City Christmas tree toy made of plastic. DIY Christmas decorations: master class, photo

Everyone can make original New Year's crafts. All you need is a little time, imagination and, of course, a good mood. Whether you make one toy or you want to decorate the whole Christmas tree with handmade decorations, the creative process will give you real pleasure. And if you involve children, the preparation for the New Year will become even more fun. Materials for unusual crafts are easy to find at home or buy in needlework stores.

In this article:

What will we make

You can literally create New Year's toys for the Christmas tree from improvised materials. For the jewelry that we propose to make, you will need:

  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • thread,
  • needle,
  • pins,
  • ribbons,
  • paint in cans,
  • foam blanks,
  • filler for soft toys,
  • cardboard.

The main materials will be:

  • buttons,
  • beads, beads,
  • wire,
  • wool balls,
  • pompoms,
  • fleece or plush,
  • cones, nuts, acorns, seeds,
  • pasta,
  • paper,
  • felt,
  • newspapers.

Christmas decorations from buttons

Crafts from simple buttons look unusual.

For a multi-colored ball you will need:

  • foam blank,
  • buttons of different colors and sizes,
  • pins with beaded caps,
  • ribbon.

Pin the buttons to the workpiece with pins, tie a loop of tape. Even a street Christmas tree can be decorated with such balls - they are durable, not afraid of low temperatures, snow and dampness.

The basis for the second decoration is the same foam base, painted in golden color. If you glue matching buttons to it and pick up a ribbon with a golden thread, you get a retro-style decoration.

Even easier to make a Christmas tree. Materials:

  • 10 - 12 green buttons of different diameters, 4 identical brown buttons for the trunk, a star button.
  • a thread,
  • needle.

Using a needle, string the buttons onto a thick green thread: first a star, then buttons from a smaller diameter to a larger one, and finally the trunk. Return the thread through the second holes in reverse order. Fasten the thread.

The basis of the star in pastel colors is a foam star. In addition, you need light-colored buttons of different sizes and styles, a glue gun. To make the surface voluminous, you need to glue the buttons with an overlap, without trying to observe symmetry.

Crafts from beads

It is one of the most interesting materials to create due to the variety of shapes, colors and sizes.

For a multi-colored ball you will need:

  • foam base,
  • beads of different colors,
  • strong thread,
  • needle,
  • universal glue,
  • trailer for beads with a loop,
  • ribbon.

String beads on a thread, grease the base with glue, glue low in a spiral. At the end, attach a trailer for beads, thread through a loop and tie a ribbon.

Snowflake stars, bells and other decorations are made from beads, glass beads and beads of different sizes.

For a star you need:

  • wire star,
  • thin wire,
  • beads, beads of different colors and sizes.

String beads and beads on a thin wire. Wrap the asterisk with wire in any order.

From small pasta you get an elegant decoration resembling lace.

Will need:

  • small round balloon
  • PVA glue,
  • small pasta,
  • ribbon,
  • decorative rope,
  • tweezers.

Inflate the balloon to the desired size, grease with glue, roll over the pasta poured onto the table so that they stick evenly. Leave a hole about 1 cm in size. If necessary, trim the parts with tweezers. When the glue is completely dry, pierce the base, pull it out, and seal the hole. Color the product, attach a loop, tie a bow.

For a photo frame on a Christmas tree, cut out a cardboard star, stick pasta, leaving a place for a photo in the center. Paint the craft, stick a photo, sew on a loop.

If you have the skill of working in the quilling technique, make graceful gentle figures and. Wind paper motifs, glue them to the base. Decorate with small beads.

This technique can also be used for other Christmas tree decorations:

Christmas decorations from threads

From simple threads that can be found in every home, you can make some wonderful light Christmas toys for the Christmas tree. You will need:

  • thread,
  • PVA glue,
  • small round balloons
  • beads,
  • paint in cans,
  • scissors,
  • cardboard,
  • wire star,
  • disposable food tray,
  • pins,
  • decorative elements (cones, ribbons).

Soak the thread with glue, wrap it with a balloon inflated to the desired size. Let the glue dry, blow off the base and get it out. Decorate the craft with ribbons and cones.

Cut out a Christmas tree from cardboard, wrap it tightly with a thread with strung beads, paint it.

It's even easier to make an asterisk. Give the wire a star shape or take a blank, wrap it with thread.

It is not difficult to give threads almost any form. To get a star or an angel, pin the outline of the future figure with pins, wind the threads in random order, grease with glue for strength. When the glue dries, all that remains is to remove the pins and, if necessary, decorate the figure.

How to make a Christmas tree toy out of thread

Felt crafts

Felt and decorative elements from it are sold in hobby shops. It is pleasant to work with him - he does not crumble and it is convenient to cut parts of any size from him. You will also need some filler for soft toys, glue, threads, beads.

Decorate the Christmas tree with a delicate ball with floral motifs. It will turn out if you glue the base with small felt flowers and beads.

From multi-colored pieces of felt, cut out the details of the future figure, sew along the contour, fill with filler. Small details (eyes, mouth) embroider or draw with a felt-tip pen.

