activities of parents and children of primary school age, when there is still a real opportunity to prevent bad habits and inculcate health saving skills. It is also valuable that this event does not require complex preparation from the organizers and participants, since most parents are busy at work. At the same time, the parent took part in the development and implementation of the event.

When planning the event, the age characteristics of children studying in elementary school were taken into account.

The script is compiled in accordance with the requirements. The goals and objectives are formulated, the necessary equipment is provided, the course of the event is determined. the script contains a description of the contests.

Scenario of the holiday "Dad, mom, I am a healthy family!" developed in accordance with the plan of educational work of class teachers of the 3rd grade. The event was timed to coincide with the All-Russian action "I choose sports as an alternative to addictions."

Municipal formation "Yurginsky city district" of the Kemerovo region

Department of Education of the City Administration of Yurga

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium of the city of Yurga"

Dad, mom, I am a healthy family!

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Zhdanova, primary school teacher

Larisa Viktorovna Lyarskaya, parent


Alla Viktorovna Astakhova, Deputy Director for educational work

MOU "Gymnasium of the city of Yurga"

The scenario is aimed at creating an educational space at the level of the classroom team of the gymnasium, which contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The main idea of ​​the event is to create conditions for students to acquire a positive socio-cultural experience of spending leisure time, a value attitude to their health, which is a necessary condition for successful professional and life self-determination of an individual.

The event allows you to unite children and parents in the process of playing, create conditions for their creative interaction, and clearly demonstrate the positive effect of joint active leisure.

The presented scenario will be of interest to deputy directors for educational work, teachers-organizers, class teachers

Explanatory note
Scenario of the holiday "Dad, mom, I am a healthy family!" developed in accordance with the plan of educational work of class teachers of the 3rd grade. The parent was involved in the development. The event was timed to coincide with the All-Russian action "I choose sports as an alternative to addictions."

Given that the prevention of bad habits among adolescents and young people is not always effective, it is necessary to form a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle in children as early as possible. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this work in primary classes.

Family education plays an important role in the formation of life values. Therefore, the creation of conditions for the interaction of parents and children in various fields of activity, including in the field of health protection, is relevant.

The choice of the form of the event is determined by the age characteristics of primary school students.

Younger students are friendly, easily communicate with adults and peers. They are fascinated by joint activities, they easily and with pleasure perform various tasks of social significance. Younger students value courage, physical strength, loyalty to a friend. They are tempted by games that contain mystery, adventure, search, new, bright, unfamiliar. They are focused on immediate goals, on gaming activities, as the main means of communication, they are distinguished by cheerfulness, a constant desire for active practical activity.

The task of teachers is to create the most favorable conditions for the successful development of the personality of a younger student, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

The atmosphere of sports competitions, where both adults and children are on the same team, where participants perform interesting tasks in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, makes it possible to comprehensively solve educational problems. Easy communication, common gaming goals, support and mutual assistance make it possible to create the necessary emotional infusion and form a positive attitude towards active forms of joint leisure activities, in which there is no place for bad habits. Vivid impressions, the possibility of self-expression and informal communication between children and adults are remembered for a long time and cause a desire to take part in such events in the future.

This event does not require complex preparation from the organizers and participants, which is an important factor, since most parents are busy at work, and they cannot often gather for preparation.

The event does not imply the demonstration of high sports results, participation in it is available to all interested children and parents.

The proposed scenario for the holiday “Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family!” can be used by class teachers, teachers-organizers, teachers of additional education.

sports holiday

“Dad, mom, I am a healthy family”
My mother is many years old

But she doesn't age

Because my mom

Does sports



formation of participating teams from each class;

participating teams prepare homework for competitions;

children of grades 3a and 3b, united in microgroups, discuss their ideas, and then draw newspapers about a healthy lifestyle;

children of grades 3a and 3b learn poems about a healthy lifestyle;

choice of leaders;

organizers develop contests and prepare props.

Equipment: CDs with music; music center with speakers, microphones; an exhibition of newspapers about a healthy lifestyle, prepared by the students of the classes; 4 sheets of drawing paper (A4); 4 sets of markers; 4 skittles; 4 nylon head scarves; 30-50 small soft rag balls; 2 baskets for counting balls; 4 ribbons for tying bows; 4 boxing gloves; a selection of questions about sports; 5 certificates for rewarding teams and host families.

The participating teams enter the gym to the music and applause of the audience.

Leading. Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must meet at least the requirement - to be healthy!

There are many sayings:

  • God would give health - and there will be happiness (nar)

  • Everything is healthy! (nar)

  • Health is the main wealth (nar)

  • If you don't move and run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick (Horace)
But we don’t want to get sick and that’s why we gathered today for a sports festival. Good afternoon viewers! Good afternoon participating teams! Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Well, now it's time for the introduction of sports teams.

Presentation of teams: each team presents homework: name, motto and chant. The moderators represent the jury.

Leading. When you go to storm you relay race

Victory is not very visible to us,

You will still come to victory,

No fluff to you, team, no pen!

It's time to get to know the teams better and our first relay race is called

"Let's get acquainted!"

Relay "Let's meet!"

Leading. On a signal, the first participants run to the landmark and draw a funny “their” face, denoting themselves. Get a portrait of the team - the family.

The team that completed the task faster and drew the most interesting "portrait" wins.

Relay "Chain with a handkerchief"

Leading. This competition is for you, friends,

You can't lose!

And it consists in the following.

All teams stand in one line, holding hands. The one standing at the very end has a handkerchief in his hands. He runs around everyone with a snake under his arms, runs around the landmark and gets up first. Passing a handkerchief to the beginning of the team. Each member of the team does the same. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Recipe for Health"

Leading. Well done! Everyone tried. Now let's rest a bit and listen to our mothers. Our mothers are well prepared at home and want to offer us health recipes.

The hosts give the floor to mothers who read out homemade health recipes.

Leading. Dear mothers! We will definitely remember your recipes and thanks for all your advice, and our holiday continues.

May joy, laughter, fun

Help in difficult times

But the main hope

Fans on you!
Game with spectators

Leading read poetry, fans perform tasks.

To you, boys and girls,

Prepared ditties.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

Say no! Not! Not!

