The structure and types of the modern family in the Russian Federation; social and legal protection of the family and its individual types. Characteristics of the modern family: structure, types, functions of the modern family

Topic of my essay - "Family and marriage. Essence, structure, functions, problems modern family».

In my essay, I will talk about what a family is, about the types of family organization, family law, consider the types of family relationships, family functions and the current difficult demographic situation in Russia, and present the results of my sociological research.

The object of my research is young people - residents of the city of Polevskoy.

As a result of my work, I plan to draw the following conclusions:

1. Reasons why young people get married

2. Reasons for frequent divorce among young families.


A family. How many debates are being held about it today on the pages of newspapers and magazines, what different, sometimes directly opposite opinions are expressed ...

Speaking in the language of a sociologist or demographer, a family is a small group of people united by kinship and marital ties, a common budget, and, as a rule, common housing. But this is only a theoretical scheme. In reality, each family is closely connected with the society in which it lives, with its economy, politics, culture, landmarks, and the mood of people.

The family acts as an object of sociological research and is dealt with by a separate branch of sociology - the sociology of the family, which studies the formation, development and functioning of the family, marriage and family relations in specific cultural and socio-economic conditions.

Family as an object of sociological research

The family is a more complex system of relations than marriage, since, as a rule, it unites not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives or just those close to spouses and the people they need.

Marriage is a historically conditioned, sanctioned and regulated by society form of relations between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and obligations in relation to each other, their children, their offspring, and parents.

In other words marriage is traditional remedy family formation and social control. Only a healthy, prosperous family, the creation of which requires considerable effort and certain personality traits, has a beneficial effect on a person. A family is an alloy of three loves: marital, parental and childish. Love is inseparable from duty, fidelity, self-discipline, community of interests and goals, responsibility, mutual respect. There are the following general principles for distinguishing types of family organization and families. Depending on the form of marriage, monogamy and polygamy are distinguished. A monogamous family is one where there is one wife for one man, in contrast to polygamy, which is interpreted as polygamy. Depending on the structure family ties distinguish different types of families. The most common type is a simple (nuclear) family, which is a married couple with unmarried children. At present, our country is dominated by simple families with or without children. Complex families, consisting of two or more married couples, make up 4.3% of all families in the CIS countries. The family as a social institution goes through a number of stages, the sequence of which develops into a family cycle or family life cycle. Researchers identify a different number of phases of this cycle, but the main ones are the following: 1) marriage - the formation of a family; 2) the beginning of childbearing - the birth of the first child; 3) the end of childbearing - the birth of the last child; 4) marriage and separation from family of the last child; 5) termination of the existence of the family - the death of one of the spouses. The type of family is determined by the following features: - social class sign (for example: a worker's family, a family of a business representative); - by type of population (urban, rural); - by nationality (single-ethnic, multinational); - by time of existence; - by the number of family members; In addition family types are distinguished according to special conditions family life, for example, a student family, a family of artists, etc. The union of a man and a woman must satisfy not only biological needs, but also emotional, moral and intellectual needs. The best age for marriage is considered to be between 20 and 24 years old. Before entering into marriage, you need to assess the community of vital interests, the level of development, the seriousness of intentions and the depth of respect and love for each other. Need to start developing qualities careful attitude to each other even before marriage, during the period of acquaintance. Only on this basis can a normal family life be built. Marriage is concluded in the civil registry offices.
The main document of family law is the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Family law establishes the conditions and procedure for marriage, termination of marriage and its invalidation, regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members: spouses, parents and children, between other relatives and other persons, and also determines the forms and procedure for placing children left without parental care in a family. Family relations Family relationships are great importance for people's health. A favorable moral and psychological climate of the family has a positive effect on the health of its members. Statistics show that in such families people get sick less and live longer. In general, in order to ensure compatibility with other people, a person must have three main character traits: the ability to be critical of oneself, tolerance and trust in others. Family functions and their relationship The family performs a number of functions, both social and
individual character. I will call them:

