What kind of face masks are possible. Blue face mask

Don’t feed any girl bread, just give her the opportunity to make herself beautiful! Young ladies really like various colorful tubes, boxes, jars and bottles, the contents of which promise them eternal youth and unearthly attractiveness. Masks stand out in this company of care products - after all, they open up such a wide field for activity! With the help of masks, you can moisturize your skin, reduce wrinkles, sculpt the contours of your face, and give it freshness and radiance... In general, you won’t get bored with them!

Do-it-yourself masks occupy a special place among them. They make you feel a little like a cosmetologist and a little like a sorceress conjuring a wonderful potion. And also, to be honest, save a small amount for the family budget. Today we will talk about just such masks. Namely, what kind of anti-aging face masks can be made at home and how to use them correctly.

Beauty laboratory

Of course, anti-aging masks need to be selected taking into account individual characteristics: age, skin type, allergies to any components. However, there is nothing to worry about - there are enough rejuvenation recipes for everyone!

The most popular ingredients for homemade masks are fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, honey and yeast. Therefore, before opening a “beauty salon” at home, you should stock up on them.

In addition, you should remember that the rejuvenating mask cannot be rushed - you need to give yourself half an hour of peace. There is no need to fry borscht with a mask on your face, talk on the phone or emotionally prove to your husband that you desperately need a fifth pair of sandals. All this later. And during rejuvenation - complete relaxation and tranquility, positive thoughts and light pleasant music.

And, probably, there is no need to clarify that anti-aging masks, like all others, are made only on skin cleansed of makeup and with washed hands.

Now it's time to get to practice! And you can start with the five best masks. They may not be the fastest to prepare, but the incredible results are well worth the effort. So here are their recipes.

TOP 5 most effective anti-aging masks

Asian mask

Considering where it came from, it shouldn't be surprising that its main ingredient is... rice! Partly thanks to him, oriental women look so good, because rice contains:

  • starch, softening the skin;
  • choline, which relieves irritation;
  • silicon, which gives elasticity;
  • potassium, which combats dryness;
  • vitamins PP and H, refreshing the complexion and promoting cell regeneration.

When making this mask, you must strictly follow the recipe - only then will it be effective for facial rejuvenation and make the skin soft and tender.

So, 200 g of rice needs to be washed well seven times. Then pour it into a saucepan and add two glasses of purified water. Cover with a lid and let the rice sit for 10 hours. For example, you can soak it in the morning and prepare the mask by evening.

After this time, a film should appear on the surface - there is no need to be scared, it means everything is correct. Next, place the saucepan on the stove and cook the rice until all the water is gone.

Attention! Do not mix the contents of the container!

For the mask you will only need the top layer of rice, it is the one that is rich in the greatest amount of valuable substances. It must be carefully removed, cooled and mixed with the yolk. After five minutes, you can apply the rejuvenating mask to your face. Then you need to rest for twenty minutes and wash it off with cool water.

This mask is good, first of all, for women over 45 whose skin has begun to fade. The remaining rice is quite edible.

Aloe juice mask

Everyone has heard about how beneficial aloe vera is for facial skin rejuvenation. It is included in cosmetic products of many well-known brands, as it contains more than a hundred nutrients - here are vitamins, minerals, and amino acids... Aloe is especially good for dry skin, although by and large it is suitable for all types. It evens out the complexion, remarkably refreshes and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

To prepare such a mask, you need to cut a few leaves from the plant and leave them in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then carefully squeeze the juice out of them and mix it with olive oil in a one to one ratio. Next, add a little nourishing cream and heat the whole mixture slightly until completely homogeneous. A lukewarm mask is applied to the face, and it should be kept for a quarter of an hour, then washed with cool water.

Wheat germ mask

This is a very effective mask containing a high concentration of vitamins. Wheat sprouts renew cells, giving facial skin freshness and a healthy appearance. It is especially good to make such masks for women over 40 years old, whose appearance is already beginning to undergo slight age-related changes.

What you mix wheat germ with depends on your skin type. If it is dry, high-fat sour cream is suitable; if sensitive - milk; If it’s normal, use yogurt, but if it’s fatty, then you need to take kefir. The sprouts should be washed in lukewarm water, dried and pureed in a blender. Then mix with the chosen dairy product to form a thick paste. Apply it to your face, rest for a quarter of an hour and wash.

Fast acting express mask

This is a procedure from the “best for instant effect” series. For example, if you urgently need to put your face in order before the arrival of unexpected but dear guests. Or go to a dinner party or anniversary yourself, and your skin, on purpose, looks tired. The effect of such a mask does not last too long, but for emergency cases for one evening, it is just what the doctor ordered!

To make it, you will need an egg, honey and milk, or, if the skin is very dry, then sour cream. Divide the egg into white and yolk; the latter is not needed. Using a fork, beat the whites well with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of milk (sour cream). Apply to face and leave for a quarter of an hour.

This mask perfectly evens out the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and refreshes. But you shouldn’t abuse it by doing it too often - it dries out the protein.

Vitamin yeast mask

Probably, many have heard that yeast perfectly rejuvenates and promotes the regeneration of skin cells due to the content of B vitamins. It is precisely this effect that is useful in order to significantly improve the appearance of the face at home.

So, a tablespoon of yeast should be mixed with a spoonful of milk or sour cream, again, depending on your skin type. Pour in a teaspoon of honey and flaxseed oil, mix well. Then heat the water in a saucepan or bowl until it becomes very hot, lower the container with the mixture into it and turn off the heat. As soon as the yeast has fermented, the mask is ready for use. It should be cooled to a pleasant temperature and spread in a thick layer on the face for 10 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Other folk recipes

Of course, the most effective masks are not limited to five recipes. There are countless of them, and here are some more popular anti-aging mixtures made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Lemon mask

It perfectly smooths out small wrinkles, tightens pores, whitens well and relieves fatigue. To prepare such a mask, you need to take:

  • two raw yolks;

  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

Beat all ingredients with a fork until smooth and carefully apply a thin layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Lie down and wait until the mixture dries. Then repeat all over again - there should be three layers of mask on the skin in total. During this ritual you should not talk or show emotions. The mass should dry evenly and without creases. Leave it on the skin for half an hour and rinse off - first with warm water, then with cool water. Finally, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Raspberry mask

It perfectly nourishes, eliminates minor imperfections, gives the face a healthy color and the skin velvety.

