The child has a high temperature. A one-year-old baby has a fever: what to do?

A reading on the thermometer of 38 or higher is a sign of the development of an infectious disease. Hyperthermia can provoke serious consequences for the child’s body, therefore, at the first manifestation of a symptom, you should immediately consult a pediatrician and also use antipyretics. How and with what to bring down a child’s temperature of 38, we will consider further.

Causes of hyperthermia

Under normal conditions, body temperature should not exceed 36.6 degrees. Even a slight increase in this indicator can signal pathologies in the body.

An increase to 38 degrees or more indicates that the immune system has begun an active fight against pathogenic bacteria or viruses.

Essentially, hyperthermia is a protective reaction of the body that helps it cope with pathogens. Changing the temperature regime helps suppress the infection, as a result of which the immune system is able to cope with the disease faster.

But in some cases the mechanism fails. If a child has a fever for more than 4-5 days in a row, this can provoke irreversible changes in the brain, which is simply not able to function normally during a fever. Impaired thermoregulation of the body in some cases leads to death, so if a problem is detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

It is worth noting that fever does not always indicate the development of infectious diseases. Temperatures up to 38 inclusive can be caused by:

  • overheat,
  • heatstroke,
  • nervous overexcitement,
  • urinary tract infections,
  • teething in children under 1 year of age,
  • childhood infections (measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever)
  • brain infections (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • insect bites
  • taking medications.

If the threshold of 38 degrees is passed, the cause should be sought in the following diseases:

  • otitis and ARVI;
  • flu and sore throat;
  • bronchitis and mononucleosis;
  • gastroenteritis and diarrhea;
  • endocrine pathologies,
  • reaction to vaccination (vaccination against measles, influenza, whooping cough).

Symptoms and clinical picture

The main signs of fever in children include:

  • lethargy and moodiness;
  • dry lips and red eyes;
  • restlessness and intense thirst;
  • sweating and chills;
  • redness of the cheeks and forehead;
  • rapid heartbeat and loss of appetite.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately measure your temperature. If it exceeds 38 degrees, it is advisable to use medications to lower it.

Is it worth reducing the high temperature?

The following types of hyperthermia are distinguished:

  • subfebrile (no more than 38 degrees);
  • moderate (38-39 degrees);
  • high (39-40 degrees);
  • feverish (40 and above).

If the hyperthermia is low-grade, it is undesirable to bring it down. This can weaken the body's immune defenses and trigger the development of pathogens.

As a rule, the life activity of most pathogenic microorganisms is hampered at a temperature of about 38 degrees. Treatment with antipyretics can only worsen the course of the disease.

It should also be taken into account that a one-month-old baby’s normal body temperature is 37.5-38 degrees. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of thermoregulation in a newborn is not fully formed.

How and with what to treat a child with a temperature of 38?

  1. Call a doctor immediately.
  2. Do not lower your temperature to 38.5 degrees with medications.
  3. Eliminate sound and light stimuli in the room.
  4. If the baby is breastfed, put him to the breast or give him expressed milk - a source of immunoglobulin and antibodies.
  5. If there is an appetite, feed your baby easily digestible foods (for example, vegetable or fruit purees).
  6. Provide plenty of fluids. Fever provokes dehydration, which can lead to even greater disturbances in the body’s thermoregulation. Mineral water without carbon and sweeteners, as well as chamomile tea, will help cope with the problem.
  7. Make a wrap. Cotton cloth should be moistened in plain water and wrapped around the child’s body.
  8. Never apply ice to your forehead or do enemas with cool water. It is also not recommended to do vinegar or vodka rubdowns, as they dry out the skin.
  9. Try to maintain the temperature in the room no more than 21 degrees. Due to heat exchange with the environment, body temperature should decrease by 1-2 degrees.
  10. If moderate hyperthermia is observed (38.5-39 degrees), antipyretics can be used to combat it.