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

He is completely, completely


Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Luba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Luba

Hole in everyone

What will be your answer?

Young love?
Shine to teeth to give,

You need to take shoe polish.

Squeeze half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?
Oh, awkward Lyudmila -

She dropped the brush on the floor.

Picks up a brush from the floor

Continue brushing your teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Young love?

Forever remember

dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

you brushed your teeth

And go to sleep

grab a bun

Sweet in bed.

Is this the right advice?
Remember this helpful tip:

You can't chew on an object


If my advice is good

You clap your hands!
To strengthen teeth

Good for chewing nails.

Is this the right advice?
You guys are not tired

While I was reading poetry?

Was your correct answer

What is useful and what is not!

The game "Throwing the ball" (general)

Leading. And now we will all be divided into 2 large teams of 3a and 3b classes, each team will take a crawl.

At the signal of the leader, you need to throw the balls to the side of the opponent. When the whistle sounds, the throws are not counted. Which side will have fewer balls, that team wins. So! Started! (The game is played 2-3 times)

Comic contest "Tie upbow"

Leading. Let's thank the helpers, and we have the next comic contest. I wonder if our mothers know how to tie bows? Now let's check!

Parents put on a boxing glove on one hand and with this hand they must tie a bow to the child.
Erudite competition "Questions for backfilling"

Leading. And this competition will help us understand which team is best oriented in sports matters. Each team will be asked questions. The team with the most correct answers will win.

To play this game

You have to be "Uncle Styopa".

And the enemy in the basket

It will be easier to score a goal.


Both football and hockey

Everyone knows that team.

Because that team



It will help to develop the muscles of the hands, as of old,

Rubber sports equipment.


two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And they are called


The city is ancient, golden-domed,

I was glad to receive all powers.

The symbol is the Olympic Bear.

What city, guess!

It has six letters. Think fast.

You, brother, are not lazy!


There is a cry on the ice platform.

A student rushes to the gate.

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Bey!

fun game


He plays hockey well

Olympic champion -

For the army team

He performed great.

In CSKA, he is like a beacon.

This is Vladislav


Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny


Relay "Numbers"

Leading. Yes! It wasn't easy, but everyone did their best! And now let's check how attentive our participants are. Now each member of the team will receive a number. And when the host calls someone's number, that team member runs to the landmark and back. The winner is the team whose members have never made a mistake and completed tasks faster than others.
Dance competition "Hot 10"

Leading. You all warmed up well. The holiday has passed.

A new task awaits you! Not an easy test!

The test is dance, creative. Enthusiasm will win here!

Ten melodies sound (in turn), and the presenter offers various tasks: the most active arms, the most active legs, the most active head, the most active torso. Next, the teams are invited to depict objects in dance movements (iron, kettle, car), numbers from 1 to 10. The most provocative and original team wins.

Leading. While the jury is summing up, we will listen to health recipes from third-graders. We meet!

Performances by students of grades 3a and 3b.

- Good afternoon! - you

Good afternoon, you replied.

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness.

Hello! - you

tell the person.

Hello! - smile

he answers.

And probably won't go to

And will be healthy for many years.

What are we talking about


For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told? How many times?

We wish: "Good


It will be easier to drive and walk.

Will bring, of course, kind

Only for something good


those words are all known

You see, they are both simple and not

But I'll say it again

good people be


To not be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

Didn't get sick and was fine

Do exercises every day.

Forget TV.

March to the street for a walk.

It's better for health

Breathe fresh air.

No bad mood

Don't be sad, don't whine, don't


May you always be helped

Skis, jump ropes and a ball.

Even though you won't

sportsman -

That's right, it's not a problem.

Healthy mind in a healthy

May it always be present!

Be happy and kind

In summer and in the middle of winter

If you can make friends

With physical education, like us.

Get wet, get hot

Do physical education.

You will always be healthy

Live without doctors.

If you are healthy and happy

The world around you is wonderful!

Leading. The floor for announcing the results and awarding is given to the jury.

Speech by the chairman of the jury, presentation of diplomas to teams in nominations.

Leading. Today there are no losers! Today each of you won a small victory! A small but convincing victory over himself.

May you remember this holiday

Let sickness go away.

May all wishes come true.

And physical education will become native!

We wish you all good health and success!


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Samoilova I., Way to the top // School psychologist No. 20 (378). – M.: Ed. house "First of September", 2006, p. 46

Gubkina T., I know how to be a happy person // School psychologist No. 2 (408). – M.: Ed. house "First of September", 2008, p. fourteen.

Kovalev V.M., Mogilny N.P. 500 recipes for a Slavic meal, - M .: SP "IKPA", 1990.

Loskutova 3.S. School holidays. Issue 4. - Bryansk, 1999.

N.F. Dick. Fun class hours in 2nd - 3rd grades. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2006.

Rozanova E. G. Holidays at school and at home: quiz scenarios, games. - M.: Rosmen, 2000.

Russian proverbs and sayings / ed. V.P. Anikina, - M., 1988.

T.A. Falkovich, N.S. Tolstoukhova, L.A. Obukhova. Non-traditional forms of work with parents. For classroom teachers. Moscow, 2005.

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about the sports festival

“Dad, mom, I am a healthy family!”

Target: the formation of the desire for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to actively, organized rest.


To promote the popularization of physical culture and sports;

Show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle on the example of an active family vacation;

To promote the development of a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

To promote the development of coordination abilities of students.
Time spending: 30.1 1.2009, 15.30 – 16.30
Location: gymnasium of the municipal educational institution "Gymnasium of the city of Yurga"
Order of conduct:

1. Representation of commands.

2. Relays.

3. Summing up.

Number of teams: 2 teams from each class.
Team composition: 4 people: 2 adults and 2 children. One child can be a family friend.
Organizers: class teachers of grades 3a and 3b S.A. Zhdanov and A.P. Pisareva, parent of the 3rd grade Lyarskaya L.V.
Jury composition: A.V. Astakhova, Deputy Director for BP;

members of the parent committee of grades 3a and 3b, a representative of a children's sports school (as agreed).

Rewarding: all teams receive diplomas in nominations.

Teams - participants of the holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family!"

