LPG facial massage: who needs it and when, are there any contraindications. Is a unique hardware massage effective?

LPG massage was invented by the Frenchman Louis Paul Gute in the 80s of the last century. Gyute was injured in a car accident, which resulted in a large number of scars on his face. To get rid of them, the Frenchman resorted to a long course of massage. The result inspired Louis Paul Gute and he developed an apparatus whose purpose was to smooth out post-traumatic scars. Initially, it was used only for medical purposes. But over time, it gained great popularity in cosmetology.

Mechanics of the procedure

The procedure is carried out with a special apparatus for facial massage, which is equipped with rollers. One roller draws in part of the skin and subcutaneous fat using a vacuum. The retraction frequency is from 4 to 16 in 1 second. The other roller smoothes the skin after being retracted. The principle of massage is similar to the manipulation of human hands.

During LPG facial massage, all layers of the skin are stimulated, and the following processes are activated:

  • Fat cells under the action of a mechanical apparatus are damaged. And as a result, the amount of fat on the face, décolleté and neck is reduced.
  • Cells that are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin become active. The result is an increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Microcirculation improves in the treatment area with the device. Facial puffiness disappears.
  • The work of the mimic muscles of the face improves.


  • During the procedure, the client does not experience any discomfort.
  • To tighten the skin and rejuvenate the face does not require a lot of time.
  • Perfectly fights wrinkles and age-related lethargy of the skin of the face.
  • Effectively remove fat deposits.
  • After the end of the massage sessions, a rehabilitation period is not required.


  • Ultrasonic massage. It produces a lifting effect by performing a slight polishing. The skin is smoothed out.
  • Myostimulation (exposure to impulsive currents). Gets rid of fat deposits on the face. Due to the action of currents, cells begin to multiply. This leads to the strengthening of the muscles of the face and, as a result, its tightening.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage. This is a universal variety that will improve complexion, relieve wrinkles and swelling.

Differences lpg facial massage from manual

First of all, the basis of LPG massage is a mechanical effect on the skin. Almost all types of massage require the application of creams and oils on the face. But not lpg facial massage for its effective implementation does not require the application of moisturizing cosmetics to the face.

With manual facial massage, it is sometimes difficult to develop tactics so as not to injure and stretch the skin and at the same time achieve the maximum positive effect. The use of lpzh massage provides a gentle sliding of the device over the face, contributing to the delicate tightening of the skin. LPG-massage allows you to carry out the procedure in several modes - delicate, relaxing and deep. The choice of mode depends on the characteristics of the skin and its susceptibility.


  • Age wrinkles, mimic wrinkles,
  • Clear nasolabial fold
  • Having a double chin
  • change in complexion,
  • The presence of breeches
  • The presence of edema
  • Presence of fatty deposits
  • Post-traumatic scars, hematomas, scars, stretch marks

After completing the entire course of hardware facial massage, you can be sure of a positive result. Wrinkles will be completely smoothed out, eyelids will tighten, swelling will go away. The nasolabial fold, if it does not disappear at all, will become much less noticeable. The face will acquire a healthy color. The cheekbones will acquire relief outlines. And scars, scars and stretch marks will become paler and almost invisible.

Experts say that the effect after the entire course of LPG massage lasts up to a year and a half. But you should sometimes resort to supporting procedures.


  • Couperose,
  • Oncological diseases,
  • Diseases of the circulatory system,
  • High blood pressure,
  • SARS,
  • elevated body temperature,
  • pregnancy period,
  • Herpes, warts, moles and papillomas.

If you do not pay attention to the contraindications described above, instead of a positive result, a woman may get an exacerbation of the disease or injure her skin.

Course intensity

The duration of LPG facial massage can be from 10 to 20 sessions. It is recommended to conduct sessions, dividing them into 3 stages:
The first. 9-10 sessions 2 times a week.
Second. 6-7 sessions per week.
Third. 3-4 sessions once every 2 weeks.
The duration of the massage is approximately 30 minutes. The maintenance course is 1-2 sessions per month.

Carrying out the procedure at home

Experts advise to carry out massage in salons, trusting a professional in their field. But by purchasing a special device, you can avoid going to specialized institutions and carry out the procedure at home.

