The second life of a mouton coat. What can be sewn from an old fur coat for yourself and for home

Products made from natural materials such as leather, fur will never go out of fashion. Even in ancient times, people covered their bodies with animal skins, and today in the wardrobe of every fashion-conscious person, there are fur products. Fur coats, hats, fur vests, capes - this and much more women dream of having.

At present, they have learned not only to sew from fur, but also to knit. Moreover, things made of fur look very original and stylish. And it's also a great way to turn an old worn fur coat into a new vintage item!

Fur products

Paula Lishman, a fashion designer from Canada, was the first to come up with the idea of ​​knitting from fur with her own hands. It was thanks to her imagination that models began to appear on the catwalk in stunningly beautiful knitwear made from mink and rabbit fur. She revolutionized the fur industry. Now fur knitting has become very popular!

We make fur yarn

The first thing we need to do to start knitting from fur is to prepare the material itself. Surely everyone in the house has an old fur coat, hat or vest, which is already reluctant to wear, but it is a pity to throw it away. We suggest you make a completely new and incredibly fashionable item out of it with your own hands. To do this, take the fur, for example, mink and cut it into thin strips 5 millimeters wide. Use a clerical knife so as not to damage the valuable fur. Under no circumstances should scissors be used. It is better to cut the fur in a spiral, so the width of the strip will be longer. But there is no strict rule on how to cut a fur fabric, so cut it as you like.

We make fur yarn

In order for the tapes to be even, first draw the incisions on the skin. You need to cut along the side of the mezra, pulling and lifting the skin a little. If you follow these tips, then cutting the fur will not give you much trouble.

Sometimes the strips are not long enough, then they can be sewn together with a regular thread of a suitable color, monofilament, or glued with special glue. After the fur is cut, we proceed to the manufacture of the thread itself. We take the first 50 centimeters of the thread, lower it into the water, wring it out well and fix it with a bracket for any base. Then, we begin to twist the fur ribbon, just like twisting a woolen thread on a spindle. In order for this process to go faster, you can use any available tools, for example: a drill, mixer or screwdriver.

The twist density is approximately 5 turns per 1 centimeter of fur thread. I mean, it's pretty dense. We fix the twisted segment and continue to twist the rest of the thread, do not forget to moisten it well before that. We perform such manipulations with absolutely the entire fur strip. After the thread is twisted and fixed, it needs to be dried with a hair dryer and combed a little. Before your eyes, the strip will immediately become fluffy. Leave the thread in this taut position until it dries completely. Then unfasten the staples and wind the resulting yarn into a ball. That's all, the thread is ready for knitting fur knitwear! Mink looks best in knitwear, but any other fur can be used.

Another way

Knitted fur jacket

Another method, although less common, but also quite original, is based on the fact that the thread is twisted around the gimp thread and then sewn together. Thus, it becomes possible to adjust the density of the twist and the thickness of the thread. You can use any yarn for the gimp thread, but the main thing is that it is not too thin and matches the color of the fur. And the fur must be fluffy, you can use, for example, mink. This method is more economical and allows you to get longer fur yarn than in the first method. Yarn obtained in this way will turn out to be less fluffy, but very durable. In this method, you will have to twist the fur ribbon manually.

For such yarn, you can use the skin of almost any animal, but the most popular is the mink. Although recently, thanks to dressing, products made from beaver, fox, rabbit, sable fur look just as good. For fur knitwear, sheared or plucked fur is perfect.

We start knitting from fur

Based on the amount of fur yarn that you have, decide on the product. If you have never tried to knit their furs on your own, then you can learn how to do it on a hat. The work is not very difficult, and the thing is always relevant and necessary. Fur can be knitted in several ways.


The easiest way is knitting from fur with knitting needles. For this method, many fashion designers use mink fur. Because it looks really expensive and stylish. They knit in the same way as from yarn, only a fur strip is used instead of a thread. Sometimes two threads are folded together: fur and plain yarn to match. For such knitting, rather thick knitting needles are needed. They can be bought at any specialized knitting store or ordered online.

Fur knitting process

By the way, some needlewomen crochet their products. But with tight knitting, too much fur is consumed, so it is much more expedient to knit with knitting needles. This method of knitting fur is perfect for large things, capes, vests, jackets. Since the canvas is very soft and insanely pleasant to the touch. This method will definitely not leave you indifferent. But there are also disadvantages to such a product: it will be very strongly blown by the wind, since it is not very dense, so such a thing definitely needs a lining that you can sew with your own hands.