Some of the most effective and safe antipyretic drugs for children include:

Which parent has not encountered elevated temperature in a child? Mothers are used to associating a high temperature with the flu and ARVI, but sometimes it happens that the temperature appears “out of nowhere,” which confuses parents. There are no symptoms, the thermometer scale is steadily creeping higher, and this is where the nerves give in. Let's talk about why a child's temperature can rise above 38°C, and what to do in such situations?

The main thing in the article

Causes of temperature 38 and above without symptoms

Quite often, a small jump in a child’s body temperature is justified by the baby’s body’s reaction to external stimuli, and this is considered the norm. But sometimes an elevated temperature may indicate a disease and may not be harmless. Therefore, young mothers simply need to know main reasons, due to which the thermometer column may creep up.

A child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms: parents’ reaction

Any temperature increase– stress for the mother and the child’s body. Many young mothers are confused and don’t know what to do in such cases. There is no need to panic; it is quite possible that this is a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli. After all, this is how children’s immunity is “trained.”

Initially, the mother should measure the temperature, and if it is present, exclude possible factors such as: overheating, teeth growth, reaction to vaccinations.

Then, based on the readings on the thermometer, follow the following rules:

  • If the temperature is within 37–37.5°С, then allow the body to cope with the problem on its own. The mother’s task is to ensure normal air temperature and humidity in the baby’s room and give plenty of fluids.
  • With the readings on the thermometer 37.6–38.5°С and if the child is lethargic and inactive, then add wiping with cool water to the above actions.
  • At a temperature above 38.6°C You can’t do without antipyretic drugs. If the temperature again confidently creeps up after the antipyretic drug has expired, then there is an infection in the body. In such cases of asymptomatic fever, it is better to consult a doctor.

Is it necessary to reduce a child’s temperature above 38 without symptoms and how?

Reducing the temperature above 38°C is a must! To make it clearer, let us explain - hyperthermia is divided into the following types:

  • up to 38.0°C – subfebrile;
  • from 38.1°C to 39.0°C – moderate;
  • from 39.1°C to 40.0°C – high;
  • from 40.1°C and above – febrile.

The thin line of a few degrees from low-grade to febrile temperature can disappear in 5-10 minutes, so you should not wait for it to rise. And if you see a figure greater than 38°C on the thermometer, take appropriate measures.

In young children, the temperature is reduced with the help of antipyretics, a review of which you will find below. The following measures will help alleviate the child’s condition:

  • Undress the child, open the window. Such actions help with infants, since their heat exchange is still weak, being in a cool environment will help reduce body temperature.
  • Cold compress. A cloth made of natural fabric is moistened with cool water and applied to the child’s forehead and temples. After the fabric is heated, it must be re-wetted in cool water.
  • Rubbing. The method our grandmothers used. Dilute vodka or vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate the limbs and places where the main arteries pass (under the knees, in the neck) with this liquid. Afterwards, the child is wrapped warmly and allowed to sweat.

What does a low-grade fever in a child mean?

In medicine there is such a thing as low-grade fever. In this state, the thermometer shows 37.5°C, and the child feels comfortable, active, eats well, and does not complain about anything.

Such an increase can be called harmless if after 3–5 days the low-grade fever disappears. In cases of prolonged temperature rise, this may indicate the development of a hidden pathology, since low-grade fever may be present for up to a month.

Prolonged low-grade fever may indicate:

  • anemia;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • disorder in brain function;
  • hidden infections.

To be on the safe side and prevent disease progression during prolonged low-grade fever, it is better to see a doctor. Quite often, the following specialists are used in treatment:

  • endocrinologist;
  • immunologist;
  • neurologist;
  • otolaryngologist.

To protect your child, you need to boost his immunity. For this purpose, complexes of vitamins with microelements are used. Don't forget about hardening, walking outside (at least 2 hours), and a balanced diet. Ways to increase immunity can be found in the article: "".

The child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms for more than 3 days

It is generally accepted that everything is normal if the temperature goes away on the 3rd day, but this does not always happen. If the child’s blood pressure is elevated for more than 3 days, then the reason should be found out, since some disease is developing in the body, which is currently asymptomatic. The best way out is to consult a pediatrician.

