What should shampoo be without? How to choose shampoo

Hard to imagine modern man, which does not use targeted hair detergents. Shampoos are among the sought-after care cosmetics, so special attention is paid to the composition. It is very important to choose an option that will meet all the requirements and is ideal for your hair and scalp.

Types of detergents

Shampoos can be classified into several types. Among the main ones are products with a neutral pH balance; they are suitable for basic cleansing. There is also a treatment shampoo that is designed for treatment/prevention and is intended for each hair type depending on the problem. They also provide shampoo in the form of peeling, which is necessary for deep cleansing. There are tinted shampoos, they give the head a certain shade or paint over the unwanted yellow, green pigment in blondes.

Detergents of this type are also divided according to the purpose of use, for example, they can be moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing, eliminating dandruff, suitable for everyday use, etc.

It is worth understanding that such an extensive list can mislead you and push you to make the wrong choice. Therefore, let us clarify that when purchasing, you need to focus on the condition of the scalp, because the health of the hair as a whole depends on it.

It is the shampoo that thoroughly cleanses, heals microdamages on the skin, and masks, sprays and conditioners are responsible for treating hair (dryness, split ends, etc.). When choosing, be sure to analyze your skin in order to find out in time what problems there are (dandruff, weak follicles, etc.).

Choosing a shampoo based on your scalp type

Professionals in their field, otherwise called trichologists, have in their arsenal a special apparatus that determines the condition of the hair. But equipment of this kind has a high price policy, so it is not advisable to use it. But you can also conduct a test to determine what type of scalp it is in beauty salons. All you have to do is contact a good establishment and they will help you solve the problem at a low cost.

  1. Oily skin. Those with oily scalp know firsthand that 15-18 hours after washing, the root section already looks untidy. Volume is lost in the root area and hair cannot be styled. If you wash your hair about 3-4 times a week, your skin type is definitely oily. You don't even need a test here. The choice of shampoo should fall on the side of detergents that are designed for frequent washing and do not cause irritation. A shampoo with a color protection effect and a product for sensitive skin heads. But you should forever abandon compositions for root volume, because they contain a lot of silicone, which only weighs down the strands.
  2. Dry skin. With this type of skin, dandruff (dry seborrhea) appears, hair tends to fall out, becomes stiff, the head can itch and become constantly inflamed. The hairs lack subcutaneous sebum production, so the hair follicles are not sufficiently saturated and the hair weakens. Accordingly, you need to buy shampoo with a moisturizing effect. Great options have professional brands, which are usually used by hairdressers. The basis of the products must include natural oils and plant extracts.
  3. Sensitive skin. This type of epidermis means that it is too sensitive to any means. Itching constantly appears, the skin peels, wounds and allergies form. Be sure to choose products from the series medicated shampoos, intended for delicate care for the scalp and hair as well. The products can be found at the pharmacy; they must be completely transparent in structure and made from natural ingredients. Choose formulations that contain extracts of mint, chamomile, and sage; such plants soothe the skin. Avoid shampoos with a burning effect, which include pepper or mustard.
  4. Combination skin. Typically, this type of epidermis suffers from two main problems - excessive greasiness and seborrhea. That is, dandruff appears, which is literally saturated with sebum in some places. But all other areas, for example, in the forehead, look dry. You need to give preference to a shampoo with a peeling effect, which is intended for deep cleansing.

It’s not enough to know your skin type, you also need to rely on your appearance hairline. Everyone knows that hair can be dry, oily or normal. Rapid testing is used to identify the type.

If your hair becomes dirty gradually, and you wash it about once every 6 days, then the mop is of normal type. In cases where the need to wash appears approximately 20 hours after visiting the bathroom, this is the oily type.

Some girls have combination hair, that is, oily at the roots and dry along the entire length. Dry types of hair typically need to be washed approximately once every 3 days. Remember that throughout its life, the mop can change from one type to another gradually or abruptly under the influence of various factors.

Choosing shampoo by hair type

After conducting a simple test and receiving the result, you can begin selecting necessary cosmetics. Of course, you can choose it based on your scalp type, but this option is also worth considering.

