How to get an even tan: useful tips. How to tan properly to get a beautiful skin tone

Responsible Galina Sofinskaya, doctor of the highest category of the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology:

- Even 7-10 days at sea is enough to get a beautiful tan. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules and take into account some nuances.

1. Get ready to go to the beach in advance

Before the trip, do a peeling that will free the skin from dead cells. It can be done both in the salon and at home with the help of a scrub and a hard washcloth. You can buy a scrub ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. For this, coffee grounds or fine salt are suitable (2 tablespoons of sour cream mixed with 1 tablespoon of fine salt). Rub the body with massaging, circular movements, leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure ahead of time - the “new” skin is prone to burns. Even home peeling is best done 2-3 days before the trip, so that the skin has time to recover.

Moles should be treated with extreme caution. Under the influence of UV rays, they can develop into a malignant tumor - melanoma. The most dangerous moles are unevenly colored and irregularly shaped. It is better to consult with a dermatologist and oncologist before the holidays, and on the beach, cover them with a piece of plaster cut in the shape of a mole.

2. Be careful in the early days

No matter how much you want to get “everything at once”, you need to sunbathe gradually. A shock dose of sunlight on the first day at sea is the strongest stress for the skin, fraught with burns, after which the rest of the vacation will have to be rehabilitated. In the early days, you need to sunbathe under an umbrella, and gradually increase the time spent in direct sunlight.

3. Before the trip, go to the city beach

This will prepare the skin for a meeting with the aggressive southern sun. The tan will go on smoother.

4. Eat right

Help to tan foods containing carotene (carrots, apricots, peaches, sweet peppers). They need to be included in the diet on the eve of the holidays. In the first days on vacation, lean on fish, seafood, eggs (they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids) and foods rich in vitamin E (vegetable oils, nuts): they protect the skin from sunburn.

5. Use protection

They prevent the penetration of dangerous spectrum rays and do not allow the sun to dry out the skin excessively. The lighter the skin, the more powerful protection it needs. Fair-skinned people should use SPF 30, and dark-skinned and already tanned - 10-15.

Why do small white spots appear on the skin after tanning? This is how a fungal infection of the skin manifests itself, which is often found in sweating people. In ordinary life, it does not manifest itself in any way, but makes itself felt only with a patchy tan. On vacation, nothing can be done about this, and upon returning it is better to undergo a course of treatment - if there is a complication, itching may occur, and if left untreated, the spots merge into large lesions.

However, remember: sunscreens have a short shelf life - once opened, the cream can be stored for no more than 6 months. Do not use the cream left over from the last vacation - upon contact with oxygen, many components of the cream oxidize and the product stops working.

The cream should be applied in a dense layer on exposed areas of the skin, including lips and ears: the skin of these areas of the body burns easily. Don't rub on the beach! This should be done 15-20 minutes before leaving.

6. Sunbathe at the right time

Staying in direct sunlight is the shortest route to a burn. The most useful and safe sun in the morning is from 8 to 11 and in the afternoon - after 16 hours.

7. At the beach, drink plenty of fluids, and then apply cream to the skin

The sun dries out the skin. You can moisturize it both from the outside and from the inside. Therefore, on vacation, you should always have a bottle of water and actively moisturizing products with the prefixes “super” or “ultra” at hand. They must be applied to the body at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, and on the hands - up to 4-5 times a day.

8. Be careful when taking medication

Some drugs increase susceptibility to sunlight. Among them are popular antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline) and oral contraceptives.

9. After the beach, do not rush to take a shower.

The sun continues to shine for about 2 hours after you have left the beach.

10. Protect your tan

After returning from the resort, do not rush to use bleach, scrubs and hard washcloths. Read the labels carefully - many creams and masks have a whitening effect. Moreover, the enemy of tanning is not only cosmetics from a tube - homemade masks made from oatmeal, strawberries and cucumbers will also erase bronze from the skin.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 5 minutes


Summer, heat. It's time to relax and enjoy the sun, sunbathing. Moreover, white porcelain skin was considered beautiful before, and today tanned skin is considered attractive, especially since tanning helps to hide small skin defects, makes it smoother and reduces the number of acne. Therefore, on sunny days, you can happily spend an hour in the morning or evening in the sun's rays, especially, as you know, it is not worth abusing a tan, both natural and solar.