Diseases in which it is simply necessary to reduce the temperature include:

  • Diseases of the nervous system. When it is hot, such disorders can be accompanied by febrile convulsions, so such children should lower their temperature as soon as it “exceeds” 38°C.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract(vomiting and diarrhea). At a temperature, the body becomes dehydrated, and symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea only exacerbate this process.
  • Chills. The child is shaking, freezing, nauseous, and his general condition is deteriorating. The temperature is rising higher and the extremities are getting colder.

Temperature 38 in a child under one year old: what to do?

Newborns have their own norms regarding body temperature.

In the first months of life, the body temperature of newborns can change several times a day, and a reading of up to 37.4°C is normal.

Of course, seeing big numbers on the thermometer, parents panic and don’t know how to help such a little person. Let us immediately note that methods for reducing fever for adults should not be used here, since sharp cold (compress, rubbing) leads to rapid vasospasm, which slows down blood flow in the skin. The skin cools down, but the internal organs heat up even more. This condition is quite dangerous for a baby.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to give him a lot of warm liquid, remove excess clothing so that heat exchange occurs independently. The air temperature should be 17–18°C; if necessary, open the window.

As for antipyretic drugs, they should be prescribed exclusively by doctors to children under 3 months of age. It is best to use suppositories, but if the child has diarrhea, they are prohibited.

Causes of asymptomatic fever according to Komarovsky

What to do at a temperature of 38 without symptoms: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Children's doctor Komarovsky has earned the trust of many parents, which is why they listen to his opinion. What does he recommend to do if a child has a temperature above 38°C and no symptoms?

Let us immediately note that Dr. Komarovsky is an ardent opponent of the use of medications “with or without reason.” Therefore, before reaching into the medicine cabinet for an antipyretic on the first day of fever and the child’s condition is stable, you must:

  • carry out wet cleaning in the room where the baby is;
  • ventilate the room at least 3 times a day;
  • maintain the room temperature at 18–20°C;
  • give the child plenty to drink;
  • do not force food; a full stomach distracts the body from fighting the pathogens of hyperthermia.

Typically, such actions in case of asymptomatic onset of temperature can be dealt with in 2-3 days, provided that it is stable and the thermometer readings do not creep up. If the temperature does not drop on the 4th day or becomes higher, then it is better to consult a pediatrician and resort to antipyretic drugs.

Effective antipyretics for high fever in children

If the numbers on the thermometer show above 38°C, and the child is still small, then it is better, without waiting for a strong fever, to give the baby an antipyretic.

Let's look at the effective and age-appropriate drugs that modern medicine offers today.

Antipyretics for infants and children under 6–12 years of age

  1. "Efferalgan"(children's). Syrup is allowed from one month of age if prescribed by a doctor. Has antipyretic and analgesic effects. Relieves mild pain symptoms in childhood diseases.
  2. "Cefekon D". Available in the form of suppositories and can be used from 1 month as prescribed by a doctor. Reduces fever and acts as an analgesic. It is administered rectally up to 3 times a day.
  3. "Panadol"(children's). Sold in the form of syrup and candles. Syrup is allowed from 3 months, suppositories can be prescribed at an earlier age depending on body weight, but only as prescribed by a doctor. The maximum number of doses is 4 times a day for children over 6 months.
  4. "Nurofen"(children's). Suspension for babies from 3 months to 12 years. In addition to the antipyretic effect, it has an analgesic effect, so it is actively prescribed for teething, ARVI, and reactions to vaccinations. The duration of action of the drug is up to 8 hours.
  5. "Paracetamol"(children's). Recommended for children from 6 months. The dosage is calculated according to age. The drug is also sold in suppositories, which are used from six months.

Probably the most terrible period of illness is the age of up to one year, since the baby still cannot explain what is bothering him, and the parents do not know: is a temperature above 38°C a reaction to yesterday’s vaccination, or is teeth cutting? Therefore, monitor your child and if the temperature rises, follow the steps described above, and if necessary, consult a doctor. Let your children not know what a high temperature is and never get sick!

