Magic word: affirmations for women for every day. daily affirmations for women daily affirmations for women morning

Women's positive thinking is a whole system that programs the subconscious during life only for good events. Excellent results are achieved by those who constantly control their thoughts, avoiding sadness, negativity and anger in their thoughts. Especially popular in this matter are affirmations for women that will help.

What are affirmations for women?

Clear, small statements in a positive way are called affirmations. They are expressed in specific words, and also carry their own mental formula. If you constantly repeat such attitudes, then soon destructive thoughts will be replaced by positive thinking, despite the bad influence of society, people around you, friends or advertising. After all, these phrases act on, setting up his thoughts for the development of a certain event, which is laid down by the necessary affirmation.

The most important thing in this case is that the attitudes used are not related to the present cases, so these phrases cannot influence the past. Affirmations help to overcome failures, and also make it possible to change your future and psyche for the better, causing only positive changes in life. And if you make the settings correctly and constantly work on them, then the result will be fast.

How do affirmations work?

When we compare how and what exactly a person says, we can see that there are very few positive emotions in his life. It is enough to observe our words and thoughts for two or three days in order to see that we often use negative, destructive words and phrases. After all, the simplest and most familiar words to us: “Nightmare!”, “Horror!”, Negatively affect the subconscious. Therefore, it is very important to change your habits, learn how to communicate correctly, and literally in a month your thinking will begin to change for the better.

Strict rules

Even as a joke, one should not allow negativity in a conversation. Quite often people say: “God, how tired of everything”, “I constantly have no money”, “I never have time for anything”. By saying such phrases, we only make our future worse. As a result, people themselves are the cause of the troubles and problems that occur in their lives. Our fears and fears will always manifest in the future, if instead of them we put only positive attitudes that relate to happiness, love, success.

Positive affirmations work around the clock. Such an action begins if a person constantly pronounces affirmations, but inside he resists words that carry negativity. In such a situation, the effect will be short, because after a while he will not deal with himself. Usually this happens because of the statements known to everyone: “well, it didn’t work out”, “I don’t have time now”, “everything is tired, I don’t want anything.” In order for only luck, joy and positive events to be attracted to life, thinking must be filled with happiness and joy.

Positive affirmations for every occasion

The phrases collected in affirmations are the work of specialists who are engaged in personal growth. If these statements are correctly made, then it contributes to the growth of a person in all areas of his life. Even the shortest installations can make a person energetic, successful, happy. They will help teach him to respect himself and love. Many psychologists advise saying affirmations for women in the morning, charging your thoughts with positive emotions for the whole day.

Settings for every day

If you say affirmations for women every day, they will give you a great opportunity to start a new day with a great mood and a smile. Indeed, after sleep, it is enough to program the subconscious in such a way that all doubts about your beauty and self-doubt simply do not arise in your head. To achieve the result, you need to pronounce affirmations every day for one month.

  • Joy comes from me! Inside me happiness and harmony!
  • My thoughts are pure and harmonious! I am proud of my achievements!
  • Every day is better than the last for me! I am God for every day! And every day my wisdom grows!
  • My body is great! I am happy and healthy! My body works great!
  • My motto in life is success! A companion in my destiny is good luck! Love surrounds me.
  • Love protects me from adversity. I attract her, so my heart is always open to everyone.
  • My past is behind me. I live right now, and I create the future only myself.
  • I received a divine gift! My way is to move forward to my recognition!
  • My abilities and talents are unique!
  • I'm on the right track! My decisions are all correct, I'm going to my goals!
  • I free myself from the past and forgive myself for everything! It gives me happiness!
  • I am a unique person and I respect myself for it! My inner world and I live in perfect harmony!
  • Peace and goodness in my soul, I am ready for new beginnings!
  • In any situation, I will come to the aid of others! After all, I am open and rejoice in the success of others!
  • I opened my life to happiness! I am moving towards my goals, and great opportunities are opening up for me!
  • Additional phrases

  • I am an individual! There is only peace in my soul and there is no feeling of guilt!
  • I follow my inner voice! My intuition never fails me, I always listen to the wisdom of life!
  • I get everything very easily, and luck is always with me!
  • Every moment in my life is a delight! She is happy and beautiful!
  • The universe is protecting me! She shows me the way, and I follow her laws!
  • Every day I work on myself! My mood is only positive, and my thoughts are always good!
  • Every wish of mine comes true! I always reach my goal! My dreams are clear and precise!
  • I listen to the prompts of the Universe and understand it! I am open to a new life!
  • All the changes in my life lead to the better! I'm ready for change and getting better every day!
  • I am successful! My thoughts and judgments help me to achieve success in life!
  • My physical form is beautiful, and the figure is luxurious! I love my body!
  • Abundance reigns in my life! I constantly open new sources of income and for this I thank the Universe!
  • Love flourishes in my soul! I am always open to love! Positive emotions and feelings overwhelm me, healing the soul and body!
  • I create my own future! I am the driver of my destiny! My thoughts and inner world live in perfect harmony!
  • I always live in the present! I thank fate for the opportunity to fully live!
  • I am always confident in my abilities! I'm on my way! My conscience and thoughts are clear!
  • My thoughts become reality! I always think clearly and positively! My future will be the best!

