Finger Tattoo - Stylish Tattoos for Connoisseurs of Minimalism. How to make a tattoo of women's fingers

For prisoners and former prisoners, tattoos play an important role and a special meaning, which not everyone understands. A tattoo on a prisoner’s body can tell a lot about the owner: from the number of walkers to the character and status in the criminal world. Nowadays, the concepts of certain tattoos have changed somewhat, and an expert will help you understand all this variety of prison art.

A tattoo with a pirate is a sign that its wearer has been convicted of robbery. Robbers also wear tattoos with a skull and a dagger. “In addition to the classic prison tattoos (pirate is one of them), there are also those that have become fashionable recently. Inscriptions in foreign languages, aphorisms from French, English, and German are very popular today. Latin and catchphrases from ancient Greece and ancient Rome are also popular,” says the specialist.

“The grin is one of the most popular prison tattoos. Previously, it was interpreted as follows: “He bared his teeth at the Soviet regime.” It has not lost its relevance today and means rejection by the prison administration. Anyone who wears such a tattoo seems to be saying: “I consider myself a criminal and am not going to cooperate.”

A prison tattoo with the image of a bear is a sign of a safecracker, a safecracker. “New criminal tattoos appear extremely rarely. The only exception I've seen is the image of a syringe. This is a traditional sign of drug addicts. Recently, there has been a fashion to put next to it the letter designation of the specific drug that the person used,” notes Sidorov.

A tattoo with the image of a cat with keys is a sign of a burglar (“burglar”). “The world of thieves has its own tattoos. For example, pickpockets used to prick themselves with insects - beetles, bees, cockroaches (ZH.U.K. - I wish you successful thefts). True, now they have moved away from this practice: it simply reveals pickpockets.”

“A rose against a background of bars or barbed wire means that the wearer of such a tattoo turned 18 in prison. Tulip means the same thing, but at 16 years old. Tattoos of young children are called “partachki” and are most often characterized by low quality workmanship. But they account for the majority of prison tattoos.”

The Virgin and Child (like the crucifix) is a tattoo that means “My home is a prison.” According to Sidorov, tattoos on religious themes (both Christian and Muslim) are now in fashion among prisoners. But political tattoos are gradually disappearing.

Thieves' stars are the “legend” of prison tattoos. “Previously, thieves’ stars were a distinctive sign of authorities. Now everything has changed: they can be found not only among serious thieves, but also among ordinary prisoners. Their status has dropped somewhat. In general, today the more tattoos a person has, the less importance he has in the zone. Those with a large number of tattoos are treated like fools. In Soviet times, for example, thieves’ stars fought on the collarbones (this meant “I will never wear shoulder straps”) and on the knees (“I will never kneel before the cops”). These were purely ideological, thieves’ tattoos. If such stars were hit by a person who did not belong to the world of thieves, one could answer for this according to the concepts. Then, closer to the 90s, many people who had nothing to do with thieves began to wear the famous tattoos, and stars began to get tattoos of lesser status. Today there is a prison concept: “There is no answer for a tattoo.” It means that if someone foolishly got a tattoo with a serious meaning, there is no need to touch him, no matter what the fool. Although, of course, sometimes such people have to answer for their actions,” says the expert.

“Rings are often struck by prisoners who are in prison under 18 years of age. They can tell a lot about their owner: for example, a black ring with a white cross indicates that the prisoner visited the famous St. Petersburg “Crosses”. And a black ring with a white diagonal is a sign that the owner went through a “youngster”. There are dozens of varieties of such tattoos. By the way, an equally popular tattoo is “One in four walls” (five dots between the thumb and index finger), denoting a prisoner,” says Sidorov.

The sailboat (like the galloping deer) is a symbol of escape. It means that the wearer of the tattoo is striving for freedom. “A huge number of subjects of criminal tattoos are taken from English naval tattoos. The sailboat is one of them.”

“The domed temple is one of the most common prison tattoos. The number of domes indicates the number of "sentences". When the sentence has been fully served, a cross appears on the dome. A tattoo with domes without crosses on a person at large immediately raises many questions; people “in the know” will definitely look at him with suspicion.”

