How the pension changed. At what age do Russian pensioners retire? In a normal situation

The pension reform announced by the Government is planned to begin on January 1, 2019. The first change that will affect Russian citizens will be an increase in the retirement age. The corresponding bill, which proposes to increase the retirement period for Russians by 5 years for men and 8 years for women, was considered and adopted by deputies of the State Duma in the first reading on July 19, 2018. The adoption of the law in its final form is planned for the fall of 2018 after the collection and consideration of all amendments to it, but not earlier than September 24, 2018.

The government proposes to make adjustments to the retirement age from 2019 as follows:

  • for women, “extend the period of working ability” to 63 years instead of the currently established 55 (the increase will be 8 years);
  • for men, postpone the retirement date to 65 years instead of the previously provided 60 (increase by 5 years).

All changes that are established by the Government bill will apply only to future pensioners - everyone who was supposed to retire after January 1, 2019.

Those who are already retired will not be affected by these changes in any way (on the contrary, the funds saved from raising the retirement age are planned to be used directly to increase pensions - from 2019 the increase will be an average of 1,000 rubles per year).

How will the retirement age increase from 2019?

The draft law establishes a gradual change in the period of working capacity - an annual increase in increments of 1 year. This means that starting from 2019, the retirement age will increase for men and women until it reaches the values ​​proposed by the new law - 63 and 65 years. For comparison, this is the retirement age in other countries of the world.

The Government's proposed phased changes are shown in the table below:

Retirement age in Russia from 2019 for men and women

YearIncrease relative to
old law
Exit age
on retire
2019+1 / +1 61 / 56
2020+1 / +1 62 / 57
2021+1 / +1 63 / 58
2022+1 / +1 64 / 59
2023+5 / +5 65 / 60
2024+5 / +6 65 / 61
2025+5 / +7 65 / 62
2026 and beyond+5 / +8 65 / 63

Thus, over the next 5 years for men and 8 years for women there will be a so-called “transition period”, during which the period of working capacity will gradually increase in increments of “1 year per year”, and starting from 2023 and 2026 for them the values ​​stipulated by the bill will be established - 63 and 65 years.

Table of increasing the retirement age in Russia by year of birth

One way or another, the changes proposed by the Government will affect all women, starting from 1964, and men born in 1959 and younger, since by January 1, 2019 they will not yet have time to retire according to the old standards currently in force - at 55 and 60 years.

Women born between 1964 and 1970 and men born between 1959 and 1962 will be subject to the transitional provisions provided for by the new law. This means that they will be given an intermediate age rather than a final age (63 and 65).

Retirement table from 2019 by year of birth for men and women

Year of birth
Retirement age
At what year
will retire
1959 / 1964 61 / 56 2020
1960 / 1965 62 / 57 2022
1961 / 1966 63 / 58 2024
1962 / 1967 64 / 59 2026
1963 / 1968 65 / 60 2028
- / 1969 - / 61 2030
- / 1970 - / 62 2032
- / 1971 - / 63 2034

Thus, for all men born after 1963 and women younger than 1971, the limit of the working capacity period will be set at its final value - they will retire at 65 and 63 years old, intermediate provisions will no longer apply for them.

Retirement table from 2019 for teachers and health workers

The bill also involves changing the boundaries of the period of working capacity for citizens who have the right to early registration. In particular, such adjustments will affect teachers and doctors.

According to the old law, they had the right to retire early upon receipt of the required number of years of experience - 25-30 years, depending on the place of work. Under the new law, all length of service requirements for these professions will remain the same, but pension payments will be available only 8 years after acquiring the required length of experience.
Starting from 2019, these categories of workers will also undergo a transition period, during which each year the limit of the period of working ability will be postponed by a year relative to previous periods. You can determine the retirement schedule under the new law based on the data presented in the table below:

Year received
required special
length of service
Postponement of the deadline
early appointment
on retire
2019+ 1 2020
2020+ 2 2022
2021+ 3 2024
2022+ 4 2026
2023+ 5 2028
2024+ 6 2030
2025+ 7 2032
2026 and following years+ 8 2034 and beyond annually

Thus, starting from 2019, teachers and doctors can acquire the right to receive an early pension only after a certain number of years after receiving the required special experience:

after 1-7 years during the transition period (from 2019 to 2025);
8 years after acquiring the required experience, starting in 2026.

Retirement schedule for workers of the Far North

Raising the retirement age will also affect future recipients of the so-called “northern pension”. Previously, northerners had the right to receive early pension payments upon reaching the age of 50 (women) and 55 (men). The new law provides for an increase in their working period by 8 and 5 years, respectively (i.e., up to 58 and 60 years).