If a child has a temperature of 38, then we are talking about febrile values. Many children tolerate this condition quite normally, unlike adults. But parents still need to know what to do in such situations and what can cause them.

Many factors can cause a febrile fever in a child. Most often, infections and pathological conditions are to blame.

But also an increase in temperature can be a natural reaction to some kind of impact. Most often, such cases occur in children during the first three years of life.

Physiological reactions

The physiological reason that a temperature of 38.5 suddenly appeared in a child is usually poorly adjusted thermoregulation.

In other words, the body cannot give off heat the way nature intended. Therefore, it accumulates in the body, causing an increase in temperature values.

Often, physiological causes of febrile thermometer readings do not cause additional disturbing symptoms.

The child’s face may turn red and sweat may appear, but nothing more. The following factors can provoke a natural increase in temperature that does not require the use of any medications:

  • clothes that are too warm;
  • very hot room;
  • dry hot air;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

The baby’s condition usually returns to normal immediately after the cause of the physiological reaction is eliminated. There are no consequences.

Childhood infections

Viral diseases are the most common cause of fever in children. Until immunity is formed, diseases are inevitable.

The vast majority of viral infections occur in children between 2 and 5 years of age.

During this period, children attend preschool institutions and are in large groups. This is where the exchange of infections occurs.

  • ARVI and influenza cause a child to have a sore throat and a temperature of 38 degrees. During the examination, the doctor can make a diagnosis: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, and so on.
  • Chickenpox is a viral disease that is accompanied by an increase in body temperature within 38-38.9 degrees without additional symptoms. After a few days, the fever disappears on its own and rashes appear.
  • Rubella is an infection that can now be protected against by vaccination, so it is rare. However, in unvaccinated children, the disease is manifested by febrile thermometer readings and enlarged lymph nodes. A rash appears a few hours after the first symptoms appear.
  • Infectious mumps- an inflammatory process affecting the salivary glands. In addition to high fever, a child with mumps develops swelling of the face on one or both sides.
  • Whooping cough is an infection accompanied by a temperature of up to 38.3-38.5 degrees and a dry, painful cough ending in vomiting.
  • Measles is a viral infection. In children, it occurs with an increase in temperature from 38.5-38.8 degrees and above. At the same time, the child has a severe headache and photophobia. After some time, a spotty rash appears.
  • Scarlet fever is a childhood infection that differs from all of the above in that its causative agent is not viruses, but bacteria. With scarlet fever, the thermometer level can reach 38.5-38.7 degrees. The child complains of pain in the head and trachea. On examination, redness of the pharynx is noted.

Vaccinations have now been invented for most infectious diseases. But many parents deliberately refuse them, thereby putting their child’s health at great risk.

Inflammatory processes

Children under three years of age are susceptible to otitis media. If a child has an earache and a temperature of 38, then the use of antibiotics is indispensable.

If a one-year-old child has a temperature of 38-38.2, then we can assume that the gums are inflamed. This often happens when teething. The wound created by the hatched tip of the tooth is filled with pieces of food.

As a result, bacteria multiply and the inflammatory process begins. As soon as the tooth erupts, all disturbing symptoms will disappear.

Inflammation in a child’s body can affect absolutely any organ and system.

It often occurs in the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia) and is the result of an untreated or complicated infection.

Intestinal inflammation (colitis) is less common in children. They usually cause poor nutrition or birth defects.

This condition can be triggered by the use of certain medications.

Inflammatory processes are always accompanied by febrile thermometer readings and occur in:

  • heart;
  • brain;
  • vessels;
  • kidneys and bladder;
  • soft tissues.

A pathological condition can occur after an injury if pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound.

Treatment for fever – when is it needed?

When a child has a temperature of 38, what to do? Many immediately give the little patient antipyretics, which worsens his condition.

The child’s body is just building immunity; it tries to fight the infection on its own by raising the temperature. IN

After all, most viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38.1-38.6 degrees.

