Chechen love stories in contact. Fascinating Caucasian love stories VKontakte

I have always been a very obedient daughter, but in our family it was impossible to do otherwise. I had everything I needed and even a little more, but at the same time I knew that my parents, not me, would determine my fate and choose my husband. The only thing I did not expect was that I would become a bride so early.

Our love story began with the fact that my future husband, as most often happens in Dagestan, saw me at the wedding of relatives. I was only fifteen then, I did not even think about marriage. At that time, I was going to university.

Since Magomed is a man of action, he immediately approached my mother at the wedding and said that he liked me. Mom replied with a smile that I was his second cousin. This confused Magomed a little. For a long time he did not dare to take further action. But time passed, and his desire to make me his wife did not pass.

Soon relatives began to approach my parents. But at that time I was still very young, and my parents politely but refused the matchmakers. So a year has passed.

unexpected event

All this time I was completely unaware that my fate was being actively decided. Having finished school early, I entered DSU, but at the same time I was doing what I really liked. I drew.

It was what I wanted to do in my life. Secretly, I cherished the dream that someday I could seriously take up, for example, modeling clothes.

Drawing, I completely immersed myself in some special world of color and paint, and everything seemed so right, natural and beautiful.

Two years later, Magomed did not stop trying to capture me. Parents, seeing his perseverance, determination, knowing how good he is, from a good family close to us, finally gave their consent.

When I found out at the age of seventeen that they were going to marry me, I confess that I was very upset. It seemed to me that it was still very early, that I was not ready. She is not ready not only to create a family, but also to quit what she has been doing so enthusiastically all these years.

Very soon I found out who I was marrying. I remember, even before the matchmaking, early in the morning on my birthday, they brought me a huge bouquet of beautiful flowers. It then touched and delighted me very much, allowed me to hope that perhaps everything is not as sad as I suppose.

I became the official bride of Magomed, but I already knew him in absentia, and here I tried to see, looking at him, what the future had in store for me.

Magomed turned out to be an attractive smiling young man, the matchmaking was very beautiful, there were many gifts and I was surrounded by friendly smiling faces of my relatives.

The main thing that I noted in my future husband was his warm, kind look, and this calmed me down a bit. Of course, we did not fully communicate with him before the wedding, but at the same time we sometimes corresponded, he wished me good morning, or good night.

getting to know you

Even without a reason, he gave expensive gifts and flowers. Naturally, I wanted to know more about him, because it's still scary to marry a stranger. And according to the stories of sisters and acquaintances, it seemed to me that he was a kind and generous person. I myself often noticed this, I was pleased with his attentiveness to me, even care.

All this gradually calmed me and humbled me with the fact that I would have to give up a lot when I moved with him to another, completely alien city.

I often felt sad thinking that I would have to leave my relatives, my brothers, sisters and, above all, my parents. Everything that surrounded me and what I loved so much. But each time Magomed somehow managed to calm me down and inspire at least a little confidence in the future even at a distance.

In May 2015, we had a very magnificent and very beautiful wedding. It was a huge number of people, many I did not even know. Everything was fun and for a long time was deposited in my memory as a bright unforgettable holiday.

After the wedding, over time, I realized that I was not mistaken in my husband, and I still think that only then Love truly came to us. And it was after the wedding that our Love Story became real. Magomed really turned out to be a very kind, understanding and caring person. Even now he gives me gifts and small surprises to please me. And today, when I am waiting for our baby, I understand how grateful I am that it was he who became my husband. And I am sure that we will always make each other happy.

Photographers: Shamil Gadzhidadaev, Ruslan Lepatrov

Design: Wedding agency "Wedding Day"

Malika got married early - at the age of 15, so that even she herself did not have time to understand how it happened. During the wedding of her cousin, she liked a handsome guy from a neighboring village, and he came to the spring to see her. And her friend Marem, envious of the fact that such an enviable groom paid attention to Malika, carefully watched the couple a little to the side. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly for everyone, she shouted loudly: “Kug lazza! Kug lazza! (He took his hand! He took his hand!), although there was nothing like that. Why she did this remains a mystery. She probably wanted to disgrace Malika, but in reality it turned out that this involuntary “shame” was the reason that the stately handsome Shamil sent matchmakers to Malika that same evening. And the "dishonored" Malika married him, thinking that something terrible had happened.

Malika was pleased with her husband. Of course, rural life is not sugar, but Malika was accustomed to work from early childhood - to milk a cow and bake bread - everything was done by her effortlessly. And her husband ... loved her, despite the fact that she had been married for 5 years, she could not give him children. Only chores around the house and yard allowed her to forget and forget for a while about her misfortune. But every night she fell asleep with tears in her eyes and a prayer to Allah for a child.