How to make a felt toy (step by step)

The pattern can be almost anything. This master class will show the principle of working with felt using the example of an asterisk. We will need:

  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • felt,
  • needle,
  • thread,
  • braid,
  • small buttons,
  • ribbon.

Cut out cardboard patterns (hearts, stars, little men), cut out felt parts from them, decorate them with braid, buttons, stitch along the perimeter with a decorative seam, fill with filler, sew on a loop.

Multi-colored paper decorations

Even from such a simple familiar material, interesting Christmas tree decorations will turn out. There is a large selection of paper in original colors and unusual textures in needlework stores.

To make funny deer, cut out strips for the ball and details of the muzzle. Glue a ball from the strips, glue the muzzle.

Everyone can. An interesting material pattern and decorative elements will transform even such a simple craft.

Step by step master classes

Cut out 5 strips of paper as shown. Fold them with an accordion, glue the circles. Collect and fasten the bump.

From nuts

From hats from acorns, nuts, seeds, treated with golden paint or sparkles, it is easy to make original decorations for the Christmas tree.

Paint acorn hats on the outside with glitter paint, glue on the base, tie a bow to match, fasten the loop.

A large festive New Year's ball will be made from walnuts painted with gold paint. Stick nuts on the workpiece, attach decorative leaves, tie a ribbon. Such balls can decorate a window or even a large city Christmas tree.

Smaller toys will be obtained from seeds according to the same principle. They will look very original on the Christmas tree.

Newspaper toys

Varieties of crafts

Christmas trees

You can decorate your house for the New Year with decorations of various shapes. Christmas trees, stars, balls, sweets, snowmen, snowflakes, cones have not lost their relevance for many years.

new year stars

For a star, you will need the following materials:

  • 3 equal pieces of wire
  • 6 large cones, 24 small ones.

String the cones on the wire, fasten.

A few more stars:


This is the most popular Christmas toy. You can decorate an ordinary New Year's ball by sticking lace and toning it with paint. The ball, pasted over with beads of different sizes, looks elegant.

The variety of handmade is amazing:

Waiting for the New Year holidays is always exciting. Of course, this is not only because of the most fabulous New Year, but also because of the upcoming "holidays" that both adults and children are waiting for. Many go to the festivities on the night of December 31 to January 1, and the event next to the beautiful Christmas tree is also a must. Usually it is placed somewhere in the center of the city or in several places where the main celebrations will take place. Street trees are usually decorated in advance, but you can contribute to the decoration and make a big toy for the city tree with your own hands.

At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, look for some expensive materials in stores, you can only show your imagination and make everything from improvised means, which often lie around unnecessarily in almost every home. It is especially interesting to do this with children. This fun will help develop imagination, improve motor skills and just have fun with the family.

Big New Year's toy - "Angel"

Option number 1 - a toy made of tubes and a disk

You will need:

  • a computer disk - now few people use them, so for sure you will find 1-2 unnecessary ones,
  • straws for cocktails (it is better to use those that are thicker) - from 16 pieces,
  • hot glue,
  • aluminum wire (you can thick wire),
  • 2 thick cardboard mugs
  • thick thread.


  1. One of the tubes needs to be strengthened. To do this, insert a wire prepared in advance along the length inside it. This is done so that the tube does not break. It will be the basis of the entire frame.
  2. Prepare 2 “washers” of cardboard in advance with a hole cut out in the middle so that the tube can be inserted there so that it stays inside.
  3. Glue both circles on both sides of the disk in the middle, where there is a hole.
  4. Next, we put the disk on a reinforced tube and grease it with hot glue so that the structure holds. When it dries, you can continue to work.
  5. Pass a strong thread through a straw with a disk, string 2 more straws on it and make a triangle out of this design.
  6. Add 2 more straws with a thread. You will get 2 triangles with one common side.
  7. Then continue in the same order, as a result you get a polyhedron.

If desired, you can use more tubes, as long as there are enough opportunities and your imagination to create a figure

The joints between the tubes and the core, where cardboard mugs are glued, can be sealed with tinsel or something else in the New Year theme.

Option number 2 - a ball of packages

This version of a large Christmas toy for a street Christmas tree with your own hands is suitable even for the smallest. The instructions are simple, and the packages can be found in any home.

Christmas tree toy "Ball"

You will need:

  • paper (any)
  • colorful glitter bags
  • ropes from a cake or gift bags,
  • PVA glue.


  1. The insides of the ball will consist of crumpled paper. To do this, take absolutely any paper, you can even use old newspapers. Crumple them one by one, gradually “winding” the next one onto the already formed ball. To keep the layers better, they can be periodically lubricated with PVA glue. Surely he will be found in a student's briefcase, this is a necessary thing at school.

When the ball has already turned out to be large enough, the right size for a street tree, then elegant packages will already be used. It can also be wrapping paper, in which gift boxes are usually wrapped.

  1. Wrap the paper ball with wrapping paper or colored bags, secure with glue.
  2. Tie the resulting shiny ball with elegant colored ropes and make a loop at the top so that the toy can be easily hung on the city Christmas tree.

If desired, the ball can be additionally decorated with beads, beautiful hairpins, bows, snowflakes.