Shoulder straps or Epaulettes on the shoulders of convicts are adapted into ZK tattoos from pre-revolutionary military uniforms and indicate a negative attitude towards the justice system. Epaulets are worn by high-ranking criminals, who may also have an appropriate nickname, such as "Big" or "Colonel". Shoulder straps with three small stars or skulls stand for: “I am not a camp slave, no one can force me to work”, “I am a prisoner, but I was born free”, “I am a zone colonel - I will not dirty my hands with a wheelbarrow”, “ The strong win, the weak die,” “Horses die from work.”

The inscription on the knuckles is a tattoo of the female name Nadya. “Ring” on the index finger means: “Don’t trust anyone but yourself.” “Boy” is one of the most privileged criminal tattoos among penal colony prisoners. On the middle finger there is a tattoo of pickpockets - “cross of thieves”. Ring finger: “Served in full”, “From beginning to end”, “Sat without the right to parole”: the prisoner served his full term in the colony, without going to a free settlement on parole. Pinky tattoo: “Dark Life” indicates that the wearer spent a lot of time in a punishment cell. A skull and crossbones, a gun, a knife and the letter "K" (Iller - editor's note) represent the killer.

Rings in criminal tattoos and their meaning

The ring is a very informative type of ZK tattoo; it conveys in encrypted form information about what type of crime the offender ended up in prison for, what regimes he served his sentence in, how he behaved in the “zone” (he was a “refuser” or worked honestly, behaved in a disciplined manner or violated the regime, was in a group of positive-minded convicts or was part of a “denial group”, collaborated or was at odds with the administration, etc.). From the rings one can learn about the position of the criminal in the criminal hierarchy, about his value orientations and behavioral attitudes.

1. Has been convicted (or has been convicted) The tattoo is applied to the index finger.
2. Thief Tattoo is applied to the thumb.
3. Dissatisfied with the verdict Applied to the ring finger.
4. Passage through the “crosses” and the “zone” (usually for those convicted more than once).
5. “Hello to the thieves”
6. “Mokrushnik”, convicted under Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
7. Card player, cheater
8. Ring of minors: authority, twice imprisoned.
9. Passage through the Muslim zone With a cross - through crosses (?).
10. “Anarchy” - a ring applied by convicts who have a negative attitude towards the regime and discipline.
11. Symbol of power, authority among criminals.
12. Combined ring, usually only for a reputable convict.
13. “Wasted Youth” He was convicted when he was a minor.
14. “Death to the hillocks”
15. “Third trip to the zone” (?).
16. Nepotism ring
17. Tried (or being tried) by a minor (Two flowers on one branch - a champion of bloody revenge.)
18. Passed the “crosses”
19. Was convicted
20. “Anarchy” or criminal record under Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
21. Women’s ring - “denied”, I won’t shake hands with the cop.
22. a) for men: beat activists; b) for women: I dedicate my life to women. Cobbles are tattooed (see the dictionary of slang words and expressions).
23. In the circle of thieves (women's ring).
24. Ring of minor girls: “They are not judged.”

— White cross on a black background. Means that the owner was serving a sentence for robbery. Gothic ring.

- Tattoo of a parachute - a prisoner from the cohort of the offended. The ring is applied forcibly. They are often used to mark card debtors. When leaving the zone, the owner of the ring usually paints over a white triangle, imitating the “Left on call” tattoo.

- Black square. "From call to call." "Was released without parole."

— “I went through the “Kresty” (pretrial detention center in St. Petersburg). A crown can be placed above the ring. Tattoos are also found on women.

— White diagonal and crescent on a black background. “I served my sentence in a high-security vocational school.” Muslim ring.

- “Sins of Youth.” He began his camp experience in an educational labor colony.

- “EVIL” (“testaments of a beloved father”). A symbol of family ties or criminal dynasty.

- “I took the path of a thief.” Convicted of theft.

— Women's tattoo. "Alone in a circle of thieves." She served time for hooliganism.

- “I won’t shake hands with the cop.”

- “Passed the bitch zone.” The owner of the ring served his sentence in a vocational school, where activists held power.

- "Polish thief." The owner of the tattoo is a former thief who has not abandoned the traditions of the brotherhood of thieves. The upper number indicates the term, the lower number indicates the number of convictions.

- The ring of a man - a convict who maintains neutrality in the zone.

