Luxurious and original rosette guinea pigs. Abyssinian (rosette) guinea pig

Abyssinian guinea pigs are mobile, cheerful and unpretentious in maintenance - they do not require special care for wool. A distinctive feature of the breed is an extraordinary greed for food. Who is the first to "fall out" of the open door of the cage when he smells a cucumber? Of course, the Abyssinian guinea pig! This wonderful quality is very helpful when taming a pig.

For breeders, the breed is of particular interest - after all, it is the most difficult breed to breed. And if the breeder gets offspring good quality, there really is something to be proud of!

The main features of the Abyssinian guinea pigs

The most important distinguishing feature, by which you can immediately determine the Abyssinian in front of you or not - these are the so-called rosettes on the wool.

Rosettes are a kind of funnels on wool, when the hairs do not grow evenly as a result of a mutation, but form such an open flower, grow from the center, forming a funnel.

Usually there are 6-10 such rosettes throughout the coat, they are absent only on the stomach and head.

Also interesting special shape mutations in Abyssinians are the so-called "double rosettes". Instead of one rosette, two are formed at once, and the pig turns out to be all in small rosettes. There can be up to 30 of them!

Evenly shaped rosettes with a clear center and without extra hair emerging from it. Moreover, the rosettes should be formed symmetrically: the same number of rosettes on each side of the body. The ideal Abyssinian will have 8-10 rosettes on the right and left shoulder, four or two on the back and one on each side of the thighs. The edges of the outlets should ideally be clear indicators of where each outlet begins and ends.

In fact, pigs with perfect rosettes are not born so often, many Abyssinians have wool and rosettes that are imperfect by show standards. So if you own a cute Abyssinian pig with symmetrical rosettes, it's likely that you'll want to show your pet off at a guinea pig show. AT last years such exhibitions are held regularly.

But if your funny pet's fur isn't quite perfect, don't be discouraged. All the same, your guinea pig will love you just as much as an Abyssinian with perfect fur.

From the history of Abyssinian guinea pigs

It is likely that this is one of oldest breeds, and the Abyssinian guinea pig has been around for centuries.

Today, no one can say for sure why these pigs were called Abyssinian.

Those who are well acquainted with geography and history may assume that the Abyssinian guinea pigs got their name from the place of their homeland, that is, that they come from a historical area ancient state Abyssinia (the territory of modern Ethiopia in Africa). However, it is not. This breed is nowhere to be found in this region (the guinea pig is native to South America - a different continent altogether!), which completely destroys the common misconception that they were found in Abyssinia.

The first Abyssinian was brought from America to Europe in the 16th century. Then these exotic pets were very expensive. For some unknown reason, someone in England decided to name the rosette guinea pigs the Abyssinian, and the breed has retained this name to this day.

The nature of the Abyssinian guinea pigs

There is a well-established belief among guinea pig breeders and owners that Abyssinian guinea pigs are more mischievous and active than other breeds. Perhaps the reason lies in their heightened curiosity. Of course, there is no concrete evidence of this fact, no studies have been conducted on the dependence of the character of a guinea pig on its breed, this is just an opinion, and believe it or not, the decision is yours.

And please don't let this opinion scare you away from getting yourself an Abyssinian guinea pig. Abyssinians are truly magnificent guinea pigs with their own character and personality. Yes, all guinea pigs love the company of people, but this is a special breed. They seem to enjoy being in our company much more than other pigs.

Abyssinians are very energetic and active, especially in young age. They have a very lively personality and are fairly easy to get along with. good relationship and make friends.

It is believed that they lend themselves well to training and education.

Caring for an Abyssinian guinea pig is not particularly difficult. Abyssinians are slightly more difficult to care for compared to other guinea pig breeds, but much easier compared to other pets.

The main feature is hair care. It needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent tangles. Just buy a soft brush and spend a few minutes brushing at least once a week. This combing is especially important in the summer, when pigs are often outside.

Frequently Asked Question: Should Guinea Pigs Be Bathed? After all, the fur can get dirty. This should only be done in last resort. Guinea pigs- very clean animals and usually put their fur coat in order on their own.

Read more about caring for guinea pigs in the "Contents" section.

In terms of disease, Abyssinian guinea pigs (like many pedigreed pigs, though) are more vulnerable and could potentially have various diseases in the absence of proper care. Most importantly, keep an eye on your guinea pig's diet, as the wrong diet in most cases leads to serious illness.

Abyssinian guinea pig color

Abyssinians are the most different colors, including multicolor.

Brindl is a two-tone color with a mixture of black and red hairs growing in a mixed pattern throughout the body. The eyes of these pigs black-brown. Ears, claws and soles of paws are black. Brindle can be divided into two categories - light and dark. Their exact classification depends on the ratio of red or black.