Option number 3 - a Christmas tree toy from a plastic bottle

This option is suitable for people who are creative and able to draw. Although children can also leave their "scribbles" on this uncomplicated subject. After all, the main thing is creativity and joy from the work done!

You will need:

  • plastic bottle (any size),
  • decoupage paints.

Action plan:

We do not take into account a glass bottle, although it would look more spectacular, but this item is too heavy for a Christmas tree, it can break branches, so we brush it aside right away.

In this version of the toy for a street Christmas tree, only imagination is needed. On the bottle, you can depict anything you want. It is better that this applies specifically to the New Year theme. For example, this is a fabulous hut, powdered with snow. Or the face of Santa Claus, or maybe the depicted figures of grandfather along with the Snow Maiden. It can be an elegant Christmas tree, a drawing of a beautiful ball toy, a snowman. Yes, whatever your heart desires!

The main rule when working with such a toy is that you first need to completely sketch the plastic with one common background color.

Option number 4 - "delicious" candy

This toy is one of the simplest and most standard in terms of making it yourself for the Christmas tree. It is done very easily. You will need paper or something soft, such as cotton wool or foam rubber, synthetic winterizer. This will serve as the inside of the candy. Make a "filler" in the form of a thick sausage of the desired size. Wrap it on top with shiny colored gift wrapping paper. Roll the paper tightly on the sides and tie with bows. Don't forget to attach a loop.

Big Christmas tree toy "Candy"

Option number 5 - penguins from a burnt out light bulb

You probably have burnt out incandescent light bulbs in your home. You collect them, and then all at once carry them to a special bin for such things. But do not rush to do this, because the New Year is coming soon, and it is necessary to make a toy for the Christmas tree. For manufacturing, you will need ordinary incandescent light bulbs and decoupage paints. In fact, to draw a penguin, you do not need special artistic skills, it is very simple. Paint the front of the bulb white. Make, as it were, 2 circles - on the top of the light bulb (below the base) and on the bottom most convex. As an association, mentally imagine the number 8, and you need to draw it with white paint in front. The top will be the face, the bottom will be the stomach. Paint the rest of the unpainted surface of the light bulb with black paint. It remains to make only a cute penguin face: eyes and a beak, everything is ready! Glue the loop to the plinth. Alternatively, you can wrap the base with a rope or twine.


Show your imagination, create, and then the New Year holiday will be remembered for bright moments. If you want to do something more unusual and intricate, then look on the Internet for a photo of a toy on a street tree. There are a lot of options, and these five do not need to be limited. You can use papier-mâché, soccer balls, and even hats as a base!

The decoration of the New Year's interior plays an important role in the preparation of the New Year's Eve. Making Christmas toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands will be not only a good solution in decorating, but also an interesting creative process. All family members, including children, can be involved in this activity. In our article, we have collected material on how, using the simplest materials, you can beautifully and elegantly decorate a Christmas tree without resorting to buying expensive decorations. In addition to the publication, we have added 45 interesting photos of handmade New Year's toys.

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys for the Christmas tree - we collect material, accessories and blanks

If you decide to make interesting New Year's toys for the Christmas tree as a decor, first you should prepare all the necessary materials and tools. Since the variety of such needlework is very large, we will consider the most basic accessories, which include a pencil, glue (PVA and thermal gun), brushes, acrylic paint and gouache, scissors, threads. Crafts such as a DIY Christmas toy for a Christmas tree can have many options, but one way or another, you need to get sparkles, varnishes, beads, and bright braid. In general, those that will help make toys truly New Year's, giving a charming shine and originality.

Materials can be fabric scraps, colored and white paper, cardboard, colorful napkins, polystyrene foam, light bulbs, cereals and even dough.

Do-it-yourself Christmas toy dog ​​on the Christmas tree - a symbol of the coming year

Since the year of the Yellow Dog is ahead of us, it is necessary that this symbol be present in the New Year's interior, in particular, on the Christmas tree. A do-it-yourself Christmas toy dog ​​on a Christmas tree can be made in many ways. The easiest one is to cut a dog out of cardboard, drawing eyes, ears, a mouth on it - you can take your child with such a creative process. Draw a template and cut it out, and the children will make many of these small dogs according to the template, decorate and make a garland out of them, hanging them on a long thread or tinsel.

While they are busy with such an exciting process, you can make New Year's toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands by 2018 "dogs" from fabric. Often for these purposes, felt fabric is used, which holds its shape well and has a rich palette of colorful colors. In the photo in our article, we have collected examples of patterns that will help sew cute dogs. After cutting the blanks, sew them together and stuff them with padding polyester (do not forget to insert the ears). Eyes can be made from beads, and a small red cap with a loop can be sewn onto the head.

Bones, also sewn from fabric or made from puff pastry, will help to appease the mistress of the coming year, the recipe for which will be discussed in the future material.

