Is it possible to have a Good Friday wedding. Good Friday

Age-old folk traditions do not recommend holding weddings during Lent before Easter, although there are no state or church regulations on this matter. Church canons strictly regulate the days when they cannot be held according to the church. But you don't have to get married on your wedding day. Prohibited and permitted days for the rite of the Sacrament of the wedding are determined by the annual church calendar. For example, in 2015 Easter was April 12th. The last day when it was possible to get married before Easter was February 13, the first day after Easter - April 20. If a wedding was held between these dates, then the wedding had to be postponed until at least April 20. In exceptional cases, the permission of the ruling hierarch is required to conduct a wedding ceremony on forbidden days; the priest of the temple does not have the right to independently resolve such an issue.

Folk traditions allow newlyweds to get rid of a number of inconveniences of holding weddings on fasting days:

  • The need to determine the number of fasting guests and calculate the menu with fast and fast dishes allowed on the wedding day for them;
  • Carrying out a wedding celebration and a wedding ceremony on different days;
  • She began her married life by violating Christian rules that recommend abstaining during fasting not only from eating certain foods, but also from entertainment and marital relations. The essence of fasting is not in physical abstinence, but in spiritual perfection and repentance. Physical abstinence is only one of the tools to achieve the goal of fasting. It is almost impossible to combine a cheerful wedding banquet with the spiritual purpose of fasting.

Therefore, believing Christians traditionally held the wedding ceremony and the wedding celebration on the same day, extending the church rules for determining forbidden days for the wedding ceremony and the days of weddings.

Ends the day before Easter. Many believe that the day before Easter, as well as the days of St. Thomas' week after Easter, are the most favorable days for arranging a wedding, because. these days are blessed by heaven and will bring grace and happiness to the married couple. The only drawback of the day before Easter is the impossibility of getting married on this day. But this drawback is not very noticeable, unlike the days of the wedding during Lent.

Signs and beliefs among the people about the wedding before and after Easter

Therefore, folk traditions have laid down beliefs and signs of holding a wedding on the day before Easter. Before breakfast, the bride should eat red krashenka consecrated by her mother and drink it with holy water so that her family has many children and the love of her husband. The groom ate krashenka, dyed with onion skins by his mother, to preserve male strength and good well-being. Unmarried bridesmaids surrounded a woman carved from wood and knocked her down with painted sticks, and the young men watched their game and chose their bride from among them. Then the girls with the bride rode horses to the meadow, where they sang, had fun, cooked scrambled eggs. The bride unraveled her braids in the wind so that unmarried thoughts would disappear, put on a scarf, which she handed over to an unmarried sister or relative upon returning home. The bridesmaids rode around the village on horseback, informing everyone about the wedding. The groom's friends built a figure of a woman from birch branches, which the groom destroyed, showing that of all the women he was only interested in his bride. Dismantled birch branches were dismantled by unmarried young men in order to soon find brides for themselves. After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom at the church were sprinkled with consecrated eggshells and presented to them with Easter cake so that there would be no quarrels between them, and the family would never collapse. After the wedding celebration, the newlyweds called their neighbors to their house and treated them, certifying their transition to family life. Before the wedding night, the mother-in-law treated the bride, and the groom's mother-in-law with eggs. They stood, pressing their backs, ate eggs and sprinkled eggshells over their shoulders, symbolizing the promise to understand and love each other. The shell was kept in the corner of the bedroom up to Krasnaya Gorka. On Easter Day, the newlyweds with Easter cake went to the meadow, where they met with unmarried friends, had fun with them, sang, made up new couples who played weddings on Krasnaya Gorka or Fomin's week.

Good Friday 2017: customs and what not to do

On Great Good Friday, according to the church - Great Heel, the Church remembers the suffering and death of the Savior on the Cross. He remembers the Saving Passion of Christ, the day when the Lord offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

On the eve of Thursday evening, Good Friday morning is celebrated with the reading of the 12 Passion Gospels, which are dedicated to the Passion of Christ. This is His prayer until the bloody sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane, the time of being taken into custody, being led to trial by Pilate, condemned at the trial, and until crucifixion on the Cross at Calvary. And between the Gospels, the tradition of Judas, the iniquity of the Jews, the greatness of the Passion are remembered.

