Characteristics of different types of temperament in children. Temperament of the child and overcoming whims

During the communication of adults with each other, they take into account the personality traits of each interlocutor. But in the process of interaction between parents and their children, their characteristics and individuality are not taken into account, and this is an important point in education.

Individual personality traits include character, temperament type and abilities. The concept of temperament means personality traits that determine the emotional and dynamic spheres of activity and behavior of the child.

There are such temperaments:


All properties of each temperament have the following common features:

1. It is an innate characteristic of the personality of the baby;
2. Manifest from birth and early childhood;
3. Unchanged throughout life.

The type of temperament of the crumbs does not have any effect on such personality traits:


Temperament determines the style and manners of behavior, as well as the ability to learn in babies.

All characteristics of the child's temperament are reflected in his behavior, games, feelings and experiences. Knowing the type of temperament of their crumbs, adults will be able to properly build the development of his abilities, direct the baby's energy in the right direction.
According to psychologists, there is practically no temperament in its “pure form”. Most often, a child has a mixed type, but the properties of a certain temperament are still more pronounced.  
Temperament does not affect the abilities of babies in any way. Such a property of a person manifests itself in the manifestation of emotions, activity and mobility.        

Temperament features:

Choleric kids

Child with choleric temperament:

Often aggressive.

Such kids prefer noisy and moving games, show leadership qualities, quickly perceive and memorize material, easily adapt to a new environment for them, and fall asleep with difficulty.
Parents of a choleric person should try to properly direct the energy of the baby. It is very useful to give such a child to the sports section. Choleric children do not like closed spaces, so walks in nature and fresh air are very useful for them.

melancholic kid

Children with a melancholic temperament are very anxious, reserved, closed from others, reasonable, unhurried. Such kids get tired quickly, unsure of their abilities, very sensitive. Melancholy people like to communicate with adults, they are easily offended.
Parents should show care, attention and sensitivity to melancholic kids, encourage their initiative, be careful in the process of communicating with them.

Phlegmatic kids

A child of phlegmatic temperament is inactive, calm, restrained, unemotional. Such children prefer calm games, adapt to new conditions for a long time.
Parents should try to activate phlegmatic people, diversify their free time, develop their dexterity and mobility.

Sanguine babies

Children of sanguine temperament are sociable, active, agile, cheerful, prone to leadership. They are rarely offended, they love outdoor games. Sanguine people often lack patience and perseverance. Such babies really need constant supervision and the presence of adults.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of temperament:

choleric temperament


Ability to make quick decisions;
Striving for novelty;
The intensity of the manifestation of feelings.


Sharpness of movements;
risk appetite;
short temper;

Sanguine temperament


Fast switching;
High efficiency;


Doesn't finish what he started.
Instability of interests;
Hasty decisions;
Mood instability.

Phlegmatic temperament


Constancy of interests;


Poverty of emotions;
Slow switching;
Poor adaptation to new surroundings.

Melancholic temperament




Poor adaptation to a new environment;
The tendency to loneliness;

On the influence of temperament:

Baby's temperament affects the following:

The pace of mental processes (thinking, attention and memory) in the child's brain;
Brightness and activity of manifestation of such mental processes as willpower and emotions;
The speed of the child's movements;
The process of formation of character traits and behavioral reactions of babies.

Determine the type of temperament:

Determining the type of temperament is very simple in the following ways:

baby monitoring;
Special tests (they can be passed independently or with the help of a specialist psychologist). It is recommended that parents mentally return to their childhood and take the test with their child. Then you need to compare your temperament type with the results that your baby received.

Parents can build a correct and harmonious relationship with the baby only if they establish the type of his temperament and study his features.
Never try to change your baby's temperament. This will painfully affect him, and parents will have serious problems in the upbringing and further development of the crumbs.

Raising a sanguine baby:

Features of the upbringing and development of sanguine babies are as follows:

1. Monitor the fulfillment of the promises that you give to the baby;
2. Pay attention to the correctness of the work;
3. Cultivate accuracy in a sanguine crumb;
4. Keep constant and at the same time friendly control over the baby;
5. Cultivate constancy and persistence of interests in a sanguine person;
6. Encourage the baby for the successes achieved only deservedly;
7. Be demanding of the baby;
8. Control all the actions of the child;
9. Teach you to finish what you started;
10. Create a warm relationship with your child.

Raising a choleric baby:

1. Support and direct the child's energy to do useful things;
2. Create all the conditions for expressing the activity of the baby;
3. Do not overwork the nervous system of the crumbs;
4. In case of overexcitation of the baby, try to switch his attention to calmer games;
5. To calm the choleric person, it is recommended to use board games;
6. For the formation of communication skills, it is important to use prompts, reminders, approvals and comments;
7. To pacify choleric people, use calm, strict and tactful requirements;
8. Maintain hobbies that involve movement;
9. Communicate with choleric people calmly, but demandingly;
10. Strictly follow the baby's daily routine;
11. Discuss with the baby his behavior;
12. Help the baby to experience all his failures.

Raising a melancholic child:

1. Show your baby maximum affection, tenderness and tactile contact;
2. Protect the baby from excessive irritants;
3. Do not make remarks to melancholic people in the presence of strangers;
4. Do not overload kids with developmental activities and household chores;
5. Avoid competitive situations for the melancholic;
6. Develop great activity, courage, sociability, initiative in the crumbs;
7. Do not intimidate the baby;
8. Teach your child not to be afraid of noise and strangers;
9. Do not shout at the baby, communicate with him very calmly;
10. Introduce the baby to the sport;
11. Form communication skills;
12. Maintain positive emotions in the baby;
13. Encourage all the victories and efforts of the child;
14. Respect the inner world of your baby.

Raising a phlegmatic baby:

1. Do not rush the child;
2. Warn the baby in advance about changing activities;
3. Encourage any manifestations of mobility and activity of the phlegmatic;
4. Teach your child to rationally allocate time;
5. Develop the mobility and activity of the crumbs;
6. Develop his curiosity;
7. Cultivate creativity and imagination;
8. Promote baby's communication with mobile and active children;
9. Visit more often;
10. Make friends with a phlegmatic baby;
11. Respect the inner peace of the phlegmatic.

Communication and temperament features:

The speed of speech, features of intonation of adults must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the temperament of the baby. The same phrases can cause different reactions in babies with different types of temperament.
When communicating with choleric or sanguine babies, it is recommended to choose accelerated speech, and with phlegmatic and melancholic children - slow and calm. In critical situations, choleric and melancholic children should be communicated in a calm tone. In the process of communicating with phlegmatic and sanguine babies in situations that require the attention of adults, speech should be vivid and emotional in order to interest the child.

