What hardness to measure in an aquarium. How to lower the hardness of the water in the aquarium

Experienced aquarium owners are well aware that the life and health of its inhabitants depends on the quality of the water in it. For beginners, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the aquatic environment suitable for and who will live in it. In this article, we will consider the hardness of water: its types and methods for determining, bringing to optimally suitable values.

Concept definition

Water is an excellent solvent; it contains a large number of various elements (gases, salts) that determine its chemical and physical qualities, for example, hardness. Let's take a closer look at what this property is.

Hardness of water It is determined by the content of various elements in it, mainly metal salts, of which calcium and magnesium salts have a greater influence on the structure and density.

Ions of these elements are present in all natural water sources, getting there from the soil, especially rich in limestone, gypsum and dolomites. A high salt content makes the water structure hard, a small one makes it soft.

The amount of salt depends on the body of water itself, for example, fresh water bodies change the indicator during the period of rains or snowmelt to a softer one, and the oceans and seas have a very high value.

Did you know? The most expensive bottled water is sold in the USA, Los Angeles. In addition to purity and taste balance, taking into account acidity indicators, this precious liquid has an unusual packaging. Manufacturers decorate glass containers with rhinestones from« Swarovski» , the price of this magnificence -$ 90 per litre.

Types of stiffness

Rigidity can be different, therefore, in order to more accurately determine the values, it was divided into three main types.


The total is the sum of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof constant and non-constant hardness, that is, the total indicator of calcium and magnesium salts.


In an aquarium, or temporary, is determined by the presence, in addition to calcium and magnesium, of hydrocarbonate anions. Temporary hardness can be eliminated by boiling (in this case, hydrocarbonates will decompose into water, carbon dioxide and a poorly soluble precipitate), therefore it is called temporary.


It is due to the presence of compounds of alkaline earth metals with strong acids: sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric and others, which do not decompose under the influence of high temperatures, but dissolve in water without forming scale.

Of course, it must be clean, but, besides this, there are also physical and chemical parameters of water that can be poured into the aquarium. These are temperature, acidity, redox potential (amount of oxygen) and hardness.

Briefly about the optimal parameters:

  • temperature - +20 ... +23 ° С (it is advisable to check regularly);
  • acidity - 6.5-7.5 pH;
  • oxygen concentration - 2-5 mg/l;
  • hardness - from 5° to 20°.
Let's dwell on the last indicator in detail and first, let's figure out what the hardness of water is measured in. In the practice of breeding aquarium fish and animals, it is customary to take degrees (dGH, dKH) or in mg / l CaCO3 as a value, one degree is equal to 17.8 mg / l CaCO3.
O-4dGH Very soft
4-8dGH Soft
8-12dGH Medium
12-18dGH Moderate
18-30dGH Rigid
What indicators are important for the inhabitants of the aquarium depends on the conditions of their natural habitat. Very soft water is not suitable for most fish due to the lack of the necessary amount of calcium in it, without it, pathologies occur during development and the growth of fry slows down. Wither without calcium and magnesium and.

For most exotic fish, water with medium, moderate or hard water from 5 dGH to 20 dGH is suitable.

Important! Soft, low-salt water is an ideal environment for those aquatic creatures that naturally live in fresh water and spawn during the rainy season.

Let's figure out what kind of water to fill in the aquarium. Tap water is not suitable for fish, so it must be defended and brought to the desired values ​​​​with the help of various tricks (more on this below). It is necessary to defend in order to get rid of chlorine, which is used to clean water pipes, for at least three days.

How to determine the level of hardness

Water for its inhabitants is as important as air for us, so it must meet the living conditions of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Consider how you can determine the hardness of water at home.

Did you know? Aquavista UK's most expensive aquarium was designed by Stuart Hughes. The main material is gold of the highest standard, the decor was made of mammoth tusks and bones of a tyrannosaurus rex. The weight of the original container, together with practical equipment (filters, thermostats, etc.), was 70 kg, and the price was $4,800,000.

Salt meter (conductivity meter)

A device that measures the salt content in the aquatic environment, the devices are equipped with detailed instructions for use with tables and values ​​that can be used to make interesting calculations.

For home use, hand-held or portable devices are best suited. The first is equipped with stationary or removable electrodes enclosed in a waterproof case, due to its reasonable price it is especially popular.

Portable devices are automated, have built-in memory, several functions, are powered either from the mains or from batteries.

test strips

You can buy test strips at points of sale. This is, in fact, a litmus test that changes its color upon contact with various substances.

In the special tests for aquariums there is a color chart and detailed instructions for use. There are more expensive kits equipped with additional reagents, usually imported.

Laundry soap

The simplest and least expensive method is determine the value using laundry soap. It is based on the property of soap to bind salts. For the procedure, you will need distilled water, you can buy it at a car dealership.


  1. In a measuring cup, dilute a crushed 72% soap gram in a small dose of water.
  2. Top up with distilled liquid to a level of 7 cm, each centimeter equals 1° dH in 1 litre.
  3. In a liter jar, draw 500 ml of water that you are examining, add the solution diluted in a measuring cup, stirring until a stable foam forms (it will mean that the salts are bound).
  4. Look how much soap solution you had to use: each centimeter is equal to 2° dH. This means that if 4 cm of soap solution is used, the hardness is 8° dH.
  5. No foam means that the value is greater than 12° dH.
In this case, the sample will need to be diluted with distillate and the experiment repeated, multiplying the result by four.

Hardness adjustment

When collecting water for an aquarium from natural sources, you need to remember that in fresh water it may be too soft, and well or from a mineral spring too hard. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare water for the aquarium, which is easy to carry out at home.


To increase the value, add to the aquarium:

  • marble, shell rock;
  • 25% magnesia solution (1 ml of magnesia per liter of liquid) at 4 degrees;
  • sodium chloride (1 ml / l) by three degrees;
  • baking soda (2.5 g per 100 l) by two degrees;
  • ground shell rock or coral crumbs can be added to.

Important!Keep in mind, by increasing or decreasing the hardness, you can also change the level of acidity, after the procedure, test for the pH level.


To reduce the hardness in the aquarium add:

  • melt water;
  • distilled;
  • special capsules with sodium ions (available at the pet store).
Another method is to place plants, elodea, egropila, char plants in the aquarium. These plants collect excess calcium on themselves, then they can be washed.

Taking care of an aquarium and its inhabitants may be a bit of a hassle, but the benefits are much higher. Firstly, it moisturizes the air, which is especially noticeable in winter; secondly, it is an interesting element of decor; thirdly, watching the unhurried movements of fish and the swaying of plants calms the nervous system.

Very often, when deciding to do aquarism, amateurs carefully choose a container for a home pond, think over where to place it, what kind of fish and plants to fill. However, they completely forget about the main and most important component of this entire system - water. As a rule, aquariums are filled with the most readily available water, most often tap water. Few people think about its parameters. And if he thinks, then only about whether it is suitable for fish. However, plants are no less demanding on water, although they react more slowly to its quality.

In this article we will touch on one of the important parameters - stiffness. After all, it not least depends on her whether the aquarium will become the way it was conceived or not.

What is aquarium water hardness?

It is considered the second most important water parameter after acidity. The possibility of keeping and breeding fish and plants depends on it. It affects other properties of water.

