Art therapy program for the correction of fears in adolescents. Art therapy in the correction of complexes and fears

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1.3 Psychocorrection of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy

Chapter 2

2.1 Research of fears in children of senior preschool age

2.2 Program for the correction of fears in preschool children using art therapy methods





Preschool age is the most sensitive for the formation of emotional forms of communication of the child. The educational, ideological, moral, and cultural priorities laid down in the preschool period also determine emotional development. There is also a factor of emotional disturbances in the behavior of preschoolers caused by the modern realities of the social information environment. Formalized communication with parents, the leveling of children's subculture, the limitation of game forms of mastering reality and an excess of information that is inadequate for the perception of children of older preschool age are sources of the formation and consolidation of negative emotional states in children - fears, anxiety, anxiety, etc. In turn, the actualization of fears is accompanied by violations of adequate mental development, which negatively affects the formation of the child's personality.

Art therapy is an effective means of harmonizing the emotional sphere of children, refers to the psychological impact of art through creativity. Art therapy helps to rid the child of excessive emotional stress, neutralizes fears, reduces anxiety, and allows you to experience positive emotions.

The problem of developing programs using psychological methods for correcting children's fears remains relevant. There is a need to develop and test a correctional and developmental program for working with children's fears, with the inclusion of art therapy methods that contribute to the amplification and intensification of development, the child's full living of the age stage, which will help reduce the number of fears by increasing emotional resources. Therefore, the relevance of the study lies in the use of art therapy as part of the educational process of a preschool educational institution in order to correct the fears of older preschoolers. The research problem is caused by a number of contradictions that have arisen to date in the theory and practice of preschool education between the demand for art therapy in psycho-corrective work and the lack of practical research on the use of art therapy as a means of psycho-correction of fears in older preschool children.

Purpose of the study: to determine the effectiveness of psychological correction of fears in children of senior preschool age by means of art therapy.

Object of research: fear in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: means of art therapy for the correction of fear in children of senior preschool age.

The study is based on the hypothesis that the work on the use of art therapy tools is effective in the process in children of older preschool age, the level of fear in children will decrease.

1. To determine theoretical approaches to the issue of the manifestation of fear in children of older preschool age.

2. To identify the presence of fear in children of older preschool age.

3. To study the nature of fears in children and the causes of their occurrence.

4. To characterize art therapy as a tool for correcting fears in children of older preschool age.

5. Develop and test a set of measures to correct fears.

Research methods:

Theoretical: theoretical, methodological and critical analysis of psychological and pedagogical scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization;

Experimental: observation; testing; interview; analysis of children's activity products; methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data: interpretation of results.

Theoretical and practical significance. The psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of psychological correction of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy has been studied. The results of the study enrich and supplement scientific knowledge in the framework of the study of the problem. The results obtained in the course of the study can be used to develop programs for the psychological correction of preschool children as part of counseling and training practices.

Work structure. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references presented by 60 sources.


1.1 The concept of "fear" in psychological and pedagogical research. Causes of children's fears

Currently, the problems of children's fears are being studied by many scientists, due to the fact that the presence of fears can cause a violation of personal development in the preschool period. Scientists from different sciences have repeatedly attempted to give an interpretation of the concept of "fear".

So, Z. Freud considered the state of affect as fear, the union of the corresponding sensations with the corresponding innervations of the discharge of tension and their perception. According to Ovcharova, fear is an emotional reflection in the mind of an individual of a specific threat to life and well-being. According to Yu. A. Neimer, A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky, fear can be defined as an emotional state that is formed in situations of threat to biological or social existence, focused on the source of danger, real or imagined.

A. I. Zakharov considered fear to be a fundamental emotion that is developed in response to the impact of a potentially threatening stimulus; scientists considered fear as a natural accompaniment of human development. AI Zakharov classified fears by nature (natural, social, situational, personal), by degree of reality (real and imagined), by degree of intensity (acute and chronic). According to G. Kraig, fear is an emotion that promotes learning, if it manifests itself in a mild form.

K. Izard, A.I. Zakharov, M.I. Chistyakova, P. Dako, L.S. Vygotsky considered fear as one of the strongest human emotions. The emotion of fear is due to a protective nature, based on self-preservation. IP Pavlov considered fear to be a manifestation of a natural reflex, as a passive defensive reaction.

The positive functions of fear are noted by such researchers as V. I. Orlov, E. I. Rogov, I. N. Stepanova. V. I. Orlov pointed out that fear is endowed with a protective and regulatory function, and E. I. Rogov did not recognize the harmfulness of fear for a person, and pointed out the ability of fear to regulate human activity and behavior. According to I. N. Stepanova, fear is a means of cognizing the surrounding reality, contributes to the formation of a selective-critical attitude to the environment, and plays a socializing role in personal formation.

The philosophical and psychological level of consideration of the problem of "fears" (A. Kempinski, R. May, C. Spielberger, M. Heideger, K. Jaspers) is focused on the consideration of fear in the context of existentialism. I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, W. James, G. K. Lange, within the framework of the psychophysiological level, analyzed the mechanisms of the emergence of fear in its relationship with mental and psychophysical activity. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical level, fear is considered in the study of the influence of negative emotional states on the course of mental processes in the conditions of educational activities - L. I. Bozhovich, V. K. Vilyunas, A. I. Zakharov, V. S. Mukhina, A. M. Parishioners, A. A. Rean and others.

Many researchers refer the phenomenon of fear to the class of emotional phenomena. E. Claperede, P. M. Yaklbson consider fear as a feeling, P. M. Wilson, D. Ritter - as an emotion, affect, J. Newtten - as a motivation; L. A. Korpenko, V. A. Petrenko - as an emotional state; AM Parishioners - as an affective-personal education.

The theoretical analysis of the sources made it possible to single out the following approaches to the definition of "fear":

Fear is an integrity that serves as a structure-forming life activity (V. M. Bekhterev, P. F. Kapterev, N. S. Ezhkova);

Fear as a form of assessing the situation, a type of attitude to the world, a behavioral act of relations and assessment, contributing to the formation of personal qualities (A. I. Belousov, V. V. Zenkovsky, K. D. Ushinsky);

Fear as a factor determining the effectiveness of the educational process (N. I. Novikov, P. F. Kapterev, V. A. Levin);

Fear as a means of education (N. I. Pirogov, I. I. Betskoy, N. I. Novikov, K. D. Ushinsky and others).

According to A. I. Zakharov, fears are divided into natural ones, associated with the age period, characterized by short duration, which do not affect the nature of the behavior and relationships of the individual, and pathological ones - accompanied by involuntary, long-term nature, which have a negative impact on the relationship and behavior of the individual, which creates the prerequisites for sharpening age-related fears. In addition, real and acute fears are due to situational influences, while chronic fears are due to personal characteristics. The genesis of fear is predetermined by the real impact of potentially dangerous factors as their anticipation. The nature of the threat, the intensity and specificity of the experience determine the variations of fear in the form of a range of shades represented by apprehension, fear, fright, horror. In a situation of uncertainty of danger, the emerging state is characterized as anxiety.

A productive approach to understanding anxiety and the problem of distinguishing anxiety and fear from the position of the concept of “anxious phenomena” introduced by the famous Russian psychiatrist F. B. Berezin. This approach makes it possible to distinguish between concrete fear as a reaction to an objective, unambiguously understood threat, and irrational fear that arises with an increase in anxiety and manifests itself in the objectification, concretization of an indefinite danger. At the same time, the objects with which the latter is associated do not necessarily reflect the real cause of the alarm, the real threat. In this regard, anxiety and fear represent different levels of phenomena of the alarm series, and anxiety in the proper sense of the word precedes irrational fear.

At preschool age, the emotional development of the child undergoes significant changes due to the differentiation of individual characteristics. The age-related dynamics of emotional development is determined by emotional neoplasms that are sequentially formed at different stages of ontogenesis: situational variability of emotional response, expansion of a number of emotional modalities.

In preschool age, anxiety results from the frustration of the need for reliability and security from the immediate environment, reflecting the dissatisfaction of this particular need, which is leading at this age. At preschool age, the most frequent are experiences of fears, as a result of the formation of which the most threatening way is an emotionally rich, concretized image, often characterized by a fantastic and irrational character (fear of the dark, fairy-tale characters, imaginary creatures, etc.).

Consolidation and intensification of fear occurs according to the mechanism of a “vicious psychological circle”, leading to the accumulation and deepening of negative emotional experience, which, in turn, generating negative prognostic assessments and determining in many respects the modality of actual experiences, contributes to their increase and preservation.

Fear has a pronounced age specificity, which is found in its sources, content, forms of manifestation of compensation and protection. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause increased fears of most children, regardless of the presence of a real threat. This is a consequence of the most significant sociogenic needs.

From the standpoint of a social approach focused on environmental factors that determine the causes of fears, improper upbringing in the family and unfavorable relationships with parents are leading to the emergence of fears in a child. Especially when the mother rejects the child, he develops a fear of being rejected due to the impossibility of satisfying the need for love and affection. The reason for the emergence of fears can also be the wrong type of education - hyperprotection, hypoprotection, a large number of restrictions and sanctions, etc. Parents often cultivate "correctness" of behavior: the attitude towards the child may include strict control, regulated norms and rules, deviation from which may result in punishment. In this case, the child's behavior is due to the fear of deviating from the norms and rules established by adults. Fear can also be provoked by a delay in reinforcement, which causes a state of uncertainty.

The reason for the emergence of fears can also be a change in the social environment, a change in the environment, habitual conditions and the rhythm of life. The result of fears can also be personal anxiety of the mother, who establishes a symbiotic relationship with the child, trying to protect the child from potential life difficulties and imaginary dangers. As a result, the child begins to experience fear in the absence of the mother. The source of the emergence of fears in children is the discrepancy between the position occupied by the child in the group of peers, and the position that he seeks to occupy. Therefore, violations of social status also cause fears.

Older preschoolers are distinguished by the prevalence of social fears, which are expressed as a threat to the well-being of the child in the context of his relationship with the environment. The leading fear at this age is the fear of inconsistency with the social requirements of the micro- and macrosocial environment.

Experiences in the form of specific fears are characterized by an undifferentiated expectation of trouble. Preschool children are afraid of the dark, fairy-tale characters, imaginary scary creatures. Situational fears in children can be triggered by situations of separation from parents, changes in the usual environment, etc. .

The presence of fears in preschool children indicates, according to G. Eberlein, the inability of children to control their own feelings. A.I. Zakharov characterized the factors associated with the emergence of children's fears:

The presence of fears in parents;

The manifestation of anxiety by parents in relations with the child, excessive protection from dangers, isolation from communications;

Early rationalization of the child's feelings, associated with the parents' excessive adherence to principles or their emotional rejection;

Conflict interactions between the child's parents;

The presence of an excessive number of prohibitions or the complete granting of freedom to the child by the parents, the presence of unrealizable threats;

Lack of role identification with the parent;

Mental trauma that contributes to increased sensitivity to various fears;

Mental infection with fears in the process of communication with peers and parents.

According to M. Kuzmina, among the causes of fears and anxiety in children in the family, the following can be distinguished:

Traditionalism of family relations - in this case, the relationship between parents and the child is based on the principles of "should" and "must", which is expressed in direct messages and threats against the child;

Parents' distrust of the child;

Alienation of parents - many parents often go on vacation without children, as a result, the child feels unwanted, abandoned, develops a fear of loneliness;

The variability of educational requirements - often the inconsistency of both parents and educators, as well as the emotional lability of adults, give rise to confusion and anxiety in the child;

Situations of rivalry and competition - often cause anxiety in children, because children strive to achieve high results by any means;

A situation of increased responsibility - while anxiety is formed as a result of the child's fear of not meeting the expectations of adults and being rejected for this reason;

The departure of the child into the world of fantasy, which he considers as a psychological refuge in which irresolvable conflicts are resolved, unfulfilled needs are satisfied.

The main fears of preschool children of primary preschool age are fears of separation from their parents, fears of darkness, fears of loneliness, fears of a medical nature, etc. Fears can have a negative impact on the development of the emotional sphere of the child. The older preschool age is the most sensitive for the impact of negative psychological influences, the fears that arise can acquire a pathological form. T. P. Simpson characterized the senior preschool age as "the cradle of neuroses." According to A. S. Ustinova, the source of inspired fears in children is the adults around them. The active work of the imagination can be noted as the causes of fear. According to K. Horney, the consolidation of fears and anxiety is interconnected with the deprivation of the leading age-related needs, which acquire a hypertrophied character.

In modern psychology, fears are classified into obsessive, delusional and overvalued. Among the obsessive children's fears, one can note the fear of heights, the fear of open and closed spaces, etc., all of them are due to fear of the circumstances of specific situations. Delusional fears are unreasonable, and indicate deviations in the child's psyche. Overvalued fears often initially correspond to a certain situation, later becoming especially significant, and the most common fear among older preschoolers is the fear of death, manifesting itself indirectly, through other fears. These are also fears of the dark, fears of fairy-tale characters, fears of attack, water, fire, pain and sharp sounds.

The emergence of fears, according to P.P. Petrova, in children can be various reasons: the lack of various games among peers, hypersocialized care of the mother, raising a child in an incomplete family; the tendency of older preschoolers to identify themselves with a parent of the same sex; the presence of fears in parents; the presence of an only child in the family, who is in closer contact with the parents.

K. Jaspers correlates fear with a certain object or object, while anxiety is felt in the absence of a relationship with a stimulus - "free floating anxiety". Accordingly, anxiety, acting in the form of unobjectified fear, can already take the form of existential fears, which, in turn, contribute to the formation of objective fears: adequate (functional, adaptive) and inadequate (dysfunctional, maladaptive). Inadequate fears are presented as imaginary and suggested - imaginary, not related to real dangers. Significant adults and peers can become a source of inspired fears. The characters of imaginary fears have ritual forms of their neutralization, involving the child in the process of fighting fear. Instilled fears are not based on neutralization, so the child acts as a passive victim of uncontrollable fear. The fear of infection, according to A.I. Zakharov, is inspired, and serves as a source of increased sensitivity to the existential fear of death, the child’s emotional reaction to the suggested threat.

At older preschool age, children develop the ability to empathize, plan actions and anticipate, which mediates the complication of the psychological structure of fears. At this age, social fears arise, based on awareness of one's own role in society. Fears can also arise as a result of disturbed relationships between the child and the social environment, upbringing in conflict families, in the presence of antisocial behavior of parents, rejection of the child in the family, excessive demands of parents, constant threats and intimidation by parents.

1.2 Art therapy as a method of psychocorrection

Therapy is a set of psychocorrectional techniques that have differences and features that are determined both by the genre belonging to a particular type of art, and by the direction, technology of psychocorrectional therapeutic use. Art therapy is based on the use of visual and plastic expression, which is especially important in a situation where a child is unable to express his own emotional state with the help of words.

Art therapy is a set of techniques based on the use of different types of art in a peculiar symbolic form and allowing, by stimulating the artistic and creative (creative) manifestations of a child with problems, to correct violations of psychosomatic, psychoemotional processes and deviations in personal development.

The methodological basis of the art-therapeutic trend in psychology was laid by such well-known psychologists and psychotherapists as O. Postalchuk, M. Mauro, K. Tisdale, K. Case, T. Boronska, M. Liebmann, K. Drucker, S. Lewis, D. Bayere, P. Luzzatto, D. Kalmanovich, B. Lloyd, D. Murphy, E. Kramer, K. Case and T. Dally, D. Woods, D. Enley.

The history of the emergence of art therapy for the correction of emotional and personal problems of children goes back to the Second World War, when these methods were applied to children who experienced stress in fascist camps. Adrian Hill is the founder of the term "art therapy" (art therapy). The theoretical ideas of Z. Freud and C. G. Jung, C. Rogers, A. Maslow served as the conceptual basis of art therapy. The essence of art therapy, according to scientists, is the harmonization of personal development through self-expression and self-knowledge in the products of creativity. Products created by a person contribute to the establishment of constructive relationships with others.

The mechanisms of the corrective impact of art therapy are diverse. With the help of art in a special symbolic form, a traumatic situation is reconstructed, its resolution through restructuring, which is based on the creative abilities of the individual.

The goals of art therapy are as follows:

1. When working on drawings, sculptures, etc. there is a release of negative emotions and tension, which is both a socially acceptable way out and aggression.