If you say affirmations every day for 5-10 minutes, then you will change your life, fill it with happiness and joyful events. In just a month, the first results will become noticeable.

How to gain self-confidence, the best phrases

The most important condition for a happy life is self-confidence. Only confident people can cope with any difficulties, including overwhelming tasks, they are the ones who take firm steps towards success.
This quality helps a person to climb the career ladder, negotiate with people and trust each other. help develop self-confidence, improve life and increase self-esteem.

  • I am a successful confident person!
  • I like myself the way I am!
  • I always reach my goal!
  • I am a person!
  • I am responsible for my life!
  • I value my life!
  • I love myself with every cell!
  • I deserve only the best!
  • I can do more!
  • Every day I am stronger!
  • Every day my confidence grows!
  • I got used to my confidence!
  • I am not limited by beliefs!
  • My character is strong, and my will is strong!
  • I am in control of my own life!
  • I can freely express my thoughts!
  • I am confident in my life and tomorrow!

There are a lot of techniques that can strengthen self-confidence, but most of them make a person go out of his usual, comfortable conditions. Affirmations for women are the easiest and most effective method to achieve the goal.

How to Attract Wealth - Affirmations

Favorable attitudes concentrate women's attention and motivate her to abundance, prosperity, inspiration. After all, everyone dreams of wealth, but his internal resistance and self-doubt do not allow us to move forward. Wrong thoughts limit our possibilities, so for many years we put up with the current situation. Affirmations for wealth are an excellent tool for obtaining prosperity. Every day it is enough to repeat certain phrases and be sure to believe in their power.

  • I have enough money.
  • I deserve big money
  • I am open to cash flow.
  • I attract success and wealth.
  • I am grateful for the wealth in my life.
  • Money gives me confidence.
  • I am a happy rich woman.
  • My friends are gold and money.
  • I am worthy to have all material benefits.
  • All sources of income are open to me.

Of these phrases, it is advisable for a woman to choose the most successful and close one in order to repeat it every day. You need to know that human thinking changes very slowly, so you should not expect quick results. Constantly work on yourself and achieve prosperity in life.

Affirmations for women - how to lose weight with the power of thought?

All girls and older women dream of having a beautiful slim body. For this, some exhaust themselves with diets, others do not leave the gym for hours, and there are those who drink dubious pills and cripple their organs. Of course, all this does not give an excellent result, since the main message for losing weight of the body comes from the brain. Being overweight with female thoughts such as “I am fat”, “I will never lose weight”, “nothing will help me”. That is why, if you need to change something in your life, you should get such negative statements out of your head.

Of course, some will think that ordinary words do not solve anything and will not help you lose weight. But in fact, everything is different. They need to be repeated, do not give up. After all, obesity is a consequence of the fact that a person does not love himself. By repeating affirmations, a woman uses the main levers of her subconscious. Here are the most effective formulas that will help you cope with those extra pounds.

What to say

  • I have a beautiful, luxurious figure. I am feminine.
  • I eat very little and get full quickly.
  • Every day I'm getting better, younger and leaner.
  • I am full and do not feel an attack of hunger.
  • I will be what I dream.
  • My body obeys all my orders.
  • I eat healthy and wholesome food.
  • I can adapt to any conditions.
  • Others envy my figure.
  • I am proud of my appearance and figure.
  • My body is firm and sexy.
  • I love looking in the mirror.
  • My body is my happiness.
  • I am slim and tender.
  • I have achieved success and it inspires me.

Thanks to affirmations for women, each of them can lose weight, as her thinking is rebuilt in a positive direction. And after a woman receives the result of her work, her happiness knows no bounds.

How to attract happiness with affirmations?

If a person is happy, then he will achieve everything he dreams of. But for this you need to learn to control your emotions and thoughts. do not feel the people who live in fears and fears. A woman should love herself and the people around her in order to set a good example for her children. The best affirmations that can affect the subconscious.

  • I am filled with love!
  • I am the prettiest and happiest!
  • My family and I are completely happy!
  • I live and enjoy my happiness!
  • I was surrounded by beauty and harmony!
  • I thank the universe for my life!
  • Every moment in my life I perceive with love!
  • I am the creator of my happiness!
  • Only good things are ahead of me!
  • I love and they love me!
  • I deserve happiness!
  • I attract success, happiness and love!
  • My life is a miracle!
  • Lucky star guides me!
  • I am successful in everything!
  • I have a lot of energy and positive!
  • Every moment in my life is a treasure!
  • My life is fun!
  • I am the happiest woman!

