What is the best day to cut a man's hair. Auspicious days of the month for cutting and coloring hair

Our ancestors treated hair with respect, it was believed that hair acts as a link between a person and the Universe, accumulates the vitality and experience of a person. Therefore, in ancient times, hair was cut only in extreme cases, because a haircut was equated with a loss of energy and experience, a loss of connection with higher powers. Let's find out what they say about when you can not cut your hair, the signs of our ancestors.

Reserved days and places for a haircut

  • Weekdays or weekends?

The only categorical prohibition regarding hair cutting, by day of the week, concerns Sunday. It is believed that cutting hair on this day can negatively affect a person’s luck and success, cutting hair on Sunday is literally “cutting the wings of luck”.

Hair acts as a conductor between man and the universe

Cut hair - destroy this energy connection

There is also a ban on haircuts on antagonist days, depending on which day of the week a person's birth falls on. For example, if you were born on Sunday, then a haircut on Monday is forbidden for you, as it will attract negative energy.

Antagonists for days of the week:

  • Monday Sunday;
  • Tuesday Friday;
  • Wednesday Thursday;
  • Thursday Wednesday;
  • Friday - Tuesday;
  • Saturday Sunday;
  • Sunday Monday.

In ancient Rome, slaves were distinguished by cut hair. In the Scandinavian countries, cut hair was equated with dishonor, among the Jews - with desecration.

Regardless of which day of the week you decide to correct your hair, folk signs forbid doing it in the evening, since a haircut in the evening can take away strength. Perhaps this sign made sense before the advent of electricity, when it was difficult to cut hair at dusk, and, indeed, exhausted. Few adhere to this ban these days.

Another prohibition that has lost its relevance in modern conditions, when a haircut takes place at a hairdresser, is not to get a haircut in someone else's house. Perhaps the sign is associated with the prohibition to scatter one's hair so that it does not fall into the hands of an evil person or a sorcerer. After all, it is a strand of hair that is used in many magical rites.

The hair of a man of strong spirit was braided into a shepherd's whip. Any cattle became obedient to such a whip.

  • What does the lunar calendar say?

The lunar calendar for hair cutting was compiled according to the observations of many generations of people. Depending on what phase the Earth's satellite is in, a haircut can affect a person's health in different ways. For example, according to the lunar calendar, it is forbidden to shorten hair on a new moon, so as not to shorten one's own life.

You can cut your hair on a full moon

Another prohibition regarding cutting concerns the so-called "satanic days" - 9,15,23, 29 lunar days. The heavy energy of these days can contribute to the disease after a haircut, and you can also “cut your memory” by trimming your hair on the wrong day.

Astrologers make calendars for cutting hair, where they indicate favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, taking into account which day of the month and week the lunar day falls.

The general rule for cutting hair according to the phases of the moon is that those who want their hair to grow for a long time, but at the same time become thicker and stronger, cut their hair on the waning moon. Shortening the length of the hair on the growing moon contributes to their speedy growth again.

Also, do not cut your hair during lunar and solar eclipses. These days, the body loses its defenses, and cutting hair can only harm a person, since energy also leaves with the hair.

My own hairdresser

You can't cut your own hair

First of all, an independent haircut can adversely affect the health and vitality of a person. This is due to the fact that by cutting hair at random, without seeing what he is doing, a person violates his own biofield.

By cutting your hair, you can lose your luck and financial well-being. It is believed that cutting one's own hair can deprive a person of beauty, both external and internal. An unmarried girl who cuts her own hair runs the risk of being single for the rest of her life. However, life, according to legend, is also "cut", cutting off your hair - shortening the road to the cemetery.

family connection

There are also popular superstitions about the prohibition of cutting the hair of their relatives. Children should not cut their parents' hair, so as not to shorten their lives. And parents of their own children are also forbidden to cut signs. For example, a mother must not cut her daughter's hair, so as not to undercut her happiness, the same prohibition is imposed on the father's son's haircut.