  1. Team "Snakes":
father - Maxim Vyacheslavovich Myakishev

mother - Elena Vladimirovna Myakisheva

daughter - Polina Myakisheva

friend - Artyom Fedorov

  1. Team Orange:
father - Gennady Alexandrovich Shirokov

mother - Svetlana Viktorovna Shirokova

daughter - Darina Shirokova

friend - Alexey Romantsov

  1. Dolphin Team:
father - Alexander Pavlovich Fironov

mother - Svetlana Georgievna Fironova

daughter - Margarita Fironova

friend - Dmitry Vyatkin

  1. Team Star:
father - Alexey Alexandrovich Fedotov

mother - Yulia Vitalievna Fedotova

son - Ilya Fedotov

girlfriend - Albina Zezevskaya

Nomination winning teams

Team "Snakes" -"The most gambling"

Team "Orange" -"Most Positive"

Dolphin Team -"Most Confident"

Team "Star" -"Most Consolidated"

Mothers' performances in the mother's recipes competition

1. swine flu outside

Beware people!

How do you defeat him

We will speak to you.

We have a simple recipe

He suits everyone

And who will choose the second -

Gotta work hard

Our first recipe is:

If you want to be healthy

Stay at home all day

And don't go for a walk.

Forget about cinema, about theaters,

Wear a thicker mask

Hang a sign on the door:

“I don’t let guests in!”

So a week or two goes by

Maybe a whole month.

Can you live like this until spring

Kohl is not tired!

2. And for those who don't want

No time to waste!

We will tell you the second recipe,

how to keep healthy.

Get up in the morning, do exercises

You take a contrasting shower

Eat vegetables for breakfast

Eat them with garlic.

You skip to school

In the rain, and in the snow, in any

And do not be afraid that on the road

Your nose will become pink.
Coming home from school

Definitely for lunch

Eat two onions with soup

And a healthy vinaigrette.

Don't stay at home for a long time

And you go out for a walk.

Skis, sleds or skates

Take it for a walk.

Evening tea with lemon

And go to sleep soon!

With such a daily routine,

I assure you

You will always be healthy

Without drugs and doctors!

Here is our recipe!

First, the tomato

Then dill and onion.

For tone and strength

Cucumber and radish.

We will fill with sour cream,

And basil on top.

And eat salad

Named "Healthy"

If you have breakfast mom

So tasteless sour

Under the pretext that it is useful,

Trying to submit

You say: “What are you, mom!

Just like that, it's not relevant.

Gotta make it appetizing

We'll tell you how.

In a hill of simple cottage cheese

Put some sour cream

To make curd softer

And more pleasant on the tongue.

feel free to add to that mass

You are raisins, coconut chips,

A little bit of vanilla

And don't forget the cinnamon.

Now move everything

And put it on a bun

What is cut into pieces

Somewhere a finger thick.

Bake everything in the oven

And in 5 minutes we get

Crunchy and tender

A delicacy for children.

That's when we with an appetite

Curd crispy dare

yes more than once additives

We dare to ask."


  • Education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family.
  • Ensuring effective interaction between families and schools.


  • Activation of physical culture and mass sports work among students.
  • Education of values ​​in family relationships, the formation of personal qualities (love, mutual assistance, friendship, solidarity).
  • Contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, health promotion;
  • Development of creative and physical potential of students;
  • Development of sports and motor skills in children.
  • Increasing the role of the family in the educational process.

Holiday script

The call signs of the parade sound (Teams are ready for the parade).
To the music of I. Dunayevsky's march from the movie "Jolly Fellows", the contestants enter the hall. Participants are family teams led by captains - the youngest members of the families. Each team is in uniform with the emblem. Line up in one column.

Leading. Good evening, dear friends! Hello dear moms and dads! Hello dear guys, fans and guests! It's good that we are together for this wonderful holiday! Today we are holding a competition-competition "Mom, dad, I am a healthy family." And we will try to prove in practice that our families are the most friendly, happy, most athletic and, of course, healthy. At all times, a person has strived for a healthy lifestyle, wished to know the limits of his abilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. And this is sport: LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY. I wish you all success, and may your friendship and solidarity be the winner! Let's remember that it will be easier for us to overcome life's difficulties if we are together.

Our holiday motto:

"Physical education every day - for every child,
Physical education on the weekend - in every family.

Reader 1st:

Look, we have
Grade 1-2 gathered here,
Well, next to them are dads, moms.
Dads abandoned sofas
Moms threw pots
And the costumes were pulled on.

Reader 2nd:

Everyone wants to compete
joke and laugh
Show strength, dexterity
And dexterity to prove.

Reader 1st:

We are all happy about this meeting.
We didn't come here for a reward.
We need to meet more often
May we all live in harmony!

Leading. Parade, line up! "Parade, on the flag - attention!" "Raise the competition flag!" -

The anthem of Russia sounds. "Parade, at ease!"

Reader 1st: And now our dear guests - fans and competitors! Let me introduce you to the esteemed jury (F. I. O. ..., F, I. O ...).

Reader 2nd: We asked them to take part in our holiday as the main sports referees and invite them to take a seat at the referee's table.

Reader 1st: After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the final round, the jury will announce the final results. The winner is the team with the least number of points in the sum of all competitions. We did not forget about the fans and established a prize for the best support group. We wish the participants of the competition success!

Reader 1st:

Come on, dads, moms, pull yourself up,
Fight with your children for the victory!
So, I call everyone to the start!
May good luck and success accompany you!

Leading. So, the teams are ready, and we start the competition!

1st Business Card Competition

Leading. Our competition is about to begin. Seven family teams take part in it. The first competition is the business cards of the teams. I have no doubt that the visiting cards of our teams are their charm, wit, abilities and talent, diligence and, no doubt, the ability to present themselves. The competition is evaluated on a five-point scale.
While the jury is summing up the results, the presenters ask question for teams of children and parents.

For kids:

Reader 1st: a) Mom was late at work, what can you cook yourself?
Reader 2nd: b) You cannot solve a math problem on your own, who in the family will help you?
Reader 1st: c) You have soiled your clothes, what will you do?
Reader 2nd: d) The textbook is torn. Will you ask your parents for help or will you repair it yourself?
Reader 1st: e) Do you have animals at home? Who takes care of the pet?
Reader 2nd: e) Do you help your parents with the housework? How?
Reader 1st: g) How much time do you spend with mom and dad? Tell me how?
Reader 2nd: h) What do you like most about your parents? Tell.