Thanks to affirmations, women can overcome self-doubt, increase their inner strength, achieve their goals and constantly improve their lives. The future should always be joyful and bright. Only people and wealth are attracted to a happy person.

Rules for using affirmations

The effectiveness of these simple but powerful phrases will depend on the correct pronunciation and accuracy of their composition. They are always formulated only in the present tense and carry only joy and positive energy. That is why you need to remove all doubts, resentment and negativity from your head.

Affirmations are always short and figurative, long phrases are excluded here. Only correct phrases do not have a “not” particle. For example, you can’t say “I’m not afraid,” but you need to say “I am very brave and courageous.” After all, the fate of a person depends on the pronunciation of simple words. A woman must believe in affirmations and read them from the heart, sincerely.

Affirmations for Women: Video

In fact, affirmations are formulas for self-hypnosis that help a person put his subconscious in order and tune in to positive. Only positive affirmations will help you fulfill your cherished dreams. However, to get the result, you should constantly pronounce these settings and believe in your happiness.

Every woman dreams of a happy life. A successful career, love, well-being of loved ones... For everyone, the concept of happiness is individual, but in any case it is associated with the achievement of goals. You need to start with yourself. Bad mood and thoughts that arose due to dissatisfaction with one's own destiny destroy from the inside and program further events. It is enough to change the worldview and the initial thought, concentrating on really important things, as the subconscious mind begins to work differently, there is confidence in actions, ease in making decisions.


What are affirmations and how do they work

Affirmations are from the Latin firmare, which means "to affirm". This is a short phrase of positive content, aimed at consolidating the desired image, creating an attitude in the subconscious when it is repeated many times. At the same time, the mental and emotional state of a woman changes for the better, which entails changes in her worldview and life in general.

Louise Hay described the method of affirmations in her book. He helped many people overcome their own fears and illnesses, reveal their personality and creativity. The method is based on love, first of all, for oneself. A person, she believed, builds his life himself with the help of those words that he utters in a day, because words and thoughts have great power. Consequently, everything that surrounds a person depends on his emotions and the words that he utters in a fit of these emotions.

Negative thoughts are negativity that haunts someone who experiences fears, jealousy, irritation and anger. Hence the illness, accidents, other failures. Surely, everyone noticed that bad thoughts are much brighter, they remain in memory for a long time. This means that their energy is stronger.

Phrases repeated every day are perceived by the subconscious as commands. The events taking place around depend on what this team will be. The speaker himself programs these events. The purpose of the constant repetition of pre-formulated phrases is a positive attitude, the displacement from the subconscious of all negative thoughts that have accumulated there for decades.

How to write and apply affirmations

The rules of compilation are simple, it will not be difficult for any woman to master them:

  1. Affirmation is used only in the present tense and is perceived by the speaker as a fact. In other words, you can’t use “I will be attractive”, “Everything will work out for me”, you need - “I am charm itself”, “I am doing great” (already now, at the time of approval).
  2. It is imperative to use only positive statements and emotions (happiness, joy), all negative combinations, even thoughts about them at the time of compiling affirmations are prohibited.
  3. Negation should be avoided, including NOT particles. So, instead of “I don’t have any pain,” it’s better to say “I’m healthy.”
  4. More specifics. It is important to avoid vagueness, the goal should be formed clearly and clearly. To do this, you need to figure out what qualities you need to develop in order to become happy.
  5. It is undesirable to use the word "I want".

Everyone uses affirmations differently. They are spoken mentally or aloud, recorded, sung. It is possible to combine methods. For example, record audio and listen to it several times a day, or write on paper and read in the morning and before bed. There are many options.

The best effect is achieved when, when pronouncing affirmations, there is a feeling of joy and satisfaction, confidence in one's words. They must be fixed in the woman's subconscious and become natural thoughts.

The most difficult thing, according to fans of this method, is the first time to pronounce phrases that contradict their own thoughts. But gradually they become thoughts, a person who begins to think positively changes himself and radically changes his life.

Affirmations for achieving various goals

Of course, it is better if the affirmations are made by the speaker himself, so they will be endowed with his energy and reflect individual thoughts and desires. But at first it is quite possible to use ready-made ones.

positive affirmations for every day

  1. I am confident in myself, everything is fine with me.
  2. I am a harmonious person, everything that happens suits me.
  3. I have everything to live happily and enjoy life.
  4. I am strong spiritually and psychologically, I feel this strength and I can use it.
  5. I am calm and confident in myself in all situations.
  6. I'm lucky.
  7. I love and I am loved.
  8. I have everything that is necessary for happiness.
  9. I am healthy, beautiful and cheerful.
  10. My life is filled with joy, harmony and happiness.
  11. Every day I discover new good qualities in myself.
  12. I am wise, I have many thoughts that change brings me.
  13. I love myself, rejoice in myself and my successes.
  14. Everything around me suits and brings me joy.
  15. I am full of energy and strength, I feel great.

