Folk recipes of youth. Yuri Konstantinov - folk recipes for youth and beauty Folk recipes for youth and beauty reviews

Everyone wants to keep youth and beauty for many years. However, bad habits, stress and bad ecology eventually begin to affect the appearance. Here folk recipes come to the rescue, which are able to restore beauty and prolong youth.

1. Ice for the face
Ice tones the skin, provides it with firmness and saturates it with certain vitamins, depending on the herbs, vegetables or fruits that are the basis for ice cubes. So, for example, ice based on lemon juice and mineral water will help get rid of age spots.

2. Coffee from blackheads
You can not buy expensive "black" masks to get rid of black dots. Use the tried and tested home method: make ice with coarsely ground brewed coffee. It is a powerful antioxidant in the fight against blackheads.

3. Chamomile infusion for skin problems
Problematic skin is "afraid" of chamomile infusion. You need to insist chamomile for 6-8 hours, and then wipe the skin of the face with a sponge in the morning and evening. Or make ice cubes based on herbal infusion.

4. Rejuvenating bath

Bring a liter of milk to a boil, add a few tablespoons of honey, and a couple of tablespoons of almond, corn or olive oil. Based on this solution, prepare yourself a bath. If you regularly take such a bath (1-2 times a week), you will notice how your skin will change.

5. Salt peeling
It is not necessary to go to a beautician to clean your face. Grandma's method says the following: you need to mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese with a pinch of salt and apply on your face. After 2 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. The skin will become smooth and tender, like a child's.

6. Green clay anti-wrinkle mask
Do you want to smooth out fine wrinkles? Make green clay masks. For greater efficiency, it is better to dilute the clay with kefir, so that it is convenient to apply the mask on the skin. The mask should be used once a week - apply on face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

7. Special solution for home depilation
Forget about painful waxing. To get rid of unwanted hairs, prepare the following solution: mix 35 grams of alcohol with 1.5 grams of iodine, add 5 grams of castor oil and 5 grams of ammonia. Apply the mixture 2 times a day to the desired areas of the skin and notice how the hair will be removed on its own, and eventually stop growing altogether.

8. Apple lip balm
It is no secret that the skin of the lips is the most delicate and needs special care. Grate an apple and add a teaspoon of butter. Leave the delicious and fragrant mixture on your lips for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

9. Vegetable hair mask
For fast hair growth, we recommend making a tomato mask. Take a few tablespoons of fresh tomato and onion paste. Apply the mask to the hair roots and leave for half an hour. Repeat the procedure for 2 months, and the result will not be long in coming.

10. Folk recipe for general cleansing of the body

To get rid of toxins in the body, take note of the following tool. Pour boiled water into a large 3-liter jar, add 3 lemons chopped with zest, 3 cloves of garlic and 3 tablespoons of honey. Leave the mixture for several days, and take the infusion 3 times a day for a long period. You will notice improvement in a few weeks.

The beauty of the skin does not depend solely on the thickness of the wallet or genetics. However, both can become reliable assistants in an effort to keep the face fresh and radiant at any age stage of life.

Taking care of your skin and smart care is all you need to solve the problem of how to stay young and attractive for many years. Anti-aging skin products are available at a very reasonable price in a pharmacy and are kept in folk traditions and recipes for youth. We will share valuable information useful for those who want to save themselves and "keep face" regardless of age and income level.

What helps prevent skin aging?

Aging skin is a natural physiological process, it only outwardly shows age-related changes that occur with our body. Aging is a decrease in the tone of the body, a slowdown in metabolic processes at the cell level, a lack of useful minerals, and the accumulation of decay products of cellular vital activity.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the body, in this case the face will reflect its health and will always remain fresh and clean - which are the main markers of beauty.

And, of course, it is important to help keep the muscles in good shape: use special training for the muscles of the facial skeleton and lead a healthy lifestyle. Skin anti-aging products in this case will naturally complete the complex effect. Then everything will turn out the way it should!

Pharmacy products for youthful skin

It was said above that in the pharmacy you can find everything you need for care. The first advantage of these drugs is that they have been tested for safety and long-term effects on humans, which is not always rightfully asserted in relation to drugs from private cosmetic companies. This is explained by the high price of research.