Customs and Traditions of Good Friday

In many regions on Good Friday, housewives bake Easter cakes and prepare Easter. Despite the fact that the church recommends finishing the preparation of the Easter table on Maundy Thursday, folk beliefs recommend painting eggs and baking Easter on Good Friday. Before you get to work, be sure to read the prayer "Our Father", and then saying "Lord, bless" start kneading the dough. Every housewife should remember: in order for the Easter cake to turn out magnificent and tasty, no one should see the dough, and when it is baked in the oven, you should not talk loudly and slam the door.

On Good Friday, it is strictly forbidden to work at home. All preparations for the Bright Resurrection of Christ must be completed on Maundy Thursday. Those who are engaged in washing, cleaning, sewing on this day take on a great sin - today it is only necessary to fast and pray, remembering the sufferings of Christ.

It is considered a particularly great sin to “pierce the ground” on Good Friday, that is, to plant something in the garden and generally work on the ground. The people know that if you sow wheat or plant something on this day, there will be no harvest.

Also on Good Friday, you must refrain from drinking alcohol and carnal pleasures. People who get drunk on the day of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ are at risk of becoming alcoholics. And children conceived on Good Friday are born sick or become violent criminals in the future.

If you don't want to lose your health, give up on Good Friday from haircuts, hair coloring and in general any cosmetic procedures. Also, if a birthday or someone's anniversary falls on this mournful day, reschedule its celebration. Having fun on the day of universal sorrow is not welcome at all.

On Good Friday there are a large number of prohibitions that apply to all Orthodox Christians. The following prohibitions have survived to this day:

  • On this day, it is not customary to do anything about the housework. According to legend, a good housewife should finish all her work on Maundy Thursday, and there should be no housework until Easter.
  • In memory of those incredible torments of Christ that he endured, it was believed that on Good Friday one should not pierce the earth with iron, as this is a great sin that leads to trouble. Simply put, on Friday it was impossible to harrow, plow and the like.
  • On Good Friday, any fun is prohibited. In particular, it was forbidden to laugh out loud, talk, walk and sing. Those who dare to break this tradition, according to ancient legend, the whole year will be tearful.
  • Also on Friday, women were not allowed to sew, cut and wash, while men were prohibited from chopping firewood, as well as all kinds of work with an ax and any other metal implements.

signs in Good Friday

On Good Friday, you can't spit on the ground. Folk signs say that whoever spit on the ground - all the saints will turn away from him for the whole year.

On Good Friday, you can determine if there is damage to your house. To do this, in the morning of this day, you need to go to church, defend the service with a lit candle. After the service, with the rest of this candle, come to your house or apartment and go around her room by room. Near the "spoiled" thing, the candle will crackle violently and begin to emit black smoke.

Easter cakes and any pastries that are baked on Good Friday will never get moldy. Also, a piece of such a cake is stored all year and given to a sick person. Also, a piece of Easter cake all year, until the next Easter, is kept in the house behind the icons - such a charm protects from fire.

According to the signs on Good Friday, you can not dig the ground and plant anything. Firstly, you will not receive a harvest, and secondly, beliefs say that a person who will dig the earth on this day will suffer misfortune.

It is considered a great sin to make love on Good Friday, even between husband and wife. A child conceived on this day may be born sick or crippled. The people noticed that even if such a baby is healthy, then in adulthood he will become a killer.

Do not wash on Good Friday. There is a belief that if you wash your clothes on this day and hang them out to dry, then traces of blood will appear on them.

A person who completely abstains from food and water all this day will know in three days the time of his death.