— The sun and seagulls, separated by a diagonal. "Lost Youth" “I served my first term in a correctional labor colony.”

— A ring with an image of a spider in a web. There is a white cross on the spider's back. “I was convicted of gop-stop” (robbery). Symbolizes violence

— A dagger entwined with a snake. A symbol of aggression and secret threat. The owner of the ring was serving a sentence for premeditated murder.

- Hare. Minor's ring. Indicates sympathy for prostitutes or a penchant for depraved acts. Can be applied by force.

— A snake in the shape of the Latin letter “5” with two vertical stripes. "Second walk." Sometimes a third stripe is applied (third term of imprisonment). Tattoos are also found on women.

- "CAT" ("indigenous inhabitant of the prison"). A thief's sign, symbolizing pride, a long stay in prison, and good luck. Sometimes found among gopniks.

- Sun, anchor, heart. "Love and Freedom". Borrowed from sailors.

- Pigeon foot. Pacifist sign. In thieves' terms, it is a sign of aggression. The tattoo is applied by malicious violators of the camp regime.

— A dagger piercing an officer's shoulder strap. “Death to the cops.” The owner of the tattoo was convicted of a crime against police officers. The tattoo is often found on other parts of the body.

- Inverted star. Satanist symbol. “Committed a crime for religious reasons.” “We are on trial for desecration of graves.” Rarely seen.

— Zion Star of David. "Jewish Class Unity". “I passed through the zone, but did not betray my faith.”

- Six. Ring of a thieves' crown - prisoners who carry out the orders of camp authorities.

— Black cross on a white background. “Passed the zone.” Place of tattoo: index finger. Occurs in women.

— Black cross with a dot in the middle and diagonal rays. "Alone in a circle of friends." The owner of the ring began his criminal activity as a minor.

— Black grave cross. Found in denied. The ring can also be dedicated to parents who died while the owner of the tattoo was in prison.

— Black cross on a white background. “Went through the zone.” Figures corresponding to the assigned sentence may be indicated.

— Black cross with outgoing rays. Symbolizes a criminal record. The number of rays means the number of walkers.

— Figured cross. "Forgive me, mom." The ring symbolizes the memory of deceased parents.

- Cathedral. "Eternal Prisoner" The tattoo is applied to prisoners who have at least three previous convictions. The number of domes of the cathedral indicates the number of walkers.

— Swastika in a white circle. “PAPA” (“p... activists, hello anarchists”). Symbolizes cruelty and aggression. Negation sign.

— Hammer and sickle with a star. The owner of the ring believes that his sentence was unfairly imposed. Under the ring there is the abbreviation GOD (“was condemned by the state”).

— White crown with outgoing rays. "May the best man win." Ring of the camp authority - godfather, thief in law. The number of rays is the number of convictions.

- Tulip. The owner of the ring was serving a sentence in a correctional labor colony. Rays may extend from the flower, indicating the length of punishment or the number of convictions.

— Skull on a white background. “Woe to the vanquished,” “To live is to fight.” Symbolizes power, strength, aggressiveness. The tattoo means that its owner will not stop at violence. Found in denied.

— Inverted suit of spades on a white background. Cormorant ring. Its owner was convicted of hooliganism. The symbol is also found on the ears.

- Club suit. "Day is for scientists, night is for thieves." “Was convicted of theft of personal property.” Women also get tattoos.

— Diamond suit. "Ace of Diamonds." Symbol of a highly skilled card sharper.

— Black and white ring, divided diagonally. In the lower right corner is the suit of clubs. “I went through the Crosses.”

— Hearts suit on a white background. “Tselkarik”, “Amurik”, “Lokhmatukha” The owner of the tattoo received a sentence for raping a minor. Often the ring is applied forcibly.

— Hearts suit in the lower right corner. Convicted of indecent assault on a minor.

— Club and spades suits, separated by a diagonal line. Sadness for lost youth.

— Clubs and spades suits, placed in a checkerboard pattern. Ring of camp authority. The tattoo can be combined with the domes of the cathedral, the number of which indicates the number of criminal records.

— Black and white suit of spades, broken by a diagonal line. “I met my coming of age at VTC.” Usually applied during transfer to NTC.

— Black square with a white diagonal stripe. “Passed the zone.”

