Beautiful inscriptions in Arabic with translation. Charming and spectacular ligature with a special meaning is a tattoo in Arabic with translation

The history of tattoos in the Middle East and in the Arab countries has deep historical roots. Their name in the people has the sound "daqq", which translates as "knock, blow." Others give the word "washm" with a similar meaning.

In the rich strata of society, tattoos are not accepted, as well as in the very poor. Middle-income people, peasants and residents of local tribes do not disdain them either.

It is believed that in the Middle East, Arabic tattoos are divided into healing (magic) and decorative. Healing tattoos are more common, which are applied to a sore spot, sometimes while reading the Koran, although doing so is forbidden. Women use magical tattoos to keep love in the family or to protect children from harm. In men, they are located in the upper parts of the body, in women in the lower and on the face. It is forbidden to show female signs to anyone other than the husband. Sometimes there are customs of tattooing babies a few weeks old. Such tattoos have a protective or prophetic message.

Tattoo artists are usually women. And the color of the drawings themselves is always blue. Geometric motifs and natural ornaments are quite widespread. It is strictly forbidden to make a tattoo with the image of a living person. Making permanent tattoos is clearly prohibited by faith. They mean changes in the creation of Allah - man - and their own unacceptable exaltation. But it is quite possible to create them with henna or glue stickers, since this temporary phenomenon can be removed, and it does not change skin color.

True believers will not make permanent drawings on the body. Tattoos on an ongoing basis in Arab countries are made by people of non-Muslim faith. For example, Christians, Buddhists or atheists, people from ancient tribes. Muslims consider them a sin and paganism.

The Arabic language is really quite complicated, tattoo inscriptions in Arabic are not always translated unambiguously, therefore, if it becomes necessary to make a tattoo of this kind, you need to find the exact translation and the correct spelling of the phrase by consulting with a competent native speaker.

Arabic phrases are written from right to left. They seem to be connected, which from an aesthetic point of view gives the inscription a special charm. As we have already said, it is best to turn to native speakers or serious connoisseurs of the language. Arabic inscriptions can often be seen in Europe. This is due not only to the number of migrants from the southern states, but also to the rapid popularization of Arabic culture and language.

Arabic inscriptions with translation

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25 beautiful sayings with translation!

1. When two people with the same dreams meet, they succeed.
عندما شخصين مع نفس الأحلام، وأنهم جميعا الحصول عليها

2 Don't reject people who want to be with you. Perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.
.لاترفض الناس, الذين يريدون ان يكونوا معك
.فربما سيكونون وحدهم من يقف معك في اصعب لحظات الحياة

It is not so important to be near the one you love, how important it is to be in the heart of the one you love.

4 You need to live for the sake of those who need you constantly, not temporarily.
علينا أن نعيش من أجل أولئك الذين بحاجة لنا باستمرار، وليس فقط مؤقتا

5 هناك سعادة واحدة في هذه الحياة، ألا وهي أن تَ
There is one happiness in this life - to love and be loved.

A smart man will not fall in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, he will fall in love with the woman who will decorate his world...

7 It doesn't matter what time of year it is, what the weather is like outside. Only one thing is important for me: that YOU and I are together!
بغض النظر عن وقت السنة ، والطقس خارج الشباك. شيء واحد مهم بالنسبة لي: هو ان نكون مع بعض ،أنت وأنا

8 Different nationalities are just an excuse to think about how beautiful your children will be.
جنسيات مختلفة - هذا مجرد روعة تفكير لانه سيكون لديكم أطفال جميلة

Every person deserves to be loved just like that. Just because he's around. Just for being there.

10. The shortest way to a person's heart is sincerity...
أسرع طريقة لقلب الرجل - هو صدق

11. A real man enters your life with a pure heart and, despite quarrels and problems, stays in it forever...
الرجل الحقيقي ياتي اليك بقلب نقي. و على الرغم من المشاكل و الخلافات . سيبقى في القلب الى الابد

12. I am with you and in sorrow in joy, I will always be there ...
أنا معك في الحزن إلى الفرح، وسأكون دائما هناك

13. And in the end, the Almighty will keep your relationship with someone who really deserves to be in your life.
في النهاية سوف يبقي الله سبحانه وتعالي علاقتك مع شخص يستحق حقا أن يكون في حياتك

14. Eyes do not know how to lie, like the heart - to be silent ...
عيون لا يمكن أن يكذب، وكذلك القلب - الصمت

15. There are borders between countries, but there are no borders between Hearts...
هناك حدود بين الدول, و لكن ليس هناك حدود بين القلوب....