This parameter is determined by the presence of certain minerals that are dissolved in water. The overall stiffness consists of two parts:

Permanent (GH). It is paramount, as it determines the softness or hardness of the water and the degree of its suitability for the inhabitants of the aquarium. GH determines the concentration of Ca++ and Mg++ ions in water. Boiling leads to the destruction of bicarbonates and the precipitation of calcium and magnesium. The hardness that remains after boiling is called constant. It is measured in degrees of hardness. And all tests are issued in them.

Variable or carbonate (KH). It is determined by the concentration of carbonates CO3- and bicarbonates HCO3- in water.

Aquarium water hardness

The value of water hardness in the life of the inhabitants of a domestic reservoir is great:

  • salts of magnesium and calcium are involved in the construction of the skeleton and bone system of fish;
  • in mollusks and crustaceans, they provide the hardness of the shell or shell;
  • rigidity contributes to the normal functioning and development of the genital organs;
  • it affects the success of plant growth and development, etc.

Rigidity can be of varying degrees of intensity: 0-4 - very soft, 5-8 - soft, 9-16 - medium hardness, 17-32 - hard, 33 or more - very hard. Tap water, as a rule, has a hardness of no more than 20.

The hardness of the water in the aquarium must be within certain limits, usually this range is 3-15 degrees. It is better if for each specific species the indicators are close to the natural conditions of native reservoirs.

For example,

  • Snails need hard water because their shells break down in soft water.
  • viviparous fish will feel good at 10,
  • neon at 6,
  • sagittaria and fern at 10-14 degrees, etc. This information can be found in the recommendations for caring for a particular species.

You also need to consider that the inhabitants of the aquarium absorb calcium, so its amount in the water will gradually decrease. It is easier to maintain rigidity at the same level if the soil is pebbles or coarse sand. And, of course, regular measurements will be required.

How to determine the hardness of water in an aquarium?

The main methods are:

Chemical reagent Trilon "B"

This is a very accurate method, but its drawback is excessive complexity for people who are not very interested in chemistry, and not everyone wants to acquire additional chemical equipment at home.

TDS meter

He is a conductometer, he is a salt meter. The method is very simple. However, this electronic device does not measure the hardness itself, but the electrical conductivity of water, which can only indirectly judge hardness.

test strips

They have been specially designed to measure the hardness of water in aquariums. Simple and easy to use. There is an option where a reagent is added to the indicated volume of water and hardness is judged by the changed color. All calculations are made according to the instructions included in the kit. The disadvantage of this method is one - such sets are difficult to buy, since they are rarely on sale.

Laundry soap

This is the most affordable, cheapest and most accurate method at home. It is based on the property of soap: it is difficult to dissolve in hard water and gives foam with an excess of calcium and magnesium salts.

How research is done:

1. Grind laundry soap (1 gram) and carefully pour into a small amount of heated distilled water (sold in car dealerships).

2. Pour the resulting solution into a glass and add the distillate so that its height reaches 6 cm for 60% soap and 7 cm for 72% soap. Each centimeter of such a solution contains as much soap as is required to bind salts, the amount of which is equal to 1 ° dH in 1 liter of water.

3. Half fill a 1 liter jar with aquarium water.

4. Pour the prepared solution into it a little bit, stirring constantly. First, flakes will appear on the surface, and then a stable soapy scum, which indicates that all the salts in the water are bound.

Evaluation of the result. Count how many centimeters of the solution were poured into the water. 1 cm bound in 0.5 l of water 2°dH salts. That is, if 4 cm is poured, then the hardness is 8 degrees, etc. If the entire solution is poured, but there is no foam, then the hardness is above 12 degrees. Then dilute the water for research with distillate twice, repeat the analysis, multiplying the results obtained by two.

The results may have an error of 1-2 degrees, but this is not critical and will not lead to illness or death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

If the hardness of the water available to the aquarist does not correspond to that which he needs to keep the aquarium inhabitants, then it can be changed. But you need to do this smoothly so as not to cause stress or other problems in your pets.

How to increase the hardness of the water in the aquarium?

1. Mix aquarium water with harder water.

2. Boil water for about an hour. It is better to take enamelware. Then cool it and carefully drain the two upper parts of the volume. Pour the lower third, rich in calcium salts, into the aquarium in portions, controlling the hardness with measurements.

3. Place pieces of shells, marble or limestone into the aquarium to increase the overall hardness by 2-4 degrees. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to control the level of rigidity. It is more preferable to filter the aquarium water through a layer of crushed marble, reducing or increasing the amount of water passing through the filter.

4. Add baking soda in the amount of 1 tsp. per 50 liters of water to increase the variable hardness (KH) by 4 degrees.

5. Add calcium carbonate at the rate of 2 tsp. per 50 liters of water to increase constant (GH) and variable (KH) hardness by 4 degrees.

6. Add a ten percent solution of Ca chloride (available at a pharmacy) and magnesium sulfate (prepare yourself: dissolve 50 g of bitter salt to get 750 ml of solution) into the water in equal proportions (per 1 liter, 1 ml each). Rigidity will increase by about 4 degrees.

7. Pour in magnesia in a 25% solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water). This will raise the stiffness by 4 degrees.

How to lower the hardness of the water in the aquarium?

This is much more difficult to do. The methods are as follows:

1. Add distilled, melted or clean rain water.

2. Boil water, cool it without stirring, and drain 2/3 from the surface. Add this top water to the aquarium.

3. Freeze. Pour water into a low dish, for example, into a basin. Put in the cold. After half of the ice has frozen, break through the ice, pour out the unfrozen water, and melt the ice. Add the resulting water to the aquarium.

4. Drive water through special filters (osmotic and deionization).

5. Filter water through peat added to an external or internal filter or placed in a bag in a container with settled water. Previously, peat for the soil must be boiled. In some spawning grounds, peat is used as a substrate. The yellow tint that it gives to the water can be removed by filtering through activated carbon.

6. You can add a decoction of alder cones. But the hardness from it decreases slightly and the composition of the water may change, which is not good in all cases.

7. Use Trilon-B and EDTA according to the instructions.

8. Plant elodea, aegropile and hornwort.

Now you know what the hardness of water in an aquarium is, how important it is for its inhabitants, and you have an idea how to measure and change it. We hope this information will help you in creating the aquarium of your dreams. Good luck!

How to increase water hardness:: water hardness in an aquarium:: Natural sciences

In order to breed and maintain aquarium fish, it is required that rigidity water in the aquarium was constant. If the aquarium soil consists of coarse sand and river pebbles, then the water in the aquarium will always have a certain rigidity. In aquariums containing fish and shellfish, rigidity decreases over time due to the consumption of calcium by mollusks for the construction of shells. Therefore, it must be periodically increased.

The question “And yet! What came first? "Egg or chicken?" - 12 answers

You will need

  • - carbonate rocks;
  • - 10% CaCl2 and MgSO4 solutions;
  • - 25% magnesium solution;
  • - distilled, rain or melt water.


1. To boost rigidity water, boil it in an enamel bowl for one hour. Drain gently two-thirds of the water, the remaining, enriched with calcium, gradually pour into the aquarium in a thin stream.