For parents:

a) How much time do you spend with your children? How?
b) What was the last movie you watched with him in your spare time?
c) How do children help you?
d) Where and how do you spend your free time with your children?
e) Are you proud of your children?
e) If you were a magician, what would you do for your children?
g) Imagine that you are in school, got a deuce. How will you do it?
h) Your child does not want to do homework. What are you going to do?

Leading: All participants did an excellent job! Keep it up!

Moderator: Warm up. Before any competition, you need to properly warm up, prepare your body for physical exertion, stretch your muscles, everything is as it should be for serious athletes. Now the teams will simultaneously hold , warm-up under the guidance of a physical education teacher. And we will see how efficiently, effectively, cheerfully and again together and in a coordinated manner the teams will prepare themselves for further starts. (preparation time 30 sec.)

Leading : Please, warm-up music. The complex is performed to music (2 minutes)

Reader 1st: It's time for sports. Who will overcome all the obstacles faster, we will find out right now. The teams are getting ready to start!

Reader 1st:

The ancient Greeks say:
“If you want to be strong, run!
If you want to be smart - run!
If you want to be beautiful - run! ”

Host: 2nd competition« Running with a tennis ball

The first participant (child) with a t / ball in his hands runs around the counter (15 m from the start), returns to his team, which stands behind the start line in the column one at a time, passes the t / ball to the next participant - mother, mother - passes to dad. Dad finishes - the relay is over.

Reader 1st:

They did a great job with the relay.
Running fast is a habit for everyone.
And now let's jump, friends,
Let's find out who our jumping family is.

In turn, first the child, then the mother and the last - the father, perform a long jump from a place. The landing site is marked with chalk on the heels. This place is the starting point for the next team member to jump. The winner is determined by the sum of all jumps.

Reader 1st:

When you go to storm the relay race,
Victory is not very visible to us.
But still we will reach victory,
No fluff, you team, no pen!

Leading: 4th competition "One for all and all for one"(crossing in hoops - dad + mom + one child)
In the hoop in the hands at the level of the belt, the dads are the first to run, run around the counter, come back. They take their mother with them in a hoop and perform the same task with their mother. Then a child gets up to them in a hoop, and the three of them do the same.

Reader 1st:

Well, what about the next game?
Requires the player
Dexterity, skill
Great inspiration.

Reader 2nd:

Striving for victory
And cheerful laughter
help you
And guarantee success.

Moderator: 5th Virtuosi Competition

Each team (dad, mom and child) has a balloon tied to its belt on a thread. You need to crush the balls of your rivals, but at the same time, save your own. (Time for the relay - 3 minutes). The team with the most balls left wins.

Reader 1st:

We see from the side
Teams in technology are equal.
We want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter.

Leading: 6th competition. I see the captains are ready for the competition. I announce its terms.
The captains move "crab" to the mark (marked 10 m from the start), run back to the starting position. The team that runs first wins.

Host: 7th competition« Final relay"

The captain, running to the indicated place where the words lie, takes one word, runs to the family, dad runs for the second word, mom for the third, etc. When all the words are in place, you need to lay out a sentence: “Dad, mom, I am a healthy and friendly family.” The first team to make an offer wins and the captain raises his hand.

The jury announces the results of the last relay race.

Leading: We have come to the finish line.

Parade of competitors:

To announce the results, the teams line up as follows: the child is in front, followed by mom and dad.

Reader 1st:

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

– For summing up the floor is given to the jury.

All teams are awarded according to nominations.

  • In the nomination "The most healthy family - I place
  • In the nomination "The most stubborn family
  • In the nomination "For the will to win"
  • In the nomination "The most purposeful family"
  • In the nomination "The most friendly family"

To the sounds of a sports march, all teams solemnly pass through the hall, and the audience greets them.
Leading: Our competitions have come to an end, but I think that this is only the beginning, a small step towards health and good mood.

Reader 1st:

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for calls laughter,
For the fire of competition
Ensuring success.
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say to you: "Goodbye,
Until happy, new meetings.
Forward, for a healthy lifestyle!

Music sounds.

The purpose of the quiz:

To form in children and parents the need for a healthy lifestyle.


  • To help children realize the importance of a reasonable attitude to their health.
  • Contribute to the health of children.
  • To form the idea that health is the main value of human life.
  • Develop teamwork skills, attention, imagination, ingenuity, dialogical speech.
  • To cultivate a culture of behavior and communication when working in a team.


The emblem "Family Day", the sun (made of paper) with the inscription "Healthy lifestyle" and the rays of "health" on the easel; emblems with the names of the teams "Healthy" and "Fortress", cards with proverbs; sheets for tasks; markers; "Daisies of health" by the number of families.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! We are pleased to welcome the Healthy and Strong family teams to the quiz “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family! ", which is dedicated to the International holiday "Family Day". Today families of … are taking part in the Zdorovyachki team. (5-6 families in each team are introduced by last name).

A chamomile has been chosen as the symbol of this holiday, and today each team will collect their own chamomile, because a petal of this flower will be awarded for the correct answer. (daisies are collected on 2 easels for each team)

It is no coincidence that we hold our quiz called “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family! ". Human health is the main value in life. People say: “There is nothing more expensive than health”, “You can’t buy health for money”. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital tasks. To be healthy, you need to take care of your health, and for this you need to know something about yourself, about your body, about its capabilities. Team members will share this knowledge, and I invite a respected jury to evaluate (full name of the jury)

- Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, these rays live in every cell of your body. Let's do a warm-up, answer the question "What is a healthy lifestyle? and open the rays of health.

The teams are called:

1. Physical education and sports

2. Hardening

3. Proper nutrition

4. Hygiene

5. Daily routine

6. Healthy sleep

7. Walks in the fresh air

So we found out what a healthy lifestyle is.

