About Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the main characters. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" 1. What feelings permeate the actions of the main characters? 2. What did Fevronia hope for in difficult moments of her life? 3. What could you say about the characters of the main characters of the story, their actions?


1. love and respect for others. 2. she hoped for God 3. Prince Peter was kind, courageous, strong. Princess Fevronia was smart, sensitive, gentle, affectionate.

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Lesson 12 "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Goals: introduce the story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom; to show how the themes of love, fidelity to word and duty, holiness of deeds and desires are revealed in ancient Russian literature.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

What moral laws should a person live by? (From "Instructions...")

Reading and discussion e "Teachings" compiled by students.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Analytical conversations and according to The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

What law did Peter break?

- What is the punishment? (he broke this word, and the disease resumed. “If we have to kiss the cross, then, having checked your heart, (give an oath) kiss only on what you can fulfill, and when kissing, keep your word, for having broken the oath, destroy soul". From the "Teachings ..." p. 53, 3rd paragraph from the bottom.)

- What did the boyars demand from Peter? (p. 52. “Most of all, honor the guest ... whether a commoner, or a noble, or an ambassador ... (From the “Teachings ...”) p. 53, 1st paragraph from the bottom. A person is not glorious by birth, but by his deeds.)

Assignment: “Do not have pride in your heart and mind: everyone is mortal, today they are alive, and tomorrow in a coffin ...” From "Instructions ...".

– What happened to the boyars when Peter abdicated

– What can be said about the characters of the main characters, about their feelings, fate? (In the title “The Tale of the Lives of the New Murom Holy Miracle Workers…” Peter is called well-behaved, and reverend, and worthy of praise. Peter, having learned about the Serpent, immediately volunteered to help his brother Paul. He married Fevronia for the sake of her wisdom. ”He “gave her a firm word "and fulfilled it. And then love for her filled his whole soul and, in order not to lose her, he refused to reign.

Fevronia is wise, smart, selfless. To the proposal of the boyars to take wealth and leave Peter, she replied: “I don’t ask for anything for myself, only my wife, Prince Peter.” In the title of the story, Fevronia is endowed with the same epithets as Peter: “good-natured”, “reverend”, “worthy of praise”. Peter and Fevronia loved children (“child-loving father and mother”), “they loved everyone equally, only they did not like pride and robbery. They received strangers, fed the hungry, clothed the poor, delivered the unfortunate from misfortunes. Didn't they deserve universal worship? God endowed them with holiness, and among the people they were known as "the new Murom wonderworkers." And these miracle workers rest in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos "inside the city" "for enlightenment and for the salvation of that city.")

Conclusion e. The life of Peter and Fevronia is pure and bright, without flattery and cunning, without cunning and deceit; Christian covenants were fulfilled by them; loving each other, loved all equally; storyteller - the author wanted the heroes of the story to serve as an example in life, "in relation to people, and then they will be rewarded with divine mercy, goodness."

2. Vocabulary work a.

child-loving(obsolete) - loving their children.

primordiaĺ (high) - from ancient times, from time immemorial.

tell(obsolete) - report.

nosy- dexterous, penetrating everywhere by cunning, dexterity, intrigues.

diví́ to be(simple) - to be surprised.

slander(obsolete) - slander, false accusation.

Blissful- 1) extremely happy; 2) stupid (foolish).

IV. Summing up the lesson.

– What is the topic of “The Tale…” and what feelings permeate every action of the main characters?

Homework: prepare for the expressive reading of the "Tale ..." by roles.

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There is a city in the Russian land called Mur. In it, as they say, a prince named Pavel ruled.

And so it happened that the devil, from time immemorial hating the human race, moved into a flying serpent and began to fly to the prince's wife. He appeared to the wife of Prince Paul in the form of a serpent, but it seemed to everyone else that the prince himself was sitting with his wife. The wife did not conceal from her husband what was happening to her, and told him everything.

The prince thought:

I don't know what to do with the snake, how to kill it. Ask him why he is destined to die.

When that evil serpent again flew to his wife, she began to flatter him and respectfully asked:

You know a lot, do you know your death, what it will be and from what?