Differences in temperament types in adults and children lead to conflict situations and misunderstanding. It is very important in the process of communicating with kids to show sensitivity and respect for their individuality. Whatever temperament your baby is born with - do not try to change it. Love your baby the way he is!

The basis of the child's individuality is its natural features, due to all sorts of combinations of human genes, some anatomical and physiological features of the body, brain, sensory organs, as well as the typological properties of the nervous system, i.e. type of higher nervous activity. The type of higher nervous activity in psychology is considered as the physiological basis of temperament.

Temperament is a characteristic of an individual from the side of his dynamic features: intensity, speed of pace, rhythm of mental processes and states.

Differences in temperament are differences not in terms of the level of the possibilities of the psyche, but in the originality of its manifestations. Temperament is manifested in mental activity and emotionality. The general activity of the individual is formed in the intensity and volume of interaction with the environment; motor - in the rate of reactions, speed, rhythm and total number of movements; speech - in the pace of speech and the strength of the voice; emotionality - in the features of the emergence, course and resolution of emotional states, as well as in the predominant sign of emotions.

The psychological characteristics of temperament types are determined by the following main properties.

Sensitivity - the smallest force of external influences necessary for the occurrence of any mental reaction of a person, and the rate of occurrence of this reaction (hypersensitivity). If for one person certain conditions of activity do not cause irritation, then for another they become a strong confusing factor. The same degree of non-satisfaction of needs by one person is hardly noticed, while another causes suffering. In this case, the second one has a higher sensitivity.

Reactivity - the degree of involuntary reactions to external or internal influences of the same strength (a critical remark, an offensive word, a threat, a sharp and unexpected sound).

Activity is the degree of activity (energy) with which a person acts on the outside world and overcomes obstacles in the implementation of the goal. This includes purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal, focusing on long-term work, etc.

The ratio of reactivity and activity is something on which human activity depends to a greater extent: on random external and internal circumstances (on mood, desire, random events) or on the goal, intentions, aspirations, beliefs of a person.

The rate of reaction - the speed of various mental reactions and processes: speed of movement, resourcefulness, speed of memorization, speed of mind.

Plasticity and its opposite quality - rigidity. This is the ease and flexibility of a person's adaptation to external influences (plasticity) or the inertia and inertness of his behavior (rigidity).

Extraversion and its opposite quality - introversion. This is what the reactions and activities of a person mainly depend on - from external impressions that have arisen at the moment (extroversion) or from images, ideas and thoughts related to the past and future (introversion). Therefore, an extroverted athlete tends to withdraw into himself, especially in a tense environment.

Emotional excitability - how weak the impact is necessary for the occurrence of an emotional reaction, and at what speed it occurs. It is expressed in emotional impressionability, impulsiveness, emotional mobility (the speed of changing emotional states, their beginning and ending).

It is possible to judge what type of temperament a child belongs to on the basis of an analysis of his activities, external behavior, and his reactions to various influences. Moreover, the younger the child, the easier and more reliable this classification will be. The type of higher nervous activity (HNA) does not determine the content of his activity (builds, watches fish, quarrels). The type of GND will be indicated by how he builds - calmly or fussily, whether he can look at swimming fish for hours or breaks off without having time to sit down at the aquarium, whether he uses his fists, screams or silently moves away from the offender.

Already in the first days of life, babies are noticeably different from each other. N.I. Kasatkin claims that in 25 years of work on the formation of early conditioned reflexes in infants (from birth to one month old), he has not met two children with exactly the same properties of the nervous system. Significant differences appear in how children fall asleep and how they transition from sleep to wakefulness. In older children, typological differences are especially pronounced in games, in communication with other children and adults. One is constantly cheerful, the other bursts into tears for no reason; one cannot and does not want to play alone, the other is difficult to force to join peers; someone willingly gives up their toys, and someone shows a persistent desire to take everything for themselves. The reaction of children to violations of the usual regimen is different. A late dinner, prolonged wakefulness, the presence of strangers hardly changes the behavior of some children and will dramatically affect the behavior of others. Temperament is also manifested in how the child rejoices, how he moves or plays, how he reacts to various events.

Congenital typological properties do not determine what a person will be like: good or evil, withdrawn or sociable, lazy or hardworking, i.e. the type of nervous activity does not predetermine either individual character traits or the character as a whole, but provides various conditions for the formation of systems of temporary connections (dynamic stereotypes), affects the character, favoring or counteracting the formation of its specific features. Education does not involve a struggle with innate properties, but accounting, relying on them.

A sanguine child has a strong mobile, balanced nervous system. The behavior of a sanguine person is distinguished by liveliness, cheerfulness. These are active, sociable children with lively facial expressions, a cheerful, constant mood. Unlike assertive choleric children, these are complaisant children. Their feature is easy adaptability to new conditions. Children of this type easily come into contact with other children, quickly find comrades in any situation, and can both lead and obey. Children in a short time get used to the nursery and kindergarten, they immediately feel at home there. They quickly fall asleep and wake up easily, without much difficulty they move from outdoor games to activities and vice versa. The sociability of sanguine children disposes adults to them, therefore, sometimes not very attractive character traits can be masked behind the external form of behavior.

Sanguine quickly gets tired of the monotony. As soon as the activity loses its attractiveness, he tends to stop it, switches to another one. I drew a trunk, branches, a few leaves, and it became boring: "Enough, I'll draw a steamer." In all such situations, it is imperative to ensure that the work begun is completed with a good result, for example, not to be allowed to begin the second drawing until the first is completed. To prevent children from stopping activities, not being distracted, approving incentives should also be used. Carelessly done work is useful to offer to do again. A frequent change of activity should not be allowed - the habit of taking on everything and not achieving anything can become a property of character.

A child of an excitable type - a choleric - has a strong, mobile, but unbalanced nervous system with a predominance of the process of excitation over the process of inhibition. Children of this type have expressive facial expressions, jerky gestures, quick loud speech, violent reactions to any inconvenience, prohibition. The experiences are very strong, pronounced (he does not cry - he sobs, sometimes he beats in hysterics, he does not just laugh - he laughs to tears). He is very impulsive (even more so than is typical for a preschooler). This type of child is prone to frequent mood swings. Choleric children love outdoor games and activities in which you can prove yourself, strive to play the main role in the game, organize peers, lead them, try to lead adults. Situations in which it is necessary to restrain themselves cause them a feeling of protest. In a team, they are overly mobile, noisy, impulsive, quick-tempered, pugnacious (aggressive), hardly obey the established rules, conflict over toys, game rules, if something touches such children too much, they lose control over themselves.

