Appearance of a person: what everyone needs to know. A neat appearance is the key to beauty

AntonMatyukha / Depositphotos

There is a great temptation to leave the board unfolded after ironing - all of a sudden there will be some more crumpled clothes that need to be put in order. The same applies to the clothes dryer: sometimes it’s too lazy to immediately lay out things, and it just stands there, open and filled. It's comfortable, but looks messy.

What to do

If you do not have a special room for washing, drying and ironing, it is better to immediately fold the board and dryer after use and put it out of sight. For example, behind a closet or in a pantry.

2. Furniture spoiled by animals

Cats, if not accustomed to the scratching post, will scratch the upholstery on sofas and armchairs. Dogs and rabbits can easily chew or tear something. After their claws and teeth, the furniture is still usable, but it doesn't look very good anymore.

What to do

Some elements of the interior - for example, curtains in puffs from cat claws - it would be best to simply replace. But there is no need to throw away the sofa. Try restoring the furniture yourself.

  • If the textile upholstery is damaged and there are no major tears, you will need scissors, an awl and clear glue. Carefully cut off the filler that has come out, then fill its remains with an awl smeared with glue. The process is shown in more detail in the video:

  • In the case when the upholstery is torn and hanging in shreds, you will first have to carefully sew it up. Or contact a specialist.
  • If you want, stock up on tweezers, liquid leather to match the color of your sofa or chair, a brush and a sponge. First, carefully remove the spilled filler with tweezers. Then dip the brush into liquid skin and apply the substance to all holes and scratches. Walk over the surface with a sponge to spread the liquid skin evenly. Repeat several times until all damage is invisible.

3. Household supplies

Brushes, whisks, mops, sponges and rags are very convenient to keep in sight: we use them several times a day, and each time we really don’t want to climb into a closet or pantry. But exposed to the public, they create the illusion of disorder even in a clean house.

What to do

Allocate a special place for household items - accessible and convenient. For example, a separate narrow cabinet in the kitchen, where all the brushes, buckets, rags and cleaning products will be hidden. So that the mops do not fall out of it, they can be fixed on the door from the inside. If there are small children in the house, such a cabinet should be locked.

4. Blankets on furniture

VadimVasenin / Depositphotos

Many people are afraid that the furniture upholstery will get greasy, rubbed or dirty and, in order to protect it, they throw a blanket on top. It looks good on beautiful interior photos. But in reality, the coverlet wrinkles and slides all the time, and this looks sloppy.

What to do

If you are worried about your sofas and armchairs, buy or order a special removable cover. It can be washed and looks good.

5. Sports equipment

Yoga mats against the wall, exercise machines standing in the middle of the room, dumbbells stacked in the corner - as a rule, all this looks alien and it seems that the room is not cleaned, even if in fact it is not.

What to do

For sports equipment - at least for some - it is better to allocate a special place. The rug can be removed in the main compartment of the closet with clothes, and the dumbbells can be placed on the bottom shelf.

6. Wires

Gudella / Depositphotos

Cables hanging from under the ceiling, bundles of wires gathering dust under the table, extension cords stretched across the floor interfere with walking, moving furniture and cleaning. And they are constantly confused and greatly spoil the appearance of the room. In addition, dust and small debris get stuck in these balls of wires.

What to do

The best thing to do is to figure out where the sockets are needed at the repair stage and bring them out in all strategic places. But if you live in, bought a second home, or simply didn’t foresee everything from the very beginning, there is still a way out.

  • Long wires that you can’t get rid of (for example, an Internet cable) can be hidden in a box, fixed under the ceiling or under the baseboard.
  • An electrician can bring out additional outlets and save you from extension cords.
  • The rest of the wires - from a laptop, printer and other household appliances - can be organized using holders, ties and Velcro.

Here are some more creative ideas on how to tame wires and cables:

7. Blockages on chests of drawers, bedside tables and chairs

Horizontal surfaces attract books, pens and notepads, keys, jars of cosmetics, children's toys, cups and other items. These blockages are growing every day, covered with dust, making the room untidy.