How to make DIY Christmas toys out of paper

Colored and white paper give a lot of room for creativity. It is especially easy for children to work with this material. It allows you to create a wide variety of decorations: garlands, Christmas toys and snowflakes with your own hands. In order to make the simplest chain garland, you need to take colored paper, it is better that it be double-sided. Cut out thin strips of 1 cm of the same length from it at your discretion. Using PVA glue, glue the ends of the first strip. We thread each next strip into the previous ring, also glue it and get a link. Such a garland can decorate a Christmas tree or the walls and ceiling of a room.

To make multi-colored “snowflakes” for Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, you need four sheets of paper in different colors. We cut out symmetrical snowflakes from them, as shown in the photo, bend them in half and glue them together with ribs, without forgetting to insert a loop. In this way, you can make bells, stars and more. If you make three balls of different sizes and stick them close to one thread, you get a three-dimensional snowman.

Original DIY Christmas toys for a Christmas tree made of light bulbs

If a light bulb has burned out in your house, do not rush to throw it away, it can be an excellent material for making various decorations. For example, you can make Christmas toys for the Christmas tree from light bulbs with your own hands (photos are presented in the article) using the decoupage technique. To do this, you need beautiful napkins. The light bulb can be pre-painted with white acrylic paint. We cut out the image from the napkin, and applying it to the surface, using a brush, apply PVA glue on top. You need to work very carefully so that “ribs” do not form, since it will be very difficult to level them so as not to damage the pattern.

While the toy has not dried yet, you can sprinkle it with sparkles (they will also help hide some flaws). The loop can be glued with a heat gun. Light bulbs can be painted by making Christmas toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands in the form of Santa Clauses, dogs, penguins, snowmen, etc. in this way you will create original unique decorations, practically without material costs.

New Year's toys bells with their own hands

The bell is an essential attribute of the New Year, since at all times it was believed that its ringing drives away evil forces and protects the house from various troubles. The bell can be cut out of cardboard, decorated with beads, sparkles and gluing a loop. There are also other simple ways to make Christmas bells with your own hands. For example, sew. For these purposes, any fabric is used.

Make a template on cardboard. According to the template, cut out the blanks, sew, stuffing in the process with padding polyester or fabric shreds. Make a loop. The product can be sheathed with beads, make decorations on it from small multi-colored buttons, sprinkle with sparkles, after applying glue to the surface.

Another way to make DIY Christmas toys in the form of bells is to use plastic, namely glasses and bottles. The glass can be wrapped in foil (on glue), make a hole in the bottom with an awl and stretch a loop. The edges of the product can be decorated with tinsel or artificial snow. In a plastic bottle, it is necessary to cut off the upper part, which is with a cap, and decorate it with paints. We also make a loop on which we tie a large bow. Before the paint dries, you can apply a layer of glitter.

New Year's toy do-it-yourself clock on the Christmas tree

A beautiful decoration, reminiscent of the approach of the celebration, will be a New Year's toy clock with your own hands on the Christmas tree. You can make it using a cardboard box, which is sure to be found in everyone in the house. The most important thing is to properly cut the roof. To do this, it is necessary to draw it on the front and rear panels and cut it off, and cut the top bar above them in half and glue the roof, thus forming two gentle descents. In the future, they can be decorated with cotton wool or white tinsel in the form of snow.

We paint the workpiece and, after drying, proceed to the design of the dial. You can simply draw it with a compass, stick numbers and arrows cut out of colored paper, use buttons and other materials. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree toys-clocks can be made by using DVDs to decorate the dial, on which it is easy to draw with a marker.

Having designed the dial in a way convenient for you, we proceed to decorating with the help of artificial snow, beads, tinsel and other materials. If our clock will hang on a Christmas tree, it is necessary to make a loop to the roof by piercing two holes with an awl and stretching the braid. In the lower part, you can put two cords in the same way and decorate them with cones. Your Christmas toy clock with your own hands on the Christmas tree is ready.

New Year's toys on a street Christmas tree with your own hands

Separately, it is worth considering decorations for the street - it can be a New Year's toy for a city Christmas tree with your own hands or for a green beauty in the yard of a private house. In any case, it is necessary to choose the right material that will not be afraid of moisture. For example, it is very good to use plastic bottles for this purpose, which are suitable both in size and in terms of moisture resistance and plasticity of the material.

The easiest way is to make a large candy toy by wrapping the bottle in bright foil and twisting the ends. It can be decorated with bows and tie a loop. A large 5-liter bottle with the help of paints can easily be transformed into a fairy-tale house, and charming New Year's penguin toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands, the photo of which is posted in our article, will become a real fairy-tale decoration.

Christmas bells can be made from flower pots. Wrap them in foil, glue multi-colored tinsel, bows, ribbons. You can connect two bells together, make a loop and decorate it with an asterisk.

Styrofoam can also be a good material for making DIY Christmas toys for the Christmas tree. Cut a circle out of it, treat it with golden sparkles or wrap it with tinsel, pre-lubricated with glue. Thus, you get a blank for a wreath. Below you can make a composition of cones, artificial flowers, berries and other materials, which can also be given a golden hue. Attach a fluffy bow and loop at the top.

Ideas for Christmas toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands are endless. Looking around, you can find a lot of material that is perfect for decorating New Year's beauty. Fantasize, experiment and do not forget to involve children with their unbridled imagination in this fascinating process.

