Retro hairstyle with short hair. Waves are different

You need to quote the best, say stylists. And they actively use ideas from the past in modern trends. Under the definition of "retro" or "vintage" in today's trends, several fashion eras, but of greatest interest are the 20s, 50s and 70s of the last century. Each of these decades has had its own vivid images, which means you can choose the styling to your liking from a variety of proposals.

Moreover, thanks to today's opportunities in the beauty industry, most of these styling can be done with my own hands at home. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be a professional hairdresser, it is enough to clarify the details of the style and the technology for creating such a styling.

How to make a do-it-yourself “wave” hairstyle in retro style

One of the most famous and sought after women's hairstyles in retro style - "Hollywood waves" is a direct stylistic quote from the 20s of the last century. Hairstyles for short hair with a smooth, shiny waterfall of curls brought into fashion the first Hollywood movie stars. To create such a styling, they even had to take risks - the first styling tongs were a very traumatic tool. It was impossible to do the hairstyle yourself without the help of a hairdresser, and only a decoction of flax seeds was known as the only hair styling product with such a spectacular pattern.

Make a wave hairstyle in a retro style like Hollywood star today is very simple. It looks most organically on hair styled with bob and bob haircuts, both short and long. Also, this styling is perfectly combined with bangs of various styles.

To create it, you will need mousse or foam strong hold, curling iron or tongs, preferably with good thermal protection. Great for styling and conventional tongs, but it can be done much faster and easier with triple tongs. Waves look great on both very short hair and medium length curls. But on long hair, “waves” are used as a stylized decor element when creating combined styling - thus curling only the strands of the crown and temporal zones.

Do retro hairstyle"waves" can be done both hot - using tongs, and cold. To do this, you will need a comb, curlers, hair clips - the longer the hair, the more. Strong fixation styling will also be necessary: ​​mousse, foam and wax. The cold method is perfect for owners of very short hair, long curls cold curling is much more difficult and longer.

Hairstyles in retro style for a bob haircut and short hair

Traditionally, such retro hairstyles are made for a bob haircut with the same parting, straight - with long or short bangs. classic style. But such styling looks no less stylish on asymmetrical haircuts with long “oblique” bangs, in this case it is necessary to make a deep side parting. Wash and dry your hair, apply styling on it, comb it thoroughly and use a regular comb to part it, leading it as far as possible to the back of the head.

Separate a narrow strand from the parting directly above the forehead and, placing the curlers or tongs strictly parallel to the parting, lay it. This strand will become the control, in the same way it is necessary to lay all the strands along the parting, pinning each curl with a clip and giving it the shape of a regular curl.

Having laid the first “wave”, in the same way separating narrow strands, lay the next layer of hair. Allow the styling to “cool down”, remove all clips, and comb gently, forming even, neat waves and the overall silhouette of the styling. Fix the styling with a small amount of varnish and leave Special attention curls near the face and the ends of the strands. If necessary, additionally curl them, forming soft curls. The lower section of the retro hairstyle for short hair should look absolutely even and neat, this can also be achieved by additionally twisting the ends of the strands inward.

Pay attention to how gracefully the “waves” of retro hairstyles on short hair are styled in these photos:

Women's hairstyles with a ribbon in retro style

For short hair, this styling is enough, but the retro-style “waves” hairstyle for medium-length hair or long curls can be supplemented with a soft horizontal roller or bun, located very low at the back of the head. The style of such styling suggests a delicate volume, so if you are planning a high styling with hair raised to the crown, then it is better to refuse the “waves”.

Laying of the 20s of the last century, and especially their evening options featured luxurious exquisite decor. This is probably the last decade in the history of world fashion, when hairstyles were decorated so brightly and at the same time elegantly - with wide headbands and ribbons trimmed with real jewels, rhinestones, feathers, and pendants. In today's trends, such retro hairstyles with a ribbon are most in demand, and the brighter and more spectacular the ribbon itself looks, the better. Ordinary and faceless accessories will spoil the whole impression of the image.