Attention! The first contest is called "Human Organism", I will ask questions to each team in turn, for the correct answer you get a point. Assignment to the "Fortress" team:

1. Name the parts of the human body.

2. What is the support of our body? (skeleton)

3. Show how you can check your posture?

Assignment to the "Healthy" team:

1. Name the sense organs. (Nose, ears, tongue, skin, eyes)

2. What is the engine of our body? (Muscles)

3. What makes our muscles strong and strong? (Physical culture and sports)

Teacher: Well done. Physical education is useful, but doubly fun. Every minute devoted to sports prolongs a person's life by an hour, and to a fun sport by two. Don't believe? See for yourself. We invite everyone to come out and sing the song “Physical education - cheers! »

The jury announces the results of the 1st competition.

The next competition "Knowledge is power", let's check if you know the Rules for the health of your organs, daily routine, sleep and nutrition, and the reasons for which the disease of the body occurs.

On the tables you have large cards with empty boxes, you need to fill in these boxes, pick up the right pictures on the topics “Healthy sleep”, “Wrong sleep” or “Proper nutrition”, “Unhealthy diet”, “Healthy teeth”, “Sore teeth” etc.

The jury announces the results of the 2nd competition.

And now let's rest a little. Respond in unison in chorus “It's me! “If you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, do not make noise.

  • which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;
  • who does not want to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful;
  • which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education;
  • who is not afraid of frost, flies on skates like a bird;
  • well, who will start the dinner with chewing gum with a couple of sweets;
  • who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;
  • who ate and brushed their teeth regularly twice a day;
  • which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears;
  • who, according to the schedule, performs physical exercises;
  • who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

Teacher: Attention! 3 contest "I eat right - I don't know problems."

Assignment for the teams: Tell about a healthy dish for your family and prove that you eat right.

Fun workout

And now let's rest a little. I ask everyone to stand up and do some exercises for good posture. Align your socks, clasp your hands behind your back, sit down several times. Raise your shoulders in turn (5 times). Hands to the sides, rotation with the hands "Mill". How can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm-up, exercise, that is, we lead an active lifestyle that promotes health.

Teacher: Attention! 4 competition "Information Bureau of Health".

Questions for the teams.

1. What contributes to the hardening of the body? (Answer: sun, air, water.)

2. What folk remedies do you use if your child has a runny nose?

3. The child complains of a sore throat. We are ready to listen to your recipes.

4. Your child got hurt, what folk remedies will you use?

5. Your child is coughing. What folk remedies do you use? Share your recipes with us.

6. What are the folk remedies for the prevention of flu and colds? (onion and garlic)

Teacher: Attention! 5 competition "Mysteries from Moidodyr".

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And in the mustache, in the hair.

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears. (Comb) Escapes like a living thing,

But I won't release it.

Foam with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (Soap)

hairy head

She will fit into her mouth deftly

And counts the teeth there

Mornings and evenings. (Toothbrush)

Lie in your pocket and guard

Roaring, crying and dirty.

I'll be flooded with tears in the morning

Don't forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

The path says

Two embroidered ends:

- Wash yourself a little,

Wash the ink off your face!

Otherwise you are at noon

Dirty me. (Towel)

Where the sponge will not master,

Do not wash, do not wash,

I take on the task of:

Heels, elbows with soap rub,

And I wipe my knees

I don't forget anything. (washcloth)

Teacher: It's time to sum up our quiz. While the jury is counting the points, we will play the game "Fun Train". To do this, stand in 2 columns. The first players move quickly, go around the landmark, return back, then catch the second player, etc. The relay race ends when the first player with the full squad arrives at the finish line (at the station) and a long beep is given.

Jury word.

Teacher: Guys, your parents have prepared wonderful poems for you, let's ask them to speak.

Litmontazh "Family" 1st participant:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

2nd participant:

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

3rd participant:

In the family, we try to be close friends,

Treasure your health and yours.

We are friendly with sports, we live according to the regime,

Sickness and sickness are nothing to us!

What a healthy family!

4th participant:

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family!

5th participant:

We love you for no particular reason

For being a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For what you grow

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

6th participant:

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Teacher: We thank everyone for participating in the quiz and give “Health Daisies” as a keepsake, let them remind every family about a healthy lifestyle. Remember, a good mood is the key to health!

I wish you smile more often

Do not get upset over trifles.

Always look cheerful

Never know where it hurts!

Svetlana Chekalova
Family leisure scenario "Dad, mom, I am a healthy and friendly family"

« Health is a priceless gift, having lost it in youth, you will not find it until old age ”; - so says popular wisdom. It is also known that the state health preschool children is the guarantor of the well-being of society. However, state analysis health pupils of preschool educational institutions reveals an increase in the incidence of preschool children from year to year. Scientists associate this fact not only with social conditions, but also with various environmental problems, negative living conditions, etc. For example, disadvantages health children are often associated with malnutrition (chemical additives in foods, low-quality drinks, water, which is maintained family. Another problem is the physical inactivity of children, which can be explained by the living conditions of children (insufficient living space, the impossibility of equipping elementary sports corners in apartments). In addition, due to climatic and weather conditions, as well as the busyness of parents, children do not have enough time for outdoor activities. Alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction are common in society. For these and other reasons, the problem of preserving and strengthening health children becomes relevant in the sphere of public and family preschool education and education. This situation concerns both society as a whole and the children of our group.

It is known that the main models for the child are his parents. They all dream that their children are healthy, smart, kind, but do not always make appropriate efforts for this. Recently, there have been serious problems in the relationship between parents and children. Work is needed to improve family relations, increasing parental competence. The most interesting, effective and relevant method is to conduct family holidays. On the importance of holding family holidays in an educational institution is evidenced by the fact that many parents do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to communicating with their child, and the culture family communication is gradually narrowing, which cannot but affect the quality of parent-child relationships and, accordingly, the development of the child. In the course of the family holidays, a positive dynamics in the development of relationships between children and parents is formed, conflicts are reduced, the emotional sphere develops, and joint activities are carried out.

This material leisure designed for children of preschool age and will be useful to kindergarten teachers and parents.

Target: improving the pedagogical culture of parents on the formation and dissemination of experience family healthy lifestyle.


1. Creating a positive emotional mood in children and adults.

2. Propaganda and formation healthy lifestyle of families.

3. Education of physical culture and moral cohesion families.

4. To form in children a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle

life through the festive mood.