The technique of execution in the salon and at home is identical.

  • Cleanse the skin from make-up and impurities.
  • Wipe your face with cosmetic tonic or milk.
  • There are several programs on the device. Choose one of them according to your personal preference. But still, cosmetologists recommend starting the procedure with a gentle regimen.
  • With light circular movements, drive the device along the massage lines. It is necessary to process the forehead, cheeks and lower part of the face.
  • In order not to injure the delicate skin around the eyes, you should change the nozzle of the device to a special one designed specifically for this area of ​​the face. This zone should be worked out with soft, progressive movements.
  • Finish the massage procedure by applying a moisturizer suitable for a particular skin type.

Before deciding to carry out the procedure at home, experts advise to consult with cosmetologists.

Beauty salons offer various procedures to correct the shape of the face, eliminate puffiness and other cosmetic defects. You can rejuvenate the skin with the help of a vacuum technique - LPG facial massage.

Action of vacuum massage

The hardware LPG technique is understood as the effect on the skin with special nozzles. The device is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Massage helps to fight skin roughness with cellulite, stretch marks and various defects on the body. With the help of a vacuum procedure, you can correct the oval of the face, and improve the condition of the skin.

During the LPG facial massage, the skin is exposed to special rollers that are under the influence of vacuum. The rollers capture a skin area with a constant supply of a vacuum of a certain power, and this area is simultaneously smoothed out with another roller.

Massaging with an LPG device has the following effect:

  • the production of natural collagen is activated;
  • cells filled with fat break down;
  • damaged skin is restored;
  • exchange processes are normalized;
  • liquid accumulated in the deep layers of the epidermis is eliminated;
  • blood flow normalizes, the skin is saturated with essential nutrients and oxygen;
  • muscle tissue relaxes, wrinkles disappear;
  • massaging has an anti-stress effect.

Vacuum massage LPG has a complex effect, affecting the deep subcutaneous layers and muscle tissue. Reviews of the sessions are almost always positive. Already at the end of the initial sessions, it is noticeable how the skin is tightened and acquires a healthy shade.

  • wrinkles that appear with age, and mimic character. Simultaneously with the procedure, it is recommended to use special anti-wrinkle masks;
  • the presence of bryl and a double chin;
  • drooping of the lower eyelids;
  • gray, unhealthy complexion;
  • swelling after waking up, or persistent swelling;
  • fat deposits in the neck, décolleté, and face;
  • nasolabial fold, which has a bright outline;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • scars and scars left after damage to the skin, or after injuries;
  • too active work of the sebaceous glands.

How much LPG massage is necessary can only be determined by a specialist cosmetologist. He will also prescribe the required number of procedures, tell you what additional measures will be needed during the course.

Contraindications to vacuum facial massage

Vacuum-roller massage has an intense effect on the subcutaneous layers. Therefore, it is necessary to know in which cases the procedure is not recommended.

There are the following contraindications to LPG facial massage:

  • too close location of small vessels to the surface of the skin;
  • age restrictions. The procedure can be performed from the age of 16;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • after a recent surgical intervention;
  • colds of an infectious nature;
  • a cold accompanied by fever;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy throughout the entire period;
  • birthmarks, warts, papillomas in places intended for massage.

If there are listed contraindications, then before doing a vacuum massage, you need to get rid of them.

Features of hardware facial rejuvenation

It is desirable to take a vacuum massage course in a beauty salon. Before the session, the specialist will conduct the necessary examination, be able to identify contraindications, and explain the essence of the procedure. But, you can purchase the device, and perform vacuum sessions on your own.

LPG massage has the following features when performed:

  1. the number of necessary sessions for facial rejuvenation should be determined by the beautician. So, if the patient is over 50 years old, and there are many wrinkles on the skin, sagging is present, then it will be necessary to perform from 15 to 25 vacuum sessions. Massage can be performed as a preventive measure, or for a slight correction of the facial contour. In this case, 10 sessions are enough;
  2. the number of sessions per week is also individual. Usually 1 or 2 treatments per week are indicated;
  3. the duration of each vacuum session is half an hour;
  4. each patient experiences different sensations during the session, depending on the level of the pain threshold and the individual characteristics of the organism;
  5. during the operation of the LPG device, the client's head should be in a raised state;
  6. at the end of the session, it is necessary to refrain from any cosmetic products for the face for 4 hours.