16. Beautiful things don't last long, but they can leave beauty in the heart!
الاشياء الجمِيلہ لا تدوُم لكنّ قد تترُك جمالٌ بالقلبّ لا يُمحئ ~!

17. The one who really loves will go through everything, but will not miss his own.
أي شخص الذي يحب حقا، تمر عبر، ولكن لن نفتقدها

18. Dreams created together come true twice as fast.
الاحلام التي خلقت سويا تتحقق مريتن اسرع

19. Where there is loyalty and respect, there is a lot of love and tenderness...
حيث هناك ولاء واحترام، وهناك الكثير من الحب والحنان

20. Love each other now, there will be no other life...
الأن يجب أن نحب بعضنا البعض، لأنه لا يوجد حياة أخرى

21. Love is when, letting go of a person, the heart screams: "Don't leave. I can't live without you." And you say out loud sincerely: "Be happy and take care of yourself"
الحب هو - عند ترك الإنسان, يصرخ قلبك: لا تذهب عني, لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. وأنت تقول بإخلاص "أتمني لك السعادة وحافظ علي نفسك"

22. If you speak to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak to him in his language, you speak to his heart.

إذا ما تحدثت مع رجل ما بلغة يفهمها، فإن الكلام يدخل عقله، أما إذا ما تحدثت إليه بلغته، فإن الكلام سوف يدخل قلبه

23. To love means to live the life of the one you love ...
الحب - يعني أن تعيش حياة شخص تحبه

24. لا توقوقlf الوضull μيكوووird, gard enter, urb يكوول اضل .دائما iodكووووoney هlf صولاتlfم ال تimes oint و الا nds لديكيكmpaك و#.

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you won't be able to...

25. ياله من شئ رائع أن يكون بجانبك من يحميكى
It's good to have someone who cares for you...

# _vostok - Arabic

#quotes@prekrasnyj_vostok - aphorisms and expressions

#harmony_relationships@prekrasnyj_vostok - about love and psychology

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Proverbs and sayings are invaluable material not only for a philologist, but also for an ethnographer, historian, writer, philosopher, and also for anyone who is trying to feel the spirit of the people whose language he is studying. Proverbs and sayings have absorbed the wisdom accumulated over the centuries; decades of experience. They are characterized by aphoristic conciseness and accuracy of judgments about the most diverse aspects of human life.

The source of proverbs and sayings has always been life in all its infinite diversity. They were born in the process of comprehending the people's experience, with exceptional completeness they reflected the thinking of the working man and the warrior.

Passed from mouth to mouth, proverbs and sayings were polished, improved, acquiring the utmost accuracy, accuracy and conciseness. Each nation has its own proverbs and sayings, reflecting the peculiarities of its way of life, historical fate, national identity.

We have selected 150 of the most interesting and characteristic proverbs and sayings in our opinion from the collection of Abul-Fadl al-Maidani, which collected about 5 thousand pre-Islamic Arabic proverbs and sayings and more than a thousand sayings of the righteous caliphs and companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which are firmly included in modern Arabic.

These proverbs and sayings, distinguished by their figurativeness and conciseness, have firmly entered the Arabic language and have become "winged" expressions that have been used by the Arabs for many centuries.

Editor-in-chief of the site: Ummu Sofia, site:

1. — سَبِّحْ يَغْتَرُّوا

Say "only Allah is holy" and they will be deceived.

That is, say “only Allah is holy” more often and people will trust you, and you will be able to deceive them.

So they say about the one who is hypocritical.

2. — سَائِلُ اللّهِ لا يَخِيبُ

Whoever asks the Almighty will not be upset.