2. Through visual images, unconscious internal conflicts are resolved.

3. Manifestation in non-verbal means of thoughts and feelings of the individual.

4. Development of a sense of internal control, experimentation with kinesthetic and visual sensations.

In addition, art therapy is aimed at developing cognitive and creative skills, helps to increase self-esteem, normalize the emotional state. In psychology, art therapy is represented by passive and active forms. In the passive form, a person is a consumer of paintings, books, musical works created by other people. The active form is aimed at creating creative products by the client himself.

Currently, various options for applying the method of art therapy are used:

The use of already existing works of art through their analysis and interpretation by the participants;

Encouragement of the individual to an independent creative process;

Independent creativity based on the use of existing works of art.

The directions of art therapy are quite diverse. Dynamically oriented art therapy is based on psychoanalysis - the expression of internal conflicts through the creation of visual images. M. Naumburg believed that the primary thoughts and experiences formed in the subconscious can be expressed in the form of images and symbols. At the same time, the images of artistic creativity are a reflection of the totality of subconscious processes - fears, internal conflicts, memories, dreams. Within the framework of dynamically oriented art therapy, creative, integral, active, projective, sublimation art therapy is distinguished. The means of art therapy include woodcarving, chasing, mosaics, stained-glass windows, modeling, drawing, crafts from fur and fabrics, weaving, sewing, burning.

The goals of Gestalt-oriented therapy are: restoration of the "I - function", awareness and interpretation of experiences by a person on the basis of image-symbols; development of creativity, originality, flexibility. The methods of art therapy are: drawing, sculpture, modeling with paper, paints, wood, stone, figurative conversations, writing stories, singing, music, expressive movement of the body.

Art therapy serves as a source of activating positive emotions, relieving tension, and increasing self-esteem. Emotional interest creates the prerequisites for effective corrective action. Since the leading goal of art therapy is self-expression and self-knowledge of the individual through art, the most important principle of the method is the approving acceptance of products of creative visual activity, regardless of the form, quality and content presented.

When using art therapy in the form of a drawing, there are age restrictions, since before the age of 6, the formation of the symbolic activity of preschoolers takes place, children are just beginning to master the materials and methods of images. At this age, visual activity serves as playful experimentation and is not a form of correction.

In accordance with the nature and product of creative activity, there are such types of art therapy as drawing therapy, bibliotherapy, music therapy, choreotherapy, drama therapy, etc.

Music therapy is a method of art therapy based on the use of music as a means of correction. The method is widely used in the correction of emotional deviations and the development of the emotional sphere during individual and group listening to musical works. Music serves as a means to reduce and eliminate emotional stress due to the clinical effect of exposure. So, Altshuler proved that music contributes to the establishment of verbal contact in accordance with the emotional tone of the individual. Accordingly, the correct selection of the musical program must be determined, corresponding to the choice of the necessary tempo and tonality of musical works, in order to obtain a strong emotional reaction. The formation of a rich emotional sphere of the child is achieved by involving him in a wide range of musical artistic experiences.

The emotional coloring of images that arise in preschoolers when perceiving music is differentiated depending on the individual characteristics of musical perception, the degree of musical training. The emotional significance of musical elements has been proven, which proves the ability of the rhythm and tonality of music to induce a state in a child that is adequate to the nature of the stimulus: minor tonalities reveal a depressive effect, fast pulsating rhythms act excitingly and evoke negative emotions, soft rhythms calm down, dissonances - excite, consonances - soothe. L. S. Brusilovsky, V. Yu. Zavyalova, K. Shvabe describe various emotional responses in the process of using music therapy.

The main corrective directions of music therapy are:

Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy;

Development of interpersonal communication skills, communication functions and abilities;

Regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes;

Increasing aesthetic needs, the acquisition of new means of emotional expression.

W. Grus, Z. Müller, I. Mederake, K. Ulbrich studied the influence of music on children, who examined in detail different types of children's music therapy, including pantomime, drawing to music. These authors describe a technique for teaching children to recognize emotions in music lessons with more complex tasks. At the first lesson, children receive 6 cards with the image of a child's face with different facial expressions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, attention, thoughtfulness. The authors of the technique called them "mood maps". After listening to a piece of music, the children should pick up one of the cards. If all cards raised match the mood of the music, then the emotions depicted on them are not called. In the next three lessons, on the contrary, children learn to verbally describe the feelings caused by contrasting pieces of music and correlate them with “mood maps”. Since the facial expressions on the “mood cards” are ambiguous, the children can immediately show two different cards immediately after listening to the same piece. To characterize musical images, their feelings and the sound of music, children use sets of polar definitions (cheerful - sad; slow - fast; clear - gloomy; etc.).

Bibliotherapy, according to V. M. Myasishchev, is a combination of book science, psychology, psychotherapy, and psycho-correction. This method is a corrective impact on the child through specially selected literature in order to optimize the mental state. The bibliotherapy methodology is represented by the following stages:

Preparation of a bibliotherapeutic formulation;

Orientation in the possibilities of bibliotherapy genres;


Defining priority areas and genres, compiling a reader's diary.

The method is used when working with children with emotional and personal problems. The group form of conducting is represented by classes with several children with whom readings are held, discussions aimed at identifying attitudes towards reading. Preschoolers, identifying the experiences of literary characters with their own, learn to control emotional reactions, analyze emotional experience. A child, showing personal emotions, can compare and contrast them with the emotions of other people, learn to get rid of negative emotional states. In the imagination of children, dialogues are played that are alternative behavior and experiences compared to the main literary characters. The child receives new experience, knowledge about new forms of behavior, experience of emotional study of specific life situations. Reading stories that coincide with real life stories allows the child to anticipate a possible way out in identical situations, and adequately respond emotionally to them.

Dance therapy is used when working with children who have emotional disorders, communication problems. During dance therapy, the child becomes aware of his own body, forms a positive image of the body in his mind, explores his own feelings in the process of acquiring group experience. Dance movements, physical contact and interactions contribute to the formation and development of deep feelings.

There are various dance movement therapy techniques: kinesthetic empathy; exaggeration of movement; transformation of movement into communication. The task of dance therapy is the formation of spontaneous movements, freedom, expressiveness of movements, reflecting the personality traits of the child. The main installation is to emphasize that emotional shifts can change the state of health and mood, which accordingly leads to a change in the nature of dance movements. In addition, dance therapy is aimed at:

Optimization of the emotional state of preschoolers;

Improving the motor repertoire of the body by leveling the flaws and choosing the appropriate movements;

Development of a positive body image in children associated with a positive image of "I";

Teaching preschoolers socially acceptable behavior by establishing a relationship between dance movements and others, creating conditions for creative interaction;

Release of repressed feelings through the expression of dance and the study of latent conflicts, which are sources of psychological stress;

Increased motor, emotional activity, emancipation.

Special dance therapy exercises are free swinging, movements that require composure and control over the body, alternating relaxation and composure associated with the respiratory cycle, moving around the room in a strictly defined way.

The following ways of using artistic material by a child are distinguished: manipulation of the study of the material; destructive behavior; stereotypical reproduction of drawings; image of graphic pictograms; creation of adequate images expressing the child's need for self-expression.

Writing stories, stories is used to revitalize and verbalize feelings by looking for inspiration in creativity. This method contributes to the release of negative experiences. R. M. Stirtzinger described the method of "common storytelling" by a child and an adult: at the beginning, the child tells a story, and then the adult continues it, supplementing it with more productive methods for resolving contradictions and conflicts. This method promotes awareness of the child's own "I", awareness of anger and aggression, and their safe expression.

Fairy tale therapy is a method of art therapy based on the use of a fairy tale form to develop the emotional qualities and creative abilities of a child. The texts of fairy tales are capable of evoking effective emotional resonance in children. The following are considered as corrective functions of the fairy tale: psychological preparation of the child for intense emotional situations; symbolic response to physiological and emotional stresses; acceptance in a symbolic form of one's physical activity. When working with a fairy tale, the following techniques are used: using a fairy tale as a metaphor, drawing based on a fairy tale, discussing the motives for a character's actions, playing episodes of a fairy tale, using a fairy tale as a parable-moral, creative work based on a fairy tale. Fairy tales not only expand the child's ideas, enrich his knowledge of reality, most importantly, they introduce him to a special, exceptional world of feelings, deep feelings and emotional discoveries.

The emotional perception of fairy tales is a complex and dynamic internal activity, involving all the cognitive processes of the child. Fairy tales not only expand children's knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality, they introduce the child into a world of deep experiences and emotional discoveries. Empathy for the characters of fairy tales is a complex of feelings represented by compassion, condemnation, anger, surprise. Separate emotions, according to each individual complex, take the appropriate place in terms of priority, significance, duration, stability and intensity. Inner empathy and the desire to assist the heroes of works forms in the child not only new knowledge and ideas, but also a new attitude towards people, objects, phenomena. While listening to a fairy tale, children actively communicate with its heroes, which contributes to the enrichment of the emotional experience of children, the formation of a figurative and emotional generalization of artistic material, since the emotional attitude towards the heroes is always brightly colored.

Fairy tales make the child feel excitement, empathy, which involves the formation of moral assessments in the child. In accordance with this, the child develops and consolidates the correct emotional assessments and feelings. In fairy tales, the child has the opportunity to comprehend the first emotional discoveries through feelings and emotions. With the emotional perception of books, the child, walking with the heroes of the works of the entire imaginary path described in the book, tunes in to sympathy and empathy, which is largely facilitated by the compositional basis of fairy tales and works. In fairy tales for children, the opposition of good and evil, fantastic and endowed with a special semantic load of moral images, expressive language, the dynamics of events, cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, and the results of actions are very attractive. It is sometimes very difficult for a preschooler to remain in the role of a listener, since exciting descriptions contribute to the active action of children who want to interfere in the course of events narrated by the book: they cry, laugh, get angry, become disappointed, which manifests emotional mobility. As a result, children develop a new attitude to the environment. A fairy tale provides a child with the opportunity, in a fabulous and accessible form, to realize such complex feelings as love and hate, anger and compassion. It is known that in preschool childhood, emotions are characterized by an unstable character, accompanied by a sharp transition from one emotional state to another. In this sense, the fairy tale contains a huge number of opportunities for effective harmonization and stabilization of the emotional sphere of the child. When a child perceives fairy tales, there is an impact on the process of forming his moral ideals and ideas, the process of forming the moral qualities of a person that make up the inner world of the child. The tale is didactic in content, but emotional in form, which is why this didacticity is not noticed by the child and is perceived on an emotional level. This effect of the fairy tale is supported by the brightness of perception, "naive realism", the impressionability of children, remaining forever in emotional memory.

In the process of reading fairy tales, children have an emotional association with a fairy-tale character, respectively, together with him, the child looks for ways out of various difficult situations, replenishes the emotional baggage with new experiences of the hero. Fairy tales are divided into artistic, didactic, psychocorrective, psychotherapeutic, meditative. Fairy tales contribute to the accumulation of emotional experience by the child, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

A better understanding of the fairy tale is helped by staging them with the help of toys, table theater. Through artistic images, emotional relations between an adult (educator) and children are established, and the emotional sphere of children develops. Expressive storytelling, conversations about the heroes of fairy tales, about the feelings they experience, looking at illustrations by famous artists, playing “fairy tales” - all this forms the emotional susceptibility of children.

Puppet therapy is a method of identifying a child with a favorite cartoon character, fairy tale. The doll is an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult, as the performance (plot) unfolds, the child’s emotional tension increases, which, having reached a peak, is replaced by violent behavioral emotional reactions, and the corresponding removal of neuropsychic tension. Puppet therapy is represented both in domestic and foreign practice - F. Zimbardo, I. G. Vygodskaya, A. I. Zakharov, A. Spivakovskaya and others. The process of puppet therapy is represented by the following stages: making puppets, using puppets to respond to significant emotional states . In puppet therapy, such variants of puppets as puppet puppets, finger puppets, shadow puppets, rope puppets, plane puppets, glove puppets, costume puppets are used.

Psycho-gymnastics is a means of optimizing the perceptual sphere of a person through the use of etudes and games based on motor expression. Psycho-gymnastics, which is a non-verbal method of group work, is aimed at correcting the emotional and personal sphere of the child through the expression of emotional states and experiences with the help of movements, facial expressions and pantomimics.

The tasks of psycho-gymnastics are: removal of emotional stress, fears; reducing the emotional distance between participants; development of abilities to express one's own feelings, emotional states.

Psychogymnastics classes include mimic and pantomimic studies for the expression of emotional states and socially colored feelings; sketches and games for the expression of individual emotions; psychomuscular training to relieve emotional stress and suggest the desired mood. M. I. Chistyakova attaches special importance to positive emotions. Therefore, all games and etudes for evoking the expression of emotions must necessarily include emotions of joy, which are the final ones for each etude. The whole lesson ends with teaching children self-regulation and calming them down.

Drawing therapy, being a kind of art therapy, is used to overcome difficulties in emotional development, depression, low emotional tone, impulsiveness of emotional reactions, experiences of emotional rejection, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, increased anxiety, fears, disharmonious self-esteem, etc. for preschoolers. This method of art therapy is widely used to correct children's emotional disorders, overcome communication barriers, excessive shyness when using a child's productive imagination and active perception.

Isotherapy - involves therapy with the help of fine art. Among the techniques of isotherapy, the following are distinguished: the technique of meditative drawing (creating circular compositions); directional imaging technique; marania (spontaneous drawings in an abstract manner); hatching (chaotic drawing of lines); drawing on glass; finger painting; drawing with bulk materials and products; etc.

As a result, effective emotional response occurs, the process of communication is facilitated, non-verbal contact is organized through the created product of creative activity, and the ability to self-regulate develops. In general, the child is aware of his own feelings, states and experiences, which creates the basis for the regulation of emotional reactions.

Drawing is a method of reflection in the mind of the surrounding reality and its modeling in the process of a creative act. In the process of drawing, sensory-motor coordination and thinking of the child develops. Drawing also serves as a specific way of expressing various emotions, a method of relieving fears and mental stress. The task of drawing is to recognize problems that are not amenable to verbalization, to switch the child's attention to positive emotions. Drawing allows you to interpret all kinds of emotional problems of preschoolers, expressed in a graphical way. Feelings and emotions that are unconscious to a child for various reasons can be worked out using projective drawing.

According to the classification of S. Kratokhil, projective drawing is represented by the following methods: free drawing, communicative drawing, joint and additional drawing. In childhood, the use of drawing therapy is especially effective. In the course of such classes, an atmosphere of psychological safety is created for the child, emotional support is provided for the child, and the child’s feelings and experiences are verbalized in the process of creating a drawing.

In the classes of drawing therapy, the child is given the opportunity to freely express his own thoughts and feelings, to give vent to negative emotions, feelings and experiences, to rebuild his attitude to traumatic images. Drawing therapy is aimed at emotional support for children and the achievement of the desired changes in the emotional and psychological plan, allows the child to survive psychotraumatic situations and restore emotional balance. It is through the drawing that negative emotional states are corrected and prevented. Through the dynamics of the change in the picture, the diagnosis of the child's emotional problems that require correction is carried out.

Sand therapy is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection based on creative self-expression, which contributes to the response of internal stress at the unconscious-symbolic level. This method of art therapy combines the non-verbal process of building a composition and telling about the meaning of the created composition through the expression of expression. Play therapy is an art method for correcting emotional disorders in children. The method is based on the inherent way of interaction of children with the outside world of the game. During the game, children experience feelings of control over the situation, self-actualize, express feelings through real life situations modeled in the game.

The tasks of play therapy are: development of the abilities of emotional self-regulation; developing a sense of self-worth; optimization of relationships with others; correction "I - concepts".

Thus, all considered art-therapeutic methods in psycho-correction contribute to the harmonization of the personality of children through the development of the abilities of self-expression and self-knowledge, provide correction of the psycho-emotional state of the child through contact with art.

1.3 Psychocorrection of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy

“Psychological correction” is understood as a certain form of psychological and pedagogical activity, which is aimed at correcting the features of mental development that do not correspond to the hypothetical “optimal” model of this development, the norm or age guideline as an ideal option for the development of a child at one or another stage of ontogenesis, taking into account accepted in developmental psychology system of criteria. Psychological correction - "correction" and optimization of the process of mental development of the individual, involves the use of natural driving forces for mental and personal development.