The complexity of raising an excitable child is exacerbated by the wrong attitude towards him of those adults who at any cost try to impede the child's activity, to restrain his mobility.

An excitable child should be spoken to calmly, but demandingly, without persuasion. It must be remembered that children naturally have a weak inhibitory process. Therefore, it is important not to reproach them for excessive excitement, but to help curb it.

A phlegmatic child has a strong, balanced, but inactive nervous system. In early childhood, this is a calm baby who rarely cries, sleeps a lot, does not require attention ("comfortable child"). All reactions of such children are fuzzy: they laugh quietly, cry a little and quietly, there are no unnecessary movements and gestures. These kids are quiet. The low mobility of nervous processes affects the rate of speech, in all reactions to the environment, and to activity. He speaks with pauses, he does not answer the question immediately, he will not take up the matter until you push him (he will sit with a full plate, with a blank sheet of paper). For a phlegmatic person, a period of entry into activity, external influence is necessary. The behavior of a phlegmatic child is stable. Everything he is used to becomes permanent. Any innovation is not immediately accepted. It is difficult for these children to get used to kindergarten, because they have to adapt to the new regime, new requirements, part with their parents, get to know the children. But in a familiar environment, a child without coercion, calmly follows the rules of behavior (but is rarely the first, unlike a sanguine person), copes with familiar work, carefully and diligently performs painstaking work. These features can be considered positive. But lethargy, slow pace of action, reduced activity interfere with phlegmatic.

Children with a weak nervous system - melancholic, are characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity. The weakness of the nervous processes does not mean their inferiority. It's just that these children have too fast and strong reactions to weak stimuli, fatigue quickly sets in, a weak, both inhibitory and excitatory process. All reactions of the melancholic are smoothed out, he is not seen or heard. He does not join in the conversation, will not demonstrate his skills, he is inactive, prefers quiet activities that do not require movement. He plays alone, does not show initiative in communication and does not respond to the initiative of others, noisy peers tire him, he shuns them. The feelings of a melancholic are deep, strong, but without external expression.

Since the nervous system cannot withstand prolonged stress, children quickly get tired of noise, new people, and comments. Any pressure further increases fatigue, a sharp tone suppresses the already low activity of the melancholic.

Passivity, fatigue, isolation, slowness, slight vulnerability are the main vulnerable features of the melancholic. However, children with a weak type also have a number of very valuable properties, such as sensitivity, the ability to empathize, the stability of interests, attachments, and habits.

The importance of taking into account the individual typological characteristics of the child in the upbringing and education is obvious. Ignoring the properties of temperament leads to the development of negative traits in preschoolers, for example, in a sanguine person - dispersion, dispersion of interests; choleric - incontinence, harshness, quarrelsomeness, frivolity; phlegmatic - lack of initiative, indifference, laziness, lethargy, apathy; melancholic - shyness, isolation, uncertainty, resentment.

The teacher can direct the activities of children to promote the formation of positive and avoid the appearance of negative traits in preschoolers.

Thus, even from these brief characteristics it is clear that one can hardly speak of "good" or "bad" temperaments. It is wrong to assume that such properties of the nervous system as weakness or inertia are negative, and the traits of temperaments that are formed on their basis are subject to an early alteration. The end result depends on upbringing. With the wrong approach, good things can turn bad, and with skillful action, the influence of negative traits can be blocked. Therefore, speaking of the correct approach of parents and educators to children, we mean only the need to balance the effect of certain properties of temperament, and not to eradicate them at all.

Neither parents nor teachers choose children, but temperament, everyone needs to be educated, but in different ways. At preschool age, temperament is still not pronounced. The specific features of this age include: weakness of the excitatory and inhibitory processes; their imbalance; high sensitivity; fast recovery. Wishing to properly educate a child, parents and educators will take into account the vitality of the nervous process: the preservation of efficiency during prolonged work intensity, a stable and fairly high positive emotional tone, courage in unusual conditions, sustained attention, both in a calm and noisy environment.

Thus, in all its manifestations, temperament is mediated and conditioned by real conditions and the specific content of human life.

Therefore, it should be remembered that the division of people into four types of temperament is very conditional. There are transitional, mixed, intermediate types of temperament; often in the temperament of a person, features of different temperaments are combined. Temperament can also change as a result of self-education. Even an adult can change his temperament in a certain direction.

There are four types of temperament: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic. We will not only give a description of each type of temperament, but we will give tips and advice for parents on the development of children of different types of temperament.

Why define temperament?

If we want to properly develop (especially develop thinking and thought processes) and educate our child, we must know the type of his temperament. So the sanguine and phlegmatic require a completely different approach to themselves. Each temperament has its strengths and weaknesses. Some children act actively and impulsively, while others appear more passive only because from childhood they tend to think first and then move on to action.

Temperament determines individual differences in the intensity of emotions, motor

It is believed that it is impossible to change temperament. However, people who are 100% related to any one type of temperament are very rare. As a rule, our temperament is a mixture of the characteristics of two temperaments, and even of three.

During life, the balance of the components of our temperament can change as if by itself, under the influence of life events, trial and error. Since the strength and speed of our reactions to life events, the degree of emotional and nervous excitability depend on temperament, it is very good if we are able to recognize the temperament of our child in early childhood and help the baby “tame” him.

Phlegmatic children. Characteristic

Children with a predominance of phlegmatic temperament The most calm children in the world. They are balanced and unruffled. They study and explore the world gradually, slowly and measuredly. Phlegmatic people cope well with difficulties.

They really like tasks where you have to sit, think, reason, be wiser. Already at the age of four, your phlegmatic baby can play chess with pleasure and read his first books. He will look at pictures for hours. And listen to your stories too. He really likes to talk, although any conversation with a phlegmatic child is more of an adult monologue. Do not be alarmed if it seems to you that the child starts talking later. It has nothing to do with the problem of intelligence. He just doesn't rush to speak.

The only thing that can shock a phlegmatic person is speed tasks. They need time and rest to be successful. Keep this in mind when working with a child, never try to "speed up" or "adjust" him. As soon as you demand from the little phlegmatic to do something quickly, especially immediately, you will get an unfortunate crying child, completely unable to do anything.