  1. For oily hair We choose products with the appropriate label, good cleaning abilities and antibacterial components in the composition. A cleanser that regulates sebum production is suitable.
  2. For a normal type of hair, it is enough to choose a basic shampoo for natural basis. It is important that it maintains a natural pH balance and does not dry out the skin.
  3. For the combined type, a product is suitable that simultaneously degreases the root part and moisturizes the strands along their entire length. You may have to buy several tubes of directional action.
  4. Dry hair definitely requires a product that will nourish and heal the strands from roots to ends. It is important that the composition contains oils and extracts.
  5. It is worth knowing that hair can be thin. Then products with a mark on root volume are suitable. However, such products may contain silicone, so try to buy products at the pharmacy.

  1. On the shelves of modern cosmetic stores you can find universal detergents that combine shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. If you want to greatly reduce the time you take to care for your hair while taking water treatments, this option will be ideal for you.
  2. Nowadays you can get confused when choosing such shampoos; there are really a lot of them. Always pay attention to the composition of the product first. This is where the whole truth lies. This way you will definitely know exactly how the product will work. If you still decide to take a 2 in 1 shampoo, consider some criteria.
  3. After use quality product, you can easily comb your mop. Also, regardless of the condition of the hair, it should remain soft and silky. A high-quality detergent prevents strands from becoming electrified. Hair after using this product should not look heavy from large quantity micronutrients.
  4. A good shampoo slightly increases the volume of your hair even when wet. Such products, like most others, consist of approximately 80-85% water. In addition, such shampoos contain active substances that cleanse all impurities on the surface of the hair. The advantage of 2 in 1 shampoos is that after their use, the properties of the conditioner provide the hair with protection in the form of an enveloping shell.
  5. The conditioner or conditioner that is included in the shampoo has the property of neutralizing the harmful effects of alkali in water or other detergent components. Such shampoos fully nourish the strands and also give the hair deep hydration. Volume, softness, elasticity and natural shine. Damaged curls are noticeably restored. The detergent fully protects the hair from negative impact environment.
  6. Often these shampoos contain silicone additives. They perform best protective functions. Choose these shampoos. The ingredients will mention additives that end in “methicone.” When this product is applied, it envelops each hair with a protective film. Due to this, a natural shine appears. As a result, the hair is easy to comb and does not tangle. Curls become soft and silky.
  7. The presented shampoos include protein conditioners. The product perfectly restores damaged strands that have been subjected to perm. It is worth knowing that hair is almost 94% protein. Some types of plant protein are able to penetrate the hair structure. This way the damaged areas are filled. Thanks to this feature, the hair is restored faster, strength, shine, and elasticity appear.
  8. For dry hair types, moisturizers are a must. A special substance will attract moisture to the hair. In the shampoo, such components are presented in the form of panthenol, glycerin, sorbitol, plant extracts and propylene glycol. Also, the detergent must contain additives in the form of ultraviolet filters. Such components will protect your hair from the sun.
  9. The above-mentioned substances are also called thermal protectors. Most often they can be found in the form of polymers that absorb heat. As a result, the hair does not suffer from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Also, the strands will be protected from thermal damage through the use of an iron, hair dryer, etc.
  10. It is worth mentioning separately about men. Universal products are produced for the stronger sex. The detergent can combine shower gel + shampoo. It is better not to purchase such products. If you have problems with your hair or scalp, universal formulations will not be able to solve the problem properly.

To choose a truly high-quality shampoo, you will have to devote a lot of time to the process. Check out practical recommendations and decide what exactly you need. After that, visit the relevant store and select the right remedy. Carefully study the composition and do not spare money on such cosmetics.

Video: how to choose shampoo

Shampoo is a very important hair care product, so it is important to choose it correctly, because one type of shampoo cannot suit everyone. The wrong choice of hair wash can cause dandruff, itching, weakening and increasing hair loss. And if you have dry curls and start using shampoo for oily hair, the scalp will become dry, its Ph level will be disrupted, and increased greasiness of the scalp cannot be avoided.

There are many different types and subtypes of shampoos.

Firstly, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • neutral – for normal cleansing;
  • carers – for the treatment of hair and scalp;
  • peeling shampoo – for deep cleansing;
  • tint - to give the hair a certain shade.

