13 obstetric week. Possible physical sensations

Your tadpole gradually becomes more and more like a small baby. From the 13th week of pregnancy, it will be mainly his body that will grow, so that by the end of pregnancy it will become five times more than the head.

Fetus at 13 weeks pregnant: gender, weight and size

The future baby already knows a lot: he smells the food absorbed by his mother, sucks his finger, somersaults, moves his arms and legs, unclenches and clamps his fists. Start communicating with your child: he hears you, feels pain, responds to stimuli, reacts to changes in temperature and lighting, and even smiles, frowns, yawns! And how good he is in his mother's tummy: muffled twilight, warm, soft, cozy, and muffled sounds coming from afar are so soothing!

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the digestive and skeletal systems develop most actively, the “outline” of the first ribs has already been made, bone tissue is laid in place of the limbs and head. All 20 milk teeth of the baby are finally formed, and now they will wait in the wings. The placenta completely took over the functions. The pancreas began to produce insulin.

Sexual differentiation also occurs: the prostate gland begins to develop in the boy, and the genital tubercle lengthens into the penis, in the girl, the ovaries located in the abdominal cavity descend into the pelvic region, and the genital tubercle bends down - a clitoris will form from it. Surprisingly, even now in baby girls, the ovaries are filled with eggs: now there are more than 2 million of them!

A 13-week-old fetus weighs between 15-25 g and has an average "growth" of 7-8 cm. It's hard to believe, but this baby's heart pumps 23 liters of blood per day!

Future mom

Meanwhile, your uterus is growing rapidly, rising higher into the abdominal cavity, and gradually begins to press on other organs. More and more pouring and. By the end of pregnancy, each of them will weigh from 400 to 800 g, and even more after childbirth. All your forms as a whole are smoothed and rounded, now the waist has disappeared, and the old clothes are clearly small. Let's start pregnant shopping!

Feelings at 13 weeks pregnant

Your health is already much better than before, worries and fears about the threat of miscarriage are gradually fading away, the fetus is actually already safer than before, and is subject to significantly fewer risks. But you should not relax. If the lower abdomen is pulled, it is most likely due to a stretching of the uterus, but it is better to play it safe and lie down until you feel better.

All the horrors of toxicosis, most likely, have already remained in the past, nausea and vomiting have ceased, high spirits and the ability to enjoy life and future motherhood are returning.

The waist is gradually smoothed out, the stomach is more and more clearly visible. Many women during this period are already switching to a new wardrobe - "clothing for pregnant women." If this has not been done until now, it's time to take care of acquiring comfortable loose clothing, especially since old jeans and trousers, for sure, no longer converge at the waist, and t-shirts treacherously fit the body.

By the 13th week, the problem of constipation may first appear: the tone of the muscles of the digestive tract is reduced, and in addition, the uterus compresses the intestines, worsening its peristalsis. Remember that taking laxatives during pregnancy is unacceptable! To avoid constipation and to regulate the frequency of stools, you will have to pay special attention to your diet, as well as maintain physical activity.

Be sure to watch your diet and ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. Calcium is also very important at the 13th week of pregnancy, but it is better to give preference to vegetable sources: green vegetables, apples, persimmons, kiwi, lentils. If you have, you should pay attention to this issue immediately.

Headaches are another very common problem during this period of pregnancy. The ban on medicines is also relevant in this case, therefore, we fight headaches with safe methods tested by time and experience. This is rest in a cool, semi-dark, well-ventilated room, applying cool compresses to the temporal region, if possible - a short restful sleep. In order to eliminate pain, it is also possible to take decoctions based on soothing herbs - lemon balm, mint, chamomile. But you should not get too carried away with mint: this herb has a blood-thinning property, which can contribute to bleeding. In the case when it is already unbearable to endure a headache, let's say a single dose of drugs based on paracetamol, for example, Efferalgan, Panadol. But taking painkillers, which contain aspirin, is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Already now, without waiting for the active growth of the abdomen, mom should take care of the issue of preventing the occurrence of stretch marks. Start using . Risk areas - chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. It's time to take care of yourself. After all, now you are especially feminine and beautiful!