Sanguine children. Characteristic

Children with a predominance of sanguine temperament lively and optimistic. They love to communicate. So don't be surprised when your baby whines quietly when left alone. Approach him, pick him up, talk, sing a song.

There is no greater pleasure for your child than a walk, and a worse enemy than boredom. Sanguine people need change, new faces, new places and new knowledge as much as they need water, food and air. Sanguine people are prone to thoughtful actions, but they are able to think quickly. If a child begins to be distracted during a lesson, cannot concentrate, it is possible that he is simply bored. In this case, it is worth reconsidering the approach to classes.

Choleric children. Characteristic

Children with a predominance of choleric temperament reminiscent of a hurricane and a tornado rolled into one. Possessing extreme nervous and emotional imbalance, choleric people "flirt", that is, they cannot stop in time. They need a change of impressions, but strong impressions quickly tire them.

Hence their incredible ability to get irritated over trifles, short temper and almost complete lack of patience. If your choleric kid has drawn some beautiful drawing, he will demand that you stop everything and IMMEDIATELY look at the drawing. If you do not look at the drawing right away, the child will instantly lose his temper.

Cholerics generally resemble a mine in their nervous organization: one has only to step into the danger zone, as an explosion immediately follows. The activity of choleric people is uneven, pulsating. Carried away by something, they act very energetically and intensely, but this does not last long. Choleric people quickly get tired and cannot continue the activity they are interested in. Nervous decline and loss of strength quite naturally “pour out” into irritation, which, as it grows, finds a way out either in conflict or in a nervous breakdown. If the kid fails to build what he has in mind from the constructor, he will soon scatter this constructor around the room with indignation. And he will growl at anyone who turns up to him "under the hot hand." And weep tears of anger and impotence. Or rather, tears of anger at their own impotence. And the misunderstanding of others. For choleric people, the period of early childhood is very difficult, when their skills and abilities are still too far removed from their abilities and desires. So the parents of a choleric person face a difficult task - to dose classes so that the baby can constantly learn something new, but does not overwork at the same time.

melancholic children. Characteristic

emotional stress for melancholic child- almost the norm of life, since any little thing can upset and unbalance them.

Melancholics are extremely vulnerable and touchy, they are highly sensitive and suffer from self-doubt.

The melancholic baby will cry for any little reason, and even when we see no reason for crying at all. We do not see, but he will find something. Since we do not see the reasons for his suffering, we do not share the emotions of the baby, which only aggravates the situation, since melancholics are extremely vulnerable and touchy, they have increased sensitivity, and suffer from self-doubt. Melancholics tire quickly, and it takes them quite a long time to restore their nervous and physical energy. That is why participation in long-term games, especially complex ones, brings them to stress. In general, any situation that brings unexpected innovations or includes elements of competition is stressful for them. A typical melancholic reaction to stress is avoidance of communication and the desire for solitude, withdrawal into oneself and one's experiences.

For parents of a small, pronounced melancholic, patience and understanding can be the keys to a child. It is undesirable to send a melancholic baby to a kindergarten before he is three years old. You need to deal with him in a very dosed manner, carefully selecting tasks so that the difficulties increase gradually and he can cope with everything. This approach increases the child's self-esteem and increases his interest in classes.

Parents who are aware of the problems of their child's temperament help him cope with himself and thus facilitate the task of his internal growth and development as a person.

There are many temperament tests, but not all of them are applicable to children, especially young ones. How to determine the temperament of a child at 1 year old, at 3 years old, at 5 years old? How to behave with a small choleric or melancholic? Do I need to give to kindergarten and how to prepare for school? We tell you how to raise children of the first two types of temperament.

“I don’t know what to do with the child. She cries for days on end, every hour she asks for breasts, you can’t let go of her hands, tossing and turning in her sleep, waking up ...

“You spoiled him. So I started to feed according to the regimen, and so it went. Once every four hours he wakes up, eats and immediately goes to sleep. And sleeps for 6-8 hours at night. And all because you need to educate from the cradle.

- Well, what good is it if you sleep all the time? Here my daughter wakes up and starts to walk, fiddling with toys. And if you take it in your arms, vilify it around the house, it will shine like the sun. And the eyes are so lively, smart...

- And my character has already erupted. If you do not feed on time - so scream! A real man.

Naturally, every mother is pleased to think that her child is the best, and she is the best mother. But in reality, all four mothers and four children are equally good. Babies just have different temperaments.

The Greek physician Hippocrates was the author of the doctrine of the four temperaments, but we know it best from the works of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Modern psychologists define temperament as follows: “A style of behavior inherent in a child and which allows one to characterize how he behaves or what is characteristic of him as a person (abilities, mental contents), or to explain why he acts this way and not otherwise (motivation). Temperament makes it possible to characterize the speed and brightness of the child's mental reactions, the features of mood and attention, regardless of the specific content of his experiences.

In an adult, temperament, as a rule, is “obscured” by education, but in an infant it is usually determined without difficulty. I want to emphasize right away that we are talking about the innate features of the nervous system, which can be taken into account, but cannot be changed. A choleric person is not re-educated into a sanguine person, and a melancholic person is not re-educated into a phlegmatic person. Of course, over the years, a person becomes calmer, more collected, more patient, but this really takes years. It is unrealistic to bring up the wisdom and endurance of a thirty-year-old and even a five-year-old child in a three-year-old child. And thank God.

Quite simply and with a bit of irony, the four basic temperaments can be described as follows:

  • choleric - starts quickly and slows down quickly
  • sanguine - starts quickly and slows down slowly
  • phlegmatic - starts slowly and brakes slowly
  • melancholic - starts slowly and brakes quickly.

Melanchodik: a child who does not like change

Weak type - melancholic - a person with weak excitation and inhibition. He “swings” for a long time and quickly gets tired, with difficulty adapting to stressful living conditions. A melancholic baby is very distrustful of any changes, it is difficult to get used to them. Any surprise makes him shrink into a ball and cry bitterly inconsolably.

Attention! Such a condition may be associated with a birth injury or with a developing disease, and not with character traits! Therefore, first contact a pediatrician and then to a psychologist.

Growing up, such a child can be very active and wayward, but the main thing - dislike for change - remains with him. All children at a certain age are great traditionalists, but a melancholic is a child who, in the first week after moving to the dacha, is afraid to leave the house and leaves the sandbox at the first sharp movement of the children playing there. He feels truly happy only on his mother's lap.