- Black square. There are three dots on the white diagonal stripe. Ring of a waffler (“rooster”) - a prisoner who is part of the camp cohort of the downtrodden and offended. The tattoo is applied forcibly after committing an act of sodomy.

In the criminal world meaning of rings in Soviet times it was of great importance; almost all prisoners who served in camps got such tattoos. Today, to prick rings, it is a rare case when it is specially ordered from a ringmaker. This happens, first of all, because the very meaning of the rings is outdated, few people know their true meaning, even in camps and prisons.

The most famous tattoos “rings”

Last time I told you how tattoos are done in prison. and posted information that I was very familiar with.

We've moved a little away from the topic, let's return: tattoos of rings from the 40-50s of the last century were of great importance in the criminal hierarchy. Then it was obligatory to stab yourself with a ring; this designation was a distinctive sign of a prisoner in the criminal hierarchy. A personal fragment could be added to each ring, of course, if the tattoo was not applied by force. The ringer in those days simply had to know the origin and meaning of each fragment applied to the prisoner’s finger, otherwise he risked getting it on the pen or even worse. Read "Fenya".

In Soviet times, every prisoner understood the intricacies of finger tattoos, and it was important for the tattoo artist to take into account all aspects: colors, shape, symbol, and, of course, the design itself, from which each convict knew who he was dealing with. Of course, he knew the thieves' law. Today we will look at the most famous rings that are still found today.

The meaning of finger tattoos

  1. Served time.
  2. Served time.
  3. He spent many years behind bars - there were four towers in the corners and a prisoner in the center.
  4. I started my journey as a teenager.
  5. I've been stealing since I was young.
  6. He rose through the juvenile system, meaning that from the juvenile age he finished his sentence with a reinforced prison sentence.
  7. He dusted the youngster, that is, he denied it.
  8. He dusted the youngster, “denies the garbage”.
  9. He spent time in a medical labor camp, being treated for alcoholism and drug addiction.
  10. Negative.
  11. “The road to the zone” is taught in a special school.
  12. “The road to the zone” is given to suspended prisoners.
  13. They dusted the crosses and stab those who denied the regime in St. Petersburg Crosses.
  14. “I will die for thieves.”
  15. Half my life in camps.

16. A “thief” is imprisoned only for theft.

17. “The thief will fix the grave.”

18. “Half my life in the camps.”

19.I'm looking for a bixu for love.

20. “The suit of a boy” - tattoo denied.

21. “A prisoner in love” corresponds with an absentee student.

23. “Death to the hillocks” - hatred of activists.

24. “Death to goats and activists.”

25. “Death to cops and activists, life to thieves and colonists.”

26. Served at Kresty.

28. A prisoner is a musician, he can play some kind of musical instrument or sing.

29. Served the term until the bell rang.

30. Heart broken by absentee student or wife while serving his sentence.

31. Lost my parents while serving my sentence.

33. At the age of 16 he went to prison.

34. “I was serving my sentence before the bell rang.”

35.36. “Dark life” - inflicts negative elements that sit in kitsch, drills.

37.38. 39. Contempt and hatred for garbage - “I won’t give a hand to the cops”, “beat the asset” tattoo of negative elements.

40. “I served my time, but I will steal.”

42. “I was in prison.”

43. Spent a long time in prison, spent half of his life behind bars.

44. “The sun shines on thieves, not on trash.”

45.Save and preserve.

Such rings were pierced in Soviet times. The meaning of the tattoos on the fingers indicated not only the levels in the criminal hierarchy of those times, but also one could read all the information: what he was in prison for, what he loved, etc. Black color in tattoos is associated with the zone, prison, and light color with freedom, the number of tattoos on the fingers also means the number of criminal records.

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CONTACTS © 2016. Urkagan 18

Photos and meaning of prison tattoos in the zone

Surprisingly, very often people who are absolutely far from the concepts of thieves and the world of thieves are drawn to find out the meaning of this or that tattoo. Of course, they can’t swear off prison; everyone knows about it. “Show me a man with a tattoo, and I will show you a man with an interesting past,” wrote Jack London.

Well, sometimes, when returning home on public transport, you can really notice a person “with an interesting past” when you see his fingers or hand painted with cheap paint. In this article we will talk about the meanings of common prison tattoos, and we will start with tattoos in the form of rings on the fingers.