2. Prepare or buy at the pharmacy 10% calcium chloride solution (CaCl2) and 10% magnesium sulfate solution (MgSO4). To boost rigidity water per 1 °dGH apply per 100 l water 18.3 ml of 10% calcium chloride (CaCl2) or 19.7 ml of 10% magnesium sulfate solution (MgSO4). To maintain the required ratio of ions by fish and plants, add these solutions in approximately equal amounts.

3. To increase carbonate hardness, put carbonate rocks (dolomite, chalk, marble, etc.) into aquarium water or pass it through marble chips. But remember that the dissolution of carbonate rocks in water is possible only in the presence of carbon dioxide: CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -> Ca (HCO3) 2 To do this, add carbonated water to the water or to saturate water CO2 use a special device.

4. To increase the carbonate rigidity per 1° dKH dissolve 1.5 g MgCO3 (magnesium carbonate) or 1.8 g CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) in 100 ml. But it is better to use both salts in equal parts. Add a 25% magnesium solution to the aquarium water at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter water- so you raise rigidity water at 4H°.

5. Mix settled tap and distilled water. If a rigidity water from the tap - 10 N °, then mix 7 parts of distilled water with 3 pieces of tap water to get aquarium water rigidity yu 3 N°.

6. In the absence of distilled water in cities and villages with low air pollution, replace it with rain or melt, rigidity which is 2-3 N°.

7. Place rapan shells or coral chips on the bottom of the aquarium. Boil them for an hour first. Change once a week of the total volume of 10-15% water, do not overpopulate the aquarium, and rigidity water will not be permanent.

Aquarium water, parameters: hardness, pH and others


One of the most important components of the aquarium world is water as a habitat for aquarium fish and plants.

The parameters of aquarium water, its characteristics directly affect the well-being of your pets and the condition of plants. It is no secret that dirty, muddy water kills fish, spoils the appearance of the aquarium, however, clear water does not always mean that its composition is ideal.

The main parameters and indicators of the quality of aquarium water are:

Aquarium water hardness (hD);

Hydrogen indicator of water "Acidity of aquarium water" (pH);

Redox potential (rH);


Temporary hardness of aquarium water (KH) is the concentration of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate salts formed from weak, unstable carbonic acid. This hardness can change throughout the day. For example, during the daytime, aquarium plants absorb carbon dioxide that accumulates in the water during photosynthesis. If there is not enough carbon dioxide for consumption by plants, they will begin to produce it from bicarbonates, as a result of which the temporary hardness of water will decrease.

Permanent hardness of aquarium water (GH) is the presence of stable calcium and magnesium salts formed from strong acids - hydrochloric, sulfuric or nitric.

How to change the hardness of aquarium water:

1.) Increase in rigidity.

The hardness of KH can be increased by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 50 liters, which will increase the readings by 4°dKH.

HOW TO MEASURE the total hardness of aquarium water at home without special equipment and preparations (sample titration with soapy water):

The pH of the water or "acidity of the aquarium water" (pH of the aquarium water).

Determines the neutral, acidic and alkaline reaction of water at a certain concentration of hydrogen ions.

In chemically pure water, electrolytic dissociation occurs - the decomposition of molecules into hydrogen ions (H +) and hydroxyl ions (OH-), the amount of which in it at a temperature of 25 ° C is always the same and equal to 10-7 g * ion / l. Such water has a neutral reaction. The negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions is conventionally used to indicate the pH value and in this case is equal to 7. If there are acids in the water (not chemically pure water), the number of hydrogen ions will be greater than hydroxyl - the water becomes acidic with a lower digital pH. Conversely, in alkaline water, hydroxide ions will predominate and the pH will increase.

Aquarium water with pH parameters:

From 1 to 3 is called/considered strongly acidic;

From 3-5 sour;

From 5-6 slightly acidic;

7 neutral;

7-8 slightly alkaline;

10-14 strongly alkaline;

The pH parameters can change during the day, which is due to the variable concentration of carbon dioxide in the aquarium water, which in turn is stabilized by constant aeration.

Sharp fluctuations in pH values ​​are harmful and painful for aquarium fish and plants. Most aquarium fish prefer a pH of 5.5 to 7.5.

HOW TO CHANGE the pH of aquarium water:

If it is necessary to lower the pH value, acidify the water with peat infusion (well, or with special preparations from the Pet ShopJ);

If it is necessary to increase the pH (increase alkalinity) - I use baking soda;

MEASURING the pH of aquarium water:

1. Many pet stores sell testers (litmus papers with phenolphthalein). Actually following the instructions on the packaging and on the scale, you can determine the pH parameters.

2. There are specials. instrument for measuring - PiAshmeter. It is not used for home aquariums (expensive, and why not at all). After all, the main thing is not the frequent measurement of pH parameters, but the conditions for keeping the fish and the aquarium. In a well-groomed, not overcrowded, not overcrowded aquarium with aeration, the pH will always be normal and it is not necessary to measure it often.

Redox potential (rH of water, ORP of water).

The essence of the redox process in aquarium water is that all the substances in it react with each other. In this case, one substance gives up its electrons and becomes positively charged ( oxidized), while the other acquires electrons and becomes negatively charged ( recovering). As a result, a difference in electrical potentials arises between substances of different discharges. Simply put: oxidation is the reaction of the combination of nitrites with oxygen, and recovery- on the contrary, the decomposition of nitrites with the release of oxygen.

The maximum oxidation potential of water is 42rH.


rH 40-42 - maximum oxidation (pure oxygen);

rH 35 - strong oxidation;

rH 30 - slight oxidation;

rH 25 - weak oxidation;

rH 20 - weak recovery;

rH 15 - slight recovery;

rH 10 - strong recovery;

rH 5-0 - maximum recovery (pure hydrogen);

Almost all aquarium fish and plants feel comfortable at rH 25-35. Some species prefer narrower parameters of this value.

rH is measured with special meters.

Increase the rH of the water by regular water changes, maintenance - cleaning the aquarium, as well as blowing air and using ozone.


We have learned about the main parameters of aquarium water, the observance of which will be an unconditional guarantee of the health of fish and the beauty of plants.

There are other values/parameters that characterize aquarium water. However, they are not as significant as hD and pH. To maintain a home aquarium, it is simply not necessary to know and monitor them. As Sherlock Holmes said: "... an intelligent person carefully selects what he puts in his brain attic."

OPTIMAL AQUARIUM WATER PARAMETERS (hD of water, pH of water, ORP of water) IT IS FREQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY COMMON CARE OF THE AQUARIUM AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULES OF KEEPING ITS RESIDENTS: do not make a hostel out of the aquarium, do not overload it with plants, ensure constant aeration and filtration, carry out regular water changes with fresh water and then the created aquarium world will only please you!

Creating his own “underwater world”, each aquarist thinks over not only the layout of accessories, but also the composition of the inhabitants, the placement of all the necessary details. And very rarely the thought comes to mind about how good water will fill the volume of the bowl. But it is precisely this question that should be seriously considered.

The composition of water, why it is important and for whom

It is a deep misconception that the quality indicator of the aquarium liquid only affects the fish, but is completely unimportant for algae and other representatives of the flora. Hydrophytes are demanding not only to the composition of the liquid, but also to filling it with oxygen, sunlight. However, when the mobile inhabitants of the aquarium show an almost instantaneous reaction to bad conditions, which can be easily established only by observing the behavior of the fish, then the plants do not have this opportunity. The slow reaction of algae does not allow you to identify the problem immediately.