The same applies to clothes thrown on the back of a chair. Yes, after work it can be terribly lazy to put every thing in its place and you just want to hang it on the first one that comes across. But if you do not remove it immediately, then it will be even more difficult to do it. And the next day, the temptation to throw things on a chair or sofa will increase again. And as a result, the furniture will be buried under several layers of clothing.

What to do

Marla Seeley, creator of the Flylady tidying system, such pockets of disorder are "hot spots" or "hotspots." And he advises to “extinguish” them - that is, put all things in their places - several times a day, spending 5 minutes on it.

8. Open shelves


There is nothing wrong with them. Beautifully arranged books, photographs or souvenirs on the shelves make the interior lively and cozy. But if you throw things at random, forget to dust and do not know the measure, the picture is depressing.

What to do

Keep your shelves organized: arrange books, dust regularly, and put things away that should be in other places.

9. Baskets and boxes for small items

It's likely you have one too. It can be a basket, a vase or a small box. They usually put it on, on a shelf in the hallway or in some other prominent place - to put various trifles. And as a result, checks and notes, coins and beads, torn buttons and wheels broken off from children's cars can accumulate there for years. All this lies like a dead weight, collects dust and is terribly annoying.

What to do

Get a nice piggy bank for coins, take important notes and checks immediately on your phone and throw them away, and get rid of broken things and other unnecessary rubbish without regrets.

10. Shoes in the hallway


In Russia, the weather is so capricious and unpredictable that in one week you often have to change your sneakers, autumn boots and winter boots.

As a result, shoes and sandals do not fit on the shoe shelf, stand at random, get underfoot and look very sloppy. And if the family is large, a real shoe disaster can happen in the hallway.

What to do

Try to immediately wipe the shoes and put them away. Buy a spacious closet or a convenient shoe rack for this.

11. Rag in front of the door

It is usually laid on top of the rug to wipe your feet and not bring dirt into the apartment. But it gets dirty, crumpled and spoils the overall impression of the hallway. Especially if you use an old towel or torn T-shirt as a rag.

What to do

Instead of a rag, you can lay an absorbent rubber-based mat - and do not forget to vacuum and wash it regularly.

In general, you can easily wander around the house like this on weekends or walk with friends. But if you have an important business meeting, going out, or the first date with the man of your dreams, be sure to check your image for the absence of these 10 slovenliness markers!

Hair band on hand

It's not a bracelet or a watch, it's a hair tie, and the only visible place it should be is your head. Of course, it's convenient to always have it on your wrist, but just imagine how unpleasant it will be for you to see a black elastic cord on your arm in your best friend's wedding photo album.

Two bulky bags together (and one of them is a canvas shopping bag)


Canvas shopping bags are not designed for everyday wear as an “extra” bag, but rather for shopping and other similar household chores. If you wear such a bag every day, then you inevitably look unassembled, and some stylists are sure that by constantly wearing this “duffel bag” you become like a homeless woman who carries everything with her. Think about whether you need all the things from the second bag? Go through everything that you carry with you, and you will surely come to the conclusion that there is a whole bunch of unnecessary junk in a canvas shopping bag.

Hairstyle in the style of "either a bun, or a tail"

Somehow collected in a cross between a bun and a tail, hair can ruin any, even the most thoughtful and stylish look. Therefore, if you have a meeting with someone important to you, take a couple of seconds to modify this misunderstanding into a regular ponytail.

Underwear peeking out from under clothes

A protruding bra strap, slimming panties peeking out from under the waist of a mini-skirt - if your underwear constantly reminds others of your presence, then they may get the impression of you as a slob who is too lazy to even just look at himself in the mirror before leaving the house .

Constantly trying to fix clothes

The constant pulling up and pulling up of clothes irritates not only yourself, but also your surroundings - people get the feeling that you are not able to find comfortable clothes for yourself. If you can't comfortably wear something, it's best not to wear it outside of the house.

Your pet hair on clothes

If you think that this is imperceptible, you are deeply mistaken - as a result of such an oversight, you become that very “strong independent woman” from the joke about forty cats. As you understand, your potential boyfriend will not be attracted to this at all.