Secondly, all hair cleansers can be divided according to the purpose of use:

  • washing away excess oil from hair and scalp;
  • cleansing from common contaminants (dust, skin particles, sebum);
  • moisturizing excessively dry scalp;
  • slowing down cell division and clearing dandruff;
  • mild shampoo for daily use.

The condition of the scalp and hair follicles directly determines the health of the hair, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to select a shampoo for the scalp, and only then take care of the hair itself. At the same time, it is shampoo that treats the skin, and all kinds of masks, balms and other products are intended to treat and restore hair. Therefore, when choosing a cleanser for your hair, first of all, you need to take into account your skin type and the presence of problems with it.

The right shampoo for your skin type

A test using a special device will help you correctly determine your skin type. But such a tool is too expensive to use once and put in a long drawer until needed. Therefore, it is better to do such a test in one of the beauty salons for a small fee. The procedure is quick - it takes a couple of minutes, and is absolutely painless.

Once you know your scalp type, you can choose the right remedy for washing, treating and caring for it:

For oily skin:

For this type skin The head is characterized by contamination of the hair within 20-28 hours after washing it. If you have to wash your hair more than twice a week, then without any test, you can immediately state that you have oily skin. In this case, you need to choose a mild shampoo for frequent use, Not irritating. You can use cleansers for sensitive skin and hair volume.

But you should not use nutritional products that preserve hair color. Such shampoos make the hair heavier and the skin is not able to absorb such a mass of useful substances. As a result, dandruff forms on the skin, and the hair loses its shine and volume, gets dirty faster and is difficult to style.

For sensitive skin types:

If you always have a problem choosing shampoo and other hair care products, since you experience an allergic reaction to most of them, flaking, irritation and itching, then you have a sensitive skin type. Here it is worth giving preference mild remedy marked "for careful care", which will cleanse and moisturize the skin.

This shampoo should contain soothing ingredients that relieve irritation: chamomile, mint, lemon balm, valerian. Aggressive components and additives should be avoided: hot pepper, garlic, burdock, mustard. At the same time, dandruff resulting from using the wrong shampoo must be treated with special medications.

For combination skin:

With a mixed type, there are several problems on the scalp, for example, increased fat content and dandruff. Here it is necessary to combine care products, both before and after washing. For example, use peeling shampoo and shampoo for sensitive skin or a special anti-dandruff treatment and a mask that controls the work sebaceous glands.

For dry skin types:

If the skin is excessively dry, peeling of the epidermis and increased hair loss may occur. Due to the lack of natural nourishment, the hair follicle weakens, causing hair loss. In this case, you need to opt for a moisturizing shampoo with various herbal, nutritional and vitamin supplements: honey, essential oils, almond and olive oils.

Hair type test

Before you start choosing a shampoo, you need to know your hair type, since the wrong choice of detergent for your hair can make it lifeless, dull and depleted. To determine what type of hair you have, you can do a short quick test:

  • if the hairstyle gradually becomes dirty over 5-7 days, then you have a normal type;
  • if your hair becomes dirty 2-3 days after washing, then you have an average type;
  • if your curls require washing already on the second or third day, then you have an oily type.

At the same time, the type and condition of hair can change at a certain period of life, since over time the entire human body undergoes various changes from year to year. Also, hair type can change as a result of lifestyle or dietary disturbances, or when using the wrong shampoo.

If this express test did not help you determine your hair type, this moment, then you can use a test with an extended list of signs in the form of a table:

Hair type Normal Fat Dry Mixed (oily at the roots, dry at the ends)
Need for washing Every 2 – 3 days Daily Once a week Every 2 – 4 days
Scalp, hair roots After washing they are normal, after a couple of days they are oily After washing they are normal, in the evening of the first day or in the morning of the second they are oily again After washing - dry or normal, 3-4 days - normal, by the 7th day - oily After washing they are normal, after 2-3 days they are oily
ends Normal or slightly dry, ends may split a little No splits or almost no splits Dry, brittle Dry, split ends
Shine After washing - clean shine, after 2-3 days - greasy shine at the roots Clean shine after washing, greasy shine by the end of the first day or the morning of the second After washing there is a slight shine, then the hair becomes dull After washing, clean shine at the roots, slight shine at the ends. On days 3-4 – greasy shine at the roots and lack of shine at the ends
Splendor and volume Normal fullness Immediately after washing or not at all Reinforced Medium, ends may get frizzy
Electrification Sometimes Very rarely Often Maybe at the ends
Installation without special equipment Gives in well Can be styled, but doesn't last long Poor styling Root styling only

This test will allow you to easily correctly determine what type of hair you have.