5. Contribute to a comfortable emotional state of children and adults.

6. Cultivate love between all members families.

7. Increase mutual understanding of children and parents.

8. Development of the ability to empathize and help each other.

Members: parents, children, educators.

preliminary work:

learning poems and ditties with children;

survey of parents;

parental consultations in order to convey information about the real and potential benefits of a healthy lifestyle in a child's life;

making emblems for parents families;

preparation health poster families.

Equipment: tables, balloons, costumes for the competition, 2 tea pairs, teaspoons, 2 teapots, 2 sugar bowls, fake vegetables and fruits, 2 pots, personal hygiene items, 2 scarves, attributes for the game "Fishing", basket, tray, cards with words, prizes for teams and gifts for children.

Event progress.

V. - Hello dear parents, hello guys!

1 child Hello is the magic word!

wishes excellent health.

2 children Hello - gives a charge of vivacity -

It is useful at any age!

3 children Hello! This word will not offend.

It says: come in,

We're glad to see you!

4 children Our hall gathered friends

parents and their children,

Welcoming guests.

5 children Are you too lazy to give smiles?

So smile every day!

Healthy laughter is good,

Saves from diseases.

V. - Smile more often, be cheerful, mischievous, friendly and healthy.

Now our children will perform ditties for you!


1. Dear mom dads

We will sing ditties to you

Strengthen your body

2. Do you exercise

Daily in the morning.

And, of course, temper -

This will help you so much!

3. Constantly need to eat

For your teeth, for your

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

4. So that the illness does not catch you,

On a winter morning

For food, you eat:

Green onions and garlic.

5. About pills and medicines,

Forget forever

May you become friends

Sun, air and water!

6. Did you like ditties?

We sang them for you!

We wish everyone health,

In this bright good hour!

V. - Agree, it's nice to feel healthy, vigorous and cheerful!

V. - We are glad to see everyone at our holiday. Thank you, dear parents, for responding to our invitation. This holiday is another reason to make sure what we have in the group friendly families. I invite you to spend time together in "fairy land health» . In this country, everyone loves, understands and respects each other, and they do everything together.

6 children Look at us

All teams are just class!

7 children Dads abandoned sofas

Moms threw the pots and pulled on the suits

And they want to compete

Joke and laugh.

8 children Show strength, dexterity

And prove your skill!

V. - So, today the most athletic, the most friendly teams....

Team greeting:


“Our team is tough!

We are all very good.

We love doing sports

We promise to try!"

"Red cheeks"

“Our team is rosy cheeks!

All we need is sons and daughters!

We love to run, frolic, play.

Let's try to keep up with them!

Q. - The teams are presented and we start our competitions. All competitions will be judged by a respected jury. We wish you success!

V. - I think many will agree with me that family starts with love, kindness, caring for each other and, of course, from home. Although many want to be independent, a family will remain a priority in everyone's life.

1 contest: "Continue the proverb".

V. - I will start the proverb, and you try it finish:

A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (at home).

- A house without a mistress ... (orphan).

- House to lead ... (do not shake your beard).

- An apple from an apple tree ... (does not fall far).

- How rich... (that's what we're happy about).

- Away is good, ... (and home is better).


V. - Not only about the house, but also about family many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember them. You need to correct what is wrong.

2 competition: "Say it right"

Don't be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).

- Love is a ring, and a ring has no problems (no beginning and no end).

- Seven nannies have a child in sight (no eye).

- Lovely quarrel only on Fridays (amuse).

V. - What good fellows you are, you coped with all the tasks correctly.


V. - The house is different. Our children also have a second home where they spend most of the day. And what kind of house are we talking about, you will find out now. (children read a poem about kindergarten)

9 children The house is cozy, small -

Doors and windows.

And from the very porch

around his path.

10 children This house is beautiful, important

Well, let it be two-story.

Like a white ship

He floats down the street.

11 children There is a wonderful house in the world,

Children are taught in that house.

I think this house

The best in the world.

12 children I go here every day

Learning, growing, growing

And I'm leaving here

Always a little smarter.

13 children If you enter this house,

You will enter the magical world

You will laugh merrily, and be sad and worry.

This holiday for many days will live in your soul.

Q. - Have you guessed what kind of house we are talking about? Of course about kindergarten. We bring to your attention a short presentation about the life of our children in kindergarten. (show presentation).

V. - We are preparing for any holiday. Now let's see how our teams do it.

3 contest: "Preparation for the holiday" (mom sets the table, dad inflates balloons, the child puts on a suit whose a family prepare faster).


V. - For fun, for order

I'll give you riddles.

4 contest: "Guess a riddle"

1. What are these miracles?

Handlebar, saddle and two pedals

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer

This is indeed ….


2. Round, soft, striped,

All the guys like him

Can he ride for a long time

And don't get tired at all.


3. There are guys, I have

Two silver horses

I go to both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have?


4. All summer stood,

Winters were waiting

Waited for the pores

Rushed down the mountain.


5. Small, remote,

Screams loudly.


6. Stick in the form of a comma

Throws the ball in front of him.


7. On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably,

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked.

(Soccer ball.)

8. I twist it with my hand,

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist at the waist,

And I don't want to drop.


9. Here is a silver meadow:

Can't see the lamb

The bull does not bellow on him,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter,

And you won't find it in the spring.


10. We are nimble sisters

Run fast masters

In the rain - we lie,

In the snow we run

This is our regime.


V. - Well done. What are all these items for?

(To play sports.)

V. - There are many kinds of sports,

Don't even count everything.

Let's play now

Name sports

Q. - What kinds of sports do you know?

5 contest: "Name the sport" (Parents and children name sports.)


V. - Well done! Now we will check which parents we have are strong and fast.

6 competition: "Crossing"(Parents hold hands crosswise, put the child down and run to the landmark, go around it and come back. Pass the baton to another family. The task of the teams is to cross as quickly as possible.)


V. - The next competition for dads.

7 competition: « Family dinner» (One dad cooks borscht, the other is compote. They are blindfolded, and they select products for their dish from a common basket by touch, put it in a saucepan.)