Pants that are too long and drag on the ground

Oh, how great flared jeans and wide trousers look on the stars! But the beauty of this is largely due to the fact that famous women of fashion wear such trousers with heels, preventing the legs from dragging along the ground. Of course, you're unlikely to wear your flared jeans with the same pair of ankle boots, which have a heel height that's perfect for not picking up all the dirt from the city streets. There are two ways out: either shorten the trousers for flat shoes (but what about heels?), Or switch to narrower and shorter models.

Your blouse keeps coming out of your jeans and skirts

A blouse that is constantly hanging halfway from the belt of trousers or a skirt looks sloppy, and trying to put it back in a public place is hardly decent. If you like a perfectly tucked-in blouse, look no further than bodysuit blouses.

Your shoelaces are always in a mess

This is actually probably the smallest item on our list, but paired with anything else, it can further exacerbate the degree of sloppiness of the image, so pay attention to how the laces on your shoes look - it is better that they are tied neatly and equally.

It's easy and pleasant to blame recruiters for your problems. But isn't it better to start with yourself? After all, if a candidate has at least one of the forbidden qualities, it may simply not come to a serious discussion of skills and experience.

Recruiters are weird people. They have a bad habit of refusing candidates, regardless of their experience and professional qualities - just like that, because they didn’t like it. Do you seriously think so? Then read what kind of people personnel officers have to deal with from time to time. Most likely, our esteemed readers themselves would not entrust a responsible position to someone who behaves or looks defiant.

1. Unpunctuality

“Punctuality is the courtesy of bores” is Evelyn Waugh’s dictum that should not be applied to job interviews. Business people value each other's time. And if for some reason they are late, they try to warn in advance. Otherwise, non-business people act. Question: why do non-business people work at all?

Tatyana Orlova, General Director of the company "Adolex", member of the non-profit partnership "Experts of the Labor Market":

“We live in a big city, with long distances and traffic jams. This is a known fact. Some lack of punctuality to applicants is most often forgiven. However, it is important to warn about a possible delay. Everyone at work has a busy schedule and there is not enough personal time. People get annoyed when their time is treated carelessly. Punctuality is the courtesy of kings. This quality in people always pleases!”.

2. Untidy appearance, uncleanliness

In the direct, hygienic sense of the word. Dirty hair, the smell of sweat and unwashed clothes (and even onions and garlic) are unacceptable even in public transport. What can we say about a business meeting with a stranger?

Vladimir Yakuba, CEO of the recruitment agency Tom Hunt:

“A professional should be professional in everything, even in appearance. Nothing justifies an untidy appearance. I believe that slovenliness is a manifestation of disrespect for other people. But ... this factor does not always play a decisive role. Of course, appearance is important, but not paramount.

Our company is engaged in promoting the career of top managers. So, we undertook to promote a super-professional person to a large international company. Our specialists arranged a meeting with a recruiter for him, but he came to the interview in ripped jeans. The recruiter of that large company wrote to our employees: “The reason for the refusal is the appearance.”

3. Arrogance, self-confidence

Employers often demand self-confidence from candidates. But not self-confidence. The first is an objective assessment of one's strengths and a tendency to use them in the right direction. The second is an overestimation of oneself, evidence of a shallow mind and disrespect for others. Arrogance is the "privilege" of high-ranking applicants.

Tatyana Orlova:

“More often we have to deal with this in the case of considering candidates for high positions. Some applicants think that this adds solidity and weight. In fact, such behavior in most cases does not give pluses to the applicant. It's always better to be confident and friendly. It is much easier to win over the interlocutor if you communicate with him on an equal footing, and not haughtily. Arrogant behavior often provokes reciprocal arrogance. And then it’s not the interview that begins, but the competition “who is cooler than whom” ”.

4. Excessive shyness

There is nothing wrong with shyness in and of itself. Especially if you are a girl from a patriarchal family. But it is difficult to have a dialogue with shy interlocutors. In addition, they are less likely to bring out their best qualities. If there is an alternative, employers prefer not to take risks. However, this quality is forgivable and often in fact is forgiven.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“I believe that by excessive modesty is meant false modesty, because when a person is modest by nature, he does not stick out his achievements, but he does not hide them either. If he is asked a question about what he can do, he lists all his competencies. But false modesty, perhaps, is visible immediately, as soon as a person begins to affect and grimace.