After styling, place the ribbon exactly in the middle of the forehead and tie it at the back of the head, hiding the ends under the strands of hair. By the way, styling with "Hollywood waves" looks organically from the flight and on medium-length hair, gathered in a low bun or roller at the back of the head. The tape in this case is also just a decorative detail that turns everyday styling in the evening.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles with bangs in retro style for long and medium hair

The fifties of the last century are back in fashion high styling, moreover, not only as evening, but also everyday options. Similar retro hairstyles long hair you can do it yourself at home, using the most simple means for styling.

One of the iconic hairstyles of that fashionable decade is the French roller or horn. simple design styling that perfectly demonstrates the beauty of the hair, has an elegant and sophisticated pattern, in today's trends it is presented both in a classic and in a completely modern avant-garde version.

Let's start with the classic. You can make such a hairstyle in retro style both on absolutely straight hair and on hair previously laid in curls. To create a French horn, you will need hairpins, a hair brush and a regular comb. To add extra volume to the roller itself, you can use a special “sophist-twist” hairpin, which allows you to easily and neatly twist your hair vertically into a neat roller.

Additional volume at the crown, if required, can be created with with the help of a lung basal bouffant or lifting hair with curlers. This styling looks great with a side parting and is combined with bangs of any style. You don’t need to pre-style the bangs - you should get an elegant and concise styling pattern. But moisturizing your hair with a mask or spray before styling is a must - smooth and shiny curls should be obedient.

Comb all your hair to one side, gathering it in a ponytail low at the back of your head, and then, tucking it into a loose braid, lift it to the top of your head, carefully securing each turn with hairpins.

The ends of the strands in the classic version should be hidden in the styling. But modern version this hairstyle allows the design of the ends of the strands with curls or funny feathers - easy artistic mess with loose and slightly curled strands at the back of the head, it will also fit perfectly into trendy styling. You can leave it absolutely smooth and neatly combed, or you can slightly whip the strands with your hands to give it a negligent silhouette. In any case, the result should be fixed with a small amount of light fixation varnish, trying to preserve the most natural silhouette of the hairstyle.

The French shell is one of the most best options retro hairstyles with bangs for medium length hair. long and asymmetrical bangs you can enter into the styling pattern, combing it along with the main volume of hair, and slightly straighten the traditional one and combine it with strands released at the temples. The hairstyle allows you to beat the contrast between curled and straightened strands, but in no case should you curl a bang of any style. Spectacular stylish option such styling can be obtained by separating the bangs with a short transverse parting.

France is not in vain considered a trendsetter, another fashionable retro hairstyle for long hair - "babette" - comes from there. The classic babette can only be made on very long hair, but even fashionistas of the 50s used hairpieces to create it, which made it possible to create it on medium-length hair. Today, hairpieces successfully replace special hairdressing rollers and comfortable "bagels", which allow you to create a voluminous and beautiful bun at the crown - this is what the traditional elegant "babette" looks like.

It is performed absolutely smooth hair, so pre-curls do not need to be curled. And the owners of fluffy or wavy hair It is best to smooth them out with an iron first. Comb your hair thoroughly and divide it with two partings, placing them just above the temples, into two zones. Collect the strands of the upper zone in high tail at the crown, securing it with an elastic band. If necessary, make a light basal bouffant over the forehead or at the base of the tail of the base and smooth it with a brush. This addition will visually "stretch" the face and make it thinner and more elegant.

Comb the strands of the lower zone with a brush high up, and slightly twisting them into a tourniquet - just a couple of turns - combine them with the resulting tail. If you are doing a “babette” on medium-length hair, then be sure to use a “donut” or roller, matched exactly to the color of your hair. Simply wrap the hair strands, smoothly or overlapping, for a tight and rounded bun. Long hair can simply be folded into a voluminous and rounded roller or folded with a tourniquet to form a voluminous complex pattern beam.

AND " french shell"and" babette "- the most striking representatives of the style of the 50s of the last century. Today they are in demand in their classic styling options - with an impeccably neat pattern, a strict, but very feminine and aristocratic silhouette. In this case, they are perfect for creating an official or solemn image. It is no coincidence that these French styles are today chosen by the most fashion brides creating classic wedding looks.

