Pictures from a paper mosaic. Do-it-yourself mosaic from colored paper using templates

Inna Ryazantseva

This kind applications very suitable for preschoolers. It is fascinating, develops the imagination, creative activity of children, a sense of color, shape, and at the same time, sufficiently developed motor skills of the hands are needed. After all, you need to break (cut out) very small details. It will require perseverance, perseverance, endurance.

The younger the child, the simpler the paper figure should be, and the details should be larger.

Do mosaic applique pretty easy.

We take a plain cardboard for the background, the figure that we want to depict.

We circle our layout with a pencil, apply the drawing in the right places.

Preparing colored paper to do the most applications. You can cut thin strips from the intended shades of colors, and then cut off small pieces (this will give volume)

The background is smeared with glue, and pieces of colored paper are glued onto it in a dense layer, observing the sequence of colors and symmetry.

It turns out very beautiful. The work can be continued another time, the main thing is to complete it.

Can you make this look applications using a hole punch, for stuffing circles. Here's what happened to me.

And here is such a New Year's toy.

Simple, but useful for children and beautiful.

I'll be glad if you liked it.

Even in ancient times, the mosaic technique of bones, shells and various pebbles appeared. And today, the first knowledge in this art is received by kids. Paper mosaic is a creative way to have fun for the whole family. Such an activity will bring parents and children together, develop motor skills and perception of colors in a child. Standard paper mosaic applications are not all the possibilities of art. There are more sophisticated techniques for making fakes, for example, quilling - paintings from twisted napkins.

The torn paper technique is simple and straightforward to perform. Even the smallest creator can make a mosaic out of paper. This way of creativity develops artistic taste, imagination and allows you to look at things differently. Plain paper (colored) is suitable for mosaics, on which you can draw chaotic stripes to make a break. But you can do without it and arbitrarily tear the paper into various pieces.

During the break, the fingers should be as close to each other as possible. After small manipulations, together with the baby, stick the papers on the stencil or the drawn application. Funny and fun entertainment begins with the first actions (shredding paper strips) and ends with a masterpiece. This method does not use scissors, so it is safe for children.

Instructions for creating a mosaic

Colored paper is a multifunctional tool for creating masterpieces, developing and just having fun. The complexity of the picture depends on the number and size of the elements, as well as on the drawing itself. Colored paper mosaic templates can be found online and printed.


  • Multi-colored paper is taken and cut into elements of different shapes and lengths.
  • To work, you will need multi-colored paper pieces, a template and glue (preferably a pencil). The kid is invited to put the pieces on the picture so that the pieces of paper do not go beyond the contours. At first it will be difficult to do, but with each workout, the baby will get better and better.
  • For an aesthetic appearance, after each piece, the surface is wiped with a dry cloth.

You need to start work with the largest pieces and finish with the smallest. Lay out the papers first along the contour, and then fill the entire space.

You don’t have to worry that there are gaps between the details - this will give a fascinating look to the picture.

To make a voluminous mosaic application from colored paper, the prepared papers are not completely glued. They are smeared with glue only in the middle, and the ends are twisted with a pen or a special stick.

A flight of fancy when creating a mosaic will only benefit. You can use corrugated or velvet paper. As a basis, take sheets that were decorated by a child or were cut out in an unusual way. And you can also attach a stick, paper clip or magnet to the craft for further use in the interior. Such decor, made by the hands of a child, will delight and touch.

Drawing on a sheet of cardboard

Creating different compositions with children is fun and interesting. Their unusual approach to art will surprise and delight at the same time. First you need to decide on the subject of the picture, then draw a sketch or find a template for a mosaic paper application on the Internet. But you can also take a picture from the coloring book - this will reduce the time for preparation.

All materials are available and freely sold in stores. For the first time, you need to choose a simple and large image. For example, a fungus is ideal.

For work you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • a set of multi-colored paper;
  • glue stick (possible PVA);
  • redraw template.

The mushroom is transferred to cardboard with a pencil. Then it's taken 5 small containers for paper items. Each color used should be in its own bowl for convenience, and so that they do not get mixed up with each other.

The color scheme can be completely diverse, for example:

  • the surface of the cap is brown, and its bottom is beige;
  • mushroom leg - yellow;
  • the sky is blue and the grass is green.

After preparing the elements, the gluing process itself begins. After completing the composition, you need to put something heavy.

More complex options

After training on easy pictures, you can proceed to more complex options. You can use any vegetable as a base. This will require:

  • white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • paints with a brush;
  • vegetable templates.

The first step is to cut out the vegetables themselves and stick them on a sheet of cardboard. Then cut the paper into strips half a centimeter wide, and these, in turn, into squares.

When assembling a picture, it is not necessary to glue the elements close to each other, you can leave a distance between them - this will add zest to the creation.