What are the advantages of sun tanning over a solarium?

  • Firstly, you get a tan in the sun for free, you don’t need to buy a subscription for it, just put on a swimsuit, take a coverlet with you and go to the nearest park.
  • Secondly, any tan, like sunburn, requires a temporary dosage of the use of special cosmetics in order not to get unwanted painful burns. But tanning in the sun allows you to be somewhere in nature at the same time, and not in a small cabin.
  • Thirdly, tanning in the sun is very easy to combine with active activities, especially if you do not like to lie down for a long time and you want to move, you can completely play volleyball or badminton, the process of sunbathing is very well combined with swimming. What can I say, the process of sunbathing can also be combined with weeding the beds in the country. So you can completely combine business with pleasure, especially since it is much better to go to bed if you are constantly on the move.

The sun sets differently in different countries

If you still prefer a vacation at sea, then you should know that in different latitudes the tan will fall on your skin in different ways. Turkish tan will be significantly different from Egyptian.

So, if you want to get a golden tan, then it would be best to go to the Mediterranean Sea, and these are countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey.

If you want to get a bronze tan, then it is best for you to prefer the coast of the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. To do this, you should go to Greece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania or Bulgaria. Here, as well as on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, moderate skin protection will be enough and you should sunbathe either in the morning or after 4 pm.

If you want to come back from vacation with a chocolate tan, then it would be best to go closer to the equator, to the Congo, Kenya, Uganda or Somalia, to the islands of Indonesia, to Ecuador. Brazil or Colombia. But here it should be remembered that it is worth starting to sunbathe from a short time, even from minutes, and at the same time use powerful sunscreens.

But dark coffee tan can be obtained on the coast of the Indian Ocean. To do this, you should go to India or the Maldives. But here, as when traveling to the equator, you need to limit the time you spend in the sun and use creams with high protection, because if you burn, the burn symptoms will appear more slowly.

And finally cinnamon shade tan can be obtained in the Persian Gulf and on the Red Sea. For this, a tour to Egypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain is suitable. But even here you cannot do without solid protection.

But before traveling south, it is best to sunbathe a little under the local sun so that the skin is not too receptive to the brighter sun. If you are going on vacation in the cold season, then first go to the solarium a couple of times.

Rules for tanning on the beach

When sunbathing on the beach, you should remember not only about your skin and the fact that it needs protection, but also about your eyes and hair, which are no less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Hide your favorite hair under a panama or hat, and hide your eyes behind sunglasses.

Also, do not get carried away with books and magazines, because, after reading an interesting article, you may not notice how time has flown by and burn out at the same time, for this reason you should not sleep on the beach.

Moderation is important in everything, and in tanning too. Therefore, the tanning time should be gradually increased, gradually adding 10-20 minutes. This will allow you to get a nice even tan.

How to get an even tan?

And to get an even and beautiful tan, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • You should not, going to the beach, apply perfume or other products containing alcohol to the skin, after which stains may remain on the skin.
  • Sunbathing is best not lying down, but walking along the beach, in which case it lies evenly and beautifully on your skin.
  • After bathing, try to wipe the skin dry, water drops on the skin increase the activity of the sun's rays and the tan is uneven.
  • Sunscreens work best if kept in a cool place.
  • Before going to the beach, your skin will benefit from a light scrub or exfoliation, it makes the skin smoother and tan better.
  • Eat plenty of orange-colored fruits and vegetables, peaches, apricots, carrots, peppers, they contain vitamin A, which affects the production of melanin, which is responsible for the beautiful tone of your skin.

How to get an even tan - reviews from the forums


The first two or three days in Thailand, sunbathe in the morning until 10 o'clock and in the afternoon from 3 o'clock. At this time, the sun is more gentle. Always use sunscreen. Buy a cream of well-known European brands with a degree of protection of at least "40", and preferably "50". If you sunbathe near the water, on islands with light sand and emerald-clear water, smear the cream with a thick layer. The fact is that white sand and clean and clear water tend to reflect ultraviolet, and you sunbathe (burn) doubly. Very often, tourists visiting the islands burn themselves. Never skimp on cream.
Upon returning from the beach, in the evening, treat the body with “after-shower lotions” or “...after-sun”. Very well, after sunburn, use coconut oil. There are special coconut oils for massage or after sun. The fluid contains natural coconut oil, skin moisturizer and vitamin E.