The second tangible advantage is that medicines in pharmacies, which can give an additional excellent cosmetic effect, can, with a visible result, be much more profitable than the development of commercial pharmaceuticals. Let's turn to specific examples.

Shark oil

Preparations for hemorrhoids, which contain shark fat, give a stable and fast effect on tissue regeneration, this quality miraculously “works” for skin restoration.

The composition of shark oil includes substances such as:

  • squalene - it is this oxidant that quickly heals wounds, restoring the skin epithelium;
  • alkoxyglycerides - a component of breast milk that provides immune protection for infants, is also found in shark fat;
  • vitamins A, D, E - the most important elements for the life of the body;
  • minerals (zinc, copper, iron, etc.) and fatty acids.

Together, shark oil is a good alternative to expensive anti-age creams.


Known to all, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) reduces high temperatures because it relieves inflammation in the body. If you dilute 4 tablets in a tablespoon of water and mix this solution with a teaspoon of honey, then homemade ointment will become a skin cleanser, an affordable procedure for relieving inflammatory and pustular processes. It will be necessary to apply the mixture on the problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin as a scrub and rinse after 10 minutes.

Retinoic ointment

Retinoic ointment can be used in addition to the prevention of acne, as an effective remedy for skin aging. To do this, apply with massage movements on cleansed skin as a mask. After several sessions, visible changes in the skin will become noticeable, the face is fresh, wrinkles are smoothed out.


A great way to get rid of pigmentation: the skin is wiped with a decoction of licorice root. Another way is to pour licorice root with olive oil and leave it in a water bath for 10 hours. The resulting oil base is applied to the face in the morning and evening.


A well-known medicine for healing the mucosa and resorption of scars, which is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, is Solcoseryl. An indispensable assistant in the anti-aging complex for face care. It restores skin tissue, provokes increased production of collagen. To achieve a tangible result, it is applied as a night cream on the décolleté and face every other day, until the result is obtained.

vietnamese asterisk

The composition of the ointment includes essential oils of menthol, cloves, cinnamon, mint, camphor and eucalyptus, rosehip extract and formic acid. Good for removing puffiness. Refreshes and smoothes the skin. Care should be taken when using this remedy, avoiding contact with mucous tissues, it is imperative to test for the presence of an allergy.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment has a protective, healing effect, dries the skin in places of inflammation, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The use of an ointment is an effective way to eliminate wrinkles, provided it is combined with moisturizing creams, since zinc has a significant drying effect.

The drug is sometimes used as a way to quickly smooth mimic wrinkles. Since the drug is hormonal, it is used for external topical use in order to eliminate skin pathologies of allergic and inflammatory origin, it is advisable to use it as an emergency, one-time. Before use, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction of the body.

Vitamins A and E

If the group of vitamins B is called a resource of beauty, then pharmaceuticals recognize vitamins A and E as a resource of life. Therefore, the Aevit complex was created: the synergy of the two most important elements works wonders. Each of them can be taken separately, but their combined use will give the maximum result. For the purpose of beauty and care, they can be used as an oil, it is enough to apply vitamins to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin area or by adding them to face masks.

7 pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointments (video):

Folk ways to prevent facial skin aging

Nature has given everything that is necessary for the youth of the body and skin. It is only necessary to know the natural sources of beauty, use them correctly and regularly to saturate the skin with microelements or include them in the daily diet to prevent premature aging. Even more effective will be the combination of external use methods in the form of masks and in a proper nutrition system. Folk traditions at their core conceal a very important rule: the unity of man and nature, proven by generations. They shouldn't be neglected.

Moisturizing the skin with a banana mask

Banana mask is an affordable and easy-to-use skin moisturizer. To prepare it, you need to combine banana gruel (1.5 tablespoons), egg yolk (1 pc.) With a teaspoon of sour cream and honey. After a month of application with regularity 2/3 times a week, the complexion will even out, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out. Depending on the type of skin, citrus, protein products can be combined with a banana base to achieve the desired effect.

