The child vomits like a fountain. The negative impact of foreign objects

The gag reflex is a protective function of the body, which allows ridding the gastrointestinal tract of pathological masses. If, after breastfeeding, the baby vomits with a fountain, this indicates dangerous pathologies of the child's body.

An infant performs a normal physiological phenomenon - regurgitation. Unlike vomiting, the process is completely natural and allows the baby to get rid of excess air trapped in the feeding process. Babies usually vomit after feeding breast milk or formula after 10-30 minutes. Provoking the ejection of food from the stomach into the esophagus may be associated with breaths of air, overeating, or as a result of strong arousal.

The physiological process of regurgitation is accompanied by the following signs:

  1. Belching does not cause vomiting.
  2. The rejected mass is small.
  3. The baby is doing well.
  4. There is a normal weight gain.
  5. The secreted liquid contains an admixture of milk and water.

Spitting up is temporary, does not require treatment, and resolves on its own as the child grows older.

It is important to distinguish between dangerous vomiting and regurgitation. The further condition of the newborn depends on the competence of the parents.

Call signs:

  1. The baby behaves restlessly, is naughty before vomiting. Crying and restlessness indicate discomfort.
  2. The baby experiences repeated urges.
  3. Gastric contents acquire a greenish or yellow tint.
  4. There is an admixture of bile.
  5. Accompanied by temperature.

Vomiting is a reflex regulated by the cerebral cortex. The muscles of the abdominal press and diaphragm are involved in the process. The baby tenses up, begins a copious secretion of saliva. An attack of nausea is accompanied by the child's pallor and rapid breathing. Vomiting exceeds the amount of food consumed - in addition to the food eaten, gastric juice is secreted.

Causes of vomiting in the baby

The appearance of symptoms in infants can be triggered by many factors, from teething to dangerous diseases.

It happens that a few episodes pass without suspicion: vomit without blood impurities, the baby is active and does not look sick. Such rare phenomena are caused by primary causes, the prerequisite for which are reflexes of the baby. It could be:

  1. Binge eating.
  2. An undeveloped vestibular apparatus, when the baby vomits at the slightest rise.
  3. Large food particles.
  4. Overexcitation.
  5. Entry of large amounts of air.

If attacks of vomiting cause discomfort and pain to the child, we are talking about secondary causes associated not only with the digestive organs. Symptomatic causes include:

  1. infectious diseases.
  2. Viruses.
  3. Head injuries, including concussion.
  4. Appendicitis.
  5. Hernia.

Establishing the cause of vomiting should be done by a qualified doctor.

After breastfeeding

When vomiting occurs in a baby after breastfeeding, and the number of masses exceeds what is eaten, this is an occasion to seek the help of a doctor. The reason may be overfeeding. In the first months of life, the baby does not know a sense of proportion, and overeating is a common occurrence. A full stomach does not have the ability to stretch, the contents press on the upper valve, which causes a gag reflex. In such a case, doctors advise to follow several feeding rules:

  • do not put the baby in a horizontal position, but wear it in your arms in an upright position for some time;
  • feed the baby while sitting;
  • limit active games immediately after feeding;
  • pump milk into a bottle, this will help to avoid overeating.

Compliance with the above rules prevents repeated vomiting, but the possibility of developing pathologies such as lactose intolerance cannot be ruled out. Intolerance to mother's milk is accompanied by vomiting and green diarrhea.

A small percentage of newborns are unable to absorb the components of mother's milk. Some enzymes cause rejection. Lactation is completed, and the baby is transferred to a suitable mixture that does not contain an allergen.

After the mixture

Vomiting in a newborn that occurs after formula feeding may be caused by intolerance to artificial food. It is necessary to reconsider the principles of nutrition. Most likely, you will need to switch to another type of mixture. It is important to exclude neurology.

Neurological pathologies originate in the period of intrauterine development. In violation of a neurological nature, urges have a regular appearance. At risk are premature and underweight children, infants with asphyxia.

Toddlers tolerate vomiting with a fountain on milk and dairy-free mixtures. Sometimes the cause can be drugs that were administered to the baby orally. The reaction to the drugs is accompanied by a cough and a weak state.