In no case is it possible to “break” the character of a melancholic. Everyone has heard that a child must build up a basic stock of confidence in order to start exploring the new world. In a melancholic, this reserve accumulates very slowly. Maybe he will feel able to break away from his mother only at 6 or 7 years old. So be it.

If you try to tear it off prematurely, it will most likely end in neurosis or even a more serious illness (all diseases from nerves are about melancholic people).

But if the child is confident in his "basic safety" and if you manage to catch a moment when he is in a good mood and is not averse to satisfying normal children's curiosity and normal children's desire to play, he will be more than happy to work with you. Little by little (he gets tired quickly) moving forward, often returning to the same game, but working through it deeply and very emotionally.

Here is how an attentive mother describes her communication with a melancholic daughter:

“Those duties and habits that have been instilled ... for about a year now do not cause problems: brushing teeth, making the bed, washing hands. Yes, the same calendars and feeding birds, cats and dogs. And those that I am trying to instill now are already perceived with a fight. “I don’t want” and “I won’t” appear. We will never learn how to put away toys. At the same time, Tanya treats the word “order” with fanaticism, but in her understanding, order is when the toys are lying around in their usual places, and not when they are removed. For the time being, he only puts things in order in his own clothes, laying them out by colors, varieties, boxes, pairs ... Three times a day.

We also have this rule: all classes must be completed and only then switch the child, and switch smoothly, remembering what unfinished business is on the street or at home (where you need to go). So that she herself would like to go there ... At least, so that she would not be against it. Then you can safely go.

For example, when going outside, we always remember what was interesting there yesterday, think about what Tanya will do there and what we need to take with us (for example, we can feed the birds, finish building the house, see if the puppies have grown ...) . We also go home from a walk for some purpose (to eat an apple we bought, to read a book).

Restless choleric: how to teach a child to hold attention?

A strong but unbalanced type - the choleric - is characterized by a very active process of irritability and an inhibitory process that is sharply lagging behind in strength. Because of this, the choleric "quickly catches fire", but also quickly gets tired just when he is required to do daily small work.

The choleric baby is the same “screamer with character”, which, when he grows up, they usually begin to call the “electric broom”. This child is “all the time crawling somewhere” or running, knocking over something on itself, climbing somewhere, etc. In families where choleric people live, medicines are put away in a safe, cats make nests on the upper shelves, and the entire floor is strewn with an even layer of cars, soldiers and other toys, to which their owner, after playing for five minutes, immediately cools down.

Often, choleric people have problems with speech, simply because they do not have the patience to pronounce all the sounds in sequence. On the playground or in the sandbox, a choleric person can easily pass for a fighter, but he does not fight out of malice - he just speaks with his fists faster and more clearly. But sometimes they can beat him too - he screams and waves his arms so much that the children get scared and do not know how to stop him.

What to do? First of all, remember that all these features - both the unrestrained cries of a baby, and the constant anxiety and fussiness of a preschooler - may not be manifestations of temperament, but the consequences of a birth trauma, so consulting a neurologist will not hurt at any age.

But suppose your child is healthy, "it's just the nature." What to do? Try not to scold (although this is sometimes very, very difficult), but carefully upset. “I love you and I cannot allow harm to myself or others,” this is said just for your child.

Try to explain to him the consequences of his actions. “You see, you hit a girl, now she is afraid to play with you, and I will have to take you away from the site. You see, you dropped the car from a height, and now it is broken. Get ready to repeat 50-100 times, and on the 101st it will definitely reach the baby.

Otherwise, more freedom. and a large gym ball for a preschooler will help the family carve out 15-20 minutes for breakfast. A pair of choleric buddies who won't cry when your son's car (or your daughter's ball) crashed into their car will provide you with relative peace of mind on a walk. And with the mothers of these friends, you are likely to find a common language. A sports section with a wise coach who believes that the main thing is not the result, but enthusiasm, and completely defuse the situation.

If the child goes to kindergarten, achieve full understanding with the teacher. Yes, your child often does not control himself well, he needs to be stopped before he breaks firewood, but this does not mean that you can hang labels on him as “fighter”, “hooligan”, “uncontrollable and ill-mannered”, “pedagogically neglected”. Teach your child outdoor games so that he can be the ringleader on the playground.

But what about intellectual development? Take care of them on the run! I remember that my son Alyosha and I studied the square and the circle, running around the square and round sandbox, and learned the numbers, jumping on the cardboard - from number to number.

Another option: you sit on the floor (for example, with a geographical map or with a set of letters), and the child runs past, snatching "bits of knowledge". Often this is quite effective - choleric people have a vivid imagination and grasp everything on the fly.

Closer to 5 years, try arranging 10-15-minute sedentary activities for your child (for example, drawing, modeling, book lessons), and a year before school, try to be like some preparatory courses with him - no English or in-depth knowledge of mathematics, let them just learn to sit in one place for 30-35 minutes, listening to the teacher.

Sometimes it makes sense to first look like individual classes - for example, to a speech therapist or psychologist. At the same time, formulate your main wish in advance - so that the child learns to keep attention within the age norm.

Here is an example from letters.

“I want to tell you about my restless daughter Anka, five years old. And she seems to be stupid. Thinks big, expresses thought too. She has been able to read since the age of 4, now she is already reading fluently - she manages to read the titles on the screen, etc. I've been friends with computers since a year. But you can ask to remove the bed until the evening. The same goes for collecting toys. He starts cleaning, you look - he is already drawing or building something. Constantly distracted. I help put the dolls away - she is indignant that now she will also play with them. And in general, no matter what he does, he never finishes what he started.

Recently, I subtly suggested that she make a card for Grandma by March 8th. There was joy! Let's fantasize: how grandma will be delighted, what flowers will bloom on her card. I offered to involve beads and fabric in the work. All cheers! But either the beetle that lives in her bank stirred, or a car drove past the window - enthusiasm was gone! Sometimes I already try to comment on my actions so that it settles somewhere in her head. For example, I quote the soviet slogan from the dining room: “I have eaten and I will not forget to clean the dishes after me.” And she replies: “I’ll go and find something to do.” That's all".

We will talk about little sanguine and phlegmatic people.

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Comment on the article "How to determine the temperament of a child by behavior?"

