Open lesson on traffic in the middle group. Game lesson in kindergarten for children of the middle group according to traffic rules

Elena Filonova

Goals: Introduce children to different types signs traffic. Creating a joyful mood.

Tasks: 1. Give children an idea of various signs traffic and their purpose.

2. Develop children's horizons, the ability to classify objects (signs).

3. Continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life.

4. Reinforce knowledge that the road must be crossed at a pedestrian crossing.

Materials: Road signs, traffic light layout, circles (red, yellow, green, pictures with modes of transport.

Preliminary work: Conversation about traffic lights, looking at signs, learning riddles and poems about traffic rules.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to walk around our city. Imagine that we left the kindergarten on the street and walked.

(on the board hangs a layout depicting a street with a pedestrian crossing, cars and pedestrians)

Educator: What are we called now?

Children: Pedestrians

Educator: What is the name of the path along which pedestrians walk?

Children: Sidewalk

Educator: Look how many cars drive on the road, and who knows what the name of this road is?

Children: Roadway

Educator: Guys, we live in a big beautiful city with green wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them, trolleybuses and buses travel, and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly follow the established traffic rules. And our friend today, who came to visit us, will help us remember them faster.

Educator: He has three eyes,

Three on each side!

And although never yet

He didn’t look at eight right away -

He needs all the eyes.

It's been hanging here for a long time

And he stares at everyone.

Who is this?

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate movement

Educator: The traffic light has three signals light:

Red light is the strictest. Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!;

Yellow light – warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light says "Come on, way open

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: On green light.

Educator: Well done boys! Shall we play a game?

Educator: It is called “Assemble the traffic light correctly”. I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(children come out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

(children arrange the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did they do the right thing?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, sit down! The traffic light also has riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride -

Children: Crosswalk

Educator: guys, look at our road sign "Crosswalk" lacks. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road.

2. Only cars drive here

The tires flash menacingly

Do you have a bicycle?

So stop! There is no road!

Children: Bicycles are prohibited

Educator: look, sign "Bicycles are prohibited" lacks! Who will help find him?

Educator: right guys, look?

Children: This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.

3. I want to ask about the sign,

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They run as fast as they can somewhere.

Children: Be careful, children.

Educator (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign indicates "Careful, children". The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point.

Educator: Where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

4. A round sign with a window in it.

Don't rush rashly

Think a little

What is this, a brick dump?

Children: No entry.

Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: That travel is prohibited.

Educator: You see how many assistants are on the road at the traffic lights! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who drive a car?

Fizminutka: "We are drivers"

(children must show movements)

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a driver myself

(simulate steering wheel)

And the motor itself

(shoulder circles)

I press the pedal

(bend the leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: ground, air, water.

Educator: What type of transport is ground?

Children: a car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What type of transport is airborne?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What type of transport is aquatic?

Children: ship, steamship, motor ship

Educator: Well done! Let's play a game with you "Pick a picture".

Educator: You have pictures under your chairs, you need to match the pictures to the types of transport.

Educator: Look, right guys? What type of transport is this? Where does he go?

Children: On the roads.


Children: In the sky.

Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: On the water.

Educator: That's right guys.

Educator: Guys, I want to play a game with you "Collect pictures". There are cut pictures on the table, the children select the pictures and lay out the image.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task.

Educator: Guys, for the successful completion of our walks I want to play one with you interesting game. It is called “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” I will ask you questions and you will answer them.

How many of you give up your seat to older people on a crowded tram?

Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights?

How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

Educator: Well done boys! That's it for our interesting the walk has come to an end.

Children, be careful on the street!

Remember this rule firmly!

Always remember this rule!

So that no trouble happens to you!

Educator: Did you like our walk around the city? What did you like most?

Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 21, Stavropol
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-10-02 Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules” Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna Repetition of traffic rules, road signs, traffic lights. Introduction to the profession - traffic police inspector.

View certificate of publication

Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules”

Age group: middle preschool age.

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, communicative development.

Target:skills formation safe behavior on the roads.



- secure Traffic Laws;

systematize knowledge about road signs and their meaning;

— expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights ;

— teach children the rules of safe behavior on the street.


- develop observation skills, visual memory;

— develop a sense of responsibility when observing traffic rules;

— develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary.


cultivate a conscious position as a pedestrian;

- cultivate interest and desire to comply with traffic rules;

- continue to cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, and provide assistance.