5. Refusing to answer questions

“What can I say if everything is written in the resume!” - logical, on the one hand. On the other hand, you never know who can write something, especially write off from other ads. But if the applicant can maintain a casual conversation about his job responsibilities - this is a completely different matter.

Tatyana Orlova:

“I can’t remember such a candidate refusing to undergo an interview on competencies, although, probably, there are such cases. Basically, I can say that some candidates simply do not know how to pass such interviews, they get lost, do not know what to say, do not find examples from their work activities. Because of this, by the way, sometimes a standing specialist cannot pass the selection stage. And it happens the other way around - a person has learned very well how to pass such interviews and makes an excellent impression. And only after a while, when he has already become an employee, it becomes clear that in fact he is a good artist, and that’s all ... You need to gain experience in passing different styles of interviews and know how interviews are conducted. But you also need to understand that each form of interview has its pros and cons.”

Attempting to cheat in employment is the rarest, but perhaps the most severe of the possible sins of the applicant. If the forgery is revealed, the candidate will definitely be denied employment. Regardless of any achievement.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“In our country, written recommendations are not required, unlike Western countries. If the candidate provides written references, he should be aware that they can be checked. After the fraud is revealed, the candidate will not be hired in any case.

7. Lies or outright exaggeration

Sometimes, out of desperation to get a job (this is without taking into account pathological liars), applicants increase their value in the eyes of the employer by distorting the facts. Most often, this concerns the reasons for dismissal, work experience and functionality. But is it worth building partnerships on lies? Recruiters are convinced not.

Tatyana Orlova:

“Repeatedly had to deal with the facts of lies on the part of applicants. I can say for sure that almost no employer is ready to forgive a candidate for this. Nobody wants to start working together, living with lies. Exaggerations are a different matter. For a candidate, for example, it seems that his achievements are huge, and within the company where he is now interviewing, such achievements are the norm. It is a matter of evaluation and experience, on which we rely in this evaluation.”

8. Frivolity and familiarity

Many job postings seem to only encourage these qualities. And thus roam impudent. Which, having got to an interview in a serious organization, are surprised to find that their “sociability” (read - impudence) is not welcome here.

Vladimir Yakuba:

“In the environment of company owners and top managers, sometimes you come across eccentrics who love it when young specialists behave a little more impudently in interviews than they should. But recruiters do not tolerate such people. Such behavior causes irritation and hostility. A recruiter will never give such a person a positive characterization.

Each of these factors is critical. What is more annoying and what is less depends on the specific HR. I am equally annoyed by each of these shortcomings. Sometimes the behavior of candidates is influenced by excitement. However, this does not justify them. It should be remembered that in most cases, recruiters have a psychological background and see through candidates. It is the characteristic of the recruiter that plays the most significant role in deciding which of the candidates for the position will be enrolled in the state.

Remember that your strength is in your skills and experience. Don't give employers a reason to neglect them. Avoid punctures like those described above.

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Depression is a serious illness. It can be confused with banal fatigue, often it is hidden under excessive workaholism or, conversely, feigned cheerfulness. Sadness, lack of initiative, loss of physical and moral strength - all these are signs of this disease, but not the only ones.

Only a doctor is able to make a definite diagnosis, but you can suspect this emotional disorder in yourself or your loved one.

website I decided to consider the non-obvious symptoms of depression, which can help avoid its negative consequences.

1. Philosophizing

Hidden depression may be indicated by the increased desire of a person to talk on philosophical topics, using abstract formulations. “This always happens to me” instead of “The last two weeks I have not had enough sleep”; "This all makes no sense" instead of "I think we should use another method." Depressed people tend to like to talk about the meaning of life and do it all the time. At the same time, there is no specificity in their words. Whereas psychologists believe that the more specifically a person expresses his thoughts, the more chances he has to get satisfaction from life.