That evening she prayed especially earnestly. She decided for herself that if this time it doesn’t work out, she won’t torment Shamil anymore and will go to her parents’ house. She offered him more than once to marry another, but he reassured her as best he could, not even allowing the thought of a second wife. “Even if we never have children, I will not marry another,” he ardently convinced her, “... we have a large family, it’s okay if I personally don’t have children. Others have - and that's enough, the Salamov family will not end with me.

But, despite such words of his, Malika could not allow her beloved, dear, dear person to remain childless. Therefore, she firmly decided for herself - she would wait another month - and that's it, go home ...

Allah heard her prayers, and a month later she suffered ... At first she could not believe, and she was afraid to say, and she could not admit to herself that this had happened. Everyone listened to herself, everyone was afraid to say it out loud. And only when Shamil asked about it himself, noticing her slightly rounded belly, she answered: “Yes, it seems that I am pregnant.” Oh, how he circled her, how he rejoiced! What care and attention filled her days! He categorically forbade doing hard work and was looking forward to the birth of a child ...

What was the reason for the delay in the appearance of children is not clear, but since then, children in the family of Shamil and Maliki began to appear every year - as if from a cornucopia. Their house was filled with the voices of eight sons!

The happiness of Shamil and Maliki knew no bounds. In the depths of her soul, Malika dreamed of a girl, but she did not even dare to complain in private, as she was very grateful to Allah for the happiness sent to her!

The eldest son, Magomed, was the most playful and whimsical. Probably because his parents spoiled him the most, and all the other children were told that he was the eldest, he should be listened to, he should be respected and honored. He believed in his exclusivity and importance, and every now and then "pleased" his parents with his pranks.

His favorite trick was to hide somewhere for a long time and wait for his mother to start looking for him. “Moh1mad, k1orni, michah wu hyo? Hawad mother! Sa gaddella sa!" (Magomed, baby, where are you? Run to your mother! I miss you!) - Malika wailed, running around the yard, looking into all corners, but Magomed found a new place every time, and she never managed to find it. After tormenting her for some time, he jumped out of hiding with wild cries, and then they laughed together for a long time ...

... On the outskirts of the village of Goiskoye, the corpses of those killed during the "anti-terrorist operation to capture militants" in the village of Komsomolskoye were dumped into a huge pit. The unfortunate dug in this pit, looking for among the disfigured corpses of their loved ones and relatives, so dear and beloved, with whom they were yesterday ...
... Among all, a middle-aged woman stood out, with a face tied with gauze and mournful eyes, in which, it seemed, all the sadness of the world was reflected ... She kept pulling someone out of a pile of corpses, and saying: “Hara sa wu! .. Hara sa wu !.. Khara sa wu!” (This one is mine, and this one is mine, and this one is mine…) The women who stood at a distance shook their heads sympathetically and talked to each other, not believing that all seven corpses that the woman pulled out of the dump were related to her. In their opinion, the woman simply lost her mind and pulled everyone out.

“Moh1mad, sa k1orni, michah vu hyo? Sa sa gaddella!” (Magomed, my baby, where are you? I miss you!) - the woman began to lament, and those who watched her were sure that she had lost her mind. Someone was crying, someone who had no more tears left wanted to approach her in order to take her away from there, and one of the women was already moving towards her, but an elderly man standing aside stopped her with the words: “Leave her. These are our seven sons. She's looking for an eighth." He couldn't hold back his tears. In embarrassment, turning away, he quietly wept. He had no moral strength to approach the pit.

“Moh1mad, k1orni, ha guch wal, so kadella!” (Magomed, baby, come out, I'm tired) - repeated Malika. There wasn't a tear on her face...

... In the bloody massacre in the village of Komsomolskoye, about 2,000 people of the local population died. Including the elderly, women and children ...