The tortoise color (tortoise) is characterized by the presence of spots in the color, usually black and red, throughout the body.

Color Runes (Ron) (roan) - characterized by the presence of a layer consisting of mixtures of white.

Color Self (self) is a solid solid color, without any spots. It can be completely white, red, black, or some other rarer colors.

Guinea pigs with the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" are of great interest both to breeders of these animals and ordinary people. Everything about these pets is excellent, from appearance to simple content. Unfortunately, there are not so many real Abyssinian pigs in modern world. How can they be distinguished from other breeds? How long do they live? Let's talk further.

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Origin story

Rosette pigs appeared in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in England, later the animals spread throughout Europe, where they caused considerable excitement. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals lived in Central and South America. As for the name, the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" is very well matched to these bizarre animals.

Pigs have nothing to do with cats with the same name. But why they were called that - still remains unknown fact. At the same time, many are interested in how long these animals live at home today.


Abyssinian is clearly different in outward signs from other breeds. Its peculiarity is the presence of so-called "rosettes" in wool, which are vortices of the same shape with clear symmetrical contours. Otherwise, the pet is not much different from its own kind: four paws, eyes, a tail and a slightly flat muzzle with protruding ears on the sides.

breed standard

Show Abyssinian gilts should ideally have ten rosettes: four on the back, two on the thighs and two more on the shoulder blades. Representatives who have a rosette on their nose are especially valued. The length of an adult is on average 25-30 cm. To the touch, the female's coat is softer and more pleasant. In general, rosette gilts are considered rough-haired.

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According to the standard rosette pig can be both monophonic and spotted. Sometimes there is a tortoiseshell color, in which red and black are mixed, as well as blue, which implies a mixture of white and black. The most common are piebald pigs. The length of the coat cannot be more than four centimeters.

These pets are great for lazy owners, as they do not require special care. If you decide to settle several animals of this breed, then it would be better to create a family of them. Wherein ideal option there will be a settlement of one male and several females. The boy in this case plays the role of a peacemaker.

In the cage of a rosette pig, it should be spacious. It is better to scatter sawdust on the surface, among which it is necessary to put a feeder and a drinker. Also in the cage should be a shelter for the pet, where he can feel safe.


Representatives of the Abyssinian breed show a good appetite which applies to many products. You can feed the animals with healthy ingredients from the table, or you can purchase special feed mixtures from pet stores. The main food in summer time grass is considered, and hay in winter.


From time to time it is necessary to comb the fur, cut the claws and, of course, follow general condition pet, preventing the development of diseases. How long do these pets live? With the right content, such a pig can live from 8 to 12 years.


Abyssinian rosette pigs are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and amusing character. They are able to get along with others and are often good friends for small children. This pet can even be taught to sit on its hind legs, if you set yourself such a goal. To play in a cage with a pet, you need to install a wheel, ladder, balls and various rattles that can be purchased at any pet store.

Pet character

Abyssinian pigs are calm in nature. They rarely decide to bite people and almost never show aggressiveness. But this does not mean at all that the animal is not able to fend for itself. Quite the contrary: two females can begin to sort things out, and males will even get involved in a fight. If the animals are related by blood ties, then most likely they will live well with each other. By the way, this breed belongs to the category of hard-to-breed. A rosette pig almost always gets along with a person and happily “communicates” with his beloved owner. As long as they live nearby, so much delight a person!

What causes rosette guinea pigs

Photo gallery

Video "Guinea pig"

In this video you can see several representatives of this exotic breed.

We know very little about the time when the first domestic animals appeared, there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when a person received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Proof of this are archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During the excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals were found. ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in wild nature.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals due to the fault of man. For example, let's take America or Australia as a clear proof of this theory. Almost all domestic animals in these continents were brought from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or a rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they bred in huge quantities and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then the first confirmations in the annals and legends we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the Crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied a niche pet and a mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as the weasel or the genet.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animals are farm animals that bring direct benefit to humans. Meat, wool, fur and many others useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them, for practical purposes, are almost useless in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species may not infrequently belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example of this, rabbits and ferrets are kept as pets but also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for knitting various items or as a heater. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can see that many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for your pet.

If you have an interesting observation of the behavior of your pet or have a desire, share information about some kind of pet. Or do you have a nursery near your house, veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals, write to us about them at the address so that we add this information to the database on our website.

Name: Abyssinian guinea pig, rosette guinea pig.

Origin: South America
Lifespan: 6 years.
Character: non-aggressive.