So, we found out that shampoo must be selected according to the type of curls you have. It is customary to distinguish the following hair groups:

  1. Normal – for healthy and strong hair It is enough to choose a shampoo that preserves their health, skin health and natural lubrication.
  2. Dry – for hard, brittle hair with split ends, you need to choose a product that contains healing and nutritional components: fats, oils, vitamins, special dietary supplements.
  3. Oily hair - for hair that gets dirty quickly, you need to use a shampoo with good cleansing properties, which will contain substances that soothe the scalp, have an antimicrobial effect, and normalize fat metabolism.
  4. Combined – for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, you need to choose a product with a dual effect: degreasing and moisturizing. The composition should contain such ingredients as: nettle, egg yolk, comfrey, seaweed extracts.
  5. Thin – for this type of hair you need to choose a thickening shampoo that increases the diameter of the hair shaft. The composition should contain the following components: wheat sprouts, keratin, marine protein, calcium, silk protein, almond milk.
  6. Colored (damaged) - for colored, bleached or permed hair, care is required with products containing ingredients that nourish and preserve color, protect from UV rays with additives such as glycerin, protein, keratin, wheat germ.

In this case, the shampoo needs to be changed from time to time (3-4 months), since the hair and scalp get used to the active substances of the same product, and as a result, the shampoo ceases to effectively perform its task.

There is now a huge range of shampoos on store shelves. Before you make a purchase, consider whether you know everything about the selection rules suitable remedy. After all, shampoo is not only the beauty of hair, but also its health. Beautiful, shiny, well-groomed hair attract the attention of others. They are an important component of the entire image and style. Start choosing a shampoo by studying the label.

The most important thing when choosing a shampoo is to know your scalp type. The label will usually indicate what type of hair it is suitable for. Remember that the shampoo must match it. Otherwise, you will damage them, and it will take a long time to correct the mistake. Try not to buy “family”, “universal” products for all hair types. Don't make a choice based on the pleasant smell, color, or packaging. All these are not quality indicators, but advertising. High-quality shampoos have no odor, or it is completely different from others. Color – transparent or white. Study the structure of your hair yourself or consult a cosmetologist. If you have no problems with your scalp, then choose a shampoo according to your preferences. For example, increasing the volume for unruly hair

, to add shine, etc. Pay special attention to colored hair. There are shampoos that can retain the color pigment inside the hair and enhance the color of the dye. Such hair needs nutrition, because... Paints contain aggressive chemicals. Nourishing shampoo with herbal ingredients is necessary for dry, weak, thin hair with damaged ends. Under the influence of the sun, frequent styling, and constant coloring, they become brittle, easily tangled, and electrified. In the roast summer time

It is especially important to choose a shampoo with a UV filter. This way you can protect your hair from severe drying and brittleness, and it will become smoother. Most shampoos contain surfactants that can cause allergic reactions . Allergy sufferers should be especially careful when choosing shampoo. Give preference natural remedies , with a soft, gentle formula, with a minimum amount of dyes and flavors. Such shampoos are not thick, colorless and practically odorless. The presence of sulfates is completely excluded only in shampoos purchased in homeopathic pharmacies or stores specialized in natural products. The shampoo must contain the following substances: collagen or lanolin, elastin, keratin and natural ingredients. After several uses of a well-selected shampoo, dried hair becomes smooth, manageable, combable, and shiny. After washing, the hair does not stick together, there is no grease, dirt, and the scalp is free of itching and irritation.

The next thing to pay attention to when studying the label is the pH level. For the scalp, the normal pH value ranges from 4.2 to 5.6. Choose a shampoo with a pH level of no more than 7. An increased pH value in shampoo has a bad effect on the condition of the hair: it is difficult to style and becomes rough.

If the hair is long, then the problem is that its structure is different along its entire length. At the roots they can be greasy and quickly get dirty, and their ends can be fluffy and dry. For this hair, to avoid the problem, buy deep-cleansing shampoos. After washing once a week, use a balm and make nourishing restorative masks.