They met on the social network "classmates"
M:- Hello)
L:- Hello))
M: How are you? Can you get to know?
L: It's okay! yes of course you can))
M: What's your name? I'm Maga))
L: Very nice! me Linda!! How old are you?
M: I'm 21 and you?
L: - 17! where are you from?
M: - I'm from Khasavyurt, and you?
L: me too
And so they began to communicate ... exchanged numbers and everything was fine with them .... Maga, of course, was in the army at that time before he came home for another year ... Linda always said that she would wait for the arrival of her beloved ... passed for half a year they were still talking ... they fell in love with each other so much that they wanted to get married when Maga arrived from the army ... Linda fell in love with him very much that the other guys who asked her for a number were no different to her because she loved only Maga and besides she didn’t love him .... Maga also loved her, he promised her everything .... and so before the arrival of Magi, two months remained, Linda was looking forward to this moment when he arrived .... a month passed. Maga stopped writing to her, she sat she was waiting for him to write to her, but he still didn’t write ... a month passed Maga arrived ... Linda knew when he was supposed to arrive .... once she went into a one-room apartment and looks at Maga’s pictures and there she found out that he arrived ... where her beloved lived, her aunt lived there and somehow she could not restrain herself writing:
"Welcome darling" (he answered coldly)
"Thank you" Linda was not trying all the time why he treats her like that = (passing by his house she saw him and was delighted =) and the current turned away without saying anything ... Linda was very hurt in her soul, she felt very bad so much talked for a while loved why he was so with me ... after that she changed a lot all the time she said my dreams with him that we built were gone = (she always even after that she loved him could not forget ... and one fine day he came to the village where Linda lived =) she went to the store, but some car was following her, she was not trying to find someone to follow her, but it was Maga who came to see how his little girl lives ... she went into the store and he came for her... she was standing near the terminal he stood behind her and dialed her number.. six hours later it was dark he called her... she picked up
L:-Hello...who is this??
M:-Hi Lee!! (Linda recognized him by his voice)
L: Maga hyo wi e? (Maga is that you?)
M: - In Lee with in! (yes, Lee is me)
Linda was offended by him .... she had tears in her soul tthe she was very hurt ...
M: - Lee, I know you are offended by me and I know that you were crying .... I couldn’t write to you, I don’t know why ... I thought a lot about you during this time = (I couldn’t forget you, I thought, I killed why did I do this to my little girl = (forgive me for the sake of the Almighty ...
Linda was crying quietly.... she was still in pain in her soul.... there was no one to share the offense with... she forgave him.... and she thought that everything would be as before and it happened even better they loved like before =) after half a year he proposed to her, she agreed .... the wedding day came Maga called Linda ... M: - darling, what are you doing? L: - in the salon and you? Do I love you very much and will love you all my life ... forgive me for these pains that I have caused you ... L: - Maga, I also love you very much .... let's forget everything and start a new life ?!. ..... M: - Dear, we have already started a new life .... on this day they were very happy ... Maga was going to go for his bride, the wedding was very chic ... he bought a large bouquet of males and was about to go. nooo ... mom was against him going, she didn’t feel pleasant ... Maga hugged his mother tightly and said mom so hya nusklen t1arg1 g1sh in hyon yo1g sen heg y hyon and yech (mom, I’m going to fetch your daughter-in-law .... she you will be like a daughter when I bring her to you =) he sat down and went to his mother, something was not good .... he came to his Linda gave a bouquet when she took the bouquet there were two sluggish roses that had dried up she was in no understanding thought on the way, they probably dried up =) they got into the car that Maga arrived ... he loved to drive fast Linda said drive quietly, we’ll crash and at that moment they crashed into the tegach that was driving in front of them .... they managed to kiss each other and ask for forgiveness .... they died on the wedding day ...... the roses that he gave to his beloved remained intact and the two that were dried up, they disappeared, the sticks fell from them, only sticks remained ... that's how Chechen love disappeared =(

A love story that really happened in life in Ingushetia, about the unhappy and strong love of two young people....

