Parent meeting in a non-traditional form. Parent meeting in kindergarten in a non-traditional form

reveal to parents the role of the family in the social and moral education of the child;
provide psychological and pedagogical support to parents in the form of practical proposals for establishing correct relationships with children;
develop tactics for cooperation with parents to establish common coordinated actions on the part of the family and kindergarten.

Form: The way we work with parents is constantly changing. Traditional forms of work, in which the main place was given to messages and reports, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. New, active forms of work with parents are increasingly being used, allowing parents to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child.

Traditionally, interaction between parents and teachers at parent-teacher meetings takes place mainly in verbal form - one speaks, the rest listen. The use of interactive methods allows you to expand the range of interaction methods within a meeting.

Word "interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", Where "inter"- this is mutual, "act- act.

Interactive- means the ability to interact or is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person). At the parent meeting, you can use various interactive methods: work in mini-groups, discussions, business, role-playing, simulation games, etc.

Parents sat at tables, split into two teams. The teacher acts as a jury. Statements by V.A. are posted on the board. Sukhomlinsky: “The main purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother”; “A child is a mirror of the family, just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in children.”

Family is a source of inspiration
Where adults and children are nearby,
In the family there is salvation from all adversity,
Here everyone is responsible for each other.

Good evening, dear parents. I am glad to welcome you to our meeting, I hope that we will have a useful and fun time. Today we will talk about social and moral education. Moral education is the process of developing positive qualities in the character of a human personality that determine its moral character. From the first days, a child is connected with the people around him, in communication with whom the first sympathy for them arises.

Later he tries to figure out what is good and what is bad. Children look closely at the actions of their comrades and adults. Gradually, moral motives for behavior are created in their minds. Moral feelings develop in children in the process of relationships with adults and peers, but the family still plays the main role in this.

Our meeting with you will take place in the form of a game. The game is called "Understand me".
Dear parents, you have already been divided into two teams. In one minute you need to name your team and choose a captain to represent your team.

The name of the team should express your attitude towards education in general. The name may be in a humorous form. (There are 2 tablets on the tables on which the captains write down the names of the teams)
The captains have bells with which they signal to the presenter that they are ready to answer the question.
Each team receives a brick or cube in each round for quickly completing tasks, for activity and originality.

1st round
Warm-up “Wise Thoughts”

Explain the meaning of proverbs. (Finish the proverb, wise saying)
The essence of the task is to quickly and as accurately as possible convey the meaning of proverbs.
o It is not the father - the mother who gave birth, but the one... (who gave him drink, fed him, and taught him goodness)
o A person without upbringing - ... (body without soul)
o Dityatko - like dough: ...(as he kneaded, so it grew)
o Punish children with shame..., (not with a whip)
o It is not the one who is rich who has a lot, but the one...(who gives a lot)
o It’s better to cry in childhood...(than in old age)
o A good example is better... (one hundred words)
o Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child... (while he listens)
o From a young one, like from wax:...(you can sculpt what you want)
o What is the treasure for, if... (there is harmony in the family)
o A family is strong when... (one roof over it)
o Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child... (while he listens)

2 round
The world of our hobbies

There is a sheet of paper in front of you. Each team member draws on paper a symbol of a family hobby, a favorite activity. This could be a book if you like to read with your child, etc. (Running time 2 min.)
The captain chooses the most interesting symbols and shows them to the members of the other team, who must guess what is depicted. (3-4 characters from each team).

3 round

So, all you need to do is hear the task and try to write down the first images associated with it that come to your mind. The captain selects the person who will record the associations. The whole team helps. Originality of thinking is assessed.
- If a family is a building, then it...
- If family is color, then it...
— If family is music, then it...
— If a family is a geometric figure, then it...
— If family is the name of the film, then it...
- If family is a mood, then it...
-If a family is a country, then it is called
-If family is a fruit, then it is...
-If a family is a famous literary character, then this is...
-If family is an animal, then it is...

Educator: During this exercise, we saw that everyone has their own associations associated with such a concept as Family! Everyone has their own vision and idea of ​​the family. This suggests that we are all different and unique in our associations and perceptions. And this is healthy and quite natural.

4th round
Carousel of problems

Solving pedagogical problem situations. Parents are invited to play out possible problem situations and find optimal ways to resolve them. The facilitator offers one pedagogical situation to each team. Discussion time 2 min.
The first snow fell. The children came home happy, but in dirty and wet clothes. The mother assigns them to wash the floors as punishment. Is she right? What would you do?
(Correct answer: punishment by labor results in a negative attitude towards work. The children have not committed any offense. Even adults, when it’s dirty outside, come in with dirty shoes and can get their clothes dirty. What do adults do in this case? They clean their clothes, wash their shoes. Therefore, we can offer the child to clean clothes together, thereby the child will understand how difficult it is to put things in order. Next time the child will try to be more careful).

For all academic successes, adults give gifts to the child as a token of gratitude. When the girl won a prize in the Olympiad, her grandmother bought her a book about Pushkin and candy as a gift as a reward. And Nadya, unwrapping the gift, made a grimace and announced publicly: “We have books, but we don’t need such cheap candies!” And she turned away.
What mistakes were made in education? What would you do?
(Correct answer: of course, it is very important to interest the child in studying. You can praise and encourage a responsible attitude, but material encouragement should not be included in the system. It is important that spiritual values ​​are higher than material ones. The child should perceive your smile, praise, approval as encouragement)

5th round
Resolving the conflict

What does it mean, in your opinion, to be tolerant? (For the correct answer, the team can also earn a die).

Tolerance– this is the ability to peacefully resolve a problem, the ability to take another person’s place and understand him, tolerance for other people’s opinions, loyalty, open-mindedness.

I propose to resolve the conflict to the first team:
Mom says to her son: “Misha, play more quietly! Why are your toys scattered around again? And yesterday you broke your new car and stained the table with a felt-tip pen. I will punish you!

How would you solve the problem from a position of tolerance? 1 minute for discussion.

(Correct answer: “Misha, don’t make noise, please, it’s late, all your toys are tired and want to sleep. Put each one in its place and wish them good night. And you and I will take pencils and draw magical dreams for your toys.” Result : mother is satisfied. The conflict disappeared before it even appeared. The cause of the conflict is the mother’s behavior. There is no need to make several claims at one time, it is difficult for the child to assimilate and take note of them. In no case should you shout and humiliate the child, remember that a child is a person, and she requires respect and understanding.)

The following problem situation for the second command:
Roma: “Dad, let’s go to the skating rink! Look, Vanya and dad are already there. You promised me yesterday.
Dad: “So what, what did you promise? I have no time now. There is very important work to be completed.
Roma: “Well, please...
Dad: “Get busy!

