Geometric shapes for kids. Presentation for a lesson in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic: Geometric shapes for children

Geometry for kids is an ambiguous subject, because there are so many shapes, and there are even more ways to study them. Which of them should be taken for work in the first place and how to make the crumbs be interested in them? Let's discuss approaches that can be used to teach new material.

First you need to study with the children simple figures that will be understandable to them.

More complex concepts, such as a trapezoid or a rhombus, are best left for later. First, the baby needs to learn the simplest shapes: a circle, a triangle and a square. Having mastered this simple science, you will be able to start exploring new horizons. Psychologists and educators say that the circle is given to children to memorize the easiest way.

Time to study shapes

The first attempts to get acquainted with the figures can be started almost from birth. Game presentation of material will always be appropriate. Whether you show your baby a picture with a ball or a cube, you can always say in addition about their shape. Such an easy presentation will be perceived positively by the child.

A 2-year-old toddler should already be able to distinguish between:

  1. triangle;
  2. a circle;
  3. square.

3-year-old baby additionally knows:

  • oval;
  • rhombus;
  • rectangle.

Following them, you can begin to introduce the child to the trapezoid, ellipse, etc. Don't forget to include games and fun in your activities with your children.

To make classes interesting, you should select fascinating didactic materials.

The principle of mastering figures

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Geometric figures for children in different periods are assimilated differently. Knowing the age characteristics, it will be easier for you to choose the appropriate technique and teach new concepts.

Choose a circle first to study. When the child learns it well, proceed to the next step. Beat the situation when a big circle came to visit the baby. Circle the circle with your child's finger, touch it with your palm, make an application based on it, adding round eyes and a nose.

Volumetric figures will be quite appropriate when studying forms. So the child will be involved in another sensory organ. The baby will always be able to touch the object, do some manipulations with it: build a tower, throw it, put it in a box. Such a multifaceted way of getting acquainted with a new concept will be very effective, because children at this age learn the world around them through visual-active thinking.

It is advisable to choose the same color and size for a start. Let all the concepts being studied be, for example, red, then the child will not have problems with the perception of the new, he will not be distracted by color and size differences.

It is very interesting when the figures are not just drawn on paper, but lively and voluminous.

Learning features

We list the features of child development, and in particular the perception of figures:

  • At 1-2 years old, the baby compares them visually, learns to sort (we recommend reading:). The child begins to choose from the available figures the desired one and insert it into the appropriate hole.
  • A grown up 2-year-old child is able to choose the called form from a number of presented figures.
  • The development of a 3-year-old allows him to already name some figures on his own.

When playing and talking, always pay attention to the surrounding objects and compare them with already familiar geometric shapes. Walking in the park, you can also draw the attention of the little one to the appearance of triangles and circles, even outside the home. Constantly referring to this topic, you can easily find out what else needs to be worked out, and what the baby has already learned well.

The study continues in the following vein:

  • comparison of flat and three-dimensional figures with the specified samples;
  • search for a three-dimensional body using an existing flat image;
  • reconstruction of geometric bodies (sculpting, drawing, cutting);
  • analysis of a picture with a complex object, identification of its constituent parts.

Walking and playing with the child, you need to pay his attention to things of different forms.


Looking for geometry around

The development of children is not represented without the development of geometric shapes, but familiarization should be carried out gradually. To start, select just one shape. Once you've mastered and consolidated it, move on to the next one. We advise you to start with a circle, as the easiest and most memorable figure.

Print the forms using a printer or draw by hand on an A4 sheet. Again, all figures must be one-color and one-dimensional. Take a few days to get to know the circle. On the first day, show the baby a circle and tell what features it has. On the second day, start looking for objects that resemble a circle. Seeing that the child can not cope due to age, help him. Having found the desired object, let the little one run along its edge in order to remember and fix such a shape. Subsequent forms are entered in the same way. For an example of such a lesson, watch the video on the Internet.

Thinking that the child is still too young to remember the names, still do not stop studying. Your labors will eventually be crowned with victory, because all classes are postponed in the children's head. Even before the toddler reaches one year of age, you can show and name the basic concepts of geometry, namely the square, circle and triangle. To do this, you should use special video tutorials.

Shape Discrimination Games

For the game you will need a small bag in which you need to put the already known shapes. Show your child, for example, a triangle, and then ask them to find the same one in the bag. A little later, having realized the ratio of flat and volumetric bodies, show flat images, asking you to find the corresponding volumetric body, for example, a ball is a circle, a cube is a square. Having mastered this exercise, the child will eventually learn to show not figures, but real objects.