Strictly speaking, children under one year old are forbidden to cut their hair at all. In Rus', for the first time, children were sheared late - at three or even seven years old. At the age of one, they solemnly cut off a curl from the top of his head and kept it behind the icons until the moment when his son went to fight, and his daughter got married. Then the first curl was transferred to its owner for storage, it was a kind of amulet, protection from diseases and evil forces.

Our ancestors did not cut girls' hair.

If one of the family members fell ill, an amulet with a baby curl was put on his neck, all family members gathered around the sick bed and prayed.

Today, the sign has been distorted and it is believed that in a year it is necessary to completely deprive the child of hair so that they grow strong and healthy. Our ancestors did not do this, because shaving their heads completely deprived a person of protection and provoked diseases. They took care of the hair from a young age and tried to keep it as long as possible, because along with the first hair, the memory of the days spent in the womb and infancy, as well as all the energy and experience accumulated over a lifetime, was preserved.

Another family sign about the prohibition of cutting hair does not allow the wife to cut her husband's hair. Husband and wife are considered to be one, therefore, as in cutting their own hair, the spouse deforms the husband's biofield by cutting off his hair. According to legend, this procedure can cause illness, loss of strength, failures and problems in a man, or even shorten his life.

In addition, it is believed that a husband trimmed by his wife can cheat on his wife, fall out of love with her or leave the family. And, without fail, a haircut will cause a quarrel between the spouses.

A sign does not allow pregnant women to have their hair cut

Pregnant women are also not allowed to have their hair cut. In ancient times, a female braid was considered a link with the Universe, three strands of a braid symbolized the energy flows that fed the body. Receiving such support for a pregnant woman was especially important, because the new life that was born in her womb, especially needed the forces of Nature and Cosmos.

Cutting off her hair, a pregnant woman deprived herself of vital energy, gained weakness and lost touch with Nature. This could negatively affect both her health and the health of the unborn child, because he might not even be born if the mother did not have the strength to bear him. That is why pregnant women in Rus' never cut their hair.

In pursuit of knowledge

In addition to folk signs, there is also a common student sign - it is better to forget about cutting hair during the session. By shortening your hair, you shorten your mind, you cut your memory. Therefore, in order not to have to learn everything anew or not to forget everything that was memorized earlier, at the most crucial moment, it is impossible to cut your hair before tests and exams.

What to do with cut hair

No matter how our ancestors felt about a haircut, they still sometimes had to trim the overgrown ends of their hair - healers advised to cut their hair during an illness so that the illness would go away as soon as possible, and haircuts also helped get rid of love anguish, since memory also left with the hair about the beloved.

It is forbidden to throw away cut hair

There are many signs about what should be done with hair after a haircut, so that the information accumulated in them does not fall into the hands of a bad person and is not used to harm. Signs forbid to scatter their hair, cut hair is advised to drown or burn.

The old people in Rus' collected their hair, left on the comb, and stuffed a pillow with it. This pillow was placed under their heads in the coffin. The gray hair of an old man from the family was considered a talisman, he was worn in an amulet on his chest. Such hair helped in business and obstructed enemies.

You need to drown your hair in running water so that it will wash away all the information about their owner. Although there is an opposite sign that forbids throwing hair into the water, because it can take with it the happy fate of a person, leaving only misfortunes.

Burning hair is a cardinal way to ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Our ancestors said that fire destroys not only hair, but also all troubles, misfortunes and ailments, so burned hair serves as a guide to a happy life.

Of course, many signs today have lost their relevance or have been debunked by scientific knowledge. Of all the haircut bans listed above, it is worth trusting, first of all, the advice of the lunar calendar, and it is better to approach the rest of the signs with a certain amount of irony.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of hair care. Hairstyle complements the image and makes it complete. They are brittle and look unattractive, and it is quite difficult to restore their shine. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor the curls and treat them in a timely manner, if necessary. In addition to the usual procedures, women are interested in what day of the week it is better to cut their hair.

ancient belief

Even our grandmothers were sure that hair is a kind of repository of information that accumulates throughout life. They argued that a haircut can completely change a person's life, both for better and for worse, and change his fate. Therefore, all hair manipulations were carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of astrologers and only on favorable days for this.

