Matte manicure for school. Beige manicure with bright stripes

Girls are not taught from early childhood that they are future workers and builders of communism, they are, first of all, future women. Learning to be beautiful is not a shame and it is never too early. There are special cosmetics for children and teenagers. But the school... Is it appropriate to go to school with bright make-up, with makeup, and moreover - extensions? Yes, everyone recognizes the right of girls to take care of themselves, but where does beauty end and challenge begin?

Who can be against painted nails

Do not forget that many teachers are people of the old school, they grew up and even started working at a time when, not only makeup, but a ribbon of a “non-uniform” color was considered a crime and immorality. It is not surprising that such teachers look at the bright, fantasy manicure of their students without enthusiasm.

Of course, girls can defend their right, argue with teachers ... But you should think carefully whether it's worth it. Painted to her taste (often unsteady, childish) nails - and spoiled relations with the teacher, this is the first. The second point is whether the girl herself feels that she is able to withstand the struggle for her nails.

It is quite possible that after much squabbling, she will still have to give in to the teacher. In this case, it is easier and more useful to do it right away. Let's say that the nails will be given in the proper, according to the teacher, form, but the conflict may be remembered, and how this will backfire during the responsible ones is unknown.

Should girls paint their nails?

Well, the subject of the dispute is a bright manicure. Without a doubt, hygienic manicure is not only possible, but necessary. But I also want to paint my perfectly designed nails. No one is afraid that varnishes can have a detrimental effect on the children's body, especially since there are special coatings for children and adolescents. Here you should not grow your nails or grow your own too long.

The extension on children's hands looks really wild, and too long nails will obviously not decorate them. Moreover, you can injure yourself and harm others, they can interfere with outdoor games and physical education lessons. Natural, clean, processed nails - that's what young girls need.

The coating for school can be made not bright, with drawings, but in gentle, natural, pastel colors. The discreet, calm color of the nails will not annoy anyone, besides, it is practical for the girl herself - the flaws that inevitably appear during the day will not be evident, it is easy to apply in the morning and wash off in the evening. Catchy, defiant manicure will wait until the holidays.

A young girl strives to be attractive, confident in her irresistibility. She pays special attention to appearance, experimenting with clothes, hair. An important element of the external image of a woman is a neat manicure. Some prefer to visit a beauty salon to create a bright and unique style, while others try to make their image on their own.

Before doing a manicure, a schoolgirl should ask if the school has a dress code. A fashionable manicure will help a girl express her individuality. To attract the admiring glances of girlfriends to your hands, it is not necessary to apply too bright varnish on your nails. At school, this can lead to comments from teachers, so it is better to prefer discreet shades with a minimum amount of decor.

Features of school manicure

The schoolgirl's nails should be neatly trimmed, it is better to paint them with pastel-colored varnishes. The girl's hands require delicate care:

  • If there is old varnish on the nails, it should be removed with a special tool that does not contain acetone.
  • Then you need to wash the handles and disinfect them.
  • Take nail scissors and give your nails a neat rounded shape. They should not be too short or long, the best option would be a length of about 3 mm.
  • Clean the area under the nail plate with a special tool.
  • Remove burrs. You can make a warm bath with a moisturizer, add sea salt, essential oils, herbal decoctions. A hot manicure with a cream promotes the rapid healing of the cuticle. The skin on the fingers becomes much more elastic and burrs are easy to remove.
  • We treat the cuticle with special oil, carefully push it back with an orange stick. It is better not to use sharp objects so as not to injure the nail.
  • After the above procedures, varnish can be applied. Remember that a manicure must necessarily correspond to the age of the schoolgirl.

You can take care of the hands of a young girl at home, using natural cosmetics for procedures. Caring for the schoolgirl's hands is similar to the procedures that adult women do, but it should be more gentle. If it is not possible to make a beautiful stylish manicure for a young lady at home, contact a specialist in the salon.

Selection of manicure for a schoolgirl

Girls often experiment with their image, trying to achieve complete harmony. To attract attention, it is not necessary to apply bright varnish on the nails, decorate them with rhinestones, incredibly intricate patterns. Well-groomed hands with a minimum of varnish look stylish on the hands of a girl. Each educational institution has its own characteristics, so girls should take this into account when creating their image. Many students strive to stand out with trendy manicures to attract the attention of their peers.

