What betrayal is the most terrible final. Wise sayings and phrases about betrayal

What is the worst betrayal? For some, this is a betrayal of their own ideals, for others - a betrayal of love. In my opinion, the most unforgivable acts are betrayal of the people for whom we are responsible, and indifference to the fate of our native country, especially in its moments of crisis.

We find examples of both kinds of betrayal in Russian classical literature. So, in L. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace", along with true patriotism, we see the indifference to the fate of Russia of those heroes who belong to the "pole of war". The author deliberately emphasizes that in the most terrible and responsible time for the motherland, secular society, represented by the circles of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Helen Kuragina, led the same idle, artificial, "enchanted life." The same appearances, visits to the opera and theaters continued. The image of Helen Kuragina personifies the highest degree of baseness and meanness of human nature. This is primarily manifested in the stormy campaign for peace with Napoleon, which fundamentally contradicted the national and moral and ethical of the Russian people. Berg is also endowed with a lack of debt to his native land (while leaving Moscow he thinks about buying a "chiffonier"), Prince Vasily, who, depending on the situation, constantly changes his views on Kutuzov and Napoleon (chameleon of the soul), Julie Karagina, who in her evenings she played fines for using French words in her speech. Thus, manifestations of commonality with the people, high spirituality, national memory and consciousness are alien to all the characters in the “war” camp. They are dominated by deceitful and selfish principles, therefore, according to Tolstoy, each of their actions is a direct betrayal of national interests.

No less monstrous, in my opinion, is betrayal in the private life of people, for example, in the sphere of love relationships. No less monstrous is betrayal in the private life of people, for example, in the sphere of love relationships. So, in A. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", the main character, Katerina, is twice betrayed by the people closest to her. The first personal drama of Katerina is illustrated in the episodes of seeing off Tikhon, her husband. Knowing what a bitter and hopeless situation his wife is in (Katerina “extinguishes” under the yoke of the Kabanikh), Tikhon nevertheless leaves her, while demonstrating the cynicism of his nature (“... but I’m still a man”, “you I've been completely screwed up." Katerina, in turn, is shown as a deeply spiritual, sensitive and loving woman. This is evidenced by her folklore-song speech: "... my dear, how I would love you." The author deliberately contrasts two types of speech (in Tikhon it is saturated with vernacular) in order to bring the reader to the tragic, hopeless ending of the play. The second betrayal, the most crushing and decisive in the fate of the main character, is committed by Boris - the only person with whom Katerina could forget about her miserable existence. Of course, we are talking about the episode of farewell between Boris and Katerina. The hero, as a result of his cowardice, fear of responsibility for Katerina's life, dooms her to inevitable death. Boris takes away what supported Katerina's existence - love. Ostrovsky's play demonstrates the revealing power of love. This feeling elevates someone (Katerina), and lowers someone to the bottom, bringing out all the weaknesses of human nature (Boris).

The fate of a person depends only on himself. We have to choose our own path, which means answering the eternal questions of being: what is the most important thing for me in life? what kind of person do I want to become? who do you want to see next? how to act in a given situation? At the same time, an important question arises before everyone: What is the worst betrayal? I believe that the most terrible betrayal is treason to the motherland, to one's comrades and associates. After all, when a person betrays his homeland, his home and his loved ones, what remains of him? Who is he after that? He becomes heartless and feels neither mercy nor compassion. A person who betrayed the Motherland does not deserve forgiveness.

Failure to do duty destroys not only friendships and close relationships, but also the family.

For all relatives, he dies forever. We see such a development of events in N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". The youngest son of Taras - Andriy betrays his father, his homeland, his comrades. For him, the Fatherland was replaced by love for a woman, whom he was not able to resist. Having gone over to the side of the enemy, he kills his comrades-in-arms, despite the fact that he once ate, drank and fought with them on the same side. Andriy dies at the hands of his father, who did not even want to bury his son's body, because the traitors do not deserve it. Thus, the author shows us that a betrayer causes pain and suffering to his close and dear people and that they will not always be able to forgive him for this low act.

A person who has shown cowardice and violated loyalty to the Fatherland perishes spiritually, not deserving forgiveness. This is clearly reflected in the story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov". The main characters are constantly faced with a choice: surrender to the enemy or continue without deviating from their principles. Rybak constantly stood on the threshold of a choice: save himself or save him, and, as an honest and faithful man to his homeland and comrades, he chose salvation and helped Sotnikov. Even when a comrade was wounded, he did not abandon his friend. But the fighters are captured, where Rybak can't stand it and betrays Sotnikov. He decides to betray, stopping at nothing, and executes Sotnikov. After the execution of his comrade, Rybak wants to hang himself, but he does not succeed. The escape he dreamed of becomes alien. Realizing all the guilt and responsibility for his actions, Rybak dies spiritually, because no one will accept him and forgive him for this crime.

