Parable you have a heart. A lesson in kindness and love

"You have a heart"

A certain hermit came out of his solitude with a message, saying to everyone he met: "You have a heart." When asked why he does not talk about mercy, patience, devotion, love and all the good foundations of life, he answered: "If only they do not forget about the heart, the rest will follow."


The hermit, who understood the language of animals, noticed during prayer that a small green snake began to wriggle around him, and this went on for several days. Finally, he asked the snake what her strange behavior means? The snake answered: “Your concentration is good, Rishi, if during prayer you notice all my movements like that!” The hermit then said: “You wicked worm, do not judge by yourself. First comes the earthly concentration, then the subtle and then the fiery, when the heart contains both the heavenly and the earthly.

Hermit Temptation

One demon decided to put the holy hermit in a stalemate. To do this, the demon stole the most sacred objects and offered them to the hermit with the words: “Will you accept from me?” The demon hoped that the hermit would not accept the gifts and thus betray sacred objects; if he accepts, he will enter into cooperation with the demon.

When this terrible guest made his offer, the hermit did neither. He rose up indignant and with all the strength of his spirit ordered the demon to throw objects to the ground, saying: “Dark spirit, you cannot hold back these objects, you will leave destroyed, for my command is revealed from Above!”

clay vase

One Ruler, after the State Council, took an earthenware vase and smashed it in front of everyone. When asked about the meaning of what he had done, he said: "I remind you of the irreparable." When we break the simplest object, we still understand irreparability, but how irreparable are mental deeds!


One Ruler wanted to find a contented one. After a long search, they finally found one - he was dumb, deaf and blind.

deadly poison

fiery sky

Three travelers saw the sky. One saw it grainy, another saw it dripping, the third saw it fiery. But the first clogged his eyes, the second was cold, but the third had a bright and warm lodging for the night. Thus the people understood the three natures and wisely characterized them. The traveler was not afraid of the Fiery Sky, and the Fire protected him in the midst of darkness.

pious woman

A certain demon decided to tempt a pious woman. The demon dressed as a sadhu and entered the woman's hut, fingering the rosary. He asked for shelter, but the woman not only invited him and fed him, but asked him to pray with her. The demon for good luck decided to fulfill all her requests. They began to pray. Then the woman asked to tell her about the life of the saints, and the demon began to narrate like the best sadhu. The woman went into such ecstasy that she sprinkled the entire hut with holy water and, of course, watered the demon himself. Then she suggested that he perform pranayama together with her and gradually gathered such power that the demon could no longer leave the hut and remained to serve the pious woman, and learned the best prayers. When one Rishi passed by the hut and looked into it, he noticed a praying demon and joined him in praise to Brahma. So all three sat by the hearth and sang the best prayers. A simple woman with her piety forced both the demon and the Rishi to glorify together. But those from the Highest Abodes were not horrified, but smiled at such cooperation.

You can even get the demon to cooperate in prayer.

fires of the heart

People gathered to boast of strength: some showed the power of muscles, some boasted of taming wild animals, some saw strength in the strength of the skull, some in the speed of the legs - so the parts of the body were praised. But one remembered a heart left without praise. People thought - how to celebrate the strength of the heart? But one, who came again, said: “You spoke about all sorts of competitions, but you forgot one thing that is close to the human heart - the competition of generosity. Let your teeth, fists, skulls be at rest, but measure yourself in generosity. It will speed up the path of the heart to the Fiery World.”

It must be confessed that people were very thoughtful, for they did not know how to show generosity. Thus, the manifestation of love remained undiscussed, because even the gates to it did not enter into the contest of forces. Truly, if generosity is found, then love will kindle the fires of the heart.

A pinch of earth

The mother told her son about the great Saint: "Even a pinch of dust from under his footprint is already great." It happened that the Saint was passing through the village. The boy saw a trace of him and took a pinch of this earth, sewed it up and began to wear it around his neck. When he answered a lesson at school, he always held an amulet of earth in his hand. At the same time, the boy was filled with such enthusiasm that his answer was always wonderful.