Perhaps not everyone takes it seriously, but many girls today go to hairdressers only after they find out what day of the week it is better to cut their hair.

Biofield and connection with space

Although not everyone believes in legends, many people notice that sometimes after a haircut they feel a surge of strength and cheerfulness. But it also happens the other way around: after a visit to the master, the hair gets confused, falls out or looks dull. Why is this happening? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question.

According to beliefs, each person has a certain connection with the cosmos, which is carried out thanks to the hair. Therefore, they are used for magical purposes: conspiracies, love spells and other rituals. After a haircut changes that affects his whole life.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is better to plan a trip to the master only after studying the question: “What day of the week is it better to cut your hair?”. So you can not only update the image, but also make pleasant changes in your life.

On Monday, you can dye or cut your hair if you want to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated lately. All bad things will go away with the cut curls.

People who are prone to blues and depression, or cannot solve important issues, it is better to visit a hairdresser on Tuesday.

To add bright colors to life and diversify gray everyday life, you can get a haircut on Wednesday.

When thinking about which day of the week it is better to cut hair so that it grows faster, it is worth remembering that since ancient times Thursday has been considered. After a visit to the master, relations with relatives will improve, and there will be success in all matters.

For people who want to change dramatically, it is better to hold all events on Friday. But for those who do not want such changes, it is better not to risk it.

Haircuts done on Saturday help to improve your health and get rid of a number of karmic sins.

Sunday is a day when visiting a hairdresser is highly discouraged. Belief says that such events can repel good luck, success and prosperity. But if there is absolutely nothing to lose, you can take a chance - and suddenly fate will turn its face.

What is the lunar calendar for?

It has long been no secret that the moon has a certain effect on the human body. This is especially true of hair, as it contains all the energy and vitality. Therefore, all manipulations with your own hair are best done according to the lunar calendar.

Visiting the same specialist, a person notices that the result is radically different. Thinking about why sometimes the curls are soft and silky, and after the next visit they get confused and do not shine, it is worth remembering what day of the week it is better to cut hair according to the lunar calendar.

The lunar calendar makes it possible to choose the most favorable day for a visit to the master. Certain phases affect the state of curls in different ways. During the growing moon, hair grows quickly. This time is considered the most successful for any manipulation of the hair.

Moon phases

If you get a haircut on a new moon or during a period when you can not avoid problems with your hair. They can fall out, split and look faded. It is believed that on the new moon, a trip to the master will negatively affect the whole body.

When thinking about what day of the week it is better to cut your hair, you need to rely on the lunar calendar. The most auspicious days are when the Moon is in signs such as Leo or Virgo. The periods of being in Taurus and Capricorn are considered quite good. A visit to the hairdresser on such days can be regarded as a prevention against section and hair loss.

The moon in Aries or Gemini contributes to the rapid growth of curls, but negatively affects their quality, they will become naughty.

So, let's compare the results and remember what day of the week it is better to cut your hair. 2014 was no exception and became a confirmation that the Moon really affects the condition of the hair. It has been proven that during periods when she was in the signs of Aquarius, Sagittarius, Cancer or Scorpio, a haircut was rarely successful. It is also worth refraining from visiting hairdressers when an eclipse occurs. Following all the recommendations, a woman will always have a well-groomed appearance and healthy hair.

A haircut is an important event, because it can change the image and even life for the better. But for that to happen, it's important to figure out when you can cut your hair and when you shouldn't.

The moon will tell

The lunar calendar has long and firmly entered our lives and has an impact on its most diverse areas, including appearance and all the manipulations associated with it.

When is it possible and even best to cut your hair, according to the lunar calendar?

  • On the growing moon. This time is considered the most favorable for any manipulations with curls, as it represents development and growth.
  • The most successful for changing the length of curls are the fifth, eighth, eleventh, thirteenth, fourteenth, nineteenth, as well as the 21st, 26th, 27th and 28th days (of course, according to the lunar calendar).
  • Full moon. This stage is characterized as a period of filling the body and maximum energy. Everything planned will succeed, the haircut will be successful, the curls will become strong and strong, and growth will accelerate.