And before going out in the sun, you can drink tomato juice. It contains a substance - lutein, which contributes to the production of melanin (in fact, the substance that contributes to tanning). My grandmother also recommended that you always drink apple juice to get an even tan, and less plain water.
I have very light skin that burns quickly in the sun, literally in a couple of hours. I can then walk all red weeks 1.5. So that's what I've been doing for the past few years! The first day 3-4 I use sunscreen with SPF 35-40, very, very plentifully. I can stay in the sun all day, except for the period from 14 to 16 hours. The next 2 days I use protection with SPF 15, and then SPF 8-10 is enough. As a result, during the holidays I get an even tan, without any hint of burning!


And there is also a cool Payot serum for getting an even tan. It must be used 10 days before the start of the holiday.

Most of the fair sex with fair skin dream of a vacation that will allow them to transform. Namely, to change the painful pallor of the skin to a bronze tint of an even tan. But often, instead of the desired bronze tint, girls get bright red skin and the appearance of a fried chicken. In addition to this, the surface of the skin becomes painful, burns do not allow normal sleep and rest, in the end everything is covered with a terrible spectacle of sliding thin skin. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, as they say.

To avoid this, you need to follow some rules that will help you not burn out in the sun, but get a uniform, beautiful tan.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before going to the sea or to a body of water for the first time in this bathing season, you need to peel the skin. Removing dead scales will allow the tan to lie more evenly on your skin. To do this, you can use professional tools or use what you have in your home. Mix kefir with sugar, lemon juice and coffee. Apply the prepared mixture on the body and carefully wipe the skin with your hands. Lemon juice eats away dead skin cells. Sugar and coffee, like a brush, remove the dead layer. And kefir helps to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Instead of all this, you can use a hard washcloth.

Before sunbathing, no serious cosmetic procedures should be done. Deep peeling, facial cleansing, pigmentation removal and other operations imply complete UV protection for some time.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

  1. As soon as you set foot on the beach, do not rush to rush into the open sun. Especially if this is your first tan after the winter season. The skin is still quite tender and can acquire a bright red hue in half an hour. You need to get used to it gradually - 5 minutes in the morning on the first day, 10 minutes in the evening, 15 minutes in the morning on the second day, 20 minutes in the evening and so on. Subsequently, when the skin is already a little tanned, you can not be in direct sunlight for more than an hour.
  2. As you know, you can be in the sun only in the morning and in the evening, when the sun's rays fall on the ground at an oblique angle. Sunbathing from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is strictly prohibited - powerful ultraviolet rays can provoke early aging of the epidermis and even skin cancer.
  3. Regardless of the fact that you want to get a tan, be sure to use sunscreen. It will help you avoid burns and help your tan go on more evenly. Remember that sunscreen should be applied every two hours. If you swim in a pond, after water procedures, you need to renew a layer of washed off cream, or use a waterproof cosmetic product. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its SPF. It indicates the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Usually creams are produced with SPF from 10 to 50. Children, as well as people with fair skin and blue eyes, need a maximum degree of protection - 50.
  4. To get a good tan, the skin must be enriched with vitamins E and C. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. It is very useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before a day at the beach.
  5. To prevent the nose and the skin under the eyes from burning and appearing especially red, it is important to wear a headdress, or better, a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. In the sun, and even more so, in sea windy weather, it is very easy to choke your lips. Use special hygienic lipsticks that will protect the delicate skin of the lips from the sun's rays.
  7. To get an even tan, you need to purchase an open swimsuit that does not leave a colorful pattern on the body. After all, such a tan is of little use - unless you put on an open dress with him? Maybe you have the opportunity to go to wild beaches and sunbathe naked?
  8. In no case do not manage to fall asleep while sunbathing. In this case, you can forget about an even tan. In addition, such carelessness can lead to burns and sunstroke.
  9. Very often, many girls complain that their shoulders and back are sunbathing the most. But the stomach, chest and thighs remain without a bronze coating. But remember yourself on the beach - we run, swim, build sand castles so that the back is more exposed to ultraviolet rays. To tan from all sides, move more and lie on a sunbed on your back - facing the sun.
  10. If you have very white skin that instantly turns red, you need to tan in the shade. The shadow scatters ultraviolet rays and only small portions of it fall on the skin. This is the only option for such people to get a beautiful and even tan.
  11. If you want to get a more intense tan, you need to use a cream with a tingle effect. It is applied to the skin, it promotes the production of more melanin, which makes your tan darker and more beautiful.