Lotto is a unique game that allows you to explore anything. We also easily learn figures with the help of loto. For the game, make cards with images of the concepts being studied (for toddlers, you should start with 3-4 forms) in duplicate. One of them is cut into separate picture cards. To begin with, make a loto with figures of the same color and size, and as the baby grows older, the variety of sizes and colors will increase. It is more difficult to search for color differing pictures.

Basic figures on the cards:

sort method

The sorter toy will be a great helper in learning geometry. Closer to the year, the baby, playing with this toy, discovers that each part has its own unique hole. Help the baby with hints: “You found a square, and this hole is round. Doesn't fit here. Let's look for a square hole?" You can make a simple sorter yourself. Take two boxes, make a round hole in one, and a square hole in the other. Invite your child to sort the cubes and balls into boxes. Accompany the actions of the little one with comments and naming the correct figure. In such a simple way, the baby will overcome all concepts. There are baffled sorters that prevent parts from mixing inside the cube. Such sorters are perfect for children who have difficulty distinguishing shapes.

For an interesting active study of figures, the sorter is perfect

Insert frames come in a variety of directions, including geometry. Frames with basic shapes require inserting a suitable part into the desired compartment. The exercise game resembles a sorter. Video examples are widely presented on the Internet.

Trait sorting: the child must learn the differences in the manipulation of figures, for example, one object rolls and the other does not, or with the help of some it is possible to make a tower, while others are not suitable for this, etc. By the age of 5, the child will be able to sort objects according to two criteria: you can roll and you can’t build a tower (ball), you can’t roll, but you can put on top of each other (cylinder), you can’t roll (cube). At the preschool age of 6-7 years, the future first-grader must perfectly master the initial primitive knowledge of geometry.


Performing applications will help to assimilate new concepts. Use various geometric bodies to plan your future application. The first samples should be made as simple as possible, for example, only triangles are glued to a triangular sheet, only squares to a square sheet. Let the baby decide for himself which figure to stick where.

Purchased or homemade applications are great for understanding geometry.

Future appliqué details can be cut out from various materials: felt, cardboard, velvet paper, etc. By about a year and a half, the baby will master the process of gluing parts to the necessary places according to the template and will be ready for a new stage. Now you can begin to perform the most primitive compositional application. The basis for the exercises can be taken from the following manuals:

  • Series "School of seven dwarfs 1+".
  • Educational stickers for kids.
  • Great stickers. Fun geometry.

Tactile creativity

Tactile work with geometric bodies allows you to remember them faster. Any creative activity (drawing, modeling, cutting) will become a handy tool in mastering new concepts. On an A4 sheet, print or draw large shapes. Show your child how to draw some of them with crayons, felt-tip pens or paints. Draw hand in hand so that the child understands the principle. Over time, he will begin to cope without your help. Most often, children are most easily given a circle to draw.

Do not limit the creativity of young children to one drawing. Figures can be laid out from threads, folded from toothpicks, the ends of which can be fastened with plasticine for fixation, sculpted from dough and plasticine, created from mosaics, etc. Combine street games with learning: draw shapes on the pavement with crayons, sticks on the ground, collect acorns and pebbles, and then lay out squares and circles. You can get inspired with the help of a large number of photos and videos of classes presented on the network.

You can even train on asphalt using colored crayons

Using Doman cards

Many rightly consider the Doman method the most effective in the study of geometric shapes. With a minimum of effort, the child learns new concepts in the shortest possible time. Let's clarify one point: when we study new concepts with a child, this knowledge needs to be consolidated. It is possible through a variety of exercise games, which we talked about above. Unreinforced knowledge will be forgotten very quickly, almost as quickly as it was acquired. Most often, you can hear recommendations that it is better to postpone the start of classes on Doman cards until the age of 1 year. During this period, the child is already willingly engaged in sorters, applications, and insert frames. This method is often used in kindergartens.

It will be useful for children with the need to know the world around them through movement to offer games in which they need to move along a certain trajectory. The game track or path imitates this or that figure. Such an exercise will allow preschool kinesthetic learners to quickly learn new concepts. Game complexes and towns also help.

You can include elements of familiarity with geometry in any active game

The game-exercise "Go around the figure" will be appropriate for children from one to two years old. The baby, who has mastered walking well, is already ready to participate in the game. With the help of chalk or rope, mark the shape, mark the start and finish, which are one point. For the background, turn on funny songs. As a task, invite the children to walk around the image by walking, jumping, crawling, etc. As the baby grows, the tasks become more difficult: you can ask to get around by tossing the ball or carrying a spoon with a ball in your hand.

A good game for three-year-olds is catching up using figure houses. Mark houses on the floor or ground. These can be pre-cut large figures, or they can simply be drawn with chalk or houses made of sticks. In such houses (circles, squares and triangles), a child can hide from the driver only if he names the shape correctly.