But what should be the water? As a rule, tap water is poured, a couple of days settled water. Less often, the bowl is filled with clear liquid from artesian wells, springs or reservoirs, where the habitat is considered the most suitable for the inhabitants of the home "sea". The owners know little about the characteristics of tap water, but the normal life of the inhabitants of your aquarium depends on this.

What is important to know about water:

  • active reaction indicator - pH;
  • the presence of certain impurities.

Another important factor is the impact of biological components that appear from time to time, which sometimes change and thus affect the characteristics of the water. This also needs to be kept under control.

More about water characteristics

An approximately constant value relative to a certain area, affecting many other characteristics, as well as providing comfortable conditions for all the inhabitants of the aquarium. It depends on the presence of calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in a certain volume of water. The measurement is made on a degree scale. It happens:

  • softened or soft;
  • medium hard;
  • hard;
  • overly rigid.

Indicators for keeping aquarium inhabitants often vary, so it is important to choose just such a rigidity that will suit all living individuals of the aquarium.

How to influence the level of water hardness

Here are a few options:

If your aquarium plants need water of strictly defined indicators, and there is no way to lower the available liquid, do this: the base is distilled water, and calcium chloride or Epsom salts will help to bring it to a hardness level.

And a little more about water softening options:

  1. Boiling. This is a great way to lower your salt levels. Cool the boiling water and collect only the surface 4/5 of the total volume of water. Do not mix layers! The bottom layer will just collect all unnecessary salts, but the water from the surface has the necessary softness.
  2. Slightly less effective, but an additive from decoctions is applicable. For example, a decoction of alder cones. Not a very good option, as is enriching the liquid with peat extract. The biological balance of water can be disturbed to a great extent, which will affect the growth of algae, the ability to fertilize and the spawning of fish.

With some negativity of the latter method, it is necessary to mitigate and stimulate the spawning abilities of characinids.

The decrease or increase in water hardness must be calculated individually, based on the characteristics of the content of fish and plants. Any types and methods are averaged. But having several available drugs on hand, you can still arrange comfortable conditions for your pets. The main thing - do not forget to clean the bowl, as a rule, any biological changes occur due to the presence of food residues, waste products and dead plant pieces in the water.

What is the hardness of aquarium water, how to reduce it

HARDNESS (hD)- due to the presence of soluble salts of calcium and magnesium in water. Their concentration in aquarium water is TOTAL HARDNESS, which can be divided into TEMPORARY - CARBONATE and PERMANENT - NON-CARBONATE.

Temporary hardness (KH) is the concentration of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate salts formed from weak, unstable carbonic acid. This hardness can change throughout the day. For example, during the daytime, aquarium plants absorb carbon dioxide that accumulates in the water during photosynthesis. If there is not enough carbon dioxide for consumption by plants, they will begin to produce it from bicarbonates, as a result of which the temporary hardness of water will decrease.

Permanent hardness (GH) is the presence of stable calcium and magnesium salts formed from strong acids - hydrochloric, sulfuric or nitric.

Water hardness is essential for the life of the aquarium world. Firstly, calcium and magnesium salts are used in the construction of the skeleton and affect the construction of the entire body of the fish. For different types of aquarium fish, the indicators of water hardness are different and non-compliance with them can lead to a deterioration in the well-being of the fish, to a violation of the function of reproduction and fertilization of eggs.

The total hardness of aquarium water is measured in German degrees (hD). 1° hD is 10 mg of calcium oxide in 1 liter of water.

Aquarium water with hardness parameters:

from 1 to 4 ° hD - considered very soft;

from 4 to 8 ° hD - is considered soft;

from 8 to 12 ° hD - medium hardness;

from 12 to 30 ° hD - is considered very hard;

Most aquarium fish feel comfortable with a hardness of 3-15° hD.

How to change water hardness:

1.) Increase in rigidity.

The hardness of KH can be lowered by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 50 liters, which will increase the readings by 4°dKH.

2 teaspoons of calcium carbonate per 50 liters of water will increase both KH and GH by 4 degrees.

Another measure for a smooth / gradual increase in water hardness is to spread and decorate the aquarium with seashells.

2.) Reducing stiffness (here it's more complicated):

Use / add distilled water, which is sold in stores;

Use / add rain, snow, melt water from the refrigerator (must be clean, without turbidity and impurities).

Filter water through an osmotic filter;

Filter water through peat (peat is added to the filter) or into a container where water settles;

The hardness of KH is reduced by boiling water in an enameled bowl for 1 hour, followed by settling for a day;

Fast-growing plants are natural water softeners: elodea, hornwort, nias, vallisneria.

HOW TO MEASURE the total hardness of water at home without spec. equipment and preparations (sample titration with soapy water):

The peculiarity of this method is that 10 mg of calcium oxide in 1 liter of water is neutralized by 0.1 g. pure soap.

1. 60-72% laundry soap is taken, crumbled.

2. Water (distilled, snow, thawed water from the refrigerator) is poured into a measuring cup (or other measuring vessel) - then distillate.

3. Soap crumbs (counted in grams) are added to the water, so that it is possible to calculate the portion small in the resulting solution.

4. Pour 0.5 liters of the tested aquarium water into another dish and gradually add portions of the soap solution (0.1 g each), shake.

First, bluish flakes and rapidly disappearing bubbles appear on the surface of the water. Gradually adding portions of the soap solution, we wait until all the calcium and magnesium oxide binds - stable soap bubbles with a characteristic iridescent overflow will appear on the surface of the water.

This experience is over. Now we count the number of soap portions used, multiply them in two (there was 0.5 l of aquarium water, not 1 l.). The resulting number will be the hardness of the aquarium water in degrees. For example, 5 soaps*2= 10° hD.

With careful experimentation, the error can be + -1 ° hD.

When obtaining a hardness result of more than 12 ° hD, the measurement accuracy decreases, it is recommended to conduct an experiment by re-diluting the aquarium water by 50% with distillate, doubling the result.

❶ How to reduce hardness in an aquarium: Equipment and accessories

In urban water supply, the water hardness index is quite high, so often the aquarist needs to lower it. The inhabitants of the aquarium feel good in water with a hardness level of 3 to 15 degrees. Some types of snails cannot live in soft water as their shells begin to break down. Live-bearing fish should be kept in water with rigidity about 10 degrees. For neon fish, the water hardness index should not exceed 6 degrees. Sagittaria and water fern germinate well in water with rigidity 10-14 degrees, and Uviranda dies even at 5 degrees.


1. Keep in mind that the level of water hardness varies with the season. Many people know that boiling reduces this level well, but this only applies to the temporary component of hardness. In stable seasons - towards the end of summer and towards the end of winter - it increases, and rains and floods lead to water softening. Therefore, in the spring, fish are preparing for spawning and plants begin to grow.

2. Plants such as elodea, hara algae, and hornwort perfectly soften water. Their leaves and stems are usually covered with a crust, which is a precipitate of calcium salts. Plants do not absorb carbon dioxide at night, and in the process of respiration of living beings in a reservoir, it accumulates in aquarium, as a result, the hardness of the water increases. If there are sharp fluctuations in the level of hardness at night and during the day due to the presence of a large number of these plants, this can kill all animals in just one night: they simply suffocate. That is why the “blooming” of water is a very unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon in aquarium. Be aware that this can start in brightly lit tanks with rotting food leftovers. Adding distilled water will help reduce the permanent hardness of the water.