3. — عِزُّ الرَّجُلِ اسْتِغْنَاؤُهُ عَنِ النَّاسِ

The greatness of man is in his independence from people.

So said some of the companions of the prophet.

4. — لِكُلِّ قَومٍ كَلْبٌ، فلا تَكُنْ كَلْبَ أَصْحَابِكَ

Every team has its own dog! Don't be her to your friends! (cf. Russian. “The family has its black sheep”)

These instructions were given by Lukman the Wise to his son when he was about to leave.

5. — الْمِنَّةُ تهْدِمُ الصَنِيعَةَ

Reproach destroys a good deed.

The Almighty said: “O you who believe! Do not make your alms in vain with your reproaches and insults, like one who spends his property for show and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. The parable about him is the parable of the smooth rock covered with a layer of earth. But then a downpour fell and left the rock bare. They have no control over anything they have acquired. Allah does not lead the disbelieving people to a straight path (Surah The Cow, 264).

6. — المُزَاحَةُ تُذْهِبُ المَهَابَةَ

That is, if a person jokes a lot, his authority will decrease. These are the words of Aksam ibn Saifi.

It is reported that Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Avoid the joke! It entails abomination and breeds hatred."

Abu Ubaid said: “A story about the Caliph came down to us that he offered one person to choose one of two dresses. He joked: “I take both and more dates!” The Caliph got angry and said: “You dare to joke in front of me!?” and gave him nothing.

7. — إنَّ المَعَاذيرَ يَشُوبُها الكَذِبُ

Excuses are always mixed with lies!

They say that one person began to justify himself before Ibrahim al-Nakhagi. Ibrahim said: “I accept your apologies without asking why. Because excuses are always mixed with lies!”

8. — إِذَا نَزَا بِكَ الشَّرُّ فَاقْعُدْ بِه ‏‏

If evil (wants) to drag you along, sit and do not move.

This proverb contains advice not to lose self-control and not to rush to do evil. They also say: "If evil stands next to you, sit still."

9. — إنَّ مَنْ لا يَعْرِفُ الوَحْيَ أحْمَقُ

He who does not understand hints is a fool!

This is about someone who does not understand hints and you need to say directly everything that you want to receive from him.

10. — الْمِزاحُ سِبَابُ النَّوْكَى

A joke is a kind of insult (used) by fools.

11. — أَمْسِكْ عَلَيكَ نَفَقَتَكَ

Hold back your expenses.

This refers to superfluous, unnecessary words. Shurayh ibn al-Harith al-Qadi said this to a man when he heard what he was saying.

Abu Ubaida said (on p. 287) that this proverb draws an analogy between material and verbal expenditures.

12. — ما ظَنُّكَ بِجَارِك فَقَالَ ظَنِّي بِنَفْسِي

"What do you think of your neighbor?" He replied: "The same as about myself."

A person understands another person based on knowledge of his nature. If (he is a positive person), then he considers others the same. If evil, then bad.

13. — مِثْلُ المَاء خَيْرٌ مِنَ المَاء

The likeness of water is better than water.

Proverb about contentment with little.

This was said by the man who was offered to taste the milk. They said to him: It is (liquid) like water. And he replied: “The likeness of water is better than water.” So these words turned into a proverb.

14. — إنَّ الْجَوَادَ قَدْ يَعْثُرُ

Thoroughbred horse and he sometimes stumbles!

This proverb is about a person from whom good deeds mostly come, but sometimes there are mistakes.

15. — إنّهُ لأَشْبَهُ بِهِ مِنَ التَّمْرَةِ بالتَّمْرَةِ ‏‏

Look alike, like two dates!

16. — بَقْلُ شَهْرٍ، وَشَوْكُ دَهْرٍ

A month is green grass, a century is thorns.‏

17. — أَبْلَدُ مِنْ ثَوْرٍ، وَمِنْ سُلحَفْاَةٍ

Dumber than a bull or a turtle.

18. — أَبْشَعُ مِنْ مَثَلٍ غَيْرِ سائِرٍ

More disgusting than a rare proverb.

19. — أَبْغَى منَ الإِبْرَةِ، وَمِنَ الزَّبِيبِ، وَمِنَ الْمِحْبَرَةِ

More depraved than a needle, or a raisin, or an inkwell.

