Make a family tree. Video: draw your family tree

Each person should know the history of his family in order to have an idea of ​​his origin, status, historical value. However, not everyone knows about their relatives beyond their grandparents (in best case). Today it is becoming fashionable to draw up one's pedigree, the so-called family tree(the program will help to do this colorfully and visually). The tree is called this scheme due to the fact that many relatives "grow" from one person, like the crown of a tree.

What do you need to draw up a pedigree

The first step to compiling a family tree is. A program for building a family tree can help with this, in which possible family lines can be determined by last name. However, it is quite clear that it is difficult to find exactly your relative by last name, so additional information is needed to find the right person.

For each relative, a genealogical card is compiled, it contains a list of data that must be provided.

Sources of information about relatives

It is necessary to arm yourself with writing materials and turn to relatives in order to write down not only the last names, first names and patronymics of relatives known to them, but also places of residence and other information about the life of relatives, their social activities, and participation in global events.

With the information received, you can contact the archive and, for a fee, track data on the movements of members of the clan. For an archive employee, the date of birth and death of a person matters. If exact information is not known, at least an approximate period should be given.

The necessary information may be in old family records, so you need to turn to written sources. Older people have a penchant for writing important events, including information about ancestors. It is quite possible that in notebooks grandmothers can find their distant roots.

Basic and additional information in the family tree

The main, that is, mandatory information is data on birth and death, all other data received are called secondary.

The data obtained during the collection of information may be needed only at the stage of searching for relatives, however, special merits or status can be indicated directly next to the data about this person on the family tree. For example, information about the number of marriages at first glance may seem superfluous, but at the same time, if in each of the marriages children are born who are already relatives to each other, then if information about them is posted without mentioning each marriage, the tree will look incorrect.

How the tree building program works

The program for creating a family tree has several, which will be discussed later. Information is stored in a specific format, a single sample. Therefore, the program for compiling a family tree allows not only to enter data directly into this program, but also to import them from another.

In addition to basic information, the tree may contain photographs, dates of birth and death, other important information(at the discretion of the components).

The necessary data is entered into the program, after which the tree can be printed or saved in the most convenient form for the user. By compiling a family tree, the program allows not only to obtain necessary information, but also arrange it in original form. This allows you to make a tree original gift for relatives on any memorable holiday for the family. The program for compiling a family tree is not one, there are quite a few of them. And although the principle of their work is the same, for someone it may seem more convenient to use the program "Tree of Life", "GenoPro" or family tree Build. You can save data both within the program and use online compilation, and then the tree will be saved on a computer or other device.

Usually, the program allows you to create a family quickly enough, it has convenient, simple controls.

How can a family tree be represented?

The traditional way of presenting information is a diagram. A genealogical tree whose compilation program has several data saving form templates can fit a diagram into a tree or other colorful form. The scheme in which the coat of arms of the family will be placed looks much more solemn.

You can display the data as textual information, or you can add only photos, without captions. By the location of relatives in the diagram, one can understand certain people.

Data can be represented in a bottom-up schema mixed type, along the vertical axis.

Similarly, information can be presented on a horizontal plane, but with a large amount of data, it will not look visually.

In addition to the scheme, one of the types of information presentation is a table. Information in this form is more difficult to digest, however, this type of tree is also used.

Types of family trees

You can draw up a diagram from ancestors to descendants, for which they take the most distant ancestors and then branch off relatives from them. This allows you to find loved ones, for example, on the maternal side. IN this case The program builds the genealogical tree of the family in such a way that brothers and sisters, including cousins, will be located on the same line. This type of data representation is used quite often and is a classic

The program for creating a family tree also allows you to build a tree from certain person(component) to his ancestors. It is impossible to add such a table in the future, but it has a more complete form. In this form, the program compiles the genealogical tree, taking into account relatives both on the maternal and paternal lines.

You can add to the tree only the successors of the clan, that is, men. Such a tree has a linear appearance, but is much less common.

Most people sooner or later think about who their ancestors were: nobles, peasants, merchants, and maybe royal blood flowed in some persons. Perhaps the craving for the world of art is explained by the fact that great-great-grandfather was an artist? After such reasoning, some are determined to find out as much information as possible about their roots and make up their own. family tree. Some have enough information gleaned from the stories of relatives, while others go further, up to a trip to the land of the ancestors and visiting their burial places, because tombstones may well become sources of valuable data. Consider the nuances of information search and the principles of compiling a pedigree.

You should start by searching and collecting information about all your ancestors. This information can include their full name, dates of birth, marriage, service and death (its cause is also important, since it can be a hereditary disease), belonging to a class, place of work and position, the name of the educational institution that they graduated from, whether he was baptized, a description of his appearance and character, and so on. Ask your relatives about it, study the family archive (annotated photo diaries, letters, various testimonies, labor, military tickets, diplomas), make copies of all available documents. Systematize the information already received, you can start keeping a family tree book or painting, a search diary, which you can supplement with data obtained later. Thus, you will not get confused in the information found. You can also create a questionnaire for each of the found relatives, in which you will enter other information - religion, habits, data on awards and achievements in certain areas, hobbies, information about his friends and other items of your choice. You will need to look for the missing information in libraries at the place of residence of a certain ancestor, in federal and municipal archives, registry offices, military archives, historical sites and genealogical portals. Try to get extracts from the house registers, study parish metrics. In those archives that you cannot access on your own, you should send requests. And in local you can ask for help from the staff in compiling a genealogical certificate (for a fee). In cases where the search for an ancestor may be of historical value, contact the Russian Genealogical Society (Moscow, Sadovaya st., 18). If you cannot or do not want to search and collect information yourself, use the services of specialists in this field. Read more about this. You can order such a service. Keep in mind that this pleasure is quite expensive. After receiving all the data, proceed to compiling your pedigree. You can arrange it in several ways: in the form of a generational painting, a family tree or a table. It is worth resorting to the first option if you have collected a lot of information. Assign each line in it to a separate generation, and assign individual numbers to all members of the pedigree. The second option is simpler in the form of a tree. The founder of the genus serves as the root, and all the descendants serve as the trunk, branches and leaves. Facilitate the task free program Family Tree Builder. Download it from the official site. You can choose a schematic representation of a kind in the form of a table. Make a pedigree, starting from the proband - for whom it is done, that is, you. Depending on gender, mark with a circle (female) or a square (male) with an arrow. Next, put the symbols of siblings, in seniority, from left to right, connect them with a graphic yoke. Above, mark the parents by connecting them with a marriage line. Here (a little to the side) depict the symbols of their closest relatives or spouses. Then on your line point cousins ​​and cousins, then second cousins, etc., connect them with moms and dads. Draw a line of grandparents above the parents. Designate children and nephews under your row. Then continue on the ascending line.