Ingushetia: There was a girl Elina, everyone called her Elya. . .girl, modest, neat, her parents and friends all loved her, her voice enchanted everyone, such a refined, delicate hair, like Angel's, she was often invited to conferences, the audience listened carefully, her every word, she was 17 years old, studied at 1 course, after the couple went straight home, did not like partying and all that. . .she had her best friend Lizka, and then one sunny day Lizka ran to Elya and said: "Elka, Elka, I got the number of such a handsome guy, let's call him, only you will speak ... Elya:" You are with Lizka I've lost my mind, no, I won't call, what are you doing, but suddenly he finds out, it's a shame. . Lisa: "please Elya, you have such a voice, he will immediately fall in love with you, please, please, please. . . . Elya:" well, but only once, and from a hidden one. . .Lisa (hugs, kisses) and now the beeps went. . . Hello? Yes. . . Elya: "I was given your number, I would like to meet you" He: "Well, since they gave me, let's get to know each other, my name is Mustafa, what about you? Elya: my name is Diana. . . . . . . . (she lied all about of his life) ... and now their conversation lasts more than 3 hours Mustafa: "Diana, why are you calling from a hidden one? After all, your number was determined by me anyway, Elya, in shock, began to say goodbye to him, saying that she had made a mistake with the number, asked not to call this number again, and hung up: "Lizka, I said no need! What will happen if He will find out who I am? It's terrible! I'm gone! Lizka went home. . . . Suddenly the phone rang. . . , we have the wrong number, or you stop writing here, or I will be forced to throw out the SIM card. . . . Mustafa: "No, no!!! Wait, please, give me Diana's number, I really need it, please give it! Lizka: "Sorry, it's impossible!!! She won't talk to you! Mustafa: “Please, I beg you! I need her number, or take her a SIM card!. . . . . . . . Eli's house. . . . . .Elya spent the whole night thinking about him, what a beautiful voice he has, how he communicates, how sweet he is. . . . That night he thought about her, What a beautiful voice she had, quiet and calm. . . The next day, Lizka ran up to her: Elya, Elechka, he wants to talk to you, he needs it, you should have heard how he asked me. . . . . Elya: “Lizka, are you crazy? I can’t, I can’t! (But in her soul she so wanted to hear his voice again) Elya, well, for my sake! . . . . . . . Okay, okay, let's go. . . . . Lisa ran home. . . A little later, Elya dialed to him: Hello. . . . Mustafa? Hello. . . It's you? (of course, a stupid question, but it was necessary to start a conversation). Hello, yes Diana, it's me. . How are you. . . . . . . . . . . . . They talked all night. . . We said goodbye only in the morning. . . . It's time to go to class. . . . . At the University, Lizka showed her Mustafa, he was a 5th year student, so handsome, tall, with dark hair and brown eyes, it seems like a guy like him will never look at someone like her. . . . . She got upset. She thought about him all day. . . . Evening, they talk. . .everything goes so easily, as if they have known each other for ages. . . It's been 2 months since they met, they haven't seen each other, but oddly enough, he didn't ask for meetings, he was pleased to hear her voice
He did not ask for meetings, and it was to her advantage; she did not want him to see her. . . But one day he said: "Diana, I can't do this anymore, let's see you, I want to look into your eyes, I want to admire you, your voice will captivate me, please don't refuse me. Elya: "No Mustafa, please don't ask me about it, it's not enough for you that we communicate on the phone, I can not agree. . "But alas, Mustafa's perseverance knew no bounds, he achieved his goal ... she answered Yes! ... Lizka came to Ela. She told her about what had happened, and asked her to go to a meeting instead of her, supposedly she was Diana. . .DIANA: "How can you? After all, he hopes to see you, not me, he will know, he will feel! Elya: "No Lizka, he won't know anything! Please... Lizka didn't agree, all of a sudden, something was wrong with Elya... she grabbed her head, fell to the floor, everything swam before her eyes... she didn't heard Lisa's screams... there was no one at home, but now she began to come to her senses, and asked the crying Lisa to calm down... She already agreed to everything, if only Elya wouldn't scare her like that anymore... And then the one came the day they were supposed to meet Mustafa. . . .