Threading fur into the net - the basis

For this method, you will need a mesh, which you can buy at a fabric store or knit yourself. To do this, it is better to use a hook and any thread to match the fur. The essence of this method is that fur ribbons are threaded into the mesh fabric in a certain order, as if braiding it, thereby creating a “knitted effect”. For this method, the fur yarn does not need to be twisted, it is enough just to cut it into ribbons. Hats connected in this way look very impressive! First, a hat is knitted - a mesh, and then fur ribbons are wound on it, like on a frame. It turns out very beautiful. Such a hat can be decorated with a leather flower or pinned with a beautiful brooch.

Hat knitted from fur yarn

If you do everything carefully, then the hat will look no worse than in the store, and maybe even better. Plus, it's pretty cheap! For manufacturing, you only need a small piece of mink or silver fox fur and less than one skein of thread of a suitable color. However, you can take any other fur, but this particular fur is ideal for hats. When making things in this way, it should be taken into account that the product will not hold its shape well and will be very soft and elastic. You may have to compact the frame with something, for example, make a lining from a dense, rigid fabric.


This is one of the favorite methods of knitters and it consists in the fact that fur threads are tied with ordinary yarn. You can work both crochet and knitting. But crochet is still more convenient. When crocheting, the threads are knitted into the fabric at a certain distance. For example, when knitting a hat, you can move in a spiral and knit a fur thread in the same way. You can knit fur in each row or after a certain number of rows. It all depends on whether you want the knitted fabric to be visible. The product, connected in this way, is smooth and dense. Only it is impossible to pull the fur strongly, especially the mink, it is better to knit it looser. Since the yarn stretches, but the fur does not, and if you knit too tight, there is a chance that you simply won’t pull the product over yourself. With such knitting, the product perfectly holds its shape and turns out to be very dense and warm.

Sewing fur to a knitted product

Very easy way! Suitable for those who are just learning how to work with fur. You will need knitting needles and fur ribbons. For this method, fur strips can also not be twisted. The product is knitted with an English rubber band - the base. The skin is cut into strips with a width of 0.5 cm and carefully sewn along the line of the convex part of the knitted fabric. In the finished product, the base will not be visible. This method is ideal for hats. They are voluminous, fluffy and very warm! This method, due to its simplicity and good aesthetic appearance, was very fond of craftswomen.

Thus, if you want a fur hat or jacket, and the family budget is not provided for this, then you can always knit a new thing with your own hands from the remnants of mink, silver fox or any other fur. Knitting with fur is a fairly simple activity that even a beginner knitter can do. Provided that she is familiar with the basics of knitting or crocheting. In addition, things connected in this way look no worse than those sold in stores for fabulous money.

The age of any thing is not so long. Especially when it comes to fur products. They require special care, models of fur coats and sheepskin coats go out of fashion, and even such a “pet” as a moth is not at all averse to feasting on mink, cygkey or chinchilla. As a result, one or two, or even more old fur coats hang in the closet, taking up space, which you have not worn for a long time, but it is a pity to throw them away.

And rightly so. Why throw away when you can remake your old fur coat into a newfangled author's thing! Therefore, answering the question, what to do with an old coat We answer - there are a lot of options! These are fur headphones, and leggings, and soft pillows, and of course, a stylish fur vest, which is at the height of fashion today. Let's start with him.

How to sew a fur vest from an old fur coat with your own hands? Easy!

To create an exclusive fur vest, you will need an old (but not very tattered and shabby) fur coat. For example, if the “body” of the fur coat itself is in order, but only the rubbing of the sleeves and / or the raven. Plus, you will need a finishing trim, lining and lining fabric (you can also use the "native" from the fur coat, if it is in order).

Step 1

Carefully rip open an old fur coat and look at every detail for holes, scuffs and traces of a moth “feast”. If there are not many holes and they are small, you can carefully sew them up, and then strengthen this place with adhesive plaster smeared with super-glue. If the gaps are too large, then it is better not to use such pieces or sew the torn places with reinforced thread.

Step 2

Remove with a measuring tape and write down exactly all your measurements. For insurance, you can take an adjacent knitted sweater or sweater (but not tight!) and make markings on the reverse side of the fur part and lining with chalk or remnant. Measure the circumference of the armhole of a jacket or sweater with a measuring tape and mark the same on the blanks.

Step 3

When all the markings are done, check everything again and then cut out the details along the contour with a margin. With a neck, you can dream up. It can be a "shawl" and a "boat", and whatever you want. That's why this is an exclusive - designer - thing!