When we learn the basics of geometry, we can use modern tools. Developing videos and cartoons telling about various geometric shapes will be useful. Pay attention to such cartoons as: "Kids" and "The Engine Chuh-Chukh".

Why teach a small child geometric shapes? Surely, many parents do not even think about this issue, simply paying tribute to fashion and teaching mathematics to the baby almost from birth. Meanwhile, geometric shapes for children, their timely study play a big role in the knowledge of the environment, introducing one of the main properties of objects - shape. This is necessary for the development of logical thinking, spatial representations, and the improvement of mathematical abilities. That is why it is important to start getting acquainted with geometric shapes as early as possible, reinforcing the knowledge of the children with exciting tasks in everyday life.

What should a child know about geometric shapes

Important: Geometric figures - common standards, measure of the shape of objects. Therefore, the home familiarization of the child with the forms should not take place separately, but in the system of sensory (sensual) education. Best of all, the baby will remember the shape when he simultaneously considers the color, size, purpose of the object, since knowledge is actively used in a variety of activities and is better remembered.

Learning geometric shapes with kids: the main rules

Important: How to teach a child to name and distinguish geometric shapes easy and fast! To do this, you need to follow certain rules. With chaotic, inconsistent learning, the baby can confuse the figures, not see their similarity and difference.

Riddles in verse

I have no corners and I look like a saucer, a plate and a lid, a ring and a wheel. Who am I, friends? Name me (circle).

He's been my friend for a long time, every corner in him is straight. All four sides are the same length. I am glad to present it to you. What is his name? (square).

Look at the figure and draw in the album, three angles, three sides connect with each other. It turned out not a square, but a beautiful one (triangle).

There is such a circle - a very strange appearance. The circle became flattened, it turned out suddenly (oval).

We stretched the square and presented it at a glance. Who did he look like or something very similar?
Neither a brick, nor a triangle - became a square (rectangle).

Fairy tale "Two brothers" (an adult draws to the rhythm of the verse)

A long time ago in a dark forest in a figured hut there lived two brothers, two squares. And they were twins. See for yourself:
See in the picture - each has 4 sides, 4 corners and 4 tops.
Somehow the first square was walking among the bushes, knocking on the path with four corners.
And the animals say: “Who is this? The first square or its brother, the second square? How similar they are!
Remember in the picture: 4 sides, 4 corners and 4 tops.
The square was tired of being confused with his brother, and he decided to change, to turn into another figure.
He took scissors and cut off four corners. Turned into a circle and rolled along the path.
And now the brothers live wonderfully, now it is difficult to confuse the brothers:
One rides on the tracks, the other walks on four corners - four legs.
Until now, two brothers are friends - a circle with a square!

Important: Features of children's perception of geometric shapes are not at all the same as in adults. For example, an adult sees objects according to their shapes (a saucepan is a cylinder, a window is a rectangle). The child, on the contrary, first objects the shape (a square is a kite, a triangle is the roof of a house, a circle is a ball, several circles are glasses, beads). With proper training, he begins to abstract from objects and perceive a familiar figure in the environment, for example, a glass as a cylinder (cylindrical), a roof as a triangle (triangular), a ball as a ball (round).

Playing with geometric shapes!

Teachers remind that preschoolers receive basic knowledge of geometric shapes in kindergarten, and homework is aimed at consolidating what they are learning. Therefore, the best means at home will be the game, as the main activity of the kids. It is in the game that, unobtrusively, easily and quickly, the child will learn all the names of the figures, learn to compare and distinguish them. Among educational games for learning geometric shapes, board games are the most popular. They can be played in the evenings, during family leisure, made part of any home activity, entertainment.

"What's Hiding"

The classic game is understandable and accessible even to a two-year-old baby. An adult lays out images of familiar figures in front of the child: a circle, a square, a triangle. Since there must be at least five cards, figures of different colors and sizes are used for the quantity, for example, two squares - large and small, two triangles - blue and yellow, one circle. Consider them with the child, discuss, make sure that he understands what figures are in front of him and can name them correctly. Then the baby closes his eyes, the adult hides one of the figures and asks what is hidden. With age, the number of figures increases, new ones are added to the old ones.

"One Word"

The game "geometric figures" is aimed at the formation of generalizations of the same type of figures in children. An adult needs to prepare circles, squares and triangles of different sizes and colors. The preschooler must distribute the presented figures into groups, regardless of color and size, call them a generalizing word, for example, all squares. Alternatively, you can complicate tasks by offering to group shapes only by color or size.

"Wonderful bag"

Games like the "wonderful bag" are well known to children of kindergarten age. They are useful in that they give an idea of ​​the contours of objects, teach examination by touch and exercise in distinguishing shapes. An adult prepares a bag with objects of various shapes, for example, a cube, a ball, a ball, a brick, a conical pyramid. The player examines them and names the shape of the toy they want to get. To complicate the task, older children are invited to find a specific form, for example, "Find a round toy."