Sphere of family activity public functions Individual Functions
reproductive Biological reproduction of society Satisfying the needs of children
Educational Socialization of the younger generation Satisfying parenting needs.
Household Maintaining the physical health of members of society, caring for children Obtaining household services by some family members from others
Economic Economic support for minors and disabled members of society Receipt of material resources by some family members from others
The scope of primary social control Moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various fields responsibility and obligations of parents to children Formation and maintenance of legal and moral sanctions for violation social norms in social life and family relations
The sphere of spiritual communication Personal development of family members Spiritual mutual enrichment of family members
Social status Granting social status to family members. Reproduction of social structure Satisfying the need for social promotion
Leisure Organization of rational leisure. Social control in leisure Satisfying the needs for joint holding leisure
emotional Emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy Individuals receive psychological protection, emotional support in the family. Satisfying the need for personal happiness and love
Sexy sexual control Satisfaction of sexual needs
In a full-fledged normal family, all these functions are interconnected. The current demographic situation. family crisis The demographic situation is the most acute problem modern Russia. It is no coincidence that this problem was given considerable attention in his
Address to the Federal Assembly Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. “On average, the number of inhabitants of our country is decreasing by 700 thousand people every year”, - he said. To solve this problem, the following has been proposed: 1) reducing mortality due to - strengthening control of road safety; - suppressing the import of surrogate alcoholic products into the country; - identifying, preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases; 2) implementing an effective migration policy due to: - attracting from - abroad of our compatriots, it is better if they are qualified, educated and law-abiding citizens; 3) increasing the birth rate due to: - increasing the size cash benefits mothers until the child reaches the age of up to one and a half years, and the amount of the allowance increases with the increase in the number of children; preschool education, and also, as in the first case, the amount of compensation increases with an increase in the number of children; - material support for families who take care of orphans; - an increase in the cost of birth certificates; - payment lump sum mothers in the amount of 250 thousand rubles big job and big money. In modern conditions, the crisis of the family is becoming more and more noticeable as social institution society, the way out of which is still unclear. The crisis is expressed in the fact that the family is worse and worse in realizing its main functions: the organization of married life, the birth and upbringing of children, the reproduction of the population and labor force. The reasons for such a crisis are common to all industrial states, they are a product of industrial civilization. The family is especially sensitive to all kinds of reformatory changes on a national scale, for example, unemployment, rising prices, etc. In addition to the decline in the birth rate, there is also such a negative: as an increase in the number of divorces. The negative consequences of divorces are considered: the deterioration in the upbringing of children, the increase in the incidence of their mental illness, the alcoholism of parents, the destruction of blood ties, the deterioration of the financial situation, disharmony in the reproduction of the population.
Practical part Sociologists point out that modern society most young people enter marriage without considering their decision as seriously as the issue requires. Many people think that having received a passport, they can consider themselves adults and live according to their own rules and principles, regardless of their parents. Not only do some of them marry before reaching the age of majority, but without the consent of their parents. After living for some time, young families get divorced. The practical part of my work consisted in conducting a sociological study on the topic of marriage and family. In the process of research, I had to solve the following tasks: 1. Find out the main reason for marriage; 2. Investigate the specifics of attitudes towards marriage on the part of girls and boys; 3. Find out the reasons for the dissolution of marriages. The object of my research was students of the 11th grade of school No. 4 and the 10th grade of school No. 13 in Polevskoy, selected at random. The total number of respondents was 60 people. The subject of my study was the attitude of high school students to marriage. I developed a questionnaire with possible options answers. A sample questionnaire, as well as the results of the analysis of the sociological study, for ease of perception, designed in the form of diagrams, are presented in the appendix. So, survey results showed that the number of those who have a positive attitude towards marriage is 90% of all respondents. The remaining 10% have not thought about it yet. good result is that there were no negative attitudes towards marriage among the respondents, a number of conclusions can be drawn about this. When asked about the attitude towards marriage with partners of other nationalities, the opinion was divided as follows: 55% answered that this is not the main thing for them. The rest of the respondents (namely 8%) found it difficult to answer. The reason, in my opinion, is that many have not yet thought about and talked with their parents on this topic. 81% of respondents consider love to be the main reason for marriage. I received a very interesting answer to the 12th question: “When did you meet your first love ". At the same time, 42% answered that at school, 45% of respondents had not yet met their love. In an insignificant part, the first love met in kindergarten(13%). None of the respondents is married. This does not mean that they have not found a suitable candidate, but simply that the majority consider it necessary to first complete their studies at school, then continue their education further, and only then get married. This sociological study shows that the marriageable age for the majority of respondents is 20 30 years old, 83% of girls and 87% of boys answered this way, but there was an exception - 13.3% of boys answered - from 30 years and older. this issue is treated differently, the social status is not of interest to only 30% of the girls surveyed; 50% of the girls answered that it might be better, but not at all. None of the girls answered that the social status of the boys matters to them; in contrast to young men, of whom 27% answered this way. The head of the family, according to the girls, should be both, 67% of the respondents answered this way, the young men have a different point of view - they believe that the husband should be the head of the family, 67% answered this way. Note that none of the respondents believe that a woman should be the head of the family. The main reason for divorce, according to the respondents, is treason, 42% of respondents answered this way. According to the girls, both should earn money, 83% think so. Young men (60%) are of the opinion that a man should earn money. Note that none of the respondents believe that a woman should earn money. Among the respondents, 89% believe that the most acceptable age for marriage is 20-30 years, and only a small part (8%) consider the age of 30 years to be the most acceptable. and older. It is positive that only 3% indicated for this age from 16-20 years. Young people have different attitudes towards marriage at an early age: 29% believe that this is normal, 23% believe that early marriages are not long-term, 28% have a negative attitude, the rest (20%) found it difficult to answer.
conclusions The main objective of my research was to find out the reasons why young people get married at an early age, and why young people think that divorces occur frequently. Of the students surveyed, the majority take marriage very seriously. Almost all respondents unanimously named the main reason frequent divorces- treason. Data on divorces are confirmed by official statistics provided by the registry office of the city of Polevskoy. According to the data for the first quarter of 2006, compared to the same period of 2005, 122 couples got married in our city
(in 2005 - 125 couples) and divorced 77 (in 2005 - 81) In conclusion, I would like to say why I chose this topic of the essay. Family and marriage is an eternal theme, as well as the theme of the relationship between Man and Woman, as well as the theme of Love. The concept of family is relevant at all times. And whoever says something there that you can do without a family - I do not agree with this statement. A family is needed. For happiness, moral and physical health of a person. The family is associated with dear and close to the heart concepts such as Good, Comfort, Home, Mother. The family gives support to feelings, dreams, hopes, helps to implement life plans. It prepares a person for life in society, teaches you to work, create, love your work, bring your plans to the end. The family is necessary not only for a person, but also for society. It contributes to the improvement of social relations, education of the younger generation.

The structure of the modern family

The structure of the family includes the numerical and personal composition of its members, as well as the totality of family roles and various relationships between them (marital relations, parent-child relations, spouses and their parents, relations between children, relations between grandparents and their grandchildren).

The issue of determining the structure of the family is quite complex in the theory and practice of organizing psychological assistance to the family. As the well-known American family psychotherapist S. Minukhin, “the family is something more than the individual biopsychodynamics of its members. The interaction of family members is subject to certain patterns that govern their transactions. These patterns are usually not formulated explicitly or even realized, but they form a whole - the structure of the family. The reality of the structure is a reality of a different order than the reality of the individual members. Therefore, when analyzing the structure of a particular family, it is necessary to study its numerical and personal composition, dwell separately on the characteristics of different levels of the family system, which includes the whole family as a whole, the parent subsystem, the children subsystem, as well as individual subsystems. In addition, the structure of the family should be described taking into account its main parameters (cohesion, hierarchy, flexibility, external and internal boundaries, role structure). It is important to know who each of the family members considers to be a member, because it is not uncommon for family members to disagree on who is included in it. This concerns, first of all, the boundaries of the family and who is physically or psychologically present in this family system. The solution of this problem is especially important for divorced families and those who have entered into remarriage. The structure of the family includes sets of conscious and unconscious rules that determine the interaction in the family. For this mechanism to work (the rules were followed, the behavior was predicted), a support system is needed, which consists of two parts. The first is a hierarchical system based on the authority of parents, which is always and everywhere higher than the authority of children. The second is family complementary (complementary) roles: for example, one of the parents is more reasonable, and the other is more emotional. Hierarchy and roles are not always clearly understood, but they must necessarily be interconnected and complementary. If this is not the case, the family ceases to function, actually breaks up. As for the subsystems (subsystems) of the family, their dynamics is closely related to its life cycles. The first - a subsystem of a couple, or spouses, is formed with the conclusion of marriage. At the same time, the process of its accommodation (adaptation) begins, when the roles that the spouses will perform while interacting with each other are accepted or rejected. Pre-installation for coordination, adaptation and the ability to implement this are associated with the experience gained in the parental family.

