Myths and reality about the procedure of plucking the upper part of the eyebrows. Do men pluck their eyebrows?

I once read from Fifa Pokrovskaya that she could throw away all her cosmetics, leaving only blush: they are the ones who “make” the face. I agree with this statement only partly: in my opinion, an important, if not a key role in the “organization” of beautiful female face eyebrows play.


  • When adjusting the width of the eyebrow, you need to stick to your natural shape. There is no need to try to make round, thread-like eyebrows out of beautiful wide eyebrows with a kink. If the eyebrow is straight, you don’t need to pluck out half of it to finish the break—accept it.

  • Popular articles about search suitable shape eyebrows to a certain form faces - bullshit! I’ll repeat my first advice again: just carefully arrange what nature has given you, without trying to radically change it.

  • Most relevant now wide eyebrows natural look. There is no need to pluck the eyebrow from above (except in particularly sad cases).

  • Drawing an eyebrow tail if there is none (for example, I have a scar on my right eyebrow) is not a sin, but very much a necessity. Those who have a ponytail should also outline it to make it more graphic.

  • If the eyebrow is not too high and the bend is not steep enough, this can be corrected visually by applying light shadows under the eyebrow and blending them well.


  • Eyebrows should be the same shade as the hair (I’m not talking about green-haired ladies, this is a special fashion case, let each person with colored hair decide for herself).

  • Dyed blondes, BLEACH your eyebrows! There is nothing worse than blondes with frankly black eyebrows. It is not necessary to burn out the color to zero, but going a couple of tones lighter than natural if you have ashy hair is simply necessary!

BADLY. And there is no difference between these three photos; black eyebrows with white hair are ugly.

FINE. Light eyebrows are natural for a blonde.


  • Eyebrow plucking is a completely separate activity from makeup.

  • Be sure to disinfect your skin and tools before use.

  • The tweezers should pull out, not tear or bite the hairs.

  • You can use a thread to remove extra hairs, they say it’s easier and more effective. I don’t know how and haven’t tried, but if you can do it, I’m extremely happy and looking forward to the step-by-step master class.

  • You can also trim your eyebrows if the hairs are too long. Having combed them up and intending to trim them, remember that you need to cut them not flush with the eyebrow line, but 1 mm higher.


  • Eyebrow shadows

They are made by different companies in different shades. I use MeiTan (middle photo), which comes with an angled brush that is convenient for drawing in the eyebrow.

  • Eyebrow pencil

Previously, I used twist-out ones, but now I’ve switched to ones that need to be trimmed (what kind of word is that, both the y and the a look creepy). The coolest ones are those with a brush on the back side.

  • Golden eyebrow mascara

Elena Krygina highly recommends this remedy: mute the color of the eyebrow if it is too dark for natural reasons or if you overdid it and drew the eyebrow too much.

  • Transparent eyebrow gel

Salvation for girls with tough, naughty, long hairs in the eyebrows. Reliably fixes the eyebrow; a transparent gel is applied over the already drawn eyebrow. There are also colored (brown) eyebrow gels/mascaras: 2-in-1, so to speak, both color and hold.

HOW TO AND HOW NOT TO Pluck your eyebrows



  • See the difference between the eyebrows in the photo above? Kink (most high point eyebrows) should be where the imaginary line is drawn from the wing of the nose through the outer side of the iris, and not through the pupil, as makeup artists of the 90s advised!That is, the break should be shifted to the outer edge of the eyebrow, and not in the middle.

Correct again

  • The tail of the eyebrow should not be raised too much. An imaginary line drawn in continuation of the tail of the eyebrow should cross the tragus of the ear, but not higher.

INCORRECT (brow tail too high)

And, of course, my own experience:

Eyebrows before (poisoned on purpose):

Eyebrows after:

In the photo, of course, not a drop decorative cosmetics. You can find out what I look like in full dress in other posts)

Is it possible for a woman to pluck her eyebrows?

The Koran quotes the words of the Devil, the meaning of which is as follows:

“I will make every effort to take people away from the right path[I will constantly push them to commit mistakes, sins and crimes, blinding them so that they cannot foresee how it all might end]; I will arouse in them [I will awaken] unfulfilled desires (I will amuse them with hopes) [I will do everything so that they forget that life can end at any moment and that then retribution and an answer for their actions will follow]; I will order them, and they will cut the ears of sacrificial animals [perform sacrificial and other rituals for their idols and gods]; I will command them, and they will change the creation of Allah [forbidden (haram) into permitted (halal), and permitted into forbidden; will try to change the laws and patterns in nature].” Whoever takes the Devil (Satan) as his patron instead of Allah (God, Lord) [thus rejecting the Creator, moving away from Him], he will, without a doubt [no matter how you look at it, still] end up a clear loser” ().