For such a mask, you should mash three tablespoons of raspberries, add a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and an egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply to face and relax for 20 minutes. Then wash your face.

Curd mask

This mask is indispensable for tired skin. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of cottage cheese of any fat content, but without additives, mash with a tablespoon of liquid honey. Add raw yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil, mix. Apply to face, rest for 20 minutes, and then wash.

Video about preparing an anti-aging mask at home:

Sea buckthorn mask

It is especially good for problematic and inflamed skin prone to oily skin. For it, two spoons of sea buckthorn need to be crushed into puree, add the same amount of cucumber juice, a spoonful of wheat flour and protein. Stir everything with a fork, apply an even layer to your face and rest for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Apple mask

It refreshes, moisturizes, and gives the skin a healthy glow. And it’s very simple to do - you need to grate the apple and mix it with thick sour cream to form a paste. Then spread the mixture on the skin and lie for 10 minutes, then rinse.

These are the anti-aging recipes. I wish you to find among them the perfect one for your skin!

Every woman, no matter how old she is, wants to be attractive. But with age, the skin of the face and body requires more careful care. It is impossible to completely avoid wrinkles, but we are quite capable of slowing down the process of their appearance. Facial rejuvenation masks will help with this.

Natural care at home

Homemade face masks are one of the most common methods of skin rejuvenation. Firstly, all the ingredients in them are natural. You will know for sure that the masks do not contain any dyes, preservatives, or flavors. Secondly, these are inexpensive masks. Everything you need for them is already in your home. And if not, you can buy it at your nearest store. Thirdly, facial rejuvenation masks are very effective. But there is one condition: they need to be done regularly.

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Banana masks for rejuvenation

Vitamins C and E, which are found in large quantities in banana pulp, will help prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. Vitamin E promotes cell regeneration. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

To prepare a banana mask for facial skin rejuvenation, take a ripe banana, mash it well with a fork, mix with a teaspoon of milk. Apply the mask to well-cleansed facial skin. It is great for dry skin. If you have oily skin, you can also use this mask, but add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water if the skin is oily, or in milk if the skin is dry.

To rejuvenate your facial skin, it is recommended to use this mask daily or every other day. The course consists of 20 procedures.

Another anti-aging banana face mask is prepared as follows. Add a little cream and potato starch to the mashed banana. The mask should have the consistency of sour cream. By the way, this mask can even be used for the skin of the eyelids. Having prepared the mask, apply it to the skin in a thin layer, when it dries, apply a second layer. Pay special attention to areas where there are wrinkles. Cover your face with a napkin on top, lie down for 30-40 minutes, and then remove the mask with a swab dipped in warm water (mineral water is possible). This mask is suitable for very dry skin. It is recommended to do it every other day, the course is 10 procedures. It should be repeated once every 1-2 months.

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Grape rejuvenating mask

A very simple and effective mask. You need to squeeze out the juice of white grapes, moisten it with gauze folded in several layers or a linen napkin, which is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water after the tissue is removed. Dry your skin with a soft towel and apply your nourishing cream. This mask is suitable for any skin type. It cleanses and tones well, preventing skin sagging.

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Three super masks based on honey

Honey has a unique ability to penetrate the smallest pores of the skin. In addition, it contains a storehouse of useful substances. These are vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, carotene, folic acid, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, copper, enzymes and many other useful substances. This is why honey is considered one of the best skin remedies. It regulates water balance, nourishes the skin, and prevents its aging.

  • Firming mask made of honey and yolk

Mix the yolk of one egg with honey, rowan juice and sunflower oil (one teaspoon each). Apply the mask to the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. Do 10 procedures every other day.

  • Facial rejuvenation mask made from honey and dandelion

You will need fresh dandelion leaves. Wash and rub them. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with the same amount of mashed leaves. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • Honey mask for wrinkles

Smoothes out fine wrinkles very well. A teaspoon of honey should be mixed with egg whites and two tablespoons of bio-yogurt. Add 2 drops of lavender oil and stir well. Apply the mixture to your face, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

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Two options for facial rejuvenation from gelatin

What are the benefits of gelatin for the face? Gelatin is essentially the same collagen, only it is split. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity. The lack of collagen is one of the main causes of aging. Collagen molecules contained in cosmetics are very large and cannot penetrate deep into the skin. And in edible gelatin, collagen molecules are broken down, so their degree of penetration is higher.

  • Anti-wrinkle mask

Dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 2 tablespoons of water, add 40 g of glycerin. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Honey-gelatin mask

25 g gelatin pour 1 tbsp. spoon of cold water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. After this time, add one teaspoon of honey and 60 g of glycerin. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat slightly. Apply to skin with a cotton pad. Leave for 20 minutes. A film should form, which then needs to be removed. After removing, be sure to wipe your face with tonic.

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Rejuvenating egg-based face masks

Egg white perfectly tightens enlarged pores and gives a lifting effect. In addition, egg white is a living environment in which a living organism grows and develops, which means it contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements. B vitamins and amino acids contained in protein reduce the depth of wrinkles, tighten pores, whiten the skin, and dry it well. Egg white masks are great for oily skin. But this does not mean that those with dry skin cannot use such masks. You just need to add some vegetable oil or heavy cream to them.

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The simplest protein mask for oily skin

Beat the white of a chicken or quail egg well with a fork and apply to your face. Lie down for half an hour and then wash with cool mineral water. You can complete the procedure by wiping your face with an ice cube.