But they are no less relevant for everyday images. Light, but carefully thought-out carelessness of styling, freely released strands at the temples, the back of the head, the addition of bangs of any style - these features fit the hairstyles absolutely modern and very stylish look. They are appropriate and look very organic in everyday, romantic and, of course, informal business images. Moreover, you can make them, going anywhere, quickly enough.

Take a look at the retro hairstyles for long hair in these photos - this is today's standard of femininity:

The seventies, the style of "disco" and "hippie" that arose at that time, at one time fundamentally changed all the standards of femininity that existed before. Today, stylists consider this decade a landmark and willingly borrow the images of the 70s, interpreting them in a new way. It was then that the girls first began to wear their hair loose, bangs were established in fashion, and styling became easier to perform. The most interesting in this vein are retro-style hairstyles for medium-length hair - the most popular among today's fashionistas.

Such styling practically does not require the intervention of a professional hairdresser, even a beginner can easily make them, especially using modern styling. But there is one nuance that you should definitely take into account when planning to do such retro hairstyles with your own hands. They look ideal and truly luxurious only on hair that is regularly and very well cared for. Such styling looks better than other vintage options on complexly dyed or tinted hair - this is also a kind of style sign of the 70s.

These hairstyles today fit perfectly into both informal everyday and business looks, many of them can be used as evening and romantic ones. One of the iconic hairstyles of that era - the ponytail - with a very simple, at first glance, and elegant pattern, has its own secrets.

Its creation, subject to all the rules, will not take more than half an hour, but before doing such a retro hairstyle at home, the hair must be carefully prepared. Laying looks best on absolutely straight and smooth curls- it is they who emphasize the graphic quality and clarity of her drawing. So you shouldn't do it curly hair, and fluffy and wavy curls are best to straighten first. With the help of what exactly - it will tell you only the type of your hair, you can do this with the help of special sprays or mousses, and with the help of a hair straightener, after taking care of thermal protection.

Such a tail was ironically called "horse" for its location - on the top of the head or very high on the back of the head, today's stylists recommend placing it asymmetrically. Where exactly you place it depends only on the type of your appearance. To create a trendy and up-to-date version of this style, you will need: styling that gives plasticity and softness, hair tie, wide-toothed comb, a couple of hairpins and 15 minutes of time.

On pre-washed and slightly dried hair, apply a little styling, distributing it along the entire length. Comb and, if necessary, further straighten the curls. Separate with two partings, placing them just above the temples, strands above the forehead. These strands will allow you to model an individual styling pattern. A light basal bouffant above the forehead visually “stretches” the face, and a bouffant at the base of the tail, that is, at the middle of the strands, will make the whole styling pattern more elegant. Choose the one that suits your type of appearance, but be sure to smooth the bouffant with a brush. Then gather your hair into a ponytail and use an elastic band to secure it where you planned. Separate a narrow strand at the base of the tail and, wrapping it around the elastic, fix the attachment point with the help of hairpins.

Similarly, the same retro-style hairstyles with bangs are created, moreover, in a wide variety of styles, it is enough to separate the bangs with a parting and additionally straighten. Both long thick bangs and asymmetrical and deeply thinned bangs fit perfectly into the style of the 70s, with which today's stylists will complement cascading haircuts on hair of medium length, they, by the way, also come from that decade.

Do spectacular option do-it-yourself retro hairstyles for medium-length hair, decorated in a cascade, are just as simple. Wash and lightly dry your hair, apply styling on them and style with curlers or curling irons. secret spectacular styling only two: curlers or curling irons should be of large diameter and curls should be curled outward, not inward. Using a small amount of gel or wax, highlight the ends of the strands, sharpening them a little and paying special attention to the strands near the face. For thick and obedient hair additional fixation is not required, and thin and unruly hair it is better to lightly treat with a light fixation varnish. Such styling looks perfect not only in everyday looks, but also in evening ones, for good reason - they belong to the disco style.