Reflecting on this topic, I once again became convinced that the worst betrayal is betrayal of one's Motherland, one's home. A person always makes a choice: to remain faithful to the Fatherland or to break loyalty and be a traitor until the end of his days. Only a spiritually low person can resort to betraying his Fatherland, because the Motherland is our home, which we must protect and protect, and violation of fidelity does not bring anything good, but only makes a person callous and soulless.

Topic"What is treason?"
Literary works used in the argument:
- the story of I. A. Bunin " Caucasus";
- the story of V. Rasputin " Live and remember".


What does the word "treason" mean in the modern sense? For me, its concept is equivalent to the word "betrayal" and the expression "knife in the back." This is a betrayal and a mean act that a person commits against another person. Sometimes betrayal can also be regarded as a betrayal of the state, one's homeland. However, the worst thing, in my opinion, is a betrayal of one's own views. A person can get confused in himself, in others, and now, for the sake of imaginary values, he deceives his family, he is condemned, but is this right? Of course, situations are different, and none of us is immune from them, but what about the traitors in this case? Is it to forgive?

In order to forgive, you must first understand the situation. After all, everyone knows the phrase that those who betrayed once will betray the second. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about whether you trust the person who cheated on you so much to give him a second and even a third chance. In fact, to forgive or not is a personal matter for each person, and it depends only on his moral principles. Even if a person is forgiven, the one who forgave him will from time to time think about it, remember and remember. To forgive once and for all, I think, many would not have succeeded, they simply would not have had the strength.


To illustrate a situation in which treason played a cruel joke on a person, consider the story of I. A. Bunin "The Caucasus". A married woman leaves with her lover to the south. Her husband, after a long search, commits suicide. The reason for this behavior remains unknown. Did he kill himself because of the loss of a loved one or because of honor, nobility? And yet, analyzing the situation from the side of his wife who cheated on him, the reader can conclude that she acted meanly and inappropriately, in the end, she did not think about the feelings that would torment her husband and, most importantly, about the consequences. The betrayal in this work played a key role in the death of the protagonist. He could not forgive such a betrayal.

But here is an example of impossible fidelity to a loved one. In V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember", Nastya, the wife of Andrey who deserted, helped her husband survive in completely wild conditions for many months. During all this time, she could betray him, because he committed a terrible act - he betrayed his homeland. However, this did not prevent Nastya from showing compassion and humanity to him. Here we find an example of the very forgiveness of betrayal, when the situation depends on the circumstances. It is hard for us to condemn Andrei, because his passion for life prompted him to desert, and also, probably, we do not understand all that the main characters experienced during the terrible years of the war.


In conclusion of my thoughts, I want to add that treason, whatever it may be, is an act of a terrible nature. It can easily ruin people's lives, lead to irreversible consequences. But also, in treason, one should look for reasons. Sometimes what seems like cheating to us is not cheating at all. You should never judge people for nothing, but you also don’t need to be too gullible. Everything should have its own line, but only attentiveness is required from us.

If a person is brought up on literary heroes (who were born before the moment when writers succumbed to the process of deheroization), he will not be able to commit a betrayal of the Motherland even physically, because the prohibitive threshold grows too high - taboo. It is precisely such a healthy attitude towards patriotic values ​​that Arkady Gaidar's stories and novels are saturated with, and this is conveyed so accurately and penetrates so deeply that not a single child wanted to be a "bad boy". Where there is a betrayal of the motherland, there was not enough patriotic education. And even the geography of such places is calculated quite easily.


The very first truly major betrayal of the Motherland happened on the day that is now chosen as the holiday of national unity - November 4th. In 1708, he betrayed his country and sovereign Peter the Great. He hoped for the victory of Charles the Twelfth, the Swedish king, but he miscalculated.

For betraying his oath, he was executed in a civil way: he was deprived of the awards and titles that had previously been granted to him by the sovereign. And they were rewarded with a new favor: Mazepa received from Peter the Great a single copy of the "Order of Judas", the order of the very first and most treacherous of traitors.

Essence of the Traitor

One hundred and twenty years later, this historical betrayal of the Motherland was not only not forgotten, it was immortalized in fiction. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote an amazing poem - "Poltava". The poet changed his mind about calling magical poems the name of a traitor - evil, immoral, vengeful, dishonorable, hypocritical, who stops at nothing to achieve any good in life.

