Cubic zirconia is a precious or semi-precious stone. Properties of the stone cubic zirconia and its influence on the signs of the zodiac

Recently, one of the most popular gemstones is cubic zirconia. In the CIS countries, this gemstone is known as cubic zirconia, and in Europe and America, the names dzhevalit, daimonsquay, shelby and zirconite are more popular.

Cubic Zirconia is a stone around which a lot of disputes and misunderstandings have always arisen and continue to arise. To resolve them and tell in more detail about this amazing mineral, we will try in this article.

Despite the fact that cubic zirconia is an artificial gem, it is also the most unique, as it has no analogues in the world. Fianit was created by the staff of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) in 1970. The goal of its development was to get the perfect stone for laser work.

Fionite is especially popular in the jewelry environment, as it has a high hardness and its refraction of light is not much inferior to diamond. Due to these properties, jevalite is used to fake diamonds, topazes, sapphires, garnets and aquamarines. This is due to the fact that it can have a different color. Sometimes, scientists manage to create a unique color, such as "lavender".

Javalite jewelry is much more beautiful than diamond jewelry, this is evidenced not only by jewelers, but also by numerous photos. This stone is framed in platinum, gold or silver.

Jevalite jewelry looks no less beautiful than the same jewelry with sapphires, aquamarines and diamonds. Javalite often accompany the center gemstone and add sparkle to the piece of jewelry.

As for the meaning and properties of jevalite, this stone has a rich color palette that depends on the added impurities.

Varieties and colors of fionites

Depending on the added impurities, the following fionite stones are distinguished:

Bright red.
Pink purple.

This diversity is explained by the constant experiments and developments of scientists associated with jewelry. Thus, the addition of various impurities affects the optical properties of stones.

Such cubic zirconias can change their color - it all depends on the lighting. Some natural stones (for example, alexandrite) have the same properties.

Fianites are used not only in the jewelry industry, but also for the production of optical lenses. It does not oxidize and is also refractory, so it is widely used in the chemical industry.

As mentioned above, cubic zirconia is often used to fake jewelry. But there are also cases when the jevalit itself is forged. As a result of such actions, cubic zirconia loses all its physical properties and becomes just jewelry.

magical properties

Very often cubic zirconia is called a stone of loneliness, which is associated with its so-called secondary and insignificant role, which is fundamentally a false statement.

For many, jevalit is associated only with a replacement for a diamond, while not noticing its excellent physical properties.
But in addition to physical properties, cubic zirconia has many qualities that are simply irreplaceable in the daily life of an active person.

So, cubic zirconia is ideal for people in the following areas of activity:

Journalistic activity and communications.
International relations.

Cubic Zirconia helps a person to do a huge number of important things in a minimum period of time. Therefore, it is simply indispensable for business trips or tourist trips abroad. Zirconia helps to get as many impressions as possible, establish new contacts and do everything at once.

Medicinal properties

Like any other gemstone, jevalit has healing properties. It increases the tone of the body and promotes its regeneration as a whole. In addition, jevalit is an empty vessel that can be filled with one's own energy and emotions.

But unfortunately it absorbs both positive and negative emotions. Therefore, it should not be worn at the time of mental anguish, pain, moral and physical exhaustion of the body.

So what is phianite? Many believe that cubic zirconia is the key to happiness, success and well-being of a person as a whole. As for the influence on people born under the influence of a certain zodiac sign, we can say that cubic zirconia suits everyone without exception.

This is due to the synthetic nature of the stone, so cubic zirconia can make all the carriers of this stone happy.
It is also a known fact that this stone can potentiate the action of other gemstones such as sapphires, emeralds, citrines, pearls, topazes and diamonds.

As for the signs that are under the direct influence of the Earth, it is better to wear jevalit together with emeralds, and the signs that are under the power of Fire should be given preference to jevalit with rubies. Photos of such combinations can be viewed before going to a jewelry store on the Internet or in catalogs of jewelry manufacturers.