"Magic Glasses"

Pre-prepared improvised glasses made of thick paper of various shapes: round, square. The game is interesting for all the guys, it helps to expand their understanding of geometric shapes, to find objects of a certain shape in the surrounding space. For example, a child puts on round glasses and looks for everything round around him: a plate, the bottom of a vase, a ceiling lamp by a chandelier, a carpet, grandmother's glasses. For each correct match, the player is awarded a chip, and then receives an incentive prize at the end of the game.

"Patches - patches"

For a lesson on consolidating ideas about geometric shapes, you need a selection of pictures depicting various objects in which there are "holes" - unpainted places of various shapes, for example, a dress has a round hole, a square one in a boot. Among the different "patches" the child chooses the right one and connects it with the object. It will be interesting if an adult himself prepares images for the game, for example, cuts out things from paper (sweater, skirt, trousers, boots, hat). As a variant of the game of "patches - patches", you can purchase a didactic game of "Velcro", which are very similar in terms of rules and content.

"What's Broken"

Such a task will help teach children to notice what form is missing in the depicted object, develops attention. For the game, you can use pictures, appliqué from cut out parts, building material. The main thing is that the object should consist of parts of a geometric shape. For example, an adult lays out the application "house", where the details are a triangle - a roof, a rectangle - a wall, a square - a window, a small rectangle - a door, a circle - a window in the attic, a quadrangle - a pipe. The child carefully examines the image and closes his eyes, the adult removes any detail, mixing it with any others. You need to guess what broke at the house and "fix" by finding the missing part. In the future, you can complicate the task by not immediately adding a certain form or removing two forms at the same time. If this is a drawn image, then the child paints on the missing details, for example, a circle is a wheel by a car, rectangles are windows by a turret.

"Playing with sticks"

An interesting task for middle and older preschoolers, at the same time develops motor skills and the ability to make geometric shapes. If there are no counting sticks, you can use matches or toothpicks, prepare them first, cut off the sulfuric head or sharp ends so that the baby does not get hurt. Such a task can be carried out in the form of a competition during family leisure, "who will make the figure the fastest?", "Who has the most difficult figure?". Then mark the winner with a prize. At some point, it must be a child. An adult, for example, may note his original solution or a carefully and accurately laid out figure.

"What was useful to the artist in the picture"

For older preschoolers, you can use the original task of looking at pictures, which not only reinforces the name of the figures, but also develops visual perception, the ability to see different forms in an unusual setting. An adult selects illustrations of the appropriate content, which the artist draws using geometric shapes. Then he invites the preschooler to look at the picture and find familiar shapes. If any of them are still unfamiliar to a preschool child, be sure to pay attention to them and tell what they are called, what objects are similar to them. Complicating the game, you can calculate how many geometric shapes it took to depict the picture.

"Geometric Lotto"

The classic task for introducing children to geometric shapes teaches them to compare the shape of an object with a geometric figure, to select images based on a standard. To get a competitive moment, interesting for the kids, it is better to play with the whole family. The rule is classic: on large cards - images of different shapes, for example, an oval, a circle, a triangle. The facilitator says the name of the item on a small card, for example, an apple, a cucumber, a handkerchief, a TV. Players look for the shape of the named object on their card and cover it with the corresponding picture. The player who quickly and correctly closes the card wins.

"Geometric Mosaic"

Such an educational game will help the kids consolidate their ideas about geometric shapes. In addition, it will teach preschoolers to transform them, focusing on the standard (sample), will help creative imagination. The rules of the game are simple and accessible to children of any age, for older ones - the number of details increases, the plots become more complicated. Players must collect any objects from several geometric shapes. For kids, these can be houses of various sizes and configurations, cars, turrets, bridges, the sun, flowers, patterns; for older children - figurines of fairy-tale or cartoon characters, plot pictures: a vase of flowers, a street, a road, a carpet, animals, people of different professions. Be sure to note the creativity of the preschool child, to praise him. It is possible to leave the posted picture for a while to show to all relatives. The main thing is that such a developing mosaic can be purchased at a special store, or you can do it yourself like Montessori toys.

Matyukhina Ludmila
Summary of the lesson in the younger group for children 3-4 years old "Journey to the country of geometric shapes"

NOD type: occupation to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities.

GCD theme: « Journey to the land of geometric shapes» .

Age group of children: 34 years.

Program tasks:

Improve the ability to distinguish, recognize and name geometric figures, exercise children in comparison of the shape of objects with geometric figure.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects in size, using words "big", "small".