Do you want to enhance the effect of the mask? Before doing it, steam your face with a herbal decoction. Brew chamomile, linden blossom or St. John's wort in a ladle, tilt your head over the steam. A 10-minute action of this decoction is enough. The pores will open. And when you wash your face after the protein mask, all impurities and dead cells will be washed away along with the protein.

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Protein and alum mask for aging skin

Alum can be purchased at a pharmacy. The mask is great for oily, sagging and porous skin. To prepare, you will need one protein, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of alum. Mix the ingredients and apply to your face for 20 minutes. Carry out 20 procedures with an interval of 4-5 days.

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Rejuvenate facial skin with egg yolk

The yolk of an egg contains macro- and microelements such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, as well as vitamins D, B, A. By the way, vitamin A is very important for facial skin, since it is responsible for the water balance of the skin and its regeneration . In addition, the yolk contains lecithin, which moisturizes, softens and tones the skin.

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Yolk and rye flour mask

Take a tablespoon of rye flour, grind it with one yolk and 1 tbsp. spoon of milk. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Mix the ingredients well and apply on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water or weak tea.

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Yolk and radish mixture

Mix one yolk with grated radish, honey and cream (you need to take one tablespoon in total). The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse off with chamomile infusion, moistening a cotton pad in it.

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Vitamin mask with yolk

Mix one yolk with 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. wheat germ oil, 1 tbsp. l. applesauce, 1 tbsp. l. grated cucumber. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. You can repeat it twice a week.

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Video recipe for lifting ginger mask

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  • The effect of masks can only be assessed if you use them regularly.
  • The optimal course is 10-20 procedures.
  • Don’t try to use all the masks you know in a month. To see how this or that mask affects your skin, do only it for a certain time. Move on to the next one when you finish the course.
  • Herbal steam baths will help enhance the effect of any mask. Any herbs are useful - brew what you have on hand. 10 minutes of steam is enough to open the pores.
  • You can wash off the masks with the same herbal decoction, as well as mineral water. You can complete the face rejuvenation masks with a tonic prepared at home. Or wipe your face with a piece of ice.
  • Applying a nourishing cream to the face is a mandatory procedure after any mask.

Every self-respecting woman is simply obliged to make face masks at home, and at any age, even the youngest. After all, the skin constantly needs care and attention, especially in modern environmental conditions.

How to choose the most ideal one for yourself, your beloved? There are many nuances in this process - the same age, skin type, the presence of problems and defects, the purpose of the home cosmetic product.

That is why today we will take a brief excursion into the theory and reinforce everything with practical advice and the most effective recipes for masks based on natural homemade products. As a bonus, you are guaranteed to choose the most suitable product for beauty and youth at any time of the day or night.

What types of face masks are there?

First of all, let's look at what homemade face masks there are, based on the main effect. Everything here is extremely simple and familiar, just like with store-bought skin care products.

The first large subgroup is for constant care and maintenance of the normal state of the epidermis:

  • cleansers (with soft abrasive particles);
  • moisturizing (with components that deliver liquid to the epidermis);
  • nutritious (with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances);
  • tonic (with stimulating products).
  • whitening;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-rosacea;
  • anti-acne.

The next group is anti-aging care compositions:

  • anti-aging;
  • with a lifting effect.

A special group includes home remedies for peeling and scrubbing. These are, in essence, also cleansing masks, but their effect is somewhat different, since they contain more aggressive components. They must be used very carefully, strictly according to indications, taking into account all contraindications and skin type.

The division into categories is quite arbitrary. All these remedies can be used at any age, if there are reasons for this and a desire to bring your appearance into complete order using your own strength and small means.

But even the best homemade face masks will not have the desired effect if you do them occasionally, do not take into account all the nuances and neglect your individual characteristics.

A face mask at home is a product with active ingredients that affect not only the surface of the skin itself, but also the inner layer of the epidermis. You need to know in which cases which mask is best to use. But there are also general indications for the use of such home care cosmetics:

  • cleansing the skin of dust, dirt, toxins and dead epithelium;
  • dry skin (oily skin can also experience a lack of moisture);
  • the presence of pimples, blackheads, acne;
  • rosacea;
  • dull complexion;
  • deterioration of skin turgor regardless of age;
  • age-related changes;
  • the presence of small wrinkles in different parts of the face, as well as on the neck and décolleté;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • blurry oval face;
  • off-season, when the body lacks vitamins.

There are such unique recipes when the mask can be trusted to eliminate problems that have arisen right before “going out into the world.” This is a kind of “first aid”.

But at the same time, there are a number of contraindications for conducting home cosmetology sessions. And again, the reason for the prohibitions lies not only in the state of the body, but also in the components of the magical compositions. It is not recommended to apply masks in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the product (fortunately, there are many recipes and you can choose the one that suits you if you wish);
  • the presence of wounds, cuts, scratches on the skin;
  • dermatological problems in the treated area;
  • open ulcers, ulcers, erosions;
  • hypertension;
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus for masks that use sweet foods.

Very important! Before using any new composition, especially if there is a predisposition to allergies, you need to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to the inside of the elbow or wrist and rub into the skin. Wait about half an hour (for masks with honey - at least one and a half hours). If there are no uncomfortable sensations in the form of burning, itching, tingling and after removing the composition there is no redness or swelling on the skin, you can apply it to the face.

A face mask at home is usually prepared very simply - you need to mix all the ingredients and bring the mixture until smooth. But in some recipes the order of combining the components is important.