The subsystem of parents appears with the transformation of a married couple after the birth of a child. In turn, the parental subsystem changes, adapts to the age characteristics of children. In addition, the parental subsystem is obliged to take into account the needs of all children growing in the family, which, naturally, is associated with a number of difficulties due not only to age, but also to individual psychological characteristics, as well as gender differences.

The subsystem of children provides the child with the opportunity to be only a child, allows him to study peer relations, to cultivate the ability to coordinate and adapt. S. Minukhin calls this subsystem a social laboratory where one can experimentally communicate without the responsibility and competence that hinder adult communication. baby communication becomes peculiar experimental site that allows the child to form the necessary communication skills and skills for the subsequent self-establishment of contacts with both peers and adults. .

Types of modern family.

  • 1. According to the related structure, the family can be nuclear ( married couple with children) and extended (a married couple with children and any of the relatives of the husband or wife living with them in the same household).
  • 2. By the number of children: childless (infertile), one-child, small, large families.
  • 3. By structure: with one married couple with or without children; with one married couple with or without children, with one of the parents of the spouses and other relatives; with two or more married couples with or without children, with or without one of the parents of the spouses and other relatives; with mother (father) with children; with mother (father) with children, with one of the parents and other relatives; other families.
  • 4. By composition: incomplete family, separate, simple (nuclear), complex (family of several generations), large family.
  • 5. Geographically: urban, rural, remote family (living in hard-to-reach areas and in the Far North).
  • 6. According to the homogeneity of the social composition: socially homogeneous (homogeneous) families (there is a similar level of education and the nature of the professional activity of the spouses); heterogeneous (heterogeneous) families: unite people of different levels of education and professional orientation.
  • 7. By family experience: newlyweds; young family expecting a baby; family of middle marital age; senior marital age; elderly couples.
  • 8. According to the type of leading needs, the satisfaction of which determines the characteristics of the social behavior of members of the family group, families are distinguished with a “physiological” or “naive-consumer” type of consumption (mainly with a food orientation); families with an "intellectual" type of consumption, i.e. with high level expenses for spiritual life; families with an intermediate type of consumption.
  • 9. According to the peculiarities of the existing family way of life and the organization of family life: the family is an “outlet” (gives a person communication, moral and material support); family of child-centric type (children are in the center of interests of parents); a family like a sports team or a discussion club (they travel a lot, see a lot, know how, know); a family that puts comfort, health, and order first.
  • 10. By the nature of leisure activities: open families (oriented to communication and the cultural industry) and closed families (oriented to intra-family leisure).
  • 11. By the nature of the distribution of household duties: traditional families (duties are mainly performed by a woman) and collectivist (duties are performed jointly or in turn).
  • 12. According to the type of leadership (distribution of power), families can be authoritarian and democratic.
  • 13. Depending on the special conditions for organizing family life: a student family (both spouses study at a university) and a “distant” family ( separation marriage partners due to the specifics of the profession of one of them or both: families of sailors, polar explorers, astronauts, geologists, artists, athletes).
  • 14. According to the quality of relationships and the atmosphere in the family: prosperous (spouses and other family members highly appreciate each other, the husband’s authority is high, there are practically no conflicts, they have their own traditions and rituals), stable (they have almost the same features as prosperous families) , pedagogically weak (low educational characteristics, preference is given to physical condition and well-being of the child); unstable family (high level of dissatisfaction of both spouses with family life, including their role and position in the family, which leads to unpredictable behavior);
  • 15. According to the composition of spouses in a nuclear family: complete (includes father, mother and children) and incomplete (one of the parents is absent). The so-called functionally incomplete families stand out: professional or other reasons leave the spouses little time for the family.
  • 16. According to social and role characteristics, traditional, child-centric and married families are distinguished.

The first type is the "traditional family". In such families, the core of the system is not interpersonal, but socially and culturally defined relations between its members.

The second type of family that has historically developed in Europe in the 18th-19th centuries is the so-called "child-centric family". Here interpersonal relationships, the desire to form close and warm, emotionally rich contacts.

Thus, from the very beginning, the child occupies a central, dominant place in such a family.

The third type is the famous sociologist S.I. Hunger called the "conjugal family", the basis of which is the connection between spouses.

17. According to the nature of communication and emotional relationships in the family, marriages are classified into symmetrical, complementary and metacomplementary.

In a symmetrical marriage, both spouses have equal rights, neither of them is subordinate to the other. Problems are solved by agreement, exchange or compromise. In a complementary marriage, one orders, gives orders, the other obeys, awaits advice or instructions. In a meta-complementary marriage, the leading position is reached by a partner who realizes his own goals by emphasizing his weakness, inexperience, ineptness and impotence, thus manipulating his partner.

American psychologist and psychotherapist K. Whitaker identifies the following types of families:

  • 1. Biopsychosocial family. This includes the so-called natural families, which consist of two pairs of the older generation, a pair of parents and children. Similarities and coincidences between grandparents, parents and children are as strong as they are inevitable. The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that, as soon as one member of the family peers into the face of another, he immediately discovers in it certain physical and symbolic components of his own personality. And this raises even more deep tension.
  • 2. Psychosocial family - a family in which there is no consanguinity, but there is a spiritual relationship, emotional and psychological closeness. Family members are close to each other in terms of psychological and social characteristics, they are social relatives. For example, spouses and adopted children. Marriage can be defined as the decision made by one whole person to associate himself with another whole person with the guarantee of the inseparability of this connection, although the possibility of a break is not excluded. If such a gap occurs, then it will be possible to eliminate it, and the family becomes even stronger.

Investments made in family life are non-refundable as an irrevocable contribution. No one has the right to the main capital, partners can only use interest at their discretion, either by replenishing the initial capital with them, or by transferring them to a separate account.

3. Social family. The family here means only that there is a relationship between partners, due either to common interests, or professional activities, or the need to maintain contacts at the level of a business partnership. Emotional attachment may not be, meeting from case to case. Relations of this kind in the family inevitably have an end, which is formalized on the basis of a peaceful agreement using already existing, well-known principles of social settlement. similar situations. Negative dynamics may arise within the social family, but, as a rule, it does not turn into a war, since corporate interests come first, and the duration of the union is obviously limited by time frames. To some extent, this union resembles a foster family.

Many scientists note that the most progressive and most appropriate modern conditions is an egalitarian family, assuming full and genuine equality of spouses in all matters of family life without exception.

Disadvantaged families should be singled out as a separate group. The scientific literature does not give a clear definition of the concept of "family trouble", since the cause of its occurrence and the forms of manifestation are quite diverse. Different meanings are put into the content of this concept and such families are called differently: “unfavorable”, “difficult”, “destructive”, “dysfunctional”, “uncontrollable”, etc.