Once the mosaic is ready, you need to divide the cardboard in half with a horizontal line to make the background. Sketch the upper part with orange paint and, after drying, make an imitation of bricks with a felt-tip pen. Fill the lower part with a lighter tone - this will be an imitation of the surface on which the vegetable lies. Then you need to circle the vegetable itself with a black felt-tip pen and create a shadow falling from it. And now a do-it-yourself cardboard mosaic made of paper from a template is ready!

You can conduct such master classes for the baby at least every day. But if you have to work with scissors, then you must definitely explain to the child that this is not a toy, and teach him how to safely handle this item.

Physiologists have long established that human fingers have an organic connection with the brain, and therefore regular work with hands perfectly stimulates intellectual abilities and improves speech skills. In order for the baby to grow up smart, so that he does not experience difficulties with the pronunciation of sounds, do manual labor with him. And the more often, the better.

Any activity that involves fine motor skills is useful:

  • lacing;
  • sorting small items (paper clips, beads, buttons, pasta, beans);
  • games that require hand-eye coordination (designer, puzzles, mosaic);
  • arts and crafts (drawing, modeling, papier-mâché crafts, appliqués).

A very interesting technique for preschoolers is a modular application (mosaic). Let's see what it is and what its benefits for kids are.

Benefits of a modular application

Application is a kind of arts and crafts, the works of which are obtained by imposing details on the background. If the superimposed parts are modules that are approximately the same in shape and size, then the application is called modular. Such a technique, in its essence, is a mosaic, and therefore modular applications are often called mosaic or use the concept of “application-mosaic”.

So, modular, it is also mosaic, it is also a mosaic application, which is gluing many identical or very similar modules onto a background base. Such an activity, if the level of difficulty is selected in accordance with the capabilities and characteristics of the child, makes a huge contribution to the overall development of the baby:

  • trains fine motor skills and eye;
  • develops figurative and spatial thinking;
  • contributes to the formation of aesthetic perception and taste preferences;
  • introduces the child to the basics of design;
  • helps to cultivate diligence, perseverance and accuracy;
  • has a beneficial effect on the emotional state;
  • stimulates fantasy and imagination;
  • enriches the sensory experience;
  • opens up new opportunities for organizing exciting family leisure;
  • helps to learn colors and shapes.
How to create a modular app with a child
  1. Prepare the base on which you will need to glue the elements of your future masterpiece.
  2. Draw an outline on the background.
  3. Stock up on a sufficient number of modules (parts).

That, in fact, is all that is needed to create a beautiful mosaic appliqué with a child. Get the glue and you're good to go!

On a note! If you are happy parents of several kids, you can attract the whole fun brother-sister gang of different ages to the mosaic application. Let the smallest ones tear and crumple the paper, the oldest ones create an original template for the application, and then all together, led by the middle ones, lay out their mosaic and enjoy the fruits of joint work.

Now let's take a closer look at these points.

1. Foundation

The most traditional version of the base for the application is plain colored cardboard. But you can adapt other improvised materials for this purpose:

  • old unwanted CDs;
  • moisture-absorbing household wipes;
  • disposable paper or plastic plates;
  • lids from various plastic containers or cardboard boxes.
2. Application template

When choosing a theme for a mosaic application, do not forget that any application can be subject, plot or decorative.

  • The template for the subject application depicts one object. For example, a vase, a ball or a car. The younger your little one, the simpler the template for a subject modular application should be.
  • The plot application implies a more complex picture: on the basis it is necessary to display a certain event, action, several objects that are connected by a common theme. The lesson on creating a plot application is convenient to use to work out a lexical topic.
  • In decorative mosaics, children play with shapes and colors, free from thematic frames. Fantasy ornaments, original patterns, interesting author's combinations - create for your own pleasure!

3. Mosaic material
  • Paper. Geometric shapes or pieces of arbitrary shape (cut with scissors or simply torn by hand). If the pieces for the broken mosaic are pre-crumpled, you get a three-dimensional picture.
  • Napkins. The soft, pliable material is perfect for working with the smallest of creators. You may have to glue the modules, but the baby will be happy to provide you with the “bricks” necessary to build a colorful work.
  • natural material. Seeds of various plants, cereals and pre-colored small pasta open up a wide scope for creating interesting works in the technique of modular application (mosaic).
  • Plasticine. Pinch off small pieces from the colored plasticine bars, roll them into balls, and then fill in the pattern of your modular application with such colored koloboks, lightly pressing the plasticine with your fingers to give strength to the structure.
  • Beads, sequins, buttons, self-adhesive film. These materials are less popular in children's art, but with older preschoolers and elementary school students, you can create very interesting examples of arts and crafts from them.

Friends! We hope that our overview of the possibilities of the modular application has inspired you to conduct a series of interesting creative activities with your little one. We will be glad if you share the fruits of this work with us and our readers in the comments to the article or on our pages on social networks.

Happy parenthood! See you soon!