Prison tattoos of rings on fingers and their meaning

Criminals in the family. Traditionally associated with the abbreviation EVIL, which stands for “testaments of the beloved father.”

The youngster is behind us. Childhood spent in educational colonies and correctional camps.

As a rule, such rings are “worn” by Muslims. The crescent and diagonal line indicate time served in a maximum security correctional facility.

Solid black ring. Means the time served “from bell to bell.” He was released according to the court verdict, without parole.

Can be found in both men and women. Identification sign of those who served their sentences in the famous Kresty prison in the city of St. Petersburg.

Ring of a prisoner for robbery.

One of the tattoos of the “lowered” and “parashnikov”. Mostly done by force. In the 90s, you could meet card debtors with such a ring. After release, prisoners with such a mark often painted over the white part of the square, turning the tattoo into a black solid black square (its meaning is written above).

A black square with a transverse white stripe diagonally. The owner of such a ring passed through the zone and was released.

Tattoo in the form of a diagonal white stripe with three black dots inside on a black background. This is the so-called homosexual “rooster” ring. This tattoo belongs to the caste of the downtrodden and offended in prison.

Black and white peak part divided by an oblique line. Usually deciphered as “meet the age of majority in the zone.”

Ring with a suit of hearts at the bottom right. The color of a pedophile - convicted of indecent assault on a minor.

Two-tone ring separated by a slash. In the white part there is a sign of the club suit. The tattoo means “passed through the Crosses” - the famous prison in the city of St. Petersburg.

Most often, such a ring is applied forcibly. Its presence on the finger indicates the term for rape of a minor - “Tselkarik”.

Ace of diamonds tattoo. Characterizes the owner as a professional card sharper.

This symbol can be found not only on fingers. Denotes a “cormorant” imprisoned for hooliganism. The ring looks like an inverted lance on a white background.

Both men's and women's tattoos. Indicates a prison sentence for theft. A common thieves' tattoo.

Tattoo with the image of a tulip on a white background. Its owner served his sentence in a correctional labor colony. Rays can also be depicted around the flower, indicating the period or number of walks.

One of the tattoos is “denied.” For owners of such tattoos, the phrase “To live means to fight” is typical. The owner will not retreat, will not give up, and is ready to resort to violence.

This ring signifies a “godfather”, a thief in law. The tattoo looks like a crown on a white background. Can be depicted with diverging rays, the number of which indicates the number of convictions.

Swastika tattoo in a white circle. The sign of negation has nothing to do with Nazism. A symbol of anarchism, cruelty, aggression in the zone.

Ring with the image of a hammer and sickle. Its owner does not agree with the verdict. The tattoo is found together with the abbreviation GOD: “was condemned by the state.”

Ring in the form of a figured cross. Denotes memory of deceased parents.

The famous "cathedral". It is applied both in the form of rings and on large areas of the body. Applied by prisoners with at least three walks. The number of domes symbolizes the number of terms.

A black cross with diverging rays also indicates a criminal record and the number of prison terms.

Tattoo in the form of a black cross on a white background. Also denotes a prison sentence. Can be depicted with numbers indicating the duration of the term or the number of walks.

The ring of someone who began criminal activity as a minor. The tattoo looks like a black cross with a dot and diverging rays. "Alone in a circle of friends."

The grave cross is a controversial tattoo. Sometimes found in people who denied it. May represent the memory of deceased relatives.

A black cross on a white background is usually applied to the index finger. Indicates time served. Can be found in both men and women.

The distinctive sign of the six is ​​a prisoner who carries out orders from authorities in the zone.

A fairly rare tattoo that denotes a crime committed for religious reasons. An inverted star is considered a sign of Satanists.

A ring denoting membership in the Jewish community. Classic Zionist Star of David. “I passed through the zone, but did not betray my faith.”

According to prison concepts, the pacifist sign has a completely different meaning from the classical one. This tattoo is applied to malicious violators of the prison regime and serves as a sign of aggression.

A dagger stuck into a shoulder strap. Denotes a conviction for a crime against a law enforcement officer. Stands for “death to the cops.”

Ring "CAT": a native inhabitant of the prison. A tattoo means a long stay in prison. Thief symbol.