The main methods and means to help overcome the fears and anxiety of older preschoolers are games, the use of psycho-gymnastics, expressive movement techniques, sketches, trainings, psycho-muscular training, facial expressions and pantomime, literary works and fairy tales, dramatization games.

The use of these areas of work forms such skills of children as an arbitrary direction of attention to the experienced feelings of fear; the ability to differentiate various emotional states; the ability to direct attention to expressive movements and muscle sensations that accompany their own emotions.

Through musical activity, children are enriched with a variety of auditory representations, realize and recognize the emotions conveyed by the composer in a piece of music.

Fairy tale therapy is a means of improving the ways in which children interact with the outside world; through a fairy tale, one can learn about the emotional experiences of children, often not realized by them. The method helps to restore the emotional balance of children. Fairy tales help children experience the positive emotions of comparing themselves with the characters. Playing scenes from fairy tales, musical accompaniment of fairy tales forms in children the ability to express emotions and feelings.

The use of clay, music, drawing, sand - helps children get rid of negative emotions. Art therapy classes create appropriate conditions for optimizing a positive emotional background in children, relieving emotional stress, anxiety and fears.

Music therapy, due to its unique features, is able to influence the emotional state of children, give rise to deep emotional experiences in them, is able to excite and delight the child, respectively, music is one of the main means of developing emotional responsiveness in preschoolers. In music therapy, melodic and rhythmic improvisations are often used, which consist in emotional tension and relaxation, the expression of positive emotions, which helps to get rid of fears.

For the correction of fears in preschoolers, the therapeutic function of role-playing is important. The therapeutic functions of the game were considered by such representatives of the psychoanalytic approach as A. Freud and M. Klein, who studied the activity of the child in the game. Interpretation of children's games was carried out in accordance with the interpretation of traditional psychoanalytic views. So, A. Freud used the game to build a constructive relationship between the therapist and the child; and M. Klein focused on the game as a means of self-expression, and in accordance with this she interpreted the play activity of children.

Later, a direction of non-directive play psychotherapy emerged, based on the psychological views of C. Rogers, W. Axline, and G. L. Landreth. In the course of directive play therapy (D. Levy), presented in the form of spontaneous play in compliance with safe psychotherapeutic conditions, the development of the child's personal resources took place. Releasing therapy focused on inventing a story that addressed the child's underlying problem. A. I. Zakharov used such play therapy as an effective means to eliminate fears and fears that were provoked by previous traumatic experiences. The child was offered a ready-made game plan and an approximate distribution of roles, which ensured the variability of solving existing problems. As a result, there was a clear awareness of the child's own internal conflicts and contradictions that contribute to the development of anxiety.

A. I. Zakharov developed a technique of game psychotherapy, which proved effective when working with children's fears. At the same time, the sequence of receiving the child involved a conversation, then spontaneous play and directed play, and ended with suggestion.

Game psychotherapy has a therapeutic function, games provide the child with the opportunity in a conditional (weakened) form to survive traumatic life circumstances, respectively, an emotional response occurs - catharsis. Success in the game predetermines the best adaptation in real life due to the emotional saturation of the game, the child's critical rethinking of his own failures and fears in the game. Involving in play activities, the child overcomes the threshold of fear and shyness, learns to measure his own behavior with the requirements of others. Imitation in the game of your favorite heroes and characters helps to overcome fear and anxiety. Mastering the skills of a collective game saves children from excessive anxiety, and the emotional richness of games enriches the emotional world of the child. Thus, games serve as a natural form of neutralizing children's fears, allowing them to reproduce life situations that cause fear in an indirect form.

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Introduction. At the heart of fear as a basic human emotion is the instinct of self-preservation. Biologically meaningful (adequate) fear performs protective and adaptive functions in life. However, it should be noted that fears may not have these positive functions, and then they become signals of personal trouble. As such dysfunctional fears, we consider inspired fears, which in turn can lead to the emergence of pathological (neurotic and psychotic) fears.

The emergence of inspired fears is due to personal anxiety in combination with a controlling form of socialization of fears. Instilled fears are accompanied not only by dysfunctional manifestations in the form of chronic emotional dissatisfaction, dejection, general lethargy, irritability, "tunnel perception", but also by phobias, anxiety, self-aggression, and general socio-psychological maladaptation.

Modern practical psychology offers various solutions to the problem of overcoming fears, while psychotherapy (in a broad sense) is considered as the most adequate and acceptable means. There are various types of therapy that are used in the practical work with fears. Play and art therapy are considered by us as counter-suggestive practices that ensure the release of the child from inspired fears. Countersuggestion is a way of interaction between an adult and a child, which is carried out in the context of receiving socialization and involves the child's mastering the elements of self-exploration, self-control and self-regulation.

Let us consider in more detail the methods of overcoming fears and anxiety in people using the art-therapeutic method of expressive drawing (the participant's depiction of a situation of confrontation and struggle with an object that personifies fear, in which this fear is defeated). Expressive drawing, crafts are a safe way to "let off steam" and relieve tension. With the help of visual images, it is easier for the participant to express unconscious internal conflicts and fears than to express them in words. Such work is especially valuable for those who do not speak well enough. With the help of a drawing, application, you can find out the thoughts and feelings that the participant is used to suppressing.

Art-therapeutic exercises with sand also make it possible to activate the fantasy and express the images that arise in this case by means of artistic expression. Non-verbal means allow you to bypass the "censorship of consciousness", so they are unique for the study of unconscious processes.

Art therapy exercises serve as a means of free self-expression and self-knowledge, they have an "insight-oriented" character; suggest an atmosphere of trust, attention to the inner world of a person. The use of art therapy exercises is indispensable in cases of emotional disorders (fear, anxiety) and communicative incompetence. In case of communication difficulties - isolation, low interest in peers or excessive shyness - art therapy classes allow you to unite people into a group (while maintaining the individual nature of their activities) and facilitate the process of their communication, mediate it by a common creative process and its products.

Target: overcoming negative experiences, reducing emotional stress.

Required time: 2 h 20 m.

Necessary materials: leaflets with printed rhymes; colored pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper; colored cardboard, colored paper, plasticine, glue, scissors, threads, ribbons, buttons, rhinestones, sequins, cereals (buckwheat, rice), pasta (different in shape, size), beads, shells.

warm up

Game "Signal translation"

Target: Activate the group.

Time: 10 m.

materials: leaflets with written text - different simple rhymes.

Procedure: The host invites everyone to split into pairs. The couples take turns performing in front of other participants. Each of the pair acts in turn as announcers and sign language interpreters. While one of the partners is reading the verse, the other is nearby and acts as a sign language interpreter - conveys the content of the text with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Primary activity

Exercise "Magic Mirrors"

Target: the formation of a positive self-concept, increased self-confidence, reduced anxiety.

Time: 40 m.


Procedure: Participants are invited to draw themselves in 3 mirrors, but not simple, magical: in the first - small and frightened, in the second - large and cheerful, in the third - fearless and strong.


  1. Which person looks prettier?
  2. Who do you look like now?
  3. In which mirror do you most often look in your life?
  4. Who would you like to be like?
  5. What feelings did you have in the process of drawing 3 drawings?

Exercise "Draw your fear"

Target: overcoming negative experiences, the symbolic destruction of fear, reducing emotional stress.

Time: 40 m.

materials: colored pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Procedure: Participants are invited to draw their fear and give it a name. Participants take turns talking about their drawings. There is a discussion. After that, the participants are offered several options to choose from to get rid of their fear: destroy the drawing (fear); turn scary into funny by drawing a picture; decorate it so that it pleases itself and becomes good; Or come up with your own version.


  1. What is shown in the picture? Tell me more about him.
  2. What feelings did you have while drawing?
  3. What method of getting rid of fear did you choose? What is this fear now?
  4. What feelings did you have during the “deliverance”?
  5. Has your attitude towards this fear changed now?

Exercise "Protective amulet" (development of compilers)

Target: reduction of psycho-emotional stress.

Time: 40 m.

materials: A4 paper, colored cardboard, colored paper, plasticine, glue, scissors, threads, ribbons, buttons, rhinestones, sequins, cereals (buckwheat, rice), pasta (different in shape, size), beads, shells.

Procedure: It is proposed to make a personal amulet for protection from fears from the proposed materials.


  1. Present your amulet to others.
  2. How does your amulet work?
  3. What properties does it have?
  4. How will it help you deal with your fear?
  5. Why were these materials chosen?


Questions for the final discussion.

  1. Has your attitude towards fear changed after the training? And what is it now?
  2. How do you deal with your fears now?
  3. What helped you overcome your fear?
  4. What influence did the group have on overcoming your fear?
  5. What conclusions did you draw for yourself?


  1. Andrusenko V.N. Social fear / V.N. Andrusenko. - Sverdlovsk.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1991. - 456 p.
  2. Barkan A.I. Practical psychology for parents / A.I. Barkan. - M.: AST - PRESS, 1999. - 270 p.
  3. Shcherbatykh Yu. Psychology of fear / Yu. Shcherbatykh. - M.: EKSMO - Press, 2002. - 340 p.

Compiled by: Beketova E.S., Serdyuk Yu.A., Shapka L.V.



1 The concept of "fear" in psychological and pedagogical research. Causes of children's fears

2 Art therapy as a method of psychocorrection

3 Psychocorrection of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy

Chapter 2

1 Research of fears in children of senior preschool age

2 Program for the correction of fears in preschool children using art therapy methods





Preschool age is the most sensitive for the formation of emotional forms of communication of the child. The educational, ideological, moral, and cultural priorities laid down in the preschool period also determine emotional development. There is also a factor of emotional disturbances in the behavior of preschoolers caused by the modern realities of the social information environment. Formalized communication with parents, the leveling of children's subculture, the limitation of game forms of mastering reality and an excess of information that is inadequate for the perception of children of older preschool age are sources of the formation and consolidation of negative emotional states in children - fears, anxiety, anxiety, etc. In turn, the actualization of fears is accompanied by violations of adequate mental development, which negatively affects the formation of the child's personality.

Art therapy is an effective means of harmonizing the emotional sphere of children, refers to the psychological impact of art through creativity. Art therapy helps to rid the child of excessive emotional stress, neutralizes fears, reduces anxiety, and allows you to experience positive emotions.

The problem of developing programs using psychological methods for correcting children's fears remains relevant. There is a need to develop and test a correctional and developmental program for working with children's fears, with the inclusion of art therapy methods that contribute to the amplification and intensification of development, the child's full living of the age stage, which will help reduce the number of fears by increasing emotional resources. Therefore, the relevance of the study lies in the use of art therapy as part of the educational process of a preschool educational institution in order to correct the fears of older preschoolers. The research problem is caused by a number of contradictions that have arisen to date in the theory and practice of preschool education between the demand for art therapy in psycho-corrective work and the lack of practical research on the use of art therapy as a means of psycho-correction of fears in older preschool children.

Purpose of the study: to determine the effectiveness of psychological correction of fears in children of senior preschool age by means of art therapy.

Object of research: fear in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: means of art therapy for the correction of fear in children of senior preschool age.

The study is based on the hypothesis that the work on the use of art therapy tools is effective in the process in children of older preschool age, the level of fear in children will decrease.

.To determine theoretical approaches to the issue of the manifestation of fear in children of older preschool age.

.To identify the presence of fear in children of senior preschool age.

.To study the nature of fears in children and the causes of their occurrence.

.To characterize art therapy as a tool for correcting fears in children of older preschool age.

.Develop and test a set of measures to correct fears.

Theoretical: theoretical, methodological and critical analysis of psychological and pedagogical scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization;

experimental: observation; testing; interview; analysis of children's activity products; methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data: interpretation of results.

Theoretical and practical significance. The psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of psychological correction of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy has been studied. The results of the study enrich and supplement scientific knowledge in the framework of the study of the problem. The results obtained in the course of the study can be used to develop programs for the psychological correction of preschool children as part of counseling and training practices.

Work structure. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references presented by 60 sources.


1 The concept of "fear" in psychological and pedagogical research. Causes of children's fears

Currently, the problems of children's fears are being studied by many scientists, due to the fact that the presence of fears can cause a violation of personal development in the preschool period. Scientists from different sciences have repeatedly attempted to give an interpretation of the concept of "fear".

So, Z. Freud considered the state of affect as fear, the union of the corresponding sensations with the corresponding innervations of the discharge of tension and their perception. According to Ovcharova, fear is an emotional reflection in the mind of an individual of a specific threat to life and well-being. According to Yu. A. Neimer, A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky, fear can be defined as an emotional state that is formed in situations of threat to biological or social existence, focused on the source of danger, real or imagined.

A. I. Zakharov considered fear to be a fundamental emotion that is developed in response to the impact of a potentially threatening stimulus; scientists considered fear as a natural accompaniment of human development. AI Zakharov classified fears by nature (natural, social, situational, personal), by degree of reality (real and imagined), by degree of intensity (acute and chronic). According to G. Kraig, fear is an emotion that promotes learning, if it manifests itself in a mild form.

K. Izard, A.I. Zakharov, M.I. Chistyakova, P. Dako, L.S. Vygotsky considered fear as one of the strongest human emotions. The emotion of fear is due to a protective nature, based on self-preservation. IP Pavlov considered fear to be a manifestation of a natural reflex, as a passive defensive reaction.

The positive functions of fear are noted by such researchers as V. I. Orlov, E. I. Rogov, I. N. Stepanova. V. I. Orlov pointed out that fear is endowed with a protective and regulatory function, and E. I. Rogov did not recognize the harmfulness of fear for a person, and pointed out the ability of fear to regulate human activity and behavior. According to I. N. Stepanova, fear is a means of cognizing the surrounding reality, contributes to the formation of a selective-critical attitude to the environment, and plays a socializing role in personal formation.

The philosophical and psychological level of consideration of the problem of "fears" (A. Kempinski, R. May, C. Spielberger, M. Heideger, K. Jaspers) is focused on the consideration of fear in the context of existentialism. I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, W. James, G. K. Lange, within the framework of the psychophysiological level, analyzed the mechanisms of the emergence of fear in its relationship with mental and psychophysical activity. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical level, fear is considered in the study of the influence of negative emotional states on the course of mental processes in the conditions of educational activities - L. I. Bozhovich, V. K. Vilyunas, A. I. Zakharov, V. S. Mukhina, A. M. Parishioners, A. A. Rean and others.

Many researchers refer the phenomenon of fear to the class of emotional phenomena. E. Claperede, P. M. Yaklbson consider fear as a feeling, P. M. Wilson, D. Ritter - as an emotion, affect, J. Newtten - as a motivation; L. A. Korpenko, V. A. Petrenko - as an emotional state; AM Parishioners - as an affective-personal education.

The theoretical analysis of the sources made it possible to single out the following approaches to the definition of "fear":

fear is an integrity that serves as a structure-forming life activity (V. M. Bekhterev, P. F. Kapterev, N. S. Ezhkova);

fear as a form of assessing the situation, a type of attitude to the world, a behavioral act of relations and assessment that contributes to the formation of personal qualities (A. I. Belousov, V. V. Zenkovsky, K. D. Ushinsky);

fear as a factor determining the effectiveness of the educational process (N. I. Novikov, P. F. Kapterev, V. A. Levin);

fear as a means of education (N. I. Pirogov, I. I. Betskoy, N. I. Novikov, K. D. Ushinsky and others).

According to A. I. Zakharov, fears are divided into natural ones, associated with the age period, characterized by short duration, which do not affect the nature of the behavior and relationships of the individual, and pathological ones - accompanied by involuntary, long-term nature, which have a negative impact on the relationship and behavior of the individual, which creates the prerequisites for sharpening age-related fears. In addition, real and acute fears are due to situational influences, while chronic fears are due to personal characteristics. The genesis of fear is predetermined by the real impact of potentially dangerous factors as their anticipation. The nature of the threat, the intensity and specificity of the experience determine the variations of fear in the form of a range of shades represented by apprehension, fear, fright, horror. In a situation of uncertainty of danger, the emerging state is characterized as anxiety.

A productive approach to understanding anxiety and the problem of distinguishing anxiety and fear from the position of the concept of “anxious phenomena” introduced by the famous Russian psychiatrist F. B. Berezin. This approach makes it possible to distinguish between concrete fear as a reaction to an objective, unambiguously understood threat, and irrational fear that arises with an increase in anxiety and manifests itself in the objectification, concretization of an indefinite danger. At the same time, the objects with which the latter is associated do not necessarily reflect the real cause of the alarm, the real threat. In this regard, anxiety and fear represent different levels of phenomena of the alarm series, and anxiety in the proper sense of the word precedes irrational fear.