If it is necessary to change the mixture, the process should be carried out gradually. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is imperfect, with an unformed microflora. Unlike artificial babies, breastfed babies receive the necessary lactobacilli along with breastfeeding, which contribute to the absorption of food. Mixtures do not have such a privilege, you should be careful about the choice of food. Where possible, mixed feeding should be maintained.

It is difficult to observe the grave condition of the baby, but it is important to behave correctly before the ambulance arrives. It is necessary to constantly monitor the dynamics of the state of the baby. If parents are waiting for qualified assistance, the main actions will be:

  • hold the child in a “column”, in an upright position;
  • avoid sharp turns and shaking, the baby should be as comfortable as possible;
  • if the cause of vomiting is unknown, frequent breastfeeding despite the child's refusal is not recommended;
  • self-lavage of the stomach is prohibited, can lead to mechanical damage to the intestines;
  • you can not select medicines without the recommendation of a doctor.

Try to avoid all sorts of annoying factors. Elementary hygiene actions should be neat and gentle. The skin at the baby's mouth must be periodically wiped with a clean cloth, if particles of vomit remain on the surface, irritation may occur.

Dr. Komarovsky advises taking the following actions while waiting for the arrival of a doctor:

  • provide the child with peace, if possible, put him to bed;
  • during vomiting, seat the child and tilt the torso forward. This action will help protect the airways. If the child’s condition does not allow him to sit on his own, lay on his side after removing the pillow;
  • then rinse your baby's mouth. You can use a syringe with cooled boiled water;
  • give the child water with solutions that replenish the water-salt balance.

Until the doctor arrives, it is important to maintain the child's condition and avoid deterioration of the dynamics. Exicosis or dehydration is dangerous for the baby. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to endure the loss of fluid.

When to See a Doctor

If it vomits with a fountain with a small frequency, about 2 times per hour, a similar reaction of the body indicates possible pathological processes.

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding indicates a dangerous condition when symptoms are present:

  • rejection of the mother's breast;
  • the body shows signs of dehydration;
  • the child's vomit contains suspicious impurities;
  • the appearance of diarrhea or streaks of blood in the stool;
  • increase in local body temperature;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • weakness and pallor of the skin.

The above pathological symptoms should be a good reason to seek help from doctors. Its untimely provision is fraught with dire consequences. Especially if there are signs of dehydration, which at the age of one month is dangerous and can even lead to death. Young parents should not panic or self-medicate. The best option would be to call an ambulance team or a pediatrician at home. Qualified actions of a specialist reduce the risk of complications and increase the chance for a speedy recovery.

Vomiting is the involuntary eruption of stomach contents through the mouth. This is the desire of the body to clear the stomach of excess food, low-quality food or infection, as well as a reaction to excessive excitement.

If a healthy child vomits, the main danger is dehydration. Drinking plenty of water is the main concern of parents.


Vomiting associated with a head injury or symptoms such as severe headache, stiff neck, or severe abdominal pain can be a sign of a very serious illness. Call an ambulance immediately.

Babies who refuse to drink or breastfeed require special attention as they can quickly become dehydrated. If a newborn vomits again, immediate medical attention is required, as this may be a sign of birth defects.

In teenagers, frequent vomiting can be a sign of a serious digestive or nervous system disorder. In the latter case, the help of a psychologist may be required.

As a rule, vomiting goes away on its own and does not require any treatment, however, it will still be difficult for you to observe this process. The feeling of helplessness, combined with a sense of fear that some serious violation may be the cause, as well as an irresistible desire to do at least something to alleviate the suffering of the child, will cause anxiety and internal tension. To be as calm as possible about this, find out all the possible causes of vomiting, as well as what you can do if the child begins to vomit.

Causes of vomiting in children, the child vomits

First of all, understand the difference between vomiting and simple regurgitation. Vomiting is the forceful eruption of stomach contents through the mouth. Regurgitation (most common in infants under one year of age) is the mild eruption of part of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, often accompanied by belching.

Vomiting occurs when there is a sharp contact between the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm while the stomach is in a relaxed state.

This reflex action is caused by the "vomit center" of the brain after its excitation:

  • nerve endings of the stomach and intestines, when the gastrointestinal tract is irritated or swollen due to infection or blockage;
  • chemicals in the blood (such as medicines);
  • psychological stimuli, which are irritating sights or smells;
  • pathogens of the middle ear (as in vomiting due to motion sickness in transport).