At the same time, a neighbor shopkeeper was present and said to himself: “Stupid boy who collected only a pinch of golden earth. I will wait for the passage of the Saint, I will collect all the earth from under his feet, I will receive the most profitable goods. And the shopkeeper sat down on the threshold, and waited in vain for the Saint. But the Saint never came.


One thinking person brought a wonderful healing agent to people, but it had to be carried in a closed casket. None of the people dared to open the casket, because by their nature people believed that there was either poison or viper.

Thus one can offer the most beautiful treasure, but people will take it as poison. It remains that people accept the treasure, prompted by the horrors of misfortune. What to do if Satan taught unbelief so firmly! ..

Wise conversation

Once a teacher was called by the king for a wise conversation. The Teacher looked intently at Vladyka and began to talk about the beauty of his crown, about the brilliance of semi-precious stones, about the high symbol enclosed in a golden circlet, comparing it with a magnet of attraction. To the surprise of the disciples accompanying him, and to the pleasure of the lord, the conversation was limited to a story about the meaning of the crown. When, afterward, the disciples asked the Teacher - why was the king not told about the Beginning of the Universe? - The teacher said: “The manifestation of the understanding of the level of consciousness should be the measure. Speaking of the Beginning of the Universe, the king, at best, would have fallen into boredom, at worst, the king would have plunged into the abyss of despair. Both would be harmful. But it could be noted that the crown for the king is the most precious treasure, therefore it was useful to exalt him and remind him of the significance of the Crown of the World. Constantly keep in mind the best that your interlocutor has. Even if it is the most ordinary object, it is still necessary to find its highest value. Only in this way will you become attractive and open the way to the future. Worthless and even criminal is a teacher who speaks not according to the consciousness of the listener.

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  • Lesson of literary reading in the 4th grade.

    Educational system "School 2100"

    Topic: A lesson in kindness and love. (The parable "The most beautiful heart")

    Target: Create conditions for discussion and comprehension of the images of the parable.

    Tasks: Improve students' reading comprehension skills.

    To form the ability of children to analyze the text, read "between the lines", express their attitude towards the characters.

    To instill in students a sense of empathy, a culture of dialogue.

    Equipment: paper-cut hearts for each student, a tape recorder, the song “From what?”, multi-colored hearts for the “carpet of moods”, the text of a parable for each student, cards with character traits to work in pairs.

    During the classes

      Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

    1. Carpet of moods.

    A heart-shaped carpet is drawn on the blackboard with chalk. To the cheerful music "From what?" girls come out and attach paper hearts of the color on the carpet, what mood they have at the beginning of the lesson. The boys then do the same.

    2. The game "Paper heart"

    Each student has a paper heart on their desk.

    Imagine the following situation: a person who is very significant and dear to you, offended you with something, in a word, in an act, greatly disappointed you. Try to mentally tell him what you think about him now, what you feel. For each phrase, bend a paper heart.

    (Children do the task).

    And now imagine, some time has passed, you completely forgave this person, forgot the grievances, your relationship improved. Everything is great and wonderful! Mentally say some nice warm words to this person. Tell him how dear he is to you, how you respect him, appreciate and love him. For you, he is very important, it is important to maintain friendly, warm relations with him. For each phrase, smooth out a paper heart. Take a close look at how it looks now.

    What conclusion can we draw? (Heart became ugly, crumpled)

    Yes, all negative words and actions leave scars on the heart. Every step leaves a mark. Think about your behavior, your words and actions. Have you offended anyone in your life?

    II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Work with text before reading.

    Today we will read a parable. This is a moralizing story.

    (They read the name in chorus: “The most beautiful heart”).

    Your guesses on the name of what will be discussed in the parable.

    (Children's guesses)

      Setting lesson goals.

    What is our goal for the lesson? The teacher, according to the words of the children, fixes on the board: read the parable; find out who owns the most beautiful heart; who considers it the most beautiful; when it was; what the parable teaches, etc.

    IV. Working with text while reading.

    1. Vocabulary work is carried out while reading: sincerely, impeccability of heart, ideally, mishmash.

    2. Reading aloud by children with interruption, conducting a dialogue with the author, children's assumptions on the content.

    (Why can a heart be beautiful?)