A schematic representation of family ties in the form of a conditional symbolic tree is the genealogical tree of the family. Pedigree can be built in the form of a table or a tree.

Reasons for compiling family tree

One of milestones is motivation. There are many reasons that encourage people to make a family tree. Let's consider some of them:

Compilation methods

First of all, you need to choose a compilation method. Buildings with finding various papers and folders with a group of relatives are a thing of the past. Now on the Internet there are many other methods, specialized programs that help compose data about relatives and present it in a pleasant way. With the help of various online services, you can collect data about relatives. Then creation family tree becomes simple. Such services have one disadvantage: the sites exist for about 5 years and there is a possibility of its disappearance from the Internet with your data. The reasons may be different.

For more detailed work on the tree, it is more convenient to use programs from which information and data can be archived, saved, copied, processed on any device and be independent of the Internet. There are paid and free programs.

One such program that has received good reviews is The Tree of Life, which reveals the technology for compiling family tree families.

Although this program has small limitations in the free version, it allows you to familiarize yourself with its actions: create a tree, calculate related degree, save information, videos, photos and other information about the life of relatives. Install this program on your computer and start compiling.

Program "Family Chronicle" will also help in compiling a family tree in the form of a tree in a colorful way. Here you can also save photos and documents.

Want to create a pedigree in a tabular, graphical form? Then the Geno Pro program will help you.

Step by step compilation

You need to create a family tree from yourself. Enter information about yourself into the downloaded program, and then about the next of kin. Photographs will help to supplement the information entered.

Start arranging personal meetings with relatives, taking a voice recorder with you. A lot of information can be obtained by talking. It is advisable to talk with each relative in private so that there is no confusion. Visiting the oldest relatives should be the first step, as their verbal recollections are invaluable.

It will be very convenient if you make a questionnaire before starting the conversation. What questions will be included there?

  1. Last name, first name.
  2. birth metric.
  3. Events from life (weddings, birthdays, death).
  4. Photos (scanned or re-photographed vintage photographs from albums).
  5. Place of Birth.
  6. Professions.

With those who live in other places, you can communicate via Skype. This is a good option as it saves time. When there is a shortage of data, you can always turn to the Internet. Respondents themselves can also be of great help.

In the event that certain relatives are not alive, archive employees will help. The information received must be well checked, since there are many namesakes.

Construction schemes

Thus, the material is collected, it is possible to build a genealogical tree of the family. When using a specialized program, do as it prompts. If you want to do it yourself, think carefully about the work plan, since there are several types of construction.

So, for self-construction, take a drawing paper, place in the center of the one for whom the tree is being compiled. Divide the sheet into two parts: left (for paternal relatives) and right (for relatives with maternal side). Glue an envelope under the names and insert notes and additional photos about this person there.

When choosing a scheme in the form of a tree in an ascending line, the trunk will symbolize the main person, from which branches will depart in different directions. Important is the concept that the person represented in the diagram represents a separate family branch. Place parents on large branches, grandparents on smaller ones. It is possible to put a certain person on each leaf. There are no limits to the imagination for creating and decorating a tree. The main thing is to maintain the accuracy of the information.

Family tree: image options

There are several types of family tree diagrams. This:

  1. Butterfly is a convenient method for placing on the wall. The key figures are the spouses, whose parents are on the sides, and the children are below.
  2. Branches (ancestors). Your child is the key figure, and from him all the ancestors that you have found diverge. For the premises, it is the most popular scheme.
  3. Roots (descendants). Such a scheme is a good gift relative. The common ancestor is the key figure. In this diagram, all the brothers and sisters of the ancestor are clearly visible.
  4. The hourglass will a chic gift for grandparents. The key figure is grandma or grandpa. Put their ancestors on top, and their descendants on the bottom.
  5. Fan - is a convenient compressed form that does not take much time. Here are perfectly visible important parental connections.

From old, yellowed photographs, beautiful and intelligent faces look at us - the faces of our ancestors. But already after two or three generations we forget who these people are, who they are to us, what they mean in our lives. In order not to lose the connection of generations, it is important to learn how to work with your pedigree correctly.

A small introduction: a useful habit is to write down

The memory of a family is not only photographs, this can be said about any carefully kept family little thing. Old coal samovar modern desk looks ... nice. But it is a completely different matter if the history of the samovar is based on living stories of ancestors! Therefore, it makes sense to make a habit: write down the stories of grandparents, moms and dads, great-grandparents, uncles and aunts. Great-grandchildren may not have time to personally meet great-grandfathers. But the younger generation will still be able to recognize them if there are audio or video recordings in which relatives remain alive and healthy, talking about their lives.

We create the basis of the pedigree

This is how professional ethnographers record information in live communication. But how to create the very basis on which you can put on the clothes of oral stories, family traditions? Where to get information exact dates, names and positions? The answer is simple - in the archives, and help can be found on social networks, where many groups of genealogy enthusiasts are active.