Girls who have a child - a boy, by the type of temperament - a choleric, by the sign of the zodiac - Leo, you will not believe it, but the son calmed down by school. In grade 1, I told him about the types of temperament, gave examples. The older child is different. Closer to sanguine with an admixture of melancholic.


We have such a child, we have fun like you, we are 9 years old, they give loads at school and dances with acrobatics!

11/23/2018 10:48:12 PM, Nastya

I love psychology very much, astrology less so. My son was 100% choleric from early childhood. This was confirmed by all psychotests. I remember how I also dreamed of some pills, but I endured it. You will not believe it, but the son calmed down by school. In grade 1, I told him about the types of temperament, gave examples. He stated that he did not want to be choleric, but wanted to be sanguine. I couldn't believe my eyes when in 2nd grade the test result showed that he was sanguine. The child was happy and even proud of himself. He really, really changed! I was convinced that it is impossible to divide people into groups, and even more so to say that this is forever and nothing will change. Everyone is individual, everyone has their own approach. But still, I believe in psychology, it helps me a lot. Patience and love to you!

09/14/2012 23:43:59, CCM

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers Different temperaments in parents and children. It is clear that they are different for everyone, and even in their pure form. But the middle son is a real melancholic, very slow, touchy ...


Oh, I have similar problems with the same temperaments. Husband and eldest daughter adore each other, but from the slightest spark, such fireworks suddenly begin for them - mother do not cry. I don’t know what to do, and with age, fireworks are getting more spectacular - my daughter very resourcefully fends off any attacks + is not timid even once. Sometimes I will leave them at home alone for a harmless occupation, I will come, and there is ashes - both are sitting inflated in the corners. I try, if possible, to extinguish at the first fire + I conduct explanatory work with my husband and daughter with varying success.

we are somehow more or less even. No one has pronounced temperaments.
But sometimes I communicate closely with a melancholic girl. For me, this is a complete hello. :-) I hold on for a day or two, then infuriates me.

How are you
-everything is fine
-not okay..
- Are you bored?
- I miss you a lot..
and it's always bad all the time. Sad voice, longing in the eyes ..
Everything, I'm ready to climb the wall.
Then it turns out that she liked everything and everything was fine.

Maybe when you get used to it, it’s okay, but the girl’s mother also gets mad at times from this pitch-black longing.

How to raise a choleric? Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with Temperament and assessment. Choleric and melancholic. How to raise children of the two most difficult types of temperament.


Wu! This is our case! I'm on a powder keg all the time. I agree. So, everything that is important and predictable for a child - I try to realize it and not cause a scandal (I don’t press the elevator buttons myself, I don’t open the car itself, I don’t turn off Chevostik, etc.)

I perform all unpredictable moments to the best of my ability (I don’t follow the principle and don’t try to “educate”). I understand you do the same :)

And all the time I inspire the child with 2 things:
1) "mincemeat cannot be scrolled back" - if you came to the garden, and he remembered that he had not eaten a vitamin at home and hysterically. Abyssnyayu that it is HE is not reminded. And I say preventively all the time - dear, I can forget to give you a vitamin tomorrow morning, you really remind me, be kind, otherwise I will forget, and NOTHING WILL BE DONE in the kindergarten. The same from the series "I wanted to take such and such a machine at home to show Dana" - dear, I can't read minds.

The reception also helps a lot (that you don’t get screams in bed, that he wanted to eat chicken, but forgot) - this is at key moments - leaving their house, putting them to bed, etc. to ask with all importance - but now remember what you wanted to do / take / say, etc. - otherwise now we will go / go to bed / clean up - and it will be too late.

It works for us.

2) I suggest that IF I CAN, I will always make / buy / help him. Well, sorry, I can’t fly out of the toilet to put a part in the constructor for him. Therefore, I gently and meticulously say that I can’t do it right now, but “you know when I can - with a dear soul.” Indeed, if there is an opportunity and not very scrap, I get up and go to glue / build / read / cook delicious / walk, etc. But if I can’t, then I can’t. I appeal to compassion and self-awareness. Or I repeat the magic mantra "you are not alone and not only you want something."

It also seems to help gradually.

Hold on, we're 4 now, and it's not 3 anymore :)))

Anyut, mine also has short circuits and sticking ... although a very nice boy. By the way, it all started for us far before 3 years. But at Sportland we talked to a psychologist... In general, the verdict is approximately the following - more reasonable freedom. The child must clearly know the boundaries, but these boundaries should give him a field for self-realization. Lots of joint activity, but re determines the degree of adult intervention. Those. if the child is building, says that he will put the part himself, then you need to let him do it, even if you understand that his actions will lead to the destruction of the building. It is clear that this style of relationship does not extend to matters of life support and security. In general, the less you build a child and the more you negotiate with him, the milder the crisis goes. Approximately in this vein.
In general, I try to persuade Danya more, but I stop yelling at the elder and waving my fists on the spot (this is a taboo!).
And you, of course, the disease has played! And with walks, we also have an ambush ... Think for yourself - what a weather! Do you really want to go there? So the child doesn’t want to ... and then it seems that they already found something to do and don’t want to go home.
So Anyut, be patient! Snow will fall, it will be easier! Now is the most depressing time (and for children as well)!

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional Punishment for choleric (how?) We have: a child is a choleric in a sanguine family. Parents are former honors students, red university diplomas ...


And the temperament is irrelevant. Organization and responsibility are developed by a conscious effort of will, at the age of 7 - with the constant help and moral support of parents and teachers, small steps, feasible tasks, patiently and painstakingly, given the natural arrogance.

Thanks everyone. I'm glad there are so many of us! However, in my case, there is no formidable dad, dad is ordinary, working a lot, paying little attention to the child and not understanding how this is possible at all ... Today he brought a dictation in which he wrote in copybooks through a misspelled word (missing a vowel) differently, now, if I'm around and he's not in a hurry, the handwriting is like in exemplary copybooks. But it doesn't work that way in the classroom. He hurries, does 33 things at the same time, misses a lot, forgets about dots and colons. Is this fixable by grade 2 at least and how, if so, or is it time for me to go to the ADD forum?

03/21/2007 04:18:05 PM, Olea

Choleric at school. Who has choleric children? My daughter has a choleric type. How to raise a choleric? Doctors, clinics. How does the development of a child depend on the type of temperament? As we have already found out, a melancholic child must be given with care ...