By giving your child an antipyretic drug, you open up a clear pathway for infection.

Therefore, if your child tolerates febrile temperatures well, then there is no need to bring them down.

The only exceptions are those children who have a birth injury, neurological diseases or a tendency to seizures.

Use of drugs

When the thermometer reaches a value of 38.4-38.5, it makes sense to think about antipyretics. Their dose is calculated according to the age of the child. Popular drugs today are:

  • Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan (in the form of suppositories and suspensions) - intended for babies from 1-3 months;
  • Viburkol (homeopathic suppositories) - have no age limits;
  • Nimesulide, Nise (antipyretic syrups and tablets with anti-inflammatory activity) - used in children from 1 year of age if previous medications are ineffective;
  • Ibuklin (combined tablets) - approved for use from three years of age.

If you use antipyretics, be sure to consider the following rules:

  1. the break between servings should be at least 4-8 hours (depending on the drug);
  2. Do not exceed the daily dose of the medicine, and if additional use is necessary, it is better to alternate different active ingredients;
  3. It is unacceptable to give a child antipyretics for more than three days in a row;
  4. Study contraindications and side effects before using any medication.

Traditional methods

If you are wondering what to give a child with a temperature of 38, then remove the medications for a while and offer him something to drink.

The more fluid the baby drinks, the faster the febrile temperature will decrease.

In addition, drinking plenty of fluids cleanses the body from the inside of toxins and harmful microorganisms.

To make you feel better, you can rub yourself with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a damp cloth to your forehead and change it periodically. Remove the child's outer clothing.

Keep only cotton underwear. Thus, you will achieve a decrease in thermometer readings by 0.5-1 degrees. There may be no need for antipyretics at all.

It is known that vitamin C not only improves immunity, but also helps normalize temperature values.

Give your baby warm (not hot) tea with lemon, lingonberry or cranberry juice. It is important to ensure that these products do not cause an allergic reaction.

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When nothing helps

If a child has a temperature of 38-38.5 and nothing helps to reduce it, and the thermometer readings continue to increase, then you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Are the child’s extremities cold?
  • are there any chills?
  • Is there any pallor of the skin?

If all points are present in your case, then you are probably talking about white fever. This is a condition when vasospasm prevents the antipyretic drug from working at full strength.

When a baby's fever is combined with cough, restlessness, diarrhea or other symptoms, it is easier to identify the disease. But it happens that parents ask: “The child is one year old, the temperature is 38.5 without symptoms, why and what to do?” Let's look at why this happens and what to do in such situations.

Why is the temperature rising?

An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting foreign cells or substances. These can be viral, protozoal, bacterial infections, foreign bodies, frostbite, burns.

Most pathogens are not able to live at temperatures of 38 degrees or higher.

The mechanism for increasing body temperature is associated with the activation of leukocytes - white blood cells that provide the body's immune defense. Starting the fight against pathogens, they release compounds (interleukin and others) that stimulate the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, metabolism speeds up and heat production increases.

Temperature values ​​vary and are divided into types:

  1. Subfebrile – 37.1-38 °C;
  2. Febrile moderate – 38.1-39 °C;
  3. Febrile high – 39.1-40 °C;
  4. Hyperpyretic fever – above 40°C.

The younger the child is, the more often the increase in temperature is not accompanied by other symptoms, and the mark on the thermometer usually does not rise above 38.5°C. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • The primary collision of the immune system with pathogens unfamiliar to it - the body successfully fights the danger, so other manifestations of the disease do not occur;
  • Impact of stress - fear, unfamiliar surroundings, loud sounds;
  • Overheating - the body of young children is not capable of optimal thermoregulation, for example, when they are in a stuffy room, if the child is warmly dressed in the summer, his temperature can rise to 37-38 and higher;
  • The first days of the development of an infectious disease, the signs of which may appear after 2-3 days - pharyngitis, sore throat, otitis media, exanthema or others.