Pay attention to how stylish retro hairstyles for medium hair look spectacular in these photos:

Evening and wedding hairstyles in retro style

The versatility of retro hairstyles, the ability to use them to create the most different images and ease of execution are truly unique. Stylists do not insist on strict quotes from a particular decade and strict observance of the canons, it is enough to embody the main idea in the styling and adapt it “for yourself”.

Most of them, due to the simplicity of execution, are able to transform and raise new level elegance to any everyday look. Combine with a graceful French horn romantic dress in the style of the 50s is not necessary at all - it will literally transform the image based on the most modest office outfit. Moreover, the same French horn will not require styling for the sake of a party and going to the theater - just change clothes. Simple and effective evening hairstyle in retro style is no different from "daytime". It in itself is a bright and expressive decoration of the image, which, if desired, can be improved with the help of accessories or jewelry.

Therefore, when choosing styling for a special event or party, you can safely trust vintage ideas, choosing only those that are ideal for your appearance - success will be guaranteed to you.

It is no coincidence that these hairstyles have become hits. wedding fashion, which today also welcomes simplicity, individuality and demonstration good taste. Which one wedding hairstyle in retro style, choose depends only on the image that the bride creates.

These styling allow you to create very effective "complex" images. For example, the "cascade", laid in the spirit of the 70s, will perfectly complement the feminine fishnet dress, and effective "Babette" will be the best addition To wedding dress classic style. No less in demand in wedding fashion are “Hollywood waves”, which emphasize the elegance of dresses of simple styles in the spirit of fashionable minimalism. Vintage hairstyles today are successfully replacing classic ones. wedding styling and this trend will only continue to grow.

Retro hairstyle with cold waves looks very romantic and elegant. AllHairStyle- online magazine about hair. Sloppy retro waves create one of the most traditional hairstyles that have ever existed. Although retro hairstyles belong to the last century, they will never go out of style - from sexy soft waves to curls wound on curlers and rollers.

He only rose from the category of "everyday" hairstyles to the level of "holidays". Any girl who loves elegant and stylish looks can master hair styling by undulation.

Here are a few beautiful images from the past, which will help awaken inspiration and tune in to a stylish experiment with hair. Of course, you noticed that " cold wave» is almost never found on long hair. 5. Wait for the hair to dry well. You can decorate cold waves with a bright hairpin in the style of the 20-30-40s, a veil, feathers, a hat, a beautiful headband.

One option is to see how the models are dressed, which designers release on the catwalk with cold wave hairstyles. If you decide to renovate your bathroom and redesign it, you need to find a source of inspiration. It is in autumn that we contribute to the future of our youth and beauty. After all, such hairstyles look gorgeous on hair of any type and color. Perhaps you need some inspiration?

How to make waves with an iron? Hairstyle "Marseille wave"

This perfect hairstyle for medium length hair, especially if it is a little overgrown. If you are looking for a retro hairstyle for a wedding, then you have found it. Where else can you go with this hairstyle? Doesn't this hairstyle remind you of Marilyn Monroe? However, do not hesitate, this hairstyle will look equally great on blondes, redheads and brunettes. Starting with curls wrapped around the roller and ending with curls at the back, this style looks very harmonious.

So why not borrow hairstyle ideas from Hollywood movie stars? For example, retro styling in the spirit of Marlene Dietrich, Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner and other stars of the 1930s, relevant not only for theme party in the style of The Great Gatsby, but also in everyday look. Exquisite option, repeatedly tested on the catwalks and red carpets - flawless waves and smooth curls.

7. Messy retro hairstyle

Girls with an oval shape facial fit styling with a curl at the ends of the hair. To create an image, you will need a hairdryer and boomerang curlers. 1. First, lower your head down and in this position, apply mousse or spray to the roots (for example, "Instant Volume" from Wella). 3. When the hair is a little dry, use curlers to curl the ends. 4. For quick styling dry your hair with a hair dryer at medium temperature, wound on curlers.

On long hair Hollywood curls look no less luxurious. To create a spectacular hairstyle, you need thermal curlers, a smoothing lotion and half an hour of free time.