How to draw a family tree

Novice researchers may have difficulties with graphically correct design information. Therefore, today we will touch on this topic.

First of all, decide who will be the "end consumer" of information. From a psychological point of view, it is important to start introducing the child to questions of his pedigree from the very beginning. early childhood, kindergarten and even toddlers, gradually changing the form of presenting information.

It is for a child of preschool or primary school age that the “artistic” version of the family tree is more suitable, when a real tree is drawn, real leaves on its branches. However, it is not necessary to draw - design options depend on individual tastes, creative preferences and fantasies, you can download from the network and a ready-made template.

But here comes the problem - most family tree diagrams are wrong!

For example, look at this diagram that we found on the Internet

Outwardly, it looks understandable to a child, but even a baby can ask a logical question: “Why am I the root, and the branches “mother” and “dad” grow out of me? In fact, it's the other way around!"

Indeed, on the contrary! The general pattern of building genealogical trees is that the roots depict the first of the ancestors known to us, the most distant in time from us.

Family tree English queen Victoria

Another rule of scientific genealogy is that trees are built in the male line.

For example, the children of married women are depicted on the tree of their father, that is, the husband of this woman; they are not marked on the family tree of the parental family of this woman.

Important: it is on the male line that in our tradition all types of fixing genealogy are built: genealogical schemes, and generational paintings, and already described genealogical trees. The rest in the design of the family tree is a matter of creativity.

On the family tree about each person, you should write the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and death, if the person is no longer alive.

How to build a family tree

The principle of constructing a genealogical scheme in general terms resembles working with a family tree. Creativity, of course, is less - there is no picturesqueness, artistry of a genealogical tree.

But from the point of view spatial organization information is important differences: the family tree is necessarily built from the bottom up, and the scheme can be ascending (bottom to top), descending (top to bottom) and even lateral (left to right).

Generation painting

In my opinion, for an adult conducting pedigree research, the most convenient form of fixation new information- generational painting. For teenagers, the ability to make generational paintings can also become a bright addition to the course of Russian history.

So, generational painting is attractive precisely because it allows you to completely painlessly make additions about any person, without violating the structure and design. Its other advantage is that it is generational painting that allows you to record absolutely any available information about a person. Standardization in it concerns only the structure of the location of relatives.

Let me explain this with an example - a fragment of the generational painting of the Zakharovs.

I generation.

1. Kuzma Zakharov. A tradesman in the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir province.

II generation.

2 - 1. Alexander Kuzmich Zakharov *31.05.182[i]. Lived in Vyazniki, Vladimir province.

Zh. Evlampia Alekseevna Zakharova *1837

3 - 1. Lyubov Kuzminichna Zakharova *1824

III generation.

4 - 2. Ivan Aleksandrovich Zakharov *1.06.1857

A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province, a tradesman. Ivan Alexandrovich's father's name was Alexander Kozmin (Kuzmich) Zakharov, he was a Vyaznikovsky tradesman. On July 24, 1883, Ivan Alexandrovich and Praskovya Nikolaevna entered into marriage, for both he was the first. The Sacrament was performed by Priest Konstantin Veselovsky with Deacon John Smirnov in the Trinity Church in Vyazniki, about which an act entry No. 21 was made in the register of births. The guarantors for the groom were the Vyaznikovsky bourgeois Mikhail Pavlovich Figurnov and Alexander Pavlovich Davydov, and for the bride - the Vyaznikovsky tradesman Nikolai Chirkov and the Vyaznikovsky merchant Stepan Ivanovich Krasavtsev [v]. In Tomsk, I.A. Zakharov was a confidant of the merchant Gadalov.

Zh. Zakharova (Vsekhvalnova) Praskovya Nikolaevna *1848 (or 1860, 1861) +15.03.1942

Philistine. The daughter of the Vyaznikovsky district of the village of Novoselki, the peasant Nikolai Yegorovich Vsekhvalnov. She was born in Vyazniki, Vladimir province, and got married there. Subsequently, between 1890 and January 1894, she and her husband moved to Tomsk. She was a housewife and raised children. In total, she had 12 children, but only 6 survived to adulthood. After 1917, she lived all the time with the family of her daughter Maria Ivanovna. She died of heart disease and old age in the city of Tomsk, about which there is entry No. 903 dated March 16, 1942.

5 - 2. Fedor Aleksandrovich Zakharov *11/18/1872 +6/25/1906

A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province, a tradesman. He was the recipient at the baptism of his niece - Maria Ivanovna. Died June 25, 1906. He was buried on June 27, 1906.

6 - 2. Vasily Alexandrovich Zakharov *18.01.1863

A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province. On July 25, 1871, he received a residence permit in Tomsk for a period of 11 months as a private of the Vyaznikovsky district regiment[x]. There is no information about his departure in the Alphabetical Book of Temporary Residents in the City of Tomsk.

7 - 2. Evdokia Alexandrovna Zakharova

[i] State Archive of the Vladimir Region, f. 391, op. 3, d.2, l. 177 rev. - 178

[x] State Archives Tomsk region, f. 104, op. 1, d.1014, l. 39rev.

Roman numerals denote generations. Number one is the generation of the most distant known ancestor. Each person is assigned a serial number, denoted by an Arabic numeral. In this fragment, the serial numbers are brought up to seven. Second Arabic numeral, after the dash, is the ordinal number of the person's father. Yes, in this example there is a personality:

6 - 2. Vasily Alexandrovich Zakharov *18.01.1863

He has serial number 6, is the son of Alexander Kuzmich Zakharov, who has serial number 2, was born on January 18, 1863. The source of this information is indicated below the footnotes. Wives do not have their serial numbers and are denoted by the letter "F". So, Zakharova (Vsekhvalnova) Praskovya Nikolaevna is the wife of Ivan Aleksandrovich Zakharov.