2. Finding excuses

People with depression often use excuses to hide their true desires and longings. For example, they can come up with a touching story about why they didn’t come to a friend’s birthday or why they didn’t stay for lunch with colleagues. Plausible excuses serve as a disguise in order not to hurt anyone or disturb anyone with their depressed emotional state.

3. Lack of an adequate response

In a state of depression, a person perceives the surrounding reality differently. He may begin to agree with everyone, stop expressing his opinions and desires, not react to the insults inflicted, and not even feel pain in situations where pain is inevitable - for example, in the event of the loss of loved ones.

4. Psychosomatic illnesses

In a depressed state, a person may complain of discomfort in the region of the heart, tension in the arms and legs, shortness of breath, headache, toothache and other ailments. In this case, the examination, most likely, will show that everything is in order with health. The occurrence of various pain sensations may be the result of an unstable and anxious state. In turn, pain often leads to anxiety and tension, forming a vicious circle and causing a person to suffer from sudden psychosomatic pain.

5. Thinking gum

In a state of depression, a person constantly twists the same thoughts in his head. He thinks that in this way he is looking for answers to his questions, but obsessive thoughts cannot solve his problems. On the contrary, they only create the illusion of finding a way out. Suspecting that your loved one suffers from intrusive thoughts is simple: as a rule, at such moments a person is thoughtful, absent-minded and talks about the same topic day after day without trying to translate thoughts into actions. As an example, we can recall the protagonist of the movie "Areas of Darkness". As Bradley Cooper's character replays endlessly in his mind about writing a book and possible success, he plunges himself further into apathy and stress, while losing loved ones and friends.

6. Untidy appearance

A depressed state, as a rule, is reflected in appearance. If a person has stopped taking care of himself, neglects the rules of hygiene and does not maintain order in the house, there is reason to think whether he is doing well. This applies to those who previously had no problems with order and cleanliness.

7. Change the pace of work

If a person's pace of work changes, this can also be an alarm signal of his depressed state. A person can stop coping with standard daily tasks, begin to forget information, get more tired, feel the meaninglessness of the actions taken. There is also a backlash when previously not very active people suddenly become workaholics with busy schedules and begin to collect their achievements. In this way, they try to escape from their feelings and give meaning to life.

How to help yourself and loved ones

  • You can check for depression in yourself using the Beck Depression Scale or the Zang Scale.
  • If a loved one has symptoms of depression, then it is worth trying to talk to him about his well-being and offer help. If a person does not make contact, it is worth leaving him alone for a while and observe his condition.
  • Do not devalue the problems of loved ones, do not be ironic or make fun of the situation. Calls "cheer up", "stop", "relax" in this case do not work.
  • Help in small things, everyday issues that depression leaves no strength for.
  • Do not force a depressed person to lead an active life, he is not yet capable of this.
  • Take breaks in communication with a depressed person so as not to adopt his condition.
  • Dispel the myths that depression does not need to be treated by a specialist. Offer professional help.
  • Be attentive to those around you. Sometimes big problems can hide behind a smile and broadcasting a perfect life on Instagram.

Being seductive is not a matter of a couple of momentary tricks, but a whole art, the ability to behave like a "goddess". and feel the same. About how to achieve this, the American Marie Forleo wrote in her bestseller “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy. We publish an excerpt from the book, dedicated to typical female mistakes that scare men away. So here they are:

1. Painful behavior

Here are classic examples of pathetic behavior to avoid:

When you tell a man that you need him to be happy;
When you constantly repeat "I miss you";
When you maniacally check your email or voice mail;
Intrusive e-mails and calls (especially to make sure "is he all right");
Powerful response demands where he is and what he is doing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
Quiet - and not very - fits of anger when he does not devote his attention to you;
A constant insatiable desire to hear that he likes your appearance and that he approves of your actions.

2. Endless uncertainty

"Doesn't it make me fat?" "Do you still love me?" "You probably think she's prettier than me?" "Am I attractive enough for you?" Endless uncertainty infuriates men and feeds the illusion of your self that you are full of flaws and you are somehow worse than others.

You can learn not to feed on insecurities, and this is absolutely essential if you want to be irresistible. Either you invest in insecurity, or in irresistibility. I propose the second option.