In addition, a transition period will be provided for them in a similar way:

for men - from 2019 to 2023;
for women - from 2019 to 2026.

The year of retirement can be determined according to the new rules proposed by the Government based on the data presented in the table below:

Year of birth
Retirement age
At what year
will retire
1964 / 1969 56 / 51 2020
1965 / 1970 57 / 52 2022
1966 / 1971 58 / 53 2024
1967 / 1972 59 / 54 2026
1968 / 1973 60 / 55 2028
- / 1974 - / 56 2030
- / 1975 - / 57 2032
- / 1976 - / 58 2034
Thus, men born in 1964-1967 and women born in 1969-1975 are subject to transitional provisions - for them the “period of working capacity” will increase by 1-7 years. Men and women born since 1968 and 1976, respectively, will already have their final retirement ages set at 60 and 58 years.

Medvedev launched pension reform

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The government proposes to raise the retirement age for men from the current 60 to 65 years, and for women from 55 to 63 years. Thus, the last “transition year” will be 2034, when the retirement age for women reaches a new level. From 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years - for example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020, namely at the ages of 61 and 56 years, respectively.

Pensions will begin to grow faster

The government claims that raising the retirement age is long overdue and all conditions have been created for this. The current retirement age was introduced back in 1956 in the USSR, when the level of medical and social security was low. Raising the retirement age is necessary, according to the Cabinet of Ministers, for faster growth of pensions themselves. At the moment, according to Medvedev’s estimates, pensions are growing by an average of 400-500 rubles per year (in 2016 the increase was 399 rubles, in 2017 - 524 rubles, in 2018 it will be 481 rubles), the reform will increase the growth rate pension provision doubled - by a thousand rubles per year. The average pension at the end of 2017 was 13,620 rubles, so by the time the reform is completed it could increase by at least 10 thousand rubles.

Russia took the example of raising the retirement age from Kazakhstan

The retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest not only in the world, but even in comparison with its closest neighbors and the countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years; this level was established back in 2001. Moreover, since 2018, the second stage of increase has been underway in Kazakhstan - by 2027, the retirement age for women will rise to the level of men. Belarus began raising the retirement age in 2017 and intends to increase it to 63 years for men and 58 years for women; this is planned to be done by 2022. For comparison, the retirement age in Norway, which Russia is often cited as an example, is 67 years for both men and women; in the UK, both sexes retire from 65 years of age.

The government will set European standards for pensions

During the government meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Cabinet intends to raise the issue of ratifying the Convention on Minimum Standards of Social Security. “Its provisions will make it possible to bring the legislative regulation of the pension sector to international standards. It establishes a clear relationship between the average size of pensions and average earnings,” noted Dmitry Medvedev. One of the fundamental principles of the Convention is that the pension must be at least 40 percent of the lost income, that is, the employee’s salary.

Pension reform is overdue

As of January 1, 2018, the official population of Russia was 146.9 million people. Of these, 46.5 million people were pensioners, that is, 31.7 percent of the total number, while working pensioners, according to official statistics, were 26.4 percent of the total number of pensioners, or 12.3 million people. The authorities insist that upon reaching retirement age, more than 50 percent of citizens remain working. For example, in 2017, 1.45 million people retired, and 0.73 million of them continued to work. The government fears that the share of working pensioners will continue to rise, leaving the other half unable to raise their pensions.

When current pension standards were set for one pensioner, 3.7 people of working age were “paid” (paid pension and insurance contributions to social funds) in the pension system. The current demographic situation and trends in the labor market will lead to the fact that by 2019, only two able-bodied people will “pay” for one pensioner - the system may not be able to cope even with payments at the current level.

Today's retirees have nothing to fear

Dmitry Medvedev noted during a government meeting that current pensioners have nothing to worry about. “No rules are changing regarding current pensioners,” the prime minister assured. Moreover, retirement age benefits will be maintained. We are talking about citizens who work in harmful and dangerous industries, women with five or more children, disabled people, Chernobyl survivors and others. For workers in the Far North, the retirement age will be set at 60 and 58 years, respectively. For citizens with extensive experience, an additional benefit is provided - they will be able to retire two years earlier. We are talking about women with more than 40 years of experience and men with more than 45 years of experience.