Vitamins are useful for any hair. Vitamin B – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The presence of vitamin C will make hair dense, strong, and elastic. Glucasil – nourishes and strengthens hair. Lipids - mineral and organic oils necessary to soften hair - make it silky.

Check the quality of the shampoo at home: dilute a little in a glass of water; if after a while a sediment forms, it is not advisable to use it. The label sometimes lists ammonium sulfate and sodium sulfate as ingredients - but don’t expect any special cleansing effect, they are ineffective.

We learned from L'Oréal Paris expert Alla Mimikina how to independently determine your hair type, identify problem areas and subsequently select the appropriate hair wash. Let's say right away: Determining your hair type “once and for all” is almost impossible. The human body undergoes changes one way or another and, accordingly, the condition of the hair also changes. Hormonal levels, the functioning of the liver and pancreas, as well as, of course, lifestyle and ecology - this is not the entire list of variables in the equation, which, having solved, we let's understand better

your hair.

Regardless of the primary task, a good shampoo should compensate for the loss of proteins, moisture and nutrients, increase hair elasticity, protect the cuticle, have a UV filter, and also eliminate static and make hair silky.

In order to choose the right shampoo, you first need to know your hair type. To accurately determine it, use our test:

  • Normal hair type
  • Only after this time does a noticeable oily sheen appear at the roots.
  • The ends of the hair can sometimes split, and during cold periods they can become a little electrified.
  • Your hair has moderate volume that does not disappear immediately after washing your hair.

Shampoo formulas for normal hair included vitamin complex and various extracts, and the pH level does not go beyond the limits of 5.5 to 7. In general, such shampoos contain fewer “detergent” components. The products gently cleanse hair without affecting the level natural excretion sebum.

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Sulfate-free lavender shampoo for normal and sensitive hair, Santa Maria Novella. Does not contain SLES and PEG.

Care shampoo for normal hair with millet extract, Weleda. Shampoo contains detergents natural origin.

Shampoo "Green Tea" O"right Green Tea Shampoo. Professional shampoo for normal hair contains more than 96% natural ingredients.

Shampoo for daily use Curex Classic, Estel. Mild shampoo for daily use. Contains chitosan, provitamin B5 and keratin complex.

Oily hair type

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You wash your hair every day.
  • After a day (or even less), a noticeable oily sheen appears at the roots.
  • The ends of the hair are mostly not split.
  • Your hair lacks volume.
  • Your hair is practically not electrified.
  • It is not difficult for you to style your hair, but the style does not last long.

Recommendations for choosing shampoo: In a cosmetic store, pay attention to shampoos containing nettle, chamomile, sage, willow bark, currant leaves, coltsfoot and birch. Also among the favorites are shampoos (as well as conditioners and scalp masks) containing clay, vitamins A and C.

Also, pay attention to your diet. Usually, increased amount harmful carbohydrates, as well as frequent consumption of fried, salty and spicy foods significantly aggravates the problem. And, of course, try to drink more clean water.

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Cleansing shampoo for oily hair Lemon Myrtle, Ausganica.

Shampoo for oily hair and scalp Specialty, Senscience.

Light shampoo for volume of oily hair Otium Butterfly, Estel. Provides hair with additional volume.

Shampoo with proteins for oily hair “Volume and Elasticity”, Himalaya Herbals. The herbal components of the shampoo have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and have a tonic effect on the scalp.

Dry hair type

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You can only afford to wash your hair once or twice a week.
  • Healthy hair shine lasts only for some time after washing your hair.
  • The ends of the hair are mostly split.
  • Your hair is difficult to style and often becomes electrified.

Recommendations for choosing shampoo: Shampoos for dry hair must certainly contain moisturizing ingredients like shea butter, avocado and almonds. You should also look for plant extracts in the shampoo, as well as lanolin, panthenol and glycerin.

In your case, the hair care range should be complete: the usual shampoo and conditioner must be supplemented with a mask, as well as leave-in treatments. By the way, they are the ones who help neutralize static electricity on the hair.

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Ultra-nourishing shampoo, L "Occitane. Helps improve the texture and appearance of damaged hair.