Appetite comes with eating. It is quite possible that, having taken up the compilation of a family tree or generational painting with your child this summer, you will want to ask your questions. In Novosibirsk since 1994 there is public organization- Novosibirsk Historical Genealogical Society, which unites like-minded people and provides methodological assistance in compiling a genealogy. The society is represented by a group in the social network VKontakte

Each person must know the history of his family in order to have an idea of ​​​​his origin, status, historical value. However, not everyone knows about their relatives beyond their grandparents (at best). Today, it is becoming fashionable to draw up your family tree, the so-called family tree (the program will help you do this colorfully and visually). This scheme is called a tree due to the fact that many relatives “grow” from one person, like the crown of a tree.

What do you need to draw up a pedigree

The first step to compiling a pedigree is gathering information. A program for building a family tree can help with this, in which possible family lines can be determined by last name. However, it is quite clear that it is difficult to find exactly your relative by last name, so additional information is needed to find the right person.

For each relative, a genealogical card is compiled, it contains a list of data that must be provided.

Sources of information about relatives

It is necessary to arm yourself with writing materials and turn to relatives in order to write down not only the last names, first names and patronymics of relatives known to them, but also places of residence and other information about the life of relatives, their social activities, and participation in global events.

With the information received, you can contact the archive and, for a fee, track data on the movements of members of the clan. For an archive employee, the date of birth and death of a person matters. If exact information is not known, at least an approximate period should be given.

The necessary information may be in old family records, so you need to turn to written sources. Older people have a tendency to write down important events, including information about ancestors. It is possible that in the notebooks of grandmothers you can find your distant roots.

Basic and additional information in the family tree

The main, that is, mandatory information is data on birth and death, all other data received are called secondary.

The data obtained during the collection of information may be needed only at the stage of searching for relatives, however, special merits or status can be indicated directly next to the data about this person on the family tree. For example, information about the number of marriages at first glance may seem superfluous, but at the same time, if in each of the marriages children are born who are already relatives to each other, then if information about them is posted without mentioning each marriage, the tree will look incorrect.

How the tree building program works

The program for creating a family tree has several forms of information presentation, which will be discussed further. Information is stored in a specific format, a single sample. Therefore, the program for compiling a family tree allows not only to enter data directly into this program, but also to import them from another.

In addition to basic information, the tree may contain photographs, dates of birth and death, and other important information (at the discretion of the components).

The necessary data is entered into the program, after which the tree can be printed or saved in the most convenient form for the user. Compiling a family tree, the program allows not only to obtain the necessary information, but also to arrange it in its original form. This allows you to make the tree an original gift for relatives on any memorable holiday for the family. The program for compiling a family tree is not one, there are quite a few of them. And although the principle of their work is the same, for someone it may seem more convenient to use the program "Tree of Life", "GenoPro" or Family Tree Builde. You can save data both within the program and use online compilation, and then the tree will be saved on a computer or other device.

Usually, the program allows you to compile a genealogical family tree fairly quickly, it has convenient, simple controls.

How can a family tree be represented?

The traditional way of presenting information is a diagram. A genealogical tree whose compilation program has several data saving form templates can fit a diagram into a tree or other colorful form. The scheme in which the coat of arms of the family will be placed looks much more solemn.

You can display the data as textual information, or you can add only photos, without captions. By the location of relatives in the diagram, you can understand the degree of relationship of certain people.

The data can be represented as an ascending mixed type chart, along the vertical axis.

Similarly, information can be presented on a horizontal plane, but with a large amount of data, it will not look visually.

In addition to the scheme, one of the types of information presentation is a table. Information in this form is more difficult to digest, however, this type of tree is also used.

Types of family trees

You can draw up a diagram from ancestors to descendants, for which they take the most distant ancestors and then branch off relatives from them. This allows you to find loved ones, for example, on the maternal side. In this case, the program builds the genealogical tree of the family in such a way that brothers and sisters, including cousins, will be located on the same line. This type of data representation is used quite often and is a classic

The program for creating a family tree also makes it possible to build a tree from a specific person (component) to his ancestors. It is impossible to add such a table in the future, but it has a more complete form. In this form, the program compiles the genealogical tree, taking into account relatives both on the maternal and paternal lines.

You can add to the tree only the successors of the clan, that is, men. Such a tree has a linear appearance, but is much less common.

Make your own family tree

We continue the section "Needlework" and the subsection "Do it yourself" with the article Do the family tree yourself. The article is based on a presentation in PowerPoint, which can be downloaded from the link almost at the end of the article. From the same link, you can also download the source code for creating a family tree with your own hands.

Make a family tree yourself - this is a thematic interesting article that continues the subsection "Genealogy", where we touched on genealogy from a business point of view. But it is not necessary to make money on this (or lose it) on genealogy, especially since any family can carry out the main operations on their own. By the way, for reference:

Many psychologists, according to professional observations, describe those who do not know their relatives and their family history as less confident in life and having, as a rule, big internal problems. Knowledge of the pedigree certainly includes knowledge of the interpretation of your last name. Still, it does not hurt to know in detail what our personal identifier is, what we hear every day and pass on to our children as a legacy.

There are several ways to make a family tree of a family on your own. Of these, the most common are:

  1. The first way is to make it virtually, on a computer.
  2. The second is to make it in reality, from a variety of improvised materials.

We will describe both methods, and start with the first.

Creation of a virtual family tree.

There are also options here. One of them is to turn to the many free and not so free sites and communities where you can register and create your own tree with pleasure and using the built-in tools. Some communities even offer the feature of "traversing" various members' family trees in order to find relatives.