A child without symptoms may have a fever due to infectious pathologies of the urinary tract, so if it does not decrease, you should consult a doctor and take a urine test.

Another cause - exanthema disease () - occurs between the ages of 9 months and two years. Often its only manifestation for 2-5 days is elevated temperature.

The thermometer can creep up without symptoms even during teething, but most often this is accompanied by hyperemia of the gums and restlessness of the baby. The child’s body’s reaction to vaccination can also be manifested by an increase in temperature to 37.5-38 °C.

The cause may also be the onset of food or drug allergies. In some cases, parents may simply not notice other symptoms, so if the temperature does not decrease, you should consult a doctor.

A child has a fever without symptoms - what to do?

An increase in thermometer readings does not always manifest itself as fever - the baby’s skin may also be cold, for example, due to spasms of the blood vessels of the extremities. As the temperature increases, the child's forehead does not always become hot. For accurate measurements, use a thermometer, ideally an electronic one.

What to do if a child’s temperature increases without symptoms:

  • If you have an acute respiratory viral infection of 37.5° and below, you should not knock it down, since the body copes with pathogens on its own, and the increased heat generation is aimed specifically at fighting pathogens.
  • In case of exanthema, sore throat and intestinal infections, subfebrile and febrile values ​​should be reduced and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • At 38.5° and above, antipyretic drugs are used - acceptable drugs recommended by the doctor should always be in the home medicine cabinet. Examples of drugs are Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol.
  • In case of neurological diseases, congenital heart defects, hypoxia or cerebral hemorrhage at birth, the temperature should not be allowed to rise beyond 39°C. For such health problems, take regular measurements and take reduction measures if necessary.
  • If the temperature rises due to the baby’s excitement or a stressful situation, then give him a mild sedative selected by the doctor.

Is it necessary to bring down a child’s temperature of 38.5 or higher?

What to do if a child has a temperature of 38.5 without symptoms? It is necessary to knock it down in the following cases:

  • There is a history of febrile seizures and the child is between 3 and 5 years old;
  • Up to two months of age;
  • For serious pathologies of the nervous, respiratory systems, heart and other organs;
  • With deterioration of health and restless behavior;
  • If the child refuses to eat.

What not to do:

  1. Reduce the temperature with Aspirin, Analgin, Amidopyrine, Phenacetin and other drugs based on these drugs;
  2. Rub children under 5 years of age with alcohol or vinegar - these substances are actively absorbed through the skin and can cause poisoning;
  3. Wipe the baby's body with a damp cloth and place him in cool water.

If there are no symptoms, it is important to closely monitor the child's condition. Regularly change wet clothes for dry ones, give more warm drinks, do not try to feed the baby if he refuses to eat.

If antipyretic therapy does not have an effect and the high temperature persists or even increases, you should call a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

You should definitely seek medical help if:

  • After the temperature drops, the baby refuses food or burps - this may indicate an intestinal infection or;
  • The child’s temperature rose to 39° without symptoms and did not subside after the use of antipyretics;
  • The temperature lasts 3-4 days or longer;
  • Convulsions have appeared - they can occur with respiratory pathologies, after vaccination, with neurological disorders and increased intracranial pressure.

If febrile convulsions develop, before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to bring down the temperature with an antipyretic agent in the form of rectal suppositories, lay the child on a flat, hard surface, turn his head to the side and remove excess clothing, which may impede breathing or prevent the removal of heat from the body.

During an attack, performing artificial respiration, giving parenteral drugs or water is prohibited.

Children's antipyretics should always be available. Their use is symptomatic and is aimed at alleviating the child’s condition. And the basis of treatment is to combat the cause of the fever.

Climbing the thermometer beyond 37 degrees causes a slight panic in many mothers. And if the baby’s temperature is 38 and above, in the complete absence of any additional signs, then the parents’ worries and worries go through the roof.

Sometimes a slight fever is a completely normal reaction of a child’s body to external irritants, but there are also not so harmless situations. Therefore, parents should be aware of the possible causes of asymptomatic fever and be able to make the right decisions.