When they woke up on Friday morning during Holy Week, the first thing they did, without talking to anyone before, was to look out the window and notice who the eye would fall on first. If you saw a bird, then this is a new acquaintance for a girl, and good news for a guy. If the eye fell on the dog - such a sign portends sadness and sadness. The first to see a cat on Good Friday - to prosperity and a rich life. If you notice a young guy or a man, you will be healthy all year. A young girl - to well-being. To see a whole family - you will live with all your relatives in peace and harmony. But if your eyes fell on an old man, a disabled person or a sick person, then this, unfortunately, portends an illness or a major loss.

Wipe all the corners of the house with a rag and put it away from prying eyes. Such a rag is usually used to treat patients with lower back (tie it around the waist) and legs (wipe them after washing in the bath).

The stove ash taken on this day helps in the treatment of alcoholism, the evil eye and death anguish.

Conspiracies on Good Friday

Healers used the magic of this day for many purposes - they treated diseases, put amulets, spoke from diseases. Here are just some of the conspiracies that are read on Good Friday.

A conspiracy for the whole year from all enemies

This conspiracy is read on Good Friday morning to protect yourself for a whole year from any enemies, gossips and ill-wishers.

"In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
King Herod fights, fights,
Shedding blood, no one
Doesn't regret
Doesn't let anyone down.
Against the evil man
Great Sagittarius -
God the Father!
At our Lord
Jesus Christ
The sun is a bow, the month is an arrow:
There is something to shoot.
The Lord will not give anyone
Offend me.
The Lord God is ahead of me
Mother of God behind
With them I'm not afraid of anyone,
With Them, I fear no one.
And you, my evil enemies,
You spoke in tongues,
Hot pincers in fangs
And in the filthy eyes of the sands.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy to ask for forgiveness from the deceased

It happens that a loved one whom you offended died and you did not have time to ask him for forgiveness. In this case, you can beg forgiveness from the deceased on Good Friday. On the evening before Great Saturday, they read the following conspiracy:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is no beginning without end.
in the name of the Creator.
Name of Jesus Christ.
I will get up and cross myself.
I will go beyond the threshold
I will go to the holy church
To the golden cross
To the Mother of God
And her son Jesus Christ.
I will beg with bows
And crosses
I will pay with repentant Tears.
In the realm of the dead
dead state,
In the middle of darkness
The darkness of dead people.
Kings, executioners,
Judges and sovereigns
Dashing and kind people
There is one dead soul.
Before this soul
There is my fault.
For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For His crown of thorns
I ask and beg (name) to forgive me
And my living soul
Let go of the sin.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever. Amen."

Good Friday spell for depression

On Good Friday, healers speak and chastise people suffering from depression. To do this, three consecrated colored eggs are dipped into water, with which the patient must then wash. At this time, you need to read such conspiracy words:

"Strengthen my faithful words, Lord,
Strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name).
How do people rejoice on a bright Easter,
So may the servant of God (name) be happy with life.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy on Good Friday
nitsa for peace in the family

So that your family will always have peace and harmony, when you bake Easter cakes, bake a small bread bun with them. Eat one half of it yourself, and keep the other for a year in the house behind the icons. When you put the bun behind the icon, say these words: "Lord, save, save, defend. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

The wedding day is a very important date in the life of future spouses. Preparation for the holiday is always shrouded in a mass of superstitions. Of course, it will not be possible to plan your fate for the rest of your life, the life path of two people is always quite thorny. And yet, most brides, not even superstitious ones, hide the dress from the groom before the wedding, do not sign in May, buy only new wedding rings. The very date of the wedding, the future bride and groom are most often set for Friday-Saturday, so that all relatives and friends can come to the wedding feast. This is done for convenience. But are these days good for marriage? What day of the week is the happiest for a wedding? What day is better to plan a wedding in order to live a long married life together? What day of the week is best to get married? For these questions, it is best to turn to astrology.

Each day of the week in astrology has its own planet. On this day, the planet manifests its qualities more strongly and influences certain events in one direction or another. Consider now the influence of the planets on the days of marriages.