Originally a nautical tattoo. The ring contains a heart, an anchor and a heart. Stands for "love and freedom."

A tattoo on the finger in the form of a hare characterizes its owner as prone to depraved acts or connections with prostitutes.

This tattoo can be on the finger of both a man and a woman. Two stripes indicate two moves.

Badge of a person serving time for murder. A dagger with a snake denotes aggression and cruelty.

A very common ring. There is a white cross on the spider's back. Symbol of a convicted robbery.

A characteristic symbol of a “man”—one who maintains neutrality in the zone.

Often a woman's tattoo, denoting lost youth. The ring depicts the sun and seagulls.

“Passed the bitch zone.”

A former thief who follows the thieves' code. The tattoo features two white triangles on a black background. The number at the top indicates the term, the number at the bottom indicates the number of convictions.

One of the thieves' tattoos. Indicates a conviction for theft.

Classic female prison tattoo. Indicates a prison sentence for disorderly conduct.

What do other tattoos on the zone mean?

Rings are not the only type of prison tattoo. Before I show you other tattoos of prisoners, which are applied to completely different parts of the body, I must say that prison tattoo culture is changing as rapidly as the art of body painting.

The values ​​we are talking about in this article were relevant in the 90s and 2000s. Of course, the tradition of thieves tattoos is still alive in Russian prisons and will live for a long time. Tattoos are still painted with homemade paint from burnt soles with the addition of iodine. But it’s hard to say how long everything will be like this.

By the way, among famous personalities there are owners of similar works. One of them is the controversial mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko. which you can read about in a separate article.

Real photos of prison tattoos

Surely you have heard about the famous thief star tattoo on the knees. We wrote about its meaning in a separate article. This is the most famous thief tattoo. for which the prison administration beats the prisoner without any questions (based on the stories of former prisoners), in order to check whether they really do not kneel. Below you will find several photos of common prison tattoos.

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What do the rings on different fingers symbolize? Read it and you will be shocked! 90-95% accuracy!

Noble metals or jewelry - we love to decorate our hands with rings, both women and men.

And besides the traditional meanings of a ring, for example, on the ring finger, as a symbol of marital relations, rings or rings can be seen on any other finger. For most people, a ring is just a beautiful accessory that can be matched with clothes and changed like gloves. For others, it is a talisman, a talisman, or some kind of symbol or sign. Psychologists agree that rings have something to tell about their owner, and the meaning is not only and not so much the ring itself, but the finger on which it is worn.

The tradition of wearing rings has its roots in antiquity. A ring is a special piece of jewelry that has been attributed magical powers since ancient times and was associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is the wedding ceremony, during which those entering into marriage exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and marital fidelity. Thumb ring

Thumb ring

The thumb is the finger of Mars. Rings and rings on the thumbs, especially men's ones, deserve special attention. The Lord of the Ring on the finger of Mars tends to be an energetic, emotional and expansive person.

These are straightforward, stubborn, militant, sometimes hot-tempered and aggressive individuals. Trying to convince them of anything or argue with them is completely useless - they will still stand their ground, even if they later have to regret it. At the same time, they are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, therefore, putting a ring on their thumb, they seem to intuitively try to curb and pacify their hot temperament.

This is a kind of subconscious attempt to find a common language and improve relationships with others, and even with oneself. On the other hand, according to psychologists, a ring on the thumb is a clear sign that at the moment the main goal of a person is self-affirmation by any means and means, and self-affirmation in the sexual sphere comes to the fore.

Such statements are not unfounded, because even among the ancient Greeks and Romans the thumb was considered a phallic symbol, which was decorated with iron rings to protect male power. The thumb ring is also a symbol of lesbianism. The ringed thumb of the right hand indicates a lesbian who has a companion, while the one on the left indicates a free lesbian, open to dating and new relationships. Like this! Therefore, girls who decorate their thumbs with rings, if they are far from lesbian, should be careful - they may be misunderstood.

Index finger ring

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter. The ring on the index finger is called the “power” ring.

It was on the index fingers that many outstanding historical figures wore rings - Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII. A finger decorated with a ring can be a sign of pride, a desire for power, as well as a strong and strong-willed character, with a ring on the right hand indicating prudence and a positive orientation of these traits, and on the left - about delusions of grandeur, arrogance, pride and a tendency to hysteria.