Important: after 6 sessions, the patient may experience panic. It is by this period that excess fluid leaves the deep layers of the epidermis, so the skin in some places may sag slightly. But, this is a normal reaction, and after the next sessions, the results from the LPG technique will begin to please.

To preserve the effect obtained from LPG massage, it is recommended to perform preventive sessions for six months. It is enough to perform 1 or 2 procedures per month.

Execution technique

The vacuum technique for the face is performed as follows:

  1. the face is cleansed of cosmetics;
  2. the skin is additionally cleansed with a tonic;
  3. on the device, a mode is selected that is responsible for the intensity of the impact of the rollers;
  4. along the lines of massage, in a circle, the forehead, cheeks, lower contour of the face are processed;
  5. a special nozzle is used to treat the eye area;
  6. at the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with tonic.

At the end of the LPG vacuum session, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

The result after a course of vacuum massage lasts up to six months, subject to additional caring measures for the skin of the face.

If the procedure is performed independently, then you must first go through training video lessons so as not to harm your health, and competently conduct sessions. But, it is better to entrust the performance of LPG massage to specialists.

LPG massage is the latest development in the field of non-invasive face and body rejuvenation using a hardware method. LPG technology is like a lifting massage. With the help of the vacuum-pinch method, various areas of the skin are stimulated, improving the blood supply to tissues and cells, and thereby preventing age-related changes. For LPG facial massage, special equipment is used - LPG massager. This device was conceived as a way to eliminate the consequences of injuries and scars. However, after successful use, it began to be used for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of facial skin, tighten sagging and sagging skin.

Today, with the help of LPG facial massage, they successfully carry out rejuvenation procedures, model and tighten the oval of the face. This is achieved due to the vacuum effect on the skin. The device gently captures individual areas of the skin along with the subcutaneous layer and quickly releases it. Due to the delicate “pinching”, all layers are restored. The skin of the face with such an impulse effect is not stretched and not injured.

LPG facial massage is performed only in specialized clinics and only by an experienced specialist. For each client, an individual program is selected, aimed at solving specific problems. The procedure itself does not cause discomfort and is absolutely painless.

Indications and contraindications

To start using LPG technology, you must have the following indications:

  • age after 25 years;
  • flabby and dull skin;
  • dull color;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • swelling;
  • loss of facial contours;
  • postoperative scars;
  • post-acne.

Before LPG facial massage, it is necessary to consult a beautician, especially if you have the following problems:

  • external damage to the skin;
  • any infectious, viral and fungal diseases;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes;
  • proximity of blood vessels;
  • allergic processes;
  • moles and neoplasms on the skin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Among the possible complications after several procedures are noted:

  • swelling, redness;
  • small hemorrhages and hematomas (due to incorrect selection of the program or the proximity of the vessels);
  • mild pain.


Massage lines

LPG facial massage can be performed using various techniques. Vacuum-roller massage is designed to solve problems associated with an indistinct oval of the face, a “second chin”, deep and mimic wrinkles. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to two rollers, one of which captures a certain area with the help of a vacuum, the second smoothes the skin. The intensity of exposure depends on the force of the vacuum supply, which is regulated by the beautician.

Vacuum LPG massage improves the work of the following processes:

  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • relaxes the muscles of the face;
  • breaks down body fat;
  • promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues;
  • removes fluid and toxins;
  • helps the production of collagen and elastin;
  • speeds up metabolic processes.

Lymphatic drainage LPG facial massage normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, thereby ridding the skin of the face of excess fluid and fat.

Before the LPG massage session, the face is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities in the usual way. The master selects a program and for 45 minutes in a circular motion gently and progressively processes all the problem areas of each of the three zones:

  • forehead and eye area;
  • cheekbones and nasolabial region;
  • chin and neck.