The Abyssinian guinea pig is one of the oldest and most popular guinea pig breeds available today. This breed is easily recognizable by its coat, which consists of unusual rosettes (mountain ranges) growing in different directions.

Abyssinian pigs are very gentle animals and get along well with children. No wonder these pigs are a favorite among connoisseurs. Abyssinian pigs are quite healthy animals, in addition, they have a small smell, compared to other breeds.

Show animals must have eight rosettes per body or more. Abyssinian pigs come in a wide variety of colors, including white, red, brown, gold, and chocolate. Coat color can be either monochromatic or a combination of several colors. Adult pigs reach a size of 25-35 cm.

Wool Abyssinian pigs does not require permanent care. Once a week, animals should be combed to remove dead hairs.

Pigs are not prone to many diseases, but regular checkups of the animal are recommended.

Some signs of disease:
- Scaly skin - often caused by mites as well as deficiency fatty acids or contagious diseases.
- Stiffness and roughness of wool - deficiency of vitamin C.
- Enlargement (bloating) of the chin - often caused by infection.
- Lethargy - can be caused by a variety of diseases, such as bacterial pneumonia.

Reproduction: difficult.
Pigs can be allowed to breed from five months.
This breed has a reputation for being difficult to breed.

There are many varieties of guinea pigs in the world, differing from each other in the texture of the coat, color, size. Abyssinian (rosette) guinea pigs got their name due to the special appearance of the coat - in the form of twisting spirals, which are called rosettes. Special appearance contributed to the wide distribution of these active animals as pets.

Description and distinguishing features

Despite the name, gilts do not originate in Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia). It is known that the breed comes from South America. In Europe, they met representatives of the Abyssinian breed back in Victorian era. It is no longer possible to establish the origin of the name, since no data on this has been preserved.

Did you know? The long jump record belongs to an Abyssinian guinea pig named Truffle (Great Britain). At the competition in April 2012, Truffle showed a result of 48 cm.

The unique features of the breed are the rosettes in which the long Abyssinian fur is wrapped. It is also unique that the number of sockets is necessarily even - from 12 to 30 pieces, and they are arranged symmetrically.

What do they look like and how big do they grow?

The exterior of these pets is as follows:

  • the body is compact, with the correct proportions;
  • triangular elongated head;
  • narrow shoulders, so there is no border between the head and the body;
  • wool is dense, hard;
  • the dorsal crest of wool is clearly defined and follows the entire spine;
  • the color can be white and any shades from golden to chocolate.

Wherein Special attention pay attention to the quality of rosettes - they should be clear, well-drawn, with a delineated woolen comb along the edge. The growth of an adult Abyssinian reaches 28 cm. The weight of the male is 0.8–1.1 kg, the female is 0.7–0.9 kg. These are not very large pigs.

What character and how long do they live

Abyssinians are extremely inquisitive and are actively interested in everything new around them. This is one of the most restless breeds. The life expectancy of Abyssinians is 8–10 years. The breed has good immunity and rarely gets sick.

Content pros and cons

Abyssinians are very clean and take great care of their coat. Compact pigs do not need a large area for living and do not require special conditions to content.

Video: the pros and cons of keeping guinea pigs The advantages of the breed include:

  • hypoallergenicity of wool;
  • well-developed mental abilities;
  • sociability and the ability to get along well with children;
  • good health.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • the need to carefully care for the coat of the animal;
  • the ability of rodents to taste all the objects that they meet while walking around the apartment, including wires and wallpaper.

Important! If the pig walks freely around the apartment, remove the wires to a height at which the animal cannot reach them. This will protect your pet from electrical shock.

Choosing and arranging a home

For maintenance, a cage can be used (the size varies) or a terrarium (aquarium). Both types of content have their pros and cons. Inside the dwelling there must be: a house-shelter, a drinking bowl, a feeder. A litter of sawdust is laid at the bottom of the dwelling.
Important points when choosing a home are:

  • cell size;
  • safety of the home, especially the floor;
  • ease of cleaning and disinfection.

cage or terrarium

The first question when choosing a home is the choice between buying a terrarium or a cage.


In fact, pets can feel equally good in any home if it is cleaned in a timely manner and the animal has enough food.
The bottom of the structure must be solid so that the animal does not damage its paws. The floor is sprinkled with sawdust with a layer of 1–1.5 cm, which must be changed regularly.

What is needed inside

Inside the dwelling must be:

  • house;
  • drinker;
  • feeder.

The height of the cage should be about 30-40 cm, although it is not the most important parameter. Since the pig loves to walk, the length of the cage is more important for her - at least 100 cm. There should be a house inside the cage - a small structure in which the animal can hide and store supplies there, like in a hole.

