Interesting nicknames for hamsters. Do rodents need nicknames at all?

If you want to have an animal in the house, then the hamster is the most optimal choice. This is a very affectionate and friendly creature, which can be tamed without difficulty. Yes and too big care he does not require, it would be clean and satisfying. They will not offend anyone, and if they start to bite and scratch, it is only through the fault of a person.

The hamster sleeps for almost a whole day, and only with the onset of evening or night does its activity wake up. So it is best to leave communication and all games with him for the evening. In general, a hamster Living being without too much trouble.

Problems, albeit not too significant, appear when you want to get to know the hamster better and start teaching him something - what to call the hamster?

When choosing a nickname for their pet, many people do not curb their imagination, because almost any human Misha, Sasha, Dasha and others are suitable for an animal. Some hosts also choose sonorous ones: Martin, Prince, Shapoklyak, Dara. Many people like to call their pets simply and unpretentiously - Khoma, Vanka, Venechka, Tail.

When thinking, many people remember their favorite films or series, and they call their babies Izaura, Amelie, Angelica or Gulchatay. There is a huge choice and here you can, after watching the animal, dream up.

But the hamsters themselves do not like all the names, and they do not even respond to some. The explanation for this may not be the vagaries of the animal, but the “uncomfortable” nickname for the hamster. Experts say that animals interpret some sounds in their own way.

It's time to think about what to name a hamster? Remember that animals perceive better by ear and quickly respond to nicknames in which the letters K, L, M, H, R, C, T, X and Sh are present. Females, for example, prefer the letters D, K, M. Males - hamsters, as established by scientists who conducted research in this area, are more likely to respond to names starting with the letters D, K, M, S.

If the owner is in no hurry to choose a name for his pet, or he doesn’t care what to call the hamster, and he calls him differently every time: either baby or baby, he thereby puts the animal in awkward position. The fact is that the hamster is bad

sees, but hears perfectly and has an excellent sense of smell. When it is called by name, the animal remembers the sounds made by a person when referring to him. If every time the sounds change, then the animal simply will not be able to adequately respond to the words of the owner and his actions.

Therefore, it is necessary to decide how to name a hamster even before a person starts taming and training him. The animal is able to remember its nickname and after a while will learn to respond to it. It is necessary to approach the cage more often, talk affectionately with the hamster, calling his name, so that he gets used to the voice, and after a while he begins to respond to both his nickname and the voice. Let this be the first trick for training your pet.

Hamster training is a slow process. First of all, you need to tame the animal - to your palm, to your voice, to your smell. There is no need to rush the animal, because this can only harm the addiction process. You will literally have to win his trust step by step. When accustoming to yourself, you need to rely on the hearing and smell of the hamster. Young rodents are easier to train, although everything will depend on the owner's ability to establish contact with them.

The training strategy usually boils down to the fact that the whole process is broken down into simpler and easier stages. And as a result of training, you can teach the animal to follow the command “stand”, run in circles or “take the barrier”. As a result of a leisurely but persistent training for several days, and maybe months, the pet will delight everyone with its spectacular actions.

Hamsters are the cutest and most harmless pets, which, perhaps, cause the least trouble and problems. But still, there is one difficulty, this is how to name a hamster and opt for one of the options among existing set. It is worth noting that it is quite easy to cope with this task if you correctly analyze all the external and internal qualities of the character and behavior of the pet

How to name a hamster boy, girl, so that the name is 100% consistent with your pet?