Tips on how to prepare a mask are contained in each recipe. But if suddenly there are none, you should know the following nuances:

  • You should make masks only from fresh products, do not prepare them for future use, and do not store them in the refrigerator until next time;
  • gelatin is always pre-soaked in water or other liquid specified in the recipe. It takes about half an hour to swell. Then the mixture is brought to a homogeneous state in a water bath, but under no circumstances boil;
  • For scrubs, fine flour, bran, coffee grounds, salt, and sugar are used. If the particles are too large (oatmeal, sea salt), they need to be ground a little in a coffee grinder;
  • for oily skin, low-fat fermented milk products, decoctions of medicinal herbs, or plain water are usually used. For dry skin, full-fat sour milk and whole milk are more suitable;
  • You can make the ideal mask consistency at home using a blender.

Preparing the composition requires care and strict adherence to all advice. If you need a larger amount of the mixture, the ratio of ingredients should be maintained.

Knowing how to make a face mask in principle is half the battle. In order for it to work correctly and have the maximum effect, and not just “be smeared all over your face,” you need to know the rules for preparing the skin and applying the composition.

How to make a face mask correctly? It seems like a trivial and ridiculous question. But not everyone knows what needs to be done before applying the product to the skin. After all, it needs to be prepared to “accept” all those useful components that you mixed in a magic vessel.

Before applying the mask to your face you need:

  • cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics using your usual makeup remover;
  • It’s a good idea to wash your face with warm water and soap that contains cream;
  • steam your face. This can be done either over a steam bath (which is a little dangerous, since there is a risk of getting burned by the steam), or by applying a soft cloth soaked in a fairly warm decoction of medicinal herbs (compress) to the skin. This way the pores open, the skin becomes receptive and all the active substances penetrate inside.

Now tips on how to properly apply a face mask at home:

  • tuck hair under a scarf or headband;
  • apply the composition along massage lines, with light movements, using a special brush or fingertips;
  • massage the skin a little, as if “driving” the composition inside, but very lightly and carefully;
  • Not all masks are applied to the skin around the eyes, since in this area the epidermis is very thin and needs special care;
  • leave to act for a clearly defined time;
  • If the mask has a scarab effect, it must also be rolled along massage lines very carefully so as not to injure the skin. Movements from top to bottom;
  • rinse with warm water, do not wipe the surface vigorously, but simply blot with a moisture-absorbing cotton cloth;
  • If necessary, after removing the composition, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream according to your skin type after 10-15 minutes.

An express face mask made from cucumber juice or pulp and cream is a method of quickly restoring the skin after a sleepless night or a hard day at work. Very quickly and without any problems you can give your skin a healthy glow, even tone, freshness and natural blush.

All you need is to take a tablespoon of heavy cream and the same spoon of cucumber juice or vegetable pulp, mix and apply to the prepared face. Wash off the mixture after a quarter of an hour with warm water. This composition can also be applied to the skin around the eyes. Better yet, cut thin slices of cucumber and just put it on your eyes.

Important! After such a mask, half an hour later you can do your makeup and go to a social event, party, dinner party or receive guests. You will look great.

Firming face masks are usually made on the basis of active ingredients - vitamins (from the pharmacy), vegetables, fruits, honey, cosmetic clay. They are indicated for ladies with sensitive, problematic and dry skin. And some recipes make it possible to tighten the oval of the face, providing a lifting effect.

Face masks are beneficial only with regular use (we repeat). What can they be made from? Yes, from almost everything that is in the refrigerator, in the garden, on the market or in the store. You just need to choose the right components so that they do not “contradict” each other, but complement and enhance.

The fastest face mask at home - sour cream, cream, cucumber, banana, strawberry. Just mash the fruit into a porridge and apply it to your skin, spread it on dairy products and walk around while you cook dinner or brew coffee. Such monomasks can be done even every day.

Well, now, the promised best face masks at home in detail and “in colors”.

To nourish your skin with moisture, you can use homemade ice cubes for your face every day. The ingredients are decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, marigold, string), juices of vegetables and fruits, homemade dry white wine. The liquid must be poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer. Every morning, wiping your face with an ice cube afterwards perfectly moisturizes, tones and helps you finally wake up.

Effective face masks with a moisturizing effect - based on cottage cheese.

  1. For dry and sensitive skin, you need to mix two large spoons of full-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of warm whole milk. Grind until smooth and apply to prepared face. Leave for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and blot with a soft natural cloth.
  2. For oily and normal skin, a mask made from low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp), two slices of grapefruit and egg white is suitable. Grind all the ingredients, beat the protein into foam, mix until smooth and apply to the face. Leave it for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

To ensure that the water balance is not disturbed, the liquid must enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking regime is of considerable importance for the condition of the skin.

For food

It’s very easy to make a nourishing face mask at home. After all, in the refrigerator there is always something from fermented milk, an egg, any fruit. Such compositions are especially relevant during the off-season, when there is a clear lack of vitamins, minerals and other useful components supplied with seasonal food.

Folk recipes are simple to the point of disgrace:

  • yolk + a small spoon of honey + a small spoon of sour cream + half a small spoon of lemon juice;
  • the pulp of half a banana + a large spoon of thick cream + a small spoon of aloe pulp;
  • pulp of half a persimmon + a large spoon of kefir + 3-4 drops of almond essential oil;
  • tablespoon applesauce + teaspoon olive oil + tablespoon cornstarch.

The preparations are the same in each case - mix until smooth, apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Time is “decorated” only by exclusive wine and cognac. For living beings, this factor is by no means very encouraging in terms of aging. And women try with all their might to push away its visual manifestations. Useful face masks at home are a great way to “pause” time at least a little.

Mixtures containing aloe will be effective. This unique plant has a number of positive qualities, which guarantees an indispensable rejuvenating (and not only) result.

  1. Mix aloe juice and almond (sesame, olive, nut, flaxseed) oil in equal parts. Whisk until an emulsion is obtained and apply to the skin every other day before bed for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. A face mask in summer can be made using plantain. To do this, rinse the fresh leaf of the plant under running water and turn it into a paste. Mix with an equal amount of light fresh honey. If the mixture turns out too thick, dilute with a drop of water. To enhance effectiveness, if available, you can add half a teaspoon of fresh bee pollen to the composition. Apply to prepared face and leave for about half an hour. After time has passed, remove the pulp from the surface of the skin with a napkin and only then rinse your face with slightly warm water.