The good deception of the faithful wife deceived the crafty deceiver, and inadvertently he revealed his secret to her:

Death is destined for me from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov 1 sword.

The wife told her husband what the serpent had said to her. The prince was perplexed, what does it mean "from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov's sword."

Prince Paul had a brother named Peter, and the prince told him everything. Prince Peter, hearing that the serpent called his name, began to think about how to kill him. But he was embarrassed that he did not know where to get Agrikov's sword.

There was the Church of the Exaltation outside the city. Prince Peter came to her to pray, and a youth appeared to him, saying:

Prince! I'll show you Agric's sword. Come after me. And he showed him a well in the altar wall between the ceramides 2, and in it lay a sword. The valiant prince Peter took the sword and from that day on he was looking for the right time to kill the serpent.

Every day Peter went to his brother and daughter-in-law to greet them. It happened to him to come to his brother's chambers, and from him to the daughter-in-law's quarters. She saw his brother, from whom he had just left. Understanding the cunning of the crafty serpent, he, wanting to make sure, went to his brother and asked him if he left his chambers. He replied that he did not go out and was not with his wife. Then Prince Peter said:

Do not go anywhere from your chambers. I'm going to fight the evil serpent.

And, taking Agrikov's sword, he went to the daughter-in-law's chambers. There he saw a serpent resembling a brother in appearance; but Peter, firmly convinced that this was not a brother, but a crafty serpent, struck him with his sword. The serpent turned into its natural form and fell dead in convulsions, spattering Prince Peter with its blood. From that enemy blood, Peter's body was covered with scabs and ulcers opened, and a serious illness attacked him. He began to look for doctors, but none could help him.

Having heard that there were many doctors in the Ryazan land, Prince Peter ordered to be taken there, but he himself could not sit on a horse from his serious illness. When he was brought to the Ryazan land, he sent his close associates to look for doctors.

The young man, his servant, drove into the village of Laskovo. He drove up to the gates of a house, he did not see anyone in the yard. He entered the house, there is no one to hear him; entered the upper room and saw a wonderful sight: a girl is sitting alone, weaving a linen, and a hare is jumping in front of her.

And the girl said:

It is bad for a house without ears, and a chamber without eyes. The young man did not understand her words and asked:

Where is the owner of this house? She replied:

My father and mother went to weep on loan, but my brother went over his feet to look death in the eyes.

The young man again did not understand her speeches, he was only amazed at seeing and hearing such miracles, and said:

I came in to you and I see you at work and a hare galloping in front of you, and I hear strange words and I don’t understand what you are saying.

What don't you understand? You came into the house, and entered into my upper room, and saw me sitting in a simple dress. If there was a dog in the yard, he would smell you and bark: the dog is the ears of the house. And if there were a child in my room, it would see you and say to me: child, the eyes of the house. And my father and mother went to the funeral and weep there, and when death comes for them, others will weep over them, for this is weeping on loan. I told you about my brother. My father and brother are tree frogmen, in the forest they collect wild honey from trees. My brother now went to his business, climbed high up a tree and through his legs looks at the ground, so as not to fall from a height and break to death. That's why I said that he looks at death through his legs. The young man said to her:

I see that you are a wise girl. Tell me your name.

My name is Fevronia.

And I am a servant of Murom Prince Peter. The prince is seriously ill. The whole is covered with scabs and ulcers from the blood of a fierce flying serpent, which he killed with his own hand. At home, op did not find who would heal him. Therefore, he ordered to bring himself here, I heard that there are many doctors here. We do not know where they live, and we are looking for them here.

He will be able to heal him, whoever demands your prince for himself, ”said the maiden.

The young man asked:

What are you talking about - he will demand for himself. If someone heals the prince, he will richly endow him. Tell me the doctor's name, who he is, and where he lives.

Bring your prince here. If he is kind-hearted and not arrogant, he will be healthy.

The young man soon returned to his prince and told him everything in detail that he had seen and heard from the girl. Peter ordered to take himself to her. They brought him to the courtyard, he sent his servants to ask who the doctor who could heal him, and promised to bestow him richly. The girl replied without hesitation:

I am a doctor, but I do not need gifts. My word is this: if I am not his wife, there is nothing for me to treat him.