The graceful brilliance of diamonds attracts millions of people. But few people can afford this invariable attribute of luxury and status. A mere mortal is forced to find cheaper analogues, for example, cubic zirkonia. What kind of stones these were became known thanks to Soviet scientists, but they gained real popularity only after specialists from the legendary Swarowski company turned their attention to them.

General information about the mineral

Cubic Zirconia is a cubic crystalline form of zirconia. It was obtained in the late 1960s in the Soviet Union and was named after the place of discovery - the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (or FIAN).

The scope of artificial material is quite wide:

  • Production of high-precision lenses for optical devices;
  • Production of individual parts for heat-resistant structures;
  • Jewelcrafting (one of the most common diamond substitutes).

In the latter role, phianites are best known. If diamonds can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles per carat, then their cheap substitute will come out almost a thousand times cheaper. It is very easy to distinguish an expensive jewelry from a “fake”: by rounded edges.

Other features of synthetics include:

  • Relatively low hardness - 8 points on the Mohs scale (against 10 for diamond);
  • Higher (almost twice) density;
  • Lower refractive index;
  • Colour: Only the rarest varieties of cubic zirkonia are completely colorless. In most cases, they have a yellow or brown tint. It is quite easy to make zirconia transparent.

Cubic zirconia stone: properties, who suits

Artificial material occupies a prominent place among Russian and foreign jewelers. Its high aesthetic qualities make it so popular. A person who is far from the world of jewelry will most likely confuse it with a diamond.

Buying such jewelry will not be superfluous for anyone, but for some people it is almost mandatory:

  • Being a gift of human genius, the mineral immediately after its birth gained fame as the patron of gifted and talented people. It contributes to success in any endeavor and will give self-confidence;
  • Useful properties are also attributed to all those who study geography on visas in documents. Travelers will find spiritual support in him during their stay in a foreign land;
  • Those engaged in monotonous and painstaking work can purchase this stone for greater concentration in their difficult work;
  • It will not be superfluous for representatives of free professions, as well as for all those who have a fine mental organization and live more by feelings than by cold logic.

Meaning for zodiac signs

A representative of almost any zodiac sign will be happy with a sparkling gift, but everyone will have their own reasons for joy:

  • Aries they will receive an invaluable source of new ideas and creative inspiration, as well as calm their beating emotions like from a cornucopia;
  • Taurus get a reliable remedy for dizziness from success. The ability to look at things soberly will help them out of more than one life trouble;
  • Twins learn to distribute the load at work and at the same time get rid of excessive verbiage;
  • Cancers he will add success in the love field and add self-confidence;
  • lions they will be able to curb their imperious nature and improve relations with their families;
  • Virgin with the help of this mineral, they will be able to quickly find their soul mate. After gaining love, he will keep family peace;
  • Scales will be able to discover a creative streak in themselves;
  • scorpions they will be protected from negative experiences and will receive the right help in amorous affairs;
  • archers become more successful in business;
  • Capricorn will find a firm footing both in family life and in financial affairs;
  • Aquarius adversity and family squabbles will not be terrible. The position in society will noticeably rise;
  • Fish develop their psychic gift.

Zirconia stone: magical properties

According to experts who know a lot about the magical properties of stones, cubic zirconia is not able to independently influence the fate of its owner. It's all about the artificial origin of this material.

But this does not mean that the occult value of the fellow diamond is zero:

  • The stone is very receptive to human experiences. He retains positive emotions for a long time and is able to give them away in times of difficulty;
  • It is not tied to a specific host. Having received a charge of joy from one person, he can bring good luck to a completely different person;
  • However, if there are more negative experiences in a person’s life, then you should refuse to buy this mineral. It absorbs well not only positive, but also negative. Any small problem can turn into depression;
  • To cleanse an object from the dark energy received during the experience of grief, it is enough to wash it in spring water;
  • This is an invariable attribute of singles. If a person lives a completely full life outside the team, then this decoration will serve him faithfully and for a long time.