20. — أَبْكَى مِنْ يَتِيمٍ

Tearier than orphans.

21. — تَلْدَغُ العَقْرَبُ وَتَصِئُ

The scorpion stung and (mournfully) squealed!

This is what they say about a tyrant pretending to be a victim.

22. — اتَّقِ شَرَّ منْ أحْسَنْتَ إِلَيْهِ ‏‏

Fear the evil of the one to whom you have done good!

This is close to the meaning of the proverb: "Let your dog get fat, and he will eat you."

23. — تَحْت جِلْدِ الضَّأْنِ قَلْبُ الاَذْؤُبِ ‏‏

Under the skin of a ram, the heart of a wolf! (Wolf in sheep's clothing).

This is what they say about those who are hypocritical and deceive people.

24. — أَتْوَى مِنْ دَيْنٍ ‏‏

Worse than debt.

25. — أَثْقَلُ مِنْ أُحُدٍ‏

هو جبل بيَثْرِبَ معروف مشهور‏

Heavier than Mount Uhud. (Famous mountain near Medina).

26. — أَثْقَلُ مِنَ الزَّاوُوقِ

Heavier than mercury.

27. — جَاءَ نَافِشاً عِفْرِيَتَهُ ‏‏

Came with a rearing scallop.

That is, he came angry.

28. — أَجْرَأُ مِنْ ذُبَابٍ ‏‏

Brave than a fly Also the word "zubab" means a bee. See the book "Language of the Arabs",

Because she sits on the nose of the king, on the eyelid of the lion. She is driven out of there, but she returns.

29. — الحِكْمَةُ ضَالَّةُ الْمُؤْمِنِ

Wisdom is the find of the believer!

That is, the believer seeks wisdom everywhere. Wherever he finds, he takes it.

30.- الحِلْمُ والمُنَى أَخَوَانِ

Dream and dream - brother and sister!

There is also such a variant of this proverb: “Dreams are the capital of bankrupts.”

31. — أَحْيَا مِنْ ضَبٍّ

More tenacious than a lizard.‏

32. — خَيْرُ حَظِّكَ مِنْ دُنْيَاكَ مَالَم تَنَلْ

The best lot of this world for you is what you could not get!

Because he is evil and temptations.

33. — الخَطَأُ زَادُ العَجُولِ

Mistakes are the food of the hasty!

It means that many who are in a hurry in something will make a mistake!

33. — الْخُنْفَساءُ إِذَا مُسَّتْ نَتَّنَتْ

If you touch a dung beetle, it will stink a lot!

34. — أَرْخَصُ مِنَ الزَّبْلِ ‏‏

Cheaper than garbage

Also: "... lands", "dates in Basra", "... judges in Mina".

35. — أرْزَنُ مِنَ النُّصَارِ

يعني الذهب‏

‏More than gold.

36. — أَرْفَعُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ ‏‏

Above the sky.

37. — أَرْوَغُ مِنْ ثُعَالَةَ، وَمِنْ ذَنَبِ ثَعْلَبٍ ‏‏

Quirkier than a fox or a fox's tail.

38.رَأْسُهُ في القِبْلَةِ، وَاسْتهُ ُفي الْخَرِبَة — ِ‏

The head is directed towards the Qibla, and the butt is in ruins.

This is what they say about the one who speaks of good, but is far from it himself.

39. — رَأْسٌ في السَّمَاءِ واستٌ في المَاءِ‏

Head in the sky, butt in the water.

40. — رَأْسُ الدِّينِ المَعْرِفَة

The basis of religion is knowledge.

41. — رَأْسُ الْخَطَايَا الْحِرْصُ والغَضَبُ‏

The basis of error is greed and anger.

42. — رِيحٌ في القَفَصِ‏

Wind in a cage.

43. — رُبَّ مَزْح في غَوْرِهِ ِجدٌّ

Often in the depths of the joke (is) seriousness. (Every joke has some truth).

44. — رُبَّ حَرْبٍ شَبَّتْ مِنْ لَفْظَةٍ

Often wars are ignited from a single word.

