How to make a clock out of cardboard is very difficult. Teaching a child time by the clock, crafts developing watches

Any home interior will be incredibly transformed by brand new wall clocks. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to travel all over the city in search of a new masterpiece that will become a wonderful new thing.

Wall clocks in the interior will look great if you make them yourself! For example, you can decorate an old clock you have. You can also make new ones using various materials, moreover, they are also easily accessible.

In addition, they will be an excellent gift, especially for relatives and friends, who are not distinguished by punctuality.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands

Taking the most ordinary embroidery hoop, you can get quite interesting wall clocks. You will also need decorative buttons for this. The basis can be chosen from fabric which is perfectly combined with the invoice and color registration of your interior.

You can also use any buttons (preferably a collection) that are completely idle. They can be of different shapes, colors, sizes.

For a brand new watch, you need to prepare: an old watch or find arrows with a mechanism, a hoop, fabric with buttons, braid / ribbon, if you wish - a thin board / cardboard.

Clockwork / old clocks should not be a pity to disassemble in order to remake for a brand new decor. The arrows should be removed along with the nuts that hold them together. It is important to know in this case in what order they are connected. The fabric is attached between the hoops, cut off unnecessary edges, then sew on the buttons. Place the latter in accordance with the numbers on the dial.

Next, the clock mechanism itself is attached. Right in the center of the dial you need to make a small hole, and on the other hand you need to attach the mechanism so that the mount for the hands is right in the center of the dial of your watch. To fix the mechanism, cut a circle from a cardboard sheet, wood. Its diameter should be the same as the hoop. The mechanism is glued to it. You can also simply hang it on a ribbon that is attached to the hoop. We recommend making a loop so that you can hang the accessory on the wall. It remains to screw the arrows and voila! See options for similar items on our photos of wall clocks with your own hands.

Option number 2

Clocks can also be made from old unwanted magazines / newspapers.

To do this, you need to prepare: 24 pages of the same size; pencil, scissors, transparent adhesive tape, long needle, silk thread intended for embroidery / floss, transparent plastic discs (2 pcs.), Cardboard circle with a hole right in the center, clock mechanism with hands.

And so, first you need to take a pencil that turns into a newspaper. The tubes need to be made accordingly, 24 things. Their ends should be fixed with adhesive tape, then they will naturally not unwind. Approximately the third part must be retreated from the end of the tube, then bent here in half.

You need to stick a silk / floss thread into the needle, then thread it through the very bent tip of the paper tube. Pull the needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread. Other tubes are also stitched. They should be placed around your clock.

On top of the tubes you need to put a prepared transparent disk. This must be done so that the hole remains in the center of the circle, which was obtained thanks to the tubes. Then the mechanism is applied, taking into account the fact that the place of fastening of your arrows coincided with the hole in the disk. Then you need to turn the clock over and put also the second same disk. Cardboard is applied on top of it, and using a nut, a clock mechanism is attached. At the end, it remains to fasten the clock hands and voila!

We offer you to view photos of ideas on how to decorate a wall clock, as a result of which you will succeed!

Photo of a wall clock made by hand in the interior

You do not need to know the device of the clockwork at all in order to make original DIY wall clock. In any home there are broken clocks and inexpensive Chinese-made alarm clocks. From all this wealth, you can create original and useful decorations for the interior with your own hands.


Clocks are a kind of conductors of a mysterious invisible, but felt by all, energy called Time. Therefore, in the human mind, the clock also carries a charge of something mystical. Watches have an interesting, inexplicable property to speed up or slow down as they please. People will always be indifferent to the clock and to the Time personified by them.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands?

Check out these cool design ideas. The photo shows that creating an original wall clock with your own hands is quite within the power of a simple housewife. As a design solution, such a handmade clock will be the brightest and most attractive place in your interior!

Here we should proceed from the fact that anything can be a dial. The main thing is that such watches should be beautiful and, like design objects, they must carry some idea.

A creative thought that has received a direction is very fruitful. Once you feel like a designer, it's forever. And such a fertile direction as the creation of original wall clocks with your own hands is simply inexhaustible.

Here is a photo of a dial made from the cover of a large wooden reel, on which cables were previously wound. Here the designer saw exactly the interesting texture of the lid as a circle, not paying attention to the main purpose of the item. Stenciled inscriptions and a metal overlay on the opening of the coil perfectly emphasize the idea of ​​a dial made of wooden planks.

Clocks made from halves of a globe require quite a lot of space, but look amazing. Such watch-compositions are suitable for and will give the spirit of travel. By the way, such watches can be well suited for a travel agency.

Wall clocks create something so homely, like a grandmother's chest ...