VAT also went up

In addition to raising the retirement age, during the government meeting it was announced that the value added tax (VAT) would be increased from the current 18 to 20 percent. As First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov noted at the meeting, this measure will allow for an additional 600 billion rubles in tax revenues per year. “These funds, together with additional income from the completion of the oil and gas maneuver, will be the main sources for financing the national development goals set in the presidential decree of May of this year,” Siluanov said. According to the government's plan, the tax increase will allow businesses to also participate in increasing the pensions of Russians, while without the reform it would not have been possible to maintain the current level of insurance premiums paid by businesses - they would have to be increased.

The documents will be sent to the State Duma

According to Medvedev, the law on raising the retirement age and VAT will be sent to the State Duma in the near future. “All bills, all accompanying documents must be sent to the State Duma as soon as possible, so that our fellow deputies can consider them in the first reading before the end of the spring session. Therefore, I ask all relevant ministers and deputy prime ministers, the government apparatus to deal with this as a priority,” the prime minister demanded. Medvedev, in turn, expressed hope that parliament will support the proposed innovations and quickly adopt them. After the State Duma and the Federation Council, the documents will go to the President of Russia for signature.

All able-bodied citizens of the country retire upon reaching the established age, which is determined by law. This age may change periodically, but basically it remains at the level determined once by the legislation in force in the country.

What is this?

Retirement age is the age limit set for citizens of a country as the age at which they are eligible for retirement. For men, this age is currently set at 60 years, for female pensioners - 55 years.

In addition, the size of the pensioner’s existing work experience is important, which must be no less than the minimum value established by law.

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In a number of cases, citizens retiring may be assigned a social pension benefit, which they can receive upon reaching the age limit of 65 years for male pensioners and 60 years for women, respectively.

Conditions of retirement

The grounds for applying for pensions in Russia in the current year 2019 are accepted as follows:

  • Retirement requires citizens to reach the legal age limit;
  • pensioners applying for retirement must provide documentary evidence of their work experience, not less than the level established by law;
  • the intended recipient of a pension in Russia must have official registration at his place of residence in the country;
  • In order to calculate the benefits he receives, the pensioner is required to provide the amount of his average monthly earnings accrued while he is working;
  • It is obligatory for the entity that is applying for a pension in Russia to have Russian citizenship;
  • the pension is established in accordance with the data submitted by the citizen and is calculated according to a coefficient determined by law.

Major changes

Changes in the conditions for retirement in Russia are determined by law and relate mainly to the age of retirement and the amount of work experience that is necessary to carry out the appropriate calculations for calculating a pension.

Among the main changes are the following:

  1. Possible increase in the age limit for retirement in accordance with the restrictions adopted in the country.
  2. Reducing the pension calculation coefficient due to changes in the country's tax legislation.
  3. Reducing the minimum length of service, which is taken into account when calculating pensions received by citizens.

  4. Introduction of a simplified pension calculation system, which requires a calculation formula using the pension accrual coefficient and the citizen’s length of service.

Raising the retirement age in Russia

The possibility of increasing the age limits for retirement in the country is regulated in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in the country. Today it is possible to increase the specified age in the country to 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

It is also realistic to assign a social pension to citizens, starting from the specified age categories.

The retirement age may be raised for certain categories of people retiring, such as workers in the far north or military personnel extending their service.

In all other cases, increasing the retirement age is possible only after the adoption of a corresponding bill by the government of the country or due to the implementation of pension reform.

What is the retirement age in Russia?

The age under consideration for retirement in Russia today is determined by the provisions of the laws in force in the country.

The retirement age varies for both sexes.

In men

Today, the retirement age for men is 60 years. In some cases, when a social pension is assigned, men have the right to retire when they reach the age of 65.

The law provides for the possibility of receiving a military pension starting at the age of 45. A disability pension can be granted starting at any age.

Among women

The officially established retirement age for women in the country is 55 years.

If a woman works in hazardous work or in difficult conditions, retirement is allowed from the age of up to 45 years.

Receiving a disability pension is possible at any age.


Upon retirement, citizens are subject to the following requirements:

  1. Reaching a legally defined retirement age.
  2. Providing documents on the volume of existing work experience.
  3. Availability of registration at the place of permanent residence in the country.
  4. Russian citizenship.
  5. Availability of other grounds for retirement earlier than the deadline established by law.

  6. Proper execution of all documents required for retirement.

What documents will be required?

In order to properly formalize retirement, a citizen should provide the following documents:

  1. Application for assignment of pensioner status to a citizen.
  2. A work book containing all notes on existing work experience.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the country.
  4. Individual registration code with tax authorities.
  5. Documents on family composition, if we are talking about applying for a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
  6. Certificate of assignment of a disability group, if we are talking about the assignment of a disability pension.