At preschool age, the emotional development of the child undergoes significant changes due to the differentiation of individual characteristics. The age-related dynamics of emotional development is determined by emotional neoplasms that are sequentially formed at different stages of ontogenesis: situational variability of emotional response, expansion of a number of emotional modalities.

In preschool age, anxiety results from the frustration of the need for reliability and security from the immediate environment, reflecting the dissatisfaction of this particular need, which is leading at this age. At preschool age, the most frequent are experiences of fears, as a result of the formation of which the most threatening way is an emotionally rich, concretized image, often characterized by a fantastic and irrational character (fear of the dark, fairy-tale characters, imaginary creatures, etc.).

Consolidation and intensification of fear occurs according to the mechanism of a “vicious psychological circle”, leading to the accumulation and deepening of negative emotional experience, which, in turn, generating negative prognostic assessments and determining in many respects the modality of actual experiences, contributes to their increase and preservation.

Fear has a pronounced age specificity, which is found in its sources, content, forms of manifestation of compensation and protection. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause increased fears of most children, regardless of the presence of a real threat. This is a consequence of the most significant sociogenic needs.

From the standpoint of a social approach focused on environmental factors that determine the causes of fears, improper upbringing in the family and unfavorable relationships with parents are leading to the emergence of fears in a child. Especially when the mother rejects the child, he develops a fear of being rejected due to the impossibility of satisfying the need for love and affection. The reason for the emergence of fears can also be the wrong type of education - hyperprotection, hypoprotection, a large number of restrictions and sanctions, etc. Parents often cultivate "correctness" of behavior: the attitude towards the child may include strict control, regulated norms and rules, deviation from which may result in punishment. In this case, the child's behavior is due to the fear of deviating from the norms and rules established by adults. Fear can also be provoked by a delay in reinforcement, which causes a state of uncertainty.

The reason for the emergence of fears can also be a change in the social environment, a change in the environment, habitual conditions and the rhythm of life. The result of fears can also be personal anxiety of the mother, who establishes a symbiotic relationship with the child, trying to protect the child from potential life difficulties and imaginary dangers. As a result, the child begins to experience fear in the absence of the mother. The source of the emergence of fears in children is the discrepancy between the position occupied by the child in the group of peers, and the position that he seeks to occupy. Therefore, violations of social status also cause fears.

Older preschoolers are distinguished by the prevalence of social fears, which are expressed as a threat to the well-being of the child in the context of his relationship with the environment. The leading fear at this age is the fear of inconsistency with the social requirements of the micro- and macrosocial environment.

Experiences in the form of specific fears are characterized by an undifferentiated expectation of trouble. Preschool children are afraid of the dark, fairy-tale characters, imaginary scary creatures. Situational fears in children can be triggered by situations of separation from parents, changes in the usual environment, etc. .

The presence of fears in preschool children indicates, according to G. Eberlein, the inability of children to control their own feelings. A.I. Zakharov characterized the factors associated with the emergence of children's fears:

the presence of fears in parents;

the manifestation of anxiety by parents in relations with the child, excessive protection from dangers, isolation from communications;

early rationalization of the child's feelings, associated with excessive adherence to principles of parents or their emotional rejection;

conflict interactions between the child's parents;

the presence of an excessive number of prohibitions or the complete granting of freedom to the child by the parents, the presence of unrealizable threats;

lack of role identification with the parent;

mental trauma that contributes to increased sensitivity to various fears;

mental infection with fears in the process of communication with peers and parents.

According to M. Kuzmina, among the causes of fears and anxiety in children in the family, the following can be distinguished:

traditionalism of family relations - in this case, the relationship between parents and the child is based on the principles of "should" and "must", which is expressed in direct messages and threats against the child;

distrust of parents to the child;

alienation of parents - many parents often go on vacation without children, as a result, the child feels unnecessary, abandoned, fear of loneliness develops;

variability of educational requirements - often the inconsistency of both parents and educators, as well as the emotional lability of adults, give rise to confusion and anxiety in the child;

situations of rivalry and competition - often cause anxiety in children, because children strive to achieve high results by any means;

a situation of increased responsibility - while anxiety is formed as a result of the child's fear of not meeting the expectations of adults and being rejected for this reason;

the departure of the child into the world of fantasy, which he considers as a psychological refuge in which irresolvable conflicts are resolved, unfulfilled needs are satisfied.

The main fears of preschool children of primary preschool age are fears of separation from their parents, fears of darkness, fears of loneliness, fears of a medical nature, etc. Fears can have a negative impact on the development of the emotional sphere of the child. The older preschool age is the most sensitive for the impact of negative psychological influences, the fears that arise can acquire a pathological form. T. P. Simpson characterized the senior preschool age as "the cradle of neuroses." According to A. S. Ustinova, the source of inspired fears in children is the adults around them. The active work of the imagination can be noted as the causes of fear. According to K. Horney, the consolidation of fears and anxiety is interconnected with the deprivation of the leading age-related needs, which acquire a hypertrophied character.

In modern psychology, fears are classified into obsessive, delusional and overvalued. Among the obsessive children's fears, one can note the fear of heights, the fear of open and closed spaces, etc., all of them are due to fear of the circumstances of specific situations. Delusional fears are unreasonable, and indicate deviations in the child's psyche. Overvalued fears often initially correspond to a certain situation, later becoming especially significant, and the most common fear among older preschoolers is the fear of death, manifesting itself indirectly, through other fears. These are also fears of the dark, fears of fairy-tale characters, fears of attack, water, fire, pain and sharp sounds.

The emergence of fears, according to P.P. Petrova, in children can be various reasons: the lack of various games among peers, hypersocialized care of the mother, raising a child in an incomplete family; the tendency of older preschoolers to identify themselves with a parent of the same sex; the presence of fears in parents; the presence of an only child in the family, who is in closer contact with the parents.

K. Jaspers correlates fear with a certain object or object, while anxiety is felt in the absence of a relationship with a stimulus - "free floating anxiety". Accordingly, anxiety, acting in the form of unobjectified fear, can already take the form of existential fears, which, in turn, contribute to the formation of objective fears: adequate (functional, adaptive) and inadequate (dysfunctional, maladaptive). Inadequate fears are presented as imaginary and suggested - imaginary, not related to real dangers. Significant adults and peers can become a source of inspired fears. The characters of imaginary fears have ritual forms of their neutralization, involving the child in the process of fighting fear. Instilled fears are not based on neutralization, so the child acts as a passive victim of uncontrollable fear. The fear of infection, according to A.I. Zakharov, is inspired, and serves as a source of increased sensitivity to the existential fear of death, the child’s emotional reaction to the suggested threat.

At older preschool age, children develop the ability to empathize, plan actions and anticipate, which mediates the complication of the psychological structure of fears. At this age, social fears arise, based on awareness of one's own role in society. Fears can also arise as a result of disturbed relationships between the child and the social environment, upbringing in conflict families, in the presence of antisocial behavior of parents, rejection of the child in the family, excessive demands of parents, constant threats and intimidation by parents.

2 Art therapy as a method of psychocorrection

therapy is a set of psycho-correctional techniques that have differences and features that are determined both by the genre belonging to a particular type of art, and by the direction, technology of psycho-correctional therapeutic use. Art therapy is based on the use of visual and plastic expression, which is especially important in a situation where a child is unable to express his own emotional state with the help of words.

Art therapy is a set of techniques based on the use of different types of art in a peculiar symbolic form and allowing, by stimulating the artistic and creative (creative) manifestations of a child with problems, to correct violations of psychosomatic, psychoemotional processes and deviations in personal development.

The methodological basis of the art-therapeutic trend in psychology was laid by such well-known psychologists and psychotherapists as O. Postalchuk, M. Mauro, K. Tisdale, K. Case, T. Boronska, M. Liebmann, K. Drucker, S. Lewis, D. Bayere, P. Luzzatto, D. Kalmanovich, B. Lloyd, D. Murphy, E. Kramer, K. Case and T. Dally, D. Woods, D. Enley.

The history of the emergence of art therapy for the correction of emotional and personal problems of children goes back to the Second World War, when these methods were applied to children who experienced stress in fascist camps. Adrian Hill is the founder of the term "art therapy" (art therapy). The theoretical ideas of Z. Freud and C. G. Jung, C. Rogers, A. Maslow served as the conceptual basis of art therapy. The essence of art therapy, according to scientists, is the harmonization of personal development through self-expression and self-knowledge in the products of creativity. Products created by a person contribute to the establishment of constructive relationships with others.

The mechanisms of the corrective impact of art therapy are diverse. With the help of art in a special symbolic form, a traumatic situation is reconstructed, its resolution through restructuring, which is based on the creative abilities of the individual.

The goals of art therapy are as follows:

When working on drawings, sculptures, etc. there is a release of negative emotions and tension, which is both a socially acceptable way out and aggression.

Through visual images, unconscious internal conflicts are resolved.

Manifestation in non-verbal means of thoughts and feelings of the individual.

Developing a sense of internal control, experimenting with kinesthetic and visual sensations.

In addition, art therapy is aimed at developing cognitive and creative skills, helps to increase self-esteem, normalize the emotional state. In psychology, art therapy is represented by passive and active forms. In the passive form, a person is a consumer of paintings, books, musical works created by other people. The active form is aimed at creating creative products by the client himself.

Currently, various options for applying the method of art therapy are used:

the use of already existing works of art through their analysis and interpretation by the participants;

motivation of the individual to an independent creative process;

independent creativity based on the use of existing works of art.

The directions of art therapy are quite diverse. Dynamically oriented art therapy is based on psychoanalysis - the expression of internal conflicts through the creation of visual images. M. Naumburg believed that the primary thoughts and experiences formed in the subconscious can be expressed in the form of images and symbols. At the same time, the images of artistic creativity are a reflection of the totality of subconscious processes - fears, internal conflicts, memories, dreams. Within the framework of dynamically oriented art therapy, creative, integral, active, projective, sublimation art therapy is distinguished. The means of art therapy include woodcarving, chasing, mosaics, stained-glass windows, modeling, drawing, crafts from fur and fabrics, weaving, sewing, burning.

The goals of Gestalt-oriented therapy are: restoration of the "I - function", awareness and interpretation of experiences by a person on the basis of image-symbols; development of creativity, originality, flexibility. The methods of art therapy are: drawing, sculpture, modeling with paper, paints, wood, stone, figurative conversations, writing stories, singing, music, expressive movement of the body.

Art therapy serves as a source of activating positive emotions, relieving tension, and increasing self-esteem. Emotional interest creates the prerequisites for effective corrective action. Since the leading goal of art therapy is self-expression and self-knowledge of the individual through art, the most important principle of the method is the approving acceptance of products of creative visual activity, regardless of the form, quality and content presented.

When using art therapy in the form of a drawing, there are age restrictions, since before the age of 6, the formation of the symbolic activity of preschoolers takes place, children are just beginning to master the materials and methods of images. At this age, visual activity serves as playful experimentation and is not a form of correction.

In accordance with the nature and product of creative activity, there are such types of art therapy as drawing therapy, bibliotherapy, music therapy, choreotherapy, drama therapy, etc.

Music therapy is a method of art therapy based on the use of music as a means of correction. The method is widely used in the correction of emotional deviations and the development of the emotional sphere during individual and group listening to musical works. Music serves as a means to reduce and eliminate emotional stress due to the clinical effect of exposure. So, Altshuler proved that music contributes to the establishment of verbal contact in accordance with the emotional tone of the individual. Accordingly, the correct selection of the musical program must be determined, corresponding to the choice of the necessary tempo and tonality of musical works, in order to obtain a strong emotional reaction. The formation of a rich emotional sphere of the child is achieved by involving him in a wide range of musical artistic experiences.

The emotional coloring of images that arise in preschoolers when perceiving music is differentiated depending on the individual characteristics of musical perception, the degree of musical training. The emotional significance of musical elements has been proven, which proves the ability of the rhythm and tonality of music to induce a state in a child that is adequate to the nature of the stimulus: minor tonalities reveal a depressive effect, fast pulsating rhythms act excitingly and evoke negative emotions, soft rhythms calm down, dissonances - excite, consonances - soothe. L. S. Brusilovsky, V. Yu. Zavyalova, K. Shvabe describe various emotional responses in the process of using music therapy.

The main corrective directions of music therapy are:

emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy;

development of interpersonal communication skills, communication functions and abilities;

regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes;

increase in aesthetic needs; acquisition of new means of emotional expression.

W. Grus, Z. Müller, I. Mederake, K. Ulbrich studied the influence of music on children, who examined in detail different types of children's music therapy, including pantomime, drawing to music. These authors describe a technique for teaching children to recognize emotions in music lessons with more complex tasks. At the first lesson, children receive 6 cards with the image of a child's face with different facial expressions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, attention, thoughtfulness. The authors of the technique called them "mood maps". After listening to a piece of music, the children should pick up one of the cards. If all cards raised match the mood of the music, then the emotions depicted on them are not called. In the next three lessons, on the contrary, children learn to verbally describe the feelings caused by contrasting pieces of music and correlate them with “mood maps”. Since the facial expressions on the “mood cards” are ambiguous, the children can immediately show two different cards immediately after listening to the same piece. To characterize musical images, their feelings and the sound of music, children use sets of polar definitions (cheerful - sad; slow - fast; clear - gloomy; etc.).

Bibliotherapy, according to V. M. Myasishchev, is a combination of book science, psychology, psychotherapy, and psycho-correction. This method is a corrective impact on the child through specially selected literature in order to optimize the mental state. The bibliotherapy methodology is represented by the following stages:

preparation of a bibliotherapeutic formulation;

orientation in the possibilities of bibliotherapy genres;


determining priority areas and genres, compiling a reader's diary.

The method is used when working with children with emotional and personal problems. The group form of conducting is represented by classes with several children with whom readings are held, discussions aimed at identifying attitudes towards reading. Preschoolers, identifying the experiences of literary characters with their own, learn to control emotional reactions, analyze emotional experience. A child, showing personal emotions, can compare and contrast them with the emotions of other people, learn to get rid of negative emotional states. In the imagination of children, dialogues are played that are alternative behavior and experiences compared to the main literary characters. The child receives new experience, knowledge about new forms of behavior, experience of emotional study of specific life situations. Reading stories that coincide with real life stories allows the child to anticipate a possible way out in identical situations, and adequately respond emotionally to them.

Dance therapy is used when working with children who have emotional disorders, communication problems. During dance therapy, the child becomes aware of his own body, forms a positive image of the body in his mind, explores his own feelings in the process of acquiring group experience. Dance movements, physical contact and interactions contribute to the formation and development of deep feelings.

There are various dance movement therapy techniques: kinesthetic empathy; exaggeration of movement; transformation of movement into communication. The task of dance therapy is the formation of spontaneous movements, freedom, expressiveness of movements, reflecting the personality traits of the child. The main installation is to emphasize that emotional shifts can change the state of health and mood, which accordingly leads to a change in the nature of dance movements. In addition, dance therapy is aimed at:

optimization of the emotional state of preschoolers;

improvement of the motor repertoire of the body by leveling the flaws and choosing the appropriate movements;

the development of a positive body image in children associated with a positive image of "I";

teaching preschoolers socially acceptable behavior by establishing a relationship between dance movements and others, creating conditions for creative interaction;

release of repressed feelings through the expression of dance and the study of latent conflicts, which are sources of psychological stress;

increase in motor, emotional activity, emancipation.

Special dance therapy exercises are free swinging, movements that require composure and control over the body, alternating relaxation and composure associated with the respiratory cycle, moving around the room in a strictly defined way.

The following ways of using artistic material by a child are distinguished: manipulation of the study of the material; destructive behavior; stereotypical reproduction of drawings; image of graphic pictograms; creation of adequate images expressing the child's need for self-expression.

Writing stories, stories is used to revitalize and verbalize feelings by looking for inspiration in creativity. This method contributes to the release of negative experiences. R. M. Stirtzinger described the method of "common storytelling" by a child and an adult: at the beginning, the child tells a story, and then the adult continues it, supplementing it with more productive methods for resolving contradictions and conflicts. This method promotes awareness of the child's own "I", awareness of anger and aggression, and their safe expression.