Retro hairstyles: chic, or style of the 20s

Today, such hairstyles often adorn the images of it-girls on fashion shows and social gatherings. Repeating a wave-styled bob is easy with a regular curling iron. 1. First apply to wet hair hair styling cream with a volume effect, then blow-dry your hair and part it in the middle. And if you add a retro-style outfit to such a hairstyle, any woman at once becomes a beautiful lady from a bygone era. It suits everyone - both long-haired and women with short hair.

How to make a cold wave at home? 3. To make the styling last longer, fix the hair at the temples with invisibility in the bends of the waves and apply a spray-shine. But even if you are not a screen star, you too can become a style goddess if you agree to do a retro hairstyle. And this hair style has not lost its relevance to this day. Retro-style styling is also available to owners of squares. In the 30s of the last century, a hairstyle of diagonal, neatly laid waves, falling to one side, was especially popular.

Some wise man once said that the new is the well-forgotten old. And he was absolutely right. After all, people now and then give preference to clothes, hairstyles, cars, furniture. Under the old interiors, they decorate apartments, restaurants and other premises. Naturally, echoes of modernity are felt in all this, but the idea remains old. The retro wave hairstyle is one of the many things that girls choose to create. perfect image, albeit with an emphasis on last century. Today, such styling looks new, extraordinary, they are distinguished by modern accents, but the idea is borrowed from bygone years.

Birth of undulation

With the advent of the twentieth century, significant changes begin to occur in the fashion world. They were greatly influenced by scientific discoveries and technological progress. famous fashion designer from France, abolished corsets. And in those days it was considered a great courage. Poiret also decided to make it a little shorter. Yes, these were not mini-dresses, only the ankles were open, but still. Shortened clothes immediately found their reflection on short hair.

In France, in 1922, the story "The Boy" written by Victor Marguerite saw the world. The style of a girl-boy with an angular female figure. At the end of the 1920s, the "garcon" is modified into a more feminine cut short and scrupulously curled, styling with magnificent waves. This was undulation, or, as it is called today, the “Wave” (retro) hairstyle.

Ondulation as it is

Retro hairstyle "Waves" is back in fashion from time to time. After all, styling with shafts that frame the face gives the lady femininity, valued at all times.

There are two methods by which you can create retro waves. It's hot and cold way s. This type of styling will be considered the famous undulation, or “Marseilles wave”. The second name was given in honor of Marcel Grato, the creator of the styling.

The ideal hairstyle "Wave" of retro style is exactly obliged to imitate the shape of the shaft: a ridge-trough and further similar alternation. Laying should be held without the use of clamps. Mr. Grato created just such waves. But today the requirements for this hairstyle are not so strict.

"Marseille wave"

Retro hairstyles are always at the peak of popularity. Hairstyle waves in retro style, which is called " Marseille wave", was relevant in the 1920s. This styling is perfect for creating an evening classic look and will demonstrate to all the surrounding people the excellent taste of its owner.

To create it, you need to prepare with a large diameter, a frequent comb, thermal protection spray and a hairpin.

So, first of all, you need to make a side parting. Then we pin a wide strand of hair with a hairpin.

We treat the entire hair with a heat-protective spray. With tongs in the direction to the face we wind the curls. It is necessary to try to make tight curls. Otherwise, the “Wave” (retro) hairstyle will not work.

After all the hair is twisted, they should be sprinkled with a varnish that provides supressive fixation. Then comb your hair with a fine comb. The contours of the future styling will become noticeable. Tight curls will gradually be replaced by soft waves.

Cold retrowaves

Retro "Waves" hairstyle can be created in another way. For its construction, it will be necessary to move a thin comb in front of the index and middle fingers of the left hand, which indicates the direction of the wave. The resulting bend is fixed with fingers.

Cold undulation is carried out on a thoroughly washed head. The braid styling agent is applied gradually, making special emphasis to the roots. Each hair from root to tip must be impregnated with such a composition.

