Good Friday - poems, congratulations, sms. Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in Holy Week


Congratulations on Good Friday in verse

When is Good Friday (Good Friday) celebrated on Friday Holy Week

This holiday is great and important.
In the chants of each it sounds -
God helped a man once
Not looking for excuses, reasons.

Good Friday again...
Gratitude flies to heaven.
And today everyone knows for sure -
Jesus will protect you from trouble!

"Congratulations on Good Friday"

Once our savior Jesus
Sacrificed himself for life
Taking the heaviest and most serious load -
Human sins, their bad thoughts...

With the advent of the mournful Good Friday
Increasingly, this is remembered
And souls do not gape with emptiness,
And filled with magical light.

Short congratulations with Good Friday

There is a special day in the year, it is on the eve of Easter,
And "Good Friday" people call him.
We remember the death of Christ today,
The pain of Jesus will not bypass us.

We will remember the day of his crucifixion,
We will never forget his suffering.
He said goodbye to his life
To make people happy on Earth!

"SMS congratulations on Good Friday"

Good Friday - a day in memory of Christ,
About how he accepted death on a terrible cross,
Not for mercy in the hour of death, praying to enemies,
But only asking for the atonement for their sins.

Bread is baked on Good Friday
And in the church, the rings are consecrated from all troubles.

Good Friday Poems

The Savior was crucified on the cross,
To atone for the sins of the people.
Good Friday they say
There was no more important event.

And today we thank
One can grieve for God,
To keep faith and warmth in the soul,
Drinking every day...

And the gospel resounds
Proving how important love is!

"Good Friday - poems, congratulations, sms"

Good Friday is the date of the crucifixion.
We know it will rise! But sadness in my heart...
We do not wear beautiful dress,
The veil of hope only warms the soul.

A day for humility and righteous thoughts,
Light prayers and respectful words.
For reflections on faith and life,
To get rid of sinful shackles.

Wishes and Poems for Good Friday

Good Friday - the day of memory of the torment,
that Christ experienced
And it seems that sounds have disappeared in the world,
After all, he gave his life for us,

Let us honor the silence of suffering
Savior, Great Christ,
And we will devote this day to silence,
Let the hearts say today!

Well, how are you going to celebrate your daughter's birthday on Friday? I was extremely surprised when I heard a colleague's question. After all, my girl's two-year anniversary fell just on. The colleague was not the only one among the numerous Orthodox acquaintances who, having learned about the postponement of the family holiday, strictly scolded that we were depriving the child of childhood, that he still did not understand anything in “church affairs”.

In general, it turned out that the topic “Family holidays in Holy Week' has a place to be. It is about her - a conversation with, the rector of the temple of the martyr. George the Victorious of the Patriarchal Metochion in Georgia.

Archpriest Theodore Krechetov

– What if some important family holidays fall on Holy Week?

- If the spouses are believers in the family, there is agreement and understanding between them, such a question simply does not arise. I myself have been accustomed since childhood to the fact that any family celebrations, falling on Lent, were transferred to the next Sunday or to or even to the time after Easter. It was natural and it simply could not have occurred to anyone that, say, a birthday could be celebrated on one of the Passion Days. And no one felt slighted if his personal triumph was postponed ...

The issue becomes relevant in those families where one of the spouses is an unbeliever or simply has a “liberal” view of the issues of church life. Then it can be difficult to reach agreement, and sometimes you just need to go to reasonable compromise: at least not touch the second half of the week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday ... Because this special days, and spend them Orthodox Christian, if possible, it is still desirable in the temple.

- I have heard such objections: for the sake of what to deprive small child holiday, if he is not yet able to understand what kind of Events we remember on ...

- In fact, the child absorbs, remembers the general mood of his loved ones. But as for the celebration of the birthday of a small child, it just makes no sense to insist on a specific date: when adults arrange a holiday for him, then he will be happy. And in the future, when he becomes older, it would never even occur to him to expect fun for himself in tense and mournful days for every Christian. Unless, of course, before him will be an example of elders.

I remember that I postponed the celebration of my Angel Day, because it fell on the First Week of Great Lent. This is an example to all of us that for the sake of general church events, you can move your own, even such significant ones as Angel Day.

- And in your opinion, why do people today have the idea that family celebrations and Holy Week are quite compatible?

- It's just that now people are increasingly obsessed with their own "I", on its significance. And yet - this is the result of a lack of a sense of proportion, falling into some extremes. One extreme usually happens at the beginning of turning to God, the so-called neophyte spirit, when people still do not know how to calculate their strength and usually try to act according to the letter, for example, to fast very strictly, although there are neither forces nor conditions for this.