That is exactly what this person was, because the treacherous essence seems to eat up all the good and positive spiritual qualities. Pushkin knew this, of course. A poem was written about the worst person on earth, but with such beautiful verses that the idea brought by the poet into young hearts penetrates so deeply that it never leaves them.


The theme of the betrayal of the Motherland by the poem "Poltava" was not exhausted, Pushkin returned to it more than once. No less interesting, and most importantly - penetratingly and intelligibly, another historical case is described. This is a peasant uprising by Emelyan Pugachev, where two forces clashed, each of which considered itself right. And here loyalty to the oath occupies a particularly important place, because if there is no such loyalty in the soul of a person, betrayal of the Motherland will always nest there. Pushkin's arguments for this postulate are the most weighty. Whoever did not keep honor from a young age in everything, at every step of his life, he, as it were, is rolling downhill to the very bottom, and it is there, at the very bottom - there is nowhere lower - and this sin lies.

Dante Alighieri in the "Divine Comedy" accurately determined the location of the traitors in hell: they freeze into Lake Cocytus, and there is no deeper place in the other world, they will not knock from below. So, in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin commits a betrayal of the Motherland. He gives the following arguments: the fortress is not properly fortified, it will not withstand the assault, and why die in vain? It's easier to join Pugachev's army. Let a nobleman have to grovel before a runaway simple Cossack, but - life! However, Pushkin lets the reader know that Alexei Shvabrin has no life ahead of him. There is not and will not be anything for a traitor, except because there is justice.


Pushkin's contemporary, who wrote an excellent story about the Zaporizhzhya Sich - "Taras Bulba", - to this day inspires modern domestic and foreign cinematography, revealed the theme of betrayal in an exceptionally artistic way. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol succeeded in bringing such arguments under betrayal that modern youth, who do not receive sufficient patriotic education, draw a completely wrong conclusion on this artistic material.

Betrayal of the motherland or the loss of a beloved woman - what will outweigh? The youngest son of the leader of the Cossack Andriy chose the first for the sake of a beautiful lady from a hostile city. "You are my Motherland!" - he said. And he betrayed everyone, sold everything, ruined himself for this love. But Taras Bulba could not even forgive his son for the betrayal of the Motherland. He was true to himself and to the Fatherland. He gave birth to Andrii, he killed him.

Bad Boys

A little has already been said about the fairy tale written by Arkady Gaidar. She is not one of those fairy tales that are lies, in it, despite the cartoonishness, absolute truths sound. And not a hint, but an alarm. Because even today the "bad guys" that have multiplied have betrayed the country to the bourgeoisie. For a barrel of confiture, for a basket of Snickers.

There are numerous examples of betrayal of the Motherland today. What are the repentant words of a young bad boy from Novy Urengoy in today's Bundestag: the "so-called" Stalingrad cauldron, "innocent" occupiers who came to the Volga and destroyed half the world.

Betrayal today

If young men read fiction written by eyewitnesses: Konstantin Vorobyov ("It's us, Lord!"), Nikolai Dvortsov ("Waves are beating the rocks"), Viktor Nekrasov ("In the trenches of Stalingrad"), and this list could go on and on , the young men would know more about the "unbearable conditions of captivity", and our Motherland would never experience today's shame.

This speech was classified by the country's broadest public as a betrayal. And if only this one performance! Moral norms turned inside out, according to Russian teachers, there is a need to return at least Alexander Fadeev's "Young Guard" to the school curriculum. According to Solzhenitsyn, it is not possible to educate patriots of one's country.

Krasnodon traitors

The older generation knows everything about the heroes of the novel almost by heart. Now, after the opening of the archives, it became known that the writer greatly regretted the psyche of his reader and did not write the whole truth. Indeed, she is terrible. And one more thing: in fact, there was not a single traitor among the Young Guard.

Only their torturers, the policemen, who terribly tortured the Krasnodon teenagers, who, not sparing their own lives, defended and cleared their land from the invaders, committed their homeland. Fadeev portrayed them so convexly and vividly that later, after the movie, people looked at the faces of the artists who played them with hatred.

The need for education

The suffering that befell the Young Guards, even described by Fadeev, is simply inhuman. In fact, it was much worse, neither film nor paper can convey this. And now Russian teenagers do not read this literature at all! That is why Nazism is being revived, and fascist torchlight processions with slogans about Bandera the hero are wandering around Ukraine.