After the fixative is applied, the hair is carefully combed with a fine comb. Side parting is most suitable for cold wave making. On the side of the head where more hair, must be from five waves, where less braid, - from three.

hot waves

Consider another way to make a retro hairstyle "Waves" with a hot method. To do this, you will definitely need hot tongs and a comb. Waves are made by gradually moving the forceps from the roots of the hair to their tips. But the forceps at this time should change their location: under the strand and above it.

So, we separate the strand of braids and comb it. We place hot tongs near the roots so that the surface that heats up is under the strand. We maintain the curl in this position for several minutes, but do not forget to comb the remaining strand of braids in the direction of the next shaft.

The next wave is created by hot tongs, the heated surface of which is already above the strand. The remaining waves are created in exactly the same way as the previous two.

No matter how the Wave hairstyle is created, the girl with it will be irresistible!

Once having emerged in the 1930s, retro-style curls still do not leave the pinnacle of popularity. The era of Chanel, Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich - seems to be the height of elegance and sophistication. And since the possibilities modern fashion allow you to appear in any image you like, often the choice falls on this particular hairstyle. Refinement and chic, which give soft voluminous curls, now you will not meet on every corner. similar image self-expression in comparison with the "bunches" on the head and disheveled curls, of course, will win. No wonder it is chosen by many stars on the red carpet and other events. How to do retro curls find out later in the article.

What's happened

Due to the fact that this styling was very fond of the movie stars of those years, the name stuck to it - Hollywood wave. Retro-style curls are characterized by volume, smoothness and shiny hair.

The shiny surface of the hair speaks of their health and beauty. There are no too sharp lines and strong creases, all the strands look sophisticated and elegant.

Attention! All curls must be of the same shape.

Hair features

  1. This perm is quite versatile. The only limitation is very short haircut. The most impressive retro styling looks on medium length, since even the tips are involved in creating the image. Ideally, when the hair is the same length. If the owner has a “torn” haircut with asymmetrical edges, then it will be quite problematic to perform such a hairstyle.
  2. According to the color type, there are also no strict limits. Classic option retro-curls on a blond are considered, but this is largely a tribute to the fashion of those years. At uneven color hair, highlighted separate strands, such a hairstyle will only emphasize the beauty of coloring.
  3. The curls themselves can be of various sizes. To stop your choice on one of them, you need, depending on the shape and oval of the face. Properly selected styling can correct flaws and emphasize advantages. Suitable for almost everyone are medium curls. For broad face and large features, you should choose them, but from small curls it is better to refuse - they will create some kind of disharmony. On oval shape face, any curls will look advantageous.
  4. A classic hairstyle also requires a certain style of clothing. Ideally, it is suitable for attending any events where a floor-length or midi-length dress with a classic bias will look organic.

Retro curls at home

In order to create such a styling, it is not necessary to visit the salon. It can be done at home as well. The execution technique is approximately the same for any length. Most important difference- choice of tool for creating curls.

Also some general rules to keep in mind:

  1. Curling with hot tools can only be done on absolutely dry hair.
  2. It is better to dry them with brushing - a large round brush, to give extra volume.
  3. When using styling tools more than twice a week, be sure to use thermal protection products.
  4. Hair must be clean, free of residues from varnish or gels.
  5. The parting is done mostly straight or on the side.
  6. All strands separated for fixation should be approximately the same size.

To create a hairstyle you will need: brushing brush, ordinary comb with rare teeth, hair dryer, hairpins or clips, curling iron / curler / iron, strong fixation varnish.

With the help of a curling iron

The fastest and convenient way is the use of a curling iron.