  • First, it's in color. Currently, the main feature by which a name for a hamster is chosen, regardless of gender, is its color. It is worth considering that this method can rightly be called the most popular and in demand, and you can come up with options a large number of, starting from the simplest and ending with unusual and exotic nicknames.
    • Choosing a name for a hamster by color.
    1. Pet bright red color. For such hamsters, the most the best option there will be such names as Peach, Mandarin, Apricot, Ginger, Fox, Medoc.
    2. Gray hamster. Smokey, Gray or just Gray is perfect for this breed.
    3. For a snow-white color, it is advisable to dwell on such nicknames as Kefir, Snowball, Zephyr, Angelok, squirrel, Plombir.
    4. Black color - Coal, Chernysh, Black.
  • Secondly, it is in accordance with appearance. On this basis, a hamster can come up with absolutely any name. By the way, if this is a girl, then the choice is not only pleasing, but also surprising. by the most bright names for girls on this basis are Thin, Pyshechka, Musya, Georgeta, Yula, Maya, Fidget. And for the boy, Bagel, Snickers, Donut, Pukhlyak, Fat Man, Kamaz will be interesting.
  • Thirdly, according to the behavior and type of character. Among the names on this basis, the most striking, perhaps, are the following. These are Meteor, Vzhik, Sonyushka, Busya, Murka, Mila, Shustrik, Rogue, Drive, Meteor, Tyson, Fidget, Kid and Baby, Ferrari.
  • Fourthly, this is the simplest ordinary and everyday name that we hear and meet in our lives regularly and everywhere. It can show to many that it is rather boring, banal and uninteresting. Perhaps, but still, it has its own zest. Among the male names in the first place are Yasha, Shurik, Afonya, Fomka, Fedya, Arkasha, Clinton, Watson, Borka, Senka, Kesha, Fil, Gavryusha. As for female names, the most popular are Murka, Mila, Marusya, Masya, Iriska.
  • Fifth, it original names that uplift the mood and cause mass positive emotions. The following nicknames can be attributed to this group. These are Baron, Duke, Count, Countess, Knopik, Coconut, Cursor, Pascal, Cupcake, Chubchik, Marsik, Masyanya, Dream Interpretation, Gag, Glitch.
  • Today you can buy absolutely any breed of hamsters. Each of which will be characterized and characterized by its own specific signs and features, so the name must fully convey this temper and form a single whole. That is why. to the choice of a name even for any pet should be approached responsibly. In the event that you could not come up with anything original, and at that moment your creative fantasy sleeps, you can simply choose from the most popular options that are in in social networks. Probably, something will appeal to you, or maybe it will lead you to an original idea.

      The most popular names for hamster boys and girls.
      1. Amalia and Anis.
      2. Yashka and Alesya.
      3. Aqua and Alya.
      4. Bucks and Datsy.
      5. Anfisa and Bonka.
      6. Brigantine and BBC.
      7. Jake and Jilly.
      8. Vanga and Gummy.
      9. Dnepa and Bob.
      10. Bisector and Butterfly.

    It doesn't matter which option you choose, the main thing is that you and your pet like it.

    Choosing a nickname for the Jungar Khoma

    Choosing a decent name for a hamster often confuses the new owner. The nickname should convey individuality. habits, the character of the boy, despite the fact that he belongs to such a tiny and sweet creature. Perhaps you should name the homa, starting from the associations that a new pet evokes. It happens that the appetite of a jungar becomes the starting point in choosing a nickname.

    Names are created in order to emphasize individuality. and let the jungarik spend most of his life in a cage, he has the right to wear it with pride. Before naming a hamster, it is worth determining its gender, although the case when Timon suddenly turns into Tim, and Snowflake becomes Snowball is far from uncommon, which means you can choose unique names that suit both the female and the male.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing a nickname for a hamster?


    If the homa is red, then such names as Mars, Freckle, Ginger, Orange, Citrus, Toffee, Medok, Peach, Fox, Ginger, Mandarin will suit him.

    With a gray color, you can call Dymka or Dymok, Serik, Gray, Graham, Ash, Ash. For snow-white jungars, the names Snowflake or Snowball, Marshmallow or Marshmallow, White, Kefir, Casper, Gypsum, Plombir, Albi, White are suitable.

    A black homa can wear such nicknames as Coal, Cosmos, Chernysh, Dark, Spy, Lucifer, Blob, Pirate, Black, Knight.

    And we also have:


    A very active hamster can be called Shurshik, Bystrik, Buran, Cooler, Rogue.

    And if the jungarik likes to be lazy, sleep and eat, then why not give such a nickname as Zhora, Sid, Sandwich, Waddles, Sonya, Donut, Chips, Belyash, Cupcake. For fluffy hamsters, the names Fluff, Snowball, Hedgehog are suitable.

    human names

    If a decision is made to give a dzhungarik a human name, then it is worth avoiding coincidences with the names of close relatives, because you can hurt and offend them with such an act. Here you can dwell on such names as Kesha, Fedya, Borya, Syoma, Pasha, Tom, Yasha, Zhora, Roma, Filya, Tolya.