DIY Christmas toys for the Christmas tree - 45 beautiful photos updated: December 13, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

Interesting ideas for creating Christmas toys with your own hands.

On the eve of everyone's favorite holiday, each of us wants to create wonderful toys that can decorate the forest beauty. There are a lot of ideas and very interesting options that can be implemented, creating a very warm, cozy atmosphere in the house and a great mood. Let's take a closer look at all sorts of ideas and unusual ideas, because there is less and less time left before the New Year's fairy tale.

DIY Christmas toys made of felt: patterns, master class

Needlework lovers offer many ideas for sewing Christmas tree decorations. For this you will need:

  • Pattern matching pattern
  • A variety of colors of felt, suitable for the pattern
  • Pencil, pen, ruler
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors, glue, filler
  • Necessary materials for decoration
  • Transfer the pattern cut out of paper to the fabric.
  • Carefully cut out all the details, sew, leave a small area and fill with cotton wool or padding polyester.
  • Then sew the rest, sew on the decor: nose, buttons, scarf, hat, gift box and stylish belt.
  • Toys are ready, do not forget to make a beautiful loop.

You can make such wonderful forest beauties or a warm and cozy house that are ideal for creating a festive mood. The technology is the same as described above.

felt toys

DIY felt toys

For decoration, you can use everything that fantasy suggests, experiment and enjoy the process itself.

Patterns of Christmas tree toys made of fabric with your own hands

According to this pattern, you can sew a very beautiful snowman, which can be hung on a Christmas tree, or put under it. Your children will certainly appreciate this beauty.

For this snowman you will need:

  • thick white fabric and red for a hat with a scarf
  • small buttons or beads

The process itself does not take much time:

  • according to the pattern, cut out the body of the future snowman
  • fill it evenly with cotton
  • sew original buttons
  • separately cut the head
  • embroider your eyes and smile
  • then attach the nose
  • after all the main details are sewn, take care of the decor

Such a variety of toys can be made very quickly, from fabrics of various colors, just prove yourself. An original and very positive star will cheer you up.

fabric star

You can make it voluminous, it will look very unusual, and a heart or a Christmas tree will fit perfectly into a series of various Christmas decorations. The main thing is that you put all your heart and soul into it.

Do-it-yourself children's Christmas toys for kindergarten: photo

On the eve of the New Year holidays, each preschool children's institution organizes exhibitions of very interesting and original Christmas tree decorations. Now, when there are many different materials and detailed descriptions, the child himself will be able to make such a craft with great pleasure.

Parents, of course, can help their baby in creating a real masterpiece and support him in everything. There are a huge number of different options, here are just a few of them.

Everyone in the house has a lot of buttons in shape and color, with their help you can create such very simple at first glance and unusual toys. The child will show his imagination and discover new abilities.

Christmas decorations from buttons

And using ordinary napkins with a New Year's pattern, you can create a real fairy tale. The main thing is that it is very exciting!

Napkin toys

Do-it-yourself New Year's cockerel toy: pattern

There is very little left before the end of the year. We all know that the coming year will be born under the sign of the fiery rooster. Of course, such a toy should hang on the New Year tree in every house.

It can be made from multi-colored scraps of fabric, plasticine, colored paper and cardboard, and even plastic bottles. In order for the toy to look, show your imagination and, most importantly, decide how it should look.

You can experiment by combining different materials, while not forgetting about safety and making toys so that they do not ignite very quickly, and all the New Year holidays delight you with their beauty. Little hint:

  • make a torso out of fabric, filling it with cotton wool.
  • scallop and wings made of multi-colored plastic.
  • sew on buttons instead of eyes.
  • cut out paws from disposable plates.

Symbol of 2017

New Year's cockerel with a pattern

DIY toy

Beautiful Christmas tree balls with your own hands: photo

These very simple and beautiful balls can be made using a regular tennis ball, colored paper, beads and glue. Even small children can make them together with their parents:

  • Choose your favorite color in advance and make blanks for flowers or snowflakes.
  • Apply with glue to the surface of the ball and hold for 5 minutes.
  • After complete drying, attach the previously selected decor to the middle of each flower and make a neat loop.
  • You can also decorate a foam ball with a decorative cord mixed with small plastic beads.
  • Deepen the end of the cord into the inside of the ball and use glue to fix it at the base, then glue it in a spiral.
  • You can make a heart and decorate it beautifully with beads.

DIY Christmas balls

Tennis ball ball

Decorate with fabric

Thus, update old toys. It's very easy and fun. You can also make very original foam balls by decorating them with interesting buttons or colored pebbles.

DIY Christmas toys made of colored paper

You can make a lot of interesting toys out of paper: snowflakes, garlands, various animals, angels, cones, and so on. Everything is done very simply, the main thing is desire and imagination. For example, to make an angel, you need:

  • Cut out one large rectangle and two small ones.
  • Fold them like an accordion, attach the wings to a large square body.
  • Take a wooden bead, draw eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows and attach using glue to the angel.
  • Optionally, you can add additional details that you want to emphasize.