Materials and equipment:

— poster “Traffic Light Advice”;

— cards on traffic rules;

- Audio Speakers;

- children's songs on traffic rules;

— three-dimensional layout of the road;

- traffic police inspector uniform.

Preliminary teacher preparation:

— work with reference and methodological literature;

— work with Internet resources;

— selection and preparation of gaming and audio materials;

- Preparation necessary equipment and material.

Preliminary preparation of children: looking at pictures of road signs and traffic lights.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational point:

A) greeting children;

B) surprise moment(motivation for activity);

C) communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. Main part:

A) theoretical;

B) outdoor game;

B) practical.

3. Final part:

A) summing up;

B) reflection.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys. Today you and I unusual activity, and it’s unusual because you need to find out the topic of the lesson by listening to the song.

A children's song about traffic rules is played.

— What do you think this song is about? (children's answers).

— This song is about…..? (children's answers).

— Tell me, are we pedestrians or drivers? (children's answers) That's right, you and I are still pedestrians and therefore, like drivers, we need to know and follow the rules of the road.

— The topic of our lesson: “ Young pedestrians" During the lesson, we will review the rules of the road, road signs necessary for a pedestrian.

2. Main part.

“To never get into difficult situations,
You must know and follow the rules of the road!”
What is the name of the path on which pedestrians walk? (children's answers).

- Well done boys!

— What is the name of the road on which cars drive? (children's answers).

— If you need to cross the roadway, what should you do?(children's answers).

- That's right, you need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. How will you and I know where the pedestrian crossing is? (children's answers).

- That's right guys, the markings on the roadway will help us with this, white stripes - “Zebra”. They are needed so that pedestrians immediately notice where to cross the street and so that the driver sees that a pedestrian may appear here ( look at the street layout). And there is also a sign “Pedestrian crossing”, let’s see what is depicted on it…. The song “Road Sign” plays.

- But we’ll find out what else will help us from the next song. The song “Traffic Light” plays.

— Guys, to regulate traffic we need……. (children's answers).

— That’s right, our song is about a traffic light. I have three magnets on my board: green, red and yellow. Let's remember and arrange the colors correctly, like on a traffic light.

Red light - no way through

Yellow - wait a little,

And green - you can go.

- Guys, at what traffic light can you cross the road? (children's answers).

— That’s right, but for pedestrians the traffic light consists of two colors, which ones?(children's answers).

- Well done. Now we will play the outdoor game “Traffic Signals”.

Target: develop the ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal.

Progress: In the hands of the game leader is a bag of balls (balls) red, yellow, Green colour. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain takes out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green – moves to the next rack. The team that reaches the finish line faster wins.

- Well done boys. Look on the board I have a poster with tips from the traffic light that we need to repeat with you.

Guys, we have repeated the basic rules of the road. I also want to introduce you to the profession of people who monitor compliance with traffic rules. Maybe some of you know? (children's answers).

- Let's see who it is? (a child comes out dressed as an inspector).

- That's right, this is a traffic police inspector, what is in his hands? (children's answers).

- Well done, this is a rod. The rod is needed to control the movement of cars and pedestrians on the roads.

1st stage. Topic: “Our new friend.”

Program content: expand children's understanding of the street, its parts (sidewalk, roadway, one-way traffic, two-way traffic); introduce the concepts of “transition”, “intersection”; activate the words: passing, transition, intersection; instill in children a desire to come to the aid of others.

Progress of the lesson:

(The children are busy with their own affairs. The group is rolling soccer ball, eyes, nose, mouth, sad face are drawn on it. Children pay attention to him.)

Educator. Guys, look who came to visit us?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys, a ball came to us, he wants to greet you and say that his name is Tema. (The children greet him.)

Educator. What kind of ball is this? You and I know that there are different types of balls, which ones?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, it's a soccer ball. And there is a volleyball and basketball. Guys, for some reason our ball is very sad, all dirty. What happened to him? Maybe we can ask Tema?

Children. Let's ask!

Educator. Guys, Tema says that he lives in a large, beautiful building with a lot of windows. There are a lot of people. Everyone is doing something there. Someone swims, someone runs, and they play football with him. He has other friends there - balls. And what kind of friends, you know.

Children. These are volleyballs and basketballs.

Educator. That's right, guys! But it so happened that when they took him outside to play, they played and forgot about him. So the ball got lost. And Tema decided to turn to you for help, so that you could help Tema get home. Shall we help the ball?

Children. Let's help!

Educator. What kind of building is this where Tema lives?

