Original short New Year's greetings. Short congratulations on the new year in verse

Since Misha is a fan of Harry Potter, I did not have to puzzle over the theme of the birthday. It was decided to spend the birthday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In order to convey the atmosphere of Hogwarts as much as possible, I hung pictures depicting various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), downloaded a coloring book about Harry Potter, music for films about him, made a stand on which the class schedule hung ( bilingual), plan of Hogwarts, Hogwarts Anthem and Emblem.

In the room on the wall were the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the "song of the hat", the runic alphabet, images of the ghosts of each faculties. Stars and white ghost balloons hung from the ceiling. Inscriptions were attached to the doors - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: "potions classroom", "great hall", "help-room", "prefects' bathroom", "trophy hall", etc. Spiders hung next to the sign to the Forbidden Forest.

The following inscriptions were also prepared: "Platform 9 3/4" (hung on the gate) and "Welcome to Hogwarts!" (above the entrance to the house).

The invitation was also prepared in the spirit of Hogwarts.

In the invitation, in the lists of necessary things, I left 2 items - a hat and a magic wand, but despite this, I still prepared a few more hats and magic wands. Prepared high school diplomas.

I am very grateful to my parents and friends, who once again helped me to have an interesting and fun holiday. Thanks a lot to everyone!


  1. Prof. Albus Dumbledore. (dad)
  2. Prof. Minerva McGonagall (mother)
  3. Prof. Pomona Stem (friend's mom)
  4. Prof. Serus Snow and Filius Flitwick (friend's dad)
  5. Prof. Rolanda Bibin (friend's older sister)

Before entering the "Great Hall" children are met by prof. McGonagall (hereinafter M.G.).

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts! The banquet dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year begins, but before you take your seats in the "Great Hall", you will be divided into 4 faculties. This is a very important ceremony!
You should also know that during the entire time that you will be at school, your faculty will be your second home!
So, please ... (to the appropriate music, the children enter the room, where the professors and the director of the school are already waiting for them).

McGonagall: When I say your name, you will come up to me, sit on a stool, put your hand in your hat and pull out a note with the name of the faculty. I start!

M.G. Say the name of each child in turn. The child whose name is called puts his hand into the hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who reads the name of the faculty out loud.

Children stand in faculties (teams). After the distribution procedure is completed, the word is transferred to the headmaster Albus Dumbledore (hereinafter A.D.).

Probably, it would be possible to sing the anthem, but we decided not to do this, so as not to drag out the process.

Props: sorting hat, cards with the names of faculties.

Albus Dumbledore: Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! While the banquet has not yet begun, I want to say a few words to you. Today is a special day. Today we celebrate not only the beginning of a new school year, but also the birthday of one of the students of the school!

HELL. calls Misha and together with everyone wishes him a happy birthday. Wishing everyone a good mood and a happy holiday!

Everyone applauds. The banquet (snack) begins. After the banquet, everyone goes to class according to the schedule.

Lesson 1

Pomona Stem introduces himself to the children and says that today they will learn how to brew a potion that uplifts their mood and fills them with energy. Distributes recipes and manages the process.

I made several copies of the recipes. The recipes for the potion hung on the wall, lay on the table in front of the children, and one was read out by the teacher. All the necessary ingredients were on the next table. The potion was an ordinary compote.

Needless to say, the kids really enjoyed this activity. The potion was brewed with great pleasure.

When everything was ready, Pomona put the "cauldron" on the fire, all together cast the spell "Reducto!", and the potion began to boil, and the children went to the next lesson.

Props: recipe, "cauldron", containers with ingredients, spoons, ladle.

I got the idea from the script of Elena T. "School of Magic".

Magic Potion Recipe

Pour boiled jellyfish and dragon eggs into the cauldron. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers and immortelle leaves. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Carefully combine the resulting mixture with toad legs and crocodile tears. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. bat saliva. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add 3 tbsp. air crystals. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Put on the stove and cook for 20 minutes.

Let it brew for one quarter of an hour.