What mistake did dad make? (I didn’t keep my promise, I pushed my child away from me) How to solve this problem?

(Correct answer: It’s not so important for Roma to go to the skating rink, he could go alone, but it’s very important for him that his dad goes with him, because children, and especially boys, strive to be like their fathers in everything, to be proud and admire them. Advice to dad: leave the problem at the door, go to the skating rink with your son, which will help take your mind off the problem for a while. Thus, you will not aggravate the situation and create another conflict).

Round 6

I suggest you relax and play for a while. I suggest moms and dads go to the store to buy a toy for their child. From each team, select one person who will go shopping, and he must justify his choice from the point of view of the development of the child’s psyche. It takes 1 minute to complete the task.

Participants go shopping. At the end of time, the team representative justifies his choice. If desired, one more person from the team can go to the store.

Leading: All children develop differently. Play accompanies a preschooler throughout the entire path of growth and development; the rudiments of educational activity are formed in it. Toys are the subject of play and are also important for mental development. That is why its choice must be approached responsibly. A toy can evoke a variety of feelings in a child: joy, sadness, fear, aggression, etc. The older the child gets, the more obvious the type of toy and the requirements placed on it change. Moms and dads understand this and try to buy games according to the age of their children and what they want to develop in their child. But most often children play these games on their own, with older brothers or sisters; parents consider their duty fulfilled and, as a rule, do not take part in the games.

There are many toys and games. Some develop children’s thinking and horizons (games for mental development), others develop agility and strength (outdoor games, relay games), others develop design skills, etc. Let's remember that a toy for children is not just fun, a pastime, but a cultural tool with the help of which he masters a huge, complex world, comprehends the laws of human relationships and eternal truths.


Educator: Now let's turn on all our imagination, plunge into the world of childhood and get ready to fly... to Mars! Let's imagine for a second that we may never be able to return to Earth. You can take with you to Mars only the most expensive things you have. But only three things: one animate object, one inanimate object, and one memento. (Those who wish from each team express their thoughts).

And here we are on Mars! You took all the most important things with you, all that remains is to build a house. From the bricks that you earned today, you can build yourself a house where you will be comfortable and warm, it will be your fortress, family hearth and protection. Teams compete to build a house. The presenter sums up the results and names the team that collected the most cubes/bricks, determines whose house turned out to be taller and adds in conclusion:

But still, it doesn’t matter whose house was higher, because the most important thing is that a house is a family, and a family is a home, and like any house it can deteriorate over time and need repair and renovation. Remember to check from time to time to see if your family home needs any updating or renovation. Every family has problems and this is inevitable, but it is important not to turn a blind eye to them, but to solve them. Seeing a problem is taking a step towards solving it.

I wish you success in the difficult and noble task of raising your child as a family, may your child bring you joy and happiness!

List of used literature.

1. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children. - M., 2004
2. Petrova V.I. T.D. Chair. Moral education in kindergarten. - M., Mozaika-Sintez, 2008
3. Shishova T.P. How to raise obedience in a child? - M., 2010
4. Shishova T.P. How to teach responsibility in a child? -M., 2010. Bure R.S. Improving the process of moral education of preschool children. // Preschool teacher. - 2008. - No. 2
5. Shuvalova T.P. Yurina A.N. Social adaptation of the child. // Preschool teacher. — 2008. — No. 5 and get a certificate for certification?

Non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings

"Pedagogical laboratory".

It is recommended to carry out at the beginning or end of the year. They discuss the participation of parents in various events. A questionnaire “Parent – ​​child – kindergarten” is carried out. Either planned events are discussed, or past ones are analyzed and results are summed up. At the beginning of the year, a survey is carried out so that the teacher gets to know the child better and his characteristics. Parents are introduced to the events planned for the year, parents' suggestions are listened to, what help and support they can provide in the planned events, as well as their wishes and suggestions for the school year. At the end of the year, at such meetings, the results of the past year are summed up, achievements and mistakes are assessed and analyzed.

"Reader's Conference". 2 weeks in advance, parents are informed about the topic of the meeting and are offered material on this topic. A preparatory stage is carried out before the meeting, where parents are given some task on the stated topic. The prepared task is discussed from various positions. The teacher asks to comment on this or that statement, illuminates the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, at what age should you seek help from a speech therapist? Several statements are offered, and parents comment, discuss these statements, and share their opinions on this issue.

"Seminar - workshop." A teacher, parents, psychologist and other specialists can speak at the meeting. Together with parents, problem situations are played out or solved; elements of training may be present. The topic and presenter are determined; they can be either a teacher, parents, or invited specialists. For example, let’s take the topic “The role of play in children’s speech development.” A short theoretical message is prepared, then parents are invited to watch several games that children play in kindergarten. Think about what aspects of speech development are practiced in these games. Remember the games that they themselves played in childhood and which they can teach their children, their value from the point of view of speech development.

"Sincere conversation". The meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). For example, a child is left-handed. A survey is conducted with parents to better understand the characteristics of their children. And establish exactly what degree of left-handedness the child has: weak or severe. The problem is discussed from all sides, experts may be invited. Parents are given recommendations on the developmental characteristics of such a child. Parents are offered various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop motor skills of both hands. Psychological problems associated with left-handedness are discussed.

"Talk show". A meeting of this form implies a discussion of one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. Parents, educators, and specialists perform at the talk show. For example, let's take the crisis of 3 years. Parents are offered various situations; they need to be considered from different points of view, always giving reasons for them. Key concepts of crisis are defined

3 years, the reasons are jointly identified, then the opinions of psychologists are read out. All positions are discussed together. Parents themselves determine how to solve the problem.

"Evenings of questions and answers." Previously, parents are given the task to think through and formulate the questions that most concern them. By discussing them with specialists and other parents, choose the best ways to solve them.

At non-traditional parent meetings, you can use the following methods to activate parents.

"Brainstorm". A method of collective mental activity that allows one to achieve understanding of each other when a common problem is personal for the whole group.

"Reverse Brain Attack, or Smash." This method differs from “brainstorming” in that instead of postponing evaluative actions, it is proposed to show maximum criticality, pointing out all the shortcomings and weaknesses of the process, system, and ideas. This ensures that a solution is prepared to overcome the shortcomings.

"List of adjectives and definitions." Such a list of adjectives identifies various qualities, properties and characteristics of an object, activity or person that need to be improved. First, qualities or characteristics (adjectives) are proposed, then they are considered individually and it is decided in what way the corresponding characteristic can be improved or strengthened. For example, “How would you like your child to speak at the threshold of school?” Parents list qualities, i.e. adjectives, and then jointly formulate ways to achieve the goal.