Here's a hint. If you think you look fat in a certain outfit, you probably do. I know it's tough, but that's the reality. Not every type of clothing is suitable for every build. Wear clothes that look amazing on you and flatter your figure. Review your wardrobe with a trusted friend and tweak it so that clothes that make you wonder if you look fat in them are eliminated from the list of options.

3. Inability to communicate

First, most women don't really listen. When you really listen, you instantly become attractive. When you really listen to a man, you make him feel special, in a very powerful way, to feel your interest. If you really want to drive men crazy, be a good listener.

The second communication error is that women talk about other men in a way that makes their current partner jealous or insecure. Ex-boyfriends, husbands, other people you meet, your wonderful male friends - all these topics are dangerous and uncomfortable if you do not show enough tact when touching them. Hint: if you doubt your abilities, leave other men outside of your relationship.

Third, many women feel the need to talk during or after sex, believing that this is the perfect moment to get him to open up about his true feelings. No, no and NO! You can’t pressure a man to open up to you during or after sex, especially at the dating stage. The side effects of this pressure are dissatisfaction, alienation, and at times extreme confusion.

4. Sloppy and untidy appearance

So many beautiful women launch themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. How you look affects how you feel. And if you look unattractive, then most likely you don’t feel so hot, and men catch this feeling of yours. When a relationship is such that women feel too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may retain a liking for you for a while (especially if they don't take care of themselves in the same way), but for many, this neglect can trigger a withdrawal reaction. And when you become a couple, it is very easy to relax. Don't do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal hygiene (teeth, breathing and ... yes, there too). And while sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate and fantastic, irresistible women make sure to always be clean and fresh.

5. Hard and embittered outlook on life

A hard and bitter outlook on life is caused by repressed anger. We were taught that anger is bad, a real lady should not show it. We do not allow ourselves to experience anger and, therefore, get used to suppressing this feeling in the hope that it will go away, or at least not be noticeable to others. The problem is that the repressed never goes away. In fact, trying not to feel something is a form of resistance, and since what YOU resist remains and builds up strength, it's no surprise that repressed anger results in a hard and bitter outlook on life.

Luckily, you don't need years of therapy and anger management courses to get rid of it. Just allow yourself to feel the anger when it comes. If it's appropriate to express your feelings and respond appropriately to the situation, then don't hold back. If not, just feel angry and come back to life again.

6. Biting and critical

Many of us find it difficult to acknowledge the existence of other irresistible women and compliment them, especially in the presence of our man. Those who are unsure of themselves will speak unflatteringly about the clothes, shoes, hair, handbag, figure, makeup, or success in life of a competitor.

Criticism directed at another woman makes you look bad. Others see you as insecure and jealous. And let's be honest, your boyfriend probably noticed her ten minutes earlier than you, so why pretend like it's not?

Here's what to do. When you spot another sexy woman, bless her and say, “That's right, girl. Act!” This will set your brain to approve of attractiveness, and the universe will only have to say, “Yes, mistress!” and help you be as seductive as you can be.

7. Bored in bed

Although no man in his right mind would say this, boring sex often leads to breakups and dead ends in relationships. This doesn't mean setting up a stripper pole in your bedroom or hitting a hard bandage (although both could be extremely entertaining), but you do need to explore your own ideas about sexuality and honestly admit to yourself if you're holding yourself back. in bed or not.

Many of us, whether we realize it or not, have been raised to think that sex is bad. Even if we say that we like it, we have grown up in a society in which sex is considered dirty, shameful and sinful. And often it is embarrassing for us to even speak frankly about it, and even more so to develop our sexuality.

I suggest being a sinner more often and initiating sex much more often. I also recommend that you buy nice lingerie that makes you look and feel sexy.

Learn to have fun in bed with a man. Let him satisfy you during sex. This will be the best gift you can give your man.

Let's highlight the main thing. If a woman is bored in bed, it is due to her fear. Fear of looking stupid, not knowing what to do, thinking that she will be laughed at, that she might be rejected. Irresistible women are also afraid, but they still strive for great sex. Remember, skill comes with practice!