It is important for a teenager to learn: to properly care for nails, to perform a beautiful design. This will help the girl gain self-confidence. The selection of a manicure is a responsible matter, it must match the school clothes. The girl's nails should be natural, have a small length. For nail art of nails to school, it is better to focus on delicate pastel colors, choose a small pattern. A gentle manicure will make your hands refined, refined, and the image - light and bright. It is easy to diversify a manicure, using one color of different shades, to perform a French manicure, highlighting only one finger on the hand.

Types of manicure for a schoolgirl

Consider the popular types of manicure, they can be safely done to visit educational institutions.

Transparent manicure- this is the perfect solution for a young fashionista. Lacquer is applied to the nail plate as standard. To do this, cover the nails with a special base, and then apply varnish. This allows you to achieve a fashionable effect, and with the help of stylish patterns to create your own extraordinary version. If you decorate such a manicure with a small amount of sparkles, then it will become a great addition to the image.

Manicure in pastel colors is extremely popular today. Looks great coverage of pink, peach shades. Use your imagination by combining dots, lines, circles with these colors, you can achieve an interesting effect. A manicure in pastel colors looks especially tender on short nails.

French manicure suitable for high school students. This is a versatile option that is in harmony with any outfit. The snow-white tip of the nail in combination with pastel colors will always be in place. If the school does not have strict rules, then you can additionally decorate your nails with drawings or patterns. French is easy to make at home.

Newspaper manicure

Decorate your nails with numbers or letters, draw notes or formulas. A girl with such a manicure will not go unnoticed in the classroom, she will always look stylish and original. Newspaper manicure is simple, but it allows a schoolgirl to create masterpieces on her own at home. It looks fervent and gentle at the same time. If you put it on a discreet color, then it is great for going to school. And for a party, you just need to make the background brighter, add rhinestones, and other decor.

Manicure with drawings

It is believed that attending an educational institution is necessary with a discreet manicure. But if at school it is allowed to decorate nails with drawings, then you can dream up. A small drawing, pattern or sparkles will be a great nail decoration. A schoolgirl does not have to decorate all her nails, you can highlight one with the help of an original ornament. A neat picture drawn with a brush will tell about the character of its owner, distinguish her among her peers.

It is better to stick to the golden mean when doing a manicure, avoid defiant patterns and flashy shades. There are many interesting options for a school manicure, when choosing it, make sure that it fits organically into the image.

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls at the age of 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that a young beauty should have sharp bright claws that will go against the cute image! How to do a manicure for a girl? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother make herself a manicure, the girl dreams of building such beauty on her nails as soon as possible. A girl at the age of 12 can already be taught to do a manicure with her own hands. First she does it under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A 12-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticles during manicure for children under 14 years old. No need to move it, let alone cut it! Even for adult women, unedged manicure technology is more attractive and safer! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the plate formation zone, and this will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin is a little rough, burrs appear, then you can’t do without processing the periungual space! But it will be enough to trim the burrs with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin, you can make a warm bath of medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to cut the nails, leaving 2-3 mm of the free edge. If you cut the nails right down to the base, then this can adversely affect the processes of the correct formation of the plate. Long nails will look too provocative, and on short nails you can also make a beautiful design. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. It is this length - 2 mm - that is optimal in order to make it easy to keep the nails clean, to be able to clean the dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: All the secrets of the red jacket

  • Manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of unpleasant sensations during manicure. It is better to use a nail file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to minimize its contact with the nails. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have a habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagy. And the reason for the development of harmful occupations is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are times when a similar problem exists even at that age. Doctors explain that loud screams and "slaps" on the fingers will not help the child get rid of the habit of biting nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on the nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep the girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a matter of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady, confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much the girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her that there are certain rules that are followed in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks just ridiculous on the nails of a twelve-year-old girl! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: Manicure with mica: easy, spectacular, bright!

  • On vacation days, you can allow a brighter design. It is permissible to test colored varnish on nails that are not very flashy shades. But at school time, manicure should be done in soothing colors, without flashy drawings and catchy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure girls 12 years old

Mom can let the girl play a little naughty during the holidays. Why not give your daughter a cheerful bright manicure. The girl can try to make light drawings on her own. It’s easier to design with your right hand, but it’s more difficult to draw with your left hand ... I’ll have to ask my mother for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

With what simple designs is it necessary to start comprehending the art of nail art?