"Collective Recording" Each participant receives a notebook or piece of paper where the problem is formulated and the information or recommendations necessary to solve it are given. Parents, independently of each other, determine the most important recommendations for them and write them down in a notebook. The notes are then given to the teacher, he summarizes them, and the group has a discussion. After this technique, you can use brainstorming.

"Writing on sheets." When discussing a problem, each parent receives sheets of paper for notes. The teacher formulates the problem and asks everyone to suggest possible solutions. Each sentence is written on a separate sheet. The problem must be formulated clearly. For example, “How to involve a child in doing homework,” each parent writes his own version, then all opinions are discussed. A ban on criticism is introduced.

"Heuristic questions." These include 7 key questions: Who?, What?, Where?, How?, What?, When? (Why?). If you mix these questions together, you get 21 options. By consistently drawing out and answering such mixed questions, parents can gain a new, interesting perspective on the problem. For example, 1 and 5 in combination - who does what? By consistently drawing out such mixed and non-standard questions and answering them, parents see non-standard ways to solve them.

Solving problematic problems of family education encourages parents to search for the most appropriate form of behavior, exercises logic and evidence-based reasoning, and develops a sense of pedagogical tact. Similar problematic situations are offered for discussion. You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. What will you do and why? Or: your three-year-old daughter is playing pranks in the cafeteria, where you went briefly - laughing, running between the tables, waving her arms. You, thinking about the rest of those present, stopped her, sat her down at the table and sternly reprimanded her. What kind of reaction to the actions of parents can be expected from a child who does not yet know how to understand the needs of other people? What experience can a child gain in this situation?

Role-playing family situations enriches the arsenal of ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the following task is given: please play out how you will establish contact with a crying child, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks. Parents evaluate different ways of influencing the child and forms of addressing him, choose more successful ones, replace undesirable ones with constructive ones (instead of “Why didn’t you put your toys away again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their owner”). Or parents must determine why such words addressed to a child are unconstructive: “It’s a shame!”, “I’m not satisfied with your “I want”, you never know what you want!”, “What would you do without me?”, "How can you do this to me!" etc. Tasks can be performed in the following form: the teacher begins the phrase: “Doing well at school means...” or “For me, dialogue with a child is...” The mother or father must complete the sentence.

Analysis by parents of a child’s behavior helps them understand the motives of his actions, mental and age-related needs.

Appeal to the experience of parents. The teacher suggests: “Name the method of influence that helps you more than others in establishing relationships with your son or daughter?” Or: “Has there been a similar case in your practice? Tell us about it, please,” or: “Remember what reaction the use of rewards and punishments causes in your child,” etc. Encouraging parents to share experiences activates their need to analyze their own successes and failures, and compare them with the techniques and methods of education used in similar situations by other parents.

Playful interaction between parents and children in various forms of activity (drawing, modeling, sports games, theatrical activities, etc.) contributes to the acquisition of experience in partnerships.

The proposed methods provide parents with the opportunity to model their behavior in a play environment. When a parent models his own behavior in a game, his view of the educational problem expands.

The effectiveness of work with parents is evidenced by:

Showing parents’ interest in the content of the educational process with their children;

The emergence of discussions and debates on their initiative;

Answers to parents' questions themselves; giving examples from your own experience;

An increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;

The desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;

Parents' reflection on the correctness of using certain methods of education;

Increasing their activity in analyzing pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues.

Group parent meeting in the middle group Topic: “Interaction between kindergarten and family in compliance with the speech therapy regime of the preschool educational institution”


Parents are very important people in the life of every child. A lot in the child’s development, in particular, his speech development, depends on how parents build communication with the child in their family. Children with severe speech impairments come to our kindergarten. The success of work to compensate for severe speech disorders directly depends on the coordinated work of kindergarten specialists and the children’s parents. In our kindergarten, great importance is attached to working with parents, since their children’s success in overcoming existing speech disorders directly depends on their support and hard work in completing the tasks of the speech therapist. One of the forms of working with parents to establish mutual cooperation is holding parent meetings in a non-traditional form.


1. Establishing connections between group parents

2. Creation of a unified educational space “kindergarten - family” through the formation of an active parental position in a correctional and developmental environment.

3. Updating and activating the role of parents in the life of the kindergarten.


1. Deepen the degree to which parents know each other.

2. To increase the level of motivational readiness of parents to complete the speech therapist’s homework together with the child.

3. Test parents’ knowledge of articulation and finger gymnastics, learned together with their children.

Equipment: badges according to the number of parents, paper of two colors according to the size of the badge, pens, whatman paper, felt-tip pens (colored pencils), musical accompaniment (the song “In a Box of Pencils”), a ball or a ball of wool.

Progress of the parent meeting

Presenter: “Good afternoon, dear friends! Our meeting today will be held in the form of a game. We hope that it will give you the opportunity to relax, show resourcefulness, remember the program of the second junior group, as well as old wives’ tales and jokes.”

I block psychological:

(held in a circle until parents are divided into teams)

Presenter: "Let's stand in a circle"

Task No. 1 “Getting to know each other”

Purpose of the task: to establish associative connections between the names of parents and positive psychological qualities.

The meeting participants sit in a circle and a ball is thrown around the circle. The participant states his name and his positive quality starting with the first letter of his name. To reinforce, we throw the ball to any participant, he names his positive quality, the participant who threw the ball must remember the name of the participant to whom he threw the ball.

Task No. 2 “Deepening acquaintance”

Purpose of the task: exercise helps reduce tension, improves mood, activates attention and thinking.

Participants sit in a circle, the leader stands in the center of the circle.

Instructions: “Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: the person standing in the center of the circle (for starters, it will be me) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common characteristic. He calls this sign. For example, I will say: “Change seats, all those who have sisters,” and everyone who has sisters must change places. In this case, the one who stands in the center of the circle must try to have time to take one of the vacant seats, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a seat will continue the game. Let’s use this situation to learn more about each other.”

After the game, the leader can turn to the group with the question: “How are you feeling?” or “How are you feeling now?”

Speech therapy block II:

Presenter: “And now we will divide into two teams. Pay for the first and second. The next task is to come up with a name and motto for each team and write the name on the badges.”

Task No. 3 “Proverbs and sayings”

Presenter: “And now the first task. Now you will name proverbs and sayings about family, school, and everyday life in a chain. First, a participant from one team speaks, then from another. The team whose last member names a proverb or saying wins.”

Examples of proverbs and sayings.

About family

About school

About everyday life

Without a father, you are half an orphan, and without a mother, you are an orphan.

Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

Husband and wife, one of Satan.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Study and work will grind everything down.

Seven times measure cut once.

Work is not a wolf; it will not run away into the forest.