Neo-fascists from fourteen to twenty years old should read this book aloud, with resistance - even by force, and then force Gerasimov to watch the film, and then acquaint them with documents from the archives, with photographs and medical examinations of the dead, but eternally living young Krasnodon. It is necessary to make sure that young people are able to distinguish between the concepts of loyalty to the Motherland and betrayal.


Every boy (and girl) should definitely read the fascinating novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains". This book has everything: the most selfless friendship, the purest love, determination on the way to a feat and betrayal, exceptional in its meanness - of the Motherland, friendship, love and all that is most holy in the world. Mikhail Romashov is one of the heroes of the book. And if Sanya Grigoriev went all his life from childhood to a feat, then Misha Romashov and childhood - to betrayal.

The whole path is visible, daily killing everything human in a person. It began with children's denunciations on the basis of envy. It ended in almost direct murder, when Chamomile leaves his wounded friend to die in the snow, taking everything from him, even weapons. Here it is - a betrayal of the Motherland. You will not find the best arguments from the literature. Traitors have no conscience, it is dead. It is Sanya Grigoriev who will ponder whether personal reasons played a role when he handed over the traitor who committed military treason to the authorities. So, in contrast, readers will better feel where is the truth and where is the lie, how to act and how not to, who to sympathize with and who to hate.


Vasil Bykov's story "Sotnikov" tells about another kind of betrayal. A criminal named Rybak blames circumstances on him, even his wounded soldier comrade, whom he not only betrayed, but hanged himself. Only he does not blame himself, although he regrets what he did. Here the writer shows how easy it is for an unarmed patriotic upbringing, and therefore with a vile weakness in the soul, to understand oneself, to adequately assess one's actions.

Sotnikov, who received the most terrible tortures and who did not betray any of the partisans and locals, the traitor Rybak in his thoughts calls ambitious: look, they say, he is a hero. The fisherman is not aware that betrayal is considered the lowest act of all from time immemorial. It was his fate that turned so unexpectedly that he would have to serve Germany. Rybak does not have a clear idea of ​​​​moral and moral principles. What is this, if not a lack of education?


This story by Mikhail Sholokhov is in the treasury of world literature. "The fate of a man" is the fate of many and many, shown unusually broadly. This story is about people who experienced great grief, terrible hardships, war, a concentration camp, the loss of all their loved ones, but who remained people of a bright soul, deeply sympathetic and called to help. But even this story would not be complete enough if there were no theme of betrayal in it.

For the sake of saving his own life, the traitor Kryzhnev was already preparing to betray both the commander and his friends. But only traitors cannot keep loyalty to the Motherland. The true soldier Andrei Sokolov kills this vile creature and does not even feel pity, only one disgust, as if he strangled a snake. The story was written in 1956. The war ended eleven years ago, but the writer always feels responsible to his compatriots and their next generations, which is why the eternal themes of heroism and betrayal are raised again and again.

Traitors cannot be rehabilitated!

A lot of interesting things were written about by another Vorobyov - Vladimir Nikiforovich, a retired major general. He, despite his age and ill health, considers it necessary to raise this topic again and again, since it is the most relevant today.

And indeed: now the traitors who betrayed their homeland are considered fighters against communism and Stalinism, moreover, champions of freedom and justice. They even erect monuments! Mannerheim, Vlasov, Denikin, Kolchak are enemies of their Motherland who betrayed her. The resolute protest of the major-general is quite understandable.

Sorting traitors

The writer in all its glory shows this unfinished White émigré part of the population, officers, landlords, capitalists, who fled abroad, who met Hitler with indescribable enthusiasm. With the help of German bayonets, they decided to return to the territory of their betrayed Motherland.

He especially dwells on the description of the numerous traitors of the geographical territories mentioned above (the Baltic states, the Caucasus, the Germans from the Volga region), as well as the Russian White Guards from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, who served not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Abwehr, and in the SD, and in SS.


No one will argue that betrayal has existed at all times. And most often those people who were offended by something in their homeland became traitors. For example, the Spartan Ephialtes, rejected, betrayed his comrades at Thermopylae. Further, the list is replenished one way or another: Judas betrayed Christ, and Brutus betrayed Caesar, Mazepa betrayed Peter the Great, and so on. Their names usually remained in history forever.

But the Great Patriotic War happened to know a different kind of traitors - special and diverse. And more of them. Nevertheless, this topic has been quite successfully developed in the literature, helping to determine the worldview of almost every generation. Now everything has changed, the results of wars are being reviewed, priorities are shifting. Immediate decisive action is needed in this direction. For a people made up of traitors will inevitably lose their own country. And it all comes down to it, unfortunately. The next generation will be lost along with the country.