  • funny polka dots the easiest way to draw dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • pink hearts can be built from two drops, carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the right direction.

  • cute bows- an attribute of childhood - it is very easy to draw. You can decorate them with all the records or just the ring finger.

  • small flowers- more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • funny faces will cheer up both the girl herself and her friends. Only real artists can display cartoon characters on their nails.

There are many more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and sweets. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure to school at age 12

School manicure should be calm and restrained. No matter how much you want to put bright varnish on your nails, you don’t need to do this. We will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, you will still erase the beautiful coating by the next day!

Are you allowed to go to school with long brightly painted nails? No problem! We will tell you how to make a discreet, but beautiful and stylish manicure on short nails.

Leave bright nails of crazy colors, decorated with sequins, rhinestones, voluminous stickers for parties and holidays. At school, manicure should be neat and restrained. Stop stop, this does not mean boring! On the contrary, it can be very stylish and original, just without extreme sports, so as not to give you a reason to reprimand you.

But before deciding which color scheme to choose, let's figure out how to do a manicure at home:

    If there was already varnish on the nails, remove it with a special liquid. When choosing it in the store, make sure that there is no acetone there. We need healthy nails, don't we?

    Prepare a bath of hot water to steam your hands. Put a few drops of rose or jasmine essential oil into it and add some sea salt to help strengthen your nails. Keep your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

    Apply to the cuticle (dense roller of skin at the base of the nail plate) a special tool to soften it. Take a special manicure stick and slide the cuticle to the base of the nail. Be careful, the skin there is very delicate.

    If necessary, very delicately cut off any burrs (with nail scissors or tongs).

    File your nails with a nail file, giving them the shape you like (oval or square). You can file nails only “dry” (to avoid their delamination) and the movements of the nail file should be directed from the edge of the nail to its center. The ideal nail length for school is 2-3 mm.

    Apply cream to hands and nails. The cream should be well absorbed. Then the nails must be degreased with a nail polish remover.

    Apply a transparent base on your nails and let it dry.

    Apply one coat of colored polish, let it dry, and then apply another coat.

    Fix the result with a transparent varnish.

    Before you get up from the table and go about your daily activities, make sure that the varnish is completely dry. We don't want to redo everything, do we?

Ideas for school manicure:

    French manicure- a win-win option for all occasions. But if classic white is already fed up, try yellow pink or blue polish. You can go even further and paint the tip of each nail a different color! And to make such a manicure neat, use special strips for French manicure, which must be glued, stepping back about 3 mm from the tip of the nail.

    Bright accents. Let the nails be calm pastel shades, but with a few bright details. For example, on 1-2 nails of each hand, you can draw polka dots, flowers, hearts or bows. Can't draw? Glue the finished sticker for manicure.

    Through one. Choose two similar, matching colors and paint your nails, alternating shades.

What kind of manicure do you like the most?

In the modern world, a school manicure is acceptable if it makes the girl's hands neat and tidy. The times when old-fashioned teachers demanded to urgently erase the varnish, even transparent ones, are gone. Light varnish will not cause dissatisfaction of teachers, and the schoolgirl will feel more confident, more beautiful. Types of manicure to school may depend on the age of the girl and the rules established by the charter of the educational institution.

School manicure basics

The condition of the hands will tell you whether the schoolgirl knows how to take care of herself. The girl's nails should be natural, even, with a transparent coating or soft, pastel colors. You just need to know that applying varnish to unprepared nails is not worth it. First you need to put your hands in order, make a hygienic trimmed manicure, if the edge of a nail is broken, trim the rest along the same length and only then apply tone and decor.

The shape is preferred in the form of a semicircle, almond-shaped nails or the shape of a soft square are suitable for some girls (this depends on the shape of the nail bed). The cuticle after treatment with special oil should be moved with a special orange stick, the burrs should be carefully removed. A girl should get a high-quality glass or plastic nail file (metal ones spoil her nails), an acetone-free remover, in order to easily do the right manicure for school.