Belly at 13 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

And how you don’t want to spoil this femininity and beauty with the “intrigues of the body” in the form of increased gas formation and the inability to go to the toilet “by and large”! It is problems with digestion and emptying that are perhaps not the first cause of abdominal pain at the 13th week of pregnancy. So, in order to prevent them, it is better to study in advance what and in what quantities you can and should eat now. Exclude from the diet, for example, black bread, legumes, raw cabbage, but at the same time drink a glass of decoction of prunes and dried apricots every day, do not forget about kefir and beets.

Pain in the abdomen may be associated with stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. In this case, pains are observed on the sides of the abdomen, occur from time to time, without giving the woman long-term inconvenience and do not pose any danger.

But if the stomach hurts and pulls, the pain is spasmodic in nature, the stomach seems to ache, most likely, we will talk about the increased tone of the uterus. Perhaps the doctor will not see the need to immediately go to bed with such symptoms for preservation, and will allow you to “endure” the tone at home. At the same time, she will definitely tell that now, more than ever, the expectant mother needs peace and rest, the absence of any emotional upheavals. Perhaps - he will prescribe candles with papaverine, No-shpu, Ginipral.

However, if aching cramping pains in the abdomen are accompanied by the appearance of bleeding, one cannot do without medical assistance and hospitalization. So, abdominal pain against the background of bloody discharge indicates a miscarriage that has begun, if the reaction is instantaneous, specialists can save the pregnancy. Therefore, if you suddenly meet with aching, pulling pain in the abdomen, the pain does not go away within 2-3 hours, and even bleeding is observed, immediately call an ambulance team or ask your spouse to immediately take you to the hospital.


By the end of the 13th week of pregnancy, discharge from the genital tract may change in nature. During the week, no changes associated with discharge are observed, but closer to the beginning of the second trimester, the discharge may become more liquid and, perhaps, somewhat more abundant. You should not worry about this - progesterone, which has dominated up to this point, has given way to estrogen, which led to the dilution of secretions.

If the changes concern not only the abundance and density, but also the color, smell, consistency of the discharge, perhaps the expectant mother should be wary. So, if the discharge acquires an atypical green or yellow tint, mucus or pus, flakes or curdled lumps appear in the discharge, and an unpleasant smell and itching are added to all this, burning of the genital tract - it's time to go to see a doctor. Such a picture usually has an explanation for the development and progression of a sexual infection, which should be identified and treated as soon as possible.

Of course, you should immediately go to the doctor if spotting is detected, which, “in conjunction” with abdominal pain, indicate a miscarriage that has begun. Timely medical intervention gives a chance to save the pregnancy, but it is necessary to act for this immediately.

By the way, bleeding from the vagina does not always indicate the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. If spotting is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen, but appears more and more after intimacy with a spouse or examination by a gynecologist, most likely the reason for them is cervical erosion or any other diseases of the cervix. In addition, spotting can be explained by placental abruption or placenta previa, which is the result of a fall or blow to the abdomen, which burst under the pressure of an increased blood volume of weak vessels. Be that as it may, the cause of spotting should be established by a specialist, who should be contacted when blood appears.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant

Since the period of the first planned ultrasound scan covers the interval between 10 and 14 weeks, it is possible that the doctor will determine exactly one of the days of the 13th week as the best option for conducting the study.

An ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy will already clearly show the outlines of the baby, tell about its size, display how the baby moves, bends and unbends the arms and legs. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the doctor will also be able to assess the condition of the uterus, the place of attachment and placenta previa, and determine the approximate date of the upcoming birth.

Ultrasound is also needed to detect possible fetal malformations in early pregnancy or severe congenital anomalies. It is only necessary to remember that the results of an ultrasound examination can by no means be interpreted as a final diagnosis. This is just an occasion for an in-depth extended examination and, possibly, a consultation with a geneticist.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

13 obstetric week of pregnancy- exactly the period of pregnancy when the expectant mother can safely go to the store for new clothes, because most of the wardrobe is simply small by this time.

The first trimester ends smoothly, and just as smoothly the mood and woman's health improves. Every day more and more attacks of vomiting, dizziness and nausea recede. In a word, life begins to improve: I want to dance, draw, sing, spend more time with family and friends.