The second option is to create a family tree using an editor on a computer (Photoshop, Corel, Paint). As a help, you can use the article "Computer collage". As well as the following sequence of actions:

  1. We go on the Internet and look for a suitable picture with a tree to carry out the task. In a few days (weeks) you will find many different options, some of which will form the basis of your design creation.
  2. Next, we methodically prepare photographs of our relatives. In this case, it is advisable to limit yourself to direct ancestors and their spouses, otherwise you will have to look for a completely different picture of the tree.
  3. Then we place them on the tree using any graphics program where you enjoy working. You can add captions under the photos, even mark the place of birth or some historical events (for example, resettlement and connection with a noble family).
  4. You can also drag a timeline along the side of the tree. This will very clearly show the development of the genus against the backdrop of history. You can also add your family coat of arms (if you have already acquired one), rare family photos, a small reference about the history of the family, a link to your personal website on the Internet.

That is, by showing imagination and a little time, you can make a beautiful family tree on a computer. And then - if desired - print it on a large sheet of paper. But this can be problematic, because professional printing involves large resolutions of drawings and photographs (300 pixels per inch), and if pictures and photographs are of a lower resolution, then they may not look very beautiful on print. Therefore, in this case, if you want to materialize a family tree, it is better to use the following sequence.

Creating a real family tree

In this case, you are doing nothing more than a collage, so to improve the quality of your work, you can use the articles " Beautiful card in 5 minutes" and "Collage - how to make?". And below is an example of creating a family tree from a piece of wallpaper, felt, photographs and patience. You will also need thick cardboard according to the size of the wallpaper, double-sided tape and glue.

The sequence of creating a real family tree is very simple:

  1. Draw the outlines of the tree (roots, trunk and branches) on the felt with soap and cut it out.
  2. Cut a piece of 50 x 60 cm from the wallpaper. Stick the cut wallpaper on the cardboard with glue or double-sided tape.
  3. Place a felt tree on top and glue all of its thin parts with glue.
  4. Cut off the excess protruding parts to the size of the base. Color your photo frames spray paint, placing them in a box with high sides to protect the room from splashes.
  5. Stand half-finished collage in the frame. Glue green yarn (thread, felt) imitating foliage to the top of the tree with glue.
  6. Insert photos into frames. Position them in the middle of the collage. Place children's photos at the top, and photos of grandparents at the bottom. Glue all frames to the family tree with glue.

Thus, the family tree is prepared very simply.

The question remains - how to fill the family tree?

Well, the simplest option is three generations:

  • grandparents
  • mom-dad
  • and children.

But you can make it even tougher. You can dig a little in the archives (old grandmother's photo albums) and conduct interviews (talk to grandparents). Usually such a conversation makes it possible to go 4-5 generations deep.

And finally, we suggest you download a small presentation (fully automatic) about the family tree. Simple and understandable (because for children) the basic terms are explained and the sequence of creating a family tree with source codes is given. You can download the presentation here: genealogical tree.

By the way, for reference:

  • The father-in-law is the husband's father.
  • The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  • Swat is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • A matchmaker is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  • The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband.
  • The brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
  • Shurich (obsolete) - the son of a brother-in-law.
  • Sister-in-law - wife's sister.
  • Kum is the godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.
  • Kuma is the godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

For more detailed help:

  1. Grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.
  2. Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
  3. Godfather - son godfather.rat cross, brother on the cross, brother named - persons who exchanged pectoral crosses.
  4. Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
  5. Bratanikha - the wife of a cousin.
  6. Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.
  7. Bratova - brother's wife.
  8. Bratelnitsa - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
  9. Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.
  10. A widow is a woman who has not remarried after the death of her husband.
  11. A widower is a man who has not remarried after the death of his wife.
  12. Grandson - son of daughter, son; as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
  13. Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son, daughter; as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
  14. Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  15. A grandfather is the father of a mother or father.
  16. The godfather is the godfather's father.
  17. Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.
  18. Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
  19. A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
  20. The daughter named is adopted, pupil.
  21. Dshcherich is the nephew of his aunt.
  22. Dschersha - niece by aunt.
  23. Uncle - appointed to care for and supervise the child.
  24. An uncle is the brother of the father or mother.
  25. Wife - married woman towards her husband.
  26. Bridegroom - conspiring his bride.
  27. Zolovitsa, sister-in-law, zolova - husband's sister, sometimes brother's wife, daughter-in-law.
  28. Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, sister-in-law.
  29. Godfather, godfather - see: Godfather, Godmother.
  30. A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
  31. The godmother, the mother of the cross - the recipient at the rite of baptism.
  32. Mother named - mother adopted, pupil.
  33. Dairy mother - mother, nurse.
  34. Mother planted - a woman replacing at a wedding mother groom.
  35. Stepmother - another wife of the father, a stepmother.
  36. Husband - married man towards his wife.
  37. The daughter-in-law is the son's wife.
  38. A father is a male person in relation to his children.
  39. The godfather is the godfather at the font.
  40. The named father is the father of the adopted child, the pupil.
  41. The father is courteous, the father is planted, the father is mummers - a person acting instead of native Father at the wedding.
  42. The father is the eldest in the generation.
  43. Stepfather - another husband of the mother, stepfather.
  44. Otchinnik, stepchich - son, heir.
  45. A stepdaughter is a daughter from another marriage in relation to a stepparent.
  46. A stepson is a step-son of one of the spouses.
  47. A nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
  48. A niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
  49. Plemyash - relative, relative.
  50. The progenitors are the first couple known by pedigree, from which the genus originates.
  51. Ancestor - the parent of a great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother.
  52. The ancestor is the first known representative of the genus from which the genealogy is conducted.
  53. Matchmaker, matchmaker - the parents of the young and their relatives in relation to each other.
  54. The father-in-law is the husband's father.
  55. The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  56. Owner - a person who is family relations by husband, wife.
  57. In-laws are people who are married to two sisters.
  58. Cousin-in-laws are persons who are married to cousins.
  59. The sister is the daughter of the same parents.
  60. A sister is a cousin, the daughter of a mother's or father's sister.
  61. Sister, sister, sister - cousin.
  62. Sister, sister - the son of a mother's or father's sister, a sister's nephew.
  63. Daughter-in-law, son-in-law - son's wife, daughter-in-law.
  64. A woman in relationship is the wife of a brother-in-law, the wife of two brothers in relation to each other, a daughter-in-law.
  65. Spouse - husband.
  66. The wife is the wife.
  67. A son is a male person in relation to his parents.
  68. The son of the godfather (godson) is a male person in relation to the godfather.
  69. The son named is adopted, pupil.
  70. Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  71. Aunt, aunt - the sister of the father or mother.
  72. The mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  73. brother-in-law - brother wives.
  74. Grandchildren, grandchildren - about kinship coming from the third generation (also second cousin) or even further.
  75. Cousin - about kinship coming from the second tribe.
  76. Blood - about kinship within the same family.
  77. Homogeneous - about the origin from one father.
  78. One womb - about the origin of one mother.
  79. Full-begotten - about the origin from the same parents.
  80. Pra is a prefix meaning kinship in a distant ascending or descending order.
  81. Married - about origin from the same parents, but born before marriage, and then recognized.
  82. Native - about the origin from the same parents.
  83. Consolidated - about the origin from different parents.
  84. Adopted - a male person in relation to the adoptive parents.
  85. Adopted - a female person in relation to adoptive parents.