(children's answers)

Educator. Yes, guys, Tema said that this is a very large, beautiful building, many windows.

Children's guesses.

They find out that this is the building of a physical education and sports complex.

Educator. That's right, guys, this is a physical education and sports complex. But how do we get there?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys, now we will look at the plan of our village and determine how to get there.

(The teacher and the children look at the plan. They find the buildings of the kindergarten, the FSK, which path they need to take.)

Educator. Well done guys, you chose the right path. Can we just go there?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys! Before going out on the street, you need to know the rules of the road well. From the kindergarten we must walk to the stop. Which road should we take?

Children. On the sidewalk.

Educator. Well done! You see, Tema, we have to walk on the sidewalk. (Look further at the diagram.)

Guys, look, what is this sign? (crossroads sign)

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right guys, this is a crossroads. Here the roads diverge in different directions. You need to be careful when crossing the road. Where do you think you should cross the road?

Children. Along the walking path.

Educator. You're right, guys! There is a special crossing to cross the road. And all people must cross the road there. You too, Tema, don’t forget this. Now let's see where we need to go next. (Look at the plan.)

Guys, what does the wide band mean?

Children. The road along which cars drive.

Educator. Yes, guys, this is a road and it can be one-way, when cars drive in one direction, and two-way, when cars drive in two directions. What kind of road is there in our village?

Children. Two-way traffic.

Educator. That's right, guys! But can we walk on the road where cars drive?

Children. No, because it's dangerous, you could get hit by a car.

Educator. That's right, the roadway is intended for cars. How can we get to FSK?

The teacher and children look at the diagram.

Educator. Guys, look, there are large buildings to the left of the road. What kind of buildings are these, are they familiar to you? The topic is also very interesting to know about this.

(children's answers)

Educator. Yes, guys, you are right, this is a hospital, a school, a church. Your parents work at the hospital, and you have been there yourself. Your brothers and sisters are studying at school.

(Then, according to the diagram, they determine where they should go. And they should get to the stop.)

Educator. Guys, on which side of the road is the stop?

Children. The stop is on the left side of the road.

Educator. Right! Which side is FSK located on?

Children. By right side roads.

Educator. Well done, so to get into the FSK, what should you and I do?

Children. We need to cross the road.

Educator. But how will we make the transition?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, we'll cross the pedestrian path. But as?

Children. First we look left, then right, and if there are no cars, then you can cross.

Educator. Well done boys! The subject says that he did not know how to cross the road, but now he will know.

So we decided how we would see our friend home.

Do you, Tema, agree for our children to accompany you home?

But why is the theme sad? What do you want? (the teacher quietly pushes the ball towards the washroom. The children realize that it needs to be washed.)

Can we carry it out wet?

Children. No! It needs to dry.

Educator. Yes, guys, we will wash it first, and when it dries, then we will take our new friend home. Do you agree, Tema? Guys, he agrees.

(go to the washroom to wash the ball)

2nd stage. Topic: “Traffic light”.

Program content: continue to familiarize children with traffic signals; learn to determine from a traffic light how to act; consolidate knowledge about the rules of crossing the road; activate the words: sidewalk, pedestrian, traffic light; instill in children the desire to behave correctly on the street.

Progress of the lesson

(Forthcoming target walk outside the kindergarten at FSK. The teacher draws a cheerful face on the ball in advance. Children pay attention to faces.)

Children. And our Tema is no longer sad, he is cheerful.

Educator. Guys, what kind of face did Tema have when he came to our kindergarten?

(Children's answers)

Educator. Yes, guys, Theme was sad. Now what is he like?

(Children's answers)

Educator. Now he has become cheerful, why do you think?

Children. Because we washed it. He dried up, rested, warmed up and today we are taking our Tema home.

Educator. That's right, guys! Tema says that he had a very good time with us, but he wants to get home as soon as possible. Shall we walk our friend home?

Children. Let's carry it out!

(The teacher and the children leave the kindergarten territory.)

Educator. Guys, have you forgotten what we need to know when we go beyond kindergarten?

Children. Traffic rules, rules of conduct on the street.

Educator. That's right, guys! Do you know how to behave in transport?

(Children's answers.)

Educator. Yes, guys, you can’t make noise or talk loudly either in public transport or on the street. You cannot get out of the vehicle until it stops. You see, Tema, before you go anywhere, you need to remember the rules of the road, be able to drive public transport and on the street. You’ve already heard from the guys how to behave.

Guys, which road should we take to get to the stop?