    (Assumptions of children).

    Answer in text:

    Why do you think the old man claimed that his heart was more beautiful than the heart of a young man? Why did the old man's heart look like this?

    (Assumptions of children).

    - Yes, - the old man replied, - your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts.

    Why do you think? (children's answers)

    Did it become clear why the old man had such a heart? How do you think the young guy could react to the old man's story? What did he feel? What were you thinking about? Imagine yourself in his place. What would you like to do?

    (Answers of children).

    3. Independent reading of the parable to the end.

    Was there a moment that caused a strong emotional reaction, perhaps even shocked you?

    (Exchange of impressions, children's answers)

    V. Work with the text after reading.

    1. Question for reflection.

    Why do you think there are exactly such heroes in the parable: an old man and a young man, and not two guys, not two old men, not a guy and a girl?

    2. Work in pairs with cards.

    How did this meeting affect the fate and character of the young man? Circle in red those words that describe what the young man was like before meeting the old man, and in green circle the words that show what he became. You may not use all words.

    Kind, cruel, hardworking, rude, polite, courageous, cowardly, caring, attentive, ignorant, boorish, generous, truthful, fair, honest, proud, sincere, loving.

    Could the old man just pass by? Why didn't he do that?

    What do you think, for whom this meeting was more important: for a young man or for an old man? (The young man accepted experience, knowledge as a gift, he changed his attitude, he became different).

    And the old man? Did he get anything for himself?

    The old man in this parable was giving pieces of his heart to other people. Do you think he thought about the fact that at some point the heart may not be enough for everyone?

    What does this parable teach?

    Is it possible to dose feelings, to measure a certain amount of love?

    (Answers of children, defending their opinion).

    3. The game "Give a piece of heart."

    Now we will also try to share pieces of the heart (From paper on each desk). You can exchange pieces of hearts with whoever you want and still say nice words to each other.

    (Everyone moves freely around the class, exchanging pieces of the heart and warm words).

    It is important for the teacher to make sure that no one is left without attention: without donated pieces of the heart. Prepare pieces of paper in advance and give them with kind, pleasant words to those children who are left without a “gift”.

    What are your feelings? What did you feel when you received pieces of comrades' hearts and nice words?

    (Share their feelings.)

    4. Work in groups.

    Explain the meaning of these phraseological units. When do they say so? (After conferring for 2 minutes, one person speaks from the group. They explain the meaning of one expression, other groups can supplement).

    A big heart.

    Ice heart.

    The heart bleeds.

    Heart broke.

    The heart went to the heels.

    The heart does not belong to anything.

    Rip out of the heart.

    The call of the heart.

    Good heart, evil heart, pure heart... What kind of heart do you have?

    5. Complete the sentence: It's hard at heart when ... (children's answers)

    It's easy on the heart when ... (children's answers)

    VI. Homework.

    1) Option I - make up a story about one day in the life of an old man before meeting with a young man.

    Option II - make up a story about one day in the life of a young man after meeting with an old man.

    2) Pick up proverbs about the heart.

    VII. Peer assessment and teacher assessment.

    VIII. Reflection.

    What was the goal at the beginning of the lesson? How was it achieved?

    Was the lesson helpful? What's the use?

    Where and how will this knowledge be useful?

    Return to the carpet of moods. To the music "From what?" children change the color of their heart if it has changed, comment on why the mood has changed, in which direction.

    Parable "The most beautiful heart"

    One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area.

    He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - no dents, no scratches. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of it and just beamed with happiness.

    Suddenly, an old man stepped forward from the crowd and said, turning to the guy:

    Your heart, in beauty, was not even close to mine. Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart.

    It was dented, all in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out, and in their places others were inserted that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?

    The boy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:

    You might be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your!? Yours is a mess of scars and tears!

    Yes, the old man replied, your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts.

    Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love. I tore out a piece of my heart and gave it to this man. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But because the pieces of different hearts don't exactly fit together, I have torn edges in my heart that I treasure because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I gave away pieces of my heart, but other people didn't give me back theirs. Therefore, you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love, there are not always guarantees for reciprocity. And although these holes bring pain, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of heart will return to me. Now do you see what true beauty means?