V. - Well, now let's play with our little fans. I will tell you little poems, if they say what is right, then you all say together "Right, right, absolutely right", and if the poem says what not to do, then you are silent.

1. To grow and temper,

You have to play sports.

2. Let you not be lazy

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

3. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Eat caramel candy.

4. If you go out for a walk in winter,

Leave your hat and scarf at home.

5. Fruits and vegetables before meals

Carefully, very diligently my.

6. Go to bed on time, get up,

You follow the daily routine.

7. Here is another simple tip,

My hands before eating.

8. You quickly run away from your mother,

Don't let her cut your nails.

9. Handkerchief, comb should be your own,

Remember this and do not use strangers.

10. If there is a puddle or dirt on the street,

You have to fall down there.

V. - Well done! How can one name in one word all those actions that must be performed and for which you unanimously answered"correct, correct, absolutely correct"? (Hygiene.)

Q. - Now we will find out how our teams know personal hygiene items.

8 competition: "Select personal hygiene items"(baskets contain various items, including items of personal hygiene: toothbrush, paste, shower gel, soap, washcloth, cotton pads, paper napkins, napkins for face and hands, toilet paper ... On a signal, teams start moving, jumping from hoop to hoop, passing the baton to the next player.).

V. - You did a great job!


V. - In the next competition, we will test the dexterity of mothers.

9 competition: "Fishing"(Images of fish are attached to the ropes. The end of the rope is attached to the back of the playing teams "Fortress". A fisherman is selected from the opposite team. He runs after the fish and tries to step on her with his foot. Then the commands change).


Q. - And now our teams will show us which products are useful and which are not.

10 competition: "Delicious and healthy food"(On the tray are useful and harmful products, they need to be sorted. If the product is harmful to health- put in the basket, if it is useful - on a tray.)


11 competition: "Who with whom friendly» (Each participant has different objects drawn on their chests - 10 in each team, you need to find a mate from the other team.)


V. - What good fellows you are, you coped with all the competitions. Even made friends with your rivals. Physical education, hygiene, respect for your body, healthy eating, benevolent attitude towards others - these are the steps that will lead you to the country health. Never deviate from this path health is the most precious what we have. You can't buy it, and it's easy to lose it! So take care health, strengthen it. I thank you for participating in the competition and I want to give you small prizes that will remind you of our meeting. (delivery of diplomas and prizes to teams). And also I want to give gifts to our fans and performers. See you again.


I think that work in this direction is very interesting and useful not only for the teacher, but also for parents. As a result, parents will not only be involved in the educational process, but will also learn to make the right choice in the development and preservation your child's health, and children will be free to navigate in matters of hygiene and hardening, they will be happy to put them into practice. Sports will become an integral part of the lives of many of them.

Parents should know that sports holidays, leisure, entertainment give children the opportunity to be active, independent and initiative in actions. Children, seeing how their parents run, jump, compete, get new feelings for them and experience great joy from mutual communication. Joint holidays remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. A family and kindergarten, in cooperation with each other, create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into a big world.

Resources Used:

1) Physical education for all family / comp. T. V. Kozlova, T. A. Ryabukhina. - M., 1989.

2) New 135 lessons health, or School of Doctors of Nature (grades 1-4).- M.: VAKO, 2008 p. - (teacher's workshop).

4) Maam International Educational Portal.

5) An entertainment pantry.

6) Preschooler. ru site for kindergarten teachers

Relevance of the problem

Today, the traditions of family physical education, which have lived in folk culture for centuries, are practically lost. The revival of these traditions is of great importance for strengthening the health of the younger generation, its physical development and physical fitness, and also contributes to the prevention of negative phenomena among children and adolescents, their formation as individuals, and the strengthening of family values. We believe that an important element of family education is physical education, that joint work with parents of any form is interesting for a schoolchild of any age, and also useful for parents themselves. The participation of parents not only forms in children a steady interest and attraction to physical culture and sports, but also improves their physical development and physical fitness, helps to expand common interests of parents and children, strengthen family ties, establish friendly interpersonal relationships, and form good family traditions. , improving the moral climate in the family, trusting relationships between parents and children, and improving relations between the parents themselves.


    Education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family.

    Ensuring effective interaction between families and schools.


    Activation of physical culture and mass sports work among students.

    Education of values ​​in family relationships, the formation of personal qualities (love, mutual assistance, friendship, solidarity).

    Contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, health promotion;

    Development of creative and physical potential of students;

    Development of sports and motor skills in children.

    Increasing the role of the family in the educational process


Competitions are held __________ in the sports hall of the secondary school No. 100. The uniform and footwear are sports.


    Family teams participate in the competition (mother, father, child) 1 -2 classes. The rest of the students and parents are fans.

    Team at home cooking business card(team name, emblem, motto, the ability to present oneself in an original form). Wall newspaper on the topic "Healthy lifestyle". (A3, A4 format)

Fans prepare:

Posters, slogans and other equipment to support teams.


gymnastic hoops (5 pcs.),

tennis balls (5 pcs.),

balloons (15 pcs.)

stopwatch, chalk, tape measure.

Racks - 5 pcs.


The winner is determined by the smallest amount of places taken during the competition.


Teams are awarded certificates (at the expense of the physical education room) and gifts (at the expense of the class).

Competition script

Call signs of the parade(The teams are ready for the parade).

To the music of I. Dunayevsky's march from the movie "Jolly Fellows", the contestants enter the hall. Participants are family teams led by captains - the youngest members of the families. Each team wears the same uniform with the team emblem. Line up in one column. Fans and spectators take their seats in advance.

Leading . Good evening, dear friends! Hello dear moms and dads! Hello dear guys, fans and guests! It's good that we are together for this wonderful holiday! Today we are holding a competition-competition "Mom, dad, I am a healthy family." And we will try to prove in practice that our families are the most friendly, happy, most athletic and, of course, healthy. At all times, a person has strived for a healthy lifestyle, wished to know the limits of his abilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. And this is sport: LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY. I wish you all success, and may your friendship and solidarity be the winner! Let's remember that it will be easier for us to overcome life's difficulties if we are together.

Our holiday motto:

"Physical education every dayevery child , Physical education on the weekend - every family."

Reader 1st:

Look - ka, we have

Here gathered 1-2 class,

Well, next to them are dads, moms.