How the whole process of compiling a pedigree will go depends on your desires and capabilities. The results will in many ways be the embodiment of your zeal, ability to establish contacts and "detective" thinking. In any case, all information will be of great value not only for you, but for all subsequent generations of your large family. It is so important to remember those who were, to care for those who are and to think about those who will be.

Good luck compiling a family tree with your own hands!

How to draw a family tree

Looking through childhood photos or listening to the stories of parents, you may involuntarily become interested in your pedigree. Even in ancient times, it was composed in the form family tree: This is a convenient option for presenting information. Drawing up a family tree is even given to schoolchildren, so you need to know how to make a family tree with your own hands.

What is a family tree

The very concept of "family tree" is a list of people who are related by kinship. The enumeration occurs according to a hierarchy based on the years of life of people and how they relate to each other. On the trunk of a tree, a married couple is indicated, standing at the head of the clan. Then their children, grandchildren and cousins, sisters. The generations are on the same level. This option is classic when the construction goes from ancestors to descendants.

In addition to the main option, how to draw a family tree, there are several more:

  1. Personally from myself. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives act as branches. This is convenient in that the whole family is indicated along the line of only one person. It will be difficult to supplement such a tree.
  2. family tree. In this case, relatives on the paternal or maternal side may be indicated separately, because the surnames of the spouses before marriage were different.

There are many websites on the Internet where you can find special family tree templates. After downloading and printing them, you just need to fill in the empty spaces with photos of relatives according to the specified location. It will look more neat if you use Photoshop. To do this, open the template in this program and insert photos there. The recommended layout format is png. This is an extension for pictures, which is very convenient to work with in Photoshop.

DIY family tree

How to draw a family tree with your own hands? To do this, it is better to divide the work into several stages. The first step is to find out about all relatives. This is the most crucial stage, because the amount of information depends on how complete the finished database will be. If you suddenly miss someone, then the meaning of the tree will be partially lost. If the collection of information was successful, then it remains to choose the option of constructing a scheme - personally from oneself, from the founder of the clan, or several surnames at once.

Before compiling your family tree, it is worth making a preliminary diagram of all relatives, distributing them according to the degree of relationship. The main thing is to decide on how many generations you plan to go back. For owners of a large family, it is better to limit yourself to the closest relatives and not to enter great-uncles and grandparents, otherwise you can expand the family tree and make side branches in it. They will serve to record more distant relatives - cousins, sisters, grandparents.

There are a lot of concepts of kinship: in addition to blood, they reflect marriage or spiritual connection. In the first case, people have a common ancestor, in the second they are married, and the third includes such forms of kinship as nepotism and twinning. The main one is consanguineous - several degrees of kinship are distinguished in it. One of them is a generation, the chain of which already makes up the line.

Such a chain includes as many degrees as there were births in the family, i.e. son or daughter - the first degree, grandson or granddaughter - the second, etc. Each of them must follow each other in order. It turns out that the construction goes on by generations - from the oldest to the youngest, or vice versa, in the case of the implementation of the scheme personally from oneself. On the main branch, all siblings, grandparents should be indicated, and already on the side branches - cousins ​​​​or second cousins. So the distance between relatives will reflect the distance of their relationship.

How to build a family tree

If exemplary scheme with a list of relatives is ready, you need to decide how best to draw a family tree. There are several options here:

  1. Classic, when the main bearer of the surname is indicated at the bottom of the trunk. In most cases, this is a married couple, such as grandparents or great-grandparents (you can go even further). Further, all their children, grandchildren and other relatives are indicated in order. It is better to place your line on the main branch, i.e. the one by which you will come to your parents and specifically yourself. In the lateral branches there will be cousins ​​​​and second cousins.
  2. Personal tree. In this option, you yourself are the basis, i.e. compiler family tree. Next come the parents, grandparents on both lines, and so on. This will be the main thread. On the side, it is worth reflecting the sisters or brothers of the parents, their children, grandchildren, etc.
  3. Family tree. This option is the most voluminous of all. Here you can reflect several names at once. It is interesting for the compiler himself to trace the line of father and mother. Before marriage, they had different surnames, but in relation to their children they have the same degree of relationship. For this reason, it is interesting to arrange the tree so that one half of the branches reflects the relatives of the father, and the other - the mother.

Learn how to find relatives by last name.