Your baby is the size of a peach. Now he will have a rapidly developing and growing body, so it will be 3-4 times the size of his head by the end of pregnancy. The photo shows the rapid development of the child at 13 weeks.

The thirteenth week is the time when you need to think only about the good, the bright, enjoy life and tune in to a positive wave!

Fetal size and development at 13 weeks gestation

At 13 weeks pregnant fruit length will vary from 6 to 9 cm. The weight of the fetus is 14-23 grams. In size, the fruit already resembles an average peach or nectarine. By this time, all the baby's milk teeth have already been laid.

At this stage of pregnancy the placenta is finally formed, producing a certain amount of estrogen and, on which the subsequent development of the fetus depends.

Now the thickness of the placenta does not exceed 1.5 cm. All the nutrients necessary for the baby come through it: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Along with this, she impervious to most toxic substances which can harm the fetus. Also, the placenta prevents the occurrence of a Rh conflict, which occurs due to the impact on the child of the mother's immune system.

It's happening at a fast pace brain development, the reflex system develops: the baby shudders, grimaces, twists his lips, clenches his fists. Most of the time the fetus is at rest, but sometimes it begins move slightly.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is still developing and forming all the necessary organs and systems that ensure the healthy functioning of the body:

  • Actively formed baby's skeletal system. Beneficial trace elements, especially calcium, begin to be deposited in the bones. Primary ribs are formed, the bones of the skull and spine gradually ossify.
  • baby head no longer pressed against the chest, the superciliary arches, chin and bridge of the nose are clearly distinguished. The ears take the usual position for a person, and the eyes gradually approach the bridge of the nose, but they are still closed for centuries.
  • Skin covering becomes very thin and delicate. Since there is no fatty layer, the skin acquires a bright red hue, and small capillary vessels appear on top of it.
  • Respiratory system fetus by the thirteenth week of pregnancy is almost formed. The baby can breathe on its own, but the glottis is still closed. Thanks to the respiratory movements, the muscles of the chest and diaphragm begin to train.

The mother's path is always rife with various complexities and worries. Women who first get acquainted with such an interesting situation are most worried. Their head is constantly filled with doubts regarding the birth of a healthy baby.

Psychological aspect

Week 13 feels very similar to the previous weeks of pregnancy. She also has mixed feelings that a woman is overwhelmed with. On the one hand, the expectant mother is boundlessly happy with her position. But on the other hand, there comes the realization that carefree fun times have passed, and now it is time to take responsibility not only for your life, but also for the life of an unborn little man.

And here, as luck would have it, many acquaintances and girlfriends begin to “intimidate” the expectant mother with stories about complications, terrible consequences and force majeure during childbirth. Of course, such conversations will not leave a pregnant woman indifferent, and these stories can cause her nervous breakdowns, unjustified worries and frequent tears.

But, despite all these factors, the thirteenth week of pregnancy is different more positive mood without pronounced differences. This stability is due decrease. The expectant mother begins to feel much better and more comfortable every day, and also feels an incredible charge of vivacity.

Woman's well-being

In general, the well-being of a woman at the thirteenth week of pregnancy is characterized by positive dynamics. But this period has certain ailments:

  • due to intestinal disorders. In addition, the uterus, constantly increasing in size, can also affect the occurrence of such an ailment.
  • convulsions in the calf muscles at night due to a lack, especially calcium, in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Lowering blood pressure, which is often observed after the formation of the placental circulation. And if during this period of pregnancy the pressure, on the contrary, increases, you should pay special attention to the condition of the kidneys.

The female body at 13 weeks pregnant

By the 13th week of pregnancy, the female body has developed the necessary amount of hormones to ensure the safety of the fetus. Therefore, soon a woman stop worrying about nausea in the morning. The irritability of the expectant mother will be reduced to a minimum, and anxious thoughts about it will completely disappear.