The other extreme usually happens later, when people have already gained experience and, realizing that the spiritual life is not built according to the letter, they decide that they will not “blindly obey the letter”, because the main thing is the spirit. And they begin too easily and imprudently to deny the rules, traditions, often in the end - the church life itself, arbitrarily adjusting it to their personal desires and requirements.

If it seems to us easier and easier, why not do it? After all, the main thing is that "in the soul everything was for real." How “real in the soul” is, with the priorities set in this way, it’s not worth saying.

If I consider myself a church person, then I must always subordinate my personal life to church life. There should be no arbitrariness of people's own will.

– Isn’t there a risk in this case to go just into the formal implementation of certain rules and regulations?

- A person should always seek his own measure, based on the realization of what he is ready to sacrifice for the sake of God. And this feeling makes it clear what is acceptable and what is not. And just today we often observe a loss of a sense of proportion ... It occurs most often when a person outwardly - accepted Orthodoxy, he is captured by the novelty of sensations, he tries to live a church life, but it does not become deeply close to him, remaining something formal.

And church life should not be formal. Often it was like this, say, in pre-revolutionary times, when many people perceived everything related to faith as a custom. The loss of reverence, and eventually the very meaning, led to the fact that later all customs were easily lost. Or they have transformed, sometimes so senselessly that people don't know why they do certain things.

Earlier, after Easter, on Radonitsa, people, having prayed in the temple, went to cemeteries, to their departed loved ones and laid Easter cakes, eggs on the graves, so that later the beggars would go, pick up this offering as alms and commemorate the deceased, whose name is indicated on the cross . And now it has turned into some kind of mandatory burden: why, why - they themselves do not know. But it is necessary - it is necessary: ​​everyone does it. There was just a loss of meaning.

The same is with family holidays to Strastnaya. A person says to himself: “The main thing is that I – internally – believe. Why should I follow the rules then? And I don't need the memories the Church speaks about. I remember everything anyway." A person insists on some kind of personal faith. The balance between personal faith and church consciousness turns out to be not only disturbed, but completely lost.

– What is the cost of loss?

– As a result, the living sensation, the living presence of Christ in life is lost. Passion Week is the time when a person visibly and vividly feels the convergence of time, world history at one point. And he feels a part of it. Through prayers, through the whole mood of the services of Holy Week, we are transported, out of time and space, into what happened more than 2000 years ago and at the same time is happening now, we empathize and participate in those Events, because every day of Holy Week corresponds to the day of the Savior's earthly life. Through this we come into contact with Eternity.

And if this is not close to a person, he does not want to be transferred anywhere, services for him turn simply into being inside the temple, where they stand for a long time and read something. Of course, this is painful and the person reassures himself: “God does not need this tedious standing. God needs me to love Him. And why then postpone the birthday of a person dear to me in order to spend several hours on my feet in a stuffy temple? There is a loss of feeling, but at the same time the person continues to call himself Orthodox.

There is a separation of consciousness. normal person it would not occur to him to arrange a holiday, to have fun, when one of his relatives had just died. But because of the loss of sensitivity, a living sense of presence, Gospel Events begin to be perceived as something abstract. Which leads to questions like the one we just discussed.

Good Friday (Good Friday) is the day of remembrance of the crucifixion, the death of Christ on the cross for the atonement of our sins, the removal of His body from the Cross and His burial. It is celebrated on Friday of Holy Week and is the day of the strict fast before the Easter holiday. However, mourning on this mournful day is in close union with the bright hope for the imminent Resurrection of Jesus and hidden joy on the eve of this miracle. Karoch died dude - we need to celebrate. Merry mourning poems and congratulations on Good Friday 2016 without registration and SMS.

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Worship on this day is special order and is entirely devoted to the memory of the tragic events and the Passion of Christ. The believers thank Christ for the redemptive feat and ask that He cover our sins with His mercy and make us worthy of great joy - to meet the bright Pascha.

Foolish congratulations in verses on Good Friday, and what

Good Friday Christ
He brought a heavy cross to the mountain,
To die, to die
Accept a painful death!
He suffered for us, he suffered,
For us earthly life gave,
Gave hope to people
And opened the way to Salvation for us!
Today is Good Friday,
We grieve, we listen to the Lord,
Let this sorrow be bright
May there be happiness and love.
God will rise, joy will return,
There will be peace and goodness in the soul!

Banquet in honor of the crucifixion of Christ, notably gulnuli

Congratulations on Good Friday in prose

The whole world and nature seem to freeze on the day of the Passion of Christ, the most terrible day in the history of Christianity. The power of the Lord's love for us is incomprehensible, because in order to atone for our sins, he voluntarily gave himself up to be crucified. We will always remember this sacrifice and thank Christ for it in prayers. Let us grieve so that our joy may be even greater on the day of the resurrection of the Lord!

