I miss your tight hugs. Beautiful SMS miss you beloved husband in prose

I don’t know why, but I really wanted to write to you ...
I just really want to tell you all this, but you won’t hear? ...
I just really want you to know - I miss you very much .. I can’t find a place without you .. I just really want to say all this ... Just VERY ...
I love you so much…
I love your strong male hands and your ability to touch them so gently. Your touch, you know... it's like the flap of a butterfly's wing. Sensitive. Thin.
I miss your kisses.
Your lips .. how I love your lips ... I like it when you kiss my hands .. every finger .. palms ..)) I love when you kiss my hair and inhale their smell, holding me tighter ... when you hug like that, I feel how much you need and how much you are afraid of losing me ... do it more often))
When you smile so slyly and kiss, kiss, kiss ... face, neck, shoulders, hands again ... You do it in such a way that you want to dissolve in you ... surrender without a trace ... trust forever ... and even you are silent so that you want to undress ... )
It was not like this with anyone ... with anyone, do you hear? I just now understand how it is - REALLY ...
I love it so much when you take me in your arms and carry me around the house like a princess .. you are so touchingly careful, you are so sensitively vulnerable at these moments .. so strong, strong, but so lovingly weak ...
I miss you…
I want to fall asleep every night in your arms, giving you all my love to the last drop of strength ... lying on your chest, snoring softly, falling asleep with a smile on my lips .. because I'm so happy with you!...
I want to cook breakfast for you every morning and eat with you. Drink morning tea/coffee with your bare feet on your knees. Smile, laugh, joke... My world is so bright with you...
I love it so much when you watch me sleep. I feel it even through the deepest sleep. And I know for sure - you look and smile!)
I want to cook all sorts of goodies/sweets/differences for you... To please you with the most interesting dishes that you can think of... And be sure to consult with you during the cooking)) Is it sweet for you? Enough salt? More pepper? Not because I don’t know how much is needed ... no, I know. I just want you to remember that your opinion matters to me. Anytime and anywhere.
I love it so much when you give me flowers .. Just like that, unexpectedly .. Just to please .. Just to remind you once again how important I am to you and how pleased you are when I smile. And most importantly, that you give the most-most-most loved ones. Do you know which ones? And only you will know.
I love it when we drive together in a car through the city at night ... I like to ride with you with my hand on my knee ... You always smile and say that I help you drive the car a lot) you are always welcome, my love ... you know) ...
I love to walk with you in an embrace, by the hand and just beside ... The main thing is that you and I are close, close ... So close that more and more often I want to stop and kiss ... Wherever we are ... even if in a crowd ... like are you talking there? Should there be no barriers in love?
My strong, my kind, my dear, the only ... man ...
Not a boy, not a child, not a "mother's son" ... A MAN ...
I look again and am simply amazed ... I just can’t believe my happiness ... how I have been waiting for you for a long time!
I will be the best for you...I will be the perfect for you...I PROMISE...be worthy of it and justify all my hopes.
I will become a better wife. I will be the most wonderful mother, two (required two!)) charming kids! We will have the strongest and happiest family! We can build it, no doubt!)
Everyone who was before you is my life experience .. All these tears, losses, disappointments are not in vain, I know .. I learned how to become the best for you. I learned not to repeat the mistakes.
They are my past and you are the present.
There's only a little left, right? Just find each other and meet.
Meet and never part again.

I'm waiting for you. Really want to see you…
Find my way...
You know where to look for her.
Search by listening to the heart ...

I love you like the sky loves the wind
I love as tenderly as a wave - sea sand.
But there is no joy without you, without you - all life is oblique. 21

I fall asleep - you are in my dreams, I wake up - you are in my thoughts. I think it's easier to do without everything else than without you. 33

I want to tell the whole world that I don’t have you dearer, that I miss you, I want to see you soon, my love! 37

I want very little - just you by my side. Near both body and soul, because I will be happy only with you. 2

The sea misses the waves, the sunset misses the gentle shores, the stars miss in the dark haze... And I miss you! 30

I remember every moment with you, I suffer from separation, I just die without you, I don’t know if I’ll see you soon ... I just want to say one thing - I miss you madly! 18

I miss you very, very much: in the morning, in the evening and at night. I dream about you, here is a text message for you. It cannot be expressed in words how sad I am when such a distance between us ... 50

Rain in my soul, I'm all sad, because I want to see you for too long! 28

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I miss you very much
You are my other half
You are the one I always need
I don't exist without you! 28

I so want to see you and look into your eyes again, whisper in your ear - dear, dear, I miss you so much! 43