The main causes of belching or vomiting depend on age. For example, in the first few months, most babies will burp small amounts of formula or breast milk within an hour of each feed. This regurgitation, as it is commonly called, is the non-systematic movement of food from the stomach through the tube (esophagus) that goes to the stomach, out through the mouth. Spitting up will occur less often if the child is forced to burp several times, and also if outdoor games are limited for a while after eating. As the child grows, regurgitation will become less frequent, but in a mild form it can persist until 10-12 months of age. Regurgitation is not a serious disorder and does not interfere with normal weight gain.

In the first month of a child's life, a single case of vomiting may occur. If vomiting happens quite often or comes out as a fountain, tell your pediatrician about it. The cause may be nutritional problems, but it can also be a sign of more serious disorders in the life of the body.

Between two weeks and four months, persistent severe vomiting can be caused by a thickening of the muscle at the exit of the stomach. Known as pyloric hypertrophic constriction, this thickening prevents food from passing into the intestines. In this case, urgent medical attention is required. As a rule, under such circumstances, one cannot do without surgical intervention, with the help of which physicians manage to expand the narrowed part. A clear sign of this condition is severe vomiting, which occurs approximately 15-30 minutes after each feeding. If you notice this condition in your child, call the pediatrician immediately.

In some cases, regurgitation from the first few weeks to the first few months of life not only does not go away, but gets worse - although not very strong, regurgitation occurs constantly. This happens when the muscles in the lower esophagus are relaxed and allow the contents of the stomach to pass out without holding on to food.

This condition is called gastroesophageal reflux, which can usually be controlled as follows.

  1. Thicken the milk with a small amount of baby instant cereal.
  2. Don't overfeed your baby.
  3. Make your baby spit up more often.
  4. After each feeding, leave the baby in a calm upright position for at least 30 minutes. If this does not help, your pediatrician may refer you to a gastroenterologist.

In some cases, infections in other parts of the body also cause vomiting. This includes infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract, ear infections, pneumonia, and meningitis. Some cases require urgent medical attention, so regardless of your child's age, be on the lookout for the following warning signs and call your pediatrician right away if you see them:

  • blood or bile (a greenish substance) in the vomit;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • severe repetitive vomiting;
  • bloated belly;
  • apathy or excessive excitement of the child;
  • convulsions;
  • signs or symptoms of dehydration, including parched lips, lack of tears when crying, sunken fontanelle, infrequent and smaller urination;
  • inability to drink the required amount of fluid;
  • vomiting that does not stop for 24 hours.

Treatment of vomiting in children

In most cases, vomiting resolves on its own and does not require special medical treatment. Do not use medicines that can be bought at any pharmacy or medicines that you have at home. The child can be given only those medicines that the pediatrician prescribed specifically for your child in order to cure this particular disease.

If the child is vomiting, try to keep him lying on his stomach or on his side at all times. This will help prevent vomit from entering the upper respiratory tract and lungs.

If the child's vomiting does not stop and he vomits strongly, make sure that there is no dehydration of the body (dehydration is a term that means the body loses so much fluid after which it can no longer function properly;). If it comes to serious complications, vomiting can become life-threatening. You can prevent this by making sure your child is taking in enough fluids to restore the balance lost during vomiting. If this fluid is vomited back up, tell your pediatrician.

For the first 24 hours of any vomiting illness, do not give your child solid food. Instead of eating, try to get him to drink liquids such as water, sweetened water (1/2 teaspoon, or 2.5 ml, of sugar per 120 ml of water), popsicles, gelatin water (1 teaspoon, or 5 ml, gelatin with flavors per 120 ml of water), and best of all, an electrolyte solution (check with your pediatrician which one is better to choose). Fluids not only help prevent dehydration, but they also don't encourage vomiting in the same way that solid foods do.

Here are some rules on how to give your child fluids after vomiting.

  1. Wait 2-3 hours after the baby's last vomiting and give him 30-60 ml of cool water every half hour to an hour for a total of four feedings.
  2. If the child refuses, give him 60 ml of an electrolyte solution, alternating with 60 ml of clean water every half hour.
  3. If vomiting does not occur after two feedings, add halved formula or milk (depending on the age of the child) and continue to gradually increase the amount to 90-120 ml every 3-4 hours.
  4. If he doesn't vomit within 12 to 24 hours, gradually introduce the foods he normally eats into his diet, but still give him plenty of fluids to drink.