To consolidate the ability to compare two objects that are contrasting in width, using the overlay technique, denoting the results of the comparison with the words wide, narrow.

To consolidate knowledge of primary colors; form at children idea of ​​different shades of color by lightness, using words in speech "light coloured", "dark", "lighter", "darker".

keep shaping spatial relationships"on the", "under", "near" activating these words in speech children.

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, identify and continue a given pattern (change in shape and color)

Develop attention, memory, speech.

To cultivate friendly relations between children, the habit of playing together, studying; a wish children help the characters in a difficult situation.

vocabulary work: "wide - narrow", "big - small", "one - many", prepositions:

Equipment: a toy "Kolobok", fabulous geometric figures, easel, toys arranged along round group.

Demo Material: geometric shapes of various shapes, color, size.

Handout: "rosettes" in count children, regularity in the form "scarves" With geometric shapes, triangles: big and small, tracks: wide and narrow, brushes: thin and thick, jars for drawing, napkins, red gouache.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Children, guests have come to us today, let's say hello to them. What joyful faces our guests have, they really liked your greeting.

Let's go and see who else came to visit us? (Kolobok). - Hello, Kolobok! From whom did you leave ... - Children, from whom did the bun leave? (from grandmother, from grandfather, from a wolf, from a hare, from a bear) and Kolobok rolled up to us. And to what a geometric figure looks like a gingerbread man? (per circle).

1. Game "Find out figure» .

The gingerbread man brought us many different geometric shapes but does not know what they are called. Who can help him? Sit down on the rug, and you sit down and memorize the gingerbread man.

(start with the same figures) - Children, what is this figure? - What form? - What colour? (6 geometric shapes of various shapes, color, size).

- That more: circle or square? And which one is smaller? How can we check? Overlay figures each other and check.

I remember everything, kolobok figures? - Yes, I remember, thank you very much, children! Would you like to travel with me? Then stand next to each other.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's go for a walk with a bun

Through the snowdrifts, through the snows,

Through the snowy forests

Make way for us

We walk together in step

We are not cold scary,

Because we are friendly.

2. D/I "Find an item"

Who is meeting us? (a circle). That's right, this is our friend circle, he has already come to visit us. Hello, circle, what are you telling us? - children, the circle invites us to look with our eyes in a group of round objects, and finding them bring a kolobok and name what you brought.

That's how many round objects are around us.

Krug, come with us.

3. Game "Christmas trees and paths".

Oh who is it? (triangle). - The triangle has prepared some kind of game for us. - What is on your table? (triangles and stripes - tracks). What are our stripes? (wide and narrow). But how can we check where the string is, and where is the narrow one? (put on top of each other). How many triangles do you have? (a lot, but me? (one). What can be laid out from triangles? From large triangles lay out large Christmas trees, from small triangles - small Christmas trees.

Katya, what kind of Christmas tree did you get? And you, Sasha? Etc.

And now let's pick up the Christmas trees tracks: to a large Christmas tree - a wide path, to a small one - a narrow one. - Plato, what path did you choose for your Christmas tree? Are you Fedor? Etc.

What good fellows you children are, how great you are doing.

Thank you triangle, it was interesting for us to play with you, but we are in a hurry, if you want, come with us.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's go for a walk with a bun

Through the snowdrifts, through the snows,

Through the snowy forests

Make way for us

We walk together in step

We are not cold scary,

Because we are friendly.

4. Game "Continue Pattern".

Who is crying here? (Square). Square, what happened? I wanted to give scarves to my friends, but I mixed up the whole pattern, what should I do now and-and-and-and. Children, who will help the square?

See what is shown here? Continue the pattern.

Thank you, you helped me a lot, now I can please my friends with gifts.

5. Game "Hide Kolobok".

Children, do you like to play hide and seek? So the gingerbread man loves and now he will play with us. He will hide, and you will will look for. Close your eyes. Where did the bun hide? (under the table, on the table, on the floor, etc.)

Sasha, where did the bun hide? And etc. children.

Oh, children, look what the gingerbread man found under the table? (tassel). But our brush is not simple, but magical, we will now turn into wizards with you and we will create magic.

6. "Water Coloring".

Today we will be magicians, we will color the water, you will get red water of different shades. What's in your cups? (water). And I also have a glass of water. It is colorless, and we will make it colored.

Wet the tip of the brush in a glass, dip a little in the paint and paint our water with a brush. We wipe the brush on a napkin, now we dip it completely into the paint and color the water in another cup. What a miracle we have! In one glass we got light red water, and in the other dark red.

Put our magic brush in a glass of light red water. And now with dark red.

Fedya, where did you get dark red water? ….

We got beautiful, multi-colored water of different shades - light and dark. Did you like helping the kolobok? And I liked helping the kolobok with you.