It is acceptable that sometimes thoughts return to a negative channel, because every person has troubles in his personal life or at work, and affirmations are not a panacea that can completely get rid of bad thoughts, words and deeds. In this case, you should understand why they arose. If you speak your feelings, then soon they will no longer be felt so sharply. After this, you should remember and say positive affirmations in order to return to a calm channel.

After universal affirmations, when thoughts and feelings have come to a positive mood, you can think about your desires in order to bring them to life.

Video: Louise Hay's settings for women for every day

Affirmations to Attract Love

In order to feel the love of others, you need to love yourself. Fears and complexes interfere with this, which means, first of all, you have to get rid of them.

  1. I accept myself for who I am.
  2. I love myself.
  3. I am worthy of love.
  4. I attract love and I deserve it.
  5. I am open to love and ready to accept it.
  6. I let new relationships into my life, and they are successful.
  7. I am happy in my relationship.
  8. I feel harmony and joy from my relationship.
  9. This relationship is happy for me, it is long lasting and brings joy to both of us.
  10. Our relationship brings happiness, this man suits me.

These attitudes can be directed not only to love for a man, but also for everyone around. People, feeling a wave of positive and love, will give it back.

Video: Installations for sexy women from Elena Valyak

Affirmations for weight loss

Many women have probably noticed that even the most rigid diets often do not bring the desired result, weight goes away slowly, or even efforts are in vain. Nutritionists say it's all about attitude. If you are reluctant to approach your transformation, perceive the diet as torture, then the effect of it is unlikely to appear. Self-hypnosis will help you set yourself up for the right wave, make weight loss joyful and desirable.

  1. I have a weight loss goal.
  2. Weight loss comes naturally to me.
  3. Every day I am getting slimmer.
  4. I use only those products that are useful.
  5. Healthy food is good for me.
  6. I can control the amount of my portion.
  7. I easily achieve my goal, and this makes me happy in my soul.
  8. I love my body.
  9. The exercises that I do every day are easy for me and help my weight loss.
  10. I admire my body and feel great.
  11. I am glad that the weight loss program I have chosen is working.
  12. I make the right choice when I buy food.
  13. I refuse sweets and other foods that harm my figure and my health.
  14. I feel light and comfortable.

Self-hypnosis in this case helps to mentally tune in to losing weight, it is not so painful to endure the rejection of the usual food that accompanies many diets. Of course, if you do not change the previous diet, no settings will help.

Affirmations of a successful woman

Any business should be started only with a positive attitude. If you think in advance that it will fail, it will happen. All the same affirmations will help set your thoughts in an optimistic mood.

  1. In any undertaking, success awaits me.
  2. I can handle any task.
  3. Decisions are easy for me.
  4. In all things I am lucky.
  5. I believe in myself and my strengths.
  6. I am successful and always make the right decisions.
  7. I am successful because I know what I want and what I need at the moment.
  8. I start a new job with enthusiasm and joy.
  9. Everything works out for me.
  10. I love myself, my work and my colleagues.
  11. A new business brings me success and profit.
  12. I have a great team, my colleagues love and support me.
  13. All difficulties pass me by.
  14. Every day my income is growing.
  15. All my dreams and ideas come true.

Words spoken with confidence help put your thoughts in order even in difficult situations. You can see how a solution comes that you have been looking for for a long time and could not find.

Video: Affirmations to Attract Money

How to work with affirmations

A person has a lot of desires, and I want to fulfill them as soon as possible. But when working with affirmations, you should, first of all, decide for yourself what is more important at the moment. Multidirectional self-hypnosis will not give the desired effect, because the subconscious will be dispersed, and focusing on one area is important.

Basic rules for using affirmations:

  1. Choose no more than 10 expressions that accurately and clearly articulate the desired goals.
  2. Write expressions on paper. This is preferable in any case, no matter if they are then read daily, memorized and pronounced from memory, or if they are audio affirmations. The main thing is that the phrases are pronounced in an even, calm voice, without hesitation or hesitation.
  3. When speaking, it is important to be calm and confident in what you say. It is also advised to imagine what they are talking about or thinking about.
  4. The settings are spoken daily for at least 5 minutes, several times a day.
  5. Each topic is worked out for at least two weeks.

When working with affirmations, you need to constantly remember about desires and goals, make every possible effort to achieve them. The settings cheer up well, set a positive mood for any undertaking, but without certain actions, nothing will happen by itself.

Women are known to be much more tolerant than men. In the current generation, they are not just limited to the household, rather, they successfully participate in every area of ​​life. However, life does not always follow the smooth path. There are times when a woman's life seems unstable and discontent and insecurity appear. And when the darkness of negativity overcomes, in order to return the light in the soul, they must be encouraged to positive thoughts that are designed to improve their inner world and the surrounding space.