Some changes the organism itself will suffer:

  • The uterus is enlarged up to 3 cm in height and 10 cm in width. Imperceptibly, it moves from the pelvic floor to the abdominal cavity. Therefore, a slightly rounded belly will soon appear.
  • Every day the uterus becomes softer and more elastic. Such a change may be accompanied by small vaginal discharge. Usually they do not differ in their characteristic color and smell, but if the discharge has a yellow tint and an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. about discharge during pregnancy.
  • More and more noticeable breast augmentation. And with a light massage, it can come out of the nipples - colostrum.
  • By the end of the 13th week, the vaginal discharge becomes more fluid and abundant. You should not worry about this, as the previously dominant progesterone gradually fades into the background, giving way to estrogen.

For the first trimester 1-2 kilograms to your weight. In the photos of the tummies, you can see how mom's body has changed by 13 weeks.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy

Regular consultations with a doctor, compliance with all the recommendations and advice of specialists, as well as scheduled examinations, will help the expectant mother give birth to a healthy baby, as well as maintain her own health.

Analyzes and doctors

At 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should take blood analysis: double test - for the PAP-A hormone and for. Both analyzes are an integral part of the research program during pregnancy and a mandatory biochemical screening item.

The result of the tests will either allow you to finally make sure that nothing threatens the health of the mother and baby, or at the initial stage of pregnancy to identify all the existing abnormalities in the development of the fetus and start treatment in a timely manner.

Also, you must submit Analysis of urine to control the condition of the kidneys and the body as a whole.

When the results are ready, a scheduled appointment with obstetrician-gynecologist

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant. Video

At 11-13 weeks of gestation, it is carried out. Ultrasound examination at this stage is aimed at studying the organs of the abdominal cavity of the fetus.

Despite the fact that food has not yet been delivered to the baby, peristalsis is active in his intestines. And with ultrasound, the specialist measures the circumference and transverse belly size baby.

Thanks to prenatal screening, you can see how the baby has grown. It is comparable in size to a small apple. Noticeable on a small head first fluff. In addition, happy parents will be able to watch through the monitor how the baby hugs himself. In the fetal ultrasound photo above, you can see how much your baby has changed by the 13th week of pregnancy, compared to previous weeks.

Possible problems at the 13th week of pregnancy

After 13 weeks, the risk is significantly reduced. Therefore, mom can practically not worry about this.

13 weeks pregnant is characterized increased tone of the uterus. And because of its contractions, not only the healthy development of the fetus, but also the life of the baby as a whole, can be called into question. But you should not think about a miscarriage in advance, because the presence of uterine tone does not always cause such a problem. about it…

Frequent stress, workload at work or at home, overwork - all this affects the increase in the tone of the uterus. In addition, such a deviation may be detected due to a lack of progesterone or estradiol. signal to immediate medical attention to the doctor there are pains in the lower abdomen, sharp pains in the lower back, petrification of the uterus, smearing yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The specialist must prescribe to the patient complex treatment a magnesium preparation and an antispasmodic to reduce the excitability of the muscular tissue of the uterus. In addition, a woman during this period is recommended to strictly observe bed rest, to exclude physical activity. If the state of health does not improve, the expectant mother is hospitalized urgently.

Lifestyle and diet of a woman at 13 weeks

Good rest, healthy sleep and a calm lifestyle - this is what a woman should adhere to at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Spend more time surrounded by loved ones and enjoy such an interesting position.

Protect yourself from nervous tension and stress. Try to rest as often as possible. Positive effect on the mother's condition morning and evening walks outdoors. Start doing things that will help support your body. Favorable conduct of the 13th week of pregnancy allows minimizing the risks of unwanted deviations in the development of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Daily diet should also be given special attention. In order for the baby to be born healthy, the mother's body must be fully enriched with nutrients, vitamin and mineral complexes. Only worth using natural products, bought and prepared on their own without the addition of hot spices, salt and pepper.

Take care of dietary diversity. Do not abuse rice alone, for example, you need to regularly eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, lean meats and nuts.

In addition, throughout pregnancy there should be no place for alcohol, tonic drinks and smoking!

By the end of the first trimester, the woman was already used to her new status, all worries and fears were in the past. The thirteenth week is able to significantly improve and diversify future parents, since a woman during this period is under the influence of hormones, increasing libido. And thanks to increased sensitivity and impressionability, both partners can experience completely new sensations until this time.