A ball clock with rounded hands is a real time machine.

Wall clock-picture and the following image, a clock made of a flat surface draped with an unusual material can be suitable for a living room and a hall ...

An interesting color scheme visually hides the arrows on the clock, and the map clock will allow you to travel around any country. Additionally, you can specify a lot of different data, mark the places where you have been with flags. A very original design solution for a DIY wall clock.

But this laconic clock in the form of a chessboard is well suited to the strict style of a living room, office or library.

A clock from a tin can is, of course, for the kitchen. The following photos clearly show that even such an abstract thing as a clock spring can be a decor item.

A very interesting decision is to make the dial from a saw cut of a tree, and the hands from twigs.

Figures cut from old gramophone records can be distinguished as a separate type of creativity. They themselves are very creative and have the right to life. But in combination with the idea of ​​time indicators, it's just super!

DIY wall clock design

People very often, getting used to a certain environment, do not dare to make even the slightest change in it. And this staticness is so contrary to the creative spirit that sits in each of us. Try to change this static, start with the original DIY wall clock.

watch face model. Master class with step by step photo

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: didactic material for mathematics lessons, interior decoration.
Target: clock face making.
Tasks:- to consolidate the ability to work with paper;
- to develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy of children;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue, a needle;
- to cultivate patience, confidence in their affairs.

The man who wastes his time
he does not notice how he is getting old.
E Schwartz
Even in ancient times, people knew how to navigate in time and space:
according to the stars, according to the sun, even then the first sundial was invented.
What kind of clock has not been invented by man throughout his existence: lunar, water, candle, sand, oil.
Such an ingenious invention could not but find general application. Many of the first watches served mankind for a long time and faithfully, but over time, more modern and comfortable watch models appeared.
In today's dynamic world, every minute has to be valued, as the saying "time is money" becomes more and more relevant every year. In order to control yourself, you just need to be well versed in time.
Teaching a child to navigate the clock correctly is a real art. Such activities have to take a lot of time, to explain the options for the name of the same designation. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait, not to demand skills and abilities from the child right away.
The first and best benefit is a home clock with hands, which we will make today.

Walk all century.
Not a person. (watch)
We don't sleep for a day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock. (watch)
I have no legs, but I walk
There is no mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to wake up
When to start work. (watch)
Here is a hut with arrows,
And inside sits a cuckoo

And screams: "Ku-ku-ku-ku!
I watch the minutes!" (hours)
When to go to bed and get up
When we start the game
When to sit down for a lesson
When there is a pie with raspberries -
The clock will show us everything exactly,
To the question: "What time is it?" -
You can answer anytime.
Watches are a mystical gift.
Not time has power over you,
And you are above it - let it be bright
Your every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be a little close to the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
They bring it to us at the appointed hour.

colored cardboard,
colored paper (album sheet),
thread, needle,
small flat button
hole puncher.


Step by step job description:
We need templates to work.

1. Making a dial. On the reverse side of the colored cardboard, trace the outline of the dial.

Circle the inner circle on the landscape sheet.

Cut out details.

Put the parts on top of each other, glue.

Fold the album sheet "accordion" into 12 parts, draw circles (other geometric shapes) for numbers.

Cut out details.

Glue the details to the dial, draw numbers with a felt-tip pen. The dial is ready!

2. Arrow making. On the back of the dark cardboard, make 2 holes with a hole punch.

Align holes with template holes. Outline arrow patterns.

Cut out the arrows.

3. Assembly of the dial model. Put the arrows on top of each other, align the holes of the arrows, and put them in the center of the circle.

Attach a flat button on top, sew to the dial.

Reverse side of the dial.

Mark the minutes with a marker.

Models of dials are ready in different design options.

Creative success!

A kitchen clock is a necessary, useful and, in general, everyday thing. Few people think about their design, because the main thing is that they show the time correctly, helping to control the process of preparing various dishes.

But try to make a wall clock for the kitchen with your own hands - and you will notice that the atmosphere in this room has subtly changed.

Of course, this is not about assembling and adjusting the clockwork yourself - it should be used ready-made, bought in a store or removed from an old watch. But you can even fantasize about the design of the dial.

Kitchen clock handmade

Many of us have some kind of hobby related to needlework. These skills can be applied to making watches, even if it seems impossible to you. In fact, watches can be knitted, embroidered, woven, painted, etc.

Don't believe? Look at the following photos.

As you can see, a little imagination and skill - and your kitchen will get a real handmade designer thing.

If you don’t know how to sew, embroider, or draw, you can come up with something else, no less interesting (see also the article about). You might like one of the ideas we suggested in this article or video clip.