    For greater importance, in addition to the name, you can add a patronymic, for example, call the Jungarik Innokenty Petrovich, which will undoubtedly arouse respect in hamster circles. Jokes are jokes, but the main thing is not to overdo it.


    Such names as Chip, Chester, Yasha, Cupcake, Bagel, Jerry, Vzhik, Gadget remain immortal for the Jungars. Many seek to name their pet after famous person or character: Engels, Geiger, Vzhik, Bart, Fry, Samson, Shurik, Zorro.

    Well, someone resorts to associations with food and dzhungars bearing names appear in houses - Lemon, Donut, Peas, Apricot, Beans, Nut, Marzipan.

    The most popular nicknames on the web

    Based on recent surveys, a list of the most popular hamster names has been created.

    Here are just a few of them: Amalia, Aza, Anfisa, Bucks, Boba, Muffin, Asha, Bonya, To-to, Dnepa, Byte, Glitch, Pepper, Pixel, Chester, Cupcake, Screw, Knopa, Coconut.

    Responding or not?

    You can argue on this topic for a long time, of course, a hamster is not such a brainy creature as a cat or a dog, but it can be quite capable of learning its nickname. The shorter and louder the nickname, the more likely it is that the jungarik will remember it.

    If you have difficulty pronouncing a name, then this is a significant reason to come up with something easier, because what will it be like for a poor homa to remember something that even you find it difficult to pronounce.

    You should not give ambiguous names to the jungarik, especially those bearing offensive notes. Let him not respond to his nickname, but he perfectly feels the intonation of the voice, and this can have a deplorable effect on the behavior and health of your hamster.

    The main thing is that the owner of the fluffy homa and the rest of the family should like the nickname, you can entrust her choice to the child if he becomes the future owner.

    But it happens that fantasy refuses to give out originality, in such a case there are many sites with a random name generator that will help you name the jungar, with due patience you will definitely find exactly the nickname that will be worthy of your favorite hamster.

    More information

    If the house appeared new resident- a hamster (or several at once), in addition to buying a cage, food and setting the boundaries of its movement, it is necessary to solve one more problem. This is the choice of the name of the pet. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing easier, but it turns out that everything is not as easy as we would like. Let's look at what names you can think of for hamsters.

    Choosing names for hamsters according to their appearance

    First of all, people always look at pronounced external features your pet. Sometimes you don’t even have to think about such a difficult issue as choosing a name, because. the animal immediately stands out with something, and the nickname itself comes to mind. But if this did not happen, then you should pay attention to its outstanding features. Based on this, several options can be proposed:

    Well-fed and chubby pets can be called such names as Donut, Bun, Sausage, Tanker, Pyshka, Iceberg, Elephant, Meatball and the like.

    If the hamster is distinguished by its lively character and nimbleness, then Zhivchik, Skakun, Kawasaki, Falcon, Generator are suitable as a name for it.

    If new member family is distinguished by its abundant and fluffy fur, then it can be called the names Fluff, Fluffy, Puff.

    What names for hamsters can be chosen by their color. We are considering options

    Choosing names for hamsters, you can focus on another component of their appearance - on color. Sometimes just the color of the animal largely determines its future name for the owners. let's consider possible options nicknames based on this criterion:

    For white pets, names such as Sour Cream, Kefir, Ice Cream, Cloud, Zaya, Snowball, Sugar or White are well suited.

    For redheads, you can choose Ginger, Fox, Sun, Spark, Spark.

    Gray hamsters are often referred to as Smoky, but you can also think of options like Gray or Grey.

    For black hamsters good name considered Ugolyok and Chernysh.

    What names for hamster boys can you choose. Variety of options

    If the names for hamsters suggested above are not suitable for your boy, then as an alternative to them, you can choose the following:

    Male name. For example, Yasha, Gosha, Shurik, Borya, Garik, Phil, Kesha, Arkasha, Fedya, Afonya.

    The name of a famous person (athlete, politician, performer, scientist, etc.). For example, we can give such names for hamsters: Caesar, Napoleon, Benayoun, Jordan, Einstein, Newton, Bismarck, Shakespeare, Pushkin, Byron.

    Hero name literary work or character. For example, Sherlock, Holmes, Hercules, Perseus, Gerasim...

    The name of the monetary unit (Ruble, Bucks, Dollar, Pound, Yuan, Penny).