How positive thoughts can help women

Positive affirmations are a powerful way to influence the subconscious, they can strengthen every desire to succeed. They can be used to reach your goals, lose weight, or meet the right people. This way of thinking positively focuses your energy on the good things in your life. In this way, you strengthen your consciousness and bring it to a level where pessimistic attitudes do not enter your mind.

Daily practice of affirmations for women will help set you up for success in your personal and professional life. These meaningful thoughts will not change you for the better, help you develop clear moral values. You will feel filled with positive energy every day. These simple suggestions will bring joy and happiness into your life when you use them regularly.

So let's read some positive affirmations for success, self-esteem, purpose, faith, ambition and similar values ​​in life.

  • I am a valuable person.
  • I am a Woman, I feel my uniqueness and sexuality.
  • I'm strong.
  • I love myself.
  • My soul radiates love.
  • I have inner strength.
  • I deserve great success.
  • I am capable of success.
  • I radiate joy and happiness.
  • I am striving for the purpose of my life.
  • I have positive self-esteem.
  • My future looks bright.
  • I have only positive mental pictures.
  • I have an enthusiastic outlook on life.
  • I strongly believe in myself.
  • I am strong and I am safe.
  • I have the power to realize my goals.
  • My self-confidence is with me at all times.
  • I am brave and courageous.
  • I have faith in God and in my actions.
  • I have healed all blocks regarding my confidence.
  • I only care about what I think of myself.
  • My personality traits are cute.
  • I am precious in the eyes of God.
  • I have the wisdom to know what needs to be changed.
  • I am at peace with the world.
  • I have unique properties and abilities because I am a woman.
  • I have the strength to love and be loved.
  • I have the power to choose my course in life.
  • I'm proud of my body
  • I can accept myself for who I am.
  • I develop my talents, abilities, skills and abilities.
  • I'm sure on the inside.
  • I say positive things about myself.
  • I love and approve of myself.
  • I feel radiant, full of abundant energy and health.

Secrets of women's affirmations

Positive beliefs can be used with your eyes open, looking in the mirror, or closed, in a deep meditative state. Those with good focus can go into a trance by standing in front of a mirror and then opening their eyes to say affirmations.

The purpose of affirmations in front of the mirror is for you to point them clearly at yourself - you bless yourself and also face who you are at the moment. This makes some people feel nervous or stupid, but soon you will overcome these feelings and get closer to your true self.

One of the tools of magic is a mirror that personifies the planet "Venus". It is also a modern symbol for women. Mirrors are used for magic, divination and protection.

The benefit of reading affirmations in a meditative state is that your full consciousness, consisting of your conscious self, psychic self, and superconscious self, hears your requests and all levels of the mind work together and carry out your instructions. Meditation aligns all parts of your soul.

How to read affirmations in a meditative state

In the instructions below, you will learn how to enter a light trance. Affirmations are best said out loud, but if you are in a deep meditative state, you can say them to yourself.

Video affirmations:

1. Begin by closing your eyes and relaxing your body. Allow your entire body to relax, starting at the top of your head and working your way down your body to the tips of your toes. Imagine waves of relaxation penetrating you and releasing any tension.

2. Relax your mind. Imagine that your mind is like a bright blue sky. Any unwanted thoughts are like white, thin clouds. With an effort of will, clear the expanses of heaven from clouds until the sky becomes clear.

3. Feel your heart beating with love. Feel the love flowing through your body as it circulates around and within you.

4. Imagine a mental screen in your imagination. And on this screen, draw the number 12. Hold it for a moment and then erase and draw the number 11. Continue downward in your count until you reach 1. You are now in a meditative state.

5. Now let go of your mind screen and don't focus on the numbers anymore. Simply and quietly count down from thirteen to one as you go even deeper into meditation.

6. Now say affirmations. If you are working with a mirror, look into your own eyes and say the statements you need.

Say each affirmation at least three times in a confident manner, either out loud or in your mind:

  • I love myself.
  • I love others.
  • The universe loves me.
  • I can give and receive love.
  • I forgive myself.
  • I forgive others.
  • I am open to love on all levels.
  • I awaken my femininity.
  • I am beautiful.

Feel the affirmations being planted in your mind like seeds, and as you repeat this exercise, you are feeding them. They will soon take root and gain strength. If your eyes are open, close them and relax for a moment.

7. When you have finished your practice, count from 1 to 13 and then from 1 to 12.

  • I release everything that does not serve my highest good.
  • I am in balance with myself.
  • I am in balance with the universe.

8. Ground yourself. Feel your feet extend into the ground, anchoring your body in the physical world.

Creating Claims

The earliest spells were verbal. When you say affirmations out loud, you create a resonance that starts the process of manifestation. Sounds produce vibrations that echo through the cosmic web that connects everything in our universe. These vibrations stimulate effects in the visible world.