Watches from improvised materials

Look in your kitchen cabinets and drawers, and you're bound to find plenty of things you don't need or have used up that could still serve in a different capacity. For example, an old pot lid, the only plate left from a service, or a flour sieve can be a great base for a clock.

And here are the options for using them:

  • Unscrew the handle from the old cover and you will get a watch case with a hole in the center. The lid can be spray-painted, painted or decorated with stickers. A watch mechanism with a battery is attached to it at the back, and arrows on the front.

  • The simplest and most original kitchen clock can be made from disposable tableware: plates and plastic cutlery. This idea is not new, but still interesting. In the same way as in the previous case, you just have to glue the clockwork on the back and install the hands.

Advice. Instead of a disposable plate, it is better to use a more rigid base - a lid from a mayonnaise bucket or a circle cut out of thick cardboard.

  • If you need a large enough art object, take a large tray of any shape, drill a hole in the middle and use good glue to fix twelve coffee cups on it. Further instructions are similar to the previous ones.

These ideas can not be copied literally, but used only as hints. For example, instead of a lid, a frying pan with a handle or an old vinyl record can be a great watch case.

coffee clock

Coffee beans are a favorite material for making various crafts from craftsmen. They can also be used to decorate watches. In the kitchen, they are especially appropriate, as they will not only show the time, but also exude a magical aroma.

It is not necessary to make watches with your own hands, you can use the existing ones, and only decorate them with coffee beans by sticking them directly on the dial or on the bezel of the case. Although you can come up with your own composition. Watch the master class to understand how to work with this material and what it can be combined with.

Advice. Instead of coffee, you can use any other grains, as well as pasta. If you paint them with spray paint, you can create an interesting ornament or a whole picture.


Today, this method of decorating has found a second life, because it allows you to create truly unique things. Its essence is extremely simple: it is an ordinary application, which is varnished on top to protect the pattern.

Sometimes craquelure varnishes are used, which create small cracks on the surface and give the effect of antiquity.

For kitchen clocks, you can use paper napkins with a pattern that matches the style and color. They are glued to the prepared base with PVA glue diluted with water. After drying, you can paint on the contours, stick or write numbers, and then cover it all with acrylic varnish.

wooden clock

If you love working with wood and the style of your kitchen calls for this kind of décor, then you have a huge opportunity.

  • A do-it-yourself wall kitchen clock can be made from a thin saw cut of a tree (see also the article about). It only needs to be sanded, varnished or stained and drilled a hole for attaching the arrows.

  • Remember the old cuckoo clock that used to hang in almost every village house? Their likeness can be made from wooden planks, and decorated with figures from salt dough.

  • Another interesting idea that your children or grandchildren will love. Cut out a circle from thick plywood, and drill 12 thin holes at regular intervals on its end. We will not remind you about the clock mechanism and hands - everything is as usual here. But the role of time indicators should be played by lollipops inserted into pre-made holes. Just do not prematurely remove the wrapper from them.

Advice. Make a supply of candies to replace those that will constantly and mysteriously disappear.


How to teach a child to understand time? After all, you can’t see it, you can’t touch it, it is always in motion. Teaching a child time by the clock is a necessary step in classes with a baby.

Teaching a child of time consists of several methods:

1) With a child, you can start studying the clock if he knows the numbers. If not, then you need to introduce the baby to them first. To do this, various educational materials, cards with numbers, etc. will come to the rescue.

3) For classes, use a simple watch with large numbers, you can buy them, or you can make it yourself. From paper, cardboard, you can make a clock on which the child can turn the hands himself.

4) First, introduce the child to the arrows: hour, minute, second.

5) Then show the numbers on the layout, explain that 5 minutes are counted between the numbers, and so on.

No need to start right away with a complex theory, tell your child everything in the form of a fairy tale, how a small hour hand that looks like a turtle walks slowly and slowly, and a large minute hand looks like a bird and jumps fast and fast.

To help you, we offer you a template for making watches and learning time with your child. You can download the material at the bottom of the page.

What you need to make a watch:

1. Clock patterns;

3. Glue (glue stick or PVA glue);

4. Needle and thread;

5. 2 buttons.

Work process:

1) Print out the template.

2) Cut out the clock and glue it on the cardboard, cut out the numbers and arrows and glue it on the dial.

3) We take a needle and thread and sew the arrows. In order for the arrows to rotate freely, we use buttons: we fasten one on the front side, the second on the back.

4) These are the training hours that are obtained as a result.

Involve children in the manufacturing process, they really like every “coven”. Yes, and playing with toys that the child made himself is many times more interesting.

I hope you and your baby will enjoy this watch and learn time with pleasure and benefit.

Educational video for kids about alarm clock and clock fromFixiklub