Video instruction for making a banana mask:

Mint lifting mask

The mask is prepared from one raw chicken protein (you can use three quail), lemon juice (1 tsp), baby powder (tsp) and a few drops of peppermint oil. The mask is applied to cleansed skin for 20 minutes.

Natural peeling + scrub

Coffee scrub is prepared quite simply: you need to add coffee grounds left after making coffee to the cleanser.

When taking a shower, apply the product on the face with light massaging movements from the center of the face to the periphery and leave for a few minutes. Peeling with a coffee scrub allows you to remove non-viable cells. After the procedure, the skin will be fresh and pleasant, with a moisturizing effect from the action of coffee oil.

Nourishing mask with honey

It is useful to nourish tired facial skin with a simple honey mask. Chicken protein is added to it if the skin is oily or combination, and the yolk if the skin is dry. The components are thoroughly mixed. If the honey is hard, melt it first in a water bath. The mixture is applied for 15 - 20 minutes, on clean skin of the face and around the eyes. A nourishing mask works well after taking a steam bath, as an option, you can steam your face with a napkin soaked in hot water.

Proper nutrition to prolong youthful skin

Skin nutrition from the outside will be effective if the cells of the whole body receive a sufficient amount of nutrients from food. To do this, you must follow the principles of proper nutrition (PP). The main ones are:

  • drink enough clean water throughout the day, avoiding the feeling of thirst;
  • eat in small portions (up to 200 gr.) after 2.5 - 3 hours, observing the diet of morning, daytime and evening food intake;
  • heavier and carbohydrate foods should be ingested in the morning;
  • do not allow heaviness in the stomach, overeating.

Such simple rules are a minimum to ensure a healthy state of the body and skin.


Skin youth and body health are two sides of the same coin. This is the quality of our life, which we can provide ourselves at any age. Even in mature years, a person can look young, energetic, cheerful and lead an active lifestyle.

To do this, in addition to modern achievements in the field of cosmetology and expensive skin care products, there is an inexhaustible spring of natural resources and folk ways to skillfully use them. All together, with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, it will become a reliable basis for our longevity and health.

They say there are no ugly women, there are lazy women. Isn't it true? Especially when you consider how much the cosmetic industry offers both to maintain the existing attractiveness, and to create one if it is not observed! Here, beauty salons with a full range of rejuvenating and healing procedures, and all kinds of self-care products for your beloved from head to toe, and even dietary supplements, will help you. You will say that all this needs money, but there is a crisis in the yard? But after all, there is always another effective tool in reserve - folk remedies.!

Whether these two ancient beauties were really beauties, scientists are still arguing, but the fact that they had amazingly delicate skin is described by many ancient sources. So, it will be useful for modern seekers of folk recipes to learn the secrets of female beauty that famous ladies possessed. One of these can be called

Aphrodite soap

It is a mixture of ground oatmeal, milk powder and mint drops. Put all this in some kind of container and put it in the bathroom so that you can wash your face with it every morning. Flakes play the role of a light peeling with a lifting effect, milk and oil are perfectly refreshing, .

Do you want to know the secret of female beauty from Cleopatra? Here are three of her most famous recipes.

1. Body scrub Sea salt + cream

Mix a small handful of sea salt (preferably flavored with essential oils) and 50-70 grams of medium-fat cream. Rub it all over your body before showering or bathing. The scrub cleanses the skin and makes it perfectly smooth, silky to the touch.

2. Clay face mask

It is believed that Cleopatra had great confidence in clay as a unique beauty remedy, so she had several masks of this substance in stock for various purposes.

Whitening: white or blue clay, sour cream, honey and lemon juice are mixed in equal proportions, applied to the face (you can also use the body, only the volume will have to be increased), aged for 20 minutes, washed off well with warm water.

Action: cleansing, whitening, toning, tightening and nourishing.

  1. Milk and honey bath

The secrets of female beauty cannot be imagined without water recipes, because taking a bath in itself has a beneficial effect on the skin and well-being. And if it is a bath with milk and honey, which have a healing and rejuvenating effect, then the effect is much more useful!

What you need: half a glass - a glass of any natural honey, a liter of milk (better - donkey, but you can also cow, including dry).