The day was hidden behind the night veil.
The rock gave a dense shadow.
And exhaled mirrors:
"What shall we do with your sadness?"...

The whole world was terrified.
Today is Friday…
and people...crucified...

With passionate
weeks of you
We are now.
And we wish
You always
Helped in everything!

Good Friday. Cold wind.
The line-road is belted with ice.
Gray clouds kissing Judas
They kiss the earth. Earth without God...

SMS on Good Friday - you can even send via viber

Children of righteous Yershalaim,

With a resounding string, the cymbal is indivisible
He pronounces the canon of alienation!

Torn branches cry Caiaphas
Whipping submissive bare backs!
From Bethlehem to Gavvaf,
And from Muscovy to Palestine...

Holy Week
Came from afar.
In memory of suffering
Jesus Christ.
Rejoice the people
Bright joy is coming!

His thoughts poured out in prayer for us,
His dreams have turned into paths of light...
He saved us from the curse that Friday!..
Showing Right way in the golden "Somewhere" ...

His face is myrrh-streaming on hundreds of icons,
His house is always a shelter and abode for us! ..
People, honor at least the passionate law! ..
On this day, the Savior died for us!

And now let's repeat our author's verse congratulations on good Friday

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Dead man, dead man, dead man

To be resurrected in three days

Good Friday. Cold wind.
The road is lined with ice.
Gray clouds kissing Judas
They kiss the earth. Earth without God...

Children of the eternal Yershalaim,
Rejoice! Now over your canopy
With a resounding string, the cymbal is indivisible
The edge of the canon of alienation!

Torn branches scream Caiaphas
Whipping submissive bare backs!
From Bethlehem to Gawwath,
And from Muscovy to Palestine...

His thoughts poured out in prayer for us,
His dreams have turned into paths of light...
He saved us from the curse that Friday!..
Showing the right path to the golden "Somewhere" ...

His face streams myrrh on hundreds of icons,
His house is always our shelter and abode! ..
People, at least honor the passionate law! ..
On this day, the Savior died for us!

The day was hidden behind the night veil.
The rock gave a dense shadow.
And exhaled mirrors:
"What shall we do with your sadness?"...

The whole world was terrified.
Today is Friday…
and people...crucified...

And here is a video where a man died like on Good Friday, and then resurrected Schaub to congratulate friends on Good Friday and this is a verse

And once again, let's join us

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Dead man, dead man, dead man

Dead man, dead man, dead man

To be resurrected in three days

Happy Good Friday: Ho, Ho, Ho!)))

Congratulations on Good Friday
I hurry you on a special day,
Let deep humility
And meekness will be on the shoulder.

Give the day to holy prayer,
To become cleaner in the soul,
I wish you strength, strong faith
At this important milestone.

Good to you, will, repentance,
Hope of light and love.
Let good deeds
The Lord bless soon!

What would the post a little dilute,
It's not a day off yet, is it?
Happy first Friday
During the week, on Passion Day!

Meet Great Friday
Morning colorful sunrise
The day will pass in silent prayer,
Well, the evening is waiting there.

And behind him - such a little,
Well, almost nothing
After all, until Easter we have left,
No kidding - only two days!

On Good Friday, I wish you to become stronger in faith, kinder soul, more responsive in heart. May there be peace and grace all around, for which Jesus gave his life without a drop of regret, may every day bring joy, happiness and love, may every evening give an opportunity to sincerely repent and pray openly.

The sins of the people in redemption
The Savior accepted his death,
And remember the generations
About how he suffered for everyone.

Pray on Good Friday
Don't spoil yourself with food
And be at peace with your neighbor,
Grieving for the torments of the Lord.

Sad day - Good Friday,
All in prayers must be spent,
On this day of Christ we remember
And the pain that had to endure.
Don't go to work people
She will not bring you good
Better put the bread on the dish
He won't harden whole year!

Good Friday is a day of mourning and sorrow,
Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary.
All the pain, all the fear He carried in his heart
For the fact that we now breathe and live.

Oh people! Remember this sad day
Light a candle in silence
And pray. He gave for you
His only life, He saved you.

After all, you live, enjoy life,
Well, His days hung in heaven.
Never laugh about those who
He saved me from death and sins with my soul.

Last day of Lent
Today the Christian people celebrate
Tomorrow you can eat to your heart's content,
Well, today we observe strictness.