Astrologers and palmists advise shy and indecisive people to wear a ring on their index finger. This will fill them with the power of Jupiter, make them more confident, help them believe in themselves and increase self-esteem, give them determination, insight, and also bring luck and success to their lives. Rings made of gold and tin will have a particularly beneficial energetic effect.

Ring on the middle finger

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. The middle finger is decorated with rings by people prone to narcissism, confident in their irresistibility and superiority.

The more massive the ring and stone, the more clearly these qualities are manifested in a person. It is also customary to wear family jewelry on the finger of Saturn, emphasizing the connection with ancestors, faith in karma, the influence of fate, and a higher purpose. The birth ring on the middle finger will help smooth out the negative influence of rock, cope with difficulties and receive support from the family, and give strength to withstand.

The ring on the finger of Saturn will also help chronic losers to overcome obstacles and endless “black streaks”. It is also recommended for people involved in spiritual practices to wear a ring on the middle finger. If both fingers of Saturn are ringed, this may indicate a high degree of fatalism and some detachment from reality.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring finger is the finger of the Sun. The ring on the ring finger of the right hand (for Catholics - the left), first of all, indicates marital status.

This tradition dates back to the ancient Egyptians, according to whose beliefs, the “artery of love” leading directly to the heart began from the ring finger. In those ancient times, wedding rings were made not only from metals, but also from glass and ceramics. During the times of Ancient Rome, wives began to give iron and bronze rings to their spouses as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. Gold wedding rings, the tradition of which has survived to this day, appeared only in the 3rd-4th centuries. From an esoteric point of view, gold, as the metal of the Sun, is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

A ring on the ring finger (with the exception of the wedding finger) emphasizes its owner’s love for art, sophistication and luxury. As a rule, it ends up in the hands of aesthetes, actors, artists and people of creative professions in general. The ring on the finger of the Sun reveals a voluptuous nature, striving for pleasure, sensual pleasure and a pleasant pastime. It can also speak of a romantic and dreamy nature.

A small ring indicates a harmonious, calm, self-confident personality, and a large one indicates a person’s susceptibility to passions, imbalance, and a tendency to violent and even hysterical behavior. Decorating the ring finger with rings and rings is recommended for everyone who strives for fame and wealth, since the Sun gives a person creative energy, helps self-expression, promotes advancement and success.

Little finger - finger of Mercury Mercury is the patron of diplomats, businessmen, speakers, doctors and politicians, so a ring or ring on the little finger will benefit anyone who needs dexterity of hand, flexibility of mind and eloquence. It is believed that jewelry on the Mercury finger helps its owners find a common language with any person and establish business contacts.

According to psychologists, resourceful people who are prone to intrigue, adventure and betrayal often end up with a ring on their little finger. A ring on a woman’s little finger emphasizes narcissism, coquetry and changeable nature. A ringed little finger also indicates a readiness to flirt and a tendency to gamble, and in this case it is intended to somewhat calm down and even suppress these personality tendencies.

Toe ring

Rings on the toes From the point of view of most psychologists, ringed toes indicate a desire to stand out and attract attention. In some cases, this may indicate pride, inflated self-esteem and a desire for superiority over others.

What are the meanings of rings on women's fingers?

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Let's look at the meaning of rings on women's fingers and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes an image; they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both the wearing of rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

The meanings of each of the fingers

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, knowing the meaning of the rings on the fingers is useful for every woman. Modern girls wear 2-5 rings on 1 hand. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed due to the fear of losing family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. To prevent the abundance of rings from looking vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put accessories made of the same metal on 1 brush;
  • do not combine jewelry with costume jewelry;
  • avoid variegation.

Two rings made in the same style on one finger look like a single piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide, massive products look ridiculous on short and chubby arms. Often women have a question: on which fingers should they not wear rings? You can do it on anyone, even on everyone at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does a ring on a girl's thumb mean? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. A ring placed on the thumb speaks of perseverance and energy. It is difficult to convince such a woman. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

The art of tattooing arose at the dawn of human culture. With the help of marks on the body, people have long emphasized their caste, property or status.

Tattoos of another kind - in the form of a brand or brand - became a symbol of social rejection, a sign of shame. This is how criminals were branded, leaving images on the faces of men, the shoulders or chests of women.