In order to cleanse your face every day, you need to have on hand a hand-prepared mixture of melt water, a couple of drops of tea tree oil and lemon (cucumber) juice. Add 5 drops of oil and two large spoons of the selected juice to a glass of liquid. After removing makeup, simply wipe your face with this lotion.

Coffee scrub:

  • hard boiled egg (yolk);
  • a tablespoon of milk or kefir;
  • a teaspoon of coffee grounds (after making coffee);
  • 4 drops of bergamot oil;
  • cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Using the prepared ingredients, we make a face mask in this way: grind the yolk with cinnamon and ether until smooth. Next, add the dairy product and coffee and mix again. Apply to a cleansed and steamed face along massage lines in an even layer. Leave for a quarter of an hour, roll along the same lines from top to bottom. Wash off any remaining residue with warm water and after 20 minutes, lubricate the skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream according to your skin type.

The most effective face masks with a tightening effect, prepared at home - based on cosmetic clay.

Option “pink”:

  • a large spoon with a heap of pink clay;
  • vitamin A (retinol acetate) – one ampoule;
  • three to four large spoons of unflavored green tea.

Mix clay and tea until smooth, then add a pharmaceutical vitamin that strengthens blood vessels, improves cellular respiration and stimulates internal metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Apply to the prepared face in an even layer along the massage lines. The effect is usually left for 25-30 minutes. Periodically, to avoid drying out the surface, it must be moistened with a spray bottle. Rinse off gently with warm water without damaging the skin. After a quarter of an hour, you can apply a suitable cream.

The simplest recipes for face masks with a whitening effect at home - using fruit acids, parsley, avocado.

For regular use (twice a week), a mask is suitable:

  • avocado – 2 tbsp. pureed pulp;
  • parsley - a teaspoon of finely chopped greens;
  • cream - a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

Mix everything until smooth and apply to prepared skin, avoiding areas around the eyes. Rinse off after a quarter of an hour with cool water. It is not necessary to use cream after such a mask.

It is best to apply such compositions in the evening to avoid applying decorative cosmetics, going out into the sun or wind.

A face mask at home is optimally used before the age of 30 - once a week, after 30 - twice a week. For a certain type of product there is an appropriate course, after which the composition needs to be changed so that the skin does not “get used to it”.

Each mask is good in its own way and has a certain effect on the skin. Regularity, persistence in achieving goals and choosing the right composition are the keys to success. Don’t look for excuses for yourself: “Whoever wants, looks for opportunities. Those who don’t want to look for reasons.”

For a woman who cares about her appearance, face masks at home are a conscious necessity, especially since most cosmetologists recognize their rejuvenating and healing power. There are a lot of different recipes, from simple to completely exotic, designed for all skin types. Let's look at some of the most effective and popular recipes for face masks.

Homemade face masks

Perhaps nothing more affordable and reliable has yet been invented to maintain youthful skin than homemade masks made from natural ingredients. The main thing in this matter is regularity. You can start taking care of your skin after the age of 25. You should not limit yourself to just a face mask; the composition should be applied to the neck and décolleté. In order for the effect after such procedures to be “obvious”, you need to apply the mask 1-3 times a week in courses of up to two months.


Natural face masks vary depending on skin type, composition, and the achieved therapeutic, cosmetic or anti-aging effect, but a more correct and meaningful classification is considered to be their division according to the type of purpose. The most popular are the seven masks listed below, which are not difficult to prepare with your own hands:

  • Cleansing compounds help remove dead particles and unclog clogged pores. They give the skin a glow and a healthy look.
  • Moisturizing compositions of homemade cosmetics are useful at any age. They rejuvenate and heal.
  • Nourishing masks, as a rule, consist of ingredients containing vitamins E, A, natural honey, egg whites, and plant extracts.
  • It’s not difficult to prepare masks for facial rejuvenation at home, but the effect you can achieve is simply amazing. With regular use of anti-aging procedures, you can get a tightened face and get rid of shallow wrinkles.
  • Compositions for problem skin are relevant in the presence of acne, pimples, clogged pores, and oily epidermis.
  • Whitening masks are designed to even out skin tone and eliminate pigmentation. They consist of ingredients that affect the formation of melanin, contain vitamin C, E, white clay, sulfur, and retinol.
  • Soothing face masks at home can be prepared using infusions of chamomile, cornflower, lavender, and wheat germ. They remove the consequences of the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, ecology and other factors.

How to choose according to skin type

In order for skin care procedures to be as effective as possible, you need to determine your skin type. To do this, the sensitivity of the skin, its elasticity and fat content are determined. Dry skin lacks moisture, causing flaking. Oily skin is usually shiny and has acne. Normal skin looks attractive, it is clean, with an even release of oil and moisture.

How to make a face mask

There are certain rules that must be followed to get the maximum benefit from the procedure. The first thing you should do is cleanse your face before applying the product. This will expand the pores and allow the skin to quickly absorb nutrients. It won’t hurt to do peeling and cleansing of the skin before the procedure. Do not apply cosmetic product to the lips and area around the eyes. The composition is applied with a clean brush or hands, removed with a wet cotton pad, or you can simply wash your face. There is no need to dry your face with a towel after washing! This will allow the skin to absorb moisture.


Recipes for face masks based on vegetable or cosmetic oil are simple and effective; the compositions perfectly nourish the skin with various microelements, for example, vitamin E, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. To apply the product to your face, you need to dip a cotton pad in oil (slightly heated by steam) and lubricate already cleansed skin with it for half an hour. After the time has passed, wash your face and let the moisture evaporate on its own.