Prince Peter ignored her words, thinking: “How can a prince marry the daughter of a poison dart frog?” And he sent to her to say:

Let her heal, if she heals, then I will take her as a wife. When the prince's words were told to her, she took a small vessel, scooped up some bread leaven, breathed on it and said:

Heat a bath for your prince and let him anoint his scabs and ulcers with this ointment, but let him leave one scab and he will be healthy.

The prince ordered the bath to be flooded and, wanting to test whether the maiden was as wise as the young servant had said, sent her a bundle of flax, saying:

This girl wants me to take her as a wife for her wisdom. If it is wise, then let me, while I am washing in the bath, make a shirt, ports and a towel out of this bundle of linen.

The girl, hearing the words of the prince, ordered the servant:

Get on the stove and take off the log.

He handed her a piece of wood. She, having measured the span 3, said:

Cut off that much from the log.

When the servant did as she commanded, Fevronia said:

Take a chock, give it to the prince and say: while I comb the flax, let your prince prepare a loom and all the equipment from this chock so that I can weave a cloth for him.

The servant brought a chock to the prince and gave him the words of Fevronia. The prince said:

Go tell the girl that it is impossible to make a machine out of such a block and in such a short time.

The servant returned to Fevronia and gave her the speeches of the prince. Fevronia replied:

Is it really possible to weave a shirt, ports and a towel for an adult man from such a small bunch of linen in such a short time?

The servant again went to the prince and told him Fevronia's answer. He marveled at her wisdom.

Peter washed in the bath and anointed the ulcers and scabs with the ointment that Fevronia had given him. Only one scab, as she told him, left unanointed. He left the bath, and in the morning he saw that his whole body was healthy and smooth, only that scab remained that he had not anointed. The prince marveled at his quick healing, but did not want to take Fevronia as his wife because of her low birth and sent her gifts. She didn't accept them.

Prince Peter went to his fatherland, to the city of Murom, and was completely healthy. But from the unanointed scab, from the very first day, scabs began to disperse on his body, and soon he again became covered with scabs and ulcers.

Again the prince went to Fevronia for healing. Arriving at her house, in shame he sent an ambassador to her, asking her to heal him.

Fevronia, not in the least angry, said:

If he be my husband, he will be healed.

Then he gave her a firm word that he would take her as his wife. She again gave him the same ointment and did everything as I wrote earlier. The prince soon recovered and took her as his wife. So Fevronia became a princess. They arrived in their homeland, in the city of Murom, and lived piously and righteously.

Soon Prince Pavel, whom we spoke about before, died, and Prince Peter became autocrat in the city of Murom. The boyars of Murom disliked Fevronia because of the slanders of their wives, because they did not want an unborn sovereign over them. And they began to slander the prince about her:

She doesn't know how to sit at the table. And before getting up, she collects crumbs from the table, like a hungry one.

Prince Peter wanted to test his princess and ordered Fevronia to dine at the same table with him. When dinner was over, she collected the crumbs in her hand, as was her custom. Prince Peter took her by the hand, unclenched her fingers and saw grains of fragrant incense on her palm. From that day on, he never experienced it again.

After some time, the boyars came to him in a rage and said:

We want to serve you in truth as our autocrat, but we do not want Princess Fevronia to be sovereign over our wives. If you want to be an autocrat, find yourself another princess, and let Fevronia take any wealth for herself and go where she wants.

Blessed 4 Prince Peter never fell into anger and calmly replied:

Tell me about that Fevronia, let's hear what she has to say.

The furious boyars, having lost all shame, arranged a feast and, when drunk, began to bark and say like dogs:

Madam Princess Fevronia! The whole city and the boyars say to you: "Give us what we ask of you."

She answered:

Take what you ask.

We, Madam, all want Prince Peter, let him be autocrat over us. But our wives do not want you to be mistress over them. Take all your wealth and go wherever you want.

Fevronia replied:

I promised you that you will get what you ask for. Give me what I ask of you.

They, the villains, rejoiced, not knowing their future, and swore an oath to give her unquestioningly what she asks. She said:

I ask nothing for myself, only my wife, Prince Peter.

If he wants to, we will not argue, - the boyars answered.