During the massage, the device slowly moves according to the direction of the main massage lines, providing a vacuum, mechanical and vibrational effect on the skin. For sensitive areas around the eyes and lips, special nozzles are used. The massage of these zones should be extremely accurate, and the movements should be smooth.

To conduct LPG massage on your own, you need to take appropriate courses and gain at least minimal experience with the device. Otherwise, you can not wait for a positive result, but instead of tightening and rejuvenating, you can get hematomas. To properly tune in to a massage using this technology, you need to follow some simple tips:

  • during the session, the head should be slightly higher than the body;
  • before the procedure, you need to drink at least a glass of clean water;
  • after the procedure, you can not use cosmetics for 3 hours;
  • the course is set individually depending on age and specific problems;
  • one session can last an average of 20 to 40 minutes.
  • to achieve the maximum effect of LPG massage, it is better to do courses of 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week.
  • maintenance sessions are recommended to be carried out once a month for six months.

The result after this hardware rejuvenation is noticeable after the first application. But to achieve the desired effect, it is better to take a course prescribed by a specialist.

LPG massage has been studied for a long time by leading cosmetic companies. As a result of research, it has been proven that this method is by far the most effective and is several times more effective than many well-known manual techniques. In addition, LPG facial massage provides better oxygen access to tissues, lymph outflow, due to which cell regeneration occurs and age-related processes are slowed down.

LPG-massage of the face is a type of mechanical massage, which is based on the effect of vacuum and kneading the skin-fat fold. To perform the procedure, the same apparatus is used as for the body, but a different nozzle (handle) is used.

Unlike LPG body massage, there are no mechanical rollers for kneading tissues in the facial nozzle. The massage effect is created by drawing the skin into the cavity of the nozzle and due to the vacuum.

The frequency of such retraction varies depending on the settings of the device and ranges from 4 to 16 times per minute. The force with which tissues are drawn into the nozzle can also be adjusted.

At the biological level, the effect on tissues leads to the following changes:

  • increases the flow of arterial blood to the tissues at the site of the procedure;
  • stimulation of skin receptors leads to an improvement in facial muscle tone;
  • facilitates the outflow of lymph and venous blood from tissues;
  • monotonous pleasant repetitive exposure promotes relaxation;
  • stimulation of skin cells such as fibroblasts leads to increased synthesis of collagen and elastin.
Photo: Cellu M6 Endermolab

As a result, withonce after the procedure:

  • puffiness of the face decreases, especially the area around the eyes;
  • a slight blush appears;
  • the face looks rested.

After a certain time after the course of procedures:

  • the skin is gradually smoothed;
  • improves the contour of the face;
  • the corners of the mouth are raised;
  • small wrinkles go away;
  • the increased tone of mimic muscles is removed;
  • the effect of other procedures or cosmetic products that are used simultaneously with the course of LPG facial massage procedures is enhanced;
  • swelling of the face disappears for a long time;
  • dark circles around the eyes are reduced, and often disappear altogether.

Video: Facial massage on the LPG device

What device is used

LPG-massage (namely, the massage of Louis-Paul Guitey, the developer of the method) is carried out only on the devices of LPG Systems. There are, of course, similar devices from other companies that use a similar principle of operation. But it is difficult to talk about their effectiveness without knowing for sure how different the technology used in replicas and original devices is. LPG-massage of the face, neck, décolleté and chest is performed on devices Cellu M6 Endermolab, Cellu M6 Integral, Lift M6, Cellu M6 Keymodule 2. The latest models of LPG Systems devices look like this.


If you are going to have a procedure or a course of facial massage procedures on the LPG machine, then the recommendations of the doctor who will carry out the procedure will help you get the maximum effect. Usually there are not as many recommendations as it happens during an LPG body massage, but, nevertheless, it is worth taking note of them.

What will make the procedure more efficient:

  • Drinking mode.

Depending on the condition of the skin of the face, and especially the eyelids, the doctor will recommend the optimal drinking regimen. The common recommendation to drink two liters of water a day in addition to the water contained in food is not suitable for everyone. Not everyone will be advised to drink as much as possible after the procedure. Since if there is a tendency to puffiness of the face or dark circles around the eyes persist, then this indicates an excess of fluid and optimal conditions must be created for its removal.