A universal folk nourishing mask for any type of skin is prepared as follows: take two tsp. ground oatmeal, two tsp. spoons of natural liquid honey, 1 tsp. leftover tea leaves, egg yolk. The result is a paste of homogeneous consistency, which is applied with massaging movements for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. After the procedure, the upper layers of the epidermis are cleansed, and the skin receives a lot of nutrients.


Homemade face masks for oily skin help tighten pores and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To prepare the recipe, you will need tomato pulp without peel, which is immersed in boiling water for two minutes. After this, grate it and add 1 tsp. starch. The resulting paste is applied to clean skin for half an hour, then washed off. For dry skin, prepare a moisturizing chamomile mask: 2 tbsp. l. flowers are brewed in a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered, added 1 tsp. aloe juice (you can use glycerin in the same amount) and apply for half an hour.


This face mask is used in cases where there is an urgent need to improve your appearance. Sour cream is perfect for this, helping to quickly restore freshness to tired skin. It is better if the sour cream is thick, homemade, but store-bought (fresh) will do. Dry skin is lubricated with rich sour cream, oily skin with low fat content. The skin is pre-cleaned, then sour cream is applied for half an hour. Wash off the mask with cold water.

For a tonic effect, freshly squeezed fruit or berry juices are added to sour cream. For example, for the fatty type, take apple, lemon, pomegranate or grape juice. Ripe rowan or currant will do. For the dry type, take watermelon, peach or orange juice in a proportion of 3 tbsp. l. juice for 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. You can use kefir, whey or yogurt.


Cucumber juice not only helps cleanse the skin, it also perfectly tightens pores. To prepare the composition, fresh cucumber is peeled and finely grated. Add one beaten egg white to the paste, apply for half an hour and rinse off. The second recipe is simple and useful for problematic or dry skin. To prepare the composition, you need to combine 1 teaspoon of yeast and 1 teaspoon. cranberry or lemon juice. Apply the composition for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, use a rich cream. You should not be alarmed if your face turns a little red; this happens when metabolic processes increase.

Firming face masks

The composition for rejuvenation for dry skin types is prepared on the basis of oatmeal. You will need 3 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Brew flour with a spoon of warm milk, add butter and sour cream and apply for 20 minutes, then rinse. Thanks to elastin and vitamin B, the aging of the epidermis is slowed down, the skin is tightened, and wrinkles are reduced. Natural masks with lemon and honey are suitable for fading skin: 16 drops of citrus, tsp. honey, tsp. kaolin, a spoonful of milk. After the mask, wipe a clean face with lime juice. A cold compress will help enhance the rejuvenating effect.


Combine raw potato puree (50 g) with lemon juice (10 ml), one yolk, olive oil (10 ml), add copper sulfate on the tip of a knife. Keep the anti-inflammatory mask on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lemon juice. The second recipe is a clay mask with talcum powder. White cosmetic clay (7 g) is mixed with talc (7 g), milk is added until a mushy mass is obtained. You need to keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes, then remove it with a swab or rinse with cool water.

Anti-aging face masks

Finely grate half the apple with the peel and combine with 1 tsp. sour cream, one egg yolk, stir and make a mask. After 25 minutes, wash your face and apply cream. Another good recipe for an anti-wrinkle cosmetic procedure consists of full-fat cottage cheese and kiwi. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese with a spoonful of grated fruit. Keep the anti-aging mask for 40 minutes, then remove with wet wipes. To get a reliable rejuvenation effect, you will need a course of 12 masks, 2 per week.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Before applying the composition, the skin must be cleansed with tonic, lotion, milk or scrub. If your skin is dry, you can wash your face with water alone; if your skin is oily, you can wash it with foam. Then prepare the composition from fresh ingredients and immediately apply to the face, including the forehead. You need to move from the chin to the ears, from the corners of the lips to the ears. The following movements go from the center of the forehead to the temples, to the hair. The mask is removed with plain water, without soap; for dry skin types, the water should be warm, and for oily skin types, cold. After removing the composition, a nourishing cream is applied.


It is necessary to start caring for your skin as early as possible in order to prolong and maintain its attractiveness, youth and elasticity for many years. Fortunately, today a huge number of cosmetic procedures have been developed for this purpose. And the cosmetic market is rich in a range of products for the care of mature and aging skin, which have a nourishing and regenerating effect. And, nevertheless, if you regularly use homemade anti-aging face masks, you can significantly prolong the youth and blooming appearance of your skin.

Let me make a reservation right away that using masks alone is not enough, since the skin needs constant care, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. Masks provide additional skin care. As a rule, anti-aging masks should be included in your daily skin care program from about the age of twenty-five, since it is at this age that the aging process begins and the first wrinkles appear.

The advantage of anti-aging masks prepared at home is the completely natural composition of the ingredients they contain. Thanks to this, owners of especially sensitive skin will be able to avoid irritation and allergic reactions, which often arise due to various chemical additives in the composition of finished cosmetics. Only in this case, if you are intolerant to any products, you should not make masks that contain them. It should be noted that anti-aging face masks should be tailored to your skin type, so as not to cause excessive dryness or increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Another advantage of homemade face masks is their low cost and high effectiveness.

Every time before applying any face mask, including anti-aging, the skin must be cleansed of impurities, dead cells and makeup residues. It would be a good idea to take a steam bath for your skin, which will open the pores and increase the effectiveness of further care. When applying masks to your skin, you should avoid the eye area unless they are intended for that area.

Rejuvenating face masks, regardless of skin type, should be done two to three times a week, supplementing the care with special products for mature and aging skin. After this procedure, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream, depending on the skin type.

