Window template for drawing frosty patterns. How frost patterns form on glass

Ice patterns on the windows are a rare beauty sight.

On cold, frosty days, if you have to travel by bus or trolleybus, do not rush to thaw and wipe the frozen glass.

There are no less interesting things on the glass than behind it. All these beautiful patterns, similar to painted Christmas trees, seem to be similar to each other, but when you look, you will not see the same. Each pattern is special. Either large straight branches, then rounded ones, then small needles ran in different directions. Whatever the glass, the new pattern.

The most curious thing is that frost draws these patterns with our help. The warm moist air exhaled by people, in contact with very cold glass, freezes and turns into ice crystals. They form a complex pattern.
This is easy to check. If you thaw the frozen glass with your palm, and then breathe on it, you can see how the needles of ice crystals grow. And they always scatter to the sides at the same angle! When ice needles meet each other, they grow together, forming a pattern consisting of many crystals.

In cold rooms, frosty patterns will also form on the glass of showcases. But there, ice crystals settle out of the air without the help of people. Air always contains water vapor, a colorless and invisible gas. Frost only cares what to draw with it.
If you are observant, you can see that the frosty patterns are colored: either blue - in cloudy weather, then yellow - in the sun, then pink and purple - at sunset. Just be in time, sketch!

A long time ago, people determined the weather by frosty patterns:
if the branches of the patterns were directed downwards - the weather will be snowy and cloudy;
if up - clear and sunny.
Also, according to folk signs, straight drawings portend even greater cold, oblique - thaws, and more intricate patterns - to the snowfall.

It is hard to believe that all this is drawn without the help of human hands. It is impossible to take your eyes off these intricate arts of an unsurpassed master. The further you peer into the drawings, the more you are surprised at the skill of an unknown artist, whose name is Frost. These amazing pictures can be looked at and looked at, and every time you see something new. Here is a magic tree, there is a peacock's tail, a long branch of a palm tree, a fluffy spruce. Here is a wonderful flower. And on the other window are fabulous animals.
It is especially beautiful when a sunbeam falls on the window, then the whole picture sparkles. Watching the snow patterns, I noticed that they are colored: sometimes blue in cloudy weather, then yellow in the sun, then pink and purple at sunset. In the evening, when it gets completely dark outside the window and the glass looks black, frosty patterns sparkle like stars.

Patterns do not appear on the window if the window is open. In this case, the temperature of the air in the room near the glass decreases, becoming the same as the temperature of the glass itself. With high-quality sealing of glasses, patterns on the glass also do not appear, because. no temperature difference.
Everyone knows that the patterns on the glass are short-lived - the sun begins to warm up and the frosty patterns become less clear, blur and flow down the glass in streams of water. They disappear forever.

If, on the eve of the New Year, the weather outside your window is not quite frosty and snowy, but you really want to admire real winter landscapes, then there is a simple and original way to achieve this at no extra cost. Frankly speaking, this method is quite relevant even when winter pleases with its beauties to the fullest. After all, frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year are always fun, beautiful and festive! In addition, this is a simple and affordable option to quickly and originally decorate glass in your home, kindergarten, school. As a rule, in order to draw New Year's drawings on the windows, paper templates and stencils are used. As for the materials used for this purpose, stained glass paints, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a can are ideal for drawings on glass. By the way, the latter can be easily replaced with regular toothpaste/powder and an old brush. More ideas and examples in step-by-step master classes with photo drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 of the Dog next.

What you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten - a master class with a photo

There are a lot of options for what you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten. But we want to offer you a drawing that does not take much time to design and will be one of the most budget options. Find out more about what you can quickly and easily draw on the windows for the New Year using stencils in kindergarten from the lesson below.

The necessary materials to quickly and easily draw on the windows in kindergarten for the New Year

  • toothpaste
  • kitchen sponge
  • adhesive tape
  • christmas stencils
  • skewer

Step-by-step instructions on what and how to draw simply on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten

How to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste - a lesson with a photo step by step

The next technique for drawing frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste is even easier than the previous one. In addition, it is also a very fun way to usefully spend time with children who will be happy to take part in such decoration. How to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste, read the step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year with toothpaste

  • toothpaste
  • old toothbrush
  • paper snowflakes

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw frosty patterns on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste

Beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush, a step-by-step lesson with a photo

With a brush and gouache, you can also draw very beautiful drawings on the windows dedicated to the theme of the New Year 2018. Since the technique of applying gouache on windows does not differ from the usual way of drawing, we will show it using an example with paper. And you, having mastered a beautiful drawing with gouache and a brush for the New Year on paper, will cope with the image on the window without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for a beautiful picture on the window for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush

  • gouache
  • small flat synthetic brush

Step-by-step instructions for beautiful drawings for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush on the window with your own hands

Original drawings on the windows for the New Year with glue-paints with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Glue paints are ideal if you want to decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands with original three-dimensional drawings. In the absence of such paints in the shops of your city, they can be easily made at home. To do this, mix gouache, PVA glue and starch in equal portions. The finished mass should be poured into a convenient tube with a spout and you can start applying the original drawing with your own hands on the windows with glue paints for the New Year.

Necessary materials for the original drawing on the window for the New Year with glue-paints with your own hands

  • christmas stencils
  • glue paint
  • baking paper, transparent file or cling film

Step-by-step instructions for original drawings with glue-paints for the New Year with your own hands on the windows

Thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs, stencils and templates

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Dog, it is logical that thematic drawings on the windows that can be applied using stencils and templates will be especially relevant. It is believed that any image of an animal-symbol in the house in every possible way contributes to well-being, prosperity and good luck throughout the year. In addition, thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs (stencils and templates below), like real watchdogs, protect their owners from everything bad. Therefore, if you want to draw a New Year's dog on your window, then take a closer look at the options for the drawings that we have collected in the selection below.