  1. Curling irons and irons are better to choose with a ceramic coating.
  2. The size of the styling tool should be selected according to the required sizes curls.
  3. There are cone-shaped curling irons without a clamp. On the one hand, it is easier to curl strands on them, and there are no clips left. On the other hand, doing it yourself is not always convenient and requires some skill.
  4. There is a curling iron with three heating elements, which can also be used for variations of this styling.
  5. The average temperature for curling is 120-160 degrees. First we make the necessary parting.
  6. We select a strand and twist it into a tourniquet not tightly, but simply for convenience. We do not separate a too thick curl, as it is difficult to fully warm it up.
  7. We wind it on the curling iron in the direction from the face, while not closing the pressure part, and hold the tip of the hair with our fingers. This is done in order to avoid creases.
  8. We warm up for 20 seconds and carefully, without dissolving the bundle, release the tongs. We fix the beam with clamps so that it does not fall apart and there are no creases left.
  9. Forceps for all actions must be kept parallel to the parting.
  10. We do the same with all hair.
  11. After waiting for the curls to cool, carefully dissolve them, starting from the lower layers.
  12. We carefully comb the curl along the entire length with a comb with large teeth.
  13. To give structure to the resulting waves, we fix the clips in the places where the hair is bent and spray with varnish.
  14. After 5 minutes, remove the hairpins - the hairstyle is ready.

Note, This method is most suitable for medium length hair.

With the help of curlers

For such a masonry you will need special thermal curlers.

  1. Before curling, apply mousse or styling foam and dry the hair roots, giving them volume.
  2. We divide all hair into small strands, about 2 cm. You should not take thicker ones, since this method of curling is gentle and simply does not warm up the curl completely.
  3. The cooling time of such curlers is about 10 minutes.
  4. We remove the curlers and carry out a curl with a rare comb.
  5. Then we distribute the hair in the required direction and fix the result with varnish.

Curler styling is best suited for medium to long hair.

With ironing

Hair straightener - modern facility which have not been used before. That's why the curls obtained with its help will differ slightly from the classic ones. However, using it, you can achieve excellent results with a hint of the 21st century.

  1. We divide all the hair into separate equal zones - temporal, crown, upper lower occipital. Each of them should be mirrored in 2 - on the left side of the head and on the right.
  2. We fix them so that they do not interfere.
  3. We dissolve one of the zones and twist it as follows - we curl the temporal, lower occipital and crown towards the face, and the rest - in the opposite direction.
  4. The result does not need to be combed, just touch up with your fingers. Spray with varnish. If necessary, some curls near the face can be fixed for a few minutes with clamps.

With the help of invisible

For convenience, use special hairdressing hairpins or clips. It is most convenient to use this method on short hair.

Styling devices in this method do not use, therefore styling foam is applied to the hair.

  1. We divide the hair into a side parting, from the wide side of which we select a small strand of hair near the face and lay it in the shape of the letter S.
  2. We stab the decorated strand with clamps so that the shape is preserved. We continue the wave to the very back of the head, every 2-3 cm, fixing it with a hairpin.
  3. After 2-4 cm below, we create the same wave, but the top of which looks in the opposite direction.
  4. All hairpins should be parallel to the parting and to each other.
  5. We do similar actions up to the level of the ear. All hairpins form arcs that run from one ear to the other.
  6. We curl the lower hair into rings and fix it.
  7. The hair is dried, then we remove the hairpins and go through the hair with a comb with rare teeth.
  8. Carefully spray the styling with varnish.

With a tourniquet

Another, but already "cold" way to achieve curls in retro style.

  1. Apply styling foam to clean, damp hair.
  2. We distribute the hair on quite thin strands, which we twist around its axis into flagella.
  3. Separate bundles are collected on the head in the form of a snail and fixed with clamps, after which we carefully dry the hair with a hairdryer. The hair dryer must be set to cool air, otherwise the hair will dry out a lot.
  4. After drying your hair, loosen it and straighten it with your fingers. The result is fixed with varnish.

Modern fashion brings its new and fresh ideas in classic hairstyles. Interpretation of retro styling using modern tools no longer requires careful and lengthy preparation. You can add a touch of grace and glamor of the 30s to your image even at home.

Useful videos

Awesome way to create a wave.

Retro styling in 6 minutes.

Despite the fact that retro hairstyles are the scourge of the last century, they are unlikely to ever go out of fashion. An abundance of styling from soft and neat curls to careless, exciting strands scattered over the shoulders and back will always be in trend. The main task of a modern fashionista is a competent combination of haircuts with makeup, wardrobe and, of course, the occasion. Such hairstyles can be done on curls of any length, type and shade.