Words can influence your results. Whether you speak your intentions out loud or write them down on paper, your verbal goals help focus your mind and activate your positive thoughts.

Affirmations are positive statements that you develop to create a desired outcome, such as "I have a mutually joyful and fulfilling partnership."

When writing a statement, it is important:

To keep it short.

Expressed clearly and precisely.

It should include only what is really important to you.

Written in present tense.

In addition to affirmations, you can create spells. The latter differ from statements in that they are usually written in rhyme.

For example,

"I love and approve of myself,

Appreciate and respect those around me!

I enjoy every moment

I'm on my way to inspiration!"

Note: Not only are affirmations important to a woman's happiness, but you also need to be vigilant in your thoughts to understand your unconscious negative affirmations about love, romance, beauty, health, and money. And manage them.

153 affirmations for women

Autonomy and trust

1. I am strong.

2. I am confident.

3. I believe in myself.

4. I am very important.

5. I am brave.

6. I am safe.

7. I'm amazing!

8. I can be proud of myself.

9. I trust myself.

10. I listen to my heart.

self acceptance

11. I love myself.

12. I accept myself.

13. I deserve better.

14. I deserve happiness.

15. I don't need to be perfect.

16. I am a beautiful woman.

17. I accept my shortcomings.

18. I love and accept all parts of myself.

19. I forgive myself for my mistakes.

20. I think positively about myself.

21. I talk about myself with kindness.

22. I have the right to be sad.

23. I have the right to be angry.

24. Fear is also correct.

25. I am allowed to feel all my feelings.

State and attitude

26. I am kind.

27. I am grateful for everything in the world.

28. I am happy with what I have.

29. I am a compassionate woman.

30. I forgive others for their shortcomings.

31. I help others.

32. I love people.

33. I respect other people's feelings.

34. I am generous.


35. I love my body.

36. My body is perfect.

37. I don't compare myself to others.

38. I am grateful to my body.

39. My body is strong and healthy.

40. I respect my body.

41. I am beautiful.

Family and society

42. I love my family.

43. I accept my loved ones.

44. I am an important part of my family.

45. Those close to me love me.

46. ​​I may be wrong, but still loved.