45. — رُبَّمَا صَحَّتِ الأْجَساُم بِالعِلَلِ ‏‏

It happens that the health of the body in diseases.

46. — رُبَّ سُكُوتٍ أّبْلَغُ مِنْ كَلاَمٍ

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

47. — سَمِنَ حَتَّى صَارَ كأنَّهُ الَخْرْسُ

He grew fat and became like a huge barrel

48. — اسْمَحْ يُسْمَحْ لكَ

Forgive and you will be forgiven.

49. — سَبَّحَ ليَسْرِقَ

He swore (literally: he said “only Allah is holy”) in order to steal!

That's what they say about hypocrisy.

50. — سَوَاءُ ُهَو والعَدَمُ

He and the void are the same.

They also say: "He and the desert are equal to each other."

That's what they say about misery. That is, coming to visit him is the same as visiting a lifeless desert. This is the commentary of Abu Ubeida.

51. — سُرِقَ السَّارِقُ فَانْتَحَرَ

A thief was robbed and he committed suicide (because of this grief).

52. — السَّليِمُ لاَ يَنَامُ َولاَ يُنِيمُ

A healthy person does not sleep himself, and does not give to others (Dog in the manger)

So they say about someone who does not give rest to himself or others.

53. — أَسْمَعُ مِنْ فَرَسٍ، بِيَهْمَاء في غَلَسِ

Sharper hearing than a desert horse on a starless night.

54. — أَسْرَعُ مِنْ فَرِيقِ الْخَيلِ

Faster than the first horse.‏

55. — أَسْرَعُ مِنْ عَدْوَى الثُّؤَبَاءِ

More contagious than yawning.

56. — أَسْهَرُ مِنْ قُطْرُب

More cheerful at night than a firefly.

57. — أَسْرَعُ مِنَ الرّيحِ

faster than the wind

وَمِنَ البَرْقِ

Useful Muslim phrases in Arabic with translation الله أكبر - Allahu akbar (Allah akbar) - Allah is Great (Greatest). Praise (takbir). Used when a believer wants to remember the greatness of Allah الله عالم - Allahu alim - Allah knows best (Allah knows best) عليه السلام - Alayhi salam (a.s.; a.s.) - Peace be upon him. It is said after the names of the prophets, messengers and higher angels (Jibril, Mikail, Azrael, Israfil) الحمد لله - Alhamdulillah (Al-Hamdu Lil-Lah) - Praise be to Allah. So Muslims often comment on something, for example, when they say about success and when they answer the questions “how are you”, “how health” الail.Ru ict ndsicles feature رail.Ru ال#Pughterhi Rabbil “Alyamin - praise Allah, Lord of the Worlds! Мир вам (приветствие) أستغفر الله - АстагфируЛлах - Прошу прощения у Аллаха أَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْمِ - Аузу билляхи мин аш-шайтани р-раджим - Прибегаю к защите Аллаха от проклятого (побиваемого) сатаны أخي - Ахи - (Мой) брат بَارَكَ اللهُ - Barakalllah- peace bless you Allah lf gardurity اللail.Ru الرail.Ru اللellent- bismillakh-r-rahman-r-rahim- in the name of Allah, gracious, merciful. These words should be pronounced before any important matter (Sunnah- pronounced this phrase before eating, before food, before washing. at the entrance to the house, etc.) ‏وعليكم السلام - Wa alaikum assalam - “And peace be upon you” (Answer to a greeting) جزاك اللهُ خيرًا - JazakAllahu Khairan (JazakAllahu) - May Allah reward you with good! gratitude, the equivalent of "thank you". At the same time, “Jazak Allahu Khairan” is said when addressing a man; "Jazaqi Allahu Khairan" - when referring to a woman; “Jazakuma Allahu Khairan” - when referring to two people; "Jazakumu Allahu Khairan" - when referring to several people Short answer: "Wa yakum" (وإيّاكم) - and let him reward you too, "wa yak" - (male), "wa yaki" - (female) إن شاء الله - InshaAllah - If it is the will of Allah - Yahdikumullah - May Allah show you the right path! لا إله إلاَّ الله - La ilaha illa Allah - There is no God but Allah (there is no one and nothing worthy of worship except the One God Allah). The first part of the shahada ما شاء الله - MashaAllah (Masha "Allah) - So Allah willed; Allah decided so. Used when commenting on any events to express submission to the will of Allah, to what He predetermined for a person. They also say "MashaAllah" when praise someone, admire someone's beauty (especially a child), so as not to jinx it , saw, saaw, pbuh) - May Allah bless Muhammad and welcome (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They say at the mention of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him سبحان الله - SubhanAllah - Most Pure (Most Holy) Allah. Everything that happens or does not happen is by the will of Allah, who has no flaws. Muslims often say "SubhanAllah" in conversation or to themselves to remind (someone or themselves) about this سبحانه و تعالى - Subhanahu wa Ta "ala - Holy is He (Allah) and Great. These words are usually spoken after pronouncing the name of Allah أختي - Uhti - My sister في سبيل الله - Fi Sabilil-Lah (fi sabilillah, fisabilillah) - On the path of the Lord