How to do it: fill the bath with warm water (up to 40 degrees), dilute the pre-prepared mixture of honey and milk in it, take a bath for 15 minutes, then wrap yourself in a bathrobe without rinsing and go to sleep. And in the morning you can take a shower! Doing such a bath once a week, you will provide your skin not only with health, but also with perfect smoothness with a slight radiance.

Folk beauty products. From the world by thread

Of course, our folk sources have many of their own unique beauty recipes, but, you see, sometimes it’s so interesting to find out what was left to foreign young ladies from their grandmother in this regard. And here are some secrets of female beauty from different countries:

Italy. To give shine to hair and smoothness of the skin, almond oil is used there. They say (or rather, they write) that Catherine de Medici, famous for her silky skin and the same hair, regularly made masks with almond oil - both for hair and skin. The recipe is simple to impossibility: find the oil and rub it into the skin and hair before water procedures once a week until the need for it disappears.

Another oil, castor oil, is highly respected by Italians for its ability to heal eyelashes. To make the latter thicker and brighter, regular application of oil to the eyelashes before going to bed will help. Within a week, noticeable results will be noticeable.

England. Here are not at all unique, but very useful secrets of female beauty regarding blue and bags under. The British are known for their love of tea drinking, but the English women are in no hurry to throw away the tea leaves they have drunk: in bags or regular - they freeze and use in the morning as an ambulance against the above defects. Oh, and by the way, their love of tea can be adopted as a good way to lose weight. Few people know that even ordinary black tea contributes to this process with frequent use. Of course, without any buns and cheesecakes there, and preferably even without sugar (although a couple of spoons will not hurt some). Just tea (black, green, white, herbal) several times a day - and you will not get better at normal weight and lose weight if it is in excess.

South Africa. Decided for yourself “I want to know the beauty secrets regarding skin rejuvenation? Then we invite you to the beauty secrets of the beauties of a hot country where aloe grows. Of course, it also grows on our windowsills, but it was the South African women who came up with the idea of ​​​​using the juice of this plant as a skin-rejuvenating elixir. Everything is simple there: a thick sheet of aloe is cut off, wrapped in thick paper or foil, sent to the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, after which it is cut lengthwise and smeared on the cleansed face with pulp and juice. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. Effect: toning, rejuvenation, freshness and healthy skin color.

Recipe number 2: squeeze juice from the same piece of aloe, mix with any cream (night, day, hand, etc.) and smear the desired area. Each time - a new portion of juice to a new portion of the cream, it is not recommended to store.

Poland. The inhabitants of this country also have their own secrets of female beauty. Their main helpers are yeast and milk against blackheads and acne on the skin. For this purpose, they mix warm milk with yeast and apply it to problem areas of the skin, even to the décolleté area. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.

Russia. From our ancestors, let us cite as an example folk remedies for combating skin pigmentation and freckles. The simplest remedies are a decoction of onion peel or cucumber juice. You just need to wipe the skin two or three times a day for one to two months (depending on the degree of pigmentation), either first or second. You can take turns.

Secrets of female beauty. hair care

The topic of hair health is as relevant today as ever. If only because never before have so many harmful factors affected them: the environment is unimportant, the urban atmosphere is dangerous, and the food leaves much to be desired. Plus, the use of paints, straightening and curling devices, in winter - hats, cold, home heating, in summer - the sun, salt water ... Agree, it does not hurt to know some folk remedies to restore hair health! What do they need:

  1. Strength from the roots. Against hair loss, you can use a mask of onion juice (1 tablespoon), egg yolk, honey (1 tablespoon) and vitamin E (three to five drops). Everything is mixed, applied to the scalp and hair, kept under cellophane in a cap for 40 minutes, washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Shine and smoothness hair will provide a mask of gelatin. It is suitable for home hair lamination: gelatin is diluted to a jelly-like state. While still warm - a balm suitable for the type of hair is added to it, everything is mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair. The hair is wrapped in cellophane and a towel and heated with a hair dryer for 15 minutes, after which the mask is kept on the head for another 40 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Nuance: Before applying the mask, wash your hair well with a suitable shampoo.