Colored and white paper angel

DIY Christmas toy

  • Look at the picture and cut out a large paper snowflake for yourself, it will decorate not only the Christmas tree, but the whole house.

paper stars

DIY Christmas star

christmas star

  • To make a bump, you need to cut squares of the same size, in each of them bend two edges inward.
  • Then attach to a pre-prepared form.

Paper cone

Christmas paper toy

DIY Christmas toys made of cardboard

Such original decorations can be made quite quickly. For this you need:

  • take an ordinary postcard with a beautiful pattern.
  • cut it into even pieces.
  • fasten on both sides with a button.
  • and then spread evenly in the form of a ball and attach a loop of tape.

Cardboard toys

Cardboard Christmas toy

Openwork cardboard toy

To make such a miracle star you need:

  • cut a square of any size, fold it in half and diagonally.
  • then lightly make small cuts at the corners.
  • fold them into triangles and glue the two sides for volume.
  • make another star in the same way, and glue the two together without matching the direction of the rays.
  • can be decorated with sequins or small beads.

Christmas tree toy made of cardboard

openwork star

DIY Christmas decorations from improvised materials

Each house has a huge amount of used materials from which you can make very unusual decorations that will amaze with their simplicity and practicality. It is interesting to make them with young children, developing their imagination and fine motor skills. Give your child a chance to express themselves.

There are a huge number of ideas, everyone can find their own option:

  • You can make funny toys out of peanuts by decorating them and drawing funny faces.

Christmas tree toy made of peanuts

  • From ordinary Pepsi or wine caps, you can make smiling snowmen that will cheer up all family members.

Lid toys

From wine bottles you can make a chic toy

  • Snowflakes made of cotton swabs or a spruce branch made of corrugated paper look very original.

Snowflakes from cotton swabs

DIY bright snowflake

  • And if you have stocks of multi-colored threads, then make beautiful decorations by making a wire frame in advance.

Christmas tree toy made of threads

DIY Christmas decorations

Get inspired by simple things and create!

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys on a large street Christmas tree

In order to make such beauty you need fantasy and inspiration. Each of these decorations will not take you much time, but it will please not only you, but also all the inhabitants of the city. When choosing a toy, the main thing is to be guided by three basic rules:

  • practicality
  • strength
  • originality

There are many options for a flight of fancy. Can be used:

  • packages
  • cups
  • baskets
  • gift boxes of different shapes and sizes
  • threads

Various materials for decoration:

  • rhinestones
  • sequins
  • rain
  • beads
  • beads

For example, to make a ball or a snowman from cups, you need to make a frame and then attach flower-shaped cups to it. For beauty, you can decorate with rain or sparkles.

Decoration for a big Christmas tree

Balls for a street Christmas tree

You can make wonderful toys from disks, just stick a variety of New Year's pictures on both sides of the carrier.

DIY Christmas toys from plastic bottles

Many of us did not even think that such beauty can be made from ordinary plastic bottles. The process is very exciting and interesting.

For balls, lamps and bells, you can take bottles of any color. They are very easy to make and don't take much time.

Shiny ribbons or beautiful stickers will make the finished product even more beautiful. Penguins look very funny, in the picture you can see detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

Santa Claus is simply incomparable, it doesn’t take much time to make it either. Take a plastic bottle, make a beard, eyebrows and a cap side with disposable small spoons, paint the torso with paint. You can decorate with rain if you like.

Funny plastic toys

Beautiful and original DIY Christmas toy for the competition

For such a miracle toy you will need:

  • Bundle of straw or cotton buds
  • piece of burlap
  • Thin wooden sticks and branches
  • Dry leaves, rose hips
  • Scissors, glue, knife and a small sponge

To start:

  • Make a ball or buy one ready-made from Styrofoam.
  • Put a napkin on top, slightly wrinkling it, and apply paint.
  • After complete drying, proceed to create a composition: a cozy home.
  • For the roof, use straw or cotton swabs, lay out doors, windows and fencing with thin wooden sticks.
  • For beauty, make a bouquet from branches and rose hips that will harmoniously fit near the house.
  • Lay a path with burlap and decorate on top.
  • At the end, with the help of delicate blue flowers, make a background, and leave to dry completely.
  • You can add additional details if you wish.

DIY New Year's toys from cotton wool

To make a Snow Maiden out of cotton, for starters:

  • Make a wire frame.
  • Then gradually take pre-prepared cotton wool of the desired color and make felt boots and mittens.
  • Next, for the torso, take some paper and glue it, put a layer of cotton wool on top of it for outerwear.
  • Now you can proceed to the head. It is better to make it from polystyrene foam and carefully paint it with paints.
  • But the hat and braid are best laid out of cotton wool. It will look very impressive and elegant.

Cotton wool maiden

  • For such a cute Christmas tree, a frame is not needed.
  • You can simply cut out the shape you like from cardboard, glue it with ordinary white cotton wool, and then paint it with acrylic paints.
  • If desired, you can decorate the Christmas tree with beads or also multi-colored balls and roll it in salt, which is used for baths.

DIY Christmas decorations from satin ribbons

Crafts from satin ribbons are very popular. Finished products are very elegant and beautiful.