Step 4

All sections are processed (sheathed) with a satin trim. Carefully sew the lining to the top (fur). Here is a fur vest of your production ready. You can just throw it on, or you can tie it with a leather or elastic belt (which is very important now!)

DIY fur vest (video master class!)

Fur earmuffs, leg warmers and mittens

If the fur coat is worn or “beaten” by moths in many places and a decent vest doesn’t come out of it, then it’s better to make smaller wardrobe items with your own hands, but no less fashionable.

So from the sleeves you can easily make "cool" leggings. From small pieces it is quite possible to sew cute fur headphones that you can replace a whole fur hat on a frosty day. In this case, when you cut blanks for them, it is better to use a cutting knife, and not scissors.

If you decide to sew fur mittens, then make a pattern with a margin so that the mittens do not “spread” at the seams while wearing.

The lining for such mittens can be made of waterproof fabric.

Cozy things for home

Even if the old fur coat is completely out of condition, then even from such a second-hand one you can make quite a few cute things that will create an atmosphere of comfort in your home. So, by cutting out strong and “not eaten” pieces of fur and sewing them together like a patchwork quilt, you can make wonderful fur pillowcases, chair covers and even fur handbags!

If you are skilled enough, you can use leftover pieces of fur to make toys. You can make from the remnants of a fur coat and very comfortable home fur boots. From very small pieces of fur, you can make unique fur brooches.

Updating the wardrobe before each season is a responsible event for any modern woman. But buying new things is not always possible. As a rule, for all this you need to have certain financial capabilities. Especially the purchase of winter things will cost a pretty penny. You can find an alternative and alter the fur coat with your own hands. Moreover, it probably hangs in the closet for quite a long time.

Preparatory work

Firstly, in order to alter an old fur coat with your own hands, you must initially decide on its future style. Secondly, you need to check the fur for damage. After all, a moth could eat it. Such areas will have to be cut out or replaced with new fur.

To alter a fur coat with your own hands, you can make patterns yourself, based on your size and the parameters of the finished fur coat. And you can copy them from any printed fashion publication.

First you need to evaluate the footage of normal fur so that it is enough for the model you like.

How to choose a model?

Modern women are able to immediately decide on the choice of style in order to alter a fur coat with their own hands. This takes into account:

  • desired length;
  • parameters of an old fur coat;
  • woman size.

High representatives of the fair half with standard sizes can wear any fur coats. But for women with a non-standard figure, elongated models are recommended.

Many overweight women love fur ponchos. If they are made of smooth fur, then they can be worn. And if they are too fluffy, then it is better to abandon such models.

What can be used in the alteration of a fur coat?

Before altering a fur coat with your own hands, you need to add some zest to the model. Quite often, the style is complemented by:

  • natural leather;
  • suede;
  • other fur;
  • leatherette.

All this is taken into account in the development of the model.

What can be done with an old fur coat?

There are several options for updating such clothes:

  • shorten;
  • lengthen;
  • to take in;
  • completely change the style.

In such ways, altering a fur coat with your own hands is quite simple. It all depends on the fur and its quality, since in some cases it is necessary to work with natural material carefully.

Altered mink coat

Where to start work to alter a mink coat with your own hands? Initially, you need to try it on. At this stage, what exactly does not suit the model is evaluated. As a rule, such fur coats have classic loose silhouettes. May not suit:

  • shoulder width;
  • length of the product;
  • its dimensions.

As soon as a flaw is found, you can begin to space the seams in the place that will be altered. It should be borne in mind that there is also a lining that can be sewn in or be loose.

It is very important when planning a model of a mink coat to take into account that it should be free, as it is one of the types of outerwear.

Also, attention is drawn to the fact that the mink coat consists of pieces of different sizes. If it is wrong to start work, then in the end the product will completely bloom.

If it is required to sew in the product, then the extra pieces of fur are cut out of the fur coat, and it must be stitched again. If large shoulders are removed, then the work may be slightly delayed. So, the shoulder seams are initially ripped, and if there is a high collar in the model, it is also torn off. Sleeves, back and front of the product are also subject to sewing.

Fur can only be sewn with special threads. In some cases, professionals recommend gluing the skins and seams. Quite often, for greater strength, a dublerin tape is laid in the line.

Altering the Mouton coat

This fur is quite practical to wear. Altering a muton fur coat with your own hands is quite simple. There is no need for gluing and laying doubler tape in the seam. Fur keeps its shape very well.