Dysfunctional families are different in their social attitudes, their interests, but the very style of life of these families, the behavior of adults, their mood is such that they entail deviations in the moral development of the child. Taking into account social attitudes, prevailing interests, lifestyle and behavioral characteristics of adults, psychotherapist V.V. Yustitsky distinguishes such types family and marriage unions as "incredulous family", "frivolous family" and "cunning family". It is with these metaphorical names that he denotes certain forms of hidden family trouble.

"Untrustworthy Family" Feature such a family - increased distrust of others (neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues, employees of institutions with which family members have to communicate).

The “frivolous family” is distinguished by a carefree attitude towards the future. Members of such a family gravitate towards momentary pleasures, their plans for the future are, as a rule, uncertain. Even if someone expresses dissatisfaction with the present and a desire to live differently, he does not think about how this can be done. In such a family, they do not like to talk about what and how they should change in their lives, they are more inclined to “get used to” any circumstances, they are not able and unwilling to overcome difficulties. Here, as a rule, they do not know how, and do not seek to organize their leisure in an interesting way. Preference is given to activities that do not require any effort. The main entertainment is watching TV shows (they watch inattentively and indiscriminately), parties, feasts. Drinking, as the easiest and most accessible means of obtaining momentary pleasure, is easily inculcated in families of this type.

The “frivolous family” is almost constantly in a state of internal discord, contradictions very easily turn into numerous conflicts. Quarrels instantly flare up over any trifle.

Children in such families grow up with an insufficient level of volitional regulation and organization, they are drawn to primitive entertainment. They commit misconduct most often due to a thoughtless attitude to life, lack of firm principles and insufficient ability to show their strong-willed qualities.

In the “cunning family”, first of all, they value enterprise, luck and dexterity in achieving life goals. The main thing is the ability to achieve success in the shortest way, with minimum cost labor and time. At the same time, members of such a family easily cross the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Laws and moral norms are something relative for them. Family members may engage in various activities of dubious legality.

Another one salient feature such a family - the desire to use others for their own purposes. This family knows how to impress the person they need and is concerned with how to create a wide circle of useful acquaintances.

Functions of the modern family

The main function of the family is the reproductive, biological reproduction of the population (A.G. Kharchev). .

The reproductive function (from Latin productjo - self-reproduction, reproduction, procreation) is due to the need to continue the human race.

The demographic situation in Belarus today is developing in such a way that the death rate exceeds the birth rate. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the proportion of families consisting of two or three people. Children, according to such families, are possible restrictions on the freedom of parents: in education, work, advanced training, and the realization of their abilities.

Unfortunately, the attitude towards childlessness is not just there, it is increasingly spreading to spouses of childbearing age. This is due to growing material and economic difficulties, a spiritual and material crisis, as a result of which prestigious things (a car, a thoroughbred dog, a villa, etc.) become a priority in the value system, and other reasons.

A number of factors can be identified that cause a reduction in family size: a drop in the birth rate; a tendency to separate young families from their parents; an increase in the proportion of families with one parent as a result of an increase in divorces, widowhood, and the birth of children by single mothers; the quality of public health and the level of health care development in the country.

But besides this, there are a number of social functions of the family. It:

Economic and household function. Historically, the family has always been the main economic unit of society. Hunting and arable farming, crafts and trade could exist, since there was always a division of functions in the family. Traditionally women led household, men were engaged in crafts. In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, many aspects of people's lives associated with everyday services: cooking, washing, cleaning, tailoring, etc. - were partially shifted to the sphere of domestic services.

The economic function was associated with the accumulation of wealth for family members: dowry for the bride, kalym for the groom, things inherited, insurance for the wedding, on the day of majority, the accumulation of funds.

Socio-economic changes taking place in our society, once again activate the economic function of the family in matters of accumulation of property, acquisition of property, privatization of housing, inheritance.

The function of primary socialization. Family is first and foremost social group which actively influences the formation of the personality of the child. The natural-biological and social ties between parents and children are intertwined in the family. These connections are very important, because they determine the characteristics of the psyche and the primary socialization of children at the earliest stage of their development.

Being one of the important factors of social impact, a specific social microenvironment, the family has an overall impact on the physical, mental and social development of the child. The role of the family is to gradually introduce the child into society so that his development proceeds in accordance with the nature of man and the culture of the country where he was born. Teaching the child to social experience that mankind has accumulated, the culture of the country where he was born and grows, its moral standards, the traditions of the people - a direct function of the parents.

The educational function is the socialization of the younger generation. An important role in the process of primary socialization is played by the upbringing of the child in the family, so we will single out this function separately. Parents were and remain the first educators of the child.

The upbringing of children in a family is a complex socio-pedagogical process. It includes the influence of the entire atmosphere and microclimate of the family on the formation of the child's personality. The possibility of educational interaction with him is already inherent in the very nature of the relationship of parents to children, the essence of which lies in reasonable guardianship, conscious care of the elders for the younger ones. Father and mother show care, attention, affection for their child, protect from life's hardships and difficulties. There are various requirements of parents and features of the relationship between parents and children.

The requirements of parents are realized in their conscious educational activity with the help of persuasion, a certain way of life and activities of the child, etc. Personal example parents -- essential tool influence on the upbringing of children. Its educational value is based on the inherent childhood tendency to imitate. Without sufficient knowledge and experience, the child copies adults, imitates their actions. The nature of the relationship of parents, the degree of their mutual agreement attention, sensitivity and respect, ways of solving various problems, the tone and nature of conversations - all this is perceived by the child and becomes a model for his own behavior.

The direct experience of the child, acquired in the family, in younger age sometimes becomes the only criterion for the child's attitude to the world around him, to people.

But even in the conditions of a family, upbringing can be deformed when parents are sick, lead an immoral lifestyle, do not have pedagogical culture. The family affects the development of the personality of children not just by the very fact of its existence, but by a favorable moral and psychological climate, healthy relationships between its members.

Recreational and psychotherapeutic functions. Their meaning lies in the fact that the family should be the niche where a person could feel absolutely protected, be absolutely accepted, despite his status, appearance, success in life, financial position etc.

The saying “my home is my fortress” well expresses the idea that a healthy, non-conflict family is the most reliable support, the best refuge, where you can hide at least for a while from all the anxieties of the outside world, relax and restore your strength.