Dads abandoned sofas

Moms threw pots

And the costumes were pulled on.

Reader 2nd:

Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity

And dexterity to prove.

Reader 1st

We are all happy about this meeting.

We didn't come here for a reward.

We need to meet more often

May we all live in harmony!

Leading . Parade, line up!"Parade, to the flag - at attention!" "Raise the competition flag!" -The anthem of Russia sounds . "Parade, at ease!"

Reader 1.

And now d Our dear guests - fans and participants of the competitions! Allow me to introduce you to the esteemed jury (F. I. O. ……, F, I. O……….).

Reader 2

We asked them to take part in our holiday as the main sports referees and invite them to take a seat at the referee's table.

Reader 1.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the final round, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the fewest total points wins

all competitions. We did not forget about the fans and established a prize for the best support group. We wish the participants of the competition success!

Reader 2

Come on, dads, moms, pull yourself up,

Fight with your children for the victory!

So, I call everyone to the start!

May good luck and success accompany you!

Leading . So, the teams are ready, and we start the competition!


Leading . Our competition is about to begin. Seven family teams take part in it. The first competition is the business cards of the teams. I have no doubt that the visiting cards of our teams are their charm, wit, abilities and talent, diligence and, no doubt, the ability to present themselves. The competition is evaluated on a five-point scale.

The jury sums up

(question for teams of children and parents).

For kids:

Reader 1 a) Mom was late at work, what can you cook yourself?

Reader 2 b) You cannot solve a math problem on your own, who in the family will help you?

Reader 1 c) You have soiled your clothes, what will you do?

Reader 2 d) The textbook is torn. Will you ask your parents for help or will you repair it yourself?

Reader 1 e) Do you have animals at home? Who takes care of the pet?

Reader 2 e) Do you help your parents with the housework? How?

Reader 1 g) How much time do you spend with mom and dad? Tell me how?

Reader 2 h) What do you like most about your parents? Tell.

Leading . For parents:

a) How much time do you spend with your children? How?

b) What was the last movie you watched with him in your spare time?

c) How do children help you?

d) Where and how do you spend your free time with your children?

e) Are you proud of your children?

e) If you were a magician, what would you do for your children?

g) Imagine that you are in school, got a deuce. How will you do it?

h) Your child does not want to do homework. What are you going to do?

Leading: Well done! All participants did an excellent job! Keep it up!

Leading: « Warm-up. Before any competition, you need to properly warm up, prepare your body for physical exertion, stretch your muscles, everything is as it should be for serious athletes. Teams at the same time will hold ,

warm-up under the guidance of a physical education teacher. And we will see how efficiently, effectively, cheerfully and again together and in a coordinated manner the teams will prepare themselves for further starts. (preparation time 30 sec.)

Leading: Please, warm-up music.

The complex is performed to music (2 minutes)

Reader 1

It's time for sports.

Who will overcome all obstacles faster

we'll find out right now. The teams are getting ready to start!

Reader 1 The ancient Greeks say: “If you want to be strong, run!
If you want to be smart - run!
If you want to be beautiful - run! ”

Leading : 2nd COMPETITION « Running with a tennis ball.

The first participant (child) with a t / ball in his hands runs around the counter (15m from the start), returns to his team, which stands behind the start line in the column one by one, passes the t / ball to the next participant - mother, mother - passes to dad. Dad finishes - the relay is over.

Reader 2

They did a great job with the relay.

Running fast is a habit for everyone.

And now let's jump, friends,

Let's find out who our jumping family is.


In turn, first the child, then the mother and the last - the father, perform a long jump from a place. The landing site is marked with chalk on the heels. This place is the starting point for the next team member to jump. The winner is determined by the sum of all jumps.

Reader 1

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But still we will reach victory,

No fluff, you team, no pen!

Leading . 4 - th COMPETITION "One for all and all for one » (crossing in hoops - Father + mother + one child

In the hoop in the hands at the level of the belt, the dads are the first to run, run around the counter, come back. They take their mother with them in a hoop and perform the same task with their mother. Then a child gets up to them in a hoop, and the three of them do the same.

Reader 1

Well, the next game requires Dexterity, skill Great inspiration from the player.

Reader 2

Striving for victory And cheerful laughter Will help you And guarantee success.

Leading . 5th COMPETITION « Virtuosi.

Each team (dad, mom and child) has a balloon tied to its belt on a thread. You need to crush the balls of your rivals, but at the same time, save your own. (time for

relay - 3 minutes). The team with the most balls left wins.

Reader 1

We see from the side Teams are equal in technique. We want to take a quick look Whose captains are smarter.

Leading . 6th COMPETITION I see the captains are ready for the competition. I announce its terms.

The captains move "crab" to the mark (marked 10 m from the start), run back to the starting position. The team that runs first wins.

Leading . 7th COMPETITION « Final relay"

The captain, running to the indicated place where the words lie, takes one word, runs to the family, dad runs for the second word, mom for the third, etc. When all the words are in place

you need to put out a sentence: "Dad, mom, I am a healthy and friendly family." The first team to make an offer wins and the captain raises his hand.

The jury announces the results of the last relay race.

Leading: We have come to the finish line.

Parade of competitors:

To announce the results, the teams line up as follows: the child is in front, followed by mom and dad.

Reader 1

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

- For summing up the floor is given to the jury.

All teams are awarded by nominations.

    In the nomination The healthiest family 1st place

    In the nomination "The most stubborn family

    In the nomination "For the will to win"

    In the nomination "Most Purposeful Family"

    In the nomination "The most friendly family"

To the sounds of a sports march, all teams solemnly pass through the hall, and the audience greets them.

Leading: Our competitions have come to an end, but I think that this is only the beginning, a small step towards health and good mood.

Reader 2

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, for calls laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: "Goodbye,

Until happy, new meetings.

Forward, for a healthy lifestyle!

Music sounds.

Photos taken from personal archive.

List of used literature and Internet resources

    HEY. Aidashkevicene "Sport games and exercises" - Moscow "Enlightenment", 1992.

    "Sports holidays and competitions 1 - 9 classes" - Bryansk "Kursiv", 2007.



















Physical education teacher___________________