47. I am appreciated.

48. I have many like-minded people.

49. I am a good friend.

50. I am trustworthy.

51. I can and do have friends.

52. I can be different from others.

53. I am the way I should be.

54. I deserve recognition.

55. I deserve to be treated kindly.

56. People are kind to me.


57. I achieve my goals.

58. I can make mistakes and still succeed.

59. I accept the help of others to achieve my goals.

60. I am always learning.

61. I work hard.

62. I am already successful.

63. I believe in my abilities.

64. I like to challenge.

Mind expansion

65. I am calm.

66. I feel peace.

67. I am relaxed.

68. I am present here and now.

69. My mind is free from anxiety.

70. I let go of my worries.

71. I calm my breath.

72. My whole body is relaxed.

73. My mind, body and heart are calm.

Positive communication

74. I stand up for myself.

77. My opinion matters.

78. My words have power.

79. I express myself with kindness.

80. I speak with respect.

81. I respect others, even if I don't agree with them.

83. I am responsible for all the words that I say.

84. I listen to others with love.

Overcoming problems

85. I easily overcome my problems.

86. I peacefully resolve conflicts.

87. I find solutions to my problems.

88. I express anger in healthy ways.

89. I ask for help when I need it.

90. I don't have to solve my problems on my own.

91. I am capable of overcoming obstacles.

92. I learn from my mistakes.

93. I can handle any situation.

Creativity and dreams

94. I believe in my dreams.

95. I can achieve my desires.

96. I am creative.

97. I boldly implement my intentions.

98. I live in the flow.

99. I have good ideas.

100. I am open to new ideas.

101. Everything is possible.

102. My wildest dreams come true.


103. We are all connected.

105. All people have something unique to contribute to the world.

Money and business

106. I let go of the fear of being left without money.

107. I refuse to procrastinate.

108. I highly value myself.

109. I create a plan to achieve my goals.

110. I make money ethically and easily.

111. I can afford all the lavish luxuries.

112. I have a positive attitude towards money.

113. I am a person with whom you can do business.

114. People prefer to buy things from me.

115. I am grateful for every positive opportunity.

116. I am reliable.

117. I create luck for myself with my positive thoughts.

118. I deserve wealth in all higher forms.

119. I attract miracles in my life.

120. People always look forward to my phone calls.

121. I multiply my money.

122. I easily find additional sources of income.

123. The opportunity to earn more money motivates me.

125. I deserve large sums of money.

125. Miracles happen to me every day.

126. I choose employers who inspire me.

127. Nothing prevents me from doing what I love.


128. My past is not a reflection of my future.

129. I am smart enough to make my own decisions.

130. I choose the world.

131. I will succeed today.

132. I deserve joy in life.

133. I am worthy of love.

134. I approve of myself and love deeply.

135. My body is healthy and I am grateful for it.

136. I am calm, happy and satisfied.

137. My life is a gift and I appreciate everything I have.

138. I surround myself with positive people.

139. My imperfection makes me unique.

140. My potential for success is limitless.

141. Hard times are part of my journey and allow me to appreciate and see the good.

142. I am responsible for my life, and no one will dictate to me how I live.

143. I do my best, and that's enough.

144. I have the ability to create change.

145. I know exactly what to do to be successful.

146. I let go of what no longer serves me.

147. I am worthy of respect and recognition.

148. My contribution to the world is valuable.

149. I attract money easily.

150. My life is full of amazing opportunities.

151. I am open to new adventures in my life.

152. My body shape is perfect.

153. I take small steps to achieve big goals - and this is progress.

Positive thinking is a system in which a person programs his subconscious mind for good events for a long time. The best result is achieved by those who carefully monitor their thoughts, not allowing a negative impact on the mind. Affirmations are very popular, helping to force yourself to think positively.

Affirmations: what is it

An affirmation is a short positive statement that is expressed in specific words and contains a mental formula. The repetition of settings allows you to replace the destructive thoughts introduced by the close environment, society, friends, the media, etc. These phrases have a greater effect on the subconscious, setting the mind to the development of one or another event embedded in a certain affirmation.

The main thing to remember is that the use of installations is in no way connected with the affairs of the present moment, these phrases will not affect the past events in any way. They help to quickly overcome a losing streak, change your future and improve your psycho-emotional state, causing positive changes. With the correct preparation of the installation and regular work on yourself, the result will not be long in coming.

How affirmations work

If we draw a parallel between how and what a person says or what he feels at the same time, then you can see that there are very few positive emotions and they are sorely lacking. It only takes a couple of days to observe your thoughts and pronunciation to see how many destructive words and phrases are used. Even familiar words like “Horror!” or "Nightmare!" negatively affect the subconscious. It is necessary to change your habitual manner of communication and after a short period of time your thinking will improve.

It is not recommended to pronounce phrases with a negative bias, even as a joke. You can often hear from people: “How tired I am of everything” or “I have no money, time, etc.”, thereby spoiling the future for themselves. A person himself becomes the cause of his problems and troubles, because negative thoughts attract problems. Fears and fears will still manifest themselves in the future if they are not replaced by positive attitudes about love, happiness, success.

Positive affirmations don't always work. This happens when a person inspires himself with affirmations and internally resists the spoken words, because they are not beneficial to him. In this case, a short-term effect awaits him, and after a while he will stop taking care of himself, because now he is “not up to it” or “it didn’t work out”. Only thinking filled with joy and happiness will attract good luck, people with the same goals and positive events into a person’s life.

Positive for all occasions

Affirmations are the result of the work of personal growth specialists. Properly composed statements stimulate the growth of all spheres of human life. Short installations will help you become happy, successful, energetic. They will teach you to love and respect yourself as a person. Psychologists recommend saying phrases in the morning to recharge with positive thoughts for the whole day.

Settings for women for every day

Daily positive affirmations are a great opportunity to start your day with a smile and a good mood. After waking up, you need to program your subconscious so that there is not the slightest doubt about your attractiveness and self-confidence. To achieve the result, it is necessary to pronounce the settings for each day of the month.

Applying affirmations every day for 5-10 minutes will allow you to change your life, saturating it with joyful moments and happiness. After a month, you will notice the first positive result.

How to become more confident: effective phrases

Self-confidence is one of the main conditions for a happy life. Self-confident people cope with any, even overwhelming tasks, moving towards success with quick and firm steps. This quality helps not only to climb the career ladder, but also to build long-term relationships with people based on mutual trust. Affirmations will help you develop confidence, increase self-esteem and improve the quality of life.

There are many different confidence-building techniques, most of which involve getting out of your comfort zone. Affirmations are an effective and less painful method.

Attracting Wealth

Positive attitudes motivate and focus a woman's attention on prosperity and abundance, inspiring new achievements. All people dream of wealth, but their self-doubt and internal resistance do not allow them to move forward. Destructive thoughts limit them, and for many years they are content with their current financial situation.

Wealth affirmations are a great tool for achieving abundance. Here are the main affirmations that you need to repeat daily, believing in them.

  1. I have money.
  2. I am open to cash flow.
  3. I deserve abundance.
  4. I attract wealth.
  5. Money makes me confident.
  6. I am grateful for the abundance that I have.
  7. I am a rich woman.
  8. I am happy with money.
  9. Money is my friends.
  10. I am worthy of all material goods.
  11. Different sources of income are open to me.
  12. My income is 30 thousand rubles a month (the amount can be changed).

A woman should choose the formula closest to her, applying it every day. It should be understood that thinking changes gradually, so do not expect lightning-fast results. Regular work on yourself will help you achieve the desired prosperity.