What original can be drawn for the New Year 2018 at school on a window, glass (photo)

Decorating school windows with drawings on the eve of the New Year is a fairly common creative practice. Often there are even whole competitions between classes on the topic of whose office windows can be called the most festive and beautifully decorated. Therefore, the question of what original can be drawn for the New Year 2018 at school on windows and glass is relevant for many students. Given that children's imagination has no boundaries, then there can be a great many options for such New Year's drawings. And to inspire you to be creative, we suggest taking a look at a selection of original pictures that you can draw on the glass / window at school for the New Year.

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with toothpaste - templates and examples

Since toothpaste is very similar to frost in its external characteristics, it is quite actively used to apply frosty patterns on windows on New Year's Eve. The templates and examples that you will find below are a direct confirmation of this. Most often, I use toothpaste to imitate frosty patterns, but it is also suitable for drawing snowy landscapes and other New Year's pictures. By the way, for the manufacture of such drawings on the windows, you can use not only paste, but also tooth powder. It should also be diluted with water in proportions of approximately 1:1. The consistency of the mass for drawing should be quite liquid, but with intense color. To apply frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with toothpaste according to the template, you can use a brush or a foam sponge.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year at home, video step by step

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs at home, at school, kindergarten, can be painted with stained glass paints, which are ideal for working on glass. Unlike the technique with toothpaste, brush and gouache, working with stained glass paints requires certain skills and strict adherence to the instructions. In order to draw a thematic drawing on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year at home, you can use ready-made templates and stencils with symbols. Also, these paints are suitable for drawing subtle frosty patterns and small details. You can see the step-by-step process of working with stained-glass paints on glass in the video tutorial below.

Winter has many symbols, which at one glance remind us of clear cold days, the sun sparkling on snowdrifts, playful games and fun in the fresh frosty air, and more ice patterns on glass.

What kind of masterpieces you will not see on the inner surface of the window when it is cold outside! People with a developed imagination, and even simple observers, see winter painted landscapes and ornaments that can cover the entire surface of the glass or creep in from the corners, framing the view from the window. There are spruce branches, and snowy plains, and thickets of fern, and pine forests, and what else the bewitched viewer of the winter patterned creation does not dream of.

In fact, all this beauty is a natural manifestation of physical phenomena. The main participant in the process is water, a well-known combination of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen (H 2 O), which is famous for the fact that it can take on its three incarnations: solid, liquid and gaseous, within the external environment with a slight, in the general chemical concept, change temperatures from 0 to 100 degrees.

When there is moisture in the air and the temperature drops below zero, the moisture gradually condenses on the cooled surfaces. I immediately remember how in the heat all kinds of bottles cooled in refrigerators sweat invitingly. When the temperature is above 0, water vapor transforms into a liquid, but when it is lower, passing the liquid state, it becomes ice, or rather its tiny crystals. When the room is warm, any moisture that is near the window glass, behind which it is cold, turns into micro-ices, falling on the exposed surface. With this, everything is clear, but where do such unique and diverse patterns come from?

Each glass is not perfectly clean: it contains dust particles, small scratches, touch marks, all kinds of "traces" of environmental influences. The moisture that gets on the glass is also not distilled. Therefore, regular ice crystals with six faces, which are formed in laboratories, cannot appear on glasses. Crystals grow along the edges of surface microcracks, around dust particles and other inclusions. A film of moisture, even a very thin one, tends downward according to the laws of physics, therefore, ice formations are always denser in the lower part of the glass, and more openwork and patterned at the top. The direction of air flow at the glass surface also matters. While there is not too much water, the curls are thinner and more delicate, with an increase in the amount of moisture that has settled on the glass, the crystals begin to grow not only on the plane, but also in volume, covering the pattern with a dense white veil.

Some scientists even came up with the idea that all the universes of nature obey identical laws, i.e. the way chemical crystals are formed, the cells of living organisms are formed and lined up according to the same principles. That is why some of the glass patterns resemble primeval rainforests. Well, scientists cannot do without a flight of fancy, because this served as the beginning of many discoveries.

It remains only to note with some sadness that modern double-glazed windows, which are proud of their constancy of temperatures, no longer make it possible to enjoy the artistic painting of frost. But they say that our famous lace-makers from Vologda and Kostroma took plots for their extraordinary fine work of lace, glancing at the frozen window in winter ...

Teaching children to beauty from childhood is a very important task. One way is to draw.

Today we will try to answer the question:

"How can you teach a child to draw frosty drawings on paper?"

In order to start drawing we need:

  • a sheet of paper of at least A4 size;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • gouache paints and brushes.


  1. We give a shade of cold blue, for this we dilute the blue paint with water. We pass the entire sheet with paint, creating a background. It is important to correctly shade the background, the top of the sheet should be lighter than the bottom.
  2. After the sheet dries, we make a sketch of the drawing with a pencil over the entire sheet. We draw a chaotic pattern, with thin, needle-like petals. We use imagination, we try to make various patterns.
  3. We take blue paint and draw our pattern with a thin brush.
  4. Next, add a contrast of bright white paint here and there. It is very important to "whiten" the drawing in the central part and on the left.
  5. When the drawing dries in places, add neat to orange and pale blue buds. This will allow you to overflow and play with colors in the picture.

As you can see, drawing a frosty pattern is not so difficult.

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  • How to draw winter with a pencil in stages for children?
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