3. In addition to the usual boiling, there is another method for obtaining water from rigidity, which is close to zero. To do this, it is necessary to fix a glass plate in front of the spout of a boiling kettle. On its lower edge, place a container to collect condensed vapors. The water obtained in the tank in this way will have a hardness close to zero.

4. Water hardness can be reduced by simple freezing. Pour 3/4 of water into an empty plastic bottle, close and place in the freezer. When about half of the water is frozen, remove the container from the refrigerator. After that, carefully cut the bottle and remove the frozen part of the water. This piece of ice, when melted, will become water with a very low hardness level.

How to soften the water in the aquarium? Hard water in an aquarium

Water hardness is one of the most common and complex problems that aquarists have. It has a negative effect on all types of fish, other inhabitants of the aquarium and aquatic plants. There are several ways to help soften water.

The easiest and most gentle way to soften is to plant special plants in the aquarium - for example, hornwort or elody. They are able to reduce the concentration of magnesium and calcium salts, which will lead to the elimination of excessive rigidity.

Another method involves the use of rain or distilled water. Soft water that can be added to an aquarium can be purchased at pet stores, pharmacies, or the bird market. If you decide to use rainwater, then first it should be cleaned of debris and filtered. The amount of water depends on the level of hardness, but most often 2 soft water is added to 1 liter of hard water.

How to soften the water in the aquarium using special tools? Install a membrane in the aquarium, which can be bought at any pet store. It will help rid the water of harmful impurities; in addition, you can get ion-exchange resins, which also soften the water.

If you are filling the aquarium for the first time, then do not pour water from the tap right away - let it stand for a few days, and then boil it. This method is not recognized by all aquarists, since it can only slightly soften the water. If the water is very hard, then boiling will not work.

The most effective method, which is used by many experienced aquarium owners, is special aquarium chemicals, which are sold in pet stores. Hard water in the aquarium thanks to these products is significantly softened. At the same time, these substances do not have any effect on the fish and plants in the aquarium. They only act on layers that create increased water hardness.

If you resort to the help of chemicals, then purified water will not differ in any way from ordinary soft water: harmful substances will evaporate.

Each aquarist chooses his own ways of dealing with water hardness: someone prefers natural, gentle ones, while others recognize only radical chemical ones; the main thing is that this choice is correct and effective, and all the inhabitants of the aquarium do not experience discomfort. Be sure to monitor the condition of the water in the aquarium and reduce its hardness in time.

How to measure water hardness in an aquarium:: what is water hardness measured in:: Animals:: Other

As the first half of the well-known proverb says - the fish is looking for where it is deeper. But not all representatives of this mysterious world have the opportunity to make at least some choice. In particular, those of them who spend their lives in captivity are often content with the conditions that the “golden cage” - the aquarium offers them. The most important condition for the normal life of aquarium fish is good water.

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1. The main property is important waterrigidity, the level of which is determined by the presence of calcium and magnesium ions in the liquid, is measured in degrees. So, 30 ° and above is a sign of high rigidity, and 11-18 ° is medium. Rigidity water measure and control each time it is changed or topped up. As a rule, aquarists use instruments for measuring.

2. Take a regular test tube. Pour water into it and add liquid soap drop by drop. Drop - shake the test tube, drop again and shake gently again. The hardness level is determined by the number of soap drops.

3. Carbonate or temporary rigidity at home can be measured using a pH indicator. Draw 1 ml of 70% vinegar essence into a disposable syringe and dilute 50 ml of distilled or well-boiled water(Boil for 20 minutes, then cool and, without stirring, drain the "top" water).

4. Further in the same 50 ml, but already aquarium water, drip 8 drops of the indicator, and then, gently shaking it, add a solution of vinegar to this water. Its color will begin to change: yellow - salad - with a hint of orange. After that, measuring how much vinegar you spent, multiply the resulting millimeters by two - the resulting number will be carbonate rigidity yu in milliequivalents. Of course, this method is not entirely accurate, because the change in the color of the indicator is not clear enough.

5. You can go the other way: just buy a test or a special device for measuring "water" hardness in a pet store (although this is not the most "economical" method of existing, but relatively accurate). Experienced "holders" of aquarium fish have appropriate signs (for example, increased rigidity water requires more soap to create foam, "generates" plaque inside the kettle, etc.) Watch the water before you add it to the aquarium.

6. And now some tips. To reduce rigidity water in your aquarium, add distilled or clean rainwater to it, use special plants, such as elodea and hornwort. In addition, water can be frozen or boiled well. In the first case, it is poured into a low basin and exposed to frost. As soon as it freezes to half the capacity, the ice is broken through and, having melted, is used for the aquarium. In the second, water is boiled for an hour in an enameled cup, after which it is allowed to cool and two thirds of the “top” are used. water.

Water is called hard if it contains a large amount of magnesium and calcium salts. Such water in everyday life is usually very disliked due to the fact that it forms a layer of scale on kettles and pots and prevents soap from foaming.

You will need

  • Methodical publication on analytical chemistry.


1. Rigidity water There are two types: carbonate (temporary) and non-carbonate (permanent). The first is removed by boiling (about an hour). After that, a white precipitate (calcium carbonate) and carbon dioxide are formed. The second is more difficult to eliminate: either chemically or by distillation. General hardness water determined by the sum of permanent and temporary stiffness. In chemistry, hardness is expressed as the sum of milliequivalents of calcium and magnesium ions in 1 liter water. One milliequivalent of hardness is equal to 20.04 milligrams of calcium ions or 12.16 milligrams of magnesium ions in 1 liter water.

2. One way to measure hardness is titration. To carry it out, it is necessary to place 100 ml of the test substance into two conical flasks. water, 5 ml of buffer solution, 1 ml of sodium sulfide and 5-6 drops of black chromogen indicator ET-00 (measured pipettes must be used). After stirring, the solutions have a pink color.

3. Then the resulting mixture is titrated with Trilon B using a microburette. Trilon B is added carefully, drop by drop, until a blue color is obtained. Further, it is noted how many ml of Trilon B went for titration with an accuracy of hundredths. Two samples are titrated for the purity of the experiment.

4. The next step is the average volume, using the simple formula Vav = (V1 + V2) / 2, where V1 is the volume of Trilon B, which went to titrate the solution in the first flask, ml, V2 is the volume of Trilon B, which went to titrate the solution in the second flask. And the last thing to do in this method is to calculate the hardness using the formula W = (Vav * N * 1000) / V, where Vav is the average volume of Trilon B, which went for titration in two flasks, ml (calculated according to the above formula), N - normal concentration of Trilon B, 1000 - conversion to 1 liter water, V is the volume of the water, ml If it is necessary to express the stiffness in degrees, then the resulting number should be multiplied by a factor of 2.8.

5. With a hardness of up to 4 mg-eq/l, water is considered soft, from 4 to 8 mg-eq/l of medium hardness, from 8 to 12 mg-eq/l of hard water and over 12 mg-eq/l of especially hard water. Of course, in the conditions of a modern laboratory, the rigidity water can be measured not only by titration, but also by various instruments, such as a conductometer and electronic devices. If it is possible to work on such equipment, then it is easier, more efficient and more accurate. But the titration method is quite accurate and simple.