“...I will command them, and they will change God’s creation.”. This also refers to changes affecting appearance person in cases where there is no acute vital necessity or unambiguous medical indications, recommendations. If they exist ( urgency, persistent medical recommendations or other good reason), then exceptions and canonical relaxations are possible. IN ordinary situations plucking eyebrows, thereby changing their shape, is prohibited (haram). You can pluck only individual hairs that come out of the general row, which does not change the shape, but gives neatness.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah (God, Lord) has cursed (1) those women who give tattoos to others (tattoos), and those who receive tattoos [both men and women], (2 ) those women who remove facial hair for themselves or others or ask others to do so (pluck their eyebrows) [changing their shape, making them thinner], and (3) those women who file their teeth (makes artificial clefts between the teeth), preening thereby. They change the creation given to them by God."

Is it true that Muslim women are not allowed to pluck their eyebrows? I have a faint hope that this applies to men. Diana.

Is it true. There is an authentic hadith on this matter. The only exception may be large hairs that grow separately, causing chaos in the appearance.

I know that plucking eyebrows is haram. What should I do if they are too thick? You know, it doesn't give well-groomed appearance.

I would like to know about eyebrow correction.

It is canonically permitted to give a well-groomed appearance. It is necessary to catch the line at which your eyebrows will be neat, but their shape will not change.

From you I learned that plucking eyebrows is haram. I really regret that I started doing this several years ago, but, unfortunately, I can’t stop, because if I stop plucking my eyebrows, they will no longer take on a natural look (now they are very thin) and will simply look unaesthetic. I understand that it’s my own fault, but what should I do in this situation?

What should I do? Don't complicate your life. Act in accordance with the circumstances in which you find yourself.

You write that plucking eyebrows is prohibited. And recently I read on the Internet that after marriage a girl can pluck “ bottom part» eyebrows under the main mass, without changing their shape. Is it true? G.

Plucking out excess large or individually growing hairs is possible.

What if my wife tattooed her eyebrows and plucked them before we fully accepted Islam. And now if you don’t pluck them, your eyebrows look terrible because they are sharp lines tattoo E., 26 years old.

Considering the meaning of the hadith regulating this issue, try to find some optimal and realistic option between what was, what has become, and what you should do in the future, maintaining the beauty of your face and not ignoring the prohibition.

About other topics related to feminine beauty read the following materials:

See, for example: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 1. pp. 467-469.

The hadith uses a word that implies damage to the skin and the introduction special paints, ink, which, after the skin has healed, remains for almost the rest of your life, thereby changing skin covering human body.

Elimination of facial hair that is not typical for women is possible. This may apply, for example, to a mustache or beard that suddenly appears as a result of hormonal imbalance.

Dental treatment or bite correction have nothing to do with this prohibition. See, for example: an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Collection of hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]. At 10 t., 18 p.m. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 7. Part 14. P. 107. It is necessary and important to be treated and to be healthy, as is strongly stated in other reliable hadiths.

To many Muslim girls The hadith is familiar that the Almighty was angry with those who try to make their faces attractive through such a cosmetic procedure as plucking their eyebrows: “Allah has cursed women who apply tattoos and those who are tattooed, women who pluck eyebrows and those who plucking, and women filing their teeth and changing the creation of Allah” (Bukhari and Muslim).

This ban discourages many, because this procedure Beauty care has taken root all over the world and has become an integral part of self-care. Meanwhile, human intervention in the external appearance of the creation of the Creator Himself is considered an element of the machinations of Satan, who vowed to lead the servants of the Almighty astray:

“Allah cursed him and he said: “I will certainly take away the appointed portion of Your slaves. I will certainly mislead them, arouse their hopes, order them to cut the ears of cattle and order them to distort the creation of Allah.” Whoever makes the devil his patron and helper instead of Allah has already suffered an obvious loss" (4:118-119)

However, Muslim theologians hold different positions regarding the permissibility of shaping eyebrows (including, for example, drawing on) or trimming them.