After sunbathing, do not forget about proper skin care. When you come back from the beach, take a shower, but do not rub your skin with a washcloth - you can injure it. After that, apply a light moisturizer to the skin, preferably based on aloe extract. The juice of this plant will not only give the skin lost moisture, but also saturate it with micronutrients.

Speaking of tanning, I would like to consider all the alternative ways to get it.

To get the right, beautiful and even tan in a solarium, you need to determine your skin type. This can be done by a solarium worker. Depending on the type of skin, the time spent in the capsule is determined, as well as the frequency of visits to the solarium. Usually, a session is recommended for beginners, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of exposure to ultraviolet rays can increase to 15 minutes.

What is the solarium visit schedule? You can not be exposed to UV rays more than once a day, this is even prescribed by law in some foreign countries. Therefore, not a single salon will accept you twice a day. It is best to take ultraviolet every other day for the first time, until the tan is sufficiently developed. When your skin has acquired a pleasant shade, you can visit the solarium once every two weeks to maintain a tan. And remember that any tingling, unnaturally hot sensations are a signal to complete the procedure. Be attentive to your body.

When visiting the solarium, do not forget to remove all jewelry and contact lenses. Make sure you have a bathing suit before entering the capsule. Make sure that the beauty salon staff offers you special goggles that protect your eyes from UV radiation. And, of course, before visiting the solarium, do not apply decorative cosmetics to your face, you can only use tanning products. And so that the tan in the capsule lies evenly, move your arms and legs slightly, change position. Do not press your chin against the grid, otherwise you will get a white spot in this place. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

A beautiful tan hides many skin imperfections - freckles, cellulite, stretch marks. In addition, clothes on a beautiful tanned body look much prettier and sexier. Sunbathe, strive for perfection and look like summer!

Video: how to get an even tan

To avoid burns and get an even tan, you just need to follow a few simple rules of behavior on the sea beach.

Beautiful summer, bright sun, endless sea, beautiful sandy beach - how long we have been waiting for this and dreaming about it! And, of course, any holiday on the coast is accompanied by a beautiful golden tan. Ideally. In fact, it often ends with burnt skin, sleepless nights, and sometimes a temperature that quickly rises due to sunburn. How to sunbathe at sea?

Ultraviolet has an extremely negative effect on the skin, drying it out. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance for contact with the sun. And moisturizing and nourishing creams will help in this, which you need to use abundantly some time before a trip to the sea.

  • It is interesting:

If you have very sensitive skin, it is better to visit the solarium 2-3 weeks before the holiday. Two or three times for 5 minutes will be enough for the cells to get used to the ultraviolet and easier to endure the meeting with the scorching sun. So, by the beginning of the rest, your body will receive a slight golden hue - the likelihood of getting burned will significantly decrease, and the tan will fall quickly and evenly. And you will look beautiful from the very first day on the beach.

How to protect yourself from sunburn

At the beginning of the holiday, use a cream with a high content of SPF and / or UVA components. After a few days, it will be correct to change it to a weaker level of protection. The most sensitive places that burn the fastest are the nose, shoulders, chest, they need to be lubricated with special care.

There are 2 types of sunscreen: blocking or shielding. harmful radiation. So, means that shield the rays of the sun, when in contact with the skin, form a special film that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

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Most types of such a cream protect only from 1 type of UV rays: A or B. And the other is missed. This is their shortcoming. Blocking creams reflect the sun's rays. They are effective for both type A and type B radiation. There are also products with a water repellent effect - they will protect you even after contact with water.

How to sunbathe on the beach

1. When is the best time to sunbathe on the sea? From sunrise to noon, then from 4 pm to sunset. At lunchtime, the sun is most aggressive, and being under it at this time is fraught with quick burns and sunstroke. No matter how convenient it is to sunbathe on the beach at this time, refrain from the temptation.