Use in occult practices

Magicians began to adopt zirconia relatively recently. But he has already managed to take a worthy place in the toolbox of every self-respecting sorcerer.

One of the most popular amulets today is cubic zirconia candles. Anyone can afford them - the price does not exceed a thousand rubles. For this ridiculous amount, you can become the owner of a real treasure:

  • Only those stones that have come into contact with all four elements are soldered into candle wax. This makes the amulet universal in almost any rite;
  • The features of the molecular structure of the talisman are such that it easily accommodates otherworldly spirits. White magicians charge it with positive energy, dark magicians, respectively, negative;
  • Despite the variety of uses (ceremonies of healing, protection, attracting money, etc.), candles are most often used as a love spell. Candles with red minerals are suitable for these purposes;
  • Each amulet is made to order. In a few days, an experienced sorcerer can make up to a dozen candles.

Soviet scientists who shied away from everything otherworldly would be very surprised to learn that their invention won the hearts of magicians and sorcerers. To heal mental and physical wounds, to put the family budget in order - cubic zirkonia can do all this. What kind of minerals are also known to the masters of optical and jewelry. After all, it is difficult to find another such cheap analogue of a diamond.

Video about the action of cubic zirkonia

In this video, jeweler Anton Perov will talk about the healing effect of cubic zirkonia, show how they look, how to distinguish a mineral from a fake:

The brilliance of these transparent stones, set in silver or gold, is mesmerizing, but many will ask: is phionite a precious stone or not? It looks so much like a diamond, but it costs immeasurably cheaper, and they usually call it, and sometimes zirconium. What kind of mineral is this and is it worth buying jewelry with such stones?

A bit from the history of cubic zirconia

The precious stone fionite was unknown either in the West or in the East. Its magical and healing properties were unknown even to the most powerful sorcerers and the most famous scientists of the Middle Ages. Simply because such a stone did not exist then.

It appeared in the second half of the last century and immediately created a sensation on the stock exchanges. A few crystals have even been purchased as real diamonds of the purest water. Who were those swindlers or wizards who created such a miracle?

A group of scientists from the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences can be called real magicians. It was they who managed to create crystals of extraordinary transparency, which makes them look like diamonds. True, they did not intend to fool anyone. They needed a crystalline substance with a refractive index close to diamond to produce the first Soviet laser. The material had to meet certain requirements and be affordable enough to be used in the manufacture of optical systems, because natural diamonds are rare and very expensive. The technology was developed, and the first laboratory-grown zirconia crystals were born.

Thanks to the cubic crystal lattice of crystals, the name "cubic zirconia" has become a common foreign designation for cubic zirconia. When translating this name into Russian, confusion arises: artificial crystals are called zircon or zirconium. In fact, zirconium is one of the elements of the periodic table, and zircon is a yellow mineral, the pink and reddish varieties of which are also called hyacinths. In the Soviet Union and Russia, the name "fianite" is accepted, which comes from the abbreviation FIAN (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences). Along with this name, the distorted word "fionite" also took root.

Using the technology of producing cubic zirkonia, the Austrian jewelry company Swarovski AG has managed to become a leader among companies producing artificial jewelry.

Swarovski crystals are very popular and their price is high enough to consider phionite, little known abroad, as a precious stone of artificial origin.

For the production of lasers, scientists needed colorless crystals, but after cubic zirconia acquired the status of a jewelry stone, they began to give it different colors:

  • chromium oxide gives a resemblance to green gems;
  • erbium additives color cubic zirconia in pink;
  • titanium oxide makes transparent crystals golden or brownish;
  • cerium inclusions give shades of yellow, orange and red.

The richness of the color palette makes it possible to use cubic zirconia as a substitute for various expensive stones, allowing you to purchase elegant women's and men's jewelry at a relatively low price.