How to make a family tree in graphic editors

There are special programs for compiling a family tree. Some of them are free online services where you can order or arrange your own blank sample with space for photos. It remains only to add pictures, download and, if necessary, print. Another option is to download a graphics editor to your computer and work in it. Among such programs, SimTree, RootsMagic, GenoPro, Family Tree Builder, GRAMPS stand out. Russian counterpart stands "Tree of Life".

Each of the programs has a set of specific functions that help draw and then print a tree. Most of them already have templates to fill out. They are a table with cells or a picture. Some applications even offer to attach not only photos, but also audio or video recordings. For each family member, it is proposed to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates the basic data about him up to a description of his appearance or interesting facts biographies.

How to draw a family tree of a family with your own hands

You need to start with how many and what generations you plan to draw. This is necessary in order to know in advance the number of branches on the tree. After this step, use the instructions on how to draw a family tree:

  1. Draw a thick trunk, using a soft simple pencil so that you can erase the excess.
  2. Depending on the type of tree, make an inscription at the base of the trunk, where indicate full name one or more people. It can be parents, grandparents, or your child or yourself.
  3. Next, draw branches a little higher for the rest of the relatives. Arrange them correctly - so that each next generation is slightly higher than the previous one.
  4. Draw as many branches as you know relatives. Consider the size of your sheet so that all those you want to specify fit.
  5. After finishing placing all the relatives, erase the extra lines, and circle the necessary ones in bolder. At the end of the design, use colored pencils to make the drawing brighter.

Find out how kapron dolls are made.

Video: how to create a family tree of a family

How to make a family tree of a family: how to work, tips, diagrams and videos

The issue of compiling a genealogical family tree has always been considered relevant. However, few people try to solve it on their own. They are afraid of not knowing their genealogy, which is a big mistake. Without understanding anything in this matter, you can try to solve it. Why is this necessary, you ask?

First, to know the history of a kind. Secondly, it is a way to find out about all your relatives. Perhaps one of your ancestors was a great scientist, a famous politician, or just a popular person. And why not: satisfy your curiosity. Consider below the solution to the question: how to correctly compose a family tree of the family.

How to make a family tree

In the era of technological development, it is not difficult to make a family tree. You need to go to the Internet, select the necessary program and install it on your computer. Good feedback received the "Tree of Life" program, which reveals in detail all the technology, how to correctly compile a family tree.

Tree of Life program

So what's the first step to take? Start with yourself. Open the downloaded program for compiling a family tree, enter data about yourself into it, then about your immediate environment. Complete the information provided with photographs. It happens that there is too little known data. Then you should go to a meeting of a personal nature. If you have a voice recorder, take it with you.

  1. The meeting should be individual, everyone should not be gathered together, this can lead to controversy, a long discussion. Unnecessary conversations, noisy disputes will only take time, upset the nerves, make it difficult, and not help, to find the answer to the question: how to correctly draw up a family tree.
  2. Start your survey with the older generation. They have a lot of knowledge. Old people will plunge deeply into the past. For efficient use of time, so as not to overwork them, make a list of questions in advance. An example of a questionnaire might be:
  • place, date of birth;
  • when, where did you study;
  • where and when they worked;
  • with whom they were in a marriage relationship;
  • how many children, their names, dates of birth;
  • where, when he died, if someone is no longer alive;
  • and so on in the same way.

If someone has skype, communication can be built using this program. This will save time. And yes, it's not always possible to visit everyone. By communicating along the chain, moving from one to another, you can find all the relatives. If some data is missing, there is always the Internet. You just need to know who to look for information about.

good help in the search for all relatives, the respondents themselves can help. The story about the family tree should interest them, I think everyone is interested in learning how to correctly compose a family tree.

There are times when many relatives have died, then the employees of the archives will provide assistance. You can make a request there via the Internet or go and dig through the papers on the spot.

All information received must be carefully checked so that no mistake occurs, since there are many namesakes.

Scheme for compiling a family tree

So, the material necessary for work has been collected, you can begin to build a family tree diagram. When using the downloaded program, follow the suggested prompts. When you decide to do without the help of the program, to do everything yourself, think about your work plan, the principle that you will follow.

There are several options for building a family tree diagram:

Paternal scheme

  • from the mother's side;
  • descending tree;
  • ascending tree.

Upstream scheme

You can build a pedigree in the form of a tree or a table.

When everything is thought over, take a drawing paper and get to work. The one for whom the scheme is being drawn up should be placed in the center. Divide the sheet into two parts, leave the left for relatives on the father's side, the right for relatives from the mother's side. Under each last name, glue a pocket or an envelope where you put notes about this person, additional photographs.

Family tree variant

When they took up the scheme along the ascending line, and chose its appearance in the form of a tree, then the main person will symbolize the trunk. From him to different sides branches depart. Large ones are parents, those that are smaller are grandparents. On each leaflet, you can put a certain person. Fantasy when creating a tree has no boundaries. The main thing is to preserve the accuracy of the data, not to distort it.

Before starting work, you need to carefully consider everything, study this issue from all sides. Then such work can easily turn into a hobby.

Genealogical family tree - free program

Convenient and to a certain extent free program for self-creation family pedigree tree. The program is integrated with its own website, which helps to search for relatives in family trees built by other users.

Each family, if you search well, will undoubtedly find a very long and interesting history. However, not everyone can remember this story. Moreover, the average person does not even remember all of his relatives.

Usually such a memory is limited to memories of grandparents (maximum, about someone from the great-) ... But the history of a family can stretch its roots far into the depths of bygone centuries, and sometimes even millennia !!! On the basis of interest in ancestors, the science of genealogy appeared - a systematic collection of information about the origin, succession and relationship of surnames and genera. In more broad sense- the science of family ties at all.

You don't have to be a scientist to do genealogy. Today, anyone can capture and trace the history of their family. To do this, you need to have some knowledge about your ancestors, a computer and one of the special programs.