The day of their meeting has arrived. . . He was waiting for her at the university under a tree. . . . . . .here he sees that someone is heading towards him. . .on looked at her askance. . . . Lizka: "hello Mustafa." . Mustafa: Hello. . They didn’t talk for so many minutes, and he asked: “Why does Diana think that I’m so stupid? Why does she think that I don’t recognize her voice, tell me why? Lizka:“ I told her that it wouldn’t work, she insisted, excuse me, I could not refuse her (she could hardly hold back her tears). . . I am sorry again. . .turned and ran away. . . At Eli's house: Lizka: "Did I tell you that it wouldn't work, did I tell you? You put me in such an uncomfortable situation that he is thinking about me right now, (crying) . . Elya:" please calm down, I'm not I knew this would happen, please calm down. . . Lizka calmed down and went home. . . . . Night: A call from Mustafa. . . .she is afraid to pick up the phone, afraid to hear how he will scold her. . . But she raised it nonetheless. . . . Hello, Diana. . .what did I do to you? Why did you treat me like that, did I distrust you? Was it like that? Elya: "I'm sorry, Mustafa, I'm just afraid that you won't like me, I know that I'm not one of those guys who run after me. . . I'm afraid. . . . . Mustafa:" Diana, how can you not understand I like absolutely everything about you! You are exactly the girl that I dreamed about so much, and it seems to me that it is you who are destined for me by fate! I am drawn to you Diana, how can you not understand this, please let's see each other, only this time You come!!! Do not send anyone, I still recognize your voice from a thousand, you can’t confuse it with a count, it looks like the singing of birds, the voice of an angel! After such words, she could not refuse him. . . She agreed, tomorrow at 5 o’clock their meeting will take place near Univer
All night Mustafa thought about what she was like, all night Elya was afraid to disappoint him. . . . But now the morning has come. . . . For some reason, the headaches started again, but again they disappeared. . . And now it's 5 o'clock. . . The couples are over, they should see each other. . . He waited where the meeting was indicated. . . She noticed him from afar. . . . He stood leaning against a tree, looking thoughtful. . . . . She appeared so quickly, he was dumbfounded. . . . . . He was exactly how he imagined her, a slender, beautiful girl. . . . With an angelic voice, he finally saw her, how much he wanted to hug her (but this could not be done, he would never touch this girl, would not dare to offend her with this) she did not raise her eyes, she just said: "here I am, Mustafa . . . . "These words spoken brought him to his senses, this time he knew for sure that his Diana was standing in front of him. . . . . But then she said: "I'm sorry Mustafa, all this time I lied to you, my name is Elina (ELYA), I lied to you all this time ... He thought again and said:" it doesn't matter anymore, I saw you, I I won't let you go again!
their relationship began to move to the next level. . . At the university they already knew that they were together, everyone was happy, there was white envy, there was black envy (everything is as it happens with people) on one wonderful wonderful day. . . At the meeting, Mustafa said to Elya: "Elechka, you know how I feel about you, you know that I love you, you know that I have no one but you ... I'm already graduating from the university, I'll find a job ... after. . . And after. . . . I would like to marry you! Elya Byta is shocked by these words, she wished it with all her heart! But something told her that it was too early. . . . just turned 18. I'm just learning. . .understand me." Mustafa: "I'm not rushing you, darling, everything will be when you want, we'll wait, I'll send the old people to you (the elders of the family, of the whole family), I'm afraid that you will be given away for another, or they will marry you. . . Understand. . . . . .she agreed. . . All this time, Elya did not tell her mother about him, although she did not hide anything from her mother. And that evening she told her about his intentions. . . . Mom: "Daughter, are you crazy? What about studying? Have you thought about it?" Elya: "Mommy, he just wants to take the floor, and nothing else." Mom: "well, daughter, tell me his last name, maybe I know them?". . . . . After she said his last name, my mother dropped the plate, started yelling, screaming so that from now on this name and surname would no longer sound in their house! So that she forgets him, and does not dare to communicate with him, otherwise she will take her phone away from her, and a ban at home!
.... mom, mom, mom wait (crying) explain to me what is the reason, explain to me, I beg you! Mom, I can't live without him! Mom please! Mom: "our family has been at enmity for many years, so daughter, or you do as I say. . . . . Or I will tell everything to your FATHER! This will not end well. . . began to cry in the room ... Meanwhile, there was no less scandal in Mustafa's house ... having found out which girl their only son was talking about, on whom they pinned their hopes, in whom they saw the continuation of their kind ... And who upset them so much this. Father: "You will never marry this girl! NEVER!!! The foot of the enemy will not enter our house, you understand me !!! Mustafa kept his head down. . . . went to his room. . . . He called Ela: Hello, (heard her tears) beloved. . .