The traditional model, when a wife met her husband at the hearth, meekly enduring all the insults and irritation of her master, is becoming a thing of the past. The vast majority of women today also work and also bring a load of fatigue into their home. Observations show that the fullest strength is restored in a family environment, in communication with loved ones, children. Joint rest with children is a factor that has a beneficial effect on the strength of the family.

Thus, human existence is currently organized in the form of a family image. Each of the functions can be implemented with greater or lesser success outside the family, but their totality can be performed only in the family. (Scheme 1)

Natalia Kaptsova — practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 3 minutes


In the modern family, not only has the traditional role of women changed, but the role of men has also changed. For example, in Western Europe they are no longer surprised if a man takes parental leave. Psychologists believe that it is important to be aware of how spouses perceive new situations, whether they are ready for and what determines leadership in your family.

According to the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities and how the issue of leadership is resolved in the family, sociologists distinguish the following classification of family types in Russia:

  • Patriarchal type, husband-producer.
    In such a family, the husband earns much more than his wife, but they have common interests. They are doing great free time together. Psychologists note that with a wife’s small ambitions, such a family will have a long and happy history.
  • Patriarchal type, golden cage.
    Differs from the previous version in the absence common interests by husband and wife. They spend time apart, and meet only in bed and in the kitchen. Such a model can suit a woman interested in financial gain for a long time.
  • Patriarchal type, husband-loser.
    The wife earns more than her husband, but he considers himself the main thing in everything. Of course, such a situation does not please a woman, and a man develops an inferiority complex. Such a family is doomed to conflicts, the result of which is a divorce or daily scandals.
  • Matriarchal type, wallet keeper.
    The wife earns more than her husband or equally, she manages the finances herself. For example, the wife decides to repair, and the husband begins to move the furniture.
  • Matriarchal type, husband-household.
    The wife fully provides for the family, and the husband takes care of the household with the children. For a happy long-term relationship, it is important that such a situation suits the husband in order to avoid an inferiority complex.
  • Matriarchal type, alcoholic husband or gigolo.
    The husband does not work, and if he earns, he spends all the money on himself. The wife is not only the main breadwinner of the family, but also the keeper of the hearth. Read also:
  • partner type.
    The most ideal option for most people. Both partners are working. Earnings themselves do not matter, because relationships are built on complete equality and trust. The family budget and household responsibilities are shared between both partners.
  • competitive type.
    There is no chief in this family, but there is a constant struggle for power. Such families are built on adrenaline because of the unwillingness to negotiate and compromise. Usually in this type of family self-centered individuals are involved, but other people can come to this result for various reasons.

Now you know the definition of the type of family, and perhaps pay attention to fair distribution of responsibilities and duties . After all, the main one is not the one who decides, but the one who is responsible for the consequences of decisions.

Manifold social problems, accompanying transformations in society, today to a greater extent affected the family, often destabilizing its vital functions and reducing its ability to adapt to new conditions. Society is experiencing an increased need to predict development paths Russian family destined to live in a new socio-economic situation. In conditions of exacerbation of social problems, the socio-pedagogical problems of the family were clearly exposed. Difficult to solve housing problems, material wealth, employment creates a feeling of unpredictability of the prospects for their development, lack of awareness in the issues of raising children and socio-pedagogical discomfort in the family. According to the State Statistics Committee, up to 85% of families daily feel the pressure of one or another urgent problem. Help certain categories families does not solve the problem of the nation today, since the number of problems in the other, most of the population, not included in the sphere preferential categories is growing faster than their own educational potential.

In a dynamic environment of emerging socio-pedagogical problems in the family measures taken to social support are late, and often remain unfulfilled due to the fact that the goals of the activities of specialists in various fields are not always focused on effective support for the family, and their implementation is hampered by organizational and personnel insecurity. The implementation of various problems of families in difficult life situations depends on the effectiveness of the current system of measures of social and pedagogical support, which is focused not only on solving these problems, but also on strengthening and developing the internal potential of families to perform their own socially significant functions.

Social and pedagogical support as a type of activity is aimed at helping a family in a difficult life situation, based on the activation of its social participation. However, the positive possibilities of socio-pedagogical support are used too little. Until now, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the socio-pedagogical support of the family have not been sufficiently developed, there are discrepancies in determining its essence and content.

Socio-psychological model of family relations reflects the typology) of families, the structure, forms, styles of education, as well as the problems of the modern family. Researchers define it as a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, between parents and children; how small group, whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual moral responsibility; as a social necessity, which is due to the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population.

Family relations are governed by the norms of morality and law. They are based on marriage - the legitimate recognition of the relationship between a man and a woman, which is accompanied by the birth of children and responsibility for the physical and moral health family members. Important conditions the existence of the family are joint activities and a certain spatial localization - dwelling, house, property as economic basis her life, as well as the general cultural environment within the framework of the general culture of a certain people, confessions, state. Thus, the family is a community of people based on a single family-wide activity, connected by ties of matrimony - parenthood - kinship (blood and spiritual), carrying out the reproduction of the population and continuity family generations, as well as the socialization of children and the support of family members. The forms of families are diverse, their typology depends on the subject of study. The most typical modern models families: monogamous family, polygamous, nuclear family, extended family, patriarchal (traditional) family, incomplete, maternal families, alternative families.

The following types of social and axiological orientation of the family are distinguished:

  • 1) socially progressive (support for the values ​​of society, unity of views, good interpersonal relations);
  • 2) contradictory (lack of unity of views, relationships at the level of struggle of some tendencies with others);
  • 3) antisocial (contradiction of value ideals with the ideals of society).

Distinguish also the capacity and activity of the family. The capacity of a family can be: limited (due to psychosomatic, age-related characteristics, its members are not able to independently earn a livelihood and fit into the system social relations pensioners, the disabled).

The psychological structure of the modern family includes the family system as a single entity with certain features of functioning and development. Structurally, any nuclear family includes four main groups of subsystems. The first consists of individuals - family members; the second is formed by the husband-wife dyad; the third - siblings (brothers, sisters); the fourth - dyads parent - child. The subsystems of each group have certain boundaries, needs and expectations. well balanced family system able to meet the needs of all its subsystems. In addition, the family must interact with various elements of the supersystem - other significant persons for it: friends, neighbors, representatives of society. On fig. Figure 2 shows the interaction between the various systemic elements of the family and its external environment.

Family counselors working with a nuclear family should be able to assess the features of its structural organization. A family, as a rule, arises at the moment when two people form a marriage union (although its different variants are possible). Each person, entering into marriage, brings into it his own ideas and expectations.