The magical properties of cubic zirconia

Esotericism did not ignore the artificially grown crystal: like all crystals, cubic zirconia has a clearly defined structure - a crystal lattice, which gives it special properties. Due to the strict arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice, energy acquires strength and direction within a crystal of any origin. The difference lies only in the location of the vertices and faces of the polyhedron that the atoms form. This explains the difference in the properties of crystals among themselves and their difference from non-crystalline gems (jade, coral, pearls, etc.). Therefore, even an artificial crystal has certain energy properties.

Fianite is credited with the properties of an “empty vessel”, which the owner of such a crystal can fill with his personal energy, charge with his emotions and then use it as a repository of this information. Therefore, the purchase and the first contacts with cubic zirconia in jewelry are best made in a good mood and good health. Considering that the artificial stone does not contain any information from the Earth or space, one should try to fill its “memory” with good emotions, joy and happiness, gratitude to those who created it and gave it. Then, in difficult moments of life, pure brilliance will help overcome a bad mood or fight an illness.

Wearing such a stone or products with it is advised to everyone who is associated with activities that require curiosity, creativity and acceptance of new experiences: journalists, poets and writers, naturalists and travelers, scientists who are looking for something new in their field of activity.

To these people, the stone will be able to give the properties inherent in it: to be an “empty vessel” into which a stream of light of new knowledge about the world will flow in order to be refracted there and enchant the world with the brilliant brilliance of discoveries, poems and beautiful works of literature.

Zirconia stone is an artificially grown crystal that looks like a faceted diamond. It is widely used in jewelry. Many women buy jewelry with this stone, because it looks like a diamond, but costs much less. Zirconia is also used in optics, for the manufacture of lenses, and even in dentistry to spray on the tooth. The magical properties of the mineral are weak, it is considered an empty stone.

Description of the stone

Many are interested in whether cubic zirconia is a real gem or not? In order not to ask such questions ever again, you need to know its history and composition. Like moissanite, which is often used to imitate diamonds, this mineral is artificially synthesized.

Fianite was created in the Soviet Union in 1968. Scientists at the Institute of Physics, which at that time was part of the USSR Academy of Sciences, worked on the creation of crystals that would improve the refraction of the laser. As a result of the experiments, a pebble was created, which in appearance is very reminiscent of a diamond. It did not fulfill its original function, but became popular all over the world as an imitator of gems. Since the mineral is artificially created, it is not a gem.

The name "fianite" comes from the official name of the institution where it was first grown - "Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences". Knowing this story, you will not doubt whether it is correct to say "cubic zirconia" or "fionite". Abroad, it is often called dzhevalit, zirconium, deimanskvar. If pebbles with this marking are sold in jewelry stores, they are most likely imported, but in essence they are the same cubic zirkonia.

The material from which artificial stone is obtained is called zirconium dioxide. Its formula is ZrO2. This substance can acquire a uniform cubic structure at a temperature of 2300 degrees. Under normal conditions, it is polymorphic, consisting of crystals of various shapes. To add strength to it, yttrium, calcium and manganese in the form of oxides are included in the composition. In the same way, ordinary ceramics are obtained. To make the crystal resemble a stone, it is smelted using a special technology.

The formula of an artificial stone resembling a diamond is Zr0.8Ca0.2O 1.92. It may vary depending on which additives are included in certain types of crystal. Depending on inclusions, cubic zirconia changes properties or color.

Standard transparent cubic zirconia or artificial stone has the following characteristics and description:

  • Glass luster (for high-quality crystals - diamond)
  • Hardness in the range of 7.5-8.5 according to the Moss scale
  • Density from 6.5 g/cm³ to 10 g/cm³
  • Refraction of light within 2.15-2.25
  • Dispersion - 0.06
  • No cleavage, uneven fractures

Cubic Zirconia is not a precious stone, because it was obtained in artificial conditions. The growth rate of crystals in the laboratory is 8-10 mm/hour. A large industrial plant can produce thousands of stones per day. Because their cost is very low. There is a natural analogue of cubic zirconia - tazheranite. This semi-precious stone was first discovered in the Tazheran Gorge, near Lake Baikal.