    Title or title: Count, King, Prince, Tsar, Captain, Ensign.

    What are the names for hamster girlscan choose

    A girl is a girl. Therefore, the name for her should be gentle and consonant. Let's look at a few options:

    Female name: Masha, Dasha, Nastya, Valya, Lisa, Sonya.

    - The names of flowers are very suitable as a name for a hamster. For example, Violet, Astra, Lily, Rose.

    The name of the heroine of a literary work or animated film: Maya, Nut, Pelageya, Sunshine, Cinderella, Snow White.

    The name of a famous person (performer, politician, scientist ...). For example, Pink, Gaga, Josephine (Josie for short), Alsou.

    Decided to get a hamster as a pet? He will definitely become a great friend for you and your child, bringing a lot to the life of the family. happy moments. One of the most difficult decisions when acquiring this rodent almost always becomes the choice of name. In order to figure out how to name a boy hamster, you can take into account its breed, color, character and other features.

    Choose the right nickname

    When choosing a name for a hamster, there are practically no restrictions.

    The choice of a nickname for a hamster depends on who will be its owner.. If you purchased this pet for yourself, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with the most unusual name. For example, Cookie, Donut, Acrobat and any others.

    If you choose a pet for a child (especially if it is very small), it would be more logical to stop at an easy, uncomplicated and short nickname that the baby will quickly remember and learn to pronounce correctly. For example, Bulka, Motya, Button and others. You can also leave the choice to the child himself: perhaps he has a favorite cartoon character, whose name he wants to name the rodent.

    Pay attention to your pet's behavior. Maybe he likes to sleep? Then a great solution would be to name the baby Sonya, Lazy or Sandman.

    In the case when the hamster, on the contrary, behaves very actively, is curious, constantly runs around the cage or in the wheel, come up with an appropriate nickname for him: Arrow, Stormtrooper, Shmyga or Shustrik.

    Is he constantly eating something on both cheeks and actively gaining weight? Let him become Gourmand, Zhorik, Korzhik or Nyamka.

    Has fluffy fur? Then you can call him Fluffy, Fluffy, Tufted or Hairy.

    Or maybe you noticed special character traits? If it seems that the hamster has cunning eyes, he can become a Fox, a Cunning, a Sly or a Cunning. If, on the contrary, the pet is kind and peaceful, suitable nicknames there will be Milash, Dobryak, Weasel.

    Depending on the size of the pet, you can call it Giant, Baby, Baby, Fluffy, Fat Man or Puffy.

    Surely you (or your child) are fond of reading books or watching movies, then you can name your pet after one of your favorite characters: Sherlock, Arrow, Batman, Tyson or Jordan.

    Or maybe you are crazy about your own profession? Programmers, for example, often call animals Glitch, Screen, Spoiler, Pixel or Zoom. Actors often stop at such nicknames as Artist, Author, Director, Frame or Action. Girls like to call animals fashionable brand names: Gucci, Dior, Butik, Bantik or Prade.

    Hamsters are quite smart: they are able to remember their name, the faces of their owner's relatives and can perform some simple tricks.

    List of unusual names for jungars

    Dzungaria are very tiny, so the names for them should be appropriate.

    Hamsters of this breed are often called the names of the characters of various cartoons. Nicknames such as Chip, Dale, Jin, Pikachu, Naruto are quite common.

    Usually dzhungars have absolutely small size, therefore, they receive the corresponding names: Midget, Gnome, Krokha, Knopa, Baby Doll. Or the owners show imagination and sarcastically call these animals Leopards, Giants, Bulldozers, Giraffes and so on.

    Nicknames in honor of various products food and treats: Marsik, Snickers, Twix, Milkyway, Chips or Toast.

    Often the names are selected from suitable lists on the Internet, then it will be enough for the owner to choose the first letter for the name, for example:

    • Alik, Angel, August, Antokha;
    • Belyash, Bons, Biker, Bandit, Bosch;
    • Veniamin, Vaska, Thief, Vors, Veles;
    • Mountain, German, Garik, Gunya, Grog;
    • Juice, Drake, Dosya, Dino, Derek;
    • Hedgehog, Epifan;
    • Jacques, Jean, Zhora, Zhusya;
    • Zorro, Zippa, Umbrella.