  1. Fast growth. Do you want to know the secrets of female beauty that promote rapid hair growth? Then this recipe is also for you, especially since the fashion for their length is changing as quickly as our - female - mood: today we want to flaunt with long hair, tomorrow we want to look like a lady with an extravagant haircut, and a week later longing for long hair attacks. hair ... Of course, in a day or two they will not grow, but a few months - a possible result from short to medium length hair. A mask with honey and red ground pepper will help: melt the honey slightly in a water bath (4 tablespoons), add tbsp to it. pepper, stir, apply the mask on cleanly washed hair, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel, hold the mask until you feel a slight burning sensation on the scalp, rinse with warm water. Repeating the procedure twice a week, after a month you will see a noticeable difference in the length of the hair.

Well, for the first time, enough folk recipes for beauty, because there are actually so many of them that it is very difficult to fit into one easily readable article. In addition, it is worth trying at least those that are given above - you may no longer need others.

The sad example of Dorian Gray does not stop people in their pursuit of eternal youth. That's right: each of us, even very deep in our souls, does not want to grow old, to watch wrinkles appear on the face, hair turns gray and teeth thin. Yes, today all this can be corrected with the help of plastic surgery, salon procedures and cosmetics. But what to do if there is simply no money for all this, and you want to stay young at least a little longer?

It turns out that humanity has been asking a similar question for a very long time, and there are already relevant developments in the field of alchemy, magic and other areas of human activity that are inaccessible to our understanding.

It is much easier to understand how our body is affected by old recipes for prolonging youth, which were used by our grandmothers, healers and folk healers. As you already understood, the preparation of such potions will require the most primitive and affordable products, which, as it turned out, have amazing anti-aging properties.

Oriental elixir

If you come across a guide to Ayurveda, be sure to look in it for a recipe for youth, the main ingredients of which are honey, lemon and olive oil. The followers of this philosophy are convinced that the daily use of a properly prepared drug can clean blood vessels, improve complexion, improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen immunity and smooth out wrinkles.

At home, it is prepared from the following food set:

  • 200 g of natural flower honey;
  • 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 500 ml high quality olive oil.

Then the ingredients are simply mixed well and stored in a cool place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. You need to use the drug every day, in the morning and on an empty stomach, do not drink anything, and try to dissolve longer, and not swallow it in one lump. How is the rejuvenating effect?

Judge for yourself:

  • Lemon, or rather juice from it, is a powerful natural antioxidant and an inexhaustible source of vitamin C;
  • Natural olive oil is a storehouse of fatty acids important for humans and a storehouse of a valuable vitamin E complex;
  • Well, honey is considered almost a magical product that can cure literally any sore, but only with methodical, and, most importantly, correct and purposeful use.

Admirers of this method of preserving beauty and youth recommend taking an Ayurvedic elixir twice a year, in spring and autumn, taking a month for each course.

Youth "in Tibetan"

In 1971, during the study of one of the abandoned oldest Tibetan monasteries, representatives of the UNESCO organization discovered the oldest recipe for youth, which involves the use of alcohol with garlic.

The studies carried out and the ancient manuscripts found say that the finished drug is really capable of greatly rejuvenating the body, improving material metabolism, removing fat and lime accumulations from the body, and minimizing the risk of the appearance and development of existing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The recipe for youth "in Tibetan" provides for the following actions:

  • 350 g of fresh garlic is peeled and washed well, after which it is crushed with porcelain or wooden utensils;
  • From the bottom of the vessel (where there is more juice), 200 g of the resulting slurry is taken and placed in a vessel made of clay or glass;
  • A container with garlic is poured with 96% alcohol in an amount of 200 g, and sent for 10 days to a cool room without access to light;
  • After the indicated period, the tincture is driven through several gauze layers, and after three days it can be used for its intended purpose;
  • The elixir is drunk exclusively on an empty stomach, diluted in 50 ml of homemade milk, and the number of drops must be taken from a special table.

Treatment continues until the end of the tincture, and is repeated only after three years.