Zirconia colors

Colored cubic zirconias are successfully used to imitate various gemstones. To obtain a colored crystal, various oxidized metals are added to zirconia. Depending on the impurity, you can get the following colors:

  • Cerium gives the crystal a yellow, orange, or red color.
  • Chromium colors the mineral green
  • Erbium makes zirconia pink
  • Neodymium gives a purple tint
  • Titanium is used to produce golden brown or cognac colors.
  • Copper can color crystals turquoise.

In total, today cubic zirconia has more than 20 colors, which an artificial stone can acquire. To obtain them, various technologies are used. For example, they are enameled with a mixture of iron or aluminum with cobalt. Apply it at a temperature of about 1000 degrees. The technology allows you to paint the surface of the stone in yellow, red, brown, orange shades.

Thus cubic zirconia is given a resemblance to topaz, ruby, amethyst, two-color alexandrite. The emerald is the most difficult to cope with, it is rarely possible to get the right shade. Crystals are more like chrysolite in color. Today, stones of the blue-green spectrum are produced only in Russia and the USA.

If you heat gossip to a high temperature, it loses its transparency and becomes opalescent. Such stones become like white or black pearls, black diamond. Some shades of cubic zirconia do not exist in nature. For example, lilac, violet and lilac zirconium were recently obtained and quickly became fashionable. There is a shade of "raspberry", only slightly reminiscent of a red ruby.

The difference between cubic zirconia and diamond

How to distinguish cubic zirconia from a diamond? If you buy jewelry in a reputable jewelry store, then these stones will differ in price. But the problem is that there are a lot of fakes on the market and no one is immune from acquiring a fake. Some of them are made so skillfully that only a specialist can distinguish between an artificial stone and a real diamond. Although the average person should also know a few tricks.

Chemical composition

We learned that cubic zirconia is zirconium dioxide with various stabilizers. Diamond is one of the modifications of pure carbon. It is unrealistic to determine the formula of a substance at home. But knowing some of their properties, two minerals can be distinguished. A diamond, with the same volume, weighs less than its artificial counterpart, since its density is lower. If you drop a little oil on the surface of the diamond, it will not spread. On zirconium, fat will break up into small particles and begin to flow down the edges. This feature is also associated with the chemical properties of minerals.

stone hardness

A diamond is harder than cubic zirconia, it cuts glass, and zirconium only leaves a shallow scratch on it. It is almost impossible to damage a diamond, and small dashes can remain on cubic zirconia. To test the hardness, you can rub the pebble with sand or try scratching it with a piece of glass.

Optical properties

Diamond and cubic zirconia have differences related to the ability to reflect and refract light. No matter what conditions a diamond is in, it never loses its luster. The artificial stone cubic zirconia ceases to shine over time, becomes cloudy if you do not take care of it. If your "diamonds" have darkened, the shine has faded, then they are not real. The transparency of the diamond is higher, through it you can see individual objects. If you substitute a diamond and cubic zirkonia under a beam of light, then a synthetic crystal will scatter it, and a natural one will let it through with minimal refraction.

Processing method

In jewelry, each precious or semi-precious stone is usually processed according to a certain technique. A diamond always has 57 facets, they are sharp and never split. A synthetic crystal has fewer faces, they are rounded, if you look at the light, you can see the double refraction of light on the surface of the product. To determine these properties, you need to be very careful or have considerable experience. Professionals use a magnifying glass with a powerful lens or a microscope for examination.

The magical properties of cubic zirconia

Experienced astrologers and psychics consider artificial stones to be empty. What does it mean? The magical properties of cubic zirconia are manifested in the fact that it accumulates the energy of its owner, like an empty vessel. If you are a positive person, know how to enjoy life, do good to people, a stone will be charged with positive energy. In an angry, nervous, quarrelsome or anxious owner, the mineral is filled with negativity.