When should you not cut your hair?

  • With the waning moon. In this case, the curls will grow very slowly and may become lifeless and dull, devoid of energy.
  • At the new moon. This phase is considered the most critical for the body, so any manipulation can be extremely unsuccessful.
  • Such days of the calendar as the ninth, fifteenth, twenty-third, and also the twenty-ninth are considered unsuccessful.

The influence of certain signs of the Zodiac in which the Moon resides:

  • If the Moon is in Aries, then a haircut can lead to a deterioration in health.
  • When the Earth’s satellite is in the sign of Gemini, curls can become extremely naughty, which will greatly complicate their styling.

When is the best time to cut your hair?

  • When finding a satellite of the earth in such signs as Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus, they will grow quickly and become shiny and well-groomed.
  • The sign of Libra will allow you to make a magnificent hairstyle and preserve its appearance for a long time.
  • If the Moon is in Aquarius, then this period is most favorable for all kinds of experiments. They will definitely be successful. If you need the most ordinary and familiar haircut, then the results may differ from those expected.
  • Signs such as Pisces and Cancer slow down the growth of curls, and can also make them weak, devoid of shine. It is better not to visit the hairdresser on these days.
  • The Leo sign does not affect the haircut, but it contributes to successful coloring and makes some other procedures more effective.
  • If the Earth's satellite is in Leo, then the strands can become stiffer and thicker. But if you change your hairstyle at such a time, then this may not be the best way to affect your personal or family life.

Pay attention to natural phenomena and weather

The weather also affects the biological rhythms and functioning of the human body.

So, you should not visit a hairdresser if a strong wind is blowing, it is pouring rain, or there has recently been a change in temperature or atmospheric pressure.

All sorts of natural disasters, for example, eclipses (both lunar and solar), floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, and so on, have an extremely negative effect on the growth of curls and their condition. During such periods, the body is weakened, so it will not be able to restore the normal state of the hair and ensure their active growth.

You can safely and even need to cut your hair if the weather is good: the sun is shining, there is no wind, the temperature and pressure are stable.

Days of the week should also be taken into account.

So, when can you cut your hair, and when is it better not to?

  • If you want to get rid of negative emotions, as well as unresolved problems and minor troubles, then it is better to go to the hairdresser on Monday. Together with the cut strands, you will leave everything bad.
  • If you are tired of everything and everyone, very tired, mired in the routine and routine of monotonous days, and are about to plunge into despondency or even depression, then you can change the length of your hair on Tuesday.
  • Turning to the master on Wednesday, you can get a lot of new experiences, meet new people, make friends, go on a trip or travel, and even completely change your life. The environment is most successful for any changes, including in the image and appearance.
  • Perhaps the most favorable day for a haircut is Thursday. You will be able to build relationships with loved ones, attract good luck and success, solve all your problems and even climb up the career ladder.
  • Friday is traditionally considered a day of beauty and change, and cardinal ones. Any experiments with the image will definitely be successful, but the usual haircut, surprisingly, may not succeed.
  • Going to the hairdresser on Saturday will not only improve the condition of the curls, but even remove some sins from yourself.
  • Sunday is an extremely unfavorable day for haircuts. By cutting off the curls, you literally cut off your wings and let go of prosperity, wealth, luck and love.

Mood, condition and health

When is the best time to cut your hair?

  • If you are in a good mood and feel a surge of energy.
  • If you are calm and confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • If you are ready for change or even crave it.
  • If you are absolutely healthy.

When should you not cut your hair?

  • If you are excited, angry or stressed.
  • If you doubt that a haircut will do you good. In this case, it will definitely not be successful, if only because you will not be able to explain to the master what you want.
  • It is better for women not to go to the hairdresser during menstruation, as well as about one and a half to two weeks before it. During these periods, hormonal changes occur in the body, which, after a haircut, may not have the best effect on the condition and growth of curls. But you can safely change your hairstyle in the first week after the end of the critical days.
  • If you are sick or have recently had an illness. During such periods, the body directs all its forces to restore normal functioning, and the growth of curls slows down greatly, while their condition can noticeably worsen.