Rice. 2.

about how family relationships should be built.

At first, the main reasons for the rapprochement of spouses are the feeling of comfort and satisfaction that they experience in each other's company. Gradually, a married couple forms a certain system of relationships with unique style features that give her a sense of emotional and social welfare. Even before the appearance of children in the family, spouses, as a rule, have time to realize the needs that unite them, as well as to understand the requirements that the social environment makes of them.

With the advent of a new member in the family, i.e. child, intra-family relations, forms of communication and behavior of spouses must change to a certain extent. The dyadic union turns into a triadic one, involving communication between three people, the child has his own needs and style of behavior. The flexibility that characterizes the relationship of the spouses determines their ability to adapt to the child. If his temperament and style of behavior are compatible with the corresponding characteristics of the parents, their adaptation to the child proceeds successfully. If there are pronounced differences between the temperament and behavior of the child and the corresponding characteristics and expectations of the parents, the mother and father experience mental discomfort, and problems arise in their relationship with the child. This probability is higher in cases where the relationship of the spouses is unstable and if the husband and wife are unable to resolve the problems of their relationship on their own. Then often these unresolved problems are reflected in the relationship with the child. The only form of maintaining a good relationship between spouses is the participation of both in the care of the child.

If another child appears in the family, another subsystem is formed - siblings(brothers, sisters). Sibling relationships are unlike any other relationship that characterizes other subsystems. Sometimes, when siblings compete with each other or are in very close relationships, parents can experience difficult feelings. However, if the family is distinguished by a balanced relationship between all its members, parents usually adapt quite easily to the sibling subsystem. In addition, such families use the sibling subsystem as one of their resources. In contrast to the options when parents try to interfere in the relationship of siblings, this, as a rule, upsets the balance of this subsystem. If parents do not provide siblings with the opportunity to independently resolve conflicts that arise between them or, trying to influence their relationship, give preference to one of them, when they do not take into account the seniority of one child over another and shift responsibility from the older child to the younger, all this leads to an increase in family disharmony.

Due to this, as a rule, it is possible to determine the imbalance of intra-family relations. In order to better appreciate the variety of reactions of all family members to each other, it is very important for a counseling psychologist, psychotherapist to have the opportunity to communicate with them. It is impossible to understand the causes of emotional and behavioral disorders in a child without understanding the pressure that he experiences from his brothers, sisters and parents. If the counselor, trying to influence a problem child, enters into an alliance with the parents and does not take into account the influence and role of other siblings, it is highly likely that the TS will make all the efforts of the psychologist and parents in vain.

Structural organization of the family such that the distribution of roles among its members ensures their best functioning. The nature of the distribution of roles is greatly influenced by family values and norms.

Distribution of family roles largely depends on the relationship between representatives of various subsystems, it is largely determined by the conditions of education of the parents themselves. The distribution of roles is always associated with values ​​and ideas about how family members should behave. There are two ways to assign roles. In some cases, the role is assigned to a person automatically, taking into account his gender and age; it can be the role of mother, father, son or daughter. In other cases, roles are chosen based on the social position and personal characteristics of a person - this refers to the roles of a leader, follower, "scapegoat", etc. The combination of prescribed and chosen roles in a particular family forms a certain set of them and reflects the family structure. Each family member behaves in accordance with a certain system of roles and can simultaneously play several roles. Roles can both limit a person and contribute to his personal growth and development. The roles of family members fall into three main levels:

  • 1) individual roles at the family level;
  • 2) roles at the level of subsystems: for example, at the level of the parent-child subsystem, sibling subsystems, etc.;
  • 3) the roles that the family as a whole plays in society.

Family norms - generated set of installations

and expectations, regulating the behavior of spouses and significantly influencing the behavior of individual family members and the entire family system. These norms largely determine the nature of the culture of the family, as well as what behavior its members consider right or wrong, thereby performing the function of social control.

System of values consists of social, family and individual values, is the result of its cultural identification and the integration of family members' value systems, which are determined by their life experience. Society dictates to the family what it should do, what structure it should have, how its members should behave. Family subsystems, supersystems, roles, norms and values ​​are those characteristics of the family that help to understand the features of the family structure. All of them allow the specialist to draw a portrait of the family, and thanks to this, the counseling psychologist determines the treatment strategy and ways to improve functionality families.

  • For more details, see § 1 of this textbook.


in the discipline "Family Psychology"

Topic: "The concept of family structure"

I've done the work:

student gr. 13PS - 301

Mednikova Elena Vyacheslavovna

Checked work:

Ponomareva I. V.,

cand. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor

Chelyabinsk 2015


1 The concept of family structure…………………………………………………….5

2 Family structure. Family types………………………………………………….9


List of used literature…………………………………………...20


Interest in the family, in addition to the actual meaningful study of its multifunctionality, is supported by a cognitive interest in its unique intermediary role, due to its sociocultural nature as a phenomenon that is borderline in its essence, located at the intersection of structures in any construction of society and at the border of macro- and microanalysis.

A family is a community of people based on a single family-wide activity, connected by ties of matrimony-parenthood-kinship, and thereby carrying out the reproduction of the population and the continuity of family generations, as well as the socialization of children and the maintenance of the existence of family members.

Usually, a married couple is considered the "core" of a family, and all statistical classifications of family composition are built depending on the addition of children, relatives, parents of spouses to the "core". From a sociological point of view, it is more correct to take as a basis the most common type of family in the population with a trinity of named relationships - the main type of family, and those family associations that are formed by subtracting one of the three relationships, it is better to call family groups. This clarification is due to the fact that in recent years in the sociology of the family in the West and in our country, a tendency has become noticeable to reduce the essence of the family to any of the three relationships, most often to marriage, and even partnership. It is no coincidence that in the American Encyclopedia of Marriage and the Family by M. Sasmen and Susan Stenmets, a number of chapters are devoted to "alternative forms" of the family, i.e. what is more accurately called family groups, although in fact these chapters refer to marriage, rather even to partnership or cohabitation.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that knowing the structure of your family, its characteristics will help not only to better understand this cell of society, but also to identify ways to build relationships based on the structure of this family.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of family structure and identify types of families.

The objectives of this study:

Analyze the methodological and theoretical literature on the topic "Family Structure";

Identify the most common types of family structures and analyze them in detail.

The object of our study are different types of family structure.

The subject of our study is the concept of family structure.

Research methods. When writing the work, a theoretical (analyzing, generalizing) research method was used.