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How to increase water hardness in a freshwater aquarium?

Aquarium water. Water hardness (dH) http://www.ekzotika.com/aqua34
.... In an aquarium containing fish and shellfish, water hardness gradually decreases: calcium is used to build shellfish shells, it is absorbed by fish and plants. In an empty aquarium, water hardness increases due to the constant evaporation of water, as well as the transition of calcium into the water from the soil. Plants such as hornwort and elodea can be used to soften water. To increase the hardness, small pieces of limestone, chalk, marble chips, shells, magnesium chloride and calcium can be added to the water. General hardness (dH - from the English expression "Degrees of Hardeness" - "degrees of hardness") Measure the level of dH. On sale there are drugs that allow you to quickly determine the total and temporary hardness (KH) of water. To do this, pour a certain amount of water into the burette and drop the drug into it, slightly shaking the burette after each drop. The number of drops used to obtain the color of water, the color of which is indicated in the instructions, corresponds to degrees of hardness.

On the aquarium sites, everything is chewed to the bone. Pre-revolutionary methods and modern methods are described with the calculation of all chemical formulas. Just like that in the search and type as the question is formulated. In general, 2 tablespoons of baking soda for every 100 liters. water. Ph above 8.2 will not rise. When changing water in the future, add 0.5-0.7 teaspoon per bucket of water. In order to avoid a sharp increase in hardness, add the solution gradually in several steps.


Baking soda does not affect water hardness in any way! Hardness is the sum of divalent ions, mainly calcium and magnesium. The easiest way is to put a shell or coral sprig in the aquarium. You can pour marble or dolomite chips into the filter. The hardness will increase to saturation and will continue to increase due to the dissolution of carbonates by organic acids. In most cases, nothing more is needed. If you want to adjust the hardness to a degree, you need to buy a hardness meter with an ion-selective electrode (very expensive) or a test indicator - very cheap. And then add pK agent and measure.

How to recognize water hardness in an aquarium?

Dimka Miller

There are several methods for determining the hardness of water. To do this, in specialized stores they purchase drugs that allow you to quickly determine the permanent and temporary hardness of water. According to the instructions for these drugs, a certain amount of water is poured into the burette and the drug is dropped into it, shaking the burette after each drop. The number of drops used to obtain the color of water indicated in the instructions corresponds to the degrees of hardness.
Water hardness can be determined by the soap method, based on the fact that 10 mg of calcium oxide in 1 liter of water is neutralized by 0.1 g of soap. To do this, 2-3 g of laundry soap is diluted in warm distilled water. This solution is then poured into a graduated vessel. 0.1 g of soap solution is poured into 1 liter of aquarium water until soap bubbles with a rainbow tint appear on the surface. The number of servings of 0.1 g is equal to the number of degrees of water hardness. With very hard water, to increase the measurement accuracy, the water is diluted by half with distilled water, and the measurement result is multiplied by 2. For most aquarium fish and plants, water with a hardness of 3 to 16 ° C can be considered the most acceptable.
For keeping and breeding aquarium fish, tap water is not soft enough, it has to be softened. The main method of softening water is mixing it in certain proportions with distilled or rain water.
Or mix tap water with softer, purified water. Before mixing, tap water is heated for 40 minutes to 90 ° C, and then cooled.
Hardness can be reduced by boiling water for 1 hour, then the water is cooled and 2/3 of the upper layer of water is used, but some of the nutrients needed by plants are lost.
You can reduce the hardness of water several times by simple freezing. To do this, pour water into a low polyethylene vessel (the container is not completely filled, as the water expands when frozen) and put it in the freezer. After the water is about half frozen, the container is removed from the freezer and kept warm for some time in order to remove a piece of ice without any extra effort. The remaining salt-rich water is drained, a piece of ice is placed in a clean bowl, melted, the resulting soft water is brought to the desired temperature, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.
The hardness of the water in an aquarium containing fish and shellfish gradually decreases naturally: calcium is consumed by the shellfish building their shells, it is absorbed by plants and crabs.
If coarse sand and river pebbles are used as the substrate, the aquarium water will have a more or less constant hardness. To soften the water, aquarium plants such as elodea and hornwort are used.
There are special softeners that work on the basis of ion-exchange acrylic resins. In this case, water with pieces of acrylic resin added to it should settle for 1-3 weeks. After that, it is drained through a hose into the aquarium, leaving a small layer of water at the bottom of the settling vessel.
You can increase the hardness of water by boiling it for 1 hour and using the lower layer after cooling. You can increase the hardness of water by mixing it with harder water.


If you are not going to breed very delicate fish (such as discus or angelfish), then for most fish water hardness is not so important. They have been living in the water of the area where you bought them for the hundredth generation. But keep an eye on the heater. Or evaporate a couple of grams in a test tube. If there is scale, then the water is hard. In any case, the water evaporates and the hardness of the remaining increases. For any you will have to add water from the tap (after settling of course). So trying to maintain a strictly defined rigidity is useless.

Beginning aquascapers, starting a home pond, think through many nuances: where to put it? What fish to let in? What plants to plant? However, these are not the main features of the aquarium business. First of all, you need to take care of the water parameters and understand that not every liquid in the aquarium will be appropriate. Water varies from house to house, most often hard, and this is one of the main points in breeding pets, affecting their health, growth and comfort.

First of all, the condition of fish and vegetation is also affected by hardness (dH). With very large or small indicators of these parameters, breeding waterfowl and vegetation in the aquarium becomes impossible. Also, the excess or underestimation of parameters affects the rest - useful water properties.

The concept of "hardness of water" implies the presence of minerals dissolved in the liquid and their amount. It can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Total or constant (gH). This liquid indicator is paramount. It determines the degree of suitability of water for aquarium inhabitants. A constant indicator is the amount of concentrated Mg++ and Ca++ ions dissolved in the liquid. Boiling water leads to the destruction of these minerals and their precipitation. Permanent hardness is the level remaining after boiling. This indicator will remain unchanged in the future, but in degrees.
  2. Carbonate, variable or temporary (kN). Shows the presence and level of CO3 carbonates and bicarbonates HCO3.

Normal hardness for an aquarium

The level of hardness significantly affects the health of pets. With inappropriate indicators, fish and vegetation may not feel comfortable, get sick or even die if no action is taken.

What does water hardness affect?

  • salts found in Ca and Mg are involved in the construction of the fish bone system;
  • with good indicators of rigidity, the shell of mollusks becomes durable;
  • creates comfort for aquarium inhabitants and vegetation, so they develop and grow well.

Hardness intensity:

  • 0-4 - water with a low degree of intensity, very soft;
  • 5-8 - soft;
  • 9-16 - liquid with an average degree of hardness;
  • 17-32 - hard water. Tap liquid is equated to this indicator;
  • 33 and above - an increased degree of rigidity.

The most optimal option for breeding aquatic inhabitants is the closest indicator of hardness to reservoir water.

For example:

  • snails need a hard liquid to provide shell strength;
  • for neon fish it is good to use water with a level of 6, and for viviparous fish - 10;
  • , . They live in temperature conditions of 10-15℃. More accurate information about them can be obtained from sources on breeding specific types of fish and vegetation.