Fairy tale therapy is a method of art therapy based on the use of a fairy tale form to develop the emotional qualities and creative abilities of a child. The texts of fairy tales are capable of evoking effective emotional resonance in children. The following are considered as corrective functions of the fairy tale: psychological preparation of the child for intense emotional situations; symbolic response to physiological and emotional stresses; acceptance in a symbolic form of one's physical activity. When working with a fairy tale, the following techniques are used: using a fairy tale as a metaphor, drawing based on a fairy tale, discussing the motives for a character's actions, playing episodes of a fairy tale, using a fairy tale as a parable-moral, creative work based on a fairy tale. Fairy tales not only expand the child's ideas, enrich his knowledge of reality, most importantly, they introduce him to a special, exceptional world of feelings, deep feelings and emotional discoveries.

The emotional perception of fairy tales is a complex and dynamic internal activity, involving all the cognitive processes of the child. Fairy tales not only expand children's knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality, they introduce the child into a world of deep experiences and emotional discoveries. Empathy for the characters of fairy tales is a complex of feelings represented by compassion, condemnation, anger, surprise. Separate emotions, according to each individual complex, take the appropriate place in terms of priority, significance, duration, stability and intensity. Inner empathy and the desire to assist the heroes of works forms in the child not only new knowledge and ideas, but also a new attitude towards people, objects, phenomena. While listening to a fairy tale, children actively communicate with its heroes, which contributes to the enrichment of the emotional experience of children, the formation of a figurative and emotional generalization of artistic material, since the emotional attitude towards the heroes is always brightly colored.

Fairy tales make the child feel excitement, empathy, which involves the formation of moral assessments in the child. In accordance with this, the child develops and consolidates the correct emotional assessments and feelings. In fairy tales, the child has the opportunity to comprehend the first emotional discoveries through feelings and emotions. With the emotional perception of books, the child, walking with the heroes of the works of the entire imaginary path described in the book, tunes in to sympathy and empathy, which is largely facilitated by the compositional basis of fairy tales and works. In fairy tales for children, the opposition of good and evil, fantastic and endowed with a special semantic load of moral images, expressive language, the dynamics of events, cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, and the results of actions are very attractive. It is sometimes very difficult for a preschooler to remain in the role of a listener, since exciting descriptions contribute to the active action of children who want to interfere in the course of events narrated by the book: they cry, laugh, get angry, become disappointed, which manifests emotional mobility. As a result, children develop a new attitude to the environment. A fairy tale provides a child with the opportunity, in a fabulous and accessible form, to realize such complex feelings as love and hate, anger and compassion. It is known that in preschool childhood, emotions are characterized by an unstable character, accompanied by a sharp transition from one emotional state to another. In this sense, the fairy tale contains a huge number of opportunities for effective harmonization and stabilization of the emotional sphere of the child. When a child perceives fairy tales, there is an impact on the process of forming his moral ideals and ideas, the process of forming the moral qualities of a person that make up the inner world of the child. The tale is didactic in content, but emotional in form, which is why this didacticity is not noticed by the child and is perceived on an emotional level. This effect of the fairy tale is supported by the brightness of perception, "naive realism", the impressionability of children, remaining forever in emotional memory.

In the process of reading fairy tales, children have an emotional association with a fairy-tale character, respectively, together with him, the child looks for ways out of various difficult situations, replenishes the emotional baggage with new experiences of the hero. Fairy tales are divided into artistic, didactic, psychocorrective, psychotherapeutic, meditative. Fairy tales contribute to the accumulation of emotional experience by the child, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

A better understanding of the fairy tale is helped by staging them with the help of toys, table theater. Through artistic images, emotional relations between an adult (educator) and children are established, and the emotional sphere of children develops. Expressive storytelling, conversations about the heroes of fairy tales, about the feelings they experience, looking at illustrations by famous artists, playing “fairy tales” - all this forms the emotional susceptibility of children.

Puppet therapy is a method of identifying a child with a favorite cartoon character, fairy tale. The doll is an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult, as the performance (plot) unfolds, the child’s emotional tension increases, which, having reached a peak, is replaced by violent behavioral emotional reactions, and the corresponding removal of neuropsychic tension. Puppet therapy is represented both in domestic and foreign practice - F. Zimbardo, I. G. Vygodskaya, A. I. Zakharov, A. Spivakovskaya and others. The process of puppet therapy is represented by the following stages: making puppets, using puppets to respond to significant emotional states . In puppet therapy, such variants of puppets as puppet puppets, finger puppets, shadow puppets, rope puppets, plane puppets, glove puppets, costume puppets are used.

Psycho-gymnastics is a means of optimizing the perceptual sphere of a person through the use of etudes and games based on motor expression. Psycho-gymnastics, which is a non-verbal method of group work, is aimed at correcting the emotional and personal sphere of the child through the expression of emotional states and experiences with the help of movements, facial expressions and pantomimics.

The tasks of psycho-gymnastics are: removal of emotional stress, fears; reducing the emotional distance between participants; development of abilities to express one's own feelings, emotional states.

Psychogymnastics classes include mimic and pantomimic studies for the expression of emotional states and socially colored feelings; sketches and games for the expression of individual emotions; psychomuscular training to relieve emotional stress and suggest the desired mood. M. I. Chistyakova attaches special importance to positive emotions. Therefore, all games and etudes for evoking the expression of emotions must necessarily include emotions of joy, which are the final ones for each etude. The whole lesson ends with teaching children self-regulation and calming them down.

Drawing therapy, being a kind of art therapy, is used to overcome difficulties in emotional development, depression, low emotional tone, impulsiveness of emotional reactions, experiences of emotional rejection, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, increased anxiety, fears, disharmonious self-esteem, etc. for preschoolers. This method of art therapy is widely used to correct children's emotional disorders, overcome communication barriers, excessive shyness when using a child's productive imagination and active perception.

Isotherapy - involves therapy with the help of fine art. Among the techniques of isotherapy, the following are distinguished: the technique of meditative drawing (creating circular compositions); directional imaging technique; marania (spontaneous drawings in an abstract manner); hatching (chaotic drawing of lines); drawing on glass; finger painting; drawing with bulk materials and products; etc.

As a result, effective emotional response occurs, the process of communication is facilitated, non-verbal contact is organized through the created product of creative activity, and the ability to self-regulate develops. In general, the child is aware of his own feelings, states and experiences, which creates the basis for the regulation of emotional reactions.

Drawing is a method of reflection in the mind of the surrounding reality and its modeling in the process of a creative act. In the process of drawing, sensory-motor coordination and thinking of the child develops. Drawing also serves as a specific way of expressing various emotions, a method of relieving fears and mental stress. The task of drawing is to recognize problems that are not amenable to verbalization, to switch the child's attention to positive emotions. Drawing allows you to interpret all kinds of emotional problems of preschoolers, expressed in a graphical way. Feelings and emotions that are unconscious to a child for various reasons can be worked out using projective drawing.

According to the classification of S. Kratokhil, projective drawing is represented by the following methods: free drawing, communicative drawing, joint and additional drawing. In childhood, the use of drawing therapy is especially effective. In the course of such classes, an atmosphere of psychological safety is created for the child, emotional support is provided for the child, and the child’s feelings and experiences are verbalized in the process of creating a drawing.

In the classes of drawing therapy, the child is given the opportunity to freely express his own thoughts and feelings, to give vent to negative emotions, feelings and experiences, to rebuild his attitude to traumatic images. Drawing therapy is aimed at emotional support for children and the achievement of the desired changes in the emotional and psychological plan, allows the child to survive psychotraumatic situations and restore emotional balance. It is through the drawing that negative emotional states are corrected and prevented. Through the dynamics of the change in the picture, the diagnosis of the child's emotional problems that require correction is carried out.

Sand therapy is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection based on creative self-expression, which contributes to the response of internal stress at the unconscious-symbolic level. This method of art therapy combines the non-verbal process of building a composition and telling about the meaning of the created composition through the expression of expression. Play therapy is an art method for correcting emotional disorders in children. The method is based on the inherent way of interaction of children with the outside world of the game. During the game, children experience feelings of control over the situation, self-actualize, express feelings through real life situations modeled in the game.

The tasks of play therapy are: development of the abilities of emotional self-regulation; developing a sense of self-worth; optimization of relationships with others; correction "I - concepts".

Thus, all considered art-therapeutic methods in psycho-correction contribute to the harmonization of the personality of children through the development of the abilities of self-expression and self-knowledge, provide correction of the psycho-emotional state of the child through contact with art.

1.3 Psychocorrection of fears of older preschoolers by means of art therapy

“Psychological correction” is understood as a certain form of psychological and pedagogical activity, which is aimed at correcting the features of mental development that do not correspond to the hypothetical “optimal” model of this development, the norm or age guideline as an ideal option for the development of a child at one or another stage of ontogenesis, taking into account accepted in developmental psychology system of criteria. Psychological correction - "correction" and optimization of the process of mental development of the individual, involves the use of natural driving forces for mental and personal development.

The main methods and means to help overcome the fears and anxiety of older preschoolers are games, the use of psycho-gymnastics, expressive movement techniques, sketches, trainings, psycho-muscular training, facial expressions and pantomime, literary works and fairy tales, dramatization games.

The use of these areas of work forms such skills of children as an arbitrary direction of attention to the experienced feelings of fear; the ability to differentiate various emotional states; the ability to direct attention to expressive movements and muscle sensations that accompany their own emotions.

Through musical activity, children are enriched with a variety of auditory representations, realize and recognize the emotions conveyed by the composer in a piece of music.

Fairy tale therapy is a means of improving the ways in which children interact with the outside world; through a fairy tale, one can learn about the emotional experiences of children, often not realized by them. The method helps to restore the emotional balance of children. Fairy tales help children experience the positive emotions of comparing themselves with the characters. Playing scenes from fairy tales, musical accompaniment of fairy tales forms in children the ability to express emotions and feelings.

The use of clay, music, drawing, sand - helps children get rid of negative emotions. Art therapy classes create appropriate conditions for optimizing a positive emotional background in children, relieving emotional stress, anxiety and fears.

Music therapy, due to its unique features, is able to influence the emotional state of children, give rise to deep emotional experiences in them, is able to excite and delight the child, respectively, music is one of the main means of developing emotional responsiveness in preschoolers. In music therapy, melodic and rhythmic improvisations are often used, which consist in emotional tension and relaxation, the expression of positive emotions, which helps to get rid of fears.

For the correction of fears in preschoolers, the therapeutic function of role-playing is important. The therapeutic functions of the game were considered by such representatives of the psychoanalytic approach as A. Freud and M. Klein, who studied the activity of the child in the game. Interpretation of children's games was carried out in accordance with the interpretation of traditional psychoanalytic views. So, A. Freud used the game to build a constructive relationship between the therapist and the child; and M. Klein focused on the game as a means of self-expression, and in accordance with this she interpreted the play activity of children.

Later, a direction of non-directive play psychotherapy emerged, based on the psychological views of C. Rogers, W. Axline, and G. L. Landreth. In the course of directive play therapy (D. Levy), presented in the form of spontaneous play in compliance with safe psychotherapeutic conditions, the development of the child's personal resources took place. Releasing therapy focused on inventing a story that addressed the child's underlying problem. A. I. Zakharov used such play therapy as an effective means to eliminate fears and fears that were provoked by previous traumatic experiences. The child was offered a ready-made game plan and an approximate distribution of roles, which ensured the variability of solving existing problems. As a result, there was a clear awareness of the child's own internal conflicts and contradictions that contribute to the development of anxiety.

A. I. Zakharov developed a technique of game psychotherapy, which proved effective when working with children's fears. At the same time, the sequence of receiving the child involved a conversation, then spontaneous play and directed play, and ended with suggestion.

Game psychotherapy has a therapeutic function, games provide the child with the opportunity in a conditional (weakened) form to survive traumatic life circumstances, respectively, an emotional response occurs - catharsis. Success in the game predetermines the best adaptation in real life due to the emotional saturation of the game, the child's critical rethinking of his own failures and fears in the game. Involving in play activities, the child overcomes the threshold of fear and shyness, learns to measure his own behavior with the requirements of others. Imitation in the game of your favorite heroes and characters helps to overcome fear and anxiety. Mastering the skills of a collective game saves children from excessive anxiety, and the emotional richness of games enriches the emotional world of the child. Thus, games serve as a natural form of neutralizing children's fears, allowing them to reproduce life situations that cause fear in an indirect form.

The main tasks aimed at overcoming fears by children in a role-playing game are the following:

the child's awareness of his own emotions and fears in a safe playful way;

reassessment of attitudes towards traumatic events and neutralization of the painful emotional effect;

overcoming fears, stiffness with the threat of falling into a new unexpected situation;

constructive resolution of anxious experiences through awareness of positive behavior patterns;

the formation of new forms of experiences in the child;

desensitization of fears, achievement of emotional decentration to remove communication barriers.

The advantages of art therapy in correcting children's fears are as follows:

art therapy acts as a means of non-verbal communication;

Fine arts activity is a kind of "bridge" between the psychologist and the child; drawing allows the child to express their own fears;

art therapy serves as a means of free self-expression and self-knowledge, has an "insight-oriented" character;

art therapy contributes to overcoming fears in children and the formation of an active life position;

the use of art therapy is effective in cases of emotional disorders - fears, anxiety;

art therapy is mediated by a common creative process, which makes it possible to facilitate the process of collective communication.

MB Dorokhov indicated the effectiveness of the correction of children's neurotic disorders by means of game isotherapy, in which the psychotherapist helps the child to reassess the content of the plots. According to A. I. Zakharov, the study of children's drawings helps to identify children's fears and phobias. Art therapy, when working with children's fears, operates with such methods as guidance, induction, emphasizing comfort and revealing painful experiences, images of the imagination. At the same time, along with emotional work, a relaxed attitude appears, which manifests itself in muscle relaxation.

Game psycho-correction, on the contrary, is represented by a mobilizing active game aimed at providing motor activity, in which external tension is combined with a growing internal one, turning into a response. Art therapy is aimed at realizing the transition to a deeper self-awareness of the child through a symbolic change in the child's attitude to the situation. Art therapy provides self-control and self-regulation while focusing the child's attention on the image of fear. Accordingly, there is a transformation of unconscious fear into a conscious one, which contributes to its understanding, allows you to manage it. According to L. A. Zolotarev, art therapy allows the child to get rid of tension and internal conflicts.

Puppet therapy as a method of art therapy is based on the identification of a child with a favorite fairy tale character; in the process of puppet therapy, the child projects the perceived experience into a game situation. The child, in the course of realizing fear in the form of a doll, gradually begins to control the situation, and the fear materialized in the doll loses its frightening component and helps to get rid of emotional stress.

In addition to artistic techniques (drawing, modeling, music, etc.) used for the psychological correction of fears, drama therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, etc. are widely used. The method of "fairy tale therapy psycho-correction" developed by T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva is also intended to combat children's fears. In fairy tales, children learn to cope with traumatic situations through the acquisition of emotional experience. Therapy with plastic movements allows you to track the child's condition, internal balance, psychosomatic tension. In dancing, psychomuscular clamps are removed, the causes of emotional tension and ways to deal with them are revealed.

According to L. A. Zolotareva, corrective work to overcome children's fears using art therapy helps the child get rid of excessive tension and internal conflicts. OI Kachurina believes that the "I" of the child is reflected in the process of creating artistic images absolutely spontaneously, since the child in the process of art therapy does not think about the product of creativity, reflecting all unconscious fears. A verbal description of fears can cause difficulties for a child, respectively, non-verbal means of art therapy will be the only possible way to express strong feelings.

Among the methods of art therapy, fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy and play therapy are considered the most familiar to children. The psychotherapeutic functions of the game have been known since the time of A. Freud and M. Klein, who studied the activity of the child in the game, as a result of which psychoanalysts interpreted the game as a means of self-expression of the child. In the process of non-directive therapy (W. Ecksline, G. L. Landreth), the child's personal resources were identified, taking into account the creation of safe psychotherapeutic conditions. D. Levy was presented with directive play therapy based on drawing up a plot that helps to identify the main problem of the child. A. I. Zakharov noted that the method of play therapy is highly effective in neutralizing the child’s fears caused by negative previous experiences.

The role-playing game in the gaming activities of older preschoolers experiencing various kinds of fears is an effective art-therapeutic tool that allows you to model and recreate positive and negative images to overcome fears. A.I. Zakharov has developed a technique of play psychotherapy that is effective in working out children's fears. This technique is represented by a complex of influences on the child, including family therapy.