Task No. 4 “Articulation gymnastics”

Presenter: “In order to successfully complete the next task, you will have to remember the homework assignments of your speech therapist for the past year of study. Also in the chain, as in the previous task, you will name and demonstrate exercises in articulatory gymnastics. The one who wins the team whose last member will name the exercise."

Options: the speech therapist teacher names or shows articulatory gymnastics, and parents give the gymnastics a name or demonstrate it.

Task No. 5 “Finger gymnastics”

Presenter: “In the next task, you will also have to refer to your own memory. Also in the chain, as in the previous task, you will name and demonstrate finger gymnastics exercises. The team whose member is the last to name the exercise wins.”

III block psychological

Task No. 6 “Attentiveness”

Goal: helps to mobilize attention, enables participants to become aware of their regulatory resources, and creates conditions for their training.

Participants sit in a circle.

Instructions: “Now we will count with you, just count: 1, 2, 3, etc. One of us will start counting, and the person sitting next to us (clockwise) will continue, and so on. Let's try to count as quickly as possible. In the process of counting, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that is divisible by 6 (for example, 12.18), or a number that includes the digit 6 (for example, 16), then when pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with clapping without saying the number).

If one of you is wrong, he is out of the game.

This exercise is very dynamic, especially if the conditions of the exercise are modified directly during its implementation. The exercise can also be given a more competitive nature by introducing a condition for those who made mistakes to leave the circle. In this case, those who make mistakes are instructed to carefully observe the continuation of the exercise and try to understand the reasons and nature of the errors. The team whose participant remains last in the circle wins.

IV block: completion

Presenter: “Before the jury sums up the results, we would like to thank everyone for participating in our game. It doesn’t matter who won, it’s important that you came and we spent this time together.”

The parent meeting ends with a game that summarizes the semantic content of the entire meeting. “The word is a relay race”

Parents stand in one large circle. A soft toy is passed around in a circle. Parents should continue the sentence started by the presenter:

“My child will study successfully if I...”

Each parent completes the sentence.

Presenter: “How do you feel after our meeting? How are you feeling? Now, together, let’s create a photo portrait of the children of our group.”

Summary of parents' meeting in the middle group. Topic: “Journey into the past of your family.”

Goal: Formation of family traditions.

Objectives: 1. To interest parents and children in studying history

Origin of your family

2. Instill respect for the cultural traditions of the family,

Help children develop their personalities through learning

Genealogy and life of your ancestors.

Format: pedagogical living room.

Participants: parents, teacher.

Preliminary work:

1. Design of the photo album “Family Photos”,

2. Exhibition of photographs of students and parents of the group in infancy and early childhood.

3. Preparation of presentations of old family photographs.


Family photo albums of various types, photographs of group pupils at an early age,

Album with proverbs and sayings about family,

Visual material, attributes for the role-playing game “family”, board-printed and didactic games,

Fiction for children to read on the topic of the meeting,

Wise thoughts, proverbs and sayings about family are written on the easel.

Progress of the meeting:

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! I am glad to see you in the teachers' lounge.

And before we start our conversation, I suggest you play the game “My Family”. This game will help us learn about your family, traditions, and hobbies in families.

(Annex 1)

Educator: Every person has a home. This is not just a roof over his head, but a place where he is understood, loved and expected.

Our families, kindergarten, village, country in which we live can be called such a house.

“What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow,

And birch trees by the road,

Which way we are walking.

What do we call Motherland?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live” (V. Stepanov)

Today we will talk about the most important thing for each of us - this is about family and how to preserve the history of the family line.

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: a tear and a laugh,

Rise and fall, joy and sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is something that is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

On the walls of your dear ones, your father’s house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Family is a small universe. Creating a good family is often more difficult than, say, writing a book or making a discovery. Since the family is the Universe, albeit a small one, there must be mysteries of the Universe. And they really do exist. But every riddle has its own answer.

Time is inexorable. A person is born, grows, matures, ages, and expires. And no one has yet managed to break the circle. The person leaves, but the children remain. Children have their own children, and those have theirs. And if a person did not make any discoveries, but simply lived his life with dignity, he deserves to be remembered by his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Who was your great-grandfather?

Who is your grandfather?

What did they dream about?

What was their modest dinner like?

What did you wear on weekdays?

What was their occupation?

What were they aiming for?

What caused friendly laughter

And how did they get married?

What tests are there for them?

Got it forever?

How grandfather went to Paris

In the people's regiment?

And if you find out everything,

You will study the ancient family, -

You will love your homeland,

You will love your people!

Educator: Tell me, what can help us preserve the history of the family? (Family album)"

Do you have a family album in your house?

Photos from a family album will help you remember the past and take a closer look at the present. Each photograph in it is a piece of life, an opportunity to go back to the past.

Game "Find out who it is?"

Look carefully at the photo exhibition and try to find out who it is? (Photos of parents and children in early and preschool age)

Educator: By the age of 4-5, children begin to understand that once they were different - small, and soon they will change again, grow up and become big. This process is called awareness of personal time.

For children, such complex abstractions as understanding the movement of time, growth and maturation are inaccessible. Only the development of thinking and imagination gives four-year-olds the opportunity to realize this.

It is important to understand that every age has its own value. There is no need to strive to make a child older than he is, or, on the contrary, treat him like a baby. Children grow up and it is wonderful to help the child evaluate himself correctly and look optimistically into the future - the task of an adult.

Every family used to have large albums with photographs. There, anyone could see themselves and their loved ones small, young, and elderly.

A family album is a huge space of life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, but on the other hand, mysterious and amazing. Children are always attracted to such albums. They are sincerely surprised that their grandparents, mothers and fathers were once children. They look at themselves in infancy with interest.

Tell me, do you look at a family album together with your child?

It is a pity that in many ways this tradition is being lost. However, restoring it is not so difficult, especially since in addition to photographs we have audio and video cassettes.

The selection of photographs and the design of photo album pages is exactly the communication that a preschooler needs and his joint activities with his parents.

A specific image in a photograph is accompanied by stories from the lives of family members, this arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates his memory.

Look at the photographs and discuss with your child how adults differ from children, how he will change externally and internally, what he will be like. In conclusion, draw a ladder of three steps symbolizing the past, present and future of the child, how he behaves on each step.

Educator: Let's turn to the dictionary and define the meaning of the words “album”, “family”, “photography”.

(Parents are divided into three groups. Each group is given a sheet with one of the words, you need to write the meaning of this word and pass the sheet for checking to the parent group on the right. Thus, each group becomes familiar with all the concepts.)

Sample parent records


A notebook or book with blank sheets for poems, drawings, photographs, postcards.