Recipes for homemade anti-aging face masks.
This recipe will not only restore elasticity to the skin, but also smooth out the first wrinkles. It is worth noting that such a mask consists of two stages: first, a mask prepared from a mixture of beaten egg whites and a teaspoon of lemon juice should be applied to the skin for two or three minutes. After the specified time, the composition should be washed off with warm boiled water. The second stage will be applying a mask based on yolk mixed with fifteen grams of any natural vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, castor, almond) and ten drops of lemon juice. If desired, you can add vitamins A, E, B to the composition. The mask should be left for twenty minutes, then rinsed off first with warm and then cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Or this recipe for a nourishing and smoothing mask for the skin: beat the egg yolk, add a tablespoon of flour and dilute it all with warm milk until you get the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for twenty minutes. This composition should be removed with water with the addition of lemon juice (take a teaspoon of lemon juice per glass of water).

Potatoes have excellent smoothing properties, so a mask based on them will help prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and eliminate fine mesh. Prepare mashed potatoes from two medium-sized potatoes with the addition of milk, butter and eggs. Apply the resulting mixture warm to the skin of the face, and after twenty minutes rinse with cool water. If desired, you can add any vegetable juice (for example, carrot) to the composition.

Self-prepared lotion at home will serve as an excellent prevention of wrinkles and sagging skin. To prepare it, mix an egg yolk with two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, add half a teaspoon of vodka and half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion every day, then lubricate the skin with a non-greasy cream.

This mask gives the skin smoothness and freshness, and also has a whitening effect. Mix crushed lemon peel with a teaspoon of lemon juice, add beaten egg white and a teaspoon of almond bran. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a thick consistency is obtained and apply to the skin. The composition should be kept for no longer than ten minutes so that the protein does not have time to harden. The composition must be washed off by first applying a cold compress to the face, after which the face should be rinsed with cool water. It is not recommended to use this mask more than three times a month.

Take two teaspoons of crushed rolled oats, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and one beaten egg white. Apply the resulting composition to the skin for twenty minutes, then remove with a cotton pad previously soaked in cold water.

And this mask refreshes the skin, makes it elastic, giving a natural healthy color. Mix a medium-sized apple finely grated with a small amount of grated carrots. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to the skin. After twenty minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water.

To give the skin elasticity and eliminate unwanted freckles or age spots, it is recommended to make the following mask: Squeeze the juice from one lemon and mix it with four teaspoons of liquid honey until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Moisten cosmetic wipes in the resulting mixture and apply to the face. Within twenty minutes you need to change two or three napkins. The resulting composition can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. This mask is contraindicated for those with dry and sensitive skin. If it is necessary to whiten the face, the skin should be lubricated with a rich cream before applying this composition.

For dry, aging skin, this mask is very effective: mix a teaspoon of crushed rolled oats with egg yolk until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

To tighten the skin and give it tone, you need to make the following mask: add 200 ml of hot milk and a tablespoon of olive or any other natural vegetable oil to 100 g of crushed oatmeal. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture warm to your face and neck. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

A yeast mask perfectly smoothes wrinkles and improves blood flow: dilute two tablespoons of yeast in warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting mass and apply to the face. The mask should be applied in three layers, every three minutes. After applying the third layer, the mask should be left on for twenty minutes and then removed with warm water.

To eliminate a fine network of wrinkles, as well as to moisturize and improve the tone of dry skin, a banana mask is effective, for the preparation of which you should take two tablespoons of mashed banana pulp and mix with a teaspoon of milk. If you have oily skin, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice to this composition. Combine the components to a homogeneous consistency and apply to the face for twenty minutes. This mask should be washed off with a cosmetic disc previously soaked in milk. This procedure should be carried out every other day. A total of twenty procedures should be done.

To moisturize dry skin and eliminate wrinkles, the following mask is recommended: mix the pulp from one banana with cream and potato flour so that you get a mass reminiscent of sour cream. Apply nourishing cream to your eyelids, after which you can apply the composition to your face. The mixture should be applied in a thin, even layer in several stages, and as the previous one dries, apply the next one. Place a gauze pad over the face mask. After half an hour, it should be removed with a cotton pad previously soaked in warm water. It is recommended to do this mask four times a week. The course consists of ten procedures. After two months, the course can be repeated.

For any skin type, a grape rejuvenating mask is suitable, which gives the skin elasticity, tones it, and prevents sagging: take one and a half tablespoons of grape juice and moisten a gauze cloth folded in several layers in it, which is then applied to the face. After twenty minutes, wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream. It is recommended to do this mask two to three times a week. The course includes fifteen to twenty procedures.

To eliminate small wrinkles, it is effective to use the following composition: beat an egg white, add a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of bio-yogurt and a few drops of lavender oil or any other essential oil. Apply the resulting composition to the skin, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm boiled water. This mask is effective for dry and sensitive skin.

To give the skin tone and elasticity, chop a bunch of fresh parsley and mix with a tablespoon of high-fat plum or sour cream. Apply the resulting mass to your face for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

To rejuvenate dry and normal skin, the following composition is suitable: grind two tablespoons of cottage cheese with egg yolk, add olive oil until a thick mass is formed, which should be applied to the skin and left for fifteen minutes. After this, rinse the mask with warm boiled water.

This mask tightens the skin well. Add a little olive oil and sour cream, taken one tablespoon each, to the crushed pulp of one persimmon. Then add a small amount of starch or flour to the mixture until a thick mass is formed. Apply the composition in a thin layer to the skin of the face, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type to your skin.

An excellent rejuvenating remedy for dry and sensitive skin is the following mask: dilute 25 g of yeast in a tablespoon of boiled water, add a teaspoon of kefir (you can use yogurt without additives) and a pinch of soda. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.

To achieve a lifting effect at home, you can use the following remedy: combine a teaspoon of coconut milk with the same amount of liquid honey and add the same amount of rolled oats. The mass should be kept in a warm place for half an hour, then applied to a steamed face for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, rinse the mask with cool water.

For normal skin, fruit and vegetable masks are ideal as anti-aging treatments. A watermelon mask has a fairly high effect; to prepare it, you need to take 50 g of the pulp of this berry and mix it with a teaspoon of honey and yolk. Grind all ingredients thoroughly and add oatmeal to thicken the mass. Before applying such a mask, the skin should be cleansed and lubricated with moisturizer. After twenty minutes, rinse off the composition with cool water.