Mental weight loss with real reflection on the figure

Every girl dreams of a slim body, so many of them follow diets, do grueling workouts in the gym, starve or take special drugs for weight loss. These methods of dealing with extra pounds will not give the desired result without the necessary emotional mood. Excess weight materializes through phrases such as "I'm fat," "I'm fat," "I can't lose weight." Before changing your thinking, you need to remove all false statements that have taken root in the subconscious.

At first it may seem that these words do not help to lose weight, but they must be repeated. Basically, obesity is directly related to self-dislike and low self-esteem. When pronouncing affirmations, the main mechanisms of the subconscious are involved. Here are a few formulas that will help fight the hated extra pounds.

Affirmations for weight loss allow the fair sex to get used to positive thinking. When women are convinced of the effectiveness of this method of weight loss, they become happy and no longer obsessed with their problems.

Fast attracting happiness

A happy person can achieve anything they want if they have complete control over their emotions. The feeling of happiness is unusual for people who constantly live in fears and fears. Even folk wisdom says: "Happiness does not happen much." A woman must learn to love herself, others and become an example for her future children.

Here is a list that contains the best formulas for influencing the subconscious mind in order to fully experience joy and happiness.

Affirmations to attract happiness will help you overcome self-doubt and improve your life by achieving your goals. The future should be bright and joyful. If a person becomes happy, then others will begin to adopt him as he is.

Rules for the use of affirmations

The effectiveness of short installations depends on their correct composition and pronunciation. Affirmations are formulated at this moment, only at the present time. They should bring positive energy and joy, so any doubts and hurtful words should be excluded. Affirmations are created imaginative and short, no long phrases. In the correct settings, there are no negative particles with the prefix "not", it is required to say the simple phrase "I am brave" instead of "I am not afraid." The installation should concretize and reflect the desire without any "everything is fine, the sun is shining." A lot depends on how these words are pronounced. You have to believe in them yourself and you should read them sincerely, with your soul.

You will find effective working affirmations in the following video:

Affirmations are self-hypnosis formulas that help a woman tune her subconscious mind to a positive wave. Positive affirmations help speed up the process of fulfilling your cherished desires. To achieve a good result and fix it for a long time, it is necessary to regularly pronounce attitudes and believe in a happy future.

In contact with

Positive attitudes can work wonders. This is an easy way to create a good mood and attract happiness and success into your life.

Positive attitudes, or affirmations, require constancy. Make it a habit to start each day by repeating positive affirmations. This simple method will help you program your energy for happiness, success and the fulfillment of what you want. By programming yourself on a subconscious level, you can improve your life.

The Effectiveness of Affirmations

A conscious attitude to one's own life, the desire to be happy here and now are the basis of success. The main thing is to focus on each intention and drive away negative thoughts about injustice, fears, resentments and envy. Remember that everyone is capable of attracting happiness into their lives.

Get rid of heavy energy, replacing it with the energy of well-being. Every fall is a step forward. Be grateful to the Creator for the life lesson. Everything that you have been given was necessary for further development. Try to take advantage of any situation and see only the positive in it. It doesn’t matter if bad thoughts come into your head: this is a chance to rethink possible omissions.

With affirmations, you can change your own energy. Not only people will begin to reach out to you, but also favorable opportunities, because you radiate goodness, abundance, pleasure. This is one of the most important tasks of every person - to move from an existence filled with negativity to a positive, active and sympathetic attitude towards life.

Positive thoughts for every day

Repeating positive affirmations over and over will help you attract happiness, abundance, and success into your life. It is enough to choose a few statements you like that reflect your desires to a greater extent, and repeat them for 10-15 minutes.

Affirmations to Attract Success:

  • my life is the cradle of successful events;
  • I believe only in the best that the Universe can give me;
  • I let in my life successful undertakings;
  • I am confidently going to success;
  • my wishes always come true;
  • I believe that I will succeed;
  • luck and I are one;
  • success is always with me;
  • I get everything I dream about and strive for;
  • everything I want comes to me easily and quickly.

Happiness Affirmations:

  • I accept my personal happiness as a gift from the Higher Forces;
  • I deserve happiness and a happy life;
  • I look at my life through the prism of positive, joy and happiness;
  • I am grateful (grateful) to the Creator for my happy life;
  • my life is happiness;
  • I believe that my immediate future is cloudless;
  • everything around me is saturated with happiness, kindness and joy;
  • I am the happiest person on Earth;
  • I feel around me happiness, joy and abundance;
  • all my accomplishments are marked by happiness and joy.

It's time to fill your destiny with bright opportunities and happiness. Positive attitudes will help overcome inner uncertainty and acquire good luck for the fulfillment of your plans. The power of thought can radically change your life for the better. Be happy, success and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.06.2017 02:53

Our thoughts determine our life. To change it for the better and become happier and more successful, ...