Lacquer color

Extravagant trends, such as sharp or voluminous nails, are not suitable for a schoolgirl. Gentle tones should be preferred: beige, pink, coffee with milk, sometimes light blue, coral or turquoise, which are relevant today, may come up. It is better to refuse a bright scarlet manicure of a femme fatale; black or dark wine, dark blue colors will not work either.

Rhinestones, glitter and acid shades are inappropriate for school everyday life. If you want to add decorative elements, you can make drawings: for example, stamping in the form of flowers. Accents on one or two fingers look beautiful: if you add gilding or a pattern over a delicate peach-colored varnish, no one will reproach the girl for vulgarity.

School manicure options

School business style is a kind of dress code, and students should think through their image in the same way as employees of serious companies. A manicure is done to school on short nails, carefully filed. This guarantees convenience, beauty, safety, especially in technology and physical education lessons. It is recommended to prefer neutral colors and classic designs. A beautiful manicure for school is a French, moon, ombre, stamping, sliders, patterns with a needle. Unpretentious thematic drawings are also good - bows, flowers, polka dots, monograms.

french manicure for school

Slightly old-fashioned, but elegant French manicure looks in soft pink, cream, beige tones. The tip of the nail is done in a different color, for example, white. French corrects the shape of the nails, the hands look well-groomed, but do not attract attention. You can make a colored jacket: highlight the “smile line” not with white, but with another varnish: pink, sand, blue. A triangular jacket is in fashion - discreet, harmonious. If a girl decides to master the jacket on her own, she needs to purchase a special set with stencils. Do like this:

  1. Apply alternately two layers of the base, wait until it dries completely.
  2. Attach stickers for manicure - the same for all nails.
  3. Carefully or using a stencil, draw the edging of the tips of the nails in white or another shade.
  4. Remove stencils only after they are completely dry.
  5. Correct irregularities and errors with a cotton swab moistened with nail polish remover.
  6. Apply a fixing layer on the nail plate for shine and gloss.

Lunar manicure

A manicure in which the hole at the base of the nail plate is painted in a contrasting color is called a moon or inverted jacket. It looks neutral, neat, especially on rounded nails - long and short. Schoolgirls are better off choosing soft, light colors. Lunar manicure will turn out spectacular even when using transparent varnish, only the hole is highlighted in white. To make it look beautiful, stickers, stencils or simple foil are used, if you have a drawing skill, you can draw a hole with a thin brush. So, we make a moon manicure:

  1. Perform the necessary hygiene procedures: wash your hands well and clean your nails, trim cuticles, remove burrs, clean each nail with a pusher or orange stick, walk a gentle sponge over the nail plate.
  2. Apply a coat (base) to give evenness and smoothness to the nail plate
  3. Apply the selected varnish on the nail surface, allow it to dry.
  4. Apply special stencils so that a “smile” is obtained at the base of the nail between the cuticle and the sticker, and cover this area with a second varnish. The hole can be given an asymmetric, geometric shape, make it in the form of a heart or crown.
  5. Remove the stencil, allow the coating to dry.
  6. Optionally, you can decorate the nail with rhinestones, pebbles or painting
  7. Apply a special tool to the nails for quick drying and stable manicure reliability.

It is better to take care of the “beauty of nails” all the time, but you should not change varnishes often, the nail plate suffers from this. The use of thermal varnish allows you to vary the color shade of the nails depending on the temperature: in the heat they begin to brighten, in the cold they become brighter and more contrasting, the color of the tip of the nail also changes. The effect lasts as long as there is a large difference between body and air temperature. When using thermal varnish, it must be remembered that it can cause allergies and that the started bottle cannot be stored for a long time. Still more pluses:

  • there is a large selection of shades;
  • the varnish has a high resistance (lasts 2-3 weeks);
  • affordable price range;
  • simplicity and accessibility of application;
  • dense texture;
  • good pigmentation;
  • economy of spending.


Mom teaches a little girl to take care of herself, she will also help her daughter learn the first lessons in hand hygiene and a simple manicure for school. The influence of peers who come to school with beautiful nails is huge. If a girl wants to create her own style, you should start with a plain varnish, matte or glossy. Mother-of-pearl varnish is undesirable, especially since it has already gone out of fashion. The shade can be chosen, for example, under the blouses in which the girl goes to school: blue lacquer for a blue blouse, pink for pink. This style will never go out of fashion and will not displease teachers.