A collection of illustrations, drawings, and photographs united by theme.


A group of people consisting of husband, wife, children, and other close relatives living together.


A method of obtaining a visible image of objects on photosensitive materials using a special apparatus.

Family album:

A thematic collection of photographs of close relatives.

Educator: Each person tries to organize their photographs and create an album. Albums can be of various types. Tell me, what albums can be like? (Wedding, army, reflecting childhood)

By looking at a photograph you can learn a lot about the time in which it was taken.

Educator: And now we are moving on to the practical part of our meeting. (Presented by the jury)

The jury will evaluate competitions based on the following criteria: photo design, presentation, content.


1. Presentation of old family photographs.

2. Presentation of the family album.

3. Presentation “My Pedigree”

4. Presentation “My Child”

And now, while the jury sums up the results, you and I will take a little rest.

You need to pantomime the following situations:

Family holiday in nature

child playing

child has lunch

child going to kindergarten

baby's first steps

child's birthday

The jury sums up the results. The winners are awarded.

Educator: Why does a modern person need to know the history of his family?

Conclusion: A person without this knowledge is like a leaf carried by the wind; it is easy to instill in him any truths, moral standards, and it is very easy to control him.

Educator: Dear parents! A tree with strong roots is not knocked down by the wind. If we know the history of our country and our city, we will not be afraid of any adversity.

Parent meeting solution option

Gradually, as children grow up, tell them about their ancestors.

Maintain family traditions and create new ones

Start creating a family album, a pedigree of your family.

Bring a family photo to the group to decorate the photo album “Families of Our Pupils”


Game "My Family"

The players sit in a circle. The person standing in the center of the circle offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common characteristic, and names this characteristic. At the moment when the parents change seats, the teacher takes one chair. The parent left without a chair becomes the leader and continues the game.

Who has one child (more than one child) in the family?

Who named any of their children after their grandmother(grandfather)?

Who lives in a separate apartment (with relatives)?

Who has schoolchildren?

Who works in the garden with the whole family?

Who loves to travel?

Whose child loves to draw (sing, dance)?

Who in the family has a housewife mother?

Whose mother bakes the most delicious pancakes?

Who likes to go fishing with their son?

Does anyone in the family have a hobby?

For whom is physical education a favorite activity?

Who is the smartest, strongest and most beloved dad?

Who reads books to their child at night every day?

Parent meeting in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Secondary Professional Education "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" Kindergarten "Goldfish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district.

This material will be useful for educators when conducting non-traditional parent-teacher meetings with children of senior preschool age.

Target: Formation of stable motivation among parents to preserve and strengthen the health of their children.

Tasks. To develop cooperation skills between children and parents, to increase the level of parents’ knowledge in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health, healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education.

Summary of the parent meeting in a non-traditional form for the senior group “Health is movement.”

The meeting takes place in the form of a game-competition between children and their parents. (in the gym)

Progress of the meeting.

Educator. Hello, children and dear parents. We are very glad to see you as our guest. Thank you for finding your free time and coming to the meeting. Today the topic of our meeting will be a conversation about health,” health is a movement. And today it is very important for us adults to form and maintain an interest in the health of both ourselves and our children. Properly organized physical education contributes to the mental development of children, since favorable conditions are created for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and all other organs and systems, which helps better perception and memory.Children develop all mental processes (thinking, speech, imagination).
The words of J. Rousseau come to mind more and more often: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”

Questions for parents.

Well, in your opinion, what is a healthy child like?
(Parents' statements)
Educator. Raising a child healthy means teaching him to lead a healthy lifestyle from a very early age.
Now let’s listen to the poems that our children will tell.

1. You need to make friends with sports
To all those who are not yet friends with him
He will help you all cheer up
It is very necessary for health.

2. Guys should know
Everyone needs to sleep more
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning
Get ready to exercise!

My whole family knows
There must be a routine for the day.

4. In the morning, toughen up
Douse yourself with cold water
You will always be healthy
There is no need for unnecessary words here.

Educator. And now a little warm-up.
(children and parents perform rhythmic exercises with flags to cheerful music)
Educator. Well done! Dear parents, please answer our questions.
-What are the components of a healthy lifestyle, do you know? (Parents’ statements)
Educator. Right. This is a daily routine, walks in the fresh air,
Physical education, proper nutrition, morning exercises, hardening and others.
Well done, parents. And now our guys will answer questions.

Questions for children.

Who is called healthy?
How should you behave if you are sick?
What should you do to be healthy?
(Children's answers).
Educator. And now we will compete with your parents.

The game is played: "Who can lower the hoop faster"

Children and parents are divided into groups. Each group stands in front of a certain line at arm's length to the sides.
Place a hoop in front of each group. At the signal “one”, the first of the columns tilt their torso forward, take the hoop on the sides and lift it up. Then they lower them onto their shoulders, over the body and lower them to the floor, quickly step over and rush to the end of the column.
The teacher focuses the attention of parents and children on who skipped the hoop correctly and stood at the end of the column earlier, and marks them with a flag. Then, at the signal “one”, other children and parents from the columns do this. The column with the most flags wins. Game continues.

2nd game "Swipe the ball"

On command, the first participants use a stick to drive the ball to the pin, circle it around and return to the team, passing the stick to the next player. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Educator. Well done everyone, parents and children. Thanks everyone.
It’s not for nothing that they say that sport is life, and “Health is movement”
Listen and guess the riddles.

1.Pass, attack and kick
The ball hit the goal again!
So that the goalkeeper fails,
The player needs skill (Football)

2. In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is...(Basketball)

3. Horse, rope, log and parallel bars,
The rings are next to them
I don’t dare to list
Lots of shells
Beauty and plasticity
Gives us...(Gymnastics)
Educator. Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

A game is being played with parents "Pass the ball"

Parents stand in a circle, pass the ball around, the teacher begins the sentence and the parents finish by throwing the ball, for example, My child will be healthy if I...
Educator. Well done! I would like to give you some recommendations.
Teach children to play sports games and perform elements of sports games;
Develop correct posture skills;
Teach your child to take care of his health.
Now let's listen to a song about sports.
Educator: Our meeting has come to an end. Thanks everyone. Be healthy and happy!

prepared and conducted by the teacher of MBDOU No. 40, Bukina N.S.


  • introduce parents to the age characteristics of children 3-4 years old;
  • expanding contact between teachers and parents

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 3-4 years old; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

Form of conduct : round table discussion

Participants: educators, parents, specialists.

Preparatory stage.

Preparing letters of gratitude to families who took an active part in the life of the group and kindergarten

Preliminary survey of parents (Annex 1).

Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting:

  1. Event plan:
  2. Introductory part.
  3. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.
  4. Election of a new parent committee.
  5. Psychological characteristics of 3-4 years.
  6. Parents' awards.

Progress of the event

I. Organizational stage

Exercise “What kind of person do you want your child to be?”

Before you lie the “petals” of our future “daisy”. Write down how you want your child to look on the “daisy petal”.

(After a joint discussion between the parents, the “petals” are attached to the board in the form of a “daisy”)

Music plays to encourage collaboration. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. On the central wall is a poster with the theme of the meeting.

Parents study the content of the parent meeting program.

1. Introductory part

Educator : Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you! Today is our holiday.

Try to guess which one. Our wonderful children are three or four years old and have entered the second junior group of kindergarten! Let's convey our wishes to them.

Exercise “Wish”

Parents stand in a circle, and the teacher passes a “magic microphone” around the circle to the music. Whoever has the microphone in his hands makes a wish.

Educator: Sometimes parents hear from their child “I don’t want to go to kindergarten.” What to do, what to do? Consultation for parents: “My child does not want to go to kindergarten.” (Appendix 2)

Educator: What do children do in kindergarten? (Tell parents about the daily routine, educational programs through which the pedagogical process is carried out,

tasks of education and training, about the main classes and types of children's activities (network of classes), about additional education (free and paid clubs).

Parents ask questions that interest them, making suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a “Rules for Parents” memo.

(Appendix 3). Parents fill out a family questionnaire, where they enter all the changes that have occurred during the current period (changes in last names, phone addresses, places of work, etc.).

Parents receive a printed list of teachers (full name, contact numbers, consultation times)

Educator: We suggest choosing or confirming the previous parent committee of the group, which will, as before, organize all our joint projects together with the teachers.

Educator: In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. Conditions for harmonious relationships between children and parents,

children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to give in to each other. Dear parents! A year ago we stepped together with you and yours

children threshold of kindergarten. We have experienced a lot this year - there were tears and laughter, and first victories. Thank you for being with us and for your support.

(Presenting letters of gratitude to parents who are active participants in group and kindergarten events.)

Parent meeting decision:

  1. Set a schedule for holding group parent meetings - once a quarter. The parent meeting starts at 5:30 p.m.
  2. To elect the chairman of the parent collective of the group, (FULL NAME.).
  3. Approve the parent committee with the following composition:
    (Full names of members of the parent committee, their telephone numbers).
  4. Adopt rules for parents.
  5. Fill out the parent questionnaire and the family questionnaire.
  6. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable
  7. conditions for the education of children in an established team.

Educator: Thank you, dear parents, for coming to the parent meeting. We invite you to a tea party.

Annex 1.

Full Name…………………………………………………………………………….

  1. What changes have occurred in your child during this year of stay in the kindergarten…………………………………………………………………
  2. What do you think is the style of communication between a speech therapist and teachers and a child?


3. Do teachers ensure your child’s development in various areas of development?

Not really……………..

Partially………… I don’t know………………

4. In what form do you think teachers teach children?

In a playful, entertaining……………………………………..

In educational, disciplinary……………………………………..

Don't know…………………………………………………………………….

6. How often did you receive information from teachers about the child’s development, his successes, problems?

daily……………………. Once a week………………………

Once a month……………………….. never……………………………………..

7. In your opinion, have conditions been created in the home for the upbringing and development of a child?

yes…………………… no……….... partially………

8. What assistance did you provide to teachers in the upbringing and development of the child?


9. Do you think it’s hard to work as a teacher?................................................. ............

10. Your wishes to teachers in raising your children……………………………

Appendix 2

Consultation for parents on the topic: “If a child does not want to go to kindergarten. What to do?"

“I don’t want to go to kindergarten! I won’t go-oo-oo!”

You now hear these heartbreaking screams every morning. Sometimes the screams are supplemented by plaintive moans about the fact that the precious child has a tummy ache,

headache, and in general he is sick of the garden. Literally and figuratively. And in more severe cases, the child actually has a fever,

Abdominal pain appears and chronic diseases worsen.

What to do in such a situation? First, figure out why your baby won’t agree to join the children’s group at any price.

And there may be several reasons for this.

Lifestyle change

Children are the greatest conservatives in the world. It is only at first glance that it seems that they are constantly striving for new adventures and impressions.

In fact, the usual rhythm, when they know exactly how one event replaces another, is order and calm in their lives.

And here - in the morning, my mother takes her to an unfamiliar aunt, where, besides you, her beloved, it turns out there are a lot of other children, she leaves them there to fend for themselves and it is unknown,

will you ever see her again? In the garden, everything is alien - and, probably, that’s why it’s hostile.


Gradually accustom your baby to a change in routine. If he is used to going to bed late and getting up late, you will have to carefully transfer the baby to an earlier rise.

This is not scary at all; the regime change occurs within 3-4 days. When your lifestyle changes dramatically, it is important to preserve a “piece of home” for your child.

The best option is if you can agree with the head and teacher that you can be present in the group with your child during the first week.

If for some reason this is not possible, think about some pleasant little thing that will remind your baby of home.

This could be a soft toy (it’s so nice to fall asleep with it!), familiar food in a small container (preferably not very dirty - a carrot or an apple will do).

Or perhaps you would like to make a good luck charm for your baby - for example, a small flat toy that can always be carried in a pocket or on a lanyard.

When her little owner is sad, let him remember the “magic talisman”, and it will certainly help to cope with gloomy thoughts.

Unusual food

Remember your childhood - probably in your kindergarten there was some special “masterpiece” of local chefs that gave you not the most pleasant feelings.

The notorious milk foam, jelly, milk porridge or onion soup - everyone has their own memories. Sometimes teachers try too hard to feed their charges,

They require you to eat everything down to the crumbs, at a fast pace - not everyone can do this either.


If your baby flatly refuses to eat in kindergarten, agree with the teachers so that they do not insist on this process.

After all, no child has ever voluntarily died of starvation. At home, in front of the garden, it is quite possible to do without breakfast - there is a better chance that by the time

After breakfast in kindergarten, the baby will have time to get hungry and want to try something from the common table.

If, according to gardening rules, a child is allowed to take some food from home, then let it be beautifully cut fruits (apples, pears), vegetables (cucumber or carrots), and a banana will do.

Try not to give your child sweets like candy or cookies; these delicacies, of course, can comfort you at first, but will cause an unhealthy stir in the group and completely ruin your appetite.

A stranger among his own

Sometimes it happens that a child, for some reason, does not fit into the children's group, continuing to keep to himself.

This may be an individual characteristic - each child simply has different needs for communication, some need to communicate more, others need to get by with a minimum of “business connections”.