Children. On the sidewalk.

Educator. Which side of the sidewalk should you walk on?

Children. On the right side.

Educator. But before we stop, what other sign will we encounter?

(Look at the diagram.)

Children. Crossroads.

Educator. Right! You, Tema, remember the route so that you can come to visit us later.

(The teacher and the children walk along the sidewalk to the intersection, talking about what they saw along the way.)

Educator. How do we cross the road?

(Children's answers.)

Educator. That's right, guys, we need to cross the pedestrian path.

(Cross the pedestrian path.)

Educator. You, Tema, don’t forget, it’s two-way traffic here. You have to be very careful. The guys have already said that before crossing the road, you first need to look left, then right, and if there are no cars, then you can cross the road.

Now please listen to the riddle:

To help you, my friend,
The path is dangerous
Day and night the lights burn,
Green, yellow, red.

Children. This is a traffic light.

Educator. Yes, guys, you guessed right. You've all been in the city, you've probably seen a traffic light at an intersection. Why is he standing there?

(Children's answers.)

Educator. That's right, guys, it shows you when to walk and when to stand. What does each traffic light mean, what signal should you cross the road at?

(Children's answers.)

Educator. You're right! Everyone stands at a red light, prepares to go to a yellow light, and goes to a green light. When there is no traffic light, how should you cross the road?

(Children's answers.)

Educator. That's right, guys, before crossing the road, you first need to look left, then right, and if there are no cars, then you can safely cross the road. You see, Tema, you need to know the colors of the traffic lights. Which color do we cross the road on, and which color do we stand on. Under no circumstances should you violate traffic rules. This is life-threatening. Listen, Topic, What poem do the Children know?


At any crossroads
We are greeted by a traffic light
And it starts very easily
Conversation with a pedestrian:
The light is green - come on in!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light turns red -
This means it’s dangerous to move!
Let the car pass.
Be patient.
Learn and respect the traffic rules.

Educator. Well done, we all, especially Tema, really liked the poem.

Guys, what kind of sign is there?

Children. There is a hospital here.

Educator. That's right, guys!

(They get to school, there is a sign “Children!”)

What does this sign mean?

Children. There is a school here.

Educator. Yes, guys, here is a school named after Mikhail Sespel, our poet. He once studied here, and now your brothers and sisters study here.

Well, Tema, do you remember the route?

Guys, Tema says that now he will never forget this road.

Well, we have reached the physical education and sports complex.

(They stop opposite FSK.)

How do we cross the road?

(Children's answers. Cross the road.)

Educator. Now let's ask our friend, is this his house?

(The teacher brings the ball to his ear.)

Yes, guys, Tema says this is his house. He is very grateful to you for seeing him off. Together with you, he learned a lot about the rules of the road. How to cross the road, in what places, what the traffic lights mean, what color you should cross the road with, what kind of road there is and where to walk for pedestrians. Now he will not be afraid of transport and the road.

Guys, Tema invites us to come into the house. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

(A short excursion around the FSK. After this, the children say goodbye to the ball and leave the building. They return along the same road. On the way they talk about the excursion, what new things they saw, about the ball’s friends.)

Lesson notes on traffic rules in middle group"Country of Road Rules"

(middle group)

Software tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals;
  • systematize children’s knowledge about road signs and their meaning;
  • consolidate knowledge about land and air transport;
  • develop observation skills, visual memory;
  • develop the ability to answer fully.


Preliminary work:

  • problem-search conversation: “Our friends on the road”;
  • looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”.

Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking along this unusual country. In this big beautiful country many streets. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today will help us remember them, who invited us to this country. (showing the picture “Traffic Light”) But first, we need to solve the riddle.

Three colorful circles

They blink one after another.

They glow, blink -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate movement

Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:

Red light - The strictest, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!”

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: Green light.

Educator: Well done, guys! Shall we play a game?

Educator: It’s called “Assemble the traffic light correctly.” I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

Educator: Look, guys, did he do the right thing?

Educator: That's right, sit down! The traffic light also has riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: Guys, look, our “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign is missing. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road

2. Only cars drive here

The tires flash menacingly

Do you have a bicycle?

So stop! There is no road!

Children: Bicycles are prohibited.

Educator: Look, the “No Bicycles” sign is missing! Who will help find him?

(4, child comes out)

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.

3. In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

They know everything in the world

Be careful,

On road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign means “Caution Children.” The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point.

Educator: Where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who drive a car?