  1. Boiled jellyfish - peeled apples, cut into slices;
  2. Dried dragon eggs - dried apricots;
  3. Mandrake flowers - strawberry;
  4. Immortelle leaves - mint;
  5. Toad legs - dried lime;
  6. Tears of a crocodile - water;
  7. Bat saliva - honey or jam;
  8. Air Crystals - Sugar

Lesson 2

Meets children prof. Severus Snape(hereinafter S.S.). He greets the children, introduces himself to them and says that today the children will be learning the Cornish pixies.

To make it clearer to the children who they are, I hung a little information about the Cornish pixies on the wall. And before starting the lesson S.S. "shortly, so for 40 minutes" (joke) told the children about them.

S.S .: In order to be able to cope with them, you need to get to know them better. And to get to know them better, you need to be in their place. That's why I'm turning you all into Cornish Pixies! He casts a spell: "Mutenluten Malinpesti!"

Game: Cornish pixies

All the children turned into Pixies, Snape is the leader. Pixies on the command "Moveman!" start to run and make chaotic movements. After a while, the host utters the spell "Immobilus!", And everyone should freeze in place. Then Snow gives the command "Smooth movements!", then "Immobilus!" etc. Anyone who moves or laughs is out of the game.

Command Options

  • Smooth movements!
  • Free movement!
  • We move like a lion on the hunt!
  • Like a sleep fly!
  • Like a fast train!
  • Like a hurrying hedgehog!
  • What a funny frog!

After the game ends, Snape says goodbye to the children and they go to the next lesson.

Lesson 3

Meets children prof. Minerva McGonagall greets them and announces that today in the Transfiguration lesson they will learn how to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a frog. He distributes diagrams to the children, and together they make a frog.

We turned a sheet of paper into a frog using the origami technique. For clarity, I printed out a scheme for making a "jumping" frog.

The frog is ready, we press it with a magic wand or a finger, we say the spell: "Avada Kedavra", and the frog makes a jump.

This is where the lesson ends. The children leave for the next lesson.

Props: sheets of origami paper (you can use plain paper) and a diagram.

Lesson 4

Welcomes children prof. Filius Flitwick. Flitwick tells the children that the simplest thing in the art of magic is levitation, i.e. lifting and holding an object in the air. And today they will learn it. But first you need to learn the spell: "Wingardium Leviosa"!

Then the practice begins.

Game: Hold the balloon

Children are divided into 2 parts: 2 faculties stand on one side and 2 opposite. Flitwick throws up a balloon with his magic wand, while saying the spell: "Wingardium Leviosa"!

The first team members must carry the balloon to the opposing teams without letting it fall, and you can’t toss the balloon with your hands. You can blow on it, you can throw it with your head, nose, in extreme cases, with your magic wand.

Members of opposite teams pick up the ball and carry it back in the same way. When all the children complete this task, the lesson ends.

Props: 2 balloons, nose, head and. etc. participant.

Lesson 5

Meets children

prof. Roland Bibin.

Greetings, introduced. She says that in her classes the children will learn how to play Quidditch. Explains the rules of the game.

Game: Quidditch

2 hoops are suspended on a rope. On one side and the other, lines are drawn with chalk - special marks. On the one hand, to one line, the "catcher" stands, and on the other hand, to the other line, the one who throws. On the opposite side of the territory are a broom and balls.

Game progress:

Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on one side, behind the hoops. At the whistle, the first team members run for brooms and balls. At this time, the second players of the team approach the special line and prepare to catch the ball. The first ones take the balls, sit on brooms, jump to the hoops to a special mark and throw the balls into the hoop, and the second players, the “catchers”, standing behind the hoop, try to catch these balls.

After the ball is caught, the second player ("catcher") sits on the broom to the first player, and together they jump back.

The first player remains in place, and the second (who was the catcher) with the ball jumps back to the line and throws the ball into the hoop, the third team member becomes the catcher. Catches the ball, sits on a broom and jumps with the second player to the first.

Then the second player stays with the first, and the third returns to the hoops on a broom, throws the ball, and the fourth catches, etc. Whose team will gather on the opposite side of the site faster, she won. This is where the lesson ends.