    What is the best name for a Syrian hamster

    Syrian hamsters deserve more “lush” names for their physique

    Syrian hamsters are quite large and well-fed in physique, so you can reflect this feature nicknamed (Donut, Pie, Fat Man, Fat).

    Also, many pets are highly mobile, you can take advantage of this feature and give names such as Parachute, Tourist, Traveler, Fugitive. If your beast likes to conquer tall pieces of furniture, call him a Rock Climber or Climber.

    If you love more unusual names, pay attention to options such as Caesar, Homer, Julius, Tsar. Well, if you want to pick up a simple nickname for a human motive, then Yarik, Timka, Filya or Senya will do.

    In addition, you can pick up sonorous majestic nicknames, for example: Apollo, Horace, Daniel, Julien or Lawrence.

    A good choice would also be a nickname consonant with the name famous person: Nobel, Winston, Plato or Chopin. Surely relatives and friends will appreciate such an original solution.

    Almost all domestic golden hamsters are descendants of a single female who gave birth to 12 hamsters in 1930.

    Cool names by color

    Coal or Chernysh?

    When choosing a name, you can pay attention to the color of the pet. Depending on the color, you can pick up many original names:

    • White color- Marshmallow, Snowball, Pearl, Kefirchik or simply Belysh.
    • Ginger- Peach, Apricot, Ginger, Medok, Luchik, Fox, Citrus or Golden.
    • Grey- Smoke, Ash, Gray or Serets.
    • Black or dark- Coal, Chernysh or Night.

    If you don't like any of the suggested options, look for color names in other languages. You might like White, Black, Ginger, Orange, Gray or Dark.

    How to make your hamster remember his name

    In order to tame a hamster, you need to make a lot of effort.

    To teach a hamster to respond to his own nickname, you need to spend a lot of time and effort:

    • To begin with, make sure that the hamster is well acquainted with your smell and voice, and recognizes you as his own owner. Be sure to wash your hands well (preferably with non-perfumed soap) before you are going to interact with your pet. Many animals are afraid of strong and unusual smells, so you should always smell about the same. In addition, hygiene will additionally protect your pet from germs and infection with various diseases.
    • Take a few seeds that your pet loves (or any other familiar treat) and put them in your palm.
    • Now bring your palm in front of the place where in this moment the animal is located. Slowly shake your hand up and down so that the smell of the treat reaches the pet faster - then he will understand that you have prepared something tasty for him. Be careful, many hamsters perceive sudden movements as a threat, they may start to run around the cage or bite, so your actions should be smooth and unhurried. If you notice that your actions have frightened the hamster, immediately stop them.
    • If everything is in order, the hamster will pay attention to you and come closer. Then let him take the treat from your hand.
    • Repeat the same steps a few more times, only now clench your hand into a fist so that the pet does not see what is in it.
    • If the pet continues to approach and take a treat, then repeat the same steps 2-3 times, but with an empty hand. Half of the work is done, now the hamster has learned to pay attention to you and respond to the call.
    • Now take the treat in your hand, move it slowly and make sure the hamster notices you and starts to approach. Slowly and clearly pronounce the chosen nickname several times so that the pet can hear and understand your words.
    • Repeat the steps described above, only now each time move your hand further away from the pet, continuing to call him by name.
    • After several days of such training, you will be able to call your pet even without a treat in your hand. When it comes up, you can give it a little push or pet it. Just do not forget that you cannot completely stop giving your pet treats, otherwise it will stop responding to your actions. Do this periodically, but not every time.

    What to do if the animal does not respond to the name

    If the hamster does not respond to the nickname, then most likely you are doing something wrong.

    There may be several reasons why a hamster does not obey you:

    • You are being aggressive towards him.
    • He has poor eyesight and does not perceive you as a master.
    • He does not like the treat with which you call him.
    • He doesn't like your smell.
    • You have several hamsters and they can't figure out which one you want to call.

    To solve this problem, try to change your own behavior. Hamsters are quite smart animals, it is not difficult to teach them to respond to the call. Therefore, if you are unable to do this, most likely the problem is not in the pet.

    Choosing a nickname for a tiny pet is usually not difficult. You can just rely on your imagination or choose a name according to the habits of the animal. Just remember that they should not be too long and with a lot of sounds. If you call a hamster Fedor Illarionovich, he is unlikely to accept such a nickname and will rather think that you are just talking to him.