The 13th week allows you to fully enjoy yourself, your body, position and voluptuous moments of solitude. But if doctors do not exclude the possibility of a miscarriage, or the woman feels unwell, it is better to refrain from carnal pleasures for a while, thereby saving the life of the baby.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed favorably and not cause discomfort for the expectant mother, it is worth adhering to following recommendations:

  • Costs avoid excessive physical activity. But with good health, you can continue your usual sports, dancing and fitness. A visit to the pool is extremely beneficial for a mother with a child.
  • Even with minor symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate.
  • In the autumn-winter season, spend as little time as possible in crowded places, especially in public transport.
  • As often as possible wash your hands with soap Take a shower after the walk.
  • During pregnancy, it is worth getting to know more closely, include sour-milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juice in your diet.
  • To overcome constipation, which women so often encounter at the thirteenth week of pregnancy, eat foods with a laxative effect: bread and cereals with bran, prunes and plums, beets. You should not get carried away with buns with poppy seeds, pears and rice - on the contrary, they produce the opposite effect.
  • Do not get carried away with cosmetics and perfumes. Start taking care of the skin of the abdomen and chest with special creams.

Video about 13 weeks pregnant

After watching this video, the expectant mother will get acquainted in general terms with what awaits her at the 13th week of pregnancy, find out how her baby has grown up, what he feels. Particular attention in the film is given to the sexual relations of future parents. Even if doctors insist on sexual abstinence, remember, their ban will not last forever. The main thing is that this period must be lived in harmony, care for each other and mutual understanding!

Thus, the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy - one of the best times both for future parents and for the baby. If you follow all the advice and recommendations of the doctor, monitor your diet, lead a measured life and enjoy your position, pregnancy will be the most memorable and joyful moment in your life for you, not counting the very birth of a baby!

And in order to dispel all the fears and experiences of women who are just planning the birth of a new life, share your story love, the fruit of which was the birth of a small miracle in the form of your beloved son or daughter's sweetheart!

Since that time, the proportions of the fetus have changed significantly. His torso and limbs grow, and his head becomes not as disproportionately large as it was in the early stages. The baby is very active, but it is still difficult for the mother to feel his movements. Women in their second pregnancy may already feel slight tremors.

This is the time when the internal organs and systems of the child continue to actively develop, and the volume of the woman's tummy can grow. Normalization of the hormonal background leads to an improvement in the well-being of the expectant mother. Nausea and vomiting, as well as intolerance to odors, practically cease to be felt.

Due to the cessation of the active production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum, the woman's emotional state improves. Mood swings become not so sharp and noticeable. The placenta takes responsibility for the production of progesterone and estrogen, thereby ensuring the viability of the baby.

The child spends almost half of his time in a dream, and the other - in the waking state. It actively moves in the uterine cavity and moves, while the movements become more ordered. He even has a reaction to external stimuli cold, heat, darkness and light.

What happens in a woman's body

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, it gradually enters the abdominal cavity and reaches a width of 10 cm, and a length of 13 cm. The height of the fundus of the uterus during this period reaches 11 cm, it is already palpable through the abdominal wall. Not only does the uterus increase in size during the thirteenth week, it also becomes more elastic, which allows it to stretch as much as possible, but it also “shrinks” for a short time.

Such contractions feel like a "petrification" of the abdomen. But if the processes do not bring pain and discomfort to a woman, you should not worry. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen increases, the uterus grows, as a result of which discomfort may appear in the lower abdomen due to stretching of the walls of the uterus and the ligaments that support it.

The changes occurring during this period cause a displacement of the internal organs, which often causes heartburn and shortness of breath. After long walks, a woman may feel heaviness in her limbs, experience increased fatigue. How much to walk and what intensity should be playing sports - all these issues should be discussed with a specialist. If a pregnant woman often experiences a feeling of tension in the uterus (due to increased tone), you should consult a doctor. At the first signs of "petrification" of the abdomen, you need to exclude any load and lie down.

Signs of pregnancy

  • increased sensitivity and breast enlargement;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • swelling of the legs and the appearance of varicose veins;
  • the formation of hyperpigmentation on the face, chest;
  • darkening of the areolas and nipples;
  • the appearance of a dark strip running from the navel to the pubic bone.