Assembling paper puzzles is a great way to pass the time for you and your kids. Firstly, it will strengthen your already close bond with the child, and secondly, it will help develop fine motor skills of the baby's hands and his color perception. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: you play together with the child, and through this game you lay the foundations for the sensory education of a young child.

In addition to simple colored paper mosaics, there are various sophisticated paper appliqué techniques. For example, a quilling mosaic made with your teenage daughter will help you pass a boring evening.

"Torn" mosaic of pieces of paper

The easiest way to make a paper mosaic application with a baby is to use the “torn” mosaic technique. What will be required for this? No special materials or costs are needed. Take your favorite colored paper out of the closet and tear it into pieces. Then, together with the child, stick them on top of the proposed stencil (print out the pictures from the appendix to the article) in accordance with the desired color.

Use a marker to fill in the missing details.

All! Mosaic from pieces of paper is ready!

How to make a paper mosaic with your own hands?

As you have noted, colored paper is a versatile tool that you can use for educational yet fun activities with your kids. A rather interesting option is a simple paper mosaic. It's both educational and fun for kids of all ages. The question of the complexity of the mosaic of colored paper is the number and size of the elements, as well as the size of the drawings at the base of the stencil. You can choose any picture, print and use it for mosaic.

Work technique:

  1. Cut colored paper into pieces of any shape and size. In order to make the work look more creative, use several shades of each color.
  2. Prepare your work surface, template, pieces of paper, and glue. Ask the kid to lay out the pieces of the mosaic without going beyond the contours. At first, he may need your help, but as you learn, you will notice that the child copes on his own, and asks for more and more complex drawings.
  3. In order to make the work look more neat, we recommend that after applying each piece, wipe the surface with a dry cloth (especially if you use PVA glue).

Mosaic peacock in quilling technique

This paper mosaic is much more difficult to complete than the previous two, and requires painstaking work. Offer your teenage child this kind of entertainment.

Quilling is a very simple but elegant kind of needlework, which is based on twisting thin strips of paper into tight tubes. From multi-colored paper scrolls twisted into a spiral, you can make collages and applications of incredible beauty.

To work, you will need the following materials: colored paper (A4 sheets or paper specially prepared for curling), tweezers, PVA glue and a quilling tool. If not available, cut in half the top of the ballpoint pen with a knife over 7 mm. Paper is inserted into the resulting "slit" in order to make it easier to twist.

So, now you need to prepare paper spirals. For your convenience, here is a table with the most used quilling elements.

Choose the colors you like best for this paper appliqué. Assemble the picture according to the mosaic principle, placing the prepared paper spirals on top of the stencil.

Application from colored paper in the mosaic technique "Fruits" for children of the younger group. Master class with step by step photos.

Chebotareva Alexandra, pupil of the 2nd junior group.
Supervisor: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 2nd junior group.
Purpose: The craft is designed to decorate a corner of nature, an exhibition on the theme "Fruit".

Work description: This master class is intended for children of primary preschool age, educators, parents.
Target: Create an application in the mosaic technique.
- To develop the creative abilities of preschool children, fine motor skills of the hands;
- to cultivate accuracy in working with glue and paper;
- improve the ability to carefully stick a mosaic on paper;
Our garden
Our autumn garden is beautiful.

It has plums and grapes.
On branches like toys
Both apples and pears.
And the night is chilly
And the yellow leaf rustles at your feet.
We will pick the fruits in the morning
And we will call all the neighbors.
And wave the sun
"Thank you, autumn!" - let's say. (W. Rashid.)
For work we need:
Ready-made application with the image of fruits, glue, scissors, colored paper: yellow, red, light green and dark green.

Fruit pattern

1. The teacher cuts colored paper into small squares 1 by 1 cm.

2. The child glues the fruit leaves with glue and sticks dark green squares on them. Then he paints the ponytails of the fruit with a brown pencil.

3. Let's get to the apple. The child gradually smears it with glue and sticks red squares on it, trying not to go beyond the contour.

4. The apple is ready, it turned out neat. For the banana, we need yellow paper. The teacher spreads glue on the bottom of the fruit, and the child sticks pieces of colored paper.

5. The teacher helps the child to work carefully, not to get out of the outline of the drawing. The teacher spreads glue on the middle of the banana. And the child continues to stick the squares of the yellow mosaic.

6. It remains to stick the top of the fruit. The teacher smears it with glue, and the child sticks paper squares, trying to glue them as close to each other as possible. Banana is ready.

7. The last fruit left is a pear. The teacher glues the top of the pear with glue, and the child sticks a mosaic of light green paper.

8. We also smear the middle of the pear with glue, the child, trying not to crawl out of the contour, sticks paper squares.

9. The teacher glues the bottom of the pear with glue, and the child continues to stick a light green mosaic.

10. Our fruits are ready. The work can be decorated with a yellow border. To do this, the teacher cuts out strips 1 cm wide and sticks them along the edges of the work.
11. Such a picture can decorate a corner of nature.