The patron of Monday is the Moon. The moon governs household chores, children, family, so creating a marriage on Monday is a very good decision. The first day of the week symbolizes the beginning, a new countdown, a new life.

But not everyone thinks so. Jews, for example, are forbidden to marry on Mondays. Although this day is associated with the beginning of the creation of the world, however, the Lord never said “good” about this day, as on other days.

The moon creates a very subtle emotional connection between people, attracts them and firmly connects them. But we must remember that the moon has two sides, it is very changeable and capricious. And this suggests that married life will be bright, stormy, with moments of calm and outbursts of emotions. It will not be monotonous and routine. Spouses will never experience indifference to each other. Thanks to its fluctuations, the Moon, throughout life, will fuel the mutual interest of lovers.

If the wedding day is still in doubt, then Monday is a great start for a new lasting union.


This day is ruled by aggressive, militant Mars. Many astrologers strongly discourage young couples from using this day to get married.

It is believed that the uncompromising, quick-tempered Mars will “give” a new couple a lot of quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, aggression, irritability. Mars cannot be “negotiated” or appeased. This planet patronizes wars and bloodshed. No warmth and harmony, no peace and cordiality. Only intransigence and power.

Sometimes marriages concluded under the protection of such a planet are dynamic and very passionate, but, alas, short-lived. Almost all couples who get married on Tuesday break up. Mars is a destroyer, he is not a supporter of unification.

A wedding on Tuesday is suitable for those who are ready to turn their family life into an arena for battles with their soulmate.


The third, middle day of the week is ruled by Mercury. A planet famous for frivolity, cheerful disposition, communication. Mercury is changeable, so any turn can be expected from a marriage created on this day.

The environment is certainly suitable for the union of two hearts inclined to communicate. For such a couple, it is very important to have common interests, a large circle of mutual friends. This is a springboard for family life. Inside such a family, coolness and alienation will reign. Such couples, who build relationships more on friendship and positive communication with the outside world, usually easily make compromises and concessions to each other. Joint entertainment is of great importance, the value of family relationships is not so important.

Relationships these days are pretty fragile. After some time, one of the couple will want more stability and privacy. It is very difficult to remain a family with different interests and lifestyles. The likelihood that both of them will want to “go down to earth” at once is negligible.

Wedding on Wednesday for freedom-loving people who are ready to fly together in the wind without overshadowing each other.


Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. Astrologers consider this day one of the best for marriage. Jupiter is the leading planet in charge of legal affairs, administers justice and helps financially.

The downside may be the fact that any petty quarrel will be considered in the family with all the scrupulousness of the criminal case. But this helps to put everything in its place, and not to return to this topic anymore, which is not so bad, unlike families where they remember and recall things long past a hundred times.

And, here, Orthodoxy, on the contrary, does not consider Thursday to be successful for a wedding. Weddings on Thursday are prohibited. Folk signs support the church in this matter. It is believed that Thursday will bring big problems to the family.

Marriages on Thursday are for people with leadership qualities, self-confident, firmly on their feet, knowing the value of themselves and their partner. The decision to marry must be firm and deliberate.


Friday is the best day for a wedding according to astrologers. Venus, the patroness of love and passion, has an entirely positive effect on the creation of a family.

The Orthodox Church here supports astrologers and most weddings take place on Friday. Many couples who decide on this ceremony perform it on this day, even if the wedding is scheduled for another. On Friday, weddings are played by both Muslims and Hindus.

Many couples have a question about Friday the 13th. This date is shrouded in a mass of rumors and rumors, and the majority tries to bypass this day. According to statistics in Russia on Friday the 13th there are 80% fewer paintings than on any other. Nevertheless, couples who get married on this day are considered the strongest.

Venus is the planet of romance and feelings. Therefore, in order for the bonds of marriage to be strong and durable, one must not forget about romantic pranks and whims.

Getting married on Friday is for people who sincerely love each other, ready to give in for the sake of the second half. And then Venus will present harmony and mutual understanding as a wedding gift.