7. Bottom line lessons.

Children, thank you very much, I enjoyed playing with you so much. Can I stay with you group? Kolobok prepared a surprise for us - soap bubbles ... And I suggest you go to Cheburashka group, where together with Kolobok we will blow soap bubbles.

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Little kids are ready to learn anywhere and anytime. Their young brain is able to capture, analyze and remember as much information as it is difficult even for an adult. What parents should teach their kids has generally accepted age limits.

Children should learn the basic geometric shapes and their names at the age of 3 to 5 years.

Since all children are multi-educational, these boundaries are only conditionally accepted in our country.

Geometry is the science of shapes, sizes, and arrangement of figures in space. It may seem that this is difficult for babies. However, the subjects of this science are all around us. That is why having basic knowledge in this area is important for both children and adults.

To captivate children in the study of geometry, you can resort to funny pictures. In addition, it would be nice to have aids that the child can touch, feel, circle, color, recognize with his eyes closed. The main principle of any activity with children is to keep their attention and develop a craving for the subject using game techniques and a relaxed, fun environment.

The combination of several means of perception will do the job very quickly. Use our mini-manual to teach your child to distinguish geometric shapes, to know their names.

The circle is the very first of all shapes. In nature around us, much is round: our planet, the sun, the moon, the core of a flower, many fruits and vegetables, the pupils of the eyes. A volumetric circle is a ball (ball, ball)

It is better to start studying the shape of a circle with a child by looking at drawings, and then reinforce the theory with practice by letting the child hold something round in his hands.

A square is a figure in which all sides have the same height and width. Square objects - cubes, boxes, a house, a window, a pillow, a stool, etc.

It is very simple to build all sorts of houses from square cubes. Drawing a square is easier to do on a piece of paper in a cage.

A rectangle is a relative of a square, which differs in that it has the same opposite sides. Just like a square, a rectangle is all equal to 90 degrees.

You can find many items that have the shape of a rectangle: cabinets, appliances, doors, furniture.

In nature, mountains and some trees have the shape of a triangle. From the immediate environment of the kids, one can cite as an example the triangular roof of the house, various road signs.

Some ancient structures, such as temples and pyramids, were built in the shape of a triangle.

An oval is a circle that is elongated on both sides. For example, an oval shape is possessed by: an egg, nuts, many vegetables and fruits, a human face, galaxies, etc.

An oval in volume is called an ellipse. Even the Earth is flattened from the poles - ellipsoidal.


Rhombus - the same square, only elongated, that is, it has two obtuse angles and a pair of sharp ones.

You can study a rhombus with the help of visual aids - a drawn picture or a three-dimensional object.

Memorization techniques

Geometric shapes are easy to remember by name. Learning them for children can be turned into a game by applying the following ideas:

  • Buy a children's picture book that contains fun and colorful drawings of figures and their analogies from the outside world.
  • Cut out more different figures from multi-colored cardboard, laminate them with adhesive tape and use them as a constructor - you can lay out a lot of interesting combinations by combining different figures.
  • Buy a ruler with holes in the shape of a circle, square, triangle and others - for children who are already friends with pencils, drawing with such a ruler is an interesting activity.

You can come up with many opportunities to teach kids to know the names of geometric shapes. All methods are good: drawings, toys, observation of surrounding objects. Start small, gradually complicating the information and tasks. You will not feel how time flies, and the baby will surely please you with success in the near future.

Introduce your child to geometric shapes: circle, square (rectangle), triangle. Show him these figures in the drawings and cut out of paper. Teach them to find their forms in the environment. Use the didactic game "Miracle bag": in a cloth bag there are small objects of different geometric shapes, made of wood or plastic. Together with your child, cut out a set of these figures of different sizes and colors from colored paper. Train your kid to select only triangles or only circles or squares from a variety of cut shapes. Teach your child to draw these figures, first on a squared sheet, then with a stencil, later using a ruler and compass.

Miracle Pouch

You can use the Miracle Pouch set or just a bag made of opaque fabric for the game, and several small objects of various shapes specially selected for the game: square - boxes, chewing gum, cube, ball, ball, ball. Ask the child to get all the round objects first, then all the square objects. Check the correctness of the task.

Roll through the gate

Introduce the child to the geometric shapes of the cube and the ball. Conduct the following board game: invite the child to roll into the gate (we denote them on the table with two cubes) a cube and a ball. Let the child try to complete this task. Then analyze with him his observations: “The ball is rounded, so it can easily roll or stand still, but the cube cannot roll, the corners interfere with it. It can stand still or it can be flipped from side to side. Its sides are all the same."