Shampoo for hair volume High Amplify, Matrix. The shampoo does not contain silicones and is enriched with proteins.

Shampoo “Complete restoration” of split ends L "Oreal Elseve. Unique formula with ceramides and silicones restores internal structure hair and seals split ends from the outside.

Shampoo-care Directed Recovery and Care, Nivea. For weakened hair. Product with KeraDetect technology.

Restructuring shampoo without silicones to strengthen and protect against breakage The power of keratin, Schwarzkopf. For thin and weakened hair.

Mixed hair type (oily at the roots, dry at the ends)

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You wash your hair every 2-4 days.
  • After washing healthy shine persists only on the roots.
  • Meanwhile, the tips may suffer from permanent electrification.
  • Your style lasts better at the roots and disappears faster at the ends.
  • You are familiar with the problem of split ends.

Recommendations for choosing shampoo: you need a product that is not characterized by the aggressive action of cleaning components. Balms and masks should be applied to the hair, significantly moving away from the root zone. Apply additional care only to the ends.

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Balancing shampoo Natural Tech, Davines. The product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stabilizes the sebum content.

Shampoo for normal and oily hair Expert Scalp Care, L'Oreal Professional. The shampoo helps restore the hydrolipidic layer of the scalp and eliminates excess sebum, and is rich in antioxidants.

Daily care shampoo Inspiration of the day, Oribe.

Anti-dandruff hair shampoo Shampoo Anti Dandruff, Dr. Konopka's. Natural shampoo contains hair oil based on the complex medicinal herbs, certified by the BBIH COSMOS Organic standard.

Caring for colored/damaged hair

In general, caring for newly colored hair should be divided into 2 stages: the first two weeks are limited to using a high-quality line, including shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. In the meantime next weeks(until new coloring) are required to use masks for the hair and scalp, as well as at least occasionally visit beauty salons for suitable care procedures.

Important: for damaged hair and sensitive scalp, sulfate-free shampoos are suitable, which, in addition, have reduced level pH.

We know very well that hair can become damaged for various reasons. Besides frequent staining or discoloration, serious damage to the hair is also caused poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency, daily hot styling using a hairdryer (especially without using heat protectants) and, of course, frivolous attitude to the choice of cleansing products, that is, without taking into account the characteristics (type, structure) of your hair specifically.

Thus, the main issue in hair rehabilitation is high-quality hydration. You shouldn’t count on phenomenal instant recovery just thanks to a miracle shampoo, because its primary task is, of course, cleansing. Therefore, having found a shampoo that is ideal for all your characteristics, do not fail to purchase the rest of the products in their series. The components included in its composition complement each other and multiply the effect.

Damaged hair is perfectly restored by masks with extracts natural oils(jojoba, shea, coconut, castor, etc.). Also look for panthenol in serums, masks and other treatments: it really heals damaged hair shafts. In addition, amino acids and proteins help in rehabilitation.

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Ultra-regenerating cream shampoo, J. F. Lazartigue. The product does not contain parabens and silicones.

Shampoo for ashy and gray colored hair “The Nobility of Silver”, Oribe.

Shampoo for damaged and brittle hair with soy oil and arginine Biolage Repair Inside, Matrix. Gently cleanses hair, restoring elasticity and shine.

Micellar shampoo, Dessange Paris. Argan, camellia and prakaxi tree oils help restore hair after aggressive external influences.

Everyone has shampoo, but not everyone knows how to choose it. To ensure that the product brings only benefits, read the composition and avoid harmful components.

Many women and almost all men choose shampoo based on the principle “it smells good” and “is inexpensive.” Maximum - according to the recommendation indicated on the package. Dandruff? So, we take anti-dandruff shampoo. Does your hair get dirty quickly? So, for oily hair. Can you take a word for what the manufacturer writes? How to choose a shampoo that benefits your hair maximum benefit? Let's figure it out.