I also have a very active child. Now he is already 9 years old.
I don't recommend any specific games. Look at the child, what he likes. Ours could be assiduous, only in favorite things - designer (played for years from 2-5 EVERY day), puzzles, reading, drawing. Now it's much easier with him. We were not immediately able to adapt to our "whirlwind", now we clearly see all our mistakes. In any case, such children require a lot of patience, love, protection and our own mobility from us (that is, to be ready to get to know this world at the same speed :-))

Look for what the child is able to get carried away with, and dance from this, add something developing to this hobby (draw what he loves, for example, cars). Do you like constructors? I have a daughter that she is not interested in, and will not do for half a minute, but she can do interesting things for a very long time.

Choleric at school. School. A child from 7 to 10. Features of different types of temperaments of children: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine. Conference "Child from 3 to 7". Section: Preparing for school (is it possible to send a child to And the child is tuned in, this year is graduation in the garden, the children are already preparing for it. How to raise a choleric? Choleric at school.


And what, melancholic is better? It all depends on you and your reaction to the comments of teachers. I have a dry choleric, I'm going to the third grade. Our school encourages active, direct behavior of children in the classroom. Discussions and disputes are often conducted in such a way that during lessons there is noise in the corridors, as at recess. Asking the teacher questions, arguing, defending your opinion - this is the main thing that draws attention to. There are also conservative schools where behavior determines learning, the main thing is that you don’t get there, the child is tortured and you are tortured. Don't let your daughter fall under the line of "obedient" girls that are comfortable for most teachers. Control the knowledge gained (not marks) and God bless you a good teacher. Your girl is super, a lively, active girl will grow up, with a bunch of friends and acquaintances, diverse interests and in full confidence that she is succeeding.

My daughter has a choleric type. Of course, not in its purest form, but there are many signs - a quick change of character, close tears, noisy, etc. She is 8 years old and is now in the fifth grade. So don't worry about studying. In my opinion, studying is just given easily. Much more difficult with relationships in the team. I don’t know about your child, but mine, among other things, has a desire for leadership - she tries to build everyone and make them do what she needs. And breaks off. For now :)) We have constant tragedies on this topic - and those six months that we went to first grade and at aikido training.
And with preparation for school, there should not seem to be any problems. Or I'm wrong?

Our school encourages active, direct behavior of children in the classroom. How to raise a choleric? Good afternoon everyone! I have a younger son - a typical choleric with all that comes out) just like in the textbook about his type of temperament it is written) ...


First, the standard. Baths with magnesia (and mother there too), modeling from clay and nice types of home-made dough, generally tactile things (IMA happens here, ask her when she comes). Swimming pool, a lot of running around in the fresh air, all that stuff.

Secondly: exercises, cool and interesting, on the strength of reactions. Hug, say, a ball of thin paper so that it does not crumple. And then - to laugh. Maybe in a role-playing game. Take a paper cup (this is from Ima's idea) and gently rearrange. The same with my mother's hand - take it gently, stroke it. Then take this glass and crush it.

When hysterical - find your element. If it is water - in an armful and in the shower, but even in clothes. If it's air - spinning in mom's arms, dancing, running, breathing deeply. Look for what comes up.

my cousin was also introduced to dousing with ice water (with ice from the cold) in the daily regimen at 4-5, he is just a choleric, but this 1) disciplined him, 2) he was proud of it, 3) it cooled somewhat - so what to tell. In short, they trained the nervous system and spirit, i.e. temperament brought up :)

And now he is tired of amusing others ... A choleric person, if something does not work out quickly and the way he wants, will start to get angry, throw, smash, swear, scream (naturally, I take extreme options). I know one choleric who broke the handsets of telephones if he could not get through somewhere for a long time :) For him, a phone with a regular dialer (which you need to twist with your finger) was torture.
Easy to soothe with audio hypnosis :)
The phlegmatic will solve the problem for a long time and thoughtfully this way and that, fully concentrating on it and not being distracted by less important stimuli. Easily "fascinated" by visual-spatial tasks.
The melancholic, rather, will first ask you to show him a sample of the task. Soothes with physical, bodily contact. Your relationship in the process of completing the task is more important to him than the task itself.
A sanguine person will not be as upset as a choleric person, if something doesn’t work out for him, maybe, unlike a melancholic person, and just like a phlegmatic person, he can play alone for a long time, but he, unlike a phlegmatic person, and just like choleric, it is necessary to switch more often from one type of activity to another.

And parents-melancholic child - choleric - violent and hyperactive. A melancholic pediatrician will come across, and some kind of diagnosis. The mother-in-law went to the hospital and after a course of a quartz lamp, everything went away. Features of different types of temperaments of children: choleric ...


I am choleric and my husband is phlegmatic. This is kind of a nightmare for me. I need fun all the time, and he needs to be at home in silence. But we have some kind of mutual influence on each other. I also want the comfort of home, and he began to invite guests with pleasure. But nature takes over. And we often have conflicts on this basis. But since I quickly depart, and he calmly puts up. Then we swear not for long. And as a choleric, I also always wanted a choleric as a husband, and phlegmatic people are so attracted by their calmness and romanticism. Charm! I adore my phlegmatic, although he is sometimes such a bore and does not deny it.

My husband and I are exactly the same, we almost never quarrel (ugh 3 times). I think this is the secret of a happy marriage. Basically, it seems to me that people with different psychotypes can get along, maintaining mutual (and mostly sexual) interest by "dissimilarity" to each other, but for the time being, for the time being. But this is my personal opinion.

01/06/2001 04:48:36, Nyusha

Temperament largely determines the behavior of the child, the ability to learn and develop, reactions to external stimuli. Knowing the temperament of the child, parents can choose the most suitable games and teaching methods for him, respond correctly to the manifestation of his feelings and emotions - joy, anger, fear, delight, fatigue, etc. What do parents need to know about their child's temperament?

What is the temperament of the child and how is it determined?

Why are some children happy to assemble constructions from cubes in complete silence, while others need to rush around the apartment, scattering everything in their path? Why do some children in a noisy company feel like a fish in water, while others try to move to a quiet corner to play all alone? All children are different, and in this case we are talking about children with different temperaments.

Child's temperament, or its type of higher nervous activity, is an innate stable characteristic and rarely changes as the child grows older. Temperament determines the intensity of human nervous processes, the balance between excitation and inhibition, balance and the speed of mood changes.

What influences the formation child's temperament? Since temperament is not formed throughout life, but is an innate characteristic of a person, external factors cannot significantly affect it. Usually a child inherits the temperament of mom or dad, or the traits of both parents are equally manifested in it.