Thus, art therapy is a psychotherapeutic method for correcting children's fears, based on the use of creativity and artistic techniques. Different types of art therapy are represented by drama therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, puppet therapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.


In the aggregate of the considered concepts and approaches, fear can be characterized as a basic emotional reaction arising from the objectification of anxiety under the influence of real, imaginary or suggested danger, a threat to social or biological existence.

Art therapy is a set of psycho-correctional techniques determined by genre belonging to a particular type of art, based on the use of visual and plastic expression.

Art therapy contributes to the normalization of the emotional state of the child, the neutralization of anxiety, a psychotherapeutic method for correcting children's fears.

In accordance with the nature and product of creative activity, there are such types of art therapy as drawing therapy, isotherapy, bibliotherapy, fairy tale therapy, writing stories, puppet therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, choreotherapy, drama therapy, sand and play therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

Chapter 2. An empirical study of fears in older preschool children

1 Research of fears in children of senior preschool age


2.Methodology for identifying children's fears "Fears in houses" authors of the methodology: Zakharov A.I. and Panfilova M.A.;



Experimental data processing methods: graphical display of data in the form of tables, histograms based on data obtained during the study.

Anxiety test (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki). The technique is a children's anxiety test. The projective test examines the anxiety characteristic of the child in typical life situations for him (where the corresponding personality traits are manifested to the greatest extent). High anxiety is often accompanied by a highly developed need to avoid failure and thus hinder the pursuit of success. Anxiety experienced by a child in one situation will not necessarily be the same in another. The significance of the situation depends on the negative emotional experience acquired by the child in these situations. Negative emotional experience forms anxiety as a personality trait and the corresponding behavior of the child. Psychodiagnostics of anxiety reveals the child's internal attitude to certain social situations, reveals the nature of the child's relationship with other people, in particular in the family, in kindergarten. The test is conducted individually with children 3-7 years old. Instructions and evaluation criteria are given in Appendix 1.

We present in Table 2.1 the results of one of the protocols filled out based on the results of surveys of children. Poll Edik M., age 6 years old, date of birth October 11, 2010.

Table 1

Interrogation protocol for Edik M.

DrawingChild StatementChoiceHappy FaceSad Face1. Playing with younger childrenHe doesn't want to play anymore+2. A child and a mother with a baby Walks with her mother +3. The object of aggression From anger wants to hit him with a chair +4. DressingIn order to go for a walk you need to get dressed+5. Playing with older kids It's great to play with kids who are older+6. Putting to bed aloneHe always sleeps with toys+7. Washing It's great to wash yourself +8. ReprimandMom wants to punish him+9. Ignoring Mom is busy because he has a younger brother +10. Aggressive attackSomeone takes the toy +11. Picking up toysMom makes him, but he doesn't want to +12. IsolationThey don't want to play with him+13. Child with parentsMom and dad walk with him+14. Eating alone Drinking milk and I like to drink milk +

The test drawings (Appendix 1) depict typical situations that differ in their emotional coloring. Based on the protocol data, using formula (1), we calculate the child's anxiety index.

According to the results of the study, Edik M. has a high level of anxiety. Edik's reaction in Fig. 1 has a particularly high projective value. 1 (Child with parents), fig. 1 (collecting toys), 14 (eating alone), fig. 1. (Aggressive attack).

According to the results of the study using the “Test of anxiety (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki)” method, we obtained the following: 14 children have an average level of anxiety, which is 70%, 4 subjects have a low level of anxiety, which is 20 %, 2 have high anxiety, which is 10%.

table 2

The results of the study according to the method "Test of anxiety (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki)"

Level of anxiety%number of subjectsHigh anxiety102Medium anxiety7014Low anxiety204

Graphically, the results are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of the level of anxiety according to the Anxiety test method (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki) "

2. Research on the method of identifying children's fears "Fears in the houses" Appendix 2, authors A.I. Zakharov and M.A. Panfilova. The technique is used to identify and clarify the prevailing types of fears in children. The child is asked questions to which he must answer and distribute these fears among the houses, in the black house - the fears that he is afraid of, in the red - those that he is not afraid of.

The results of the study according to the method "Fears in the houses" A.I. Zakharov and M.A. Panfilova are summarized in Tables 2.3, 2.4

Table 3

Research on the method of "Fears in the houses" of boys

Question No. Oleg F. Edik M. Gosha O. Dima B. Vadim Sh. Dmitry Yu. Roman L. Mikhail M. Ivan V. Kirril R.%1. when you are alone at homex202. нападение бандитов3 заболеть, заразитьсях104 умереть5 того, что умрут твои родителихх206 боязнь каких-то людейхххххх407 мамы или папыхх208 того, что они тебя накажутхххххххх809 сказочных персонажей: Бабы Яги, Кощея Бессмертного, Бармалея, Змея Горыныча, чудовищхххххххххх10010 опоздать в детский сад11 перед тем как заснутьх1012 темнотыхххх2013 scary dreams xxxxxxxxxx8014 wolf, bear, dogs, spiders, snakes (fears of animals) xxxxxxxxxx8015 cars, trains, planes (fears of transport) xxxxxxx6016 storms, hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes (fears of the elements) 17 when very high (fear of heights) 18 when very deep (fear of depth)x1019 in a small, cramped room, room, toilet, crowded bus, subway (fear of enclosed space)20 water21 firesxxx4022 firesxxx2023 warsxxx4024 large streets, squares25 doctors26 bloodxxxx4027 injectionsxxxx4028 pain29 sudden, sharp sounds when something suddenly falls, knocknetx10Number of fears7778799878

Table 4

Research on the method of "Fears in the houses" of girls

Question No. Olga I. Svetlana R. Sveta V. Irina Z. Olga Z. Masha T. Larisa D. Anelina D. Lyudmila L. Anna O.%1. when you are alone at homex202. нападение бандитов3 заболеть, заразитьсяхх204 умереть5 того, что умрут твои родителихх206 боязнь каких-то людейхххх407 мамы или папыхх208 того, что они тебя накажутхххххххх809 сказочных персонажей: Бабы Яги, Кощея Бессмертного, Бармалея, Змея Горыныча, чудовищхххххххххх10010 опоздать в детский сад11 перед тем как заснутьхх2012 темнотыхххх4013 scary dreams xxxxxxxxxx8014 wolf, bear, dogs, spiders, snakes (fears of animals) xxxxxxxxxx10015 cars, trains, planes (fears of transport) xxxx4016 storms, hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes (fears of the elements) 17 when very high (fear of heights) 18 when very deep (fear of depth)x2019 in a small, cramped room, indoors, toilet, crowded bus, subway (fear of enclosed space)20 water21 firesxxxx6022 firesxxx4023 warsxxxx4024 large streets, squares25 doctors26 bloodxx2027 injectionsxxxxxx6028 painxxxxxxxxx8029 sudden, sharp sounds when something suddenly falls knocknthxxx40Number of fears8999899899

Based on the results, it can be argued that the number of fears in children of this group corresponds to the age norm: boys - 7 fears, girls - 9 fears.

Thus, it is possible to single out the main groups of fears to which the studied middle-aged children are subject:

Fairy tale characters;

Pain (in girls);


That they will punish you;

Darkness, terrible dreams;

This is a group of fears that have a "mythological", "imaginary" character, represented by mythological characters and animals. Children are intimidated, on the one hand, by real objects, which are given fantastic sizes and properties, and on the other hand, by purely imaginary creatures.

Anya O.'s scary characters reflect her parents' fear of punishment. Regarding Baba Yaga, the girl says: "Mom turned into Babu Yaga", which may indicate a lack of love, pity and sympathy from the mother.

Darkness in Edik M. causes fear of imaginary robbers or monsters, anxiety in connection with possible physical injury or death.

The need for protection from the father from an imaginary danger was expressed in her own way by Maria T .: "The Pope is needed in order to kill the villains."

Oleg F. and Vadim Sh. talk about the wolf, about the bear, that they come and eat children, Edik M., Vadim Sh., Maria T., Anna O. - about the uncle - that he takes the children with him in a bag.

Edik M., Gosha O., Larisa D. and Angelina D. note a number of fantastic creatures: sorcerers, goblin, Baba Yaga, green goblin, dinosaur, etc.

Methodology "Fears in the houses" by A. I. Zakharov and M. A. Panfilova based on the results, we can conclude:

the fear of loneliness in girls in 20% of cases manifested itself as often as in boys (20%);

fear of death of parents in girls - 20% and in boys - 0%;

fear of getting sick, getting infected in girls was observed in 20% of cases, in boys it is not observed;

fear of injections was observed in girls in 60%, in boys in 40% of cases;

fear of fire in girls - 60% of answers, in boys also 40%;

fear of war in girls - 40%, in boys - 40%;

fear of the dark - 60% in girls and 20% in boys;

fear of bad dreams in 60% of girls and 80% of boys;

fear of depth in 20% in girls and 0% in boys;

fear of cars, trains, planes (fear of transport) was found in 40% of girls and 60% of boys;

fear of fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, Barmaley, Serpent Gorynych, monsters - girls noted in 100% and boys in 100%;

fear that they will punish you in 80% of girls and 80% of boys;

fear - fear of some people in 40% of girls and 40% of boys.

Figure 2. The results of the study according to the method "Fears in the houses"

It was found that among the children there were more girls from single-parent families, since the composition of the family has a significant impact on the number of fears. In girls, the increase in fears most likely depends on the very fact of communicating with a restless, unsupported mother.

Also, very often it is watching TV shows that causes the emergence of children's fears. The only children in the family are most susceptible to fear as the epicenter of parental worries and anxieties. According to the method of "Fears in the houses" the following results were obtained:


Rice. Fig. 3. Distribution of indicators of the level of children's fears according to the method "Fears in houses"

Based on the data obtained, we can say that all diagnosed children (20 people) experience fears. A high level of fear is observed in 8 people, which is 40% of all diagnosed, and the average and low levels have the same number of children of primary school age - 5 people each (20% each).

Table 5

Average indicators of the number of fears


Rice. 4. Distribution of indicators of the number of fears among boys and girls

Analysis of the data reflected in the table shows that the average indicators in the boy's group exceed the normalized values. That is, we can say that the emotional development of boys is at a lower level.

2. Projective drawing test "Draw your fear" A.I. Zakharov.

Participants are invited to draw their fear and give it a name. Participants take turns talking about their drawings. There is a discussion. After that, the participants are offered several options to choose from to get rid of their fear: destroy the drawing (fear); turn scary into funny by drawing a picture; decorate it so that it pleases itself and becomes good; Or come up with your own version.

The desire to draw is inherent in children. It testifies to the development of thinking and the need to express oneself. Drawing, like a game, is not only a reflection of the surrounding reality in the minds of children, but also its modeling, an expression of attitude towards it. Therefore, through drawings, one can better understand the interests of children, their deep, not always disclosed experiences, and take this into account when eliminating fears.

When analyzing the diagnosed material (20 drawings), the following results were obtained: the majority of children have a pronounced fear of animals (80%), 16% of children have a fear of closed spaces (elevators) and one child (5%) has a socially mediated fear, he is afraid of a criminal . From a conversation with children, the main causes of fears were identified, such as: the presence of fears in parents (mainly in mothers): anxiety in relation to the child, excessive protection from dangers and isolation from communication with peers; excessive demands of parents, excessive parental care; a large number of prohibitions on the part of parents, a divergence of opinions of parents in education, as well as threats from adults for wrongdoing, conflict relations between parents; psychological infection with fears in the process of direct communication with peers. The results of the study allow us to speak about a fairly high level of anxiety and fears in the children of the surveyed group. Based on the data obtained, we should talk about the need to work with children to prevent and correct fears in this group.

Projective test "Fairy Tale" (Fairy Tale "Fear") by Louise Duss

When analyzing the test results, both positive and negative results were selected and used as a guideline for use in the process of direct observation of the development of the child's personality.

The test consists of ten fairy tales with different goals. All results were entered into a table, where non-verbal behavior and interpretations were revealed.

Consider the results of the projective test "Fairy Tale" by Louise Duss, which allows you to identify the emotional and personal characteristics and problems of children. Children with increased aggressiveness 25%, high aggressiveness 15%, medium aggressiveness 50%, low aggressiveness 10%.

Rice. Fig. 5. Distribution of indicators of the level of aggressiveness according to the method of "Fairy Tale" by Louise Duss

In older preschool age, the need for communication with peers, the need for a children's team, is especially acute. The relationship of children, their character, orientation form, develop and correct the emotional sphere of the child. Features of emotions affect the relationship of children, regulate their communication. Along with the experiences of pleasure and dissatisfaction associated with the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of immediate desires, older preschoolers have more complex feelings caused by how well they performed their duties, what significance their actions have for other people. Therefore, the unsatisfactory position in the group of peers is experienced by children very acutely and is often the cause of affective reactions.

Dissatisfaction with the need to communicate with peers leads to increased anxiety, aggressiveness, feelings of self-doubt, and the consolidation of negative emotions in preschoolers.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions:

the analysis of fears of children of the senior preschool age is carried out. Differences in the content of fears in boys and girls aged 6-7 were revealed. Data have been obtained confirming the presence of types and types of fears that manifest themselves in children with different frequencies. The data obtained indicate the connection between the characteristics of parent-child relationships, the type of emotional interaction between a parent and a child, and the emergence of fears in children.

2.2 Program for the correction of fears in preschool children using art therapy methods

In the study, we proposed an art therapy program.

The purpose of this individual art therapy program is a complex psycho-correctional, psycho-prophylactic for fears in children of senior preschool age.

-weakening or elimination of behavioral and emotional disorders present in preschoolers, appearing in the form of fears, anxiety-phobic reactions and neurotic symptoms, aggressive tendencies, impulsivity, symptoms of psychosomatic disorders;

-the formation of positive self-esteem;

-realization of creative potential;

-development of mental self-regulation skills and the ability to express emotions constructively, contributing to their more successful adaptation to school and society.

The use of this program does not imply any age restrictions, but is designed for older preschoolers with disorders in the emotional sphere and personal sphere (depression, phobias, anxiety, aggressiveness, low self-esteem). The duration of classes, given the specifics (individual creativity), cannot be strictly regulated. On average, the time for conducting one lesson can be from 1 hour to 2 hours. Classes are held once a week. It is also possible to implement the program in the form of group work (from 3 to 10 people), which introduces some adjustments to the interaction in the group (discussion and adoption of the rules of work in the group, group discussion of the results of activities, group reflection).

Expected results:

-Releasing the child from negative experiences (phobias, fears, etc.), within personal conflicts;

-Adequate self-esteem;

-Satisfaction with yourself and your environment;

-Freedom of creative self-manifestation;

-Ability to work with your experiences (analysis, response, acceptance, etc.);

-Disclosure of internal resources of the child;

-The desire for self-knowledge and self-expression.

-Developed sense of internal control.

The main elements of the program are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1

The main stages of the program of corrective work

Stage name Contents Orientation stage In group classes, an emotionally positive contact is established with each child, group members get to know each other and relationships are established, orientation in the room environment, as well as familiarity with the rules and norms of behavior during classes The stage of objectifying conflict situations and emotional experiences At this stage, the following tasks are set : objectification of negative tendencies of the child's personal development in visual activity, in communication with peers; diagnosing the difficulties of the child's personal development and the peculiarities of his behavior in conflict situations with the help of artistic and productive activities; the child's emotional response to negative feelings and experiences. Individual stage The main tasks at this stage are as follows: the formation of adequate ways of behavior in conflict situations; development of the ability to realize oneself and one's capabilities, overcoming self-doubt; formation of the ability to voluntary regulation of emotions; formation of prerequisites for overcoming anxiety and fears Generalizing and reinforcing stage The tasks of this stage: generalization of the adequate ways of the child's behavior formed at the previous stage, ways to overcome anxiety and fears.

Rice. 1. The structure of group art therapy work

Table 2 provides an example of thematic planning.

Table 2.

Thematic planning

No. Topic of the lesson Duration of the lesson Deadlines 1 Lesson 1. Introductory. 1-2 hours 1 week 2 Lesson 2. "Doodles". 1-2 hours 2 weeks 3 Lesson 3. "Draw a feeling". hours 4 weeks 5 Lesson 5. "Stories in pictures". 1-2 hours 5 weeks 6 Lessons 6. "Monotype". 2 hours 9 week 7 Lesson 10. Final lesson. 1-2 hours 10 week

For the preparatory mood, you can use various games, motor and dance exercises, simple visual techniques. For example, you can use the educational cartoon "Doodle" - we learn to draw with a pencil along with the characters of the educational cartoon Doodle! Poncho has prepared something special for Flomik because today is Flomik's birthday. In the meantime, Flomik guesses what is in the picture, Poncho and I will learn how to draw a cake! All warm-up exercises involve the concentration of children's attention on their own feelings, feelings, emotional states.