Main causes of fever without additional symptoms

1. Overheating

During the first five years, a child’s thermoregulation is not sufficiently developed. Trivial reasons can lead to a slight increase in temperature:

- keeping the baby in a hot and stuffy room for a long time;

— aggressive summer sun;

- clothes that are too warm and too tight;

- long and excessively active games;

- wrapping babies and keeping the stroller in the sun for a long time.

In these cases, the temperature can rise from 37 to 38.5 degrees. The mother should sit the baby in the shade, remove excess clothing, give him something to drink and wipe the baby’s body with cool water, and the room should be well ventilated. If the cause of the rise in temperature is overheating, the thermometer will drop to normal levels within an hour.

2. Teeth cutting

Some children frighten their parents by having an abnormal temperature due to teething, although doctors have differing opinions on this matter. However, if the mother sees swollen, reddened gums, and the baby is restless and does not want to eat, this may be one of the reasons. The maximum mark on the thermometer can be 38°C; this indicator is usually present for 2-3 days. To alleviate the sufferer's condition, special pain-relieving gels, plenty of warmth, abolition of too active games and, of course, increased attention and affection from the mother will help.

3. Reaction to vaccination

Some children have a feverish reaction to the vaccine. However, in this case, the baby does not experience any additional discomfort, although the temperature can rise to 38-38.5 degrees and last for 2-3 days.

4. Presence of a viral infection

On the first day, the insidious virus can only manifest itself in the presence of a fairly high temperature, forcing the mother to worry and go through possible options for its causes. But on the second or third day, symptoms associated with the disease appear - cough, runny nose, rash or reddened throat, which indicate a viral infection. There is no need to rush to bring down the temperature with medications; it is better to create comfortable conditions for the child’s body to effectively combat it - provide plenty of fluids, fresh air and a temperature of 20-22 degrees in the room, and peace for the sick baby. Wet rubbing of the skin, timely change of sweaty clothes, attention and calm communication will alleviate the child’s condition. Remember! Antibiotics are ineffective for viral infections.

5. Sudden exanthema

Viral infections also include a disease that most often affects children from 9 to 24 months. The disease is caused by the herpes virus and is manifested by fever, temperature 38.5-40 degrees without other symptoms. However, a maculopapular rash soon appears, and enlargement of the lymph nodes - cervical, submandibular, occipital - is possible. All manifestations of the disease disappear after about 5-6 days.

5. Bacterial infection

After an acute respiratory viral infection, and sometimes independently, a bacterial infection can occur. It is characterized by a number of signs, which sometimes only a doctor can notice on the first day of illness. Diseases that arise for this reason include:

- sore throat - plaque and pustules on the tonsils, pain when swallowing, high temperature. Children only older than one year get sick, most often after two years;

- stomatitis - refusal to feed, salivation, fever, blisters and ulcers on the oral mucosa;

- otitis media - the child does not eat, is capricious, grabs the sore ear, the temperature is elevated;

- pharyngitis - the baby’s throat is red, there are rashes and sores on it;

- infections of the genitourinary system - quite common in children under three years of age. Sometimes elevated temperature is accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms - pain during urination and increased frequency. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to do a laboratory urine test.

Other possible causes of fever in children, in the absence of other symptoms, include congenital heart defects, inflamed wounds on the skin or mucous membranes, and allergic reactions.

What should a mother do if her child has a fever without symptoms?

Any increase in temperature is a sign of the child’s body struggling with uninvited infections or adverse external influences. Do not panic and immediately give an antipyretic. First of all, it is necessary to measure the temperature without relying on tactile sensations. If the baby does not have congenital anomalies or chronic diseases, the mother’s actions are as follows:

- at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, no medication is required, the body tries to cope with the problem on its own;

- if the thermometer readings are in the range of 37.5 - 38.5 degrees, only physical intervention is required from the mother - wet wiping of the child, ventilating the room, providing plenty of warm drinks;

- a temperature of 38.5 degrees or higher requires antipyretic drugs. Most often, children are given Panadol, Nurofen and other drugs. Every mother should be prepared for such a situation and, after preliminary consultation with a doctor, have the right remedy in her first aid kit.