Everything is very cool! Fast, beautiful and in general there are no words for how everyone likes it! :) Good luck and good mood always-always-always!!!

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Paul! He is truly a master of his craft! Everything went smoothly and almost painlessly! This was my first tattoo, but I am sure that I will come again and will definitely recommend your salon to my friends and acquaintances! Smile! ;)

Thanks a lot to the salon and the master! The tattoo turned out very beautiful, everything was done neatly, quickly and efficiently.

Thanks to the administrator for helping me choose the font for the inscription and the place of application. I already got my second tattoo, I'll be back!

Friendly attitude of the master. Excellent result. Was very satisfied. The atmosphere in the salon is very homely and pleasant. Master Vasily is a true professional. Thank you so much!

I really like the attitude of the master to the clients. Master is a true professional. I have made 5 works with him and I am very satisfied. Very polite and attractive female administrators. Thanks to the entire Tattoo Times team. I will definitely return to your salon!

Impressions - super! I would like to say a huge thank you to the master Alexei for the excellent quality work! The salon is very comfortable and positive, I'll be back in a week!

Master is great! High quality and beautiful tattoo. Almost painless. A bunch of positive emotions. The master suggested where it would be better to apply this tattoo.

Thank you very much! I will definitely come again.

The master is a professional in his field. I'm very glad that I came across him!

I really liked the work of master Alexei. He is very responsible and delicate in his work and the process of making a tattoo was easy and fast. I will be returning to your salon in the future. thanks a lot

You are best

I really liked the master Alexei, as it was very comfortable. Very friendly and cheerful. I hope that when I decide on another tattoo, I will definitely get to him. Mexican rules! :)

A huge sincere "thank you" to the wonderful master Dima! Dima understood exactly what I wanted: he drew a beautiful sketch in accordance with all my wishes, helped me decide on the size and location of the tattoo. The application was virtually painless. The result is even better than my expectations! I wholeheartedly recommend Dima to everyone for his professionalism, calmness and confidence. And most importantly - understanding!

I really liked the master for his professionalism and sociability. I will definitely come back to this salon again!

Was very pleased with the work of the master. The work was done quickly, efficiently, neatly and almost painlessly. In the future, I am ready to cooperate with this master.

I really liked your salon, you are extremely friendly and positive, everything is beautiful!

Everything is great! Everything is amazing!

Everything was great. Very satisfied.

I have a very good impression of your salon. Quality of service, attention to the client. The administrator helped me choose the font, decide on the size of the inscription. And of course, the execution of the work itself left only pleasant impressions. Thank you Tatu Times!

The entire salon staff is very friendly and helpful. Helped me decide on a pattern. The master is very professional. Absolutely sterile and safe, which was extremely important for me. This was my first tattoo but definitely not my last. I would happily come back and recommend the salon to my friends. I want to say to all the staff and Dima in particular, many thanks for helping me decide on this step and enjoy the procedure and the result!

I really liked the master. Friendly atmosphere, fast and painless work!

A good approach to people, a very friendly master with good taste and rich imagination. Pleasantly welcomed by the administrator. Good quality salon.