The second stage (“warming up”) includes elements of finger gymnastics, exercises in a notebook or drawing to music, breathing exercises. An example of finger gymnastics "Birds" in Figure 2.5.

Finger games, according to the author, are very emotional, exciting, reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games", children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity, they have a positive effect on the child's contact with himself, with his body, give a charge of positive emotions.

Rice. 1. An example of finger gymnastics "Birds".

Table 3. shows another version of finger gymnastics

child fear art therapy

Table 3

Finger gymnastics

Action If the fingers are sad - they want kindness. We press our fingers tightly to the palm of our hand. If the fingers cry - someone offended them. Shake with brushes. We will regret our fingers - we will warm our hands with kindness, breathe on them. 1 at the bottom we stroke the palm with the other palm Let the palms hug, play let them cross their fingers a little, palms press the fingers of two hands quickly and easily knock Each finger needs to be taken and hugged tightly, each finger is clamped in the fist

In the second stage, elements of music and dance therapy can be included in combination with fine art. In the content of the second stage, it is advisable to include exercises for the development of spatial orientation, coordination of movements and graphic skills, where it is necessary, for example, to draw with both hands at the same time a drawing according to a model, whether it be: “Seascape” or “Geometric figures” or “House with a pipe”. In the second stage, you can alternate exercises: for example, in one lesson, use exercises to develop spatial orientation, in another - exercises that are performed in a notebook, in the third - breathing exercises, and in the fourth lesson - musical exercises.

Exercises in individual notebooks are designed to liberate the child, setting him up for artistic and productive activities. Examples of such exercises are drawing by reference points, graphic exercises - “Trace along lines”, “Rain”, “Paths”, “Connect by points”, “Hatching”, etc.

At the third stage (actualization of sensations, emotions), therapeutic exercises with sand are used. First, the guys imagine the situation, their feelings of fear in a particular situation, and then talk about their feelings. They depict the feelings they experience on a tray of sand with the help of various kinds of prints and lines.

Playing with sand is a kind of self-therapy of a child with the help of a psychologist. The child is the master in the sand box and, experiencing this feeling, he becomes stronger internally, because he can change his pictures, plots, attitudes and moods. There are wars in the games on the sand, the struggle between good and evil, but the child always knows that good will win! And this experience is very important for his future life. In sand therapy, children gain inner freedom and confidence that no one will judge them and accept them as they are. First on the sand, and then in real life!

The purpose of such therapy is not to change and remake the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to be himself.

What are the benefits of playing with sand?

-develop perception, thinking, memory, attention, speech, self-control and self-regulation skills, creative thinking, imagination and fantasy;

-form the child's ideas about the world around;

-develop fine motor skills, eye;

-calm and relax, relieving stress;

-nurture a sense of success and self-confidence (that's how I can do it!);

-help to know the outer and inner world.

The forms and options of sand therapy include:

-game methods. A didactic game workshop using a sandbox is used for the smallest. Scientists have proven that sand absorbs negative energy, calms, fills with harmony. That is why it is so useful for kids to play in the sandbox.

-for the purpose of diagnosis (individual and group form).

-method of psycho-corrective influence (for example, if the child has emotional and behavioral disorders of a neurotic nature. In other cases, as an aid to stimulate the child, develop his sensorimotor skills, reduce emotional stress, etc.)

-as a psychoprophylactic, developmental agent. Psychoprophylaxis is carried out in order to prevent problem situations. Having a remarkable property to “ground” negative mental energy, sand is an excellent psychoprophylactic agent. Psychoprophylactic and developmental aspects are manifested in the production of fairy tales and myths in the sandbox. Playing with your child, you can pass on your own life experience to him.

-in psychological counseling for children, adolescents and adults. As a primary psychological aid.

The fourth stage of the lesson is very important, it involves individual creativity for the child to explore his own feelings, problems and experiences. The child in a symbolic form communicates about himself, tries to understand and analyze emotions, consciously evoke, manage and, to a certain extent, control them. At the stage of individual work, children draw fear in the form of a mask with charcoal. In Appendix 3<#"justify">The use of art therapy exercises has a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the child, changing his behavior, correcting some of his negative personality traits and developing thought processes. A favorable emotional state contributes to the development of creativity, creativity and, accordingly, the positive development of the child's personality.

To reduce the number of fears experienced by the child, we conducted corrective classes with the help of art therapy.

After the implementation of the social rehabilitation program described above, which was supposed to increase the level of social adaptation of preschool children, a final measurement of the level of fears of anxiety in children was carried out. The results of the repeated measurement of the parameters are shown in Figures 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9.

According to the results of the study using the “Test of anxiety (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki)” method, we obtained the following: 14 children have an average level of anxiety, which is 70%, 6 subjects have a low level of anxiety, which is 30 %, the high level of anxiety in children disappeared. Graphically, the results are presented in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6. The results of the study according to the method "Test of anxiety (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki)"

The results of the re-measurement of parameters are presented in Figure 2.6.

Rice. 2.6. Distribution of indicators of levels of aggressiveness according to the "Fairy tale" method of Louise Duss after the experiment

After the implementation of the correctional program, the results of a survey based on the method of "Fears in the houses" by A. I. Zakharov and M. A. Panfilova allowed us to reduce the previously identified children's fears. The results of the study are shown in fig. 2.8.

Rice. 2.8. The results of the study according to the method "Fears in the houses"

From the data in Figure 2.8. it can be seen that both boys and girls have decreased fears of the death of their parents, punishment, fairy-tale characters, darkness, terrible dreams, animals, fire, war, and injections.

When analyzing the diagnosed material of the projective drawing test “Draw your fear”, A.I. Zakharov. (20 drawings), after corrective work, the following results were obtained: the fear of animals decreased from 80% to 60%, the fear of closed spaces (elevators) decreased from 16% to 10%, the socially mediated fear of the fear of a criminal disappeared.

Thus, as a result of the implementation of the program for the psychological correction of fears by means of art therapy in children of senior preschool age, the level of fears of the subjects has significantly decreased, as well as the fears experienced.

The use of art therapy exercises in correctional work allows you to get the following positive results: provides effective emotional response; facilitates the process of communication for closed, shy children; has an additional impact on the child's awareness of his feelings, experiences, emotional states; significantly increases personal value, helps to increase self-confidence.


Recently, the issues of diagnosing and correcting fears have become of great importance due to their fairly wide distribution among children. In connection with the foregoing, there is an acute need for an integrated approach to solving the problem of correcting children's fears.

Fears, emotional disturbances can be corrected and disappear without consequences in children under ten years of age. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, to take measures to overcome the child's phobias. In this regard, the most relevant for practical psychology and pedagogy is the task of finding the most effective ways to identify and overcome the mental ill-being of the child.

Emotion as a process is the activity of evaluating information about the external and internal world that enters the brain. Emotions are difficult to volitionally regulate, it is difficult to evoke them at will. Fear is an emotion that occurs in situations of threat to the biological or social existence of a person. A. I. Zakharov offers the following typology of fears:

-specific fears,

-symbolic fears,

-instilled childhood fears.

Children's need for vivid images is insatiable. It is necessary not only to satisfy it, but also to use it for the development of attention, observation, prevention and correction of anxiety and fears. Some children feel and understand more than they can say, they intuitively choose a drawing among other ways of expressing themselves. This kind of non-verbal way of communication allows children to respond to their emotional problems, which is why we consider art therapy exercises to be the most suitable for overcoming fears in working with preschoolers.

Art therapy is a method associated with revealing the creative potential of a person, releasing his hidden energy reserves and, as a result, finding the best ways to solve his problems. The basis of art therapy is the use of artistic creative activity as a healing, distracting, harmonizing factor. It focuses on the inherent potential of any person at different age stages, strength, well-being, focuses on the natural manifestation of emotions, feelings, moods.

There are many types of art therapy. These are phototherapy, sand therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, puppet therapy, color therapy, music, play, dance therapy, etc. These types are actively used in psychological practice. With regard to preschool children with symptoms of anxiety, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, dance therapy, play therapy, and puppet therapy are common types of correction.

The basic principles of art-therapeutic interaction with children in the treatment of anxiety are consonant with the humanistic theory of education:

to maintain in the child his dignity and a positive image of "I";

talk about the situation, the act and its consequences, and not discuss the personality and character of the child himself;

note developmental shifts by comparing the child with himself, and not with other children;

not to use negative value judgments, negative forecasting;

do not impose on the child ways of activity and behavior contrary to his desire;

accept and encourage all products of the child's creative activity, regardless of content, form, quality.

To identify children's fears in our study, we used:

1.Anxiety test (R. Temple, V. Amen, M. Dorki).

2.Methodology for identifying children's fears "Fears in the houses" the authors of the methodology: Alexander Ivanovich Zakharov and Marina Alexandrovna Panfilova;

.Projective drawing test "Draw your fear" A.I. Zakharov.

4.Projective test "Fairy Tale" (Fairy Tale "Fear") by Louise Duss.

The study was conducted between February 02, 2016. to March 1, 2016 in MBDOU Kindergarten No. 50 "Spark" in the senior group. The study covered 20 children (9 girls and 11 boys) aged 6-7.

According to the results of the study, in order to reduce the number of fears experienced by the child, we have compiled a program for the correction of fears (with the help of art therapy), which includes four main stages of work.

Orientation stage.

Stage of objectification of conflict situations and emotional experiences.

individual stage.

Generalizing-fixing stage.

Based on the results, corrective exercises were carried out. As a result of the work carried out, the girls' fears decreased, such as the fear of staying at home alone, getting sick, getting infected, getting lost; fairy tale characters, nightmares, transport, water, do something wrong. The boys' fear of falling ill, getting infected, mothers and fathers, and getting lost has decreased. The fear of fairy-tale characters, nightmares, animals, transport has also become less, as well as the fear of doctors, injections, and pain.

In general, based on the analysis of the results of the empirical study, we can note a positive trend in children in the process of correcting fears.


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53. Abramkina S.N. Psychological and pedagogical correction of fears among preschoolers // Scientific and methodological electronic journal Concept<#"justify">Attachment 1

Anxiety test R. Tamml, M. Dorki, W. Amen. Method "Choose the right person". Projective diagnosis of children:

Instruction. During the study, the drawings are presented to the child in strict sequence, one after the other. Having shown the child a drawing, testing for each of them gives an instruction-explanation of the following content (see in the processing for the test)

Fig.1. Playing with younger children: “What do you think the child’s face will be, happy or sad? He (she) plays with the kids Fig.2. Child and mother with baby: “What do you think this child’s face will be: sad or cheerful? He (she) walks with his mother and baby. Fig.3. Object of aggression: “What do you think this child’s face will be: happy or sad?” Fig.4. Dressing: “What do you think this child’s face will be: happy or sad? He (she) is dressing. Fig.5. Game with older children: “What kind of face do you think this child will have: cheerful or sad? He (she) plays with the older children.” Rice. 6. Going to bed alone: ​​“What do you think this child will have: happy or sad? He (she) goes to sleep. Fig.7. Washing: “What kind of face do you think this child will have: cheerful or sad? He (she) is in the bathroom. Fig.8. Reprimand: “What do you think this child’s face will be: cheerful or sad?” Fig.9. Ignoring: "What do you think this child's face will be: happy or sad?" Fig.10. Aggressive attack: "Do you think this child will have a happy or sad face?" Fig.11. Collecting toys: “What do you think this child will have: happy or sad? He (she) puts away toys Fig.12. Isolation: “What do you think this child’s face will be: happy or sad?” Fig.13. Child with parents: “What kind of face do you think this child will have: cheerful or sad? He (she) with his mom and dad. Fig.14. Eating alone: ​​“What do you think this child’s face will be: happy or sad? He (she) eats.

In order to avoid perseverative choices, the name of the person alternates in the instructions for the child. The child is not asked any additional questions.

The child's choice of the appropriate person and the child's verbal statements can be recorded in a special protocol (forms must be prepared in advance).

sample protocol

DrawingChild StatementChoiceHappy FaceSad Face1. Playing with younger children 2. Child and mother with baby3. Object of aggression4. Dressing5. Playing with older children Putting to sleep alone 7. Washing8. Reprimand9. Ignoring 10. Aggressive attack 11. Collecting toys 12. Isolation13. Child with parents 14. Eating alone The protocols received from each child are further analyzed, which has two forms: quantitative and qualitative. Key, interpretation. Quantitative analysis. Based on the protocol data, the child's anxiety index (IT) is calculated, which is equal to the percentage of the number of emotionally negative choices (sad face) to the total number of drawings (14):

Depending on the level of the anxiety index, children are divided into 3 groups:

a) high level of anxiety (IT over 50%);

b) the average level of anxiety (IT from 20 to 50%);

c) low level of anxiety (TI from 0 to 20%).

Qualitative analysis. The child is analyzed individually. Conclusions are drawn regarding the possible nature of the child's emotional experience in this (and similar) situation.

Annex 2

Test "Fears in the houses"

Adult<#"justify">Question number Surname and name of the child1. when you are alone at home. attack by bandits3 get sick, get infected4 die5 that your parents will die6 fear of some people7 mom or dad8 that they will punish you9 fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, Barmaley, Serpent Gorynych, monsters10 being late for kindergarten11 before falling asleep12 darkness13 terrible dreams 14 wolf, bear, dogs, spiders, snakes (fears of animals) 15 cars, trains, planes (fears of transport) 16 storms, hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes (fears of the elements) 17 when very high (fear of heights) 18 when very deep (fear of depth)19 in a small, cramped room, room, toilet, crowded bus, subway (fear of enclosed space)20 water21 fire22 fire23 war24 large streets, squares25 doctors26 blood27 injections28 pain29 sudden, sharp sounds when something suddenly falls, knockNumber of fears

Appendix 3

Art therapy work with the emotion of fear (fairy tale characters, attacks, natural disasters, etc.).

Task: draw fear in the form of a mask on a piece of paper using art charcoal; tear off excess paper with your fingers - background.

Children's work ("Mask of fear")

Collective creativity

Appendix 4

Plasticine painting

Target. Help to believe in one's own strength, remove distrust in one's hand, develop creative imagination. Develop eye, hand confidence and accuracy of movements. Learn to create your own image; develop hand confidence and movement accuracy.

Children's work ("Fruits")

<#"justify">Annex 5

An example of an art therapy session

"Good Baba Yaga"

Purpose: assistance in overcoming the fear of fairy-tale characters, development of spontaneity, reflection, manifestation of true feelings.

Materials: rectangular trays 50x70x7 in size, colored pencils, paper (white), pieces of fabric of various textures and colors in the shape of an equilateral triangle, rubber rings to strengthen the patch on the finger in the form of a scarf.

Preparatory mood

Drawing to music

Leading. Take a pencil, close your eyes and try to draw circles and squares of any size on a piece of paper.

Consider your drawing, draw the shapes. What did you get?

Now take another sheet of paper, and also a pencil of the color that matches the mood at the moment, and again draw circles and squares, only now with open eyes. Swap a drawing with your friend and draw his image to a recognizable object.

Tell us what you've got now.

warm up

Breathing exercise

"Merry Mourners": imitation of crying, loud sobs, accompanied by sharp, intermittent movements of the shoulders and noisy inhalation without exhalation (30 seconds).

Actualization of sensations, emotions

Art therapy exercises with sand

Leading. Everyone has a sand tray on the table - this is a sand country. Let's "light up the sand country" (candle game).

Penetration into the sand.

What does the sand feel like? It's warm, can you feel it?

Now, guys, close your eyes and listen to the story of Baba Yaga. Are you scared? For courage, dip your hands in the sand, it will give you strength. You can compress and decompress them.

Listening with closed eyes to the "terrible story" about Baba Yaga (description of her appearance).

Children share their impressions about what they imagined, what emotions and feelings this character evokes.

Leading. Smooth the surface of the sand with your hands to make it even.

sand base

Exercises on the smoothed surface of the sand - "Autographs".

Leading. Put your mark on this area. Now you are not afraid of anything! You can start the task.