Props: rope, 2 hoops, 2 brooms (with "Nimbus 2009" stickers), 2 small balls, whistle.

I had two options for ending the holiday, depending on the amount of time and the desire of the children.

First, after Quidditch, Dumbledore holds a final quiz. He congratulates everyone, presents diplomas of graduation from the school. Then a banquet with a birthday cake and a disco.

Second: conducting preparations for the tournament "Three Wizards".

Our children played with pleasure, no one got tired and everyone was ready to continue, so we also held the second part.

Triwizard Tournament

Prof. Dumbledore congratulates the children on the end of their classes and announces that the next Triwizard Tournament will be held soon. And he wants all Hogwarts students to be well prepared for him. To do this, all students need to pass several tests.

Test 1. Solve the maze

Dumbledore gives the children mazes with letters. And to them - forms to fill out. Letters are placed inside the labyrinth. If the children correctly find the way out of the maze, then they will get a word that they will have to write in the form. In our case, these were the names of the faculties.

I took the labyrinth and the idea from Tatyana Evtyukova's script "You turned fifteen ..."

Props: 4 labyrinths with a hidden word, a form to fill out, pens.

Challenge 2. Find the golden dragon egg

Having finished the maze, the whole team sits on a broom, jumps to the balls and starts to pierce them.

The children's task is to find out where the golden dragon egg is hidden. One of the balloons contained a note that read: "Look for the golden dragon egg in the Forbidden Forest!"

The rest of the balloons contained notes that said "Hello about Voldemort!".

For each team, a bunch of balls was prepared (according to the number of participants), which was given to the team on the spot.

Props: balloons according to the number of children, a broom (optional), notes, toothpicks.

Trial 3. Find the banner of the faculty

After the team finds out where the egg is hidden, she runs into the Forbidden Forest, finds her egg and opens it.

I attached a picture with a sleeping dragon to a tree, hung "golden eggs" under it. The golden eggs were golden balloons. In order for the team to recognize their egg, ribbons with the colors of the faculty were tied to it.

In the egg was a note-task: "Find the banner of your faculty!".

In addition to the note, the egg contains one rune and a runic alphabet. The children take everything and return to the castle.

Props: golden balls, rune, runic alphabet, ribbons with the colors of the faculties, a picture with a dragon.

With the help of professors, children decipher what their rune means by finding it in the runic alphabet. We used the following runic symbols:

e - Ehwaz - "Horse" s - Sowilo - "Sun" k - Kaunan - "Torch" t - Tiwaz - "Arrow"

Having guessed the rune, the children receive a map showing the location of their banner, and they go in search of it. If they correctly identified the place, then there will be a picture and a sign - a symbol corresponding to the found rune.

On the territory of our precinct, in conditional places, the corresponding pictures were hung, and under them I attached the banner of each faculty.

After the banner is found, everyone returns to the castle.

Albus Dumbledore and other professors congratulate the students on successfully passing all the tests and present them with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Everything went cheerfully and dynamically, the children were satisfied, I, frankly, also received satisfaction from the work done. There was a complete feeling that the time and effort were not wasted. Although very tired.

As gifts for each child, I put in a bag: stickers with the image of the heroes of "Harry Potter", a small badge with a funny face and a bag of "Golden Snitches". The Golden Snitches were Ferrero Rochers.

From unrealized

  1. There was an idea to make the "distributing hat" "talking". I thought of compiling a list of called children and, according to this list, in the same sequence, record on a tape recorder in a raspy voice literally a few words about each child. But then, firstly, it took a person who would turn the tape recorder on and off in the right place, and secondly, not all the children came, and the sequence would be broken, they would have to urgently rewind and look for the right child on the tape. Although it was possible to come up with something to implement this idea. It seems to me that with a "talking hat" it would be more interesting.
  2. After the placement ceremony, I wanted to photograph all the children with professors on the threshold of Hogrvats. I forgot what I regret.
  3. At the magic lesson, it was originally planned that Misha would show several tricks, he had already begun to prepare, but then for some reason he changed his mind. Then it was decided that Prof. Flitwick, but this idea, unfortunately, could not be realized.
  4. There were several ideas for a Transfiguration lesson, namely: buy makeup paints, let the children paint themselves and turn into some kind of mysterious creature; develop some ideas for turning an old teapot into something; turn the blot into a real image, but still settled on origami, it was faster, easier and no less exciting.
  5. One could do divination, astronomy, tell fortunes on runes, and also find out the number of one's name, because. and Ancient Runes, and Divination, and Numerology are part of the Hogwarts curriculum.