Almost Christ, light a candle in the darkness
And ask for forgiveness from your sins
And God will give you joy
And all sins will be forgiven in redemption!

Good Friday has come
When Jesus Christ
He was crucified on the cross
On the one that carried.

For human sins
He gave his earthly life
Its Good Friday
I will remember with a prayer.

Ask for forgiveness
Remember all the torments of Christ.
I wish peace
I am on the day of great sorrow.

Good Friday has come
Let silence reign everywhere
After all, we remember the day of terrible evils:
Today is the day of Christ's suffering.

Let everyone be silent today
Let yourself restrain yourself from joy.
Let everyone give a prayer to God,
He will support Christ with his repentance.

Good Friday is coming
And the Lord sacrifices himself.
He brings us to hell with you
And the meaning gives that the flesh is perishable.

He gives us healing
Leads to salvation from sins.
And on the day of Christ's Resurrection
Love will descend to earth.

And we mourn, my friend, with you -
The sinless one groans on the cross.
Wash us with his blood
And in a moment we will all be cleansed.

Good Friday has arrived
They crucified Christ on this memorable day!
I wish that faith reigned in the heart,
Let the dark shadow of sadness go away!

I wish you God's blessing
All the blessings that come to you from heaven,
And also only bright hopes and humility,
And the fulfillment of all good miracles!

In our country Christian holidays have very importance for many residents. Good Friday is one of the saddest days Christian calendar. After all, it was on this day that Jesus was crucified for the sins of every person. Nevertheless, congratulations on good friday- Very important element support for those who feel the pain of this great sacrifice with their heart and soul. On this day, in the soul of a person who truly believes, the fire of regret and at the same time joy should burn. Is it appropriate to send wishes? There are many different opinions on this matter. Basically, congratulatory sms available on many resources. Accordingly, there is a certain confidence that they are appropriate. However, many believers believe that on this day of the Savior's suffering, one should only cry and grieve.

In fact, congratulations on Good Friday are a certain tribute to tradition. That is, people tell each other that the feat of the great Savior is not forgotten, and he will always be remembered. Yes, this is a sad day, because he took with him the one who could instruct and heal for many years. But, in fact, Jesus himself made such a sacrifice, and this sacrifice must be remembered. As you understand, the verses must be very well composed. It is for this reason that it is best to carefully evaluate the options offered on our website in order to send to your friends congratulatory texts on this momentous day. This day cleansed everyone and everyone, now we are obliged to observe spiritual purity, trying to attract all our loved ones to the same path. After all, this is the way of salvation and our infinitely happy future!

Poems from Good Friday in SMS

She is stern, but solemn,
Essential for the soul!
And without unnecessary incidents, we
Let's spend these days in silence!

Love for life and luck,
And to the faith of true love,
And the post comes to an end
We lasted! We did!

Today is Good Friday
Today is the suffering of Christ.
Today all sinners repent
To make the soul pure.

Let only bright things in your life
The honest days are coming.
May your dreams be all cherished
They fly like moths!

Holy Holy Week has come,
We will all go to church to pray,
And we put candles to our saints,
And we ask them good luck in everything!

We will live humbly and peacefully,
And we will ask God for protection!
Give us, Lord, all faith and strength,
We want to live peacefully, righteously!

Passion of Christ in the week before Easter -
We dedicate our days to their memory.
In the week of a passionate red ribbon,
All the angels of the earth are married!

And the bells and choirs fell silent in the churches,
To remind in silence of Christ's torments!
About scourging him, about leaving him without support,
Among the cries of the Jews and in deathly sounds.

I congratulate you on a passionate week,
With remembrance of the Great Sacrifice of God.
May God heal the soul from adversity, blizzards,
How long ago the Lord healed the lame.

I wish you vivacity, peace of mind,
Physical health, mental sobriety.
So that the head is cleared of bad thoughts,
And she became open and close to the Lord.

Holy Week is a great time
It gives you to think about the spiritual.
Not in vain God's son took on a heavy burden
Such a price saved the Christian people.

We spend all the time in fasting and prayers,
Strengthening both body and spirit.
And He knows: let thousands of years pass,
But we will not forget His holy torments.

Passionate, strict week
It has been given to us as redemption.
But we firmly believe in the forces of light,
And spring blooms in my heart.

We observe Great Lent,
We will bring order into our lives.
And soon, treating Easter,
Congratulations to everyone on a bright day!

Holy week - bright days,
Every day is sacred and rich!
May they be easy for all of us,
These days, after all, everyone is happy with all their hearts!

Church these days must be visited,
Remember there Jesus bitter suffering.
You can ask about the health of loved ones,
And calmly expect Easter radiance!