Patterns of geometric shapes

From colored paper, cut out several equilateral triangles (12 or more). Who will put the most figures out of them? What geometric shapes can be composed of them? Square, rectangle, triangle. From 12 triangles, you can assemble a star: first, assemble the center of the star - a hexagon. Then from the remaining six triangles you make rays to it.


Show the child a geometric figure - a triangle. Explain why it is called that - because it has three corners. Let the child name triangular objects in the environment. Play with the "miracle bag", have the child get all the triangular objects out of it.


Give your child a set of paper triangles - two squares, one larger, one smaller cut diagonally, and a figure of a paper animal (hedgehog, bunny). Invite the child to assemble a house for a paper animal from triangles. In the construction of the house, all available triangles must be involved. There may be several options. If the child finds it difficult to find several options, help him.

Christmas trees

Give your child a set of three triangles with the same sides. Invite the child to fold figures - Christmas trees from these triangles. There can be two versions of the Christmas tree: the first - three triangles are located one above the other, touching the base of the top of the bottom one, the second - the bottom big triangle is composed of two small ones, with adjacent sides, and the top triangle touches the top of the bottom one. Most likely, the child will collect the first option. Give him the second option. Let him compare two Christmas trees and say which one is higher and which one is lower.


Give the child a set of four identical paper triangles, make triangles from two identical squares cut in half. Invite him to collect different fish from them by any means (triangles cannot be superimposed on one another). You will get 4 options for fish. The most interesting fish can be turned into an application.


Show the child a square, tell the name of this figure and what is its peculiarity: all sides of the square are the same. How to check it? Let the child offer their options. Then show him how else you can do it: alternately fold the square along the two diagonals. If the sides coincided when superimposed one on one, then they are the same, and this figure is a square. Invite the child to make a square of sticks. Do not specify the number of sticks. Perhaps he uses one stick per side, or perhaps several. Depending on this, invite him to fold a larger or smaller square. Let the child name the square-shaped objects in the environment.

A child or a group of children is offered a set of five squares and five triangles of different sizes and colors, as well as paper figures of five gnomes in multi-colored caps. An adult tells the children that a strong wind tore the roofs off the gnomes' houses and asks them to fix them - to assemble houses from rectangles and triangles, picking up a triangle - a roof for each square house. Let the children explain how they will determine which roof belongs to which house (by size, by color). When the houses are assembled, you need to take each gnome to his house, focusing on the color of the cap.


Show the child a paper rectangle. Name it. Compare the overlay method with a square half the size. Analyze how a rectangle differs from a square? A square has all sides equal, while a rectangle has equal top and bottom, left and right sides (opposite). Show the child paper rectangles of various shapes, check the equality of their opposite sides by folding the rectangles in half. Let the child name the rectangular objects.

Choose the one you want

In front of the child on a tray are geometric shapes of different sizes and colors. You give the child various tasks: name all the figures that lie in front of him, put all the triangles from the tray on the table; all squares; all rectangles; all figures of a certain color, figures of a certain shape and a certain color, a figure large or small. Count them.

Assemble the figure

Offer your child a large set of different geometric shapes: squares, isosceles triangles, rectangles of different sizes. Invite him to collect from any shapes he knows geometric shapes of different sizes. He can use any shapes and any ways to arrange them. The more options, the better.

How many points?

A large sheet of drawing paper is drawn with lines into different geometric shapes: rectangles, squares, triangles. The child and the adult alternately throw a dice on the sheet and look at which figure it hit. Agree in advance how many points are given for a piece of a certain shape, for example: a triangle - 1 point, a square - 2 points, a rectangle - 3 points, as well as how many throws can be made. That one will win. Who will score more points for a certain number of moves. One child can play. Then the task will be different: from a set of paper figures, find a figure of the same shape on which the cube fell.

geometric relay

Game for a group of children. Children are divided into two teams and stand at the back of each other's head at one end of the room. There is a chair next to each team. On the opposite side of the room, square and round objects lie mixed on the table. On a signal, the players of each team run to the table, take an object: the players of one team are round in shape, and the other is square, carry it to the rest of the team members and put it on a chair. Then other team players run after the items. This continues until each participant brings an item. The team that finishes first and without errors wins.


You can draw the mazes yourself with your child or use the templates. Check the statement that you can get out of any maze if you turn only to the left.


Tangram is an oriental puzzle, which is a square with a side of 8 cm, cut into seven parts, from which you can make a large number of different figures and patterns.

Games with counting sticks

Ideas about geometric shapes are also developed by games with counting sticks.

Game 1. Make a square, a triangle from counting sticks, the sides of which consist of 1 stick.

Game 2. Make a rectangle out of counting sticks, with sides 2 sticks and 3 sticks.

Game 3. Make two squares out of 10 sticks - large and small; you will place the small one inside the large one, using the sides of the large square when building.