I miss your eyes, your tender, fiery lips, and I'm waiting for your touches, like the sweetest moments! 35

How I missed my love
By your gentle hands!
How I miss my dear
By your lips!
How I wait for your attention...
After all, without you - only suffering! 14

I love you like clouds wind
Like heaven's first star
And you are not dearer to me in the world,
And I won't leave you. 30

I only want 3 things: to see you, to hug you, to kiss you. 46

Good morning my kitty
Lion cub, tiger cub, my dear boy!
A princess writes to a beautiful bunny,
Let my sms warm your soul. 30

I miss your eyes looking at me with tenderness... 46

Pulse - 200. Pressure - 190/90. Mental state - depression. There is no coordination. The diagnosis is up to you. Treatment is your love! Save me! 57

I'm so far from you, which means far from paradise. Darling, take me! I miss you like crazy! 17

Do not be sad, beloved, do not ruin yourself. After all, I love terribly only you alone. 5

I'm crazy about love.
Without you, all life is in vain.
Without your eyes, without your lips
I'm so miserable without your hands! 6

If you are sad and longing in your soul
Just think of me for a moment!
Know that someone is close and so dear
Always, at any time, waiting for you home! 13

Sending my favorite boyfriend on the planet a million kisses, a hundred hugs and a thousand words "miss you"! 33

The best time for me is the time spent with you! Darling, I missed you. I think it's time to meet up! Chmok:-* 31

good morning husband good night husband I miss my beloved I miss my husband Apologies to a loved one Love husband

Without you, I am like a flower drying up without water, like a lone star in a vast sky, like just one drop in an immeasurable ocean. Come back, beloved husband, I yearn for your passionate embrace, kind voice, gentle look.

Before me is a flash of strangers' faces, random glances, strained smiles, the world around is gray, uncomfortable, my heart is sad and lonely, because you, the only and dear husband, are not with me now. I miss your eyes, hands, you, my love.

The morning is truly good if I meet him in your arms. The evening is really cozy if we discuss the past day over a cup of tea. I miss it so much right now. I miss you very much, my love.

Every minute I feel your absence in my heart, my love. Let us spend a lot of time together, but I always miss when, albeit not for long, we have to part. Come back soon!

I miss you husband, I'm waiting for you very, very much! My soul freezes without you and turns into a ball of ice. Not comfortable, empty and sad alone. Come quickly, hug and warm me so that I melt from the tenderness of your warm hands.

I am a beautiful lock, and you are a carved key, I am a gentle sun, and you are a passionate sky, I am a faithful foliage, and you are a strong tree! We don't have to exist separately. I miss you, sincerely adored husband!

My beloved hubby, I so miss your radiant smiles and gentle glances, your charming voice and sweet caresses. I am waiting for our meeting, I hurry the clock, I adjust the minutes, I count the moments, and all the time I sincerely and ardently love you.

The distance between us breaks my soul with incredible longing, the high sky seems dark without you, and the shining sun - cold! I look forward to meeting, gentle hugs and your kind words, as I have never expected anything! Beloved husband, come back soon!

I want to see your beloved eyes, feel your light breathing and feel the strong beating of your heart... After all, I know that a great warm feeling lives in your soul, and it is mutual. I love you, husband, miss you and look forward to meeting you!

I want to confess - I miss the most charming, incredibly passionate, very sweet, damn charming, extraordinarily kind and amazingly smart man! That person is you, adored husband!

When you're far away, nothing makes me happy. Good news doesn't seem so good, successes seem less significant, and sunny weather does not create a great mood. After all, I want to share all the best with you. Dear husband, I miss you!

Do you know, my dear husband, how I miss you: I don’t see the sun, I don’t notice smiles, the world has become empty without you and turned gray, and my heart sank from longing. And only feelings in anticipation of our meeting are torn from the chest, bringing closer the sweet moment of your embrace.

Without you, our huge world is so small, my beloved, my husband! I miss you like air, like a ray of sunshine, like a breath of fresh wind. I miss, frantically looking forward to our meeting, because only next to you I am truly happy.

In my heart, only you - my dear, only husband, even if you are not around, as now, my soul is together with yours, my thoughts are about you, my body is waiting for your touches, tender caresses, passionate kisses. I miss - to the point of pain, to despair, I love.

My beloved, my husband, I burn without you, like a match in the dark, and around is darkness, emptiness, loneliness. Only your look will replace the sunlight for me, your smile will drive away melancholy and sadness, your voice will give pleasure. I'm waiting for you, I miss you.

Alina Ogonyok