At what age does a child's temperament begin??

Child's temperament begins to appear from birth. This is expressed in the speed with which the baby goes from smiling to crying and vice versa, in his reaction to close and unfamiliar people, and even in how quickly and easily the child falls asleep. But all this is largely connected with the physiological state of the baby, so it is possible to accurately determine the temperament of the child only at the beginning of the formation of his personality - about three years.

Types of temperaments in psychology

In classical psychology, there are four main types of temperament:

  • Sanguine. They are characterized by liveliness, excitability, quick mood swings and ease in experiencing failures.
  • Cholerics. As well as sanguine people, choleric people are distinguished by the speed of nervous reactions, excitability, a sharp change in mood, but at the same time they are unbalanced and prone to prolonged experiences.
  • Melancholics are distinguished by the slowness of nervous reactions, the duration of the transition from one mood to another. They are easily vulnerable and endure any, even minor, troubles for a long time.
  • Phlegmatic, as well as melancholic, are characterized by slowness of nervous reactions. At the same time, they are imperturbable, balanced, slightly influenced by external factors.

Temperament of the child and features of education

Having defined child's temperament and knowing its positive and negative properties, it will be easier for parents to educate and educate the baby.

The child is sanguine...

... usually mobile, active, trusting, calmly and kindly even to unfamiliar people, passionately interested in every new business. Sanguine children, as a rule, quickly begin to speak, they are eloquent and sociable. A sanguine child is trusting and open, the opinion of others is extremely important to him. He is willing to do rash acts to earn praise. At the same time, the kid perceives criticism quite calmly, easily experiences failures, and quickly forgets insults. In general, a sanguine child in early childhood causes a minimum of inconvenience to parents - he is cheerful, easily gets carried away by any proposed game and quickly calms down, even if something upsets him.

The disadvantage of sanguine children is inconstancy. Being carried away by a new activity for himself, the child can literally “move mountains”, but usually there is not enough fuse for a long time.

How to help a child not to quit what he started? Scolding and criticizing the baby is useless - sanguine children will not worry and be offended for a long time, but simply forget about the unpleasant conversation. But sincere praise for a job completed to the end can be a very strong motivation. You can encourage a child not only with a kind word or a hug, but also by adding a new “badge of honor” to the success table, posted in the most prominent place.

When raising a sanguine child, parents should communicate with him on an equal footing, not allow a condescending tone in communicating with the baby, build relationships solely on mutual respect, and not on indisputable parental authority.

Choleric child... and agile, eloquent and persuasive, resolute and purposeful. Choleric children are often successful in learning, they are persistent, expressive, sociable.

At the same time, choleric children are vindictive and aggressive, subject to frequent mood changes and are difficult to persuade.

In childhood, a choleric child is often naughty, cries, screams for no apparent reason and throws deafening tantrums. He gets tired quickly, but falls asleep hard. Such children, as a rule, do not respond to prohibitions, they often quarrel with their peers and take offense at adults. At the same time, a choleric child is rarely alone: ​​quarreling with friends and bullying them, he, nevertheless, always remains in the spotlight and often becomes a leader in the company.

If the temperament of the child is choleric, in childhood he can cause a lot of trouble to parents because of his temper and irritability. Parents have to constantly restrain the child, direct his energy in a peaceful direction, engage him in various game or developmental activities. And this gives a positive effect: being carried away by a new activity, a choleric child makes every effort and achieves amazing results.

Sports are very useful for a choleric child: sports allow you to splash out excess energy, stabilizes the nervous system. In addition, ambitious and purposeful choleric children usually achieve high sports results.

The child is melancholy...

… benign, benevolent, sympathetic, sensitive and cordial.
At the same time, a melancholic child is very vulnerable and shy, not self-confident, easily amenable to other people's influence, hardly survives criticism and resentment.

In childhood, a melancholic child is capricious and whiny. Melancholic children are very "tame", never let their parents go and are afraid of strangers. They get tired very quickly, especially from communicating with a large number of people.

Growing up, a melancholic child becomes shy and touchy. Any little thing can unbalance him, any criticism is perceived as a tragedy. It is difficult for melancholics to learn, as they are absent-minded, quickly get tired and distracted. But it is among melancholics that the largest percentage of creative natures is found.

Raising a child with a melancholy temperament, you should protect him from stressful situations. Tired of playing and communicating with peers, experiencing criticism and resentment, the child strives to go home, as in a shelter, and he must firmly know: “My house is my fortress!”, be sure that he will be understood and protected at home.

For a melancholic child, any manifestations of parental love are especially important: affectionate words, hugs, kisses, small family traditions, such as joint walks on weekends or bedtime stories.

If learning is difficult for a child, do not scold or criticize him. Melancholic children try very hard to achieve success, but they do not always succeed because of absent-mindedness and increased fatigue.

But in creativity, the potential of a melancholic child is manifested in full force. When helping a child to choose a hobby, one must, of course, focus on his interests. The choice is wide enough: it can be sculpture or music, painting or needlework, dancing or rhythmic gymnastics - the main thing is that the activity gives the child pleasure.

Phlegmatic child...

... peaceful and balanced, stress-resistant, reasonable, charming and purposeful. He achieves his goal under any circumstances, he equally calmly treats both criticism and praise.

On the other hand, a phlegmatic child is inert and inactive, stubborn and conservative, makes decisions with difficulty and is not prone to a vivid manifestation of emotions.

A phlegmatic child does not cause trouble for parents: he is a little naughty, he does not need constant attention, he calmly plays alone. The only thing that can bother the parents of a phlegmatic child is the low adaptability of the baby. He hardly gets used to the kindergarten and to the new regime in general, he does not like new dishes and new comrades. But, getting used to the changes, the phlegmatic child becomes as calm and unruffled as before.

The education of the phlegmatic child is progressing slowly but surely. Information, although sometimes difficult to remember, remains in the head of the baby almost for life. In addition, phlegmatic people usually have great potential in the field of exact sciences, they easily solve logical problems.

Parents raising a phlegmatic child do not need to rush the baby. He will succeed, even if not immediately! At his leisurely and measured pace, he is able not only to catch up with his more energetic peers, but also to leave them far behind.

If the child shows a penchant for sports, pay attention to disciplines that require accuracy and endurance. Also, many phlegmatic children are fond of chess.

Whatever temperament your child has, the main thing is to listen and hear him, take into account his opinion and interests. We wish your kids new successes and victories!