During the thirteenth week of pregnancy, sensations in the abdomen change, all external signs are due to hormonal failure, after childbirth they completely disappear. Colostrum may already begin to stand out from the breast - a colorless liquid containing a large amount of nutrients and biologically active substances. It will be the main food of the child in the first days after birth.

The size of the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is increased, which causes its pressure on the organs located inside the abdominal cavity. As a result, a woman may develop intestinal disorders, as well as problems with bowel movements. They are mainly caused by muscle contraction. During pregnancy, laxatives should not be used, it is better to drink more water, eat foods rich in fiber, and also move more.

Feelings in the stomach

Stabilization of the hormonal background at the thirteenth week leads to an improvement in well-being and an increase in appetite. Mood swings, emotional outbursts and anxieties go away, as the body has already adapted to the changes taking place. Frequent urination ceases to disturb the pregnant woman, and the uterus gradually begins to enter the abdominal cavity.

Sensations in the abdomen for a period of 13 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by "constriction" in the lower region, while the usual clothes become tighter, even though there is no stomach yet. From this period, a pregnant woman should buy special trousers with an elastic insert that will not squeeze the stomach.

Discharge from the genital tract

Allocations of yellow, transparent and white color of a uniform consistency and without a specific unpleasant odor are normal - at thirteen weeks of gestation, they can increase significantly in volume. For hygiene purposes, a pregnant woman can use panty liners, but tampons should be discarded.

If the color of the discharge changes, the appearance of blood, green and yellow pus, as well as pain, itching, burning and any discomfort, you should immediately see a gynecologist. These symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process or a threatened miscarriage.


At 13 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound examination is performed, the purpose of which is a screening examination that was not carried out in the previous week.

The doctor during the examination evaluates:

  • the size and weight of the fetus;
  • attachment to the wall of the uterus - anterior, posterior, lateral;
  • determines the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • reveals the correct position of the internal organs and brain structure.

Based on these data, the doctor can determine the presence or absence of pathologies and abnormalities that may cause additional examinations and tests.

Fetal development

What happens at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy with the fetus? The baby continues to gradually grow and develop, and at the thirteenth week he reaches the size of a nectarine. His height varies between 65-78 mm, and his weight is only 14-20 g. Throughout the second trimester, he will actively grow, increasing body weight, since all important organs have already been formed.

The child noticeably grows the torso, as well as the upper and lower limbs, so the head no longer looks so big. The baby is actively forming bone tissue, which is becoming stronger and stronger. That is why the consumption of calcium from the female body increases.

The 13th week of pregnancy is characterized by the strengthening of the bones of the skull, as well as the formation of the rudiments of future ribs. The face of the child has already acquired human outlines. He has eyes covered with thin skin of the eyelids, auricles, nose and mouth, where the rudiments of all twenty milk teeth are laid. At the end of the first trimester, the facial muscles are formed in the fetus, he can already actively move his lips.

The intestine develops and takes its normal position in the abdominal cavity, previously part of it fell into the umbilical cord. Inside the intestinal epithelium, villi are formed, which are of great importance for digestion. In the spleen during this period, B-lymphocytes begin to be produced, which are involved in protecting the body from infections.

The child already feels the taste and smell of amniotic fluid, which depend on the food consumed. This is due to the appearance of the olfactory epithelium in the sinuses and taste buds on. In boys and girls, at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the external genitalia are formed.

How many months at 13 weeks pregnant? With the beginning of this time, the second trimester of gestation begins, since the obstetric month is four weeks. At this time, the baby is 11 weeks old. The second trimester is considered one of the calmest - the construction of the systems and internal organs of the child is almost behind, it is far from childbirth, and the woman is practically not worried about toxicosis.

Possible problems

This period is not dangerous, the risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is minimal, but a woman needs to carefully approach her state of health. Any negative external factors can lead to the formation of pathologies that will subsequently affect the growth and development of the baby.