In general, I want to say that the topic is fertile, and at the School of Witchcraft you can arrange not only birthdays, but also other holidays.

All the best to you and good luck in all your creative endeavors!


Comment on the article "Birthday at the School of Magic and Wizardry"

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Birthday at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the room on the wall hung the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the "song of the hat", runic 9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home.

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Birthday at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The child whose name is called puts his hand into the hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who reads the name of the faculty out loud.

Birthday at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The child whose name is called puts his hand into the hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who reads the name of the faculty out loud.

The children take their seats in the auditorium. From this moment begins their journey into the world of the Theater, acquaintance with acting. Games and competitions are held to develop this skill. The winners of the competitions show a performance at the end of the event.


Development of cognitive interest in the world of theater.


The stage is decorated with balloons, paper flowers. You can arrange an exhibition "Theater through the eyes of children." There is a curtain on the stage. The host before the performance is in front of the curtain.


  • Tickets indicating the row and seat;
  • Theatrical mask;
  • Chamomile with petals - mood descriptions;
  • Cards - tongue twisters;
  • Cards with the names of objects for pantomime;
  • Costumes and scenery for the performance "Turnip".


  • presenter

Event progress

Before entering the hall, children receive tickets that indicate the row and seat. Children take seats (not necessarily those indicated on the ticket).

Presenter: Guys, hello! How are you doing? Good or bad? If you're doing great, clap your hands! That's lovely! And what is the mood? If it's good, go for it! I have a great one too! And all because today a real journey awaits us. But where we will be today is a surprise!

Dance number "Surprise".

Presenter: Guys, today we have prepared a real surprise for you! This is a journey into the magical world of theater! Want to get behind the scenes? Then go ahead! But... where are your tickets? Show me them!

Children raise tickets, show the presenter.

Presenter: Now check to see if you are in your seat.

The guys check the row and place indicated on the ticket with the place where they sit. They come to the conclusion that they are in the wrong place.

Presenter: Oh no no no! We urgently need to correct the situation! Approach the stage. Now find your seat and take it.

To the music, children look for the places indicated on their ticket.

Presenter: An actor and an actress, a premiere, an intermission, a playbill and, of course, a full house - all this can be called in one word - theatrical art. Do you know the name of the Greek muse who patronizes this art? Her name is Melpomene!

Melpomene comes out, reads a monologue. Then he bows and leaves.

Presenter: Guys, where does the theater begin? That's right, from the hanger. But we have already safely passed it and ended up in the auditorium. They took their places, now it's time for us to go to the fairy tale! So, today we will make a trip to a magical land, whose big name is "Theater". Even Shakespeare said that our world is a theater, and we are actors who play different roles. So today I suggest everyone to decide on their role, and an unusual mask will help us in this.

He takes out a theatrical mask, half of which depicts a sad mood, the other - joy.

Presenter: Look what an unusual mask. Guys, why do you think she is a symbol of theatrical art?

Children answer that an actor must be able to play a role regardless of his mood, he must be able to transform.

Presenter: Can you tell me what the mood of this mask is?

One half is sad, the other is happy.

Presenter: Here is our first acting game. You need to determine the mood of the music and convey it with facial expressions.

The game "Acting skills" is held.

The guys listen to excerpts of classical works that convey different moods, mimicry depict the nature of the music. Sad - the corners of the mouth are lowered, cheerful - raised. You can use the eyes and eyebrows.

Presenter: You are amazing actors! You all did great. Well, now we will conduct a casting for the best actor. I invite everyone to the stage!

The game "Theatrical Daisy" is being held.