... my beloved, don't cry, I ask you not to cry, I'll do everything so that we can be together, I won't give you to anyone, you hear me to anyone! We will be together, do you believe me? Answer? Believe it or not, all he heard in response was her cry. . . .but then again the very thing that she was most afraid of (dizziness) happened and again everything swam before her eyes, again she did not realize anything, dropping the phone, she grabbed her head, the room narrowed in her eyes, there was nothing to breathe, that's it my end, she thought, mentally saying goodbye to everyone, saying goodbye to her parents, to her beloved, to her beloved girlfriend. . .but thank God, she began to recover, somehow she got to her feet, remembering that she had spoken on the phone, found the phone, and heard screams. . . . "I'm here, here." . She answered in a whisper. . . : "Never scare me like that in my life! Got it?! I almost rushed to you!
Mustafa, why should we be responsible for the mistake of the past, why should we be responsible for THEIR hostility, why should everything come down to us. Mustafa: “My good El, don’t cry, we’ll still be together, I promised you!” She put the phone on and went to sleep, (although both couldn’t sleep that day) lay and looked at the ceiling for hours.: “Today I I’ll see him," Elka said to her friend, I’ll see! They left the house as usual, not showing any kind of joy, Elka walked near her mother with her head bowed ... A conversation started between her and Lizka, but then again these pains, Lizka had observed them before ... Elka fell to her knees, and began to beat the asphalt and scream, she was in pain, her head seemed to be torn into two parts, or even three ... Lizka lifted her up, took her to the bench, began to bring her to her senses, she was in a panic from what she saw , she had never seen such severe headaches ...: “Tomorrow we are going to the doctor!” Lizka said, and don’t you dare deny it! Elka: “Lizka, please don’t, you know how much I don’t like these doctors. Lizka: "I don't want to hear anything, I've said everything, tomorrow I'll ask your parents for you." . .
The whole day they did not see each other and did not hear each other. Meanwhile, horror was happening in Mustafa's house, a scandal ... no matter how he asked, no matter how he begged, but he could not melt the icy heart of his father, he brushed aside everything, shouted, spoke about the honor of the family ... Mustafa was left alone again alone with him (in the room) ... then his mother came in: "son, I see your suffering, I see how much you love this girl, but I also see and know that your father will never agree to this marriage (strokes his hands, face) Mustafa: "Mom, I'm sorry, forgive me if I didn't live up to your expectations, I'm sorry if I didn't turn out the way you would like to see me, but understand mom that I need Elina like air like water, I can’t imagine my life without it .... (tears filled his eyes) .... The mother’s heart trembled when she saw these eyes, because never before had tears been seen in these eyes ... from this mother in her soul it got even worse .... she left the room so as not to burst into tears in front of him .... Call: "Hello Elka, how are you? Sorry, I could not come today, I had business." Elka: "Nothing Mustafa, everything is the same at home, everything is forbidden" ... Mustafa: "Don't lose hope, darling, we'll be together!".. Morning of the next day: "Elka, get up soon, I asked your parents for help, let's go to doctor quickly ".. (With great difficulty getting out of bed, she got dressed and they ran home, not even having time to have breakfast ... Here they are in the hospital ... they said to come in the evening for answers ..
..evening came....they went for tests...both entered the doctor's office... Doctor: "Have you been suffering from headaches for a long time?" Elka: "Well, not so long ago"... (Lizka intervenes) "a long time ago a doctor".... Then the doctor lowers his head: "why didn't you come earlier? Why didn't you contact us earlier?" Elka: "Something wrong doctor?" Doctor: "You have a brain tumor, already quite developed, the chances of curing it in such a period is 1 in 1000. You need an operation urgently." . . These words sounded like a knife in the heart of both girls, they could not believe their ears. . . In shock from what she heard, Elka went out into the corridor, Lizka remained there. Doctor: "She has a few months left, and I'm afraid there's nothing to help." Tears welled up from Lisa's eyes: "how is the doctor? How? How could this happen, you're lying, it's not, my Elka can't die!!!