You will also need to initially determine what exactly does not suit you in the model. Basically, the snag will be only in the shoulders and in the model. It is usually flared. The product has a lining.

So, you need to start modeling a new fur coat, taking into account the chosen style. The product is completely ripped at the side seams and shoulders. Sleeves will be subject to "restoration" last.

A pattern is preliminarily drawn up on special paper. You need to build it according to your size, which take into account:

  • shoulder width;
  • chest height;
  • chest volume;
  • waist;
  • growth.

It is worth considering that fur coats from any fur cannot be fitted. On such material it is impossible to make tucks. They can just ruin the style.

Especially if which is lush and soft fur.

The process of creating a new muton fur coat

Separate parts are laid out on a flat surface of a table or floor. Paper patterns are attached to them with the help of special needles. They need to be circled with chalk or plain soap.

An important point: you need to outline the pattern with a small margin. This will make it possible to properly sew together all the details. As a rule, 1-1.5 cm will be enough for this.

Once all the details are ready, they are swept together with a simple seam. Then the product is tried on, and its shortcomings are evaluated. It may be necessary to remove excess somewhere or release a little fur.

After everything suits you in the model, you can start connecting the parts on the sewing machine. To do this, a special needle for processing fur is inserted into the equipment. She's pretty sharp. You need to stitch in a zigzag pattern so that pile creases do not form on the outside of the product at the seams.

Then the seams need to be processed, since the fur will constantly crumble during wear. To do this, use a special overlock or set up a specific seam on the machine itself. Quite often, the seams are trimmed from the inside with a satin ribbon.

It is worth considering that the lining of the fur coat should be 1-2 cm smaller in its parameters than the product itself.

Lining seams must also be overlocked or made invisible.

When stitching, you need to pay attention to the fact that its wrong side will be facing the back of the fur, so that the product looks neat from the inside.

As soon as all the details, in order to alter the fur coat with your own hands, are ready, you can proceed to the complete assembly of the product. The lining is sewn to the seams on the shoulders and collar. Then it is fixed at the end of the sleeves. As a rule, it does not need lower fastening, since it must be a few centimeters shorter than the product so that it does not peek out from under the floor.

It is advisable not to touch fasteners and other decorative ornaments in the process of altering a fur coat. It is unlikely that you will be able to fix them on your own. The product can only be spoiled by poor workmanship.

Similarly, you can alter the astrakhan fur coat with your own hands. Only working with such fur is much easier. It is not fluffy and does not crumble.

People from the northern regions of Russia will understand me - fur has accumulated in the house, which the hand does not rise to throw out. These are old hats and fur coats, which are a must in the north. But the need is, of course, a beautiful mink (fox, etc.) fur coat in the form of a fashionable warm coat, hat, mittens, etc.

I used to post posts and MK how and where I apply the old fur. For example, how to crochet chic fur coats? Below I will give links, and now a post about old fur and how to update it?

During the storage of fur, the leather fabric coarsens, loses its plastic properties (especially at home with severe dryness of warm air). And in order to sew something from old fur (there is a round mink hat, some pieces), you first need to update it all, soften the fur, stretch the skin into an even canvas for cutting. How to do it?

To do this, the core of the skin should be carefully wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar essence and 50 grams of salt in 1 liter of water). Moisten the mezra with this solution with a brush or cotton swab, then fold the product in half from the mezra to the mezra and hold under the film (or in a plastic bag) for 3-4 hours.

After that, the skins are dried at room temperature, thoroughly kneaded and stretched in different directions. It is important not to overdry the skin and remove it while still damp. The skin should be soft and pliable.

It is useful to stretch old stale fur on thin nails. To do this, the mezdra is slightly moistened with clean or slightly salted water with a shaving brush and immediately, evenly stretching it in all directions, it is carefully nailed along the edges with long (3-3.5 cm) and thin nails to a flat board with a pile down.

Then, with a flat ruler or a knife with a blunt side, we lift the skin on the nails so that the fur does not press, but hangs freely. This will make the future product fluffy.

When the skin dries, the details of the pattern of the future product are applied to the mezra, which are pre-cut out and outlined on the skin with a pencil. When cutting, do not forget to follow the direction of the pile.

Then the details of the cut are cut out with a sharp razor or a very convenient clerical knife, adding 0.3 cm to the seams. The fur is sewn from the inside with frequent stitches over the edge or buttonhole, without grabbing the hair and tucking it inside.

Something like that.