The second property of the stone is to give the accumulated energy to the new owner. In order not to throw over the negative emotions of the person whose crystal you bought, you need to clean it. To do this, the pebble is placed in a glass beaker filled with pure spring water. The container must be placed near an open window so that sunlight falls on it. For reliability, you can read any prayer, ending it with the words "Save and save." You can wear a pebble in 2-3 days. If the crystal fell out of the jewelry, do not rush to carry it for repair and insert a new one. Most likely, the mineral pulled out all the accumulated negativity and preferred to “leave” with it.

Some believe that cubic zirconia stone has the ability to make people lonely. In fact, this is not entirely true, and there is no need to put an end to personal life. If the owner is very worried about his failures or is afraid of new acquaintances, the stone accumulates all these emotions. Sad thoughts, fear of disappointment, constantly haunt a person. To get rid of them, you just need to clean the stone, and then let it be abused by a close friend who is doing well in love.

Another property and value attributed to zirconium is help for a busy person. It is advised to wear jewelry with these stones for those who have to do several things at the same time, quickly learn information, and often go on business trips. For example, it will be useful to sales representatives, journalists, students. The mineral has a positive effect on health. It improves tone, prevents a breakdown. Since artificial cubic zirconia is not a real stone, you should not rely heavily on its help, its magical properties are too weak.

Fianite and signs of the Zodiac

Who suits the stone according to the horoscope? It is believed that any sign of the Zodiac can wear cubic zirconia, although it has the best effect on Aries. It is important to pay attention to its crystal color in order for it to be truly useful. Here's what astrologers recommend:

  • For the fiery signs of the Zodiac, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, stones of the yellow and red spectrum should be selected. They best match their energy potential. Jevalite should be combined with a bright ruby. Lions can combine it with any solar gem.
  • Earth signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn should pay attention to stones of light yellow, brown, golden or cognac hue. These colors are reminiscent of their element, earth. Emeralds should be worn with zirconium.
  • For the air sign, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, transparent or pink delicate cubic zirconia is best suited. Such pebbles most of all correspond to the light, free and independent nature of these representatives of the Zodiac. It is best to combine diamond and cubic zirkonia, you can also combine it with rauchtopaz, chrysolite, citrine.
  • Water signs of the Zodiac, Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces, crystals of blue and blue shades are suitable. The decoding of colors here is simple, the water is always blue-green. You need to wear them with topazes and pearls, you can make a frame in the shape of a sea shell.

You should know that a precious or semi-precious stone, which is located next to cubic zirconia, enhances its effect. Therefore, you need to carefully read how a diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby, turquoise or any other mineral affects you, what it means specifically for your zodiac sign, and what characteristics it has. Only after that combine them with an artificial crystal. Do not forget that cubic zirconia should be cleaned from time to time.

The use of cubic zirconia

We learned what a cubic zirconia stone is and how it looks. Now let's talk about where it is used. First of all, cubic zirconia is a jewelry mineral. It is set in gold, silver, this is one of the most popular pebbles in jewelry. First of all, jevalites are widely used to imitate diamonds. Moreover, they are not considered bad taste. Even celebrities do not hesitate to wear rings, necklaces and necklaces around their necks or earrings with cubic zirkonia, which in the photo do not differ from faceted diamonds. So with such an accessory you can appear in any circle.

Zirconium is great for combination with other gems. For example, pebbles harmonize well with quartz or rock crystal, sapphire, ruby, white and black pearls, garnet, emerald, yellow chrysolite, rauchtopaz and even with natural diamonds. At the same time, the precious stone does not lose its attractiveness at all, but the decoration of value. A colored pebble can effectively shade a natural mineral of the same color spectrum.