The concept of family structure

The term structure (from Latin structura - structure) has a number of meanings. As the most general, the following definition can be given. Structure is the internal structure of any material or ideal object, described by the categories of the whole and its parts. The introduction of the term "structure" allows you to identify connections, study interactions and subordination constituent parts various objects, highlight analogies in their organization.

Family structure is one of the basic concepts used in describing family interaction. The structural approach to the family, the leading representative of which is S. Minukhin, is based on "... the idea that the family is something more than the individual biopsychodynamics of its members ...". According to the provisions of the structural approach, family relations are subject to certain patterns that govern the interaction of family members. These patterns, often unconscious, form a whole - the structure of the family, the properties of which differ from the properties of its individual members.

The structure refers to the number and composition of the family, as well as the totality of relationships between its members. An analysis of the family structure makes it possible to answer the question of how the family function is implemented: who in the family is in charge and who is in charge, how rights and duties are distributed among family members. From the point of view of the structure of the family, one can single out such families where the leadership and organization of all its functions are concentrated in the hands of one family member. In other families, there is a clearly expressed equal participation in the management of the family of all its members. In the first case, one speaks of an authoritarian system of relations; in the second - about democratic. The structure of the family can be different in terms of how the main responsibilities are distributed in it: most of the responsibilities are concentrated in the hands of one family member or responsibilities are evenly distributed.

Family structure is the number and composition of family members, as well as the totality of relationships between its members. It is closely related to its function. They mutually influence each other. For example, divorce affects all functions.

The structure - the size, composition of the family - depends on the method of organizing and ensuring the unity of its main elements, the distribution of gender and age roles in the family.

The nature of the family structure is determined by the nature of socio-historical conditions: the inequality of women in society leads to inequality in her family. The hierarchy of relations in society leads to the hierarchy of relations in the family.

Family power can be based on a variety of economic or moral authority: from direct violence to moral influence (from orders to polite friendly advice).

Family structure - a set of elements and relationships between them. As structural elements of the family as a system, marital, parental, sibling and individual subsystems are distinguished, which are local, differentiated sets of family roles that allow the family to perform certain functions and ensure its vital activity. The family structure is a kind of family topography, a quasi-spatial cut of the family system. The following parameters of the family structure are distinguished: cohesion, hierarchy, flexibility, external and internal boundaries, role structure of the family.

Cohesion is an integrative parameter of the family system that describes the structure of the family in terms of the ability to respond to external and internal influences: family cohesion determines the ability to withstand natural stress factors when passing various stages life cycle, as well as the adequacy of family reactions to vertical stressors.

Family flexibility is a characteristic of how flexible or, conversely, how rigidly a family system is able to adapt, change when exposed to stressors. (This refers to the number of changes in family leadership, family roles and rules governing relationships.

The term hierarchy covers several fundamental theoretical assumptions and cannot be limited simple definition. The concept of hierarchy is also used in the study of changes in the structure of roles and rules within the family. The term boundary is used to describe the relationship between family and social environment, as well as between various subsystems within the family (for example, individuality, dyads, triads). The development of boundaries is considered as one of the important parameters of the evolution of family structures. Family boundaries can be expressed in terms of rules that determine who belongs to a given system or subsystem and how they belong to it.

Structural theory argues that the dysfunction of the system is set by extreme options. It's bad when the borders are either too hard or too blurry. If a outer borders too rigid, then the system stagnates, there is little exchange between the family and the environment. If the boundaries of the system are too weak, then family members have many connections with the external environment and few among themselves. For example, the family rarely gets together. In this case, the family becomes like hotel guests living under the same roof.

If the internal boundaries, for example, between the parental and child subsystems are too rigid, then the parents give the impression of being preoccupied only with themselves; if, on the contrary, they are too weak, then parents may lack intimacy, they can only function in parental roles losing marital relations.

Changing the quality of boundaries in the family is one of the main goals of structural family therapy.

Violation of the family structure is such features of the structure that make it difficult or prevent the family from fulfilling its functions. For example, the uneven distribution of household duties in the family between spouses acts as a violation of the relationship structure, since it prevents the satisfaction of a number of needs of the spouse who bears the main burden: in restoring physical strength, satisfaction of spiritual (cultural) needs. For the same reason, a violation of the structure of relations in the family should be recognized family conflict preventing the family from performing its various functions.

The order and way of life, customs, traditions, relationships with other families and with the whole society are connected with the structure of the family. Violation of the family structure leads to a violation of its functions.

Family structure. Family types

In a comprehensive study of the family structure, they are considered in a complex combination. From a demographic point of view, there are several types of families and their organization.

In the traditional view of the structure, 2 types of family relations can be distinguished.

An example is the patriarchal family in pre-revolutionary Russia, where the head of the family (grandfather, older brother) disposed of all property, supervised household work, distributed duties, and resolved conflicts in the family. This form of relationship suggests a hierarchy of relationships: the head of the family is a man, the woman obeys him, younger generation- senior. Such relations did not cause special closeness, love.

The second is democratic (partnership), which involves an equal distribution of responsibilities, equal participation in solving all family problems, more progressive.

AT recent times equality of relations between spouses becomes predominant.

With the complexity of the socio-economic situation in the country, especially in families with small children, household management is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a woman (she manages the budget, distributes responsibilities among the rest of the family), and with the strengthening of the role of women in society, the role of family management is becoming more and more feminized. At the same time, this is combined in many families with the traditional distribution of family roles: the husband (father) is the breadwinner and breadwinner; wife (mother) is a housewife and educator of children. The increase in the role of the father firmly establishes the power of the man in the family, which should be reflected in the future in the strengthening of filial orientation to family roles.

Most American scientists approve the classification of family types according to P. Herbst (USA).

The first type is autonomous. Husband and wife have equal attitudes towards life and different value positions. Decisions in the family are made jointly, and they are of a compromise nature.

The second type - the dominant role is played by a man, personal characteristics his character. His worldview and attitude to life are decisive for all family members. A woman performs women's duties.

The third type - a decisive role is played by a woman, but the role of a man is high, decisions are made on the basis of recognition of the right of each spouse to an independent decision.

Modern socio-economic conditions in society have led to a change in the social structure of the family, to a high degree of its social heterogeneity, which is expressed in different ways. social status family members. With insufficiently high cultural potential of parents, it is not always ensured that it is passed on to the younger generation.

With the change of generations, spiritual and cultural values ​​are often lost.

Basic form family is the nuclear family. This is a triangle - parents and one child. It is represented by representatives of 2 generations - parents and children. There are 2 varieties - a complete nuclear family (two parents and children) and an incomplete nuclear family (lack of one of the parents). A family without children is also an incomplete nuclear family.