Watch an informative video about water hardness:

How to find out the level of aquarium hardness

Thanks to the development of science, it has become possible to find out the level of stiffness indicators in several available ways.

Trilon "B". Reagent of chemical origin

The most accurate way to know the status of water hardness. However, if an aquarist is poorly versed in chemistry, does not own special equipment, then for such a person the process is difficult.

It is also called a salt meter or conductometer. Popular for its ease of use, however, it does not measure hardness itself, but conductivity, which is only a rough indication of the hardness status of an aquarium.

test strips

Scientists have developed this method of measuring water hardness intentionally. It is simple and easy to use for any user. One of the applications is to add a reagent to a certain amount of liquid, then judging by the change in the color of the water, you can understand the level of hardness. Instructions are attached to the test strip, however, the strip is difficult to access, so it is rarely used.

Laundry soap

This type of hardness study can be used regularly, because laundry soap can be bought at any household store. The results of this method are very accurate. After all, we know all the features of soap:

  • it is insoluble in hard water;
  • with an excess of magnesium and calcium foams well.

How to use laundry soap to test hardness

  1. Cut and grind 1 gr. laundry soap, then pour into a small amount of distilled, warm water. Distilled fluid can be freely purchased at auto shops or collect rainwater, which is also distilled. You can also cook it yourself using special equipment.
  2. Next, you need to pour the resulting liquid into a glass, and dilute it with distillate in the ratio: 6 cm in height for 60% soap and 7 cm for 72%.
  3. Fill a liter jar with aquarium water.
  4. Slowly pour the resulting soapy liquid into a jar of aquarium water. Initially, you can see the appearance of soap flakes on the surface of the water, and as a result, foam, which indicates the reaction of water and soap.

Research results. To assess the hardness, you will need to see how much liquid was poured out of the soap glass. 1 cm of solution shows the level of 2℃ dH. That is, if 4 cm of solution entered the aquarium tank, then the hardness level is 8 ℃. If, after pouring the entire glass into water, the foam did not appear, then the water indicators are over 12. Then you need to re-prepare the solution, add a distiller twice, and repeat the experiment. The results obtained should be multiplied by 2.

Deviations in the analysis results with soap are 1-2℃. They are considered insignificant, so they will not lead aquarium inhabitants to disease.

Most often, the results of the stiffness analysis give disappointing predictions. In this case, it is possible to bring the water to normal levels. However, this must be done slowly so as not to stress the fish and vegetation.

How to increase water hardness

  1. Mix hard water with aquarium water. Boil for an hour in an enamel bowl. Allow to cool, then drain 2/3 of the water, leaving a bottom sediment. Controlling with special devices, slowly pour the sediment rich in the desired minerals into the aquarium until the desired level is reached.
  2. Put marble, shells into the aquarium to increase the overall hardness to 4℃. It is recommended to carry out this procedure using filter equipment. It allows you to increase or decrease the flow of liquid passing through useful minerals and into the aquarium.
  3. Pour baking soda into the aquarium in a ratio of 1 tsp. for 50 liters of liquid. It will stabilize the variable stiffness (4℃).
  4. Pour calcium carbonate in a ratio of 2 tsp. for 50 l. liquids. It allows you to increase both variable and constant hardness (4℃).
  5. You can use a pharmacy solution of calcium chloride (10%) along with sodium sulfate. This requires 50 gr. dissolve salt with a mountain in 750 gr. liquid, and then add chemical ingredients in a ratio of 1 liter. aquarium water / 1 ml. chem. substances.
  6. Use a 25% magnesium solution in a ratio of 1 liter. aquarium liquid / 1 ml. chemical substance. This manipulation will increase the hardness by 4℃.

How to lower water hardness

This type of bringing the fluid back to normal is more difficult than the previous one:

  1. The easiest way is to collect rainwater, or use distilled water, and then pour it into the aquarium tank.
  2. Boil the liquid, cool and pour 2/3 (upper) into the aquarium. In this case, the sediment should not fall into the container for the fish.
  3. Carry out the freezing procedure. Pour water into a shallow basin and leave it to freeze. After freezing 50% of the liquid, it is required to break the ice, pour out not frozen water, but melt the ice and pour it into a domestic reservoir.
  4. Purchase special water distillation equipment and use it.
  5. Place the boiled peat in a bag into the filtering equipment. In some spawning areas, it can be used as a substrate. It can give the water a yellowish tint. To get rid of it, you should put activated carbon in the filter.
  6. Use water after boiling alder cones. This method is highly undesirable, because the decoction can change the general parameters of the water.
  7. Use EDTA or Trilon "B", according to the instructions.
  8. Buy plants in a specialized store: aegropile, elodea,. Plant in .

Watch a video on how to reduce water hardness:

Water hardness is very important for the comfortable living of aquarium pets, so you need to take its indicators with all responsibility. Having given the liquid the necessary parameters, it will please you with beautiful, healthy fish and vegetation.


Rigidity is most often divided into permanent and temporary. Temporary is also called carbonate, it is associated with the presence of calcium and magnesium ions in water, which can be removed by boiling. Measurement of carbonate hardness is usually carried out by boiling a certain amount of water and weighing the resulting precipitate. But in practice, this is quite difficult to do, so the following method is used: prepare the necessary reagents and equipment. You will need distilled water, 38% hydrochloric acid solution (you can buy it at a hardware store or take it in a school chemistry room), a methyl orange indicator, laboratory glassware, a syringe without a needle.

Prepare the desired hydrochloric acid solution. To do this, dissolve 4 ml of purchased hydrochloric acid in 300 ml of distilled water. Then bring the volume of the solution to a liter. Be extremely careful: contact with acid on the skin will cause severe chemical burns. Do not inhale acid fumes and when diluting, be sure to add acid to water, and not vice versa.

Measure out 50 ml. aquarium water for research. Add methyl orange indicator to it until a rich yellow color is obtained. Draw the acid into the syringe and add it drop by drop to the solution, watching the color change. As soon as the color of the solution changes rapidly to orange, note the amount of acid used.

Hardness is calculated as follows: water hardness = (acid concentration * volume of acid) / amount of water. Carbonate hardness will be equal to the volume of acid consumed. To convert the resulting value from ml / eq to degrees, multiply it by 2.804.

pH measurement
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The health status of its inhabitants directly depends on what water is used for the aquarium. Water has a huge number of different properties. Therefore, aquarists, before preparing water, need to learn how to identify them, as well as control and properly regulate them so that the inhabitants of the home pond feel comfortable in it.

The easiest way is to get water from the tap. For storing and settling aquarium water, plastic containers from drinking water, which are sold in stores, are ideal. Having collected water in a container, we leave it to stand for a maximum - for a week and a half, at least - for three days. This is done so that the chlorine and other harmful chemical components present in tap water evaporate. The container must be periodically shaken to help the chlorine evaporate, there should be no bubbles on the walls by the end of settling.

Do not put fish in fresh water. Well water is too hard. Tap water contains chlorine and other compounds that are harmful to aquarium fish. Any changes in water parameters should be smooth. If you need to change the water temperature, then no more than 3 ° C per hour. If there is a water change, then no more than a third of the total volume. If you are transplanting fish into another aquarium, then do not be too lazy to collect some of the water familiar to fish from the old aquarium. And make sure that objects that can release any chemical or organic compounds into the water do not get into the aquarium.

pH measurement
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If you smell the water in the aquarium some time after the fish have settled, you will smell it. Take a fifth of the water from the aquarium and drain it. Now smell the water again. It should smell like fresh grass. This is a good smell of aquarium water, which indicates a safe atmosphere for its inhabitants.