Today, tattoos have begun to lose their original meaning, but it is necessary to remember their specific meanings.

One of the most common images to apply is 5 points on the wrist. It is familiar to every prisoner, is very popular among them, and is interpreted only in the context of prison symbols.

The five dots on a person’s hand have a meaning that directly indicates involvement in the criminal world. This tattoo is easy to make: it does not require any special art, because the pattern of five dots resembles the side of a dice cube.

To find out what the five dot tattoo on the wrist means, you need to take into account that in different cultures it is interpreted differently. For example, in America, such a tattoo can symbolize a connection with criminal groups that symbolically use the number “five” (for example, with the Chicago mafia or the “Latin Kings”, who chose a five-pointed crown as their emblem).

In Vietnam, where this image originates, the same tattoo means that the prisoner is protected, surrounded by reliable friends, and has someone to stand up for him.

Less common is an interpretation that speaks of the loneliness of the tattoo wearer, his love of freedom, the search for his own, not always simple, ways of life: “I am alone in this world,” “I am opposed to everyone around me,” “I am alone always and everywhere.” The most common name for tattoos of 5 points on the hand is “one within four walls,” which means: “a prisoner surrounded by prison walls.”

It is not difficult to guess that the figure of the prisoner is the most important, central point, and the four other marks forming a square are “towers” ​​or guards, or the walls of the prison cell themselves. Simply put, the main thing that every wearer of such a tattoo wants to secretly emphasize is that he spent at least 24 hours in the “zone.”

A tattoo of 5 dots decorates the back of the hand, sometimes two dots fall on the knuckles, and the rest below. More often the pattern is located at the base of the thumb. There are cases when the design is filled between the thumb and forefinger.

Five dots on other parts of the body or other places on the hand may indicate membership in criminal groups.

By the way, a kind of caste division in the world of prison tattoos still exists. The skillfully made “regals” worn by the prison elite are considered real in the zone. Fakes drawn by yourself are called “portachki”.

They, like their carriers, are treated with contempt. There are also “impudent” tattoos - tattoos applied forcibly. The last two may include a tattoo with five dots.

Is it possible to make such a tattoo yourself?

It is better not to do such a tattoo yourself, because according to the thieves’ law, only those who have spent at least a day in prison have the right to apply it. So, criminal elements are unlikely to appreciate such “criminalization”, but law enforcement agencies will be wary and worried.

So the conclusion is simple: either this is a layman for whom five dots on his hand do not matter, or a person who knows firsthand what imprisonment is. But whether you need to pretend that you were there is a different question.

Ring finger tattoos are the latest fashion trend in the body art industry. These small designs attract attention no less than larger tattoos and look very impressive. They are especially popular among celebrities. Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé and other famous singers and actresses have beautiful tattoos on their ring finger.

Features of a tattoo on the ring finger

Before you get a tattoo on the ring finger of your right or left hand, you need to carefully consider its location, color, design and size, because then you will no longer have the opportunity to change or hide this “work of art” with clothing. It is also important to remember that the hands and especially the palms are the most “running” part of the human body. We do something with them every day and wash them with soap, so over time the design may lose its brightness and clarity. For this reason, the most popular colors for tattoos on the ring finger of the left and right hand are dark blue and black. They are less susceptible to abrasion than other shades.

Fashionable tattoos on the ring finger

You can get a tattoo with any meaning on the ring finger of your right or left hand. Let's look at the most fashionable options.


Considering the shape of the finger, the most convenient tattoo option is. It should be small, because large images will not fit on this area of ​​the body. In addition, you should choose simple fonts. Curved lines will look unsightly, and the inscription will be impossible to read.

Mustache tattoo

Typically, such a masculine attribute is applied to the inside of the finger. This is a rather painful procedure, since there are no muscles between the bone and the skin in this place, and the skin is very thin. But a tattoo in the form of a man’s mustache looks very stylish and it will always help to amuse your friends, just put your finger on your upper lip.

Ring tattoo

Ring tattoos are especially popular among girls. They serve as a substitute for real jewelry. They can be made thick, thin, with an additional element (with a heart or bow) or from initials. Very often people get tattoos on ring fingers in the form of wedding rings.