But if your child has not found his niche in the children’s group for a year, and has spent all this time as if “behind a glass wall,” only observing the child’s life, you should contact a psychologist.


If it is difficult for a child to make friends with peers, you will have to, as always, take matters into your own hands. Try to gradually expand your social circle (both yours and your children’s).

Observe which of your child's classmates is the most attractive to you, and try to make friends with his parents. Invite them to visit more often.

Perhaps, at first, you will have to actively participate in their games so that your “savage” can gradually join them himself.

Another important moment of the transition period is to accustom the baby to the idea that it is not always only with his mother that he can be comfortable and interesting.

Ask your dad or grandma to come up with an exciting game with your child in your absence. A good option is an early development studio, where children gradually

join the children's team without losing touch with their mother. Other children and their games should be, from your point of view, a very attractive and enjoyable activity.

Draw your child's attention to

How fun and interesting it is for children together, how great they play.

What not to do

Give in to persuasion and provocation. If, despite all the children’s moans and pitiful lamentations, you still brought your child to the doors of the kindergarten,

but at the last moment your parental heart could not stand it and you turned back with your child - this is a very dangerous path. The baby will understand

that with tears and screaming he can achieve what he wants, and next time he will only have to slightly increase the volume and intensity of the crying.

Take your child to kindergarten every other day or a couple of times a week. In order for kindergarten to become an inevitable reality, the baby must appear there every day

(except weekends, of course). It's better to take him out of there early at first. It's okay if the first weeks or even months you don't

leave him there for an afternoon nap. Only when the child has fully adapted to the new living conditions, try to pick him up after his nap.

You yourself are afraid of separation from your child. Children are unusually sensitive. At some subconscious level, all our emotions are transmitted to them - both anxiety and calm.

A heartbreaking crying scene in the locker room is not the best way to start your little one's day. Let your child go with the confidence that he will be okay.

How to relieve stress in a child after a day in kindergarten?

The most common source of tension is publicity, the presence of a large number of strangers around. Therefore, it is good if after a day in kindergarten

the child has the opportunity to retire, to be in a separate room, behind a screen, in a doll’s corner, etc.

There is no need to ask him too intrusively about what happened - he will remember and tell him himself when he has rested.

The child may also miss his parents - so you should not, having brought him home, immediately rush to do household chores.

Let him sit on an adult’s lap, let him relax from the touches. Take some time to be alone with him, read or play.

Try not to rush too much when taking your child home - a small circle around the surrounding yards will allow him to switch to evening mode,

transition from kindergarten to home environment. It will be better if you do not accompany this conversation with any of your friends or

parents of other children - as a rule, children really appreciate walks together.

If your child is going to have additional classes, then it should be borne in mind that sports are more likely to contribute to overexcitation,

and relaxing activities in a calm rhythm such as needlework, modeling and other manual labor. Music school is also a big burden for a child,

prone to overexcitation.

And the best thing is to observe your own child - what he instinctively strives for when returning home (be it music, pets, an aquarium,

brother or sister, books) - this is the source of spontaneous psychotherapy for him.

Of course, you don’t need to run anywhere, and you don’t have to hide either, although you really want to, especially when your sunshine and bunny are rolling on the ground in hysterics and demanding another chocolate bar,

and with horror you catch yourself thinking: “This is not my child. Mine was a calm and obedient bunny, but this one.....”

No, dear parents, I can assure you, the child is yours. He’s just growing up and doesn’t yet know what to do with this “adulthood” and how to behave further.

Well, let's figure it out.

If the child answers “No” to any of your proposals, and before he did it with pleasure, if he strives to do everything himself, rejecting any of your help,

if he is rude to you and your grandparents, if he demands that you obey him through hysterics, whims, crying, if the child has become stubborn and obstinate - congratulations,

You are experiencing one of the most acute and important childhood crises: the crisis of three years.

Your child learns to be independent and independent, to defend his opinion. There is no need to punish or scold him, just help him.

Dear moms and dads, finally admit that your child has become an adult (almost has), and this means you need to learn to respect his opinion and desire to become independent.

If he wants to wash the floor, let him wash it. A damp cloth and a little water in a basin will not ruin the parquet.

Then, when the child falls asleep with a happy smile from the work done, you can wash the floor. The main thing here is that he did it HIMSELF.

Give your child a choice. “Will you eat borscht from a red or yellow plate?” You see, the fact that you have to eat your unloved borscht will go unnoticed.

Don't force, but ask. “Sunny, help me carry the package, otherwise it’s hard for me.” And the child will diligently help, and not try to run away from

mothers and closer to the roadway.

It is better to start getting dressed an hour before you are supposed to leave the house than to swear at your child later when he says that he will dress himself.

Time it right and avoid tantrums.

Never humiliate a child. Instead of “I told you that you won’t succeed!” say: “Well, of course, you won’t be able to button up yourself,

there are so many buttons here. I couldn’t do it right away either.”

The crisis of three years will not be so terrible if you approach it with patience and humor. Mom's former ponytail lets go of the hem of your skirt and goes off on its own.

Be happy for your baby, although what kind of baby is he now? He is already an independent little adult.

Appendix 3

MEMO “Seven Rules for Parents”

Dear parents!

You must understand that not a single, even the most wonderful, kindergarten can do everything for your children. Daycare is here to help you, not replace you.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 19

municipal formation Kanevsky district

in the form of an evening - meeting

senior group

Educator: Kostenko E.A.

Summary of a non-traditional parent meeting

in the form of an evening - meeting

“My family – what could be more valuable”

Senior group

Target: help parents and children understand the importance of family in a person’s life.

To form children's idea of ​​family.
- Foster love and respect for family members.

Create a favorable microclimate between parents, children and teachers for more effective work.

Introduce parents to their children’s opinions about family and happiness. Determine whether the opinions of parents and children coincide.

Strengthen your attachment to your family members.

Improve the status of the child and the family as a whole.
- Strengthening goodwill between parents and children.

Help build mutual understanding between parents and child.

Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.
- Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of dialogic, emotionally rich communication.

Preliminary preparation:survey of children on the topic “What is family for you”, learn poems and a song on the topic “My Family”,designing a wall newspaper “My Friendly Family”, preparing an invitation to a meeting together with children, holding thematic conversations with children about the family, preparing proverbs about the family, making memos for parents.