And, I must warn you that not every worn fur should be used further. For example, modern consumer thin fur coats are dressed in such a way that fur can be used with maximum benefit. That is, these cheap minks are already initially stretched to the maximum. Therefore, it is unlikely that such fur can be used for years.

My girlfriend had a fur coat so thin and cold, well, only for beauty, it sprawled straight on her. So, it’s still not worth coveting cheap fur, except perhaps some kind of jacket, again for one season for beauty, to throw it away. Because then you can’t sew anything out of this fur.

Well, in general, maybe this post will be useful to someone. And what to sew from fur - that is anything! From a small brooch, a scarf, a bag, to a big chic plaid!

Interesting ideas, useful information, examples, fashion trends, designer collections, scroll through and see the label

And now some specific useful links:

A post with information about the wear resistance of all wearable furs, about all types of fur (directly animals), how to choose, etc.

A real needlewoman will find at hand everything she needs to create her next creation. When it comes to natural materials, such as beautiful DIY fur crafts, you have to think about the cost of buying them.

Original methods are perfect for such a situation, because you can always get by with the remnants of fur, for example, a piece that your fur coat once lost.

Materials for creating crafts

There are so many handmade masterpieces, you never know what you might need for them. From an old bag no one needs, pieces of leather will come in handy as well as from gloves or boots with a high top. The costume jewelry of the past will provide a lot of accessories: brooches, beads, rings and earrings, all this will serve to create something new.

Usually, nylon ribbons, braid, lace, beads, beads, as well as decorative buttons and rhinestones are great for creating flowers.

All of the above, this is a small amount of materials that can be used in your needlework, you can use anything in your work, and most importantly, what you like.

DIY options

Any thing created by one's own hands is unique and it is almost impossible to repeat it again with absolute accuracy. Using the remnants of fur and leather, you can create a whole greenhouse of different colors, the combination of fur of several colors or shades looks very beautiful at once, and you can create petals or buds from leather.

When working with flowers, rhinestones and beads add detail and uniqueness to each flower. From a fluffy flower, you can create original and quite familiar jewelry: a pendant, a brooch, a hair accessory or an element of a lady's hat.

Original ideas for fur crafts can transform clothes, jewelry, decor items. Finishing clothes with pieces of fur will make it more feminine and elegant, and in some cases will give the image completeness.

If you have the tail of a fluffy animal lying around, then do not let it gather dust, it can become a new interior detail or decorate a good jacket.

Flower made from natural materials

Leather is a very popular material that requires a careful and confident approach. Experienced needlewomen create romantic compositions from this material: roses, chrysanthemums, daisies and many other species. Such bouquets are complemented by patterns of ribbons made using the kanzashi technique, and sometimes from corrugated paper.

If this is the first time you encounter something like this, then refer to the instructions on how to properly make your chosen craft.

The main process will be that it is necessary to cut out parts of the flower from the skin, according to a pre-made or printed template, give them the desired shape, and also create stamens and other parts of an artificial flower. Having familiarized yourself with the process and having tried everything in practice, you will be able to master the technique of creating flowers of varying complexity.

Creating an artificial flower

Most often, it will be more convenient to turn to a ready-made master class on how to make leather crafts.

To perform the technique you will need:

  • A stationery knife, its ability to quickly change a dull blade is great for working with leather;
  • A wide metal ruler, it will be most convenient to use it, and most importantly safer;
  • A substrate on which the skin can be cut, such as a cutting board;
  • Scissors, it is best to use tailor's, which cut the skin;
  • French knife, it is used to thin the skin, this process is called shaving;
  • Bulki, with their use, a three-dimensional shape will be given and wavy lines will be created;
  • Punch tubes and hole punchers, thanks to them, holes are made along the edges and in the central part of the elements of the future flower.

Leather processing

For the relief on the petals, various options and instructions for making patterns on the skin are used.

The first option is cold stamping, a simpler method that is better suited for patterns around the edges of the element. The process consists in extruding a pattern by cutting a workpiece superimposed on it.

The second option is hot stamping, for which a certain number of stamps are needed, in the process they are subjected to high temperature. The metal stamp is heated and pressed against the skin, thereby performing embossing.

Painting leather parts

You can use nitro paint from spray cans, but oil paints will be a better option, artists constantly use them, in which case the flower becomes more realistic. Before starting work, take a look at the photo of leather crafts in advance.

When working with halftones, you will need to additionally use solutions for etching the product, it will be more correct to apply with a squirrel brush, since it will be softer than the others. You can finish painting with furniture varnish.

Photo of crafts from towels