Saturday is an extremely unlucky day for painting, both according to astrological forecasts and according to church canons. Saturn, ruling over Saturday, the planet is dry and callous in terms of emotional stress.

Marriages entered into on this day are marked by stability and prudence. They can be achieved by renouncing personal interests, their own self-realization. Saturn is the planet of self-sacrifice.

From a marriage concluded under the auspices of Saturn, one should not expect spiritual intimacy, some kind of intellectual conversations, special harmony. One cannot say “soul to soul” about such a family, however, for example, for a marriage of convenience, Saturday is just right. The foundations of marriage contracts are stability, reliability, confidence.

A wedding on Saturday is suitable for people for whom stability and reliability are much more important than ordinary worldly happiness.


Sunny day. Starting a family on a day ruled by the Sun means always being warmed by love and joy. The Sun, like Venus, contributes to the harmonious development of the family and warm relationships. Marriages concluded on Sunday practically do not break up, the Sun protects its wards from discord, gossip, misunderstanding. In such families there are always children (if not, they will soon appear).

The most successful of solar marriages will be those where one person takes on the role of head of the family. In such marriages, one of the spouses is “like behind a stone wall”, while the other “always has a reliable rear”. This is the most durable and happy family model.

People who love each other, understand and strive to live a long, happy life together need to get married on Sunday.

Astrology is a very good science, of course. Many listen to her advice on various life situations. But still, one should not forget that love, mutual respect and work are the three pillars on which the institution of marriage rests.

Good Friday in the Orthodox faith is considered the most mournful day during the entire church year. According to the scriptures, it was on this day that Jesus Christ was crucified in agony on the cross. Every year the date when Good Friday is different. After all, this day directly depends on when exactly Easter comes.

Good Friday 2018, what date the Orthodox will have, depends on the date of Easter. This year, Easter will be quite early, it falls on April 8th. Accordingly, if you look at the calendar, it is not difficult to understand that Good Friday will be April 6th. On this day, you need to refrain from any work, be sure to go to the temple. Once again, we emphasize the fact that this is the most mournful day of the year.

Good Friday is also the penultimate day of Lent. On this day, in churches at services, and even in home prayers, the passions of Christ, his painful death on the cross, are remembered. Also on this day, the body was taken down from the cross and buried in a cave. April 6 is the exact date Good Friday will be in 2018.

Preparing for Good Friday

On Clean Thursday, the day that precedes the Friday described, you need to complete the general cleaning at home. It is important to do this on Thursday, because, on Good Friday, all economic affairs will already be under a strict ban. Moreover, it is no longer possible to leave Good Friday until the second week after Easter.

Also on Good Friday, you need to stop preparing a festive Easter table. If on Thursday housewives can safely paint eggs, put dough on Easter cake, put cottage cheese Easter, jelly and aspic, then on Friday any work in the kitchen should be abandoned.

  • Do any household work. It has already been noted that it is impossible to clean and cook on this day, it is also impossible to sew, wash. The Church considers all these actions on a holiday a great sin.
  • It is impossible to work with the earth on Good Friday: drip, plant and even water. It is believed that everything sown on this day will not produce any harvest at all.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol completely. In general, Great Lent is underway, when alcohol has long been banned. But even if a person does not fast, then on Good Friday it is necessary to give up the use of alcoholic beverages so as not to become an alcoholic.
  • Any carnal pleasures are prohibited. If children are conceived on this day, then the people said that they would be born sick, they could become criminals in their future.
  • Haircuts and hair coloring should also be avoided. In general, on Good Friday you should not go to a beauty salon for any business.
  • Of course, you need to refrain from recreational activities: even watching TV.

What do they do on Good Friday

We have already noted exactly what you should not do on this important and mournful day before Easter. Now, of course, you need to mark those deeds that are welcome on this day.