In order to make any decoration for the Christmas tree, you will need a certain number of ribbons, it all depends on the size and pattern. In order to make a forest beauty:

  • Cut out a small square, fold it horizontally (you get a triangle).
  • Then fold one end over again and secure with hot glue.
  • When you have made the desired number of such petals, attach them to the frame, reducing the number towards the top.
  • Decorate with a beautiful decor and you can give to relatives and friends. They will definitely appreciate such a wonderful gift.

Christmas tree from ribbons

Christmas tree from satin ribbon

To make a voluminous rose:

  • Take two wide satin ribbons in different shades of the main color.
  • Begin to form the center of the flower, twisting into a spiral, and wrapping one edge to the right.
  • So for the ball you need six of these roses, which you then simply glue to a pre-prepared base.

Christmas ball from satin ribbons

Volumetric roses

DIY Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs

From burned-out light bulbs, you can make such bright toys, at one glance at which the mood immediately rises, and the hands themselves begin to make such beauty. For decor, you can use:

  • sequins
  • rhinestones
  • beads
  • shiny ribbons
  • toothpaste
  • acrylic paints
  • stickers
  • voluminous napkins with a beautiful pattern

Christmas decorations in sparkles

light bulb toys

Painted light bulb

You can create whole compositions, it looks gorgeous. Minimum financial costs, effort and energy. Children with great pleasure will be included in this process and will receive a sea of ​​emotions and pleasure.

DIY Christmas toys from salt dough

Children are very fond of making crafts from salt dough, you can dream up, and the process of preparing the dough itself is very exciting:

  • Apply the dough to a pre-selected pattern and put it in the oven for a certain time, when it is browned, you can pull it out.
  • When it cools down a bit, start decorating.
  • You can use cinnamon, lemon, coffee, or just decorate beautifully with paints.
  • You can simply make a palm print on a piece of dough, draw the face of Santa Claus and a wonderful Christmas tree toy is ready.

Dough toys

Edible toys

DIY figurines

New Year's attributes from the test

Do-it-yourself New Year's foam plastic toys

The easiest way to make an original toy. Cut a ball of the required size from the foam plastic or buy a ready-made one and decorate it as your soul desires. Nowadays, there are a huge number of beautiful in shape and color decorations that will make an ordinary, inconspicuous ball sparkling in the world and radiant.

Styrofoam decorated with beads

Styrofoam toy

A cute Santa Claus can be made in 15 minutes by simply sticking a drawing on the foam and circling it with a felt-tip pen. Color and decorate, and smiling Santa Claus will surely bring you happiness.

DIY Christmas tree toys made of threads

Prepare thread, glue and balloons in different shapes. A child can make such beauty if you explain and show him the essence of the process:

Snowman from threads in stages

New Year's toys from cones with their own hands

What is the New Year without cones and funny toys from them. There are very simple toys where you just need to spread glue and dip in glitter and a sparkling cone is ready.

To make animals, you need to work a little longer:

  • Find an appropriately shaped bump, wooden ball, fake hair, and pretty ribbons.
  • It is not very difficult to do, it just takes a lot of time for all the details to dry, and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Or make a beautiful Santa Claus, additionally using plasticine for a hat, mustache and beard.

  • You can also print a beautiful drawing and stick it on a disc to make an accent, for example, apply glue on snowdrifts or snow-white treetops and sprinkle with semolina or salt, you can add sparkles.

  • The disc looks very unusual in combination with the tubes, which are laid out in the form of a polygon.

DIY Christmas decorations from pasta

Creating with pasta is an all-consuming process. For toys, you can choose a variety of types of pasta. Just lay out the drawing of the future snowflake, starting from the center.

New Year's figurines from pasta

Video: Master class: do-it-yourself Christmas toys

It is always said that what is made with one's own hands is more valuable than purchased, because a part of the soul is invested in this thing. And also you will have a hand-made thing only in a single copy, almost exclusive. You definitely can't buy this in a store. We have already done with you and.

Making Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree is a wonderful idea of ​​how to feel the nagging feeling of anticipation of the holiday again. Infect others with your idea, please the child and show off your skill to the neighbor.

We will use only those materials that are always at home (if they have not already been thrown away).

It seems that such an interesting thing can be created from an empty babina? But fantasy does not let you get bored and we use it for the base for a Christmas tree toy.

Other improvised materials, such as toys from kinders, painted plastic bottle caps or twine, will be used to decorate it.

We will need:

  • Scotch tape reel
  • White ground paint
  • Styrofoam ball or small Christmas ball
  • Decor (beads, cones, ribbons, pendants)

1. We prime the bobbin in advance in white and let it dry.

2. We take the ball and pierce it completely with a needle and thread.

3. Now we put a bead on the same thread first, pierce the bobbin, thread the foam ball, pierce the bobbin, and then the bead again.

4. We pull the thread and make a droplet for suspension and a decorative brush from below.

To do this, we wind the same thread on our fingers and tie it to the lower end.

We cut the bottom of the brush and tie it at the base.

How do you like the idea? Here are some more options for inspiration.

You can paint the bobbins in different colors or cover the walls using decoupage technique.