Why choosing shampoo is a responsible procedure

Gone are the days when the only purpose of shampoo was to cleanse. Now it is primarily a skin care product. Shampoo can moisturize and nourish hair, straighten and consolidate the effect after coloring, add volume and even prevent hair loss. The right shampoo can save you from many problems with your hair, but the wrong product, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation - dandruff will appear, hair type will change, or even hair loss will begin. Surely you have encountered the fact that the effect promised on the packaging did not occur: brittle hair did not become stronger, and unruly curls became more manageable. You should not go through bottle after bottle, trying to find “the one” product where the result will be similar to what is written on the label. Understand what types of shampoos there are, and in this case, soon you will definitely find a useful product on your shelf.

What is sold in the mass market

Most often we buy products from those companies whose names we know well. This is exactly what manufacturers are trying to achieve by investing a lot of money in advertising campaigns. The consumer is more likely to give preference to bright packaging from well-known brands rather than inconspicuous jars from unfamiliar companies. It turns out that products from famous brands are sold out in no time, while products from unpopular manufacturers remain on the shelf, often undeservedly. You shouldn’t attach great importance to the brand’s popularity, the design of the jar, or what the manufacturer promises. The most important thing in any cosmetic product is its composition, and in the case of shampoo, the components that have a cleansing effect (detergents) and substances designed to care for the hair.

Ingredients to Avoid

Ingredients in skin care cosmetics can be of synthetic and natural origin. Natural ingredients are more expensive, so they are generally not used in large industrial production. In order to save money, manufacturers of popular cosmetics They use cheaper ingredients, which ensures the low cost of shampoos.

Basically, such products contain surfactants - surfactants - or sulfates, which provide good cleansing, but have a rather aggressive effect on the scalp and the hair itself. In the composition, these substances are listed as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS), Ammonium Laureth Sulfate (ALES), Cocamide DEA, Cocomidopropyl Betaine, TEA Layril Sulfate, TEA Laureth Sulfate. Other “bad” components in shampoos are Triethanolamine (TEA), Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA) - foaming agents and emulsifiers. Shampoos also contain harmful preservatives: Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. All these ingredients are allergens and toxins, can cause irritation, and destroy the protective fatty film of our skin, leading to dysfunction of the epidermis. When choosing a shampoo, try to avoid the listed components so that washing your hair does not have any other effects other than cleanliness and improvement of the condition of your hair.

Ingredients that (do not) care for hair

Manufacturers of hair products promise soft and shiny hair immediately after the first use. This is actually possible, but an instant effect is achieved with the help of silicones (it seems that they are now on everyone’s lips). Most often this is a substance called Dimeticone. The harmfulness of silicones to humans has not been proven, but they also do not provide any real benefit. The fact is that silicones envelop the hair, creating a kind of shell around it. This is what explains the softness and smoothness that appears in our hair immediately after washing. The condition of the hair does not improve, but is only masked. In addition, components of other products - masks, sprays, oils and serums - do not penetrate through the formed “framework” to the hair, which makes any care procedures useless. Silicones tend to accumulate on the hair, which makes it heavier and can lead to hair loss. If you need instant effect, then silicones - effective way quickly transform your hair, but for deep hair improvement, shampoos with silicones are definitely not suitable.

What to look for in the composition

Products that contain: natural ingredients. The cost of such shampoos will be slightly higher, but they will provide complete care for hair and scalp. Be sure to read the composition and look for safe ingredients: detergent components - Coco Glucoside, Lauryl Glucoside, Glutamate, Sodium Coco Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, silicone substitutes - Inulin, Sensolene, vegetable oils— Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil, Camellia Oleifera Seed Oi, natural emulsifiers — Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin Stearate SE, harmless preservatives — Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol, Citric Acid.

Let's sum it up

Beautiful packaging, a well-known brand and a delicious smell are the manufacturer’s tricks designed to make you add this product to your cart in any way. The abundance of foam does not indicate the quality of the shampoo; on the contrary, it most often indicates the presence of synthetic emulsifiers. Natural shampoos, as a rule, do not foam much, but this does not make their cleansing properties worse. Carefully study the composition for the presence of harmful surfactants, sulfates, phosphates, PEGs and preservatives. If allowed cash, give preference to shampoos with natural composition. These are sold not only in specialized stores, but also in mass markets. Look for brands like Planeta Organica, Natura Siberica, Organic Shop, Botavicos. The products of these manufacturers are found on the shelves of mass stores. Look for specialized natural cosmetics stores - there you will find wide choose products and in particular shampoos.