You should try to spend this day in silence and calmness, pray a lot, remember the torment of Jesus Christ, which he accepted in the name of all mankind. Be sure to go to the temple on this day, ideally, for the morning and evening services. The evening service is important, at which the Shroud is brought to the center of the temple. This is a piece of fabric that depicts Jesus Christ in full growth. The shroud is located in the center of the temple on a hill, decorated with flowers, and the Gospel is placed on top of it. The evening service ends before the Shroud.

Important! At the service in the temple in front of the Shroud, it is important to stand with bowed head and bow low during the change of the cross. You should also venerate the Shroud at the end of the service.

What to eat on Good Friday?

April 6th is the date of Good Friday 2018. It should also be noted that this is one of the strictest days of Lent. On this day, church canons prescribe complete abstinence from food throughout the day. With the appearance of the first star in the sky, you can eat some bread and drink water.

Important! Such strict dietary regulations are obligatory for the clergy. As for the laity, the usual strict fast can be observed. For example, eat twice a day, not three.

Signs and customs of Good Friday:

  • The people believed that if three years in a row on Good Friday, strictly fasting and abstaining from food and food, then a person will be able to see his death hour three days before death. Many wanted this in order to properly prepare for their death.
  • People also said that if you completely abstain from food on Good Friday, then God will forgive all sins (starting with the last confession).
  • After the service in the temple, you need to buy and light the light. Do not extinguish the candle and go home with it, put it in a red corner. Now, while spending time in prayer, wait until the candle burns out completely. It is believed that such a ritual provides the house with happiness and prosperity for the whole year.
  • You can go around the house with a lit candle, which is brought from the temple. If somewhere the candle begins to smoke or crackle, there is a thing with bad energy: it is recommended to get rid of it.
  • Despite the fact that church tradition only has a negative attitude towards magical actions and rituals, it is believed that conspiracies that are read on Good Friday have a strong effect and protect for the whole year.

If you know exactly how the calculations are carried out and what kind of day it is, then it will not be difficult in subsequent years to independently determine the date of this day. You just need to count from the date of Easter two days ago, this year it falls on April 6, provided that Orthodox believers celebrate Easter on April 8.

About the Symbols of Good Friday

If we talk about figurative symbols, then, of course, first of all we are talking about the transition from earthly life to eternal life, which exists outside the body. The material symbol of this day is the Shroud. About how much attention is paid to it, we have already considered in the framework of this material. It is believed that in Turin they bring to the temple exactly the Shroud that was wrapped around the body of Christ after it was taken down from the cross. Therefore, many pilgrims go on Good Friday precisely.

In conclusion of this material, I would like to remind you that Good Friday is the most mournful day of the year. This is the last day of the life of the Son of God, the Savior of mankind Jesus Christ on earth. The laity know what happened next, what exactly they celebrate on Bright Easter Sunday. But on Good Friday, attention is paid to precisely those events that historically took place on this particular day.

The time is devoted to mournful and sad memories of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is during this period of time that the strictest fast is observed.

What kind of day is Good Friday? What can not be done, and what can be done? What signs should be observed on this day and what is its history, we will consider in our article.

A bit of history

As the Bible says, it was on this day that Jesus Christ appeared before the highest religious court - the Sanhedrin for his righteous deeds. The verdict is execution. However, without support, the court could not carry out its plans. Turning to him, the officials hoped that the Jewish prosecutor would support them. However, he did not consider it necessary to execute Jesus on the eve of Easter. The crowd, which furiously insisted on the release of the criminal Barabbas, and not the righteous Jesus, had their say. In this regard, Pontius had no choice but to agree with the officials of the Sanhedrin and agree to the execution. As a sign of his innocence, he defiantly washed his hands.

On the same day, Jesus was given several dozen blows with a whip, and then forced to carry a heavy wooden cross to Golgotha, where he was crucified.

One of the disciples of Christ asked Pontius to give him the body of the murdered man. He took him down from the cross and placed him in a tomb. Thus was born the day called Good Friday.

What not to do on this mournful day

All beliefs, customs and signs are connected precisely with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Everything on this day should be associated with sorrow and suffering, with torment and torment.