you are all lying! Doctor: "Unfortunately, you yourself observed her pain, you were a witness to her attacks." she could no longer speak, she left the office, Elya was sitting on the bench .... (crying): "Lizka, how much do I have left? How long will I live?" but she didn’t answer like that ... she just cried .... they came home .... Elka hands her mother papers (tests) Mom: "what is this?" .. Elka: "look, these are my tests
After reading this, my mother almost fainted, began to cry, scream: "my daughter, why did this happen to you, these tests are fake, I don't believe them!" Elka: "Mom, they are true, I have a few months left to live." . .mom: "no, no... I won't believe it, I'll tell my father"... By morning the house was already full of people... it seemed that she had already died.... Inviting her mother to her into the room, she began to beg in tears to let her meet with him (they had not seen each other for a month after receiving the tests)
Mom with great difficulty let go of her daughter ..... And so they met ..... Mustafa was in seventh heaven with happiness that he saw her again. Mustafa: "Elka, we will leave with you, you hear, we will not tell anyone and we will leave, we will live alone, and when they calm down we will return" ... Elya interrupted him ...: "no Mustafa, stop (holds out tests)" ... he looked at them for a long time, not understanding what it was ....: "what is it? What kind of tests." . . . Elka: "I'm dying Mustafa, I have a brain tumor, I have just a little bit left to live" ... These words sounded like a blow to the heart, the earth was leaving under his feet .... She stood and cried. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he hugged her. (He had never done this before) Elka: "Let go, let go, they can see us" ... but then I succeeded. Mustafa: "No, I won't let you go! I'll marry you anyway!
Elka was still crying: “No Mustafa, don’t ruin your life, before you get married, you will become a widower” ... but he did not listen to her, he turned and left ... Mustafa's house .... The house was full of guests. Ignoring them, Mustafa fell at his father's feet and began to beg him to send the old people to Elina's house, kiss his feet, he cried like a child! The father got angry and threw his son away...: “Are you out of your mind? How can you be so humiliated because of a girl? You are not disgusted by yourself, you are destroying lovers, for the sake of your enmity, for the sake of your principles .... (Everyone lowered their heads) .....
..... Poor children fell in love with each other, fell in love with sincere love, and you, what are you doing? You are destroying them! ...... after long disputes and conversations, the old people gave in ..... Morning came: a knock on the gate: the gate was opened by Elina's father ..... Old people: "we came to ask your daughter" .. Father in anger: "Yes, how dare you come here, who told you that I will give my daughter to your family, we will never be related to people like you!" Angry Old Men: "We stepped over our pride! We came to ask for your daughter, and you. . What did you fool! You broke your daughter's heart! You broke a guy's heart!" With these words they left the yard...
.. Hearing her father's answer, Elka lost all hope, for several months tears dripped down her face, but that day killed her and him completely. They didn't know what to do, how to be. . . . . A few days later, a lot of people gathered in Elina's house, all were in black. . . . ELINA DISAPPEARED! SHE DIED! Hearing about the incident, the old people ran to their house. . . . Mustafa was with them, he doesn’t have a syntash (tombstone): “please accept at least this from us, at least I want to help her with something” .... Father: “we don’t need anything from you, get out of our at home!
The shocked old people and Mustafa himself left .... Having reached the house, the old people opened the door: O ALLAH, what do they see. The stone crumbled, it really turned into small pebbles! (True) Mustafa was called to look at it, but he was not up to it, he went to his room, picked up the phone and began to look at Eli's photos. . . . . Meanwhile, the old men called the mullah. . .more precisely several. They explained this phenomenon ... they said that the stone here represents the heart of your son, like his heart this stone was broken into small pieces, your son's heart is broken forever, we have not yet seen such a great power of love that the stone was crushed by this force. . . With these words they left...
... that day Mustafa did not leave the room, all day all night long he looked at her photograph. . . He tightly gripped the phone, remembered her image, but her voice, all of her .... There were no more tears left, they had dried up .... In the morning, the mother knocked on her son's room, but he did not open, she entered, talk, but when she touched him, a chill went through the same body, he was cold as a corpse..........