2nd form - extended family. This is a family that unites blood relatives of more than 2 generations, who are united by a common household. Most frequent variant- families with grandparents and other relatives.

3rd option - a large family. This is a group of blood relatives of different generations who live in one place, do not necessarily lead a joint household and are headed by the figure of a patriarch or matriarch. This form is typical for villages or small towns or on the outskirts of large cities. There is a house of parents, nearby 2-4 houses, where families of children with a certain nature of relations live. Parents play the role of patriarch, influencing the existence of families. Such a family is hierarchical.

4th option - family - clan. This is a group united by blood relations, which does not necessarily live in one place and does not necessarily have one leader. An example is the Sicilian mafia.

5th option - family - yard. Typical for Russia 17-19 centuries. Rare now. It unites several generations of family members, and the family includes people who are not related by blood (governesses, servants, maids) and families.

Families are distinguished by the number of children in the family:

Childless, or infertile family;

One-child family;

Small families - 1-2 children (not enough for natural growth)

Medium-sized families - 3-4 children (enough for small-scale reproduction, as well as for the emergence of intra-group dynamics)

Large families- 5 or more children (much more than it takes to replace generations)

Depending on the form of marriage:

Monogamous family - consisting of two partners of different sexes

polygamous family- one of the spouses has several marriage partners

o Polygyny - the simultaneous state of a man married to several women. Moreover, marriage is concluded by a man with each of the women separately. For example, in Sharia there is a limit on the number of wives - no more than four

o Polyandry - the simultaneous state of a woman married to several men. It is rare, for example, among the peoples of Tibet, the Hawaiian Islands.

Depending on the gender of the spouses:

Same-sex family - two men or two women who jointly raise adopted children or children from previous (heterosexual) marriages.

Diverse family

Depending on composition:

Simple or nuclear family - consists of one generation, represented by parents (parent) with or without children. The nuclear family in modern society has become the most widespread. She may be:

1. elementary - a family of three members: husband, wife and child. Such a family can be, in turn:

a) complete - the composition includes both parents and at least one child

b) incomplete - a family of only one parent with children, or a family consisting of only parents without children

2. composite - a complete nuclear family in which several children are brought up. Composite nuclear family, where there are several children, should be considered as a conjunction of several elementary

A complex family is a large family of several generations. It may include grandparents, brothers and their wives, sisters and their husbands, nephews and nieces.

Depending on the place of the person in the family:

Parental - this is the family in which a person is born

Reproductive - a family that a person creates himself

Depending on the residence of the family:

Matrilocal - a young family living with wife's parents,

Patrilocal - a family living together with the husband's parents;

Neolocal - the family moves to a dwelling remote from the place of residence of the parents.

Paternal inheritance means that children take their father's surname (in Russia also a patronymic) and property usually passes through the male line. Such families are called patrilineal. Inheritance through the female line signifies the matrilineality of the family.

V. S. Torokhtiy, summarizing the results of previous studies, notes that modern families differ from each other in the following ways:

By structure:

With one married couple with or without children;

With one of the parents of the spouses and other relatives;

With two or more married couples with or without children,

With or without one of the parents of the spouses and other relatives;

With mother (father) and children;

By type of headship in the family:

Egalitarian - a family based on the equality of spouses

By family life, put:

Family - "vent";

Family of detocentric type;

Family like sports team or debating club;

A family that puts comfort, health, order in the first place;

According to the homogeneity of the social composition:

Socially homogeneous (homogeneous)

heterogeneous (heterogeneous) family;

By family background:

Newlyweds - married from 1-2 months to six months;

Young family - from six months to three years family life;

A family expecting a child - from the beginning of a promising pregnancy to the birth of the first child;

Family of average marriage - from three to ten years of cohabitation;

Senior marital age - 10-20 years of family experience;

An elderly couple - occurs after the marriage of children and the appearance of grandchildren;

By the quality of relationships and the atmosphere in the family:

Wealthy family;

Resilient family;

Pedagogically weak family;

Unstable family;

Disorganized family;


City family;

rural family;

Remote (districts Far North);

By type of consumer behavior:

A family with a "physiological" or "naive-consumer" type of consumption (mainly with a food orientation);

A family with an "intellectual" type of consumption, that is, with a high level of spending on the purchase of books, magazines, entertainment events, etc.,

Family with an intermediate type of consumption;

Special conditions of family life:

student family,

distant family,

« illegitimate family»;

By the nature of leisure activities:

open family;

Closed family;

For social mobility:

reactive families,

Families of average activity;

Active families;

According to the degree of cooperation joint activities:

Traditional family;

Collectivist family;

individualistic family;

As of mental health:

Healthy family,

neurotic family,

Victim family.

E. A. Lichko (A. E. Lichko) developed the following classification of families:

1. Structural composition:

Full family(there is a mother and father);

Incomplete family(there is only mother or father);

Distorted or deformed family (having a stepfather instead of a father or a stepmother instead of a mother).

2. Functional features:

Harmonious family;

Disharmonious family.

Each of the categories of families is characterized by the socio-psychological phenomena and processes occurring in it, the marriage and family relations inherent in it, including the psychological aspects of subject-practical activity, the circle of communication and its content, the features of emotional contacts of family members, the socio-psychological goals of the family and individual psychological needs of its members.


After analyzing the theoretical literature, we came to the conclusion that the analysis of the family structure makes it possible to answer the question of how the family function is implemented: who in the family is in charge and who is in charge, how rights and duties are distributed among family members.

The most common family structure in our society is the family, which includes adult members (husband and wife, and often one of their parents) and children. For a family, we have the most typical orientation to one or two children.

The family is more often focused on the equal distribution of responsibilities, as well as equal participation in solving all family problems.

Analyzing the structure of a particular family, it is necessary to investigate the composition of the family; stop in turn at different levels of the system (the whole family as a whole, the subsystem of parents, the children's subsystem, individual subsystems); describe the family structure in terms of its main parameters (cohesion, hierarchy, flexibility, external and internal boundaries, family role structure); assess the nature of structural problems (intergenerational coalitions, hierarchy reversal, type of family structure imbalance).

“In essence, the structural approach to families is based on the idea that the family is something more than the individual biopsychodynamics of its members. Family members are related according to a particular device that governs their transactions. These devices are usually not explicitly formulated or even recognized, but they form a whole - the structure of the family. The reality of the structure is a reality of a different order than the reality of the individual members.” (Salvador Minukhin)


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