Individual work (drawing, craft)

Leading. Now we will make a doll (character - Baba Yaga).

What do you think the expression on this character's face is?

What is he - good, evil, cowardly? ..

Ready-made templates are distributed in which the facial expression and character of the invented character are drawn.

Draw a suitable face for your character.

Choose a suitable outfit for your character (everyone has pieces of fabric in the shape of an equilateral triangle that are different in texture and color on the table).

Tell us, what kind of Baba Yaga did you get?

Children's work "Evil Baba Yaga"

Do you guys know that a bad person is an unhappy person? Unfortunate people try not to show their failures, but show negative character traits in relation to others. Baba Yaga is an elderly woman who has no family, which is why she is evil. She doesn't have to be afraid. We must sympathize with her and somehow help her become kinder.

Let's make a kind old woman out of another piece of fabric.

Each member of the group is invited to choose a piece of fabric of any color and fasten it on their finger, and also draw the face of the “good Baba Yaga” on the template.

Children's work "Good Baba Yaga"

Ritual dramatization "Spontaneous theater"

Leading. Come up with a story, make up a story on behalf of a new, kind old woman who, for example, had two grandchildren. She lived not in a hut on chicken legs, but in a village ...

A conversation about the experiences of children.

Guys, what fears would you give to a good Baba Yaga, and which ones to an evil one?

Draw your fears on pieces of paper (4-5 minutes), now crush them and bury them in the sand.

Pour sand from one hand to another, repeat after me: “I am brave, I am strong, now I am not afraid ...” (list your fears).

Task "Enumeration of fears"


Exercise for the development of imagination: "Let's help Baba Yaga become better ..."

Leading. Guys, Baba Yaga is tired of being evil, she wants to help people. But the trouble is - she has nothing to wear, and she does not want to appear in rags.

Children are invited, like good wizards, to help Baba Yaga. The girls need to make a beautiful dress for her, and the boys need to make crystal shoes, coloring them with pencils, felt-tip pens of their choice, and then come up with a continuation of the fairy tale.

The final stage

Reflective analysis

Leading. So, guys, the lesson is coming to an end.

What did you feel when you created the scary Baba Yaga character?

What is she?

How did you help her get better?

How can you help yourself and others if you suddenly become scared?

Children's work "Dress for Baba Yaga"

Appendix 6

Examples of counter-suggestive exercises in art therapy correction

Basic procedures:

Preparatory mood.

2. "Warming up" (finger gymnastics, breathing, graphic exercises, exercises to music).

3. Actualization of sensations, emotions (art therapy exercises with sand).

4. Individual work (drawing, craft).

Dramatization, discussion.

Collective work.

Conclusion (reflection).

The following exercises were used in the "Preparatory mood" stage:

one). "Look at yourself in the mirror"

The psychologist brings the doll in, introduces the children to it, and talks to them on behalf of the doll. The doll “approaches” the mirror and, admiring herself, notes that she is a girl, in a beautiful dress with a long braid, describes her appearance, hairstyle, hair and eye color. Then the teacher, on behalf of the doll, invites the children to look at themselves in the mirror and talk about their appearance.

Ask questions as needed:

Who are you? (girl or boy).

What is your dress, suit, eye color, hair color?

2). color games

Exercises: "Line Relay", "Autographs", games with color.

Depict certain emotions with the help of lines and colors (according to the method of M. Betensky - fear, love, anger). The main condition: the drawings must be abstract, i.e. not contain specific images, pictograms, stamp symbols (hearts, flowers, arrows, etc.).

Everyone works independently. The image of one emotion is given 2-3 minutes. There is no discussion at this stage.

Stage "Warming up" (finger gymnastics, breathing, graphic exercises, exercises to music).

Exercises at the second stage of the classes were aimed at teaching the methods of self-control and self-regulation of mental states, the activation and development of thinking, feelings, which is determined by B.F. Porshnev as "the general line of counter-suggestion".

one). Exercise for the development of sensorimotor skills

Draw with both hands at the same time in a notebook a seascape according to the model:

). Exercise "Owl":

a) Squeeze the left shoulder with the right hand. Turn your head to the left and look back over your shoulder. Pull your shoulders back with force. Deep breath, breath holding, breath. Look back over the right shoulder, again forcefully spread the shoulders. Inhale, hold, exhale.

b) Lower your arms, drop your head on your chest. Inhale, exhale.

c) Repeat, holding the right shoulder with the left hand.

3). Etude "Rain" (an expression of joy and pleasure)

Let's expose our face to golden raindrops. The head is thrown back, the mouth is half open, the eyes are closed. The wind stopped and it got warmer. The muscles of the face are relaxed, the shoulders and arms are lowered. Is it good under this rain? The only thing missing is the sun! So it appears, it starts to warm up.

But what is it? Again a small cloud is approaching.

). Etude "Cloud" (the product of social feelings - selfishness)

The cloud began to cover all the sun and does not allow us to warm up. Let's ask to move away from the sun so that we have enough sun?

Cloud, please step aside a little, let us warm ourselves!

And the cloud is so important, it enveloped the sun even more and says: “This is my sun, I want it to warm only me, and I won’t go anywhere.”

Let's show how selfish the cloud looks down on everyone: the eyes are slightly lowered, the eyebrows are slightly raised, the corners of the lips are down. Let's say, a cloud: "This is my sun, I want it to warm only me!"

Is it beautiful, right? What do we do?

Why did the cloud do this? What is she? (Selfish, thinks only of herself and does not think of others.) Does she act beautifully? What would you do in her place? How can we be? Do we want to bask in the sun too?

Let's drive the cloud away: blow on it like the wind (everyone blows, changing strength).

Fly away, cloud, into the night! (Children repeat words.)

So the cloud left, and the sun shone for all the children. Is everyone warm? Is everyone sun dried?

). Search for an image through movements to music

(Slow, melodic musical composition sounds (without words).

Close your eyes and try to see the forest.

Imagine yourself as a tree. Find a place for him among other trees.

Choose a suitable place in the audience space where it is convenient for the “tree” to swing its branches, grow up and even dance.

Show with movements, dance, how it feels.

A lone tree is open to all winds: in summer the sun mercilessly fries it, in winter it is cooled by frost.

Even a beast finds it difficult to hide under a lonely tree. Whether business, when nearby there are kind and reliable friends.

Let's try together to create an image of a very strong, mighty tree.

Stand next to each other in a circle. What a huge, reliable trunk the tree turned out to be! And the branches stretch upward, intertwining with each other. In such a crown it is warm and cozy for squirrels and birds. And the tree itself is not afraid of anything: neither a storm, nor a thunderstorm, nor loneliness.

6). Breathing exercise "Singer":

a) Deep breath. At the same time, hands slowly rise through the sides up.

b) Holding the breath on the inhale.

in) Exhale with an open, strong sound A-A-A. We slowly lower our hands.

G) Inhale. Hands rise to shoulder level through the sides.

e) Breath holding.

e) Slow exhalation with a strong sound O-O-O, hug yourself by the shoulders, lowering your head to your chest.

g) Slow deep breath. At the same time, raise your hands to chest level.

h) Holding the breath.

i) Slow exhalation with a strong sound U-U-U. At the same time, the hands go down, the head on the chest.

3. Actualization of sensations, emotions (exercises and art therapy exercises with sand)

The third stage "actualization of sensations, emotions" involved the activation of feelings (emotive reactions) in the process of art therapy exercises with and without sand, where the child was distracted from the traumatic situation in his imagination, imagining himself in a new fearless image. At this stage, the following counter-suggestive techniques were used: dialogue, conversation with the image to clarify the psychological content; mental action with an image that adequately resolves the problem; contemplation, which involves focusing on one or another negative quality of the image.

one). Everyone knows the feeling of fear. Close your eyes and imagine the situation, your feelings when you were scared. Come up with a name for this.

Open your eyes and talk about your feelings.

2). Listening to the musical work of P. Tchaikovsky "Disease of the Doll".

There was a problem with our doll: she got sick. Look at her how unhappy she is - tears are dripping from her eyes, her nose is not breathing, her throat hurts, her legs are dragging, etc. - But the doll does not want to be treated, she is very afraid of doctors, pills, injections and all that.

Mom persuaded me to go to the doctor, but our doll flatly refused.

She lay in bed and did not want to eat, drink or play with other dolls.

Mom was very worried, but she could not convince the doll.

3). Etude "Thunderstorm" (expression of fear) (Musical accompaniment. For example, M. Rauchverger "Thunder".)

The sun began to go behind the cloud and disappeared.

Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed. How scary!

A terrible wind arose. Let's lower the head and pull it into the shoulders, cover the head with petals (hands), you can sit down.

Petals of flowers are fenced off from a terrible thunderstorm, palms up.

We even shook from fear, we raise our eyebrows up, we open our eyes wide, we open our mouth a little.

The storm has passed, nothing else rattles, the lightning does not flash, only a little rain has dripped.

Let's draw our fear.

). - You, fearless knight, sweep away all troubles on your way! Smooth the surface of the sand with your hands to make it even.

). Exercises on the smoothed surface of the sand - "Autographs". Task: put your mark on this territory. Now you are not afraid of anything and must protect this "land".

Think up and tell the story of how the natives attacked your "land", and you defended yourself with your army.

6). Candle game: "Let's light up the sand country."

Penetration into the sand.

What does the sand feel like?

Sand Man:

It (sand) is warm, do you feel it?

I'll introduce you to my family, close your eyes.

Dip two palms into the sandbox, feel the power - this is my dad - the Lord of the Sand.

My mother is the Lady of the Sea.

7). Exercises on the smoothed surface of the sand - drawings, prints.

Task: draw with a stick the people with whom you live.

eight). "Find out who I'm talking about..."

The psychologist describes the appearance of one of the children, and they, looking at themselves in the mirror, find out who they are talking about.

). Have any of you been late for kindergarten?

What did you feel?

Did your teachers scold you?

What about parents?

Why do you think I scold you?

What should you do if you are still late for kindergarten, but you are afraid to enter the group and you are afraid of the look of the teacher?

You can always explain why you were late, and you need to apologize.

). How should you behave on a busy street where there are a lot of cars?

Are you afraid to cross the street?

This is a normal phenomenon, cars are racing, and you are afraid to get under the wheels.

How should you behave while crossing?

You never need to cross the road, you must use the crossing, be sure to wait at the traffic light for the “little green man”, and then cross the road.

). How often do you stay at home alone?

Do you get scared?

How long are you left alone?

How do you deal with your fear?

What scared you?

Was it really scary stuff?

Think about how you can overcome your fear by staying at home alone?

What can you do, what to do if you are at home alone?

4. Individual work (drawing, craft)

At the fourth stage, expressive drawing helped the child not only to express the feeling, but also to realize it, and, consequently, to find adequate forms of experiencing the affect by transforming their fantasies into artistic images. Invisible fear, materialized in the drawing, was deprived of emotional tension, its frightening component. Counter-suggestive techniques at this stage: transfer of responsibility, expression of feelings, controlled release of repressed feelings (controlled catharsis), insight, free fantasy

one). "The Materialization of Fear"

Draw your fear on a piece of paper. You don't have to show your work to anyone.

Do with the picture as we want. It can be crushed, torn, burned or destroyed in any other way.

). Charcoal drawing

Draw fear on a sheet of paper in the form of a mask using art charcoal. On a black or brown background, you can draw with white chalk or brighten the outlines of the image with an eraser.

Tear off excess paper with your fingers - the background. Scissors cannot be used. (Such work contributes to the development of tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.)

3). "Drawing Trees"

Put your work on the floor, inside the circle, so that it is convenient for everyone to see the details.

Tell us about your drawing.

Where would your tree like to grow: on the edge or among other trees?

Does he have friends and enemies?

Is this tree afraid of anything?

Is he in any danger?

What is this tree dreaming about?

What is the mood of your tree?

Is this tree rather happy or unhappy?

If a person were drawn instead of a tree, who would it be?

Why do people love him?

What does the tree dream about?

What gift would make him happy?

How can you save, than help if the tree is sick?

And now, it is necessary to separate the image of the tree from the background, that is, tear off the outer (line) part of the picture along the contour of the image of the tree, the work is done with the fingers.

). Draw an object that will help you not to be afraid of anything.

You can come up with a name for this subject, describe it.

). Individual work

On a piece of paper, draw yourself or any person.

When the child finishes the first work, ask him to draw a person of the opposite sex.

). What does a child feel when his parents scold him?

What do they usually complain about?

In the figure, depict the situation of punishing a child by an adult, you can draw how a parent scolds a daughter (son) for disobedience.

Dramatization, discussion

The fifth stage involved dramatization, a situation of public residence. Let's highlight the main techniques used at this stage: tracing the fate of the image; finding the positive in the negative; expression of a new positive decision regarding one's image; mental weighing of the negative and positive in the image (the interaction of opposites).

"Spontaneous Theater"

Our doll flatly refused to visit doctors and take medicine. She has a fever.

Did the puppet do the right thing?

Why do you think so?

Let's try to talk her into going to the doctor.

Everyone in turn talks about the need to obey their mother, and in order not to get sick, visit doctors and never be afraid of them.

6. Teamwork

At the sixth stage, collective work involved joint creativity. Here, exercises were used to activate the imagination, arousing creative interest (the guys jointly came up with different ways to overcome this or that fear, for example, fearlessness pills), as well as self-regulation and self-control techniques.

). "Creating a portrait of the kindest mother"

Target. Identification of interpersonal relationships of children, the ability to cooperate.

The guys are divided into groups and create a portrait in the form of an application, using blanks for the face, eyes, eyebrows, lips.

Children color their hair. Each child gives a description of the kindest mother or writes it down on a separate piece of paper.

). On a large piece of paper, draw the “Island of fearlessness”, where no one is afraid of anything. Everyone draws the subject that will help overcome fear.

Tell what you drew (in turn) and how this or that object will help overcome fear.

7. Conclusion (reflection)

Reflection, carried out at the seventh stage, involved the verbalization of thoughts, sensations and feelings. The main methods of this stage were: the establishment of new relationships between parts of the personality, the acceptance of the previously rejected part of the personality through its image and the establishment of new relationships with it.

In the process of collective reflection, each participant is invited to verbalize their own impressions, for example, to discuss:

one). What did you feel when you worked alone, with a group, do you feel now?

How did the group work? Who owns the idea of ​​the plot, title?

How can you help yourself and others if you suddenly become scared?

What color do you feel when you're scared?

What color are your feelings now?

2). You can send good wishes and exchange gifts with each other, for example, with these words:

"Please give me your tree as a keepsake" or

"Let me give you my drawing as a keepsake."

Let these gifts become your lucky charms.

From the experience of a speech center psychologist

Art therapy- This is a kind of psychotherapy, which is based on creative work. In simple terms, this is art therapy. Its goal is to develop self-expression and self-knowledge of the child. The main methods of this therapy include drawings, applications, making figurines from plasticine or other structures from improvised materials. It is used to correct anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, social adaptation, inadequate self-esteem and other complex conditions. Consider this type of therapy in relation to complexes and fears.

When working with children, it is very important to use the most flexible forms of influence on the psyche. This opportunity is provided to us by the method of art therapy, which helps the child to understand, lose and survive a conflict situation or problem in a way that is convenient and accessible to his psyche. The most effective way to correct fears is by drawing. To do this, one month before the beginning of the psychological analysis, the children bring their finished drawings and show them to other children in the group. This helps to arouse the child's interest in drawing. At the next stage of the lesson, the children choose topics for their drawings, and the psychologist analyzes them. Next, the children are offered to make drawings on certain topics: “whom am I afraid of”, “I am at home”, “I am walking”, etc. The task of the fourth stage is to eliminate existing fears. To do this, the psychologist discusses them with the child, and then offers to draw.

It is very important, when analyzing drawings, to approve them, to show interest in order to arouse pride in the child for a responsible task. After some time, the baby is shown his drawings and asked if they cause fear. If the answer is no, the child must be praised. Those fears that could not be overcome are drawn again, and then the psychologist offers to draw what the child is no longer afraid of, stimulating the overcoming of fears.

Each person has the ability to simultaneously experience several emotions. The internal struggle of these emotions among themselves causes certain feelings, which are called complexes.

Art therapy methods, aimed at combating complexes, allow us to relieve stress, regulate psychosomatic processes, simulate a positive psycho-emotional state, correct violations in communication and form an adequate self-esteem.