Physical exercise “We are drivers”:

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a driver myself

And the motor itself

(shoulder circles)

I press the pedal

(bend the leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: land, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport is ground-based?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What type of transport is airborne?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What type of transport is aquatic?

Children: ship, steamship, motor ship

Educator: Well done! Let's play the game “Which picture is missing?” (6) Who will help me?

(child comes out)

Educator: Look, right guys? What type of transport is this? Where does he go?

Children: on the roads

(7, child comes out)

Children: in the sky

Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

(8, child comes out)

Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Educator: That's right, guys.

Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about traffic rules. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most?



Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Traffic Rules”

(middle group)

Software tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals;
  • systematize children’s knowledge about road signs and their meaning;
  • consolidate knowledge about land and air transport;
  • develop observation skills, visual memory;
  • develop the ability to answer fully.


  • a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;
  • pictures of road signs;

Preliminary work:

  • problem-search conversation: “Our friends on the road”;
  • looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”.

Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking around this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today will help us remember them, who invited us to this country. (showing the picture “Traffic Light”) But first, we need to solve the riddle.

Three colorful circles

They blink one after another.

They glow, blink -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate movement

Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:

Red light - The strictest, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!”

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: Green light.

Educator: Well done, guys! Shall we play a game?

Educator: It’s called “Assemble the traffic light correctly.” I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

(the child places the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did he do the right thing?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, sit down! The traffic light also has riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: Guys, look, our “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign is missing. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road

2. Only cars drive here

The tires flash menacingly

Do you have a bicycle?

So stop! There is no road!

Children: Bicycles are prohibited.

Educator: Look, the “No Bicycles” sign is missing! Who will help find him?

(4, child comes out)

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.

3. In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

They know everything in the world

Be careful,

On road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign means “Caution Children.” The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point.

Educator: Where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who drive a car?

Physical exercise “We are drivers”:

(children must show movements)

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a driver myself

(simulate steering wheel)

And the motor itself

(shoulder circles)

I press the pedal

(bend the leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: land, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport is ground-based?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What type of transport is airborne?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What type of transport is aquatic?

Children: ship, steamship, motor ship

Educator: Well done! Let's play the game “Which picture is missing?” (6) Who will help me?

(child comes out)

Educator: Look, right guys? What type of transport is this? Where does he go?

Children: on the roads

(7, child comes out)

Children: in the sky

Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

(8, child comes out)

Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Educator: That's right, guys.

Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about traffic rules. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most?

Municipal preschool educational institution

city ​​of Dzhankoy, Republic of Crimea

"Kindergarten No. 9 "Firefly"

Lesson summary on traffic rules in the middle group

Topic: “Traffic rules are worthy of respect.”

Educator: Prilipko Svetlana Vladimirovna,

teacher highest category

Dzhankoy, 2015

Software tasks:

    consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals;

    systematize children’s knowledge about road signs and their meaning;

    consolidate knowledge about land and air transport;

    develop observation skills, visual memory;

    develop the ability to answer fully.


    a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;

    pictures of road signs;

Preliminary work:

    looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”.

Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking around this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today will help us remember them, who invited us to this country. (showing the picture “Traffic Light”) But first, we need to solve the riddle.

Three colorful circles

They blink one after another.

They glow, blink -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate movement

Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:

Red light - The strictest, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!”

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: Green light.

Educator: Well done, guys! Shall we play a game?

Educator: It’s called “Assemble the traffic light correctly.” I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

(the child places the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did he do the right thing?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, sit down! The traffic light also has riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: Guys, look, our “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign is missing. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road

2. Only cars drive here

The tires flash menacingly

Do you have a bicycle?

So stop! There is no road!

Children: Bicycles are prohibited.

Educator: Look, the “No Bicycles” sign is missing! Who will help find him?

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.

3. In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

They know everything in the world

Be careful,

On road -


Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign means “Caution Children.” The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point.

Educator: Where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who drive a car?

Physical exercise “We are drivers”:

(children must show movements)

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a driver myself

(simulate steering wheel)

And the motor itself

(shoulder circles)

I press the pedal

(bend the leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: land, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport is ground-based?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What type of transport is airborne?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What type of transport is aquatic?

Children: ship, steamship, motor ship

Educator: Well done! Let's play the game “Which picture is missing?” Who will help me?

(child comes out)

Educator: Look, right guys? What type of transport is this? Where does he go?

Children: on the roads

Children: in the sky

Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Educator: That's right, guys.

Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about traffic rules. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most?