Possible problems during this period of pregnancy include:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is caused by a slight opening of the cervix and can lead to the penetration of pathogens, infections and microbes;
  • primary placental insufficiency, the cause of which is a violation of the formation of the placenta in the previous weeks of pregnancy, as a result of which it cannot perform its functions of providing the fetus with the necessary substances and oxygen.

What to pay attention to?

The thirteenth week of pregnancy is the most favorable time, but a pregnant woman must still follow some recommendations:

  • The abdomen and chest increase in size, so the expectant mother should pay attention to the condition of the skin. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to use special creams, oils and preparations to increase its elasticity, since it is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks later. If necessary, you can wear a support bandage so that the stomach is less traumatized and stretches the skin when walking. You should also take care of supporting the enlarged bust.
  • The nutrition of a pregnant woman in the second trimester should be balanced and contain a minimum amount of sweet and starchy foods. Under the influence of hormonal changes in the body of a woman, subcutaneous fat begins to actively increase, so malnutrition can lead to a sharp weight gain. The recommended meal option is four meals a day, while dinner should be light and no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The body during this period especially needs folic acid and vitamin C, so it is very important to make the right diet. Today, a detailed description of all products that are useful and harmful to the health of pregnant women can be easily found on any specialized forum. Weekly weight gain should not exceed 300-450 g.

At the beginning of the second trimester, star patterns begin to appear under the skin on the legs, indicating the development of varicose veins. From the gestational age of 13 weeks, the disease will progress. If a woman had problems with veins even before pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a phlebologist to make a list of exercises to strengthen the veins, get an appointment for anti-varicose tights with a special gusset on the tummy.

Very useful and effective are contrasting washings from the ankle to the knees, regular raising of the legs - they can be placed on a roller or on a chair. It is very important for varicose veins not to gain excess weight.

The increased size of the uterus after thirteen weeks also requires a careful attitude. You should not lift weights, be nervous and worry, as this can lead to tension in the uterus and a feeling of "petrification" of the abdomen. A woman should have more rest and lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, which ideally should be done even before getting pregnant.

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From conception. If you count the usual months, then you are now the third month, or the beginning of the fourth lunar month. Also this week is the boundary between the first and second trimesters. Since there are no strict divisions, some gynecologists refer the 13th week to the second trimester, and some do not.

This is the most peaceful period in the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

Feelings in a woman at the 13th week of pregnancy

Like the previous ones, the thirteenth week brings a woman mixed feelings. On the one hand, the sensations delight and overwhelm with incredible expectations, and on the other hand, you begin to understand that a carefree life has passed, and now you are constantly responsible for your baby, which makes it a little difficult to feel completely free.

The path to motherhood is filled with trials and excitement. It is especially difficult for women who are expecting their first child. Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head: will there be enough strength and health to endure and give birth to a healthy child?

And then, as if to evil, all the acquaintances begin to talk about various complications that may arise during pregnancy and childbirth. Even a mentally balanced person, these stories cannot leave indifferent, and they often bring expectant mothers to tears and nervous breakdowns.

But still the emotional state of the pregnant woman on this line becomes more stable and positive. This is due to the fact that toxicosis of the first half worries her less and less. Gradually disappear manifestations of autonomic dysfunction, which affected the stability of mood in the first three months. The woman feels more comfortable and she has an incredible surge of strength.

Quite often, women at this time are worried about:

  • Constipation, the cause of which is a violation of the peristaltic function of the intestine, which occurs against the background of hormonal changes. The uterus, which is constantly growing and leaving less and less space for the intestines, which is also the cause of constipation;
  • convulsions in the calf muscles, which most often occur at night. The reason for this condition is a lack of calcium in the body of a woman.
  • Hypotension(lowering blood pressure), which may occur after the formation of the placental-uterine circulation. Most often, a woman suffers this disease without obvious ailments. But if the pressure is greatly reduced, then it is better to resort to medical treatment. With very low pressure, peripheral blood vessels contract, including in the uterus, which can cause insufficient blood supply to the fetus.
  • If on this line pressure rises, then it is most likely due to kidney disease, and not a predisposition to hypertension.

Forums: What do women write about well-being?


Hooray! The second trimester has already begun. I feel great, in a week I will go for an ultrasound, finally I will see my baby.