Parent meeting plan:
1. Opening speech by the teacher.
2. Game “Pass the ball and name your family members”

3. Statements by parents on the topic “What is a family”

4. Children's poems about family

5. Watching video

6. Outdoor game “My family is my home”

7. Proverbs and sayings about family

8. Training “Warmth of Family”

9. Outdoor game “Friendly Family”

10. Children's poems about family.

11. Parents’ work with a seven-flowered flower. Song sung by children

12. Game “Questions and Answers”

13. Productive activities of children and parents “Family at heart.”
14. Final part.

Equipment: ball, charade poster, video recording of children’s statements about family, multimedia installation, hoops, paper blanks “flower-seven-flowered,” drawing materials, soundtrack of songs “My Family”, “My Joy”

Homework:joint creativity - drawings "My beloved family"

Progress of the event:

Good evening dear parents. We are very glad to see you in our kindergarten.

Present day

We dedicate to the family

And a fun conversation

Let's start for you!

When we are together - you and me,
There is no sadness: the soul is at peace,
It's so good to have a family -
The most dear thing in the world!

The song “My Joy” sounds and the children enter.

- Today we will talk about family, about its importance in a person’s life.

Now I propose to play a performance game. We have a magic ball, you will take turns passing it around and talking about your family.(Parents and children introduce themselves and talk about their family members)

Educator: For a child, the family is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models and here his social birth takes place.

Dear parents, you are your child’s first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.

What do you think the concept of family means?(Parents' answers).

Educator: Family is, first of all, the closest and dearest people. They take care of you and give you love. The family is the support for the child. It’s very nice and joyful to receive and give love from your family!
- Each of us needs a place where you don’t have to pretend, where you won’t be deceived, where you feel calm and happy, where you rest your soul. This place is your family, your home. Who knows what word is encrypted on the poster?
(poster - charade)

Yes, that word is family.

How did the word "family" come about? Your children will tell you about this.

1 child:

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?
2nd child:

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people
1 child:

What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
2nd child:

- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family.

Educator: Do you want to know what your children think about what family is?(Parents watch a video of their children’s answers).

Educator: Our meeting continues!
Let's all play together! The adults will be the houses, and the children will run around and play to the music; as soon as the music stops, the children will hide in their houses. At this time, parents sit with open arms and wait for their children.

Educator: For a long time, home and family were spoken of with love and respect. Proverbs and sayings about family have come down to us from ancient times. Do you know proverbs about family? I'll start, and you continue.

The whole family is together... (so the soul is in place).

A family without children, what... (a watch without a weight).

A tree is held together by its roots... (and a person is held together by a family).

Where is love and advice... (there is no grief either).

What is the treasure for, if... (there is harmony in the family).

To cherish family - ... (to be happy).

Together it’s cramped... (but apart it’s boring).

A family is strong when... (one roof over it).

At a common table... (the food tastes better).

The family pot... (always boiling).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

There will be no good if... (there is enmity in the family).

The hut is not red in its corners, but red... (in its pies).

The family is in a heap, ... (not even a cloud is scary).

Children are not a burden, but a... (joy).

When the family is together and the heart... (in the same place).

You will find everything in the world, except... (father and mother).

The mother feeds the children like the earth... (people).

Everywhere is good... (but at home it’s better).

A person without a family is... (like a tree without fruit).

Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather... (does not know troubles).

Family is... (seven I).

Educator: Now we will conduct the “Warmth of Family” training.
Ask the child and parent to hold hands. Focus the child's attention. “What are mom (dad’s) hands like?” (warm, gentle, beautiful)
Ask the parent to feel the warmth of the child's hands.
Look at each other, smile, hug each other.

Educator: And now I suggest you find out how friendly your family is. Let's play the game "Friendly Family".

Mother and child have hoops in their hands. Dad runs first. He runs around the cone, comes back, takes mom with the hoop (dad, hoop, mom) and the two of them run. They run around the cone, come back, take the child with the hoop (dad, hoop, mom, hoop, child) and the three of them run. They run around the cone and return to their place. The team that comes running first wins.

Educator: Our kids have prepared poems about family, let's listen!

What is family?
I'll tell you a secret -
This is dad and mom
More precious than anyone in the world!

Two grandmothers, two grandfathers,
Parents and I -
This is how it works
An ordinary family. ...

What is family?

You ask me.

I will answer you with pleasure,

That family is home

My kindergarten is outside the window,

And family is a small Motherland!

Under the snowstorm and rain

They will warm us with warmth

And they will help in any situation

Mom's sweet eyes,

And father's smile

And cheesecakes and grandma’s buns!

We come into the world from family,

There are your roots,

Your long life begins.

And the foundation is our parental home,

And as a family, life goes on in the world.

Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny is preparing us a delicious lunch.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family.

Family is me

And they call me:

Kitten and honey, bunny, bird...

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves me and caresses me,

And there is nothing better than FAMILY!

Educator: Dear parents, there is a seven-flowered flower in front of you. Imagine that this is your child, tender and blooming. Write on the petals endearing derivatives of your child’s name or family nicknames. On the stem is the name you use to address your child when you are unhappy or angry with him.(Allow 2-3 minutes to fill out).

And while you write, the children will perform the song “My Family” for you.(text of the song by Larisa Grigorieva, words and music by Alexander Ermolov).

We give you a flower with your baby's name. Let it lie in the family album, because it is part of his life, and then it will become part of the history of your family.

Educator: Well, again we have a family game. It's called "Questions and Answers". I will ask you questions, and you and the children will answer.

1. Utensils for preparing soup.(POT) 2. Musical string Russian folk instrument(BALALAIKA)

3. The part of the day between day and night.(EVENING)

4. A small green animal that lives near water.(FROG)

5. Orange or yellow vegetable.(CARROT) 6. A piece of land surrounded on all sides by water.(ISLAND) 7. Mom's dad, in a word. (GRANDFATHER)

8. A vessel with a handle in which water is usually carried.(BUCKET) 9. A musical instrument with six or seven strings.(GUITAR) 10. The time of year that comes after spring.(SUMMER) 11. An animal with a long neck.(GIRAFFE) 12. A doctor who treats children.(PEDIATRICIAN) 13. Top of the tree.(CROWN) 14. Mom’s mother, in a word.(GRANDMOTHER)

Educator: Now I invite parents and children to sit at the tables and together draw their family on a heart. All drawing materials are on the tables.

Educator: Dear parents! Thank you for your active participation in our event.

I would like to end our evening meeting with this wonderful poem about family:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about you:

How nice your family is!

I wish you success and patience in raising your children. Peace, harmony and prosperity to your family.

And now I invite you to go to the exhibition of your joint works with children “My Beloved Family”.

Memo for parents

1. Express your love and understanding to your child. Hug him at least four times a day.

2. Don't be afraid to ask your child for advice - this will only bring you closer.

3. Try to have your child’s friends visit your home - you should know them well.

4. Discuss the problem that has arisen calmly, without shouting or irritation - then your child will not hide anything from you.

5. Be an example for your child, because the way you treat him now is how you will be treated in old age.