If the temperature quickly drops after taking an antipyretic drug, but soon rises again to its previous level, this may indicate the presence of a viral infection - measles, chickenpox, rubella. In such cases, you should invite a doctor to your home.

Fever without symptoms - when to see a doctor

If the elevated temperature persists on the fourth or fifth day, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician. The symptom may indicate the presence of an inflammation or bacterial infection. Blood and urine tests will help the doctor clarify the picture and prescribe effective treatment. But there are situations when specialist help is required immediately. Call emergency services if your baby has:

- severe pallor and lethargy;

- difficulty breathing;

- increased temperature while taking antipyretics;

- convulsions.

Be attentive to your baby, do not leave him unattended if there are no obvious signs of any disease at elevated temperatures. The mother’s task is to help the child cope with the unusual condition and find out its cause.

Low-grade fever - what does it mean?

Sometimes the little one feels quite comfortable, does not show any complaints, and only a random measurement of the temperature reveals an increase in the range of 37-38 degrees. This condition can last for a whole month, and is defined by doctors as low-grade fever. Apparent external well-being can be deceptive, since a prolonged increase in temperature signals problems in the child’s body that occur hidden. There are many diseases characterized in this way - anemia and helminthic infestation, allergies and diabetes, brain diseases and various hidden infections. Special diagnostic studies and tests will help detect them.

Considering the constant stress that a child’s fragile body experiences under the influence of a constantly elevated temperature, there is no point in delaying a visit to the doctor. It is quite possible that you will need to consult such specialists as an endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, or immunologist. Only by carefully examining the baby will it be possible to correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment. Low-grade fever can be caused by decreased immunity, impaired thermoregulation, infectious and inflammatory processes.

If the diagnosis excludes the presence of hidden infections, attention should be paid to increasing the defenses of the child’s body. Hardening, long walks in the fresh air, good nutrition, sound healthy sleep - all these measures will increase immunity and allow you to return to normal thermometer readings.

Fever without symptoms in an infant

Newborn babies do not have a clearly established thermoregulation system, so a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees in babies should not cause concern. Of course, if the baby eats with appetite, sleeps soundly and is not capricious. If your temperature rises, you should not resort to the use of medications; it is better to seek advice from a doctor. To avoid overheating, you do not need to wrap your baby up and neglect to ventilate the room.

Doctor Komarovsky about temperature without symptoms

The doctor, whom the vast majority of young mothers trust, believes that in the summer the main reason for a rise in temperature without accompanying symptoms is simple overheating, and in the cold season - viral infections. Usually, half of the parents in such cases immediately consult a doctor, the rest prefer to wait a little while watching the baby. If a mother takes a doctor as an adviser, then in the fight for the child’s health there are already two of them, which is always more reliable and better. If you wait for certain signs to appear, you need to remember the reasons why contacting a medical facility becomes mandatory:

1. On the third day after the temperature rise, no improvement is observed, that is, the thermometer has not dropped even a few notches.

2. On the fifth day, the temperature still persists, when it should already be normal.

The fight against the disease should begin not with syrups that reduce fever, but with humidifying the room, regular ventilation and drinking plenty of fluids. That is, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions so that the baby’s body can fight the disease.

Dr. Komarovsky divides the reasons for the increase in temperature into:

- non-infectious - overheating;

- viral infections that go away on their own. A distinctive feature is bright pink skin;

- bacterial infections - accompanied by certain symptoms that may not be felt immediately - rash, diarrhea, sore throat or ear. The skin is usually pale, and the baby is lethargic and indifferent. This is almost one hundred percent confirmation of the diagnosis, due to the release of toxins by bacteria. In these cases, doctors use antibiotic treatment, which helps to effectively cope with the problem.

Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that a simple increase in temperature often does not pose a particular threat, but in order not to scold yourself later for being slow, it is still better to consult a doctor.