Supporters of a complete ban rely on the following hadith of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.), which quotes, in particular, an-Nawawi: “Allah has cursed women who put tattoos on their bodies, wear wigs and pluck their eyebrows, and those who artificially widens the spaces between teeth.” Another group of scientists advocates allowing some types of eyebrow changes. In the hadiths cited above, they are sure, the prohibition relates directly only to plucking eyebrows, since such actions literally distort the creations of the Creator. Therefore, from their point of view, giving shape to eyebrows in cases where they are sloppy, trimming too long or thick eyebrows is considered only an improvement of God's creation. After all, the Lord wants Muslims to be clean and tidy. And there is a direct indication of this in the Noble Sunnah: “Truly, Allah is Beautiful, and He loves beauty” (hadith reported by Muslim, Ahmad and Tirmidhi).

The original hadiths discussed in this article use Arabic word“nams”, which is translated precisely as “plucking (eyebrows).” And Muhammad (s.g.w.) attributed the Grace of the worlds to the intervention of the creation of the Almighty, i.e. to a sinful act, only such cosmetic procedure. And this is due to the fact that in the era of jahiliyya (i.e., in the pre-Islamic period of ignorance), only prostitutes plucked their eyebrows. In those days, women completely removed hairline from the eyebrows. Today it has become fashionable again among some representatives fair half of humanity: women remove the eyebrows they were given by nature and get a fake tattoo, discounting the fact that this negatively affects their health, because eyebrows protect our eyes. Islamic scholars are unanimous on one thing: it is permissible to remove hair between the eyebrows and on other parts of the face if it disfigures the appearance of girls or is not characteristic of their original nature (for example, a mustache and hair growing on the chin). It is also not forbidden to remove hairs that grow outside the natural shape of the eyebrows and thereby give a woman an unkempt, repulsive appearance. In any case, intervention in the natural human appearance, theologians believe, should be justified, and not caused by one’s own whim or following fashion. Restrictions on changing the shape of eyebrows in Islam include a ban on tattooing them, as well as the use of false eyelashes. All this is recognized as a change in Allah's creations. The opinion of the fuqahas on the prohibition of these actions is unanimous.

Is it possible to pluck eyebrows from above? In pursuit of the ideal, girls try to improve their shape available means, but will it do any harm? What can and cannot be done in general when correcting the shape of the eyebrows and why, we will discuss in this article.

Is it possible to pluck the hair from the top?

Grandmothers, mothers, and some eyebrow correction specialists say that you should not touch the eyebrows from above, because this can lead to more active hair growth. So, over time, this part of the face will become even more overgrown and less attractive, and each time you will have to pluck more and more.

What's happening in reality? If you pinch your eyebrows from above, no catastrophic consequences will occur. Grows approximately 30-40% of existing hair, and if you remove a certain part, dormant roots will begin to “peck.” Moreover, this happens both from above and from below.

Despite the fact that this sounds scary, in reality, after the first correction of the eyebrow shape, the number of hairs for everyone increases by several pieces, and after a certain time (2-3 years), their number will, on the contrary, decrease. Due to regular uprooting, the roots will begin to die, which means it will become even easier to take care of the appearance.

So, is it possible to pluck your eyebrows from above? Exactly as much as you can pluck them from below and in any other part of the body.

When should you not pluck?

Why can't you pluck your eyebrows from above? It is obvious:

  1. If you get carried away and the brow line drops too much, with age, when the skin stretches, it will drop a little over the eyes. This can affect your appearance, and you won’t be able to grow the hair back.
  2. If the skin at the site of hair removal is damaged. This can lead to infection and small scars, because the removed hairs also injure the skin, irritating it even more and opening the way for bacteria.
  3. There are pimples or any other inflammation in this area. This way, the infection can spread to healthy areas of the skin and worsen, even to the point that the face, and maybe the body, is affected if bacteria enters the blood.
  4. During pregnancy. During this period, a woman is more sensitive, feels pain more acutely and endures it more difficult, and at the same time she should not experience stress. This is not a strict prohibition: if a woman is sure that she can endure it, nothing bad will happen. However, if this is the first correction, it is better to postpone it until after childbirth.

If you take these warnings into account, removing excess vegetation will not bring negativity and will only add grace and beauty.

Eyebrow plucking technique

In order for the eyebrow shape to be ideal, you need to follow a certain algorithm. We need to draw three lines, for this it is better to use a ruler.