How to make paper Christmas tree decorations

My dears, I recently wrote an article on the topic of New Year's paper crafts, I will not repeat myself, you can read about it.

For example, glue or hang, made using the origami technique.

You can also make many loops of colored paper and glue them together to get a flower or a snowflake.

Snowmen from improvised materials: use light bulbs

Light bulbs fly into the trash immediately as soon as they stop shining. But from the bottom they make wonderful penguins and snowmen for the holiday.

I would only remove the inner core from all of them, a man will help with this. This is for more security.

First, we wipe the light bulb with any degreaser, even with nail polish remover, then paint it with white acrylic paint or a primer.

We draw a scarf, twig handles, eyes and a carrot nose with acrylic paints.

Glue a loop to the base for a moment.

You can make another version of the snowman.

Sew a cone hat with a loop, put it on the narrow part of the light bulb and glue it.

And on the wide part draw the face of a snowman.

Santa Claus and an asterisk made of cones

A very affordable material for winter needlework is cones. I know that they are simply painted, sprinkled with sparkles and used as pendants, but this is too simple for us, so let's start creating Santa Claus and an asterisk or a snowflake from them.

For grandfather you will need:

  • cone
  • tennis or foam ball
  • bead
  • red fabric

Tennis ball or styrofoam ball - this will be the grandfather's face.

1. We wrap it once with a cloth to understand how much we need it for the cap and cut it obliquely to get a conical shape.

2. We glue the cap, face and bead on top with a hot gun.

3. Glue the head to the bump.

4. We make a scarf from the same fabric.

5. We draw eyes and a mouth.

For an asterisk, we take five or seven cones.

From the cones we form a flower. We coat the central cone with glue with a gun and glue all the rest to it.

We make a mount from a ribbon or twine by gluing it to an asterisk with a hot gun.

Balls from plastic bottles on a street tree

About crafts from plastic bottles can be found here. But their application is so wide that it is simply impossible to stop and not create from them.

We will need:

  • 1 bottle
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Braid, beads and other decor

1. We clean the bottle from the label.

2. Cut the body of the bottle into strips 1.5 cm wide.

3. We decorate each strip with braid and beads.

4. Then we begin to form a ball. We take two rings and glue them crosswise with a hot gun.

5. Then diagonally two more rings.

6. And we begin to decorate all sides.

It is done very simply and even with a baby you can decorate the sides.

Christmas crochet snowflakes

Openwork knitted snowflakes on Christmas tree branches look very easy and interesting.

Here are some knitting patterns.

Or such a scheme.

I think that you can crochet an ornament in five minutes. You can add a few matching colored strands to get not only pure white snowflakes, but also blue or festive golden ones.

Watch a detailed video on how to crochet snowflakes. Here they will also talk about single crochets and explain how many air loops are needed to get a beautiful pattern.

Felt Christmas tree toys: New Year's sock with a pattern

Felt has also long been loved by needlewomen. It holds its shape and is easy to both sew together and stick.

We will need:

  • Sheet A4
  • Two pom poms
  • White thick thread

1. First, draw a sock template and cut it out.

2. Fold the felt in half and circle the template on it.

3. Along the edges on the wrong side, we make a strip of glue with a hot gun and glue both parts together. We do not glue the top, but we touch the loop.

4. We make a lapel on socks made of white felt or plush, 8 cm wide.

5. We also glue on both sides with hot glue so that 1 cm sticks out from the top end.

6. We will turn it inside and also glue it. This is how the bottom cut will be processed.

7. Glue the pompoms.

8. We sew the entire sock along the edge with a decorative stitch with white or gold threads.

You can take this pattern.

And you can experiment yourself.

Do-it-yourself plastic bell for kindergarten

Treat the kindergarten tree with a beautiful bell. And we will also make it from a plastic bottle. If we used its middle on the ball, then we will take the remaining neck on the bell.

You will need:

  • 1 bottle
  • Lace or Braid
  • Leg-split
  • hot gun
  • beads
  • thermal gun

1. Cut off the top of the bottle, pierce a hole in the lid with an awl.

2. We glue the entire surface with twine.

4. We thread the twine into the hole in the lid, stretch both ends inward and tie a knot - this is a loop.

5. Now we make a bell tongue from a string of beads. Glue the middle inside.

Work the hot glue carefully so as not to melt the plastic.

A quick toy made of threads with your own hands on a Christmas tree for the street

A quick decoration for a street Christmas tree is done in five minutes. The main thing is to understand the principle, and the rest is a matter of technology.

You will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Decorative paper
  • transparent glue
  • Red thread

1. We take cardboard squares with sides of 5 cm. Glue them obliquely with each other, as in the photo.

2. We paste a beautiful background on both sides to mask the cardboard.

3. We insert a clerical pin into each tip.

4. We begin to wrap them with threads, leading the thread to the left of the pin.

5. We do this: skip one pin, wrap the next, then return to the missed pin and wrap it.

And so through one with all.

6. When all the edges are filled, crochet the ponytail inward and cut it off.

7. Remove the pins and grease the ends with glue, on which you can glue the beads.

8. Tie a loop so the toy can be hung.

Here are some ideas for you for the holidays.