Insert zirconium into any jewelry. For the frame, you can use 14-carat gold, silver, copper gilding is often used. Zirconia looks very good in combination with metal rhodium plating. Rhodium, applied in a thin layer on the frame, gives it a beautiful cold shine. It is good to make a bracelet, a brooch from such material, a cubic zirconia signet, men's cufflinks, a watch or any other large decoration looks good. They even make piercings out of it.

Recently, it has become popular to insert an artificial stone into wedding rings made of gold and silver. You can buy an engagement ring with a small or large stone. You can buy a silver cross with cubic zirkonia for a child for christening. Often for little girls they buy earrings with multi-colored zirconium crystals. They look both fun, childish, and very beautiful at the same time. In the photo, they practically do not differ from products with jewelry.

Where is it produced and how else is cubic zirconia used?

Few people know that the Swarovski company, in addition to crystal rhinestones, also produces cubic zirkonia. They are considered the highest quality on the market, as the company makes artificial crystals using advanced technology. The gossips of this company are marked with "Swarovski Ziirconia". In addition, jewels are made in the USA, Russia, Switzerland, and recently China and Thailand have come to the fore.

Zirconia is used not only by jewelers. It is widely used in optics for the manufacture of magnifying lenses. Dentists also included it in their arsenal of tools. With the help of crushed crystals, enamel can be polished. It acts softer compared to the corundum that was used before. They also make sputtering on the teeth from cubic zirconia so that the enamel shines and does not get damaged.

How much is cubic zirconia

How much does cubic zirconia cost and what offers are there on the market? This question is often asked on forums or professional jewelers. Medium-sized pebbles, weighing up to three carats, can be bought very cheaply. For 100 pieces they ask for 10-15 dollars. In addition, a number of factors can affect the cost of cubic zirconia:

  • Color. The highest price is for stones imitating rubies, sapphires, blue topazes or emeralds. Fianite is very difficult to synthesize green or blue, because such colors are 2-3 times more expensive. The price of other tones is standard.
  • The size. Pebbles up to three carats are standard. The price of heavier minerals is determined individually, much depends on the manufacturer and what inclusions are added to the raw material for stabilization. It is important to note that the density of zirconium is higher than that of diamond. Therefore, the diameter of artificial stones will be smaller than that of diamonds of the same weight.
  • Cutting method. Here the price is determined by the jeweler. Cubic zirconia can be given any shape, including the traditional one for a diamond. But the same shapes as a drop, a heart, a polygon with five faces are usually more expensive.
  • Manufacturing firm. The price, albeit slightly, can be influenced by the technologies used in growing crystals by a particular company. The more perfect they are, the higher the quality of the stones. For example, crystals produced by Swarovski may be priced higher than those made in China or Thailand. Significantly from different manufacturers cubic zirconia and the price for it do not differ.

Jewelry prices

Many are interested not only in the cost of stones, but also in jewelry that has cubic zirconia inserts. Much here depends on the metal in which the mineral is set, the size and type of jewelry. For example, a gold ring with one large crystal costs not too much, about $100, with a scattering of stones - $150-200, and a wide ring - $250-400. Silver ring - $ 20-70, depending on the sample of silver, weight and number of crystals. Gold plated silver rings usually cost 30-50% more.

If you order a product from a jeweler, having previously bought a rimless stone, it will cost 15-20% more. But you can make a unique thing by choosing an individual design. For example, with a dancing faun or swimming fish. Patterns and paths from these pebbles, butterflies, hearts, a frog, a horse look beautiful. You can even make beads on a fishing line. Models of Congo, Path, weaving, wreath, infinity and many others are now popular. It all depends on the taste of the customer and his own imagination.

Zirconia value

We have already found out that cubic zirconia is not a precious or even semi-precious stone. Therefore, its value is not too high. The mineral is not suitable for investing money. He will not be accepted to pay off bank debt or as an outpost in a pawnshop. As an investment, you can use only jewelry with cubic zirkonia, the main value of which will be metal.