  1. The first line should start from the wings of the nose and go clearly upward until it intersects with the hairs. Everything on the other side must be removed, otherwise the hair will appear fused.
  2. The second line should go from the tip of the nose and through the middle of the pupil. The end point will be the bend. If you make it exactly according to these rules, the eye will appear large and the shape will be ideal in size.
  3. The third line also begins at the tip of the nose wing and goes through outside corner eyes and should show the ending. Everything below this point must also be removed.

It is worth knowing that the bend should be smooth on both sides. It must bend gently and not resemble wings bat. This may seem a little complicated at first glance, but the main thing is to try it on right away and imagine how they should look, and only then start. The plucking procedure, especially the first one, requires calm and attentiveness.

Features of care

There are some nuances of hair care in this area before and after the procedure. First, be sure to always disinfect the tweezers and the plucking area. This minimizes the risk of infection, which means it will avoid irritation, acne, acne and other unpleasant consequences.

After the plucked hairs have been removed from the skin, it is worth lubricating it with a soothing lotion. Before the procedure you need:

  • half an hour before this you need to lubricate the skin around with moisturizer;
  • then wet it cotton pads warm water and place on this place for 5-7 minutes;
  • wipe everything dry and disinfect special liquid, very preferably not with alcohol. Chlorhexidine is excellent;
  • delete excess hair and disinfect everything again.

Usually they pluck only from below, since the line above the hairs is already quite natural and neat.

Should vegetation in this area be removed? If there is asymmetry or excessive density, then yes, but if not, then you can simply trim the hairs carefully with scissors and not touch this area, especially since removal in it is more painful.

So, how to pluck your eyebrows from above? Everything is very simple:

  1. This can be done without fear, but only if it is really necessary. Don't overdo it or make the shape too thin - this can come back to haunt you with age.
  2. Never forget about disinfection and preventive measures. It is also advisable to wash your hands with soap.
  3. It is worth using the rule of three lines - this will help not to spoil general form and make everything symmetrical.
  4. Due to the pain of plucking in this area, it is worth preparing the skin for the procedure.

And the main thing is patience. There is no need to rush or automatically remove everything that does not seem to grow well at first glance. It is better to do this in several passes, removing hair from both sides in turn.

Hello! I began to notice that my eyebrows began to grow in different sides, especially from above. A friend says that you can only correct the lower eyebrow arch. Tell me, is it possible to pluck eyebrows from above and what are the consequences? Thank you.

Answers the question: Elena Vishnevskaya Beautician at the Cleopatra salon

The question of whether it is possible to pluck eyebrows from above is the most frequently asked question when visiting a beauty salon. In the pursuit of perfection, a woman is ready to do anything. Eyebrow plucking has long been a thing daily procedure most women.

Many are interested not only in the aesthetic aspect of this procedure, but also in the medical one. Doctors say that a properly performed eyebrow correction procedure cannot cause inflammation in the area of ​​the eyebrow arches. No need to attend beauty salon and pay money, you can correct your eyebrows at home yourself. To do this, you need to have sterile tweezers and clean hands.

Eyebrow plucking is invariably accompanied by painful sensations, the intensity of which depends on pain threshold women. You can reduce the discomfort yourself. To do this, you need to correctly position the tool in your hand - grab it closer to the edge. It is recommended to grab the eyebrow hair as close to the skin as possible, and then pull it out with a sharp movement. Such manipulations must be repeated several times until the unnecessary hair disappears.

Often women are interested in the medical advisability of such a procedure. Doctors don’t say why you can’t or can’t pluck your eyebrows, leaving it to your personal discretion. The aesthetic component is important here. There is no doubt that even a small change in the face can transform or disfigure it beyond recognition, therefore the choice of the shape of the eyebrow arch must be approached carefully. Today there are a lot of online services that offer to upload a photo and choose your eyebrows yourself.

As for the lower eyebrow line, no one doubts hair removal here. With this you can visually improve your look and make your eyes bigger. With the top line everything is ambiguous. Its adjustment is more difficult and requires utmost attention.

This procedure is advisable when the eyebrows are located on different levels. It looks unsightly, so it is better to correct their location by plucking the hair above the eyebrow. Doctors have proven that the idea that plucking above the eyebrows leads to more growth is a myth: eyebrows grow equally on all sides. This means that they can also be pinched from above.