Advantages and disadvantages

The assignment of a pension benefit has a number of advantages and negative aspects.

Among the advantages of pensions it should be noted:

  1. The opportunity to receive well-deserved financial assistance from the state.
  2. Availability of pensions to all categories of citizens.
  3. Direct dependence of the amount of pension on the length of work.
  4. The reality of retiring before the statutory deadline in a number of cases.

  5. There is no need to prepare a large amount of documents when retiring at a specified age.
  6. Speedy registration of a pension upon reaching the established age.

In mid-June of this year, the Russian government announced a pension initiative. The proposal to carry out the reform received a great response in society. The outline of the project is the adoption of new age limits for citizens retiring. Thus, for men it is proposed to increase the age limit by 5 years, and for women - by 8. The second reading of the bill is scheduled for September 26, 2018.

Main provisions of the proposed reform

After the first reading, the essence of the federal law is as follows:

  1. After the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to raise the retirement age for both women and men by 5 years. To do this, you will need to amend Article 8 of the Federal Law numbered 400-FZ, adopted on December 28, 2013.
  2. If a man’s experience is forty-five years, and a woman’s is forty, then they can become pensioners 2 years earlier. At the same time, the condition that men reach sixty years of age and women reach fifty-five years of age is not canceled.
  3. A transition period is envisaged. The five-year increase will affect men whose retirement age will come in 2023, and women - in 2026. More detailed calculations can be found in the tables below.
  4. The effective date of the law is January 1, 2019.

The bill was approved by deputies in the first reading. 72.9% were in favor. These are 328 members of United Russia. Only one member of this faction spoke out against it - N.V. Poklonskaya. and one hundred and four parliamentarians representing all other parties. Nobody abstained. Under the pressure of violent public outrage, the authorities promised to finalize the project and make amendments to ease its burden on the population.

Retirement age increase table

For the male population of Russia:

For women:

The last time the framework of working capacity was discussed and the corresponding law was adopted was in 1928. Over the past period, many changes have occurred:

  • The average life expectancy of Russians has increased;
  • the standard of living and its comfort have increased;
  • people began to work in better conditions.

The Pension Fund cited statistics according to which the country is experiencing a steady increase in pensioners to the detriment of the number of workers. Based on this, it was concluded that after several years it will be very difficult for the Russian state to provide pension payments.

Nuances of retirement in 2019/2020

During a television broadcast, the President of the Russian Federation informed citizens of amendments to the proposed law. According to them, citizens who have lived to the age of 60/55 (men/women) will be able to go on vacation next year at 60.5/55.5, and not at 61/56. The same relaxation will apply to those Russians who will turn 60/50 in 2020.

The adoption of such a six-month benefit will make early retirement possible for people. This will allow those who planned their lives in advance taking into account the old canons to adapt to the new rules. While the relatively younger generation will have enough time to get used to the updated pension realities.

Preferential retirement

The bill contains a section dedicated to the retirement period for citizens belonging to the preferential category:

  1. Russians living in the Far North are also not experiencing any changes. Northern men will be legalized as pensioners from the age of 60, and women - from 55. They will also be subject to the provision of a transitional period.
  2. The requirements for preferential length of service for medical workers and teachers do not change. But it is also proposed to shift the retirement date by 5 years.

The current legislation provides preferences for women who are mothers of many children (five children or more). They are given the right to receive pensioner status 5 years earlier. And so it will remain. The President recommended that those mothers who have four or three children also be included in the preferential category. Accordingly, they should retire 4 and 3 years earlier.

Who will not be affected by the law?

There are no plans to increase the age of retirement for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Working in conditions recognized as harmful and dangerous. Provided that the employer made payments in accordance with the tariffs established for this.
  2. Citizens whose untimely retirement is due to social reasons or health conditions.
  3. Victims of man-made disasters or those affected by radiation.
  4. The men and women who were on the flight test crew. We are talking about people who directly took part in testing parachute, aeronautical, space and aviation technology.

What is retirement like in other countries?

One of the main arguments of supporters of the transition is the situation with the solution of this issue in other countries. It looks like this:



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belgian kingdom


United States




The situation cannot be called stable. The adoption of the new law caused a split in the Federal Law. This step has been continuously criticized by experts. Known for the case of popular protests. Therefore, until the law passes the second reading, it is difficult to predict exactly how people will retire next year.