  • Diet.

We are not talking about calorie or carbohydrate restriction here. Most likely about the amount of salt, which will not hold water in the body, and in the tissues of the face.

  • Combinations of procedures and cosmetics.

To solve skin problems, the doctor can choose a set of procedures, one of which will be an LPG facial massage. Also, the effect of the procedure will be enhanced by specially selected cosmetics.

  • Course duration.

The number of procedures is usually determined on an individual basis depending on the existing skin problems.


  • decreased elasticity and tone of the skin;
  • fat deposits in the face (second chin, blurry contour of the lower jaw, flabby cheeks);
  • omission of the skin of the face, which causes the appearance of nasolabial folds, omission of the corners of the mouth, the formation of the nasolacrimal sulcus;
  • loss of elasticity of the skin of the neck and décolleté, flabbiness of the skin;
  • the presence of wrinkles;
  • tendency to edema of the face and the area around the eyes;
  • dull, earthy complexion;
  • recovery after plastic surgery, resorption of subcutaneous infiltrates, post-acne, hematomas.

What results can be obtained

It should be especially noted that the listed results that the method gives are not advertising promises. The LPG massage procedure is one of the few that have been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States). For the United States and Europe, FDA approval means that a drug or procedure has the effect claimed by the developer and manufacturer and is safe for humans.

So, what effects should be expected from the procedure:

  • wrinkles: decrease in depth by 23%, length by 15%, amount by 34%;
  • skin density increases by 53%;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat in unwanted places is reduced by 48%;
  • reduction of skin area after a course of procedures by 20% (excellent lifting effect);
  • renewal of collagen fibers by 27-120% compared to the initial level.


Any serious procedure has contraindications. And this massage is no exception.

General contraindications:

  • colds;
  • epilepsy or any condition characterized by high convulsive readiness.

Local contraindications:

  • the presence of abrasions, scratches or other signs of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • various rashes on the skin (abundant pustular rash such as acne, herpes virus, fungal diseases, etc.);
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of soft tissues and bones of the face;
  • inflammatory and purulent diseases of the soft tissues and bones of the face in the acute stage;
  • rosacea (new formation of subcutaneous capillaries may begin and the vascular network will increase);
  • vitiligo (may be provoked by the growth of foci);
  • acute period of neurological diseases;
  • increased facial hair growth.

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How is the procedure

Photo: Cellu-M6-Keymodule2

The massage is carried out on the cleansed skin of the face without the use of any preparations. It is possible to carry out massage on preparations specially intended for this purpose. Usually these are cosmetic products from LPG Systems. They can also be used at home.

The skin of the face is treated in three steps for 15 minutes: first, the forehead area, then the cheeks to the level of the lips, then the chin and the lower jaw area. The time to process one area may decrease if any other area requires more attention and elaboration.

The movement of the nozzle goes along the massage lines. After the procedure, there may be redness of the skin and slight swelling of the face if the skin is sensitive. These symptoms usually go away within a day. All the time, while the course of procedures lasts, you can use the usual cosmetics, play sports, perform thermal procedures and sunbathe.

How much do you need to do for the course

The average number of procedures per course is 15-20. And they are carried out according to a special scheme: the first third of the procedures - 2 procedures per week, the second third - 1 procedure per week, and the third - 1 procedure every two weeks.

The demand for massage treatments, especially for LPG facial massage, is currently constantly growing. This type of massage is the most popular type of hardware cosmetology today. It also has the following names: non-surgical facelift, LPG endermology, endermolift, liftmassage. It allows you to prolong the youthfulness of the face, personal attractiveness, which directly affects mental comfort and well-being.

The company LPG Systems, which produces massage devices, noticed in time the trend of using massage not only for the figure. She developed and began to implement effective devices for delicate massage of the skin of the neck, décolleté and face.

The effect of LPG facial massage increases many times if it is carried out simultaneously with the application of nourishing masks, as well as masks with a lifting effect.