Game 4. From five sticks, make a square and two identical triangles.

Teach your child to use measuring strips of paper to measure objects. Play the following games with him:

Game 1. Four children are playing. They are sitting at the table. Game 4 each has a picture with two Christmas trees, one taller, one lower, and two strips of paper the same length as the Christmas trees. Children are asked what needs to be done to find out which of the trees is higher. Task: measure the Christmas trees and next to the one above draw a mushroom. Possible options: measure the Christmas trees with different strips, which are then compared with each other; measure with one line. As each child measures their tree and determines which one is taller, have the children determine which person at the table has the tallest tree? How to define it? If it is difficult for the children to answer, tell them: you need to take the measure of your tall Christmas tree and compare it with an overlay with the measurements of the tallest Christmas trees of other children.

Game 2. Four children are playing. In front of each is a picture with a ladder, scissors and a measuring strip. An adult puts a picture on the table - a street lamp, and says: “This is a street lamp. It's broken and needs to be fixed. This requires a ladder. Which ladder can be used to repair a lantern? Children should come to the conclusion that they need to use a measuring strip: measure the height of the post with it, and then the length of each ladder and choose the right one.

From colored paper, cut out a set of strips of different lengths and widths and regularly exercise your child in comparing them using the overlay method. When comparing, use the words: longer, wider, narrower, shorter. Compare objects in the environment using adjectives: narrow, wide, long, short, tall, low, as well as comparisons: higher, lower, wider, narrower.

Game 1. Invite the child to list objects of a certain size: a) high; b) low; c) wide; d) narrow.

Game 2. Let the child list objects of a certain shape: a) triangular; b) rectangular; c) round.

Game 3. Invite the child to list things from a certain material: a) glass; b) wooden; c) metal, etc.

Game 4 Throw a ball with your child, saying words that are opposite in meaning, denoting quantities: high-low, short-long, wide-narrow, thick-thin, etc.

Game 5. Hide in the apartment two pairs of toys (dolls, bears) - toys in one pair of the same height, and in the other - different. Let the child find them and explain how they differ in height in pairs and among themselves.

Game 6 While walking, draw wide and narrow paths on the ground with a stick. Have your child jump over them. Which lanes were easier to jump over? Why? Easier through narrow ones as they are narrower.

Game 7. During the walk, invite the child to measure the height with the children in the yard, standing back to back. Discuss who is higher, who is lower, who is higher than everyone. The one who turned out to be the lowest of all, calm down by telling him that he will still grow.

Game 8. Arrange pots of different sizes in the kitchen and ask the child to choose the right lids for them. Which didn't work, why? (Different sizes, more, less). Which ones fit, why? (The same). Compare lids and pots.

Game 9. You throw the ball with the child, naming the object and the sign of the object for each throw. The child, having caught the ball, must answer you with a phrase that is opposite in meaning. Objects can be very different, the main thing is that their signs are directly opposite to each other. For example: the crane is high - the hut is low, the socks are long - the socks are short, the path is narrow - the road is wide.

Game 10. Invite your child to take a walk in the park to measure the thickness of tree trunks. Thick trunks cannot be wrapped around with hands, but thin ones can.

Game 11. Pick up objects of different sizes: two ribbons of different lengths, two bottles (with a narrow and wide neck), two cans - high and low, two books - thick and thin, two balls - small and large. The child must consider all the objects, and when he turns away, you remove one of them. The child, turning, must guess which object has disappeared and characterize its features. Repeat the game several times.

Game 12. A group of children are playing. Children stand in a circle, and an adult with a ball becomes in the center of the circle, says: “Pencil, which is longer?”. The child must name in response an object that is longer and throw the ball back. The ball can be thrown until the comparisons run out. You can ask which is shorter, for example: “The road is long, which is shorter?”

Game 13. This game can be played outside. A line is drawn on the ground from where to throw pebbles (in winter it can be snowballs). You can't go beyond the line. Throwing pebbles is possible only on a signal. The one who throws the furthest wins. Ask a question, how to compare, who threw further? How to measure? You can measure in steps, feet, etc.

Game 14. A couple of children are playing at the table. Each on the same pyramid. Then the children remove the pyramid rings from the rod and mix them. Have the children arrange the rings in order, from smallest to largest. Then mix the rings again and choose the same pair. Paired rings are found by superimposing each other.

Game 15. To play, you will need several sets of sticks. Each set should contain 15-20 sticks of four to five sizes, for example, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 cm long.

It is desirable that the sets were of different colors. Both sets are mixed and laid out on the table in front of the child. His task is to sort the sticks by size and arrange them into separate piles. The game becomes more difficult if the sticks differ from each other in two ways: for example, in length and thickness.