Children need to say the same phrase: “I love going to school,” but with a different mood. They pull out the petal and determine the nature of the spoken phrase: cheerful, sad, neutral, thoughtful, aggressive. The winner is chosen by the reaction of the audience - who clapped louder. He gets the role of grandfather in the play and goes backstage to get ready, the rest return to their places.

Presenter: An actor must be able not only to transform, but also to speak loudly and clearly so that the audience can hear him even from the back rows! Guys, can you speak loudly? I invite the loud voices to the stage!

Presenter: Now let's get acquainted with the concept of "Intermission". Guys, do you know what it is? This is the name of the break for actors and spectators. At this time, they can rest. I suggest a physical session!

Presenter: Rested, you can continue to prepare for the performance. The actor must be able to turn into his hero. Let's see if you can transform! Who wants to try their hand at magical art?

Competition "Animal choir" is held.

Those who wish are divided into three groups: dogs, cats, mice. Line up in a random order. The host sings a line from a famous song, the participants continue to sing in turn in "their" language. For example, the presenter sings “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, the dog should bark the second line, the cat should meow the third, the mouse should squeak. The one who loses the rhythm, sings not in "their" language - is out of the game. Three winners distribute among themselves the roles of Bugs, cats and mice.

Presenter: The main actress in the theater is prima. She has the most significant role in the play, she has more fans, she is loved and respected. So we will now choose the actor for the main role in the play. Please come on stage!

Competition "Pantomime" .

Participants receive a card with the name of the dish. Their task is to show the subject without words so that the audience guesses what is being shown. If the audience cannot guess the object, the participant is eliminated from the game. The remaining participants go to the second stage of the casting - they show a vegetable in pantomime, at the third stage they show an animal. The competition continues until the winner is revealed, who will play the role of Repka. He goes backstage.

Presenter: In the meantime, our actors are preparing, I propose to move the convolutions!

Presenter: The actors are ready. Are the audience ready? Then I ask you to sit quietly, listen carefully, react violently at the end of the performance! Attention, the fairy tale begins!

Demonstration of the fairy tale "Turnip". After the end of the performance, the actors go out to bow, the audience clap.

  • Create conditions for the development of creative thought, resourcefulness, ingenuity
  • Introduce the activities of various magicians
  • Show children tricks, explaining their principles from the point of view of different sciences
  • Cultivate endurance, patience


  • Wizard IDs
  • Word Posters (Magic Sorcery Wizard Illusionist Focus Fakir)
  • Young Wizard Caps
  • Items for showing tricks (tablecloth, matches, candlestick, water funnel, glass of water, card, ring, 2 eggs (raw and boiled), plate of water, coin, candle, 3 glasses, narrow strips of paper and sheets according to the number of students )
  • Musical arrangement

Preliminary preparation:

  • The teacher prepares the educational part with the Young Wizards.
  • The children prepare various tricks for the show at will.

The course of the holiday

I. Introduction

The anthem of the Young Wizards is played.

There is a reserved country

Nobody knows where she is

It's called Magic

And it's full of miracles

In it, every Mage can become

Show any of your tricks

But you have to go to school

Approach any science!

Today we are gathered for the Feast of Magic.

I, as a great Magician, will tell about conjurers, show tricks and teach some skills. Wizards trained by me will help me.

II. Cognitive part

There are many incomprehensible words and expressions in this area. I will introduce you to some of them.

Who can help explain the words presented? (students' opinions)

The teacher points to the posters on the blackboard. (Young Wizards help)

Magic is a way of influencing the human will. These are the forces of nature and the ability to control them. Magic is black - this is witchcraft and white - kind, disinterested.

Magic is something unusual, mysterious.

Focus is a trick, a trick based on the appearance, disappearance of objects, and also based on various laws of mathematics, physics and other sciences.

An illusion is a delusion, a deception.

Illusionists are people living in a fantastic, fictional world. They create things out of nothing.

A sorcerer is a person who wields magical spells. Wizard.

There were tricks for a long time. And it is not entirely known which of them was the first! Yes, and is that the case? Most importantly, they exist!