So what can not be done on Good Friday before Easter? In no case should you do it. For this, there is a specially allotted day - Maundy Thursday, on which people are supposed to do different work. Especially on Good Friday you can't do laundry.

Rumor has it that during this period, when washing, red spots resembling blood can appear. Also, you can not cut, dig, plant and pierce the ground.

For people who planned a celebration, wedding, entertainment for this day, it is better to postpone the fun for a more favorable time, because this is a huge sin. What else can Good Friday tell us? What can not be done on this day? No need to talk loudly and also laugh. After all, this period is associated with grief and sadness.

From Thursday evening you can not eat food, you should also refrain from drinking. It is believed that if you do not drink water on this day, then throughout the year any liquid will benefit health.

If you are interested in the question of what cannot be done on Good Friday and Saturday, you should know: it is forbidden to transport bees, otherwise the likelihood that they will all die is quite high.

What to do on Good Friday

Many believe that this period is the time of prohibition. No. On this day, there are certain customs that will help with many problems. So, we figured out what not to do on Good Friday, but what can be done on this day?

During this period, it is allowed to plant parsley in the garden. It is believed that this herb is a plant of soothsayers. It brings passion, love, mutual understanding, as well as a good harvest.

If you dry parsley leaves and place them in bags, then this will be an excellent protection against negative and magical influences throughout the year.

If you bake a muffin on Good Friday and keep it until the next Easter, then whooping cough can be cured.

On this day, it is also customary to treat relatives, friends, acquaintances and even the poor with baked muffins, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, do more good deeds and give alms.


What else does Good Friday involve? What can not be done, and what can be done?

It is believed that it is on this day that the mother should wean the baby from the breast. The baby will be strong, healthy, happy, and also protected from external influences throughout his life.

The following tradition is pagan. If you burn fires on the hillocks on this day, you can protect the crop from fires throughout the year. And young people, who ride horses with torches and brooms throughout the village, scare away evil spirits.

There is a custom, thanks to which you can free your home from negativity, failure and poverty. To do this, after the service, you should purchase 12 candles and take them home. Light them up and let them burn to the end.

Try to defend everything with a candle in your hands, and at the end, extinguish it and bring the rest home. Light it up and go around the whole room, paying close attention to every object. The thing over which the candle begins to crackle is charmed. It needs to be removed urgently.

If you are concerned about the question of what you can not do on Good Friday and Saturday - remember: do not drink alcoholic beverages and do not indulge in physical pleasures, because this is a great sin. It is believed that people who drink heavily on such a day are at risk of becoming alcoholics for the rest of their lives.

There is a belief that a child conceived on Good Friday will be born sick. The peasants believed: if health still does not bypass him, then he is destined to become a murderer.

Many are interested in: “What can not be done on Good Friday before Easter?” It is not allowed to spit on this day, otherwise a person risks becoming an outcast. It is also believed that all the saints will turn away from him.

The peasants believed: if you wake up in the morning and, without talking to anyone, look out the window, you can find out your fate. For example, if a girl saw a bird - this is an acquaintance, for a guy - good news. If you see a dog first, it is unfortunately and sad. If a cat appeared - to wealth and good luck. If a sick person passed by - to illness or loss.


What else can Good Friday tell us? What can't be done? The signs described below will help answer this question.

If the weather is cloudy on Good Friday, then the bread will grow with weeds.

Starry sky on this day? Expect a good harvest.

Laugh on Good Friday - you will cry all year

Ash taken from the oven on Good Friday will relieve alcoholism.

If on this day you wipe all the corners with a rag and hide it away from prying eyes, then you can get rid of the problems associated with the lower back. To do this, wrap it around the sore spot.

A cut off piece of Easter cake, which is prepared for the Easter holiday, hidden behind the icons, will protect from evil and the evil eye.

Easter cake does not get stale throughout the year.


Of course, this day seems terrible and scary to many. You shouldn't panic! If everything is done correctly on Good Friday, then you can not only ward off poverty and misfortune, but also call for good luck and prosperity. Happy easter!