The tummy has grown a little. The clothes no longer fit. You need to go shopping.


I'm not going to get toxicosis.


I feel great, only a little irritable, and I start crying for any reason. But I think it will pass soon.


I feel great. There was no toxicity. If I had not seen my baby on an ultrasound, I would not have believed that I was pregnant.


The tummy is slightly rounded. Toxicosis is no longer a concern. I expect a miracle.

What happens in a woman's body?

  • Your body has already produced enough hormones that are responsible for keeping the baby. Therefore, morning sickness will soon stop bothering you. You will leave the anxiety about a possible miscarriage, and you will become less irritable;
  • The uterus is growing in size and now it has a height of about 3 cm and a width of 10 cm. Gradually, it begins to rise into the abdominal cavity from the pelvic floor. There it will be behind the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, your relatives and friends may notice a slightly rounded tummy;
  • The uterus becomes more elastic and soft every day. Sometimes a woman notices slight vaginal discharge, which is not a cause for concern. But if they have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish color, be sure to consult a doctor;
  • You may have already noticed that your breasts began to increase in size, this happens because milk passages develop inside it. In the second trimester, with a light massage, a yellowish liquid may appear from the nipples - colostrum.

Fetal development at 13 weeks

For your unborn child, the thirteenth week is very important. This is a key moment in shaping the relationship between mother and fetus..

The placenta is completing its development, which is now fully responsible for the development of the fetus, producing the required amount of progesterone and estrogen. Now its thickness is about 16 mm. It passes through all the trace elements necessary for the child (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and is an insurmountable barrier to many toxic substances.

Therefore, it is possible to treat the disease of the mother, for which it is necessary to use drugs (antibiotics). Also, the placenta protects the fetus from the effects of the mother's immune system, preventing the occurrence of Rhesus conflict.

Your baby continues to form and develop all the systems necessary to ensure life:

  • Begins to develop rapidly brain. The baby has reflexes: the hands are clenched into fists, the lips are twisted, the fingers are reaching into the mouth, grimacing, shuddering. Your baby spends some time actively, but still he sleeps more. It is possible to detect fetal movements only with the help of instruments;
  • Continues to actively develop fetal skeletal system. The thyroid gland has already developed enough and now calcium is deposited in the bones. The bones of the limbs lengthen, the first ribs form, the bones of the spine and skull begin to ossify. The baby's head is no longer pressed against the chest and the chin, brow ridges and bridge of the nose can be clearly defined. The ears are in their normal position. And the eyes begin to draw closer, but they are still closed by tightly fused eyelids;
  • Develops very tender and thin skin covering, there is practically no subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the skin is very red and wrinkled, and small blood vessels appear on its surface;
  • Respiratory system The baby is already well developed. The fetus is breathing, but the glottis is still tightly closed. His breathing movements train the muscles of the diaphragm and chest more. If the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen, then a small amount of amniotic fluid can enter the lungs. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is sick and there are pathogenic bacteria in the amniotic fluid, this can cause intrauterine infection;

At the end of the 13th week Your baby's length will be about 10-12cm, and the head has a diameter of approximately 2.97 cm. His weight is now about 20-30 g.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen, video

On this line, ultrasound is not performed. The only exceptions are those who did not do the first screening on time, and if any problems arise.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks

Photo of the abdomen at 13 weeks

This is what the fetus looks like at 13 weeks

Video: What happens in the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 13 weeks

Video: Determination of the sex of the fetus at 13 weeks of gestation (boy)

At this time, the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but still there are cases of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the expectant mother should monitor her health, because the flu and even the common cold can harm your baby.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise;
  • Do not self-medicate;
  • In the autumn-winter period, use natural methods to prevent colds and flu: hardening, wash your hands after the street, do not visit crowded places;
  • Do not forget about proper nutrition: eat more dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits. To avoid constipation, eat foods that have a laxative effect: prunes, beets, plums and bran. Do not get carried away with rice, pears and poppy seeds, they strengthen;
  • Spend more time outdoors, walk, communicate with people who are pleasant to you;
  • Do not use industrial cosmetics, it is better to use natural ones.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

How did you feel at 13 weeks? Share with us!