In an aquarium, water acquires both smell and color over time. After all, there are processes of decay, the development of bacteria. The water turns blue, then cloudy white. A week after setting up the aquarium and launching the fish, the water will become transparent. These are normal processes. Plants release metabolites into the water, and the fish themselves change the properties of the water. Such water becomes old. If it is drained into a basin, it will have a yellowish color. But there is nothing wrong with that. Old water is a bio-environment formed by life in an aquarium. It should be changed once a week by pouring out a fifth of the water and adding fresh. It must also be defended for three days.

If you pour water into a container, even if it is settled, you will not yet create a biological sphere that is comfortable for the fish. Moreover, being released into such a sterile environment, many inhabitants can die from shock. First you need to place the soil, plant the plants, and only after a week start the first fish. But even at this time it is still impossible to say that the hydrobiological environment has been fully formed.

Aquarium water hardness

Hardness measurement
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It is considered the second most important water parameter after acidity. The possibility of keeping and breeding fish and depends on it. It affects other properties of water. This parameter is determined by the presence of certain minerals that are dissolved in water. The overall stiffness consists of two parts:

Permanent (GH). It is paramount, as it determines the softness or hardness of the water and the degree of its suitability for the inhabitants of the aquarium. GH determines the concentration of Ca++ and Mg++ ions in water. Boiling leads to the destruction of bicarbonates and the precipitation of calcium and magnesium. The hardness that remains after boiling is called constant. It is measured in degrees of hardness. And all tests are issued in them.

Variable or carbonate (KH). It is determined by the concentration of carbonates CO3- and bicarbonates HCO3- in water.

The importance of water hardness in the life of the inhabitants of a domestic reservoir is great: magnesium and calcium salts are involved in building the skeleton and skeletal system of fish, and they provide hardness of the shell or shell, hardness contributes to normal life and development of the genital organs, it affects the success of growth and development of plants.

Water hardness for an aquarium is classified as follows: 0-4 - very soft, 5-8 - soft, 9-16 - medium hardness, 17-32 - hard, 33 or more - very hard. Tap water, as a rule, has a hardness of no more than 20. The hardness of the water in the aquarium must be within certain limits, usually this range is 3-15 degrees.

Water hardness measurement
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For example, snails need hard water, because their shells are destroyed in soft water, viviparous fish will feel good at 10, at 6, and ferns at 10-14 degrees. This information can be found in the recommendations for the care of a particular species.

The most affordable way to measure water hardness for an aquarium is with test strips. They have been specially designed to measure the hardness of water in aquariums. Simple and easy to use. There is an option where a reagent is added to the indicated volume of water and hardness is judged by the changed color. All calculations are made according to the instructions included in the kit.

To increase the hardness of the water for the aquarium, pieces of shells, marble or limestone rocks can be placed in the aquarium to increase the overall hardness by 2-4 degrees. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to control the level of rigidity. It is more preferable to filter the aquarium water through a layer of crushed marble, reducing or increasing the amount of water passing through the filter.

You can also add baking soda in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 50 liters of water to increase the variable hardness (KH) by 4 degrees.

To reduce the hardness of the water in the aquarium, you need to add distilled, melted snow or clean rainwater to it. You can also boil water, cool it without stirring, and drain 2/3 from the surface. Add this top water to the aquarium.

Aquarium acidity

Acidity (pH) depends on the level of hydrogen cations and hydroxide anions in water. The acidity of tap water is approximately equal to 7. The acidity depends on the temperature, and a value of 7 at a temperature of more than 25 ° C is no longer an indicator of neutral water. The acidity also changes throughout the day. At night, there is an accumulation of carbon dioxide, and by morning the acidity of the water in the aquarium decreases. During the day, plants actively consume carbon dioxide, so by the evening the acidity level rises. Acidity fluctuations depend on the hardness of the water: in harder water, the fluctuations are less.

Acidity can be increased by increased round-the-clock aeration, and lowered by introducing corals, shells and other materials containing calcium into the aquarium. You can measure the level of acidity with an electronic pH meter or with the old-fashioned method - using indicator paper.

Aquarium water temperature

Aquarium water temperature plays a decisive role. The health and ability of fish to reproduce depends on it. For each type of fish, a completely different water temperature is suitable. Conventionally, all the inhabitants of the aquarium can be divided into heat-loving and cold-loving.

Heat-loving fish are fish that live in water, the temperature of which is not lower than 18 degrees. Cold-loving fish are individuals that easily adapt to low temperatures. They can easily live in an aquarium, the temperature in which will not exceed 14 degrees. Keeping cold-loving fish is possible only in large and spacious aquariums.

It is noteworthy that if heat-loving fish are placed in cold water, they practically stop swimming. This suggests that significant harm has been done to their health.

Cloudy water in the aquarium

muddy water
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Cloudy aquarium water is a common problem that even experienced aquarists sometimes encounter. It can be fatal to your fish. To avoid this, you need to understand the causes of this trouble and eliminate them.

When setting up a new aquarium, within a few days, a huge number of bacteria are created, which multiply excessively in the water. This leads to her confusion. This process is quite normal and natural. Before putting the fish in an aquarium with new water, you just need to wait a few days until it clears itself. Due to the lack of food, most bacteria will die out, and the biological balance of water will return to normal. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to change the water, because it will also become cloudy. It is best to add some water from an old aquarium, where the balance has long been established. If there is no such thing, it's okay, the balance in the water will be settled by itself, it just takes more time.

Another cause of cloudy water can be fish. Excess food that your pets do not have time to eat sinks to the bottom and begins to rot. As a result, the water begins to deteriorate. In such an environment, the inhabitants of the aquarium cannot feel good, and a long stay in bad water will destroy them.

The cause of cloudy water may be. There is a certain species that, when over-reproduced, leads to a cloudy environment in the aquarium and at the same time emits an unpleasant odor. Another problem could be too much light or buildup of excess organic matter on the bottom, which stimulates the rapid growth of microscopic algae, resulting in water blooms. It becomes opaque with a greenish tint. With a lack of light, the plants in the aquarium will turn brown and begin to rot, which will spoil the habitat for the fish and harm their health.

green water
photo can be enlarged

First you need to determine the cause of cloudy water. If it consists in overpopulating the aquarium, then it should be strengthened or some of the fish should be moved to another place. If the reason is the accumulation of excess food at the bottom, then you need to reduce the dose of food or purchase, which will eat up the settled food. If there is a problem with, you need to darken the aquarium or increase the light. To prevent the rapid growth of algae, it is recommended to keep fish or snails that eat plants. In order to maintain biological balance in the aquarium, it is imperative to have a good filter that matches the size of the water container.

In maintaining the balance in the water, its change plays an important role. After starting a new aquarium, you do not need to change the water for 2-3 months until the balance is established. In the future, water should be replaced 1-2 times a month. At the same time, draining only 1/5 of the entire volume of the aquarium and adding the same amount with a new one. If you change more than half, then the habitat is disturbed, which will lead to the death of the fish. In small aquariums, the water can be changed less frequently, provided a good filter is available.