A few more factors

A few other points:

  • It is strongly discouraged to cut hair on any religious holidays as it is considered a sin. And if you believe the legends, then by committing such a sin, a woman could bring trouble or illness upon herself.
  • You should not cut your hair even when your hairdresser is in a bad mood. Either choose another, or contact yours, but on a different day. The master is able to transfer energy into curls through hands and scissors, and if it is negative, then this will have an extremely negative impact on both the condition and growth.
  • As for the time of day, it is best to plan a visit to the hairdresser for the second half of the day, since in the first half the body is just waking up, and any interference can be disastrous. In addition, in the evening, along with the strands, you will get the opportunity to get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day.

Good luck with your haircut!

Every woman dreams of a luxurious hairstyle, because hair is the hallmark of any representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Thick and shiny, well-groomed and beautifully laid, they testify to the health of the owner. Dull, brittle and rare ones call for thinking about the state of the female body and taking immediate measures to improve the hair.

According to the priests and astrologers of antiquity, it was the hair serve as conductors of energy vibrations of the Cosmos. In Slavic traditions, it is believed that hair is a direct conductor and accumulator of energy (therefore, all girls used to have long hair), keepers of information about the life path traveled by a person. Forensic scientists and geneticists who study the characteristics of human hair agree with this position.

Haircut by day of the week depends on the phases of the moon

Modern physiology considers the vegetation on the head and face of a person as an important sensory organ. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the health and condition of the hair.

A haircut is one of the measures that help bring curls in order. Both long hair and short hair need periodic haircuts for their health. Does it matter when to see a hairdresser? How to choose the best time to profitably cut your hair? How to plan a trip to the hairdresser on auspicious days?

moon and hair

The closest neighbor of the Earth - the Moon causes the ebb and flow of a huge mass of water in the oceans. A person whose tissues consist of more than 60% liquid, although weaker, also feels the effect of lunar attraction. Hair contains a small amount of water - about 13%, but the ability to hygroscopicity can increase this content several times. This means that the hairline will react to the approach and removal of the Moon in the same way as the water of the earth's seas, lakes and rivers.

Among the most amazing knowledge that the scientists of ancient civilizations left to mankind is the doctrine of the influence of the planets of the solar system on the human body, the horoscope. Observations of celestial bodies, which have been carried out for several millennia by magicians and priests, have shown a mysterious connection between the Earth's space satellite and manipulations with hair.

On the basis of such observations, a lunar calendar of haircuts appeared in the culture of many peoples. In it, according to which constellation of the Zodiac the Moon passes through, actions were determined that should or, on the contrary, should not be carried out with hair. These recommendations concerned both haircuts and the removal of vegetation from the skin (95% of human skin is covered with hair), the destruction of cut hair, conspiracies, herbal decoctions, rubbing and ointments, magical actions that helped to attract good luck and strengthen vitality.

The general principle of such records is to determine the favorable days of the lunar calendar for the correction of hair.

When scheduling haircuts according to the lunar calendar, astrologers take into account several factors: the phase of the moon, the days of the lunar cycle, the position of the celestial satellite relative to the constellations of the Zodiac. It makes no sense to do this work yourself - after all, you need to use a huge array of specific information. It is better to entrust the compilation of such a schedule to professionals - astrologers.

The general position is that at a time when the crescent of the moon is growing and the metabolism of living organisms is accelerating, a haircut will strengthen the roots and accelerate. The second half of the lunar cycle - phases III and IV - are favorable for procedures, but not suitable for haircuts: their growth will be slowed down.

It is strictly contraindicated to change the length of the hair at the time of the lunar eclipse, on the new moon and full moon. This can worsen the quality of the hair: lead to hair loss, thinning of the main shaft and excision of the tips. It is not recommended to have a haircut in the so-called Ekadashi days(a word from Ayurveda - ancient Vedic knowledge from India) - these are the 9th, 19th, 23rd of the lunar calendar, days with heavy energy, complications of chronic diseases and adverse effects on the human psyche.