2. It’s worth starting with 5-10 minutes, daily increasing the time spent in the open sun. Spend the rest of the time under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. So you get an even, beautiful tan, and the skin does not start to peel off after a few days.

3. Before sunbathing, you should not use toilet waters, essential oils, creams based on mineral fats.

4. Lie down on the beach in such a way that the sun warms your feet, i.e. its light fell along the whole body. Raise your head a little - in this way, the light will not hit your eyes, and the neck, on the contrary, will open and will sunbathe.

5. Every 10 minutes, change position, turning to the sun with the other side of the body.

6. Swim in the sea, river, pool or shower every 20 minutes, depending on where you sunbathe.

7. There is an opinion that a wet body gets a tan faster. This is correct, but in order for it to lie evenly, it is necessary to blot the body with a towel so that there are no large drops of water left. Drops act as a lens and attract ultraviolet light. Thus, in places where drops accumulate, the darkening will appear more clearly, and the body will seem to be covered with spots - this can be seen quite clearly against a light background.

8. It is best to sunbathe on the beach 1-2 hours after eating, so the body most easily tolerates the stress of meeting with ultraviolet radiation.

9. To avoid sunstroke, be sure to wear a hat on the sea: cap, hat, panama, etc.

10. Be careful with sunglasses, do not sunbathe in them, otherwise there will be ugly marks on your eyes.

11. On the beach you will get a tan faster than near the pool. Sea water attracts the sun's rays more strongly.

12. In order to get a beautiful, even and rich tan, you need to spend at least 2 weeks at sea. And people with a light shade - up to 1 month.

As already mentioned, ultraviolet dries the skin, so it is necessary to nourish and moisturize it with creams. In addition, use a scrub a couple of times a week to remove dead skin cells. If you have sensitive skin, limit your use of the scrub to once a week.

How to keep a tan after the sea for a long time

Getting a beautiful and even tan is only half the battle. After all, in just a week he will already begin to “climb”. In order to prolong his life, drink carrot juice, eat yellow and orange fruits. Do not forget to use a nourishing cream, moisturize the body. Spray with thermal water. Use special cosmetics that help preserve the chocolate shade.

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Knowing how to properly sunbathe at sea, you can quickly get a beautiful tan and significantly reduce the risk of sunburn. Gentle and gentle sun to you! Let the rest on the beach give the best impressions!

Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Any girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, a tan is not given simply, without burned skin, its peeling, and pain.

Many people ask such questions: “What needs to be done so that the skin acquires a dark, golden hue?” How can you protect your skin from harmful UV rays? How to prevent accelerated skin aging? And the main question: “How to achieve a beautiful and even tan?” There are several secrets on how to achieve such a goal, I will tell you about them below.

What is a tan?

Tan- a change in skin color (its darkening) under the influence of sunlight. The skin acquires a dark shade due to accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissues in the deep layers of the skin from radiation exposure.

5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before sunbathing, take a shower and it is better to do a peeling (exfoliate dead skin cells), this will help the tan to lie down evenly.

Do not rush directly into the sun, as you may get burned or have other health problems. After dressing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intensive sunbathing, on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin for about 50 minutes, i.e. more time under the sun is not recommended. Adaptation is desirable to stretch from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

In the process of tanning and in general being under the sun, whether it is a trip to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, the use of sunscreen is mandatory. Apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin before going outside.

It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the mark, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 - indicates the lowest level of protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 - the highest level of protection.

As you know, the lighter the skin, the more it requires protection, especially for children and fair-haired people with light eyes. In this case, use a cream with SPF 50 - it will protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to the mark of 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that sufficiently tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

Please note that the application of the cream must be renewed every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but also protect against overdrying of the skin and premature wrinkles.

Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground, they are not so dangerous due to their greater dispersion, in contrast to the incidence of rays at right angles. That is, the most right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith, it is dangerous both for your skin and for your health in general. During this time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to avoid burning your skin.

To speed up the tanning process, you need to take into the diet special products, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

One of the most effective ways is to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

Tomatoes and tomato paste- these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and firmer. Drink 50 g of tomato juice a day, along with olive oil, it will help you get a safe and gentle tan.

Vitamin C. Before the beach, eating products with this vitamin will save you from excessive skin pigmentation. Great for a drink before the beach green tea with lemon.