She was 14 when she was married. her name was Zarema, a stunningly beautiful girl, originally from Chechnya, her mother was Ossetian and her father was Chechen .. her father was killed during the war .. and her mother raised her and her older sister Madina.
the girls were extremely beautiful ... but not at all similar to each other ... Madina had short and blond hair (like her father) Sea-green eyes and thin lips .. but all the facial features harmonized the girl looked like a doll .. Zarema, she was loved from childhood, from childhood she was distinguished by her character, a decisive, quick smart girl with coal-black eyes, black hair, chiseled eyebrows .. slightly dark skin, full lips and a straight, neat nose, her slender figure and graces could only envy... Zarema was a copy of her mother... and inherited her father's character... resolute, free, invincible...
her boyfriend stole her, at 14 .. life seemed to collapse, she dreamed of a different future, they lived in Moscow, Madina got married a long time ago, she had children, everyone was glad that Zarema was getting married .. except for herself, her husband was so and could not fall in love ... but resigned to her fate, and lived with him ... her everyday life was spent alone, her husband was constantly walking, not hiding it ... and she was for him only a label that he boasted to his friends ... from that she began to go to the mosque ... the only place where he let her go ... there she met him .. Anzor, Tall, slender, free ... so simple ... and beautiful ... they collided at the entrance .. frightened by the feeling that jumped in her heart, she ran away ... all night she drove his image away from herself ... her husband (Ahmed) came at 4 o'clock, woke her up, and demanded dinner .. laughing loudly and teasing Zarema ... she got used to it.. silently cooked and left the kitchen...
so she suffered for three years ... for three years she went to the mosque and secretly looked at him with fear that he would suspect something ...
one fine day Ahmed came and said that he was tired of her, that he loves another .. and that they were getting divorced ... like a blow to the jaw, to death ... packed his things and he left ... it became empty .. did not know what to do to scream with happiness ... or cry ... nobody needs her now ... her life is ruined .. she went to the mosque .. she prayed, and involuntarily burst into tears as she came out .. she sat on a bench, crossed her legs and sobbed softly .. what will happen to her... she was in no hurry to go home... Akhmed didn't wait... in principle, as always... someone sat down next to her and asked... who offended you?!... I didn't feel like talking ... turned around and .... saw him ... he smiled so kindly ... asked again .. who offended you sister?! ... she wanted to tell .. but instead she strictly said "go away" .. .and only then I realized that now everything is lost .. blazing with anger at myself .. and love for him ... went home ...
Anzor was from a wealthy family, he was given everything on demand .. but he did not grow up as a spoiled simple guy, because while his parents worked, he was raised by his grandfather, his grandfather was a very religious and correct person who put all his knowledge into his grandson, and he had something to be proud of. .. Anzor is the only son ... he grew up to the joy of his parents, to the pride of his grandfather) ...
She no longer came to this mosque, afraid to meet him, lived alone .. worked, studied and became a completely independent girl, several times Akhmed came to Zarema and tried to return everything back, but she turned away .. she did not love him, and was independent a girl .. and besides, she still loved Anzor ... not knowing his name of origin .. but only that image ... (from the author. Probably beauty in our life decides a lot but not everything, nobility, a warm look, kindness in the eyes, modesty, obedience to the Almighty, this is a lot of pledge)
she was 23, she went to that same mosque hoping to see him again, a lot of time passed, but she never saw him ... probably he doesn’t go here anymore, Zarema thought, she felt a little sad and sank in her heart, she came home, went to bed, and decided to go home to visit relatives from the Father's side, her sister, who moved to Chechnya and lived there
Madina lived in Grozny in the heart of Chechnya...
a lot has changed since Zarema left her homeland, everything is so beautiful, her soul rejoiced and sang ... she was calm, she just got to the time when her brother got married, a celebration was to take place in a week, everyone was diligently preparing for him! the preparation was going on rapidly, and then the day came, everyone was celebrating the wedding violently, when all the elders were sitting, the youth gathered in a circle and danced the lezginka, Zarema, although she grew up in Moscow, danced chic, but never showed her talent, then, to the noise of the lovzar, came out he is Anzor... her heart almost stopped.. "what is he doing here? how is it? is it really him?" pounded in her head, her feverish thoughts overflowed with happiness, he went into the circle and pointed to her ... out of surprise, she did not want to go out at first, but he insisted ... then she went out ... a wave of her hand ... a slender figure, proudly raised head, she was afraid to look into his eyes so as not to show him her sympathy, but at the end of the dance, one sharp look directly into Anzor's eyes, as if time had stopped ... and everything around ... after that she clapped away somewhere behind the crowd .. and ran out into the street out of excitement, she couldn't speak... everything inside was trembling...
he recognized her, even then her image of an innocent crying girl ran into his memory, he ran after her ... but when she heard that someone was coming, she ran away from the porch, behind the house ... hearing his voice, her legs went numb ... he was a little standing up without seeing her in the vicinity, I decided then for myself .. by all means, steal this paradise flower ...
a week passed after the wedding, she could not ask her brother who that guy was .. she was embarrassed .. one day she went to the store, she walked in a light dress, in a white scarf, so sunny in summer and so light in summer ... like a butterfly soared from some kind of happiness, the road was sharply blocked by an Audi 6, he was driving ...
opened the window, turned his head and seriously looked into her eyes ... "Sit down" came from his lips, and it was as if the silence was broken...
Zarema, slightly in a stupor, could not understand what was happening ...
- Sit down (again he repeated sharply and quickly)
- but... where.. and why.. and..
- Either you sit down yourself or I will plant myself ?! it will be useless to break out ... I will never let you go anywhere again!
Zarema sat back and waited for him to say something ... but there was complete silence in the cabin, he started off and they drove for a long time listening to music ... he brought her to a strange house (it was Anzor's house)
went out, took her in his arms and carried her into the house ... out of shame and fear, she buried herself in his shoulder, brought her into the house, put her on a huge bed, and only then spoke:
- I've known you for several years, back in Moscow I saw you .. but you drove me away, Why ?! then I left, my mother died .. and I lived here for a long time to look after the house and help my father, I lost hope that I would see you and here you are, and I will never give you to anyone, be quiet ... I know rudely brazenly, insanely, but I see my happiness in you! I will give you everything I will throw everything you want at your feet, ask for everything you want, I will make the impossible possible .. fell silent ... took a breath, knelt down in front of her, took his hand and put on the ring ...
- I was married to Anzor ... I cried, I told him everything ...
a long silence... she took off the ring, put it in his hand, got up and went to the exit... turned around, walked over, hugged her so tightly and with such love.. as she always dreamed, and whispered in her ear "don't ruin your life"... Anzor sat with his head bowed... he took her hand tightly, raised his eyes and whispered..." from this day on you have a different life, I am your destiny, and you are mine! what happened before, it used to... hurts. I remember everything, but I won’t let you go anywhere else ... "he again put on the ring and pressed it to himself ...
now their son is 7 years old, and their daughter is 5 years old, Zarema died in childbirth ... when she gave birth to Malika (youngest daughter), her heart could not stand it ... Anzor took the children to France, and only children are joy in his life ... after all his life went with her... his destiny went with her...
Take care of your loved ones, love with all your heart, appreciate every moment and never lower your head...