    The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes. He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he offered a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his battered heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit but not perfect and some of the edges were sticking out and some were torn. The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect. But more beautiful than it was before, until the old man's love touched it. And they, embracing, went along the road.

    Having searched the net for information about love (for Valentine's Day), as always, I stopped my attention on parables. I love these perfect lines. Let not everyone like them, let someone find it more pleasant and understandable to read poetry or novels. But after all, there are those who will read short parables with pleasure and come to them with something that they did not notice or did not accept before. So the story of love

    The teacher found out that one of his students was persistently seeking someone's love.
    - Do not demand love, so you will not get it, - said the teacher.
    - But why?
    - Tell me, what do you do when uninvited guests are breaking into your door, when they knock, shout, demanding to open it, and tear their hair out because they are not opened?
    - I lock it tighter.
    - Do not break into the doors of other people's hearts, so they will close even more strongly in front of you. Become a welcome "guest" and any heart will open before you. Just love people, and because love, even though it is small and invisible, is the key that can open the lock of any heart, even one that has not been opened for a long time. The main thing is that this love should be sincere and not fake. Take an example from a flower that does not chase bees, but by giving them nectar, attracts them to itself. Love is the nectar that people flock to.

    Parable about the search for the ideal

    There was one man who avoided the bonds of marriage all his life. When he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
    You never married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, reveal it even now - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even if your secret is known, it won't hurt you.
    The old man replied:
    - Yes, I keep one secret. It's not that I'm against marriage, but I've always been looking for the perfect woman. I spent all my time searching, and that's how my life flew by.
    - But really on the whole huge planet inhabited by millions of people, half of whom are women, you could not find the one and only ideal woman?
    A tear rolled down the cheek of the dying old man. He replied:
    No, I did find one.
    The questioner was completely bewildered.
    - Then what happened, why didn't you get married?
    And the old man replied:
    That woman was looking for the perfect man...

    Parable of Hearts

    One day a teacher asked his students:
    - Why, when people quarrel, often shout at each other?
    “Because they lose their calm,” one student answered.
    - But why shout if the other person is next to you? Isn't it possible to speak quietly to him? Why scream if you're angry? the teacher asked again.
    The students offered different options, but none of them suited the teacher. And then the teacher said:
    - When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. And in order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. And the more angry they are, the louder they scream. What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly, because their hearts are very close and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? They do not even speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love. Then even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words. This happens when there are two loving people nearby.
    When you argue, don't let your hearts drift apart.
    Don't say words that make your hearts go even further. Because the day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back. Building relationships can be difficult. But who will create them for you, if not you?

    Parable and greatness of Love

    Ah, Love! I dream of being just like you! Love repeated admiringly. You are much stronger than me. - Do you know what my strength is? Love asked, shaking her head thoughtfully.
    - Because you are more important to people?
    - No, my dear, not at all for that, - Love sighed and stroked Love on the head.
    “I can forgive, that’s what makes me so.
    - Can you forgive Betrayal?
    - Yes, I can, because Betrayal often comes from ignorance, and not from malicious intent.
    - Can you forgive Treason?
    - Yes, and Treason too, because, having changed and returning, a person got the opportunity to compare, and chose the best.
    - Can you forgive a lie?
    - Lying is the lesser of evils, silly, because it often comes from hopelessness, awareness of one's own guilt, or from an unwillingness to hurt, and this is a positive indicator.
    - I don't think so, because there are just lying people!!!
    - Of course there are, but they have nothing to do with me, because they do not know how to love.
    What else can you forgive? - I can forgive Anger, as it is short-lived. I can forgive Sharpness, as it is often a companion of Grief, and Grief cannot be predicted and controlled, since everyone is upset in their own way.
    - What else?
    - I can also forgive Resentment - the older sister of Affliction, as they often follow one from the other. I can forgive Disappointment as it is often followed by Suffering, and Suffering cleanses.
    - Ah, Love! You are truly amazing! You can forgive everything, everything, but at the first test I go out like a burnt out match! I envy you so much!!!
    And you're wrong, baby. Nobody can forgive everything. Even Love.
    “But you just told me something completely different!”
    - No, what I was talking about, I can actually forgive, and I forgive infinitely. But there is something in the world that even Love cannot forgive. Because it kills feelings, corrodes the soul, leads to Longing and Destruction. It hurts so much that even a great miracle cannot heal it. It poisons the life of others and makes you withdraw into yourself. It hurts more than Treason and Betrayal and hurts worse than Lies and Resentment. You will understand this when you face him yourself. Remember, Love, the most terrible enemy of feelings is INDIFFERENCE, since there is NO MEDICINE for it.