Finding the celestial satellite of our planet in the signs of Taurus, Leo and Virgo perfect for a visit to the hairdresser: a haircut these days improves the quality of the hair, and the hairstyle or styling lasts longer. If the Moon is in the water signs of the constellations of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, then not only cutting your hair, even washing your hair at this time is unfavorable: dandruff may appear, curls will be difficult to style.

Planets and days of the week

People's observations of the movement of celestial bodies in the sky have more than one millennium.

Read also: Haircuts for wavy hair of any length - 4 best

Astrologers claim that every day of the week is colored by the influence of heavenly bodies - the seven planets of the solar system.

  • Monday is under the control of the Moon, personifying the female maternal energy;
  • Tuesday associated with the militant Mars, whose energy can bring both good - activity, fearlessness, willpower, and bad - aggression, rivalry, suppression of the weak;
  • Wednesday- the day of the mobile and intelligent Mercury, cunning and dexterous;
  • Mighty Jupiter, patron of jurisprudence and law, governs Thursday;
  • Day of sensual and feminine Venus, endowing with beauty and harmony, - Friday;
  • Saturday is under the rule of the karmic ruler of Saturn;
  • Sunday subject to the influence of the Sun, the planet responsible for the selflessness and generosity of the soul, and which, in contrast to the Moon, is an expression of beneficent male energy.

Choose a day of the week for a haircut

Those who believe in signs and want to bring harmony with natural phenomena into their lives should plan their haircuts on the days of the week. And the lunar calendar compiled by professionals will help with this. With it, you can not only add strength and thickness to your hair, but even change the course of your own life and attract the desired events into it.

If a haircut is scheduled:

  • On Monday: a suitable day for a haircut, helps to remove negative experiences, solve long-standing and accumulated problems. The patroness of the Moon sets up changes.
  • On Tuesday: Tuesday's motto is action! Haircut will add Martian energy, will and determination.
  • On Wednesday: a good moment for those who are ready for changes in their lives, a visit to the hairdresser on the day of Mercury can help you go on a long-planned journey, meet old or new friends.
  • On Thursday: an extremely favorable day for changing the length of the hair. You can decide on a trendy haircut or avant-garde - in any case, it will bring good luck and prosperity. Hair after a haircut on a Jupiter day becomes thicker and healthier. The biofield is improving.
  • On Friday: under the auspices of the beautiful Venus, the haircut procedure will lead to a change not only in the hairstyle, but in the whole image, it will add elegance and femininity.
  • On Saturday: a good day to meet with a hairdresser. A haircut on Saturday can remove part of the karmic sin accumulated by the family, since this day is ruled by Saturn. After this Sabbath ritual, the hair receives an influx of vitality and their growth is accelerated.
  • On Sunday: any manipulations with hair on a day off will not bring the desired result. After cutting, the strands will stick out in different directions, the density and splendor of the hair will decrease. According to Slavic signs, even washing your hair on Sunday is considered sinful.

There is no clear answer which day of the week is ideal for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar. Indeed, in order to get a successful haircut and hairstyle, in addition to the phase of the moon and the day of the week, it is also necessary to take into account the day of birth, since this moment determines the bioenergy of the individual.

How to attract good luck and prosperity with a haircut? On what day of the week is it better to cut your hair so that it is beautiful and healthy? How to improve your life with a haircut? When and for what reasons you should not change your hairstyle?

Women's beauty has always fascinated. Hair drew particular attention. Beautiful, shiny, they had a simply magical effect on men. The haircut process is a very important event for both adults and children. The established rules of society require women and men to have well-groomed and healthy-looking hair. In order for them to look well-groomed and beautiful, they need to be cut regularly. At the same time, diseased split ends are removed. Sitting in a chair to a hairdresser, few people think about the impact that the haircut process has on the life and destiny of a person. If we turn to the ancient traditions of our distant ancestors, we can learn a lot of interesting things for ourselves. Since ancient times, human hair has been considered a special substance endowed with unusual properties, capable of receiving human life energy from the outside world. They are like a kind of conductors that receive energy from the surrounding space and accumulate the vital force of a living organism. Our ancestors treated their hair with special trepidation and cut it very carefully, observing certain rituals.