The devil prompted them: if there is no prince Peter, then they will put another prince for themselves. And every boyar in his mind wanted to become an autocrat.

Blessed Prince Peter could not leave his wife for the sake of reigning and decided to leave Murom.

The wicked boyars prepared ships for them on the river, for a river called the Oka flows under Murom. And they swam down the river.

When evening came, they landed on the shore. Prince Peter began to think: “What will happen next? I myself refused to reign by my own will.

Princess Fevronia, understanding his thoughts, said:

Do not grieve, prince, the merciful God will not leave us in need.

When dinner was being prepared, the cook cut down branches and hung cauldrons on them. After dinner, Princess Fevronia walked along the shore and, seeing the cut branches, blessed them and said:

Let them grow tall trees with branches and leaves in the morning.

And so it happened. Getting up in the morning, they found that those branches had become large trees.

When the servants began to put their belongings into ships in order to sail further, the nobles from Murom came and said:

Lord Prince! We have come to you from all the nobles and from the whole city. Do not leave us orphans, return to your fatherland. Many nobles in the city killed each other, for each wanted to become an autocrat, and all died by the sword. All of us who survived, although we angered you, we beg you and your princess: do not leave us, your slaves, we want you, and we love, and we ask.

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia returned to Murom. And they reigned in that city as a child-loving father and mother.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Hood. I. Pchelko

Everyone was loved equally, only they did not like pride and robbery. They received strangers, fed the hungry, clothed the poor, delivered the unfortunate from misfortunes.

When the end of their life came, they began to pray to God that they die in one hour. And they ordered that a single coffin with a barrier in the middle be hewn out of one large stone, and bequeathed to put their bodies in that coffin. At the same time, they themselves donned monastic clothes and became monks. Prince Peter was named Davyd, and Princess Fevronia was named Euphrosyne.

Fevronia, named Euphrosyne, embroidered air 5 with the faces of saints for the cathedral church of the Mother of God. Blessed Prince Peter, named David, sent to her to say:

Sister Euphrosyne! My soul already wants to leave the body, but I'm waiting for you to leave together.

She replied:

Wait, sir, I will finish the cover in the holy church.

He sends a second message to her:

I can't wait for you for a long time. And the third time he sent to her:

My hour has already come, I can no longer wait for you. She finished the air, only she did not embroider a chasuble on one saint 6 . Having finished embroidering her face, she stuck a needle into the veil and wrapped around it the thread with which she sewed, and sent to the blessed Peter, named David, that she was ready to die with him. Having prayed, both together gave their pure souls into the hands of God in the month of June on the 25th day.

After their repose, people wanted to bury Peter inside the city, in the cathedral church of the Most Pure Mother of God, and Fevronia outside the city, in a convent, in the Church of the Exaltation. And they made separate graves for them and laid them apart. The common coffin, which they ordered to be hewn from a single stone, remained empty in the cathedral church inside the city.

The next morning, people saw that their tombs were empty, and their bodies were found inside the city, in the cathedral church, in a single tomb, which they ordered to be hewn for themselves. Foolish people, who during their lifetime wanted to separate them, did not want to leave them together even after their death. They again transferred them to separate coffins and again carried them to different places. And again in the morning they found them in a single coffin. They no longer dared to touch their holy bodies and laid them in a single coffin, as they themselves commanded, in the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos inside the city. And they lie there for enlightenment and for the salvation of that city.

Questions and tasks

  1. What feelings permeate the actions of the main characters?
  2. What did Fevronia hope for in difficult moments of her life?
  3. Why did the nobles and people of the city begin to ask the heroes to return back?
  4. What can you say about the characters of the main characters of the story, their actions?

Enrich your speech

What are the features of Fevronia's speech and how do they characterize Fevronia?

1 Agrik is a fabulous hero. It was said that he defeated giants and monsters. He collected a myriad treasury of weapons, among which was the treasure sword.
2 Ceramides are ceramic slabs that usually cover burials.
3 Span - an ancient measure of length, equal to the distance between the ends of the stretched fingers - thumb and index.
4 Blessed - good, kind.
5 Air is a cover for the bowl.
6 Robe - a brocade, sleeveless robe woven with gold or silver, the upper church vestment of a clergyman.