    In one city there lived a girl. She was no different from other children. She was cheerful, lively, open, loved to play pranks and run around. Somehow, people around began to notice that various animals were reaching out to the girl: vicious yard dogs followed her, wagging their tails like sofa poodles, cats strove to rub against her legs, birds boldly sat on her outstretched hand. Then the adults noticed that the most notorious hooligans next to the Girl became quieter and more polite.

    People said she had a heart of gold. Everyone loved the girl, but she didn’t seem to notice it. Just pat the dog behind the ear, stroke the cat on the back, give the bird grains. The naughty boy will laugh in the face, but not evil, but somehow in a special way, warmly, and he doesn’t want to play the fool already.

    The girl grew up and turned into a Beautiful Girl. People were drawn to her in all sorts of ways. And for everyone she found a little kindness and warmth, the right word, giving a piece of her heart. People happily took away these pieces. Their life improved. And the Girl did not ask for anything in return. She rejoiced at the success of others, was happy that people were drawn to her. She knew that she had a golden heart and that she brought good luck to her loved ones. She knew and gave herself to people.

    But one day the Girl met someone who seemed to her a Knight in Shining Armor. He was not rich or handsome. He wasn't famous. But the Girl saw some kind of warm light inside him, and she wanted to give the Knight not a piece, but ALL her heart. Taking it out of her chest, the Girl held out her heart: “Hold it, Knight. This is my heart, it is golden and brings good luck to people even in the form of a small piece. And I give it to you in its entirety.”

    The knight was surprised and, of course, flattered by such a gift. He took the Girl's heart and admired it for a long time. And then he thought: what should he, a simple Knight, do with such an expensive gift? I thought and thought, decided that it would do for something, and put it in my pocket. His affairs went uphill: he returned the attention of the First Beauty, who had recently rejected him, completed his castle, won many other victories.

    The knight could well be proud of his successes. Meanwhile, the Girl's heart lay in his trouser pocket. He even forgot about it. When the young man sat down, he involuntarily squeezed the heart lying in his pocket, and the Girl felt pain. When the Knight got up, the pain receded, and the Girl could live and breathe more freely. And sometimes he pulled out of his pocket a strange shiny contraption, shaped like a heart, and admired its warm golden light. And then the Girl felt in seventh heaven from inexplicable happiness. But one day, while having fun with the First Beauty, the Knight squeezed his heart very hard, so much that the Girl almost died. Then she decided to take her heart.

    The girl came to the Knight and asked to return the gift. The young man, who had long forgotten about him, was very surprised, began to fumble in his pockets and found a gold ingot in the shape of a heart. He gave the ingot to the Girl, enjoying its gentle glow for the last time. It was very painful for the girl to return her heart to its place, but she did it.

    Over time, the wound healed, the Girl continued to share pieces of her heart with ordinary People, giving them good luck. And one day a stranger approached her, in whom she barely recognized her Knight. He told the Girl that the day she took her heart from him, First Beauty had abandoned him. The next day, a fire broke out in his castle, and many people died. The knight stopped winning tournaments. He was in despair and asked the Girl to return his heart.

    The girl thought: she remembered too well how it hurt her. And no one knows what decision she made, because she was already afraid to give EVERYTHING, and a small piece would not help the Knight in his troubles.

    And then the Knight took out his heart from his chest and gave it to the Girl. It was not golden, it was alive and quivering. Then she gave him hers. After exchanging hearts, the Knight and the Girl began to live together. Now he brought people good luck and happiness, and she kept his quivering heart.