Today it is known about a large number of precious and semi-precious stones, and some of them were created not by nature, but by man, while their properties are very similar. Next, we will look at an artificial stone that has very similar characteristics to those of a diamond. It will be about fianite: what is it. Here is a photo of the stone, its properties, including magical ones, to which zodiac sign it fits.


And let's start with the basics - how it was invented. For many, the information that cubic zirconia is a stone of artificial origin is a discovery, it looks so natural. Indeed, it was invented by Soviet scientists in the laboratory, who had the goal of creating crystals for laser operation. It happened way back in 1968. They created a transparent crystal with a cubic crystal lattice.

At the same time, its properties are striking: density, strength, resistance to chemical attack, refractoriness, ability to refract light.

The name of the stone did not appear by chance. It was developed at FIAN - Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Hence the name. However, it must be clarified that this name of the stone was fixed only on the territory of the Union, in other countries other names were used, for example: zirconite, dzhevalit, etc.

There is also tazheranite - a natural analogue of fianite. It was found in the Tazheran Gorge (Baikal region). The properties of the cubic zirconia stone, as well as external data, are very similar to those of a diamond.

Of course, many are interested in the properties and significance of cubic zirconia stone. It can have different shades, there is not only a colorless version, which is the most common. The color is determined by additives. Often there are green, pink-purple, bright red, pink stones. They all look very attractive, almost natural.

Also, the addition of certain impurities contributes to obtaining different optical properties of the stone. So, some cubic zirconias are capable of changing their color at different light intensities.

By the way, the stone is used not only by the jewelry industry, but also in optical technology, as well as in the chemical industry. Fianite is refractory, does not oxidize.

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Many are interested in both the meaning of the cubic zirconia stone and its “color possibilities”. After all, it is possible to achieve that this stone resembles gems. For this, metal oxides are used in its cultivation.

Copper gives the crystal a yellowish color, chromium - green, and titanium - golden brown, erbium - pink. Moreover, the specialists managed to obtain a lavender-colored stone, which cannot be found in nature.

In total, about twenty shades of fianite crystals have already been bred. Moreover, some of them are able to replace other stones: yellow - citrine, blue - sapphires. Due to the ability of the crystal to change color depending on the intensity of illumination, cubic zirconia is able to replace natural alexandrite stone.

If you carry out a special heat treatment, you can get black and white stones from crystals. In a golden-green version, they are similar to chrysolite.


For many, the magical properties of cubic zirconia stone are interesting. In this regard, it can be noted that crystals help in life. You can take them with you on a long trip, especially if you need to visit several places in a short time period. Therefore, they can be suitable for those who are engaged in, for example, journalistic activities, they allow you to get more impressions.

The stone improves the tone, heals the human body. This is its importance. It can be imagined as a kind of empty vessel that is filled with your positive emotions and energy.

Another stone is compared with the action of a boomerang. Cubic Zirconia accumulates your energy, mood for success, positive emotions, and also enhances these feelings. This state of affairs can be explained by the special structure of the crystal lattice, which serves as a kind of energy storage. Therefore, it is not recommended to take with you, wear cubic zirconia when you are prone to negative emotions, since the stone may well increase troubles.

Separately, it must be said about the cubic zirconia stone: the properties of the zodiac sign. Specialists do not assign him any role in astrology. Since the stone is not natural, cubic zirconia does not belong to the zodiac sign. However, it is believed that the crystal makes a person a little happier.

Difference from a diamond

Since semi-precious cubic zirconia is very similar to a diamond in its properties, it is worth finally considering the differences between these stones:

  • Fianite is chemically zirconium dioxide, diamond is an allotropic form of carbon;
  • hardness - diamond is harder than fianite; you can do a test, run stones over the mirror: there will be a cut from a diamond, only a scratch from cubic zirconia;
  • even in the most "worn" state, the diamond shines, the artificial stone loses its luster;
  • the cut is also different, which can be seen with the help of specialized equipment.

Finally, let's take another look at the cubic zirconia stone in the photo to make sure of its beauty and attractiveness.