Massage using these devices is recommended to be used to prevent the occurrence or eliminate the consequences of such phenomena as:

  • decreased skin tone;
  • sagging;
  • rugosity;
  • double chin;
  • deterioration of the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of the nasolabial fold;
  • swelling of the face;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • the presence of scars;
  • the presence of hematomas.

The latest studies of the world's leading clinics have once again confirmed the effectiveness of LPG facial massage.

Wrinkles are quantitatively reduced by 40%, wrinkle depth - by more than 25%, the mass of subcutaneous fat is reduced by 2 times, the effect of strengthening skin elasticity is observed, and the process of fiber restoration is underway. There are positive changes even with a single application of LPG facial massage. Medicine has proven to improve the quality of blood flow and lymph.

In our body, collagen is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, for its healthy appearance. As a result of age-related changes or external adverse effects, the fibers lose their elasticity. As a result, the skin of the face looks flabby, sagging, poorly absorbed with moisture, which provokes excessive dryness of the skin. LPG massage trains many of the cells responsible for creating collagen in the body.

Thanks to this procedure, the deep layers of the skin are trained and rejuvenated, it looks younger, its condition improves, and the number of mimic wrinkles decreases. LPG massage, like any other, has an anti-stress effect both on the treated skin surfaces and on the whole body as a whole.

Method used

LPG massage incorporates the best manual techniques on the face, neck and décolleté. Due to the fact that the skin of the face is quite thin and sensitive to rough influences, delicacy should be combined with the need for a good study of areas with deep wrinkles. For LPG massage, a specially created lift-handle is used, which gently affects the skin. This device provides a vacuum and vibration effect on the skin folds, provides a tightening effect, improves blood and lymph flow.

During the procedure of LPG - massage on the face, the patient experiences the same sensations as with a conventional manual massage. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Such an impact in the chamber is carried out in 3 mutually intersecting planes, which generate a vacuum and pinch effect on the treated area of ​​the skin. The frequency of exposure to the device is from 4 to 16 times per minute. Computer control on the LPG apparatus controls the degree of exposure, provides a delicate relaxing mode, and allows you to adjust to the characteristics of each client.

LPG massage does not produce an ordinary physical effect on skin tissues, it has a profound effect on the entire body as a whole:

  • trains the autonomic nervous system;
  • promotes the creation of skin tissue hormones;
  • improves circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid;
  • stimulates the growth of capillaries;
  • stimulates cell renewal.

Preparation for the procedure and the duration of its impact

Special preliminary preparation for LPG massage is not required, cleansing procedures are preliminarily performed on the skin. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist before this.

This stimulates the cleaning during the procedure of the facial skin from sebaceous deposits. The duration of the session is from 20 minutes. 3 zones of influence are sequentially processed: the bridge of the nose and eyes, the line of the mouth, the décolleté area. After the procedure, redness forms, a slight swelling may appear, but you should not be afraid of this - this is a sign of an improvement in the flow of blood and lymph, an increase in the tone of the deep layers of the skin. The time of disappearance of these symptoms is from a day to two.

It is possible to see the effect of the massage after the first session. This result persists for several days. To obtain a long-term effect, it is necessary to take a course of LPG massage of 10-20 sessions, 2 procedures per week. After completing the entire complex course of massage, the result is observed within 6 months. To prolong the effect, it is necessary to undergo corrective procedures once a month.

Indications and contraindications

There are no special prohibitions for LPG massage, the same requirements apply as for regular massage. Main contraindications:

To evaluate the effectiveness of LPG technology, numerous scientific studies were carried out, which reliably confirmed that LPG massage is a technique that allows the skin, using its own reserves, to restore its structure.
  • vascular changes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy or the period of feeding a child;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • skin disorders: abrasions and scratches;
  • skin rash;
  • epilepsy;
  • neurological diseases.

LPG massage is perfectly combined with other procedures using specially selected cosmetics. But you need to carefully approach the combination. For example, LPG massage is not recommended after facial contouring, as this provokes an increase in blood circulation and, as a result, the drug introduced during plastic surgery dissolves faster, which is undesirable. LPG massage can be applied to men and women with different skin types and different ages.