The following composition perfectly tones and rejuvenates the skin: steep a tablespoon of good green tea in 50 ml of boiling water for ten minutes. Then add a teaspoon of any natural fruit or berry juice (cranberry, raspberry, cherry, apricot). For thickness, starch must be added to the composition. Apply the resulting mass to your face for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

An aloe-based rejuvenating mask has its own nuances in preparation. First, you should cut off the leaves of this plant, put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the refrigerator for two weeks. Only after this the leaves can be used. So, combine a tablespoon of aloe juice with a teaspoon of your night nourishing cream (it can be replaced with lanolin), add a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and set to heat. Apply the mixture while warm to a cleansed face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly eliminates shallow wrinkles.

Masks based on butter deeply nourish the skin: grind a tablespoon of butter with an egg yolk, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of apple or plum pulp. Apply the mask to the face and neck, and after twenty minutes remove it using a cosmetic disc previously soaked in warm water.

The following remedy can smooth the skin and increase its elasticity, as well as prevent the early appearance of signs of aging: grind half a tablespoon of soft butter with an egg yolk, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of glycerin, and dilute the composition with a tablespoon of chamomile infusion (a tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty minutes). Apply the mixture to the skin and rinse off after fifteen minutes with warm and then cool water.

A cucumber mask has an excellent tonic and rejuvenating effect. To prepare it, you need to mix the pureed mass of one cucumber (a tablespoon) with the same amount of sour cream and grind the mass with a tablespoon of pureed black currants. Apply the resulting mass to the face, and after fifteen minutes, rinse off using a cosmetic disc.

To lift dry skin at home, it is effective to use a mixture of honey and cream, taken a teaspoon at a time, with the addition of egg yolk. Apply the composition to the skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Melt a mixture of 50 g butter and 10 g beeswax in a water bath. Stirring constantly, pour into the mixture a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution and 10 g of herbal gruel from fresh rowan leaves, nettles, parsley, currants, hops, jasmine and rose petals, taken in equal quantities. Apply the mask to the face and wash off after fifteen minutes. It is recommended to do this mask every other day. A total of ten procedures need to be done.

To prepare the next anti-aging mask, you need to pour a few rose petals with a teaspoon of vodka and add a tablespoon of mineral water (rose can be replaced with hibiscus or rose hips, vodka with lemon juice). Let the mixture sit for half an hour. The mixture should then be strained and mixed with four teaspoons of potato starch. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. If starch is not added to the composition, the product can be used in the form of a lotion, which should be wiped over the skin twice a day.

To improve complexion and smooth out not too deep wrinkles, the following mask is recommended: combine a teaspoon of liquid honey and fish oil, add a tablespoon of warm boiled water to the mixture. Leave the mask on for ten minutes, then wash with warm and then cool water. To avoid an allergic reaction, before applying the composition to the skin, you should test it on a small area of ​​the body.

To increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as to slow down the withering and aging of the skin, it is recommended to use the following remedy: mix a tablespoon of chopped pulp of an oven-baked apple with a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the mixture to the skin for ten minutes, then rinse with slightly warm water.

After 35 years, it is good to make such a mask for the skin of the face and neck: combine two tablespoons of liquid honey with a few drops of jojoba essential oil (can be replaced with cottage cheese (4 tbsp.)). Apply the composition to the face and neck, after half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Masks based on and with the addition of linseed oil are effective for dry, sensitive, flaky, aging, wrinkled and sagging skin. The warm oil is applied to the skin for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Add full-fat sour cream or milk to a tablespoon of yeast to form a thick mass, to which then add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and the same amount of honey. Place the resulting mixture in hot water and leave until fermentation occurs. Then cool the mixture until warm and apply to the face. After ten minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wash with cool water.

The following mask is effective for dry, aging skin: add warm milk to a tablespoon of baker's yeast until a creamy mass is obtained, add a teaspoon of linseed oil, honey, half a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer and wash off after fifteen minutes with warm water.

Homemade anti-wrinkle cream.
Grind the egg yolk with 100 g of cream, a tablespoon of liquid honey, add two dessert spoons of cognac and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Using a cosmetic disc, apply the cream to your face and leave for an hour. After the specified time, rinse off the cream with warm water. This cream smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft and velvety, and also has a whitening effect. You can store the cream in a clean glass jar, closed, in the refrigerator.

Anti-aging masks around the eyes.
Because the skin around the eyes is very thin, it needs special care. To prevent stretching of the skin in this area, as well as to prevent early wrinkles, in addition to special cosmetics, it is necessary to make anti-aging masks around the eyes.

The best mask is considered to be a mixture of oils. For example, mix olive oil, wheat germ oil and jojoba oil, add a few drops of vitamin E and apply the resulting composition to the area around the eyes. After half an hour, remove the remaining oil with a cotton pad. It is recommended to do this mask at night.

A mixture of honey and olive oil gives an excellent effect, which should be applied for fifteen minutes, then rinsed off with strong green tea.

Mix a tablespoon of grated potato mass with the same amount of flour, add a tablespoon of milk to the mixture. Apply the mask for ten minutes.

As eye masks, you can use any nourishing masks for normal and dry skin types. It is recommended to add vitamin E to such compositions. But it is better not to use masks that help narrow pores or whiten.

There are a lot of recipes for making homemade anti-aging masks, so it’s simply physically impossible to talk about them all in one article. However, the little that I managed to tell you, in combination with basic care, will help keep your skin smooth, firm and elastic. In order for the effect to be maximum, in addition to external care, you need to monitor your internal state, especially your diet. Include more fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs in your diet. Eat as much seafood and dairy products as possible. Take care of your health, be beautiful and always stay young!