The fashion of the last century is slowly but surely returning. Modern fashionistas and worldwide famous stars more and more often they appear before the eyes of the public not only in clothing styles of the 20th century, but also with the styling that was extremely popular among our grandmothers. Fashion, like all good things, is making a comeback, and retro is one of the most popular styles in the fashion industry right now.

Among them the most popular are:

  • careless small curls;
  • ordered massive curls;
  • loose slightly twisted with straight or curled bangs;
  • high and low buns with ribbons and hair accessories;
  • curled hair laid on a roller and so on.

The main task in this case will achieve wavy hair, and then lay them at your discretion, based on the occasion and the shape of the dress. The so-called "cold wave" is a trend of that time, which is slowly and surely gaining popularity in modern world hairdressing art.

Careless small curls of retro hairstyles for medium hair can be lifted to the back of the head and assembled into an arbitrary, slightly, or high ponytail. This styling is perfect for both a party and a family breakfast in a cozy restaurant. You can add such hair satin ribbon to match clothes and makeup or as an accessory for hairstyles.

Undoubtedly the most winning option retro hairstyles will be loose curls, wound on a roller or curling iron. The main thing, before the final styling, comb the curls in order to soften the wave and achieve the effect of lightness and tenderness. An excellent solution would be a high tail or a bun with a rounded, missing to the eyebrows, thick bangs. This styling is suitable for any image, to various lengths and hair color.

In order to improve such a hairstyle and modernize it under modern way, you can experiment with a parting on your head, turning it to one of the sides or giving it a U-shape. This, combined with bright and bold makeup, is perfect for evening out into the world. Complementing large curls with discreet business suit And light makeup, you can get a great everyday look.

Another spectacular retro is a voluminous wavy hair, slightly raised with a pile on the back of the head with the help of invisible or styling roller. You can make such a hair with the help of hot styling, giving volume to the roots. After that, you should slightly wind the entire length of the hair, and then comb the curls a little, giving them smoothness and gloss.

Retro hairstyles for long hair

This is a separate story and a whole series of various styling. Here you can highlight:

  • high ponytails, which are curled along the length of one large wave;
  • styling on long hair with a roller, which are twisted to one side;
  • complex haircuts with a pile of small raised and laid curls or laying on a roller, consisting of two large curls, which are reduced to an even parting up;
  • a cold wave descending over the entire head, to the back of the head, on which either an even tail or long flowing hair begins;

The main task of the owners thick hair who plan to make retro is not to hide all the luxury of curls and emphasize long hair and volume of hair. An even ponytail is made without parting and emphasizes correct features oval face. Looks elegant and bouffant in retro style.

Long tails at the back of the head or low tails can be diversified with an even or side parting. Even classic early 20th-century loose hair can be diversified by twisting long hair, or alternating small and massive strands, or making curls only at the ends of the curls.

Short haircuts combined with small and careless curls on dark strands- This is a separate image of the last century. All fashionistas with short dark hair strove to curl them on a roller or make volume with a pile.

Options for children

Children's hairstyles can be done in the same way as adults. The little lady will look great at any celebration or celebration with large curled waves on the roller, both for long and short hair of any shade. Adding curls bright accessory or ribbon, you can complete the hairstyle and modernize it with any outfit.

Do-it-yourself retro hairstyle is a task that every girl can do. One has only to acquire a certain amount of patience, inspiration and theoretical knowledge that will help you in as soon as possible make retro hairstyles with your own hands at home. Retro glamor is trending today followed modern fashionistas and representatives of leading fashion houses from around the world. Retro hairstyles are great for both long and short hair. short curls, as well as harmoniously combined with many accessories.

Retro style short haircuts look great paired with cool big waves, A dark hair V retro styling perfectly reflect the fashion of the 20s of the last century. Combining retro haircuts with clothes of the same style, you are instantly transported to that era and enjoy the chic and gloss of the early 20th century. Waves, both long and short strands, can be supplemented beautiful ribbon, pearl beads, brooch or any other accessory that should be in harmony with your makeup and complete the look.