I suggest using the Family Tree Builder program as an example. This free app allows you not only to capture your family tree, but even find your relatives by comparing the genealogical trees of other participants in the international project, to which the program provides access.

On this moment the Family Tree Builder project competes with another international genealogical project, the Family Tree Maker:

Comparison of the program Family Tree Builder with a paid analogue Family Tree Maker

The paid project has a slightly larger database, but Family Tree Builder quickly catches up with the competitor by providing the opportunity for each user to post information about themselves on a personal site! Thus, it can be considered not only as a separate program, but also as a kind of social network.

However, to access it, you still need to install the application, so now let's do just that.

Installing Family Tree Builder

Open the downloaded archive and run the installer. In the first window, we will be asked to choose one of 35 languages:

Select "Russian" and click "Ok", after which the standard application installation wizard will appear, in which you specify the necessary parameters, following the prompts.

If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the installation you will see the following window:

To continue the work, we will need to go through the free registration procedure on the project website. This will allow you to access features such as publishing your family tree online and searching for relatives.

During the registration process, you will need to fill out several forms. The first one is mandatory:

Here you need to enter your personal data, address Email(serves as a login to enter the project) and a password to access your account. In the second questionnaire, you can optionally fill in the fields with information about your place of residence, after which the registration will be completed, about which you will be informed in the window that opens.

Launching Family Tree Builder

Before starting the program directly, you will be offered to pay for a premium account:

For more than $6 a month, we are offered an improved search for relatives, extended versions of the publication of family tree charts, as well as the ability to independently work with maps and labels on them. In addition, among other bonuses, the restriction on the number of entries in the family tree (online) is removed and the space for your family site on the Internet is increased.

However, you can do without any frills and continue using the free version of the program by clicking the appropriate link (see the screenshot above).

Program interface

And now the Family Tree Builder working window will open directly in front of us:

When you first start the program will often give us advice on how to create a new family tree project, which will allow you to quickly get used to it. First, we need to select the “Create a new genealogical project” item, and then give it a name in English (it can be transliterated).

On this preparatory stage will be completed. Now the program will offer to add a family with which the family tree will begin:

To do this, click on the corresponding button in working area and follow the prompts of the wizard that appears. In the first window, you will need to enter information about the husband and wife created family:

Here, pay attention to the button with the image of a light bulb near the “Place” item. By clicking on it, you can specify the location of a particular settlement for its correct display on the world map.

After adding the first family, we will be able to specify the parents of the husband and wife, as well as the children of the given married couple. To do this, just click on the appropriate fields on the scheme of the genus. If you need to add other family members (brothers, sisters, etc.), then you will need to select the desired option from the "Add person" list:

Pay attention to the left panel with a list of family members. We can represent this list as a tree distributed according to individual families. Such a representation can be convenient when working with an extensive family tree:

Adding photos

As a matter of fact, up to this point we have been working in the first tab - "Tree", however, looking at the toolbar, you will find a few more additional sections. And the next one will be - "Photos":

If you created your first entries using the wizard, then you have already worked on adding photos, if not, then here you will be given the opportunity to do so. For each family member, you can add several photos, highlighting their faces. And if you want, you can even create a small electronic photo album by sorting the desired pictures in the Album section (left panel).

In addition to photos, you can also add small videos, audio recordings and documents related to a specific family member!

Search for relatives

The next button - "Coincidences" - allows you to check information about all members of your family with the content of online databases for the same records, which may indicate a relationship with other network users!

Who knows, you might be lucky to find your distant relatives

If no matches were found, try a more thorough search using the following button:

Here, too, everything is simple. You can try to search for all the people in the tree, which can take a lot of time, or you can search for matches for each family member separately. However, there are some requirements and restrictions on the use this method search. The requirements include the need to dub the name and surname in Latin, as well as the availability of additional information (date of birth, place of residence, etc.) in English.

The limitation of the free version is the inability to view search results (we will only see if matches were found and how many of them).

Making a family tree

A really useful and nice feature is the ability to decorate your family tree:

To access this function, use the "Charts" button. By pressing it, we can choose desired view wood, and then arrange it according to your preferences. For example, here's what an ancestor graph might look like:

Ready template you can change a little (or even completely) using the "Styles" and "Options" sections. "Styles" provide the ability to completely change the appearance of the family tree by choosing one of several possible design options. And "Options" allows you to customize certain elements of the decor in the selected style. You can print the finished family tree or save it in JPG or PDF format.

There is also a paid function of ordering a poster print, which you can give as a keepsake to your relatives and friends!

If you do not need aesthetic delights, but only want to get clear information about your relatives, then you can use the "Reports" section:

For example, using the “Relationships” item, you can see what kind of relationship you are with which family member.

The next item - "Maps" - will allow you to trace all the geographical coordinates associated with your family:

And finally, the last function button is "Publish". This button calls up a wizard to upload your data to the Internet and then create your personal family site:

On this site you can trace your entire genealogy, add media content related to your family, and also keep a small family blog. In addition, you can visit the blogs of other members of the network, and also get access to some entertainment features. Among the latter, it is worth noting the game "Memory" (we select pairs of photos of our ancestors), as well as services for searching for similarities with celebrities and determining who the child looks more like:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Tree Builder

The only downside is the need for an internet connection. However, given that the number of users without access to the Web is rapidly declining every year, then this circumstance can be interpreted as a virtue.

After all, with the tools that this program has, we can not only create a detailed family tree of our kind, but also search for relatives on the Internet, communicate with other network users, share photos and videos, and even maintain our own blog.

Try to work with Family Tree Builder and you will find that creating a family tree can be not only a chore, but also a very pleasant and exciting process;)

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article subject to indication of open active link on the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

P.P.S. Do you want to know the meaning of your name? Or maybe you can't choose a name for your child? Then try this program: Name interpretation