In the old days, the word "hair" as such did not exist. Then they said "braids", which very much resembles the word "cosmos". In the Middle Ages, royal heirs did not cut their hair from early childhood. To cut your braids meant to give up the throne. The Egyptians left their children only one curl, which grew with the child. Only upon reaching adulthood was he completely shaved off. Many remember the famous legend of Samson, whose strength was contained in his hair. They were able to defeat him only after his curls were cut off. What his enemies didn't take into account was that his hair could grow back, and with it his strength returned. There are many such examples. Ancient people attached magical significance to hair in their lives. Parents always want the best for their children. If you have decided to cut your child's hair, then taking into account or not taking into account ancient beliefs is a personal matter for each of you. But still, we will try to tell you which day is best to cut your hair in order not to disturb the harmonious course of your life and the life of your child.

Possibility of a haircut by day

On which days it is better to cut your hair, you can evaluate yourself according to your observations. The following are general recommendations:

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Very favorable days for shearing are Mondays. This helps to remove the negative impact of the environment and the burden of unsolvable problems. Everything that has accumulated bad is removed simply by the haircut procedure. It is also very good to carry out staining on such days.

If you decide to cut your braids on Tuesday, then you can visit a hairdresser. This is especially useful to do in moments when there is not enough inner determination to deal with a certain problem. Or maybe you are tired of the monotony of everyday life and lack activity.

On Wednesdays, you need to get your hair cut if you want to learn something new and interesting. It is favorable to carry out haircuts on such days for those who want to attract new and old friends and acquaintances into their existence, as well as for those who want to actively travel.

Thursday is the most successful day for haircuts for people who want to change their relationship with family and friends. Haircuts on such days contribute to raising the level of popularity and filling the energy of well-being and good luck.

Friday in itself is a day of attraction. When you visit a hairdresser on this day, you drastically change your appearance. If everything suits you in appearance, then it is better to transfer the haircut to other days.

If you want to take care of your health, you can cut your hair on Saturday. This will help reduce the negative impact of karmic debts and sins.

Sunday is not the most favorable day for modifying your image. Many experts consider these days dangerous for haircuts, as you can lose your happiness and good luck.

What days should you not cut your hair?

  • It is not advised to get a haircut on major Christian holidays, such as Trinity and Easter or Christmas. On such days, you can not even comb or braid. According to beliefs, it can shorten life.
  • You can't cut your own hair. A person cannot correct his aura by himself. If you want to get rid of problems with a haircut, then you should contact a professional. Otherwise, you can incur trouble and trouble. And your problems will only get worse.

  • Natural disasters also have a negative impact on the energy sector. Therefore, on the days of eclipses of both day and night luminaries, it is better not to plan a haircut. Your braids will lose their strength, health and turn into a miserable patch of hairs.
  • Also, according to the observations of experts, you should not get a haircut during the passage of the moon through the constellations of Cancer or Pisces. If you do this on such days, the braids will actively fall out and stop growing.
  • According to ancient beliefs, the ninth, fifteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth lunar days are considered the days of evil spirits, and it is not worth doing any actions on these days. At best, your hairstyle will be just unsuccessful.
  • The moon in its waning period speaks of losses and a halt in development. On such days, it is good to get a haircut for those who want to keep the look of their hair longer. Braids grow quite slowly. On such days, the moon can contribute to a change in the very structure of the hair. They may become less wavy, or the roots will become stronger.
    Today, it is quite difficult for all busy people to combine suitable days of the week, the lunar calendar, their work schedule and their master's, as well as general family plans. Also in life there are days when you urgently need to put yourself in order, and the right day is still very far away. Then you can go to the trick and get around all the prohibitions.