Video: what should be in a guinea pig cage The dimensions of the house are 20x50x20 cm. Windows are not required in it. A feeder for grain feed, a manger for hay and a drinker are also placed in the cage. Hay can be located outside the cage, but in such a way that it is convenient for the guinea pig to get it.

Pigs living in a large cage organize a toilet in one of the corners, away from contact with food. This is convenient, because only the toilet can be cleaned daily, and the rest of the bedding should be changed as it gets dirty.

Did you know? The biggest guinea pig festival takes place in Peru. It is attended by representatives different breeds. With the help of contests and competitions, the fastest pig, the largest, the most fashionable, is established. And there is even a competition for the most delicious pig.

Abyssinians groom their hair with sand. But the constant presence of a sand bath will only lead to the fact that the pet will actively mark the contents of the bath, so it can be placed for a day, a couple of times a week.

Where to put in the room

The cage should not be placed in a draft, it is also better to place it away from heating appliances. It is optimal to place the cage at a distance of at least 40 cm from the walls and the heating system. Direct Sun rays- this can adversely affect the vision of the pet.

How many individuals can be kept together

In the wild, these animals live in small flocks of 5–10 individuals, they build burrows and coexist peacefully in the same territory. In the cellular content, they often live one at a time, so it is difficult to unequivocally state the benefits of one or another option.

Important! Abyssinian guinea pigs are pugnacious, so it will not be possible to put two boys in one cage, as they will fight for leadership.

Breeders are unequivocal in one thing: if you decide to expand the social circle of an adult pet, then you need to “preliminarily” make friends with both pigs. This process can take several months and is not always successful. Young animals from the same litter, familiar from childhood, get along best.

The Abyssinian pig does not require special conditions, with the exception of hair care, which needs to be combed regularly. Nutrition should be high-calorie and balanced, the cage should be comfortable and clean, water should be in sufficient quantity.

Hair care

Wipe wool once a week wet wipe, thus removing dead villi and possible contamination. The coat is combed with a special comb, which are sold in abundance in pet stores. The working part of the combing brush must be made of soft plastic material so as not to damage delicate skin pet.

Care of claws, teeth, ears

The growth of teeth in a rodent does not stop throughout life. For their grinding, young twigs of trees are included in the diet. In case of a lack of twigs, loose teeth can damage the cheek. To eliminate the defect, you will need the help of a veterinarian.
In nature, claws wear down while running and searching for food. Since the cage limits active running, the claws do not have time to wear down and can cause anxiety for the guinea pig. In this situation, regular trimming of the claws will help.

Ears must be wiped with a soft cotton swab treated with an antibacterial drug. Pigs' ears are usually clean, free of plaque and skin lesions. But if you notice the formation of a dark plaque or the fact that the mumps began to actively itch, then it probably has a tick and it must be shown to the veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis.

Did you know? Guinea pigs need vitamin C, but their bodies don't produce it, so you need to make sure you get it in your diet. Vitamin C is found in rose hips, currants, parsley, yellow and red sweet peppers.

Cell cleaning

Video: how to clean a guinea pig's cage


The natural diet of the Abyssinian guinea pig is grass, cereals, root vegetables, roots, seeds, vegetables. You can diversify her diet with sprouted grains, fruits, special feed for pigs.

What can you feed

The ration includes:

  • cereals - wheat, rye, corn, barley (at least 1 tablespoon per day);
  • greens - various herbs, parsley, dandelions, plantain, clover (about 1 bunch per day);
  • high-quality hay regularly without restrictions in quantity - the pig will not eat more than it needs, although the Abyssinians are indefatigable in nutrition;
  • root crops - carrots, parsnips, beets;
  • young branches of trees;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Pigs, like people, have their own taste preferences. They eat the food they like first, so what remains in the feeder and is not eaten should not be given in next time if the pet found this product tasteless.

What not to feed

  • meat, fish, smoked meats;
  • pastries and sweets;
  • canned or boiled vegetables;
  • stale or dirty roots.

Important! Feed should only be fresh. It is unacceptable to give food with mold. Uneaten types of succulent feed should be removed from the cage to prevent the development of mold in the pet's home.

What should be the water

A guinea pig needs at least 250 ml of water per day. For a pregnant or lactating female, the rate is doubled. The water must be clean. If you notice that the pet has accidentally contaminated it with food or sawdust, then the liquid needs to be replaced.

The content of rosette pigs is difficult, since the quality of their wool depends on the quality of nutrition and regular care. But all these actions will more than pay off. pleasant communication with this cute pet.
Abyssinians will joyfully greet you with their whistle and inimitably ask for food, which will bring joy and good mood you and your children.