The ban on rejuvenation in this way applies to the following health conditions:

  • epilepsy
  • acute pathologies of the intestines, stomach, liver or kidneys;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • inflammation of the bladder or prostate adenoma;
  • personal intolerance to the components of the elixir;
  • age less than 12 years old.


Folk recipes for eternal youth and beauty amaze with their variety and budget. It turns out that the human body is quite responsive to many natural components, which our ancestors did not neglect to use.

You can use the following recipes for personal purposes:

  • Mix and pour a liter of homemade dry wine into a mixture consisting of 50 g of dried sage and lavender greens. Let all this infuse for a couple of weeks in a cool and dark place, after which the drug is ready for use. It is drunk 30-50 g a couple of times a day, for 30 minutes. before meals;
  • Folk healers are convinced that a person is able to set himself up for rejuvenation,
    and it is better to do it before going to bed. Going to a night's rest, imagine yourself young and full of health for 15-20 minutes. Reviews show that after a couple of weeks of such auto-training, others begin to notice positive changes in appearance and general impression;
  • Studying all the recipes of youth, it is impossible not to mention another Tibetan drug, which is prepared from birch buds, immortelle, chamomile and St. John's wort, taken 100 g each. In the evening, st.l. the mixture is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and mixed with 1 tsp. natural honey. Drink only before going to bed, then do not eat or drink anything. In the morning, the procedure is repeated on an empty stomach. This should be done until the herbal mixture runs out, and the course of treatment should be duplicated only after three years.

Many girls probably wondered if it was worth spending fabulous money on professional cosmetics, if you can find herbs and other vegetation nearby in the garden to gain beautiful skin, thick hair and strong nails. How effective are folk beauty products, professional cosmetologist Ekaterina Skvortsova will tell.

Garlic for hair growth

How to use? Finely chopped or grated garlic is applied to the scalp for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Expected Result: rapid hair growth and strengthening by increasing blood circulation in the scalp.

Beautician's comment: garlic really helps to increase blood circulation in the area it affects, but this effect will not bring the expected result. Hair loss is associated, first of all, not with poor blood circulation, but with malnutrition, possible diseases, stress (you can read about the causes of hair loss in this article). In addition, garlic "aromas" after such a mask will surround you for at least a month.

Rye bread for washing hair

How to use? The steamed crumb of black rye bread is ground into crumbs and the hair is washed with it like a shampoo, after which the bread is washed off with warm water.

Expected Result: black bread should dry the scalp, fighting the intense work of the sebaceous glands, give the hair shine and softness.

Beautician's comment: in the conditions of the city (dust, gas pollution and eternal smog), the sebaceous glands work especially intensively in order to protect the scalp and hair from overdrying. You can only get rid of sebum with synthetic shampoos, otherwise your head will become dirty again after a few hours.

Decoction of burdock roots against hair loss

How is it used?
20 gr. dry finely chopped burdock root pour 2 cups of water and boil it for 15 minutes. Then insist in a dark place for 10 minutes, cool, strain through cheesecloth and rinse hair with a decoction of burdock twice a week after washing your hair.

Expected Result: after 10 uses of a decoction of burdock, the hair will stop falling out, become smooth and shiny.

Beautician's comment: Burdock root can really help with the problem of hair loss, however, the result will be noticeable only with daily use of the decoction. In addition, for brewing it is worth using only the root of a young burdock, in which the concentration of nutrients is maximum.

Linden decoction for dry skin

How to use? 1.5 tbsp brew linden flowers with a glass of boiling water and add 1 tsp to the broth. honey. With the resulting composition, wipe the face instead of a tonic twice a day.

Expected Result: relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin.

Beautician's comment: decoctions of herbs often have a calming effect on the skin. Linden flower decoction contains phytoestrogens that protect the skin from UV rays and maintain skin elasticity, and in combination with honey, this infusion gives an excellent nourishing effect for the skin.

People allergic to honey should not use this decoction.!

Herbal ice cubes for face wash

How to use
? Boil finely chopped parsley and chamomile in any concentration in a glass of boiling water, cool the broth and pour into ice molds, sending the infusion to freeze. Every morning after washing, wipe the face with an ice cube, using the product instead of tonic.

Expected Result: toning the skin, increasing its tone and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.