Which great magician do you know?

Alexander German is a magician who has lived in St. Petersburg for 100 years. He took a fried chicken, broke it in half, and each half came out with a live chicken. He put the rabbit on a small table, covered it with a cap, and when he lifted it, a rabbit family was sitting there.

Harry Houdini is an American illusionist called the "King of Chains". He unlocked all the doors. They put him in a cell, closed the doors, put policemen next to him, but he still ended up free. Harry was put on a long shirt, thrown into the river, chained, and he emerged, freed from them. On stage Houdini is 35 years old.

Emil Kio is a People's Artist of Russia. A box with legs was carried out onto the stage, then an old woman came out, who was seated in this box and closed. Emil took 10 sharpened swords and pierced a box with them. But when the swords were pulled out, a young beautiful girl came out of the box.

In fact, Kio is not a surname, but a pseudonym (a fictitious name). His real name is Renard.

Why Kio?

Company of Notorious Deceivers

Kyiv Famous Deceiver

Sorcerer from Ossetia

How was it really?

Once Theodore, returning home, saw on the house, burning letters KI.O. This house turned out to be a cinema, where the letter H burned out. Hence the fictitious surname.

David Copperfield– can hide planes, wagons. But to perform such tricks, he needed help groups of 50 people.

Borac is a Yugoslav magician. He has manual dexterity. Borac came on tour to one city. He walked between the rows and showed tricks, quietly removing watches from the audience. Returning to the stage, he took out an 8 watch from his pocket and began to distribute it back. When the magician gave away the last watch, a spectator from the audience stood up and said: “Well, now take your watch, Comrade Borats!”

III. Practical demonstration of tricks by the teacher

Now I will show you tricks with the help of the Young Wizards.

Young Wizard, light a candle.

I lightly blow on the candle.

Where does the flame go? (from me)

And what will happen to the flame if you blow on it through a funnel?

Young Wizard, blow on the candle through the funnel!

(The flame began to suddenly deviate in the other direction)

What happened?

Explanation from the point of view of physics: the vortices formed in the funnel create pressure, which is drawn into the candle flame.

I take a glass half filled with water. I cover it with a regular postcard. I put a ring on the card, put an egg in it.

What happens if I pull out a postcard? (the egg will fall into the glass)

Explanation from the point of view of physics: the fast movement of the postcard does not have time to transfer the speed to the egg and it falls into the glass.

I put a wide plate on the table, put a coin in it.

Who can get a coin out of the water without getting their hands wet and pouring out the water? (Magic fire will help)

I put a candle in a plate, light it, cover it with a glass. The water goes into the glass, and I can get a coin without getting my hands wet. Why?

Explanation from the point of view of physics: under the action of fire, the air heats up and comes out from under the glass. As soon as the candle goes out, the air cools and is pressed into the glass.

Maybe one of you knows tricks, show me.

IV. Self-demonstration of tricks by children

Children optionally show tricks prepared at home.

Children who present their tricks are awarded diplomas of Young Wizards.

Who else wants to join the School of Wizardry?

V. Teamwork

You need to pass our tests. Solve tricks.

Challenge #1

Cut the strip of paper in front of you into 3 pieces with one cut of the scissors. Who can complete this task faster? (Fold in half and cut)

Test #2

There are 2 eggs in front of you. One is hard boiled and the other is raw. How to determine, without breaking the shell, which one is boiled? (twist)

Challenge #3

Try to crawl through the piece of paper in front of you. (Fold the sheet in half and cut as shown in the picture)

Challenge #4

Here are two glasses, standing at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. We cover them with a sheet of paper and put another glass on top.

Is it possible to make it stay between two glasses standing under a sheet of paper? (You can, if you fold a sheet of paper “accordion”)

VI. Final part

New students appeared in our class who are resourceful, savvy, patient! Congratulations! You are real wizards!

Certificates are given. The hymn is sung in chorus.

Our holiday has come to an end. You learned a lot, you saw, you were surprised! All your surprises can be explained with the help of the sciences that you will study in the future.

Good luck to you, friends!