If your child also has diarrhea, ask your pediatrician how to give him fluids and how long to cut solid foods from the diet.

Tell your pediatrician if your child is unable to retain fluid or has symptoms of deterioration. The doctor will examine the child and may ask for blood and urine tests or x-rays to make a definitive diagnosis. In some cases, hospitalization may be required.

Every child has had to experience these unpleasant sensations. In most cases, however, parents have no reason to be seriously concerned. The most common cause of vomiting and diarrhea is a viral infection of the stomach (gastritis) or intestines (enteritis). Sometimes the inflammatory process affects both the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis).

Symptoms of the disease, as a rule, persist in a child for 3-4 days (sometimes weeks). Antibiotics will not help in this case, since the disease is associated with a viral infection. Often, oral medications only further irritate the inflamed stomach.

What methods of treatment should be applied in this case? Your main task is to prevent dehydration of the body. The child is out of danger if he drinks enough fluids. Thus, your child should drink as often as possible, but in small portions. What drinks are preferable in these circumstances? Almost any - let the child choose.

If vomiting worsens after drinking fluids, have your child suck on a slice of cheese. School-age children usually feel their body well and know what food and drink they need in given circumstances. If your child develops warning signs (fever, abdominal pain, vomiting for more than 6 hours), be sure to contact the pediatrician.

In such cases, the child, as a rule, has no appetite. Let the child eat whatever he wants. We recommend foods such as bananas, toast, oatmeal, boiled rice, crackers. In most cases, within a day after the end of vomiting, the child returns to his usual diet.

Sometimes infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by acute pain in the abdominal cavity. Acute pain can also be a symptom of a more serious illness (such as appendicitis), so in such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Wash and change your child after vomiting. Scent the room with lavender, rose, lemon or eucalyptus oil. This will freshen the air and fight off the unpleasant smell of vomit.

Drink to maintain salt balance. This drink restores the balance of mineral salts and prevents dehydration. Do not use honey if the child is less than a year old.

  • 1/2 cup water (warm or room temperature)
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda a pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons honey or sugar

Mix all ingredients. Give your child a tablespoonful of drink every 10 minutes or 1/4 to 1/2 cup every half hour.

How to make a pillow with salt

One of the most effective remedies for continued vomiting is a hot pad of salt. It is used to warm the stomach and relieve cramps.

Apply it directly to the stomach (not the entire abdomen).

  1. Heat 1 cup natural sea salt in a skillet for 3-5 minutes until very hot. Pour the salt into the bag (for example, into an old pillowcase) and fold the bag several times in such a way that you get a flat pillow. Its size should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's stomach.
  2. Wrap the pad in a thin towel so as not to burn the skin, and apply to the stomach. If the child says that he is too hot, wrap the pad again. It should be hot, but not burnt.
  3. Keep the pad on until you get better. If necessary, after a 30-minute break, you can heat the salt again and repeat the procedure.

How much is too much? When talking about pyloric stenosis

If the vomiting becomes progressively worse and more frequent, you and your pediatrician may suspect a condition called pyloric stenosis (pyloric stenosis). The pyloric sphincter is a muscle in the final part of the stomach that acts as a pylorus. It allows food to pass into the intestines. Unlike its too weak partner in the upper part of the stomach, this sphincter muscle can sometimes become too thick and strong on its own and do its job too "well", having difficulty passing the contents of the stomach down into the intestines. The term "stenosis" refers to any narrowing. In the case of pyloric stenosis, the opening in the lower part of the stomach becomes progressively narrower than it should be. The more difficult it becomes for the contents of the stomach to pass down through this narrow area, the more often these contents rise up and exit through the mouth instead.

Pyloric stenosis occurs in about 3 out of every 1,000 children and is much more common in first-born boys and those whose families have already had the disease. Pyloric stenosis causes children to spit up in the first few weeks, usually on the 21st to 28th day. Unlike normal spitting up babies or sometimes vomiting violently, babies with pyloric stenosis vomit with increasing force and frequency, most often it is really possible to talk about vomiting by 6 to 8 weeks. If your child is vomiting consistently and progressively, you should contact your doctor, and the sooner the better. If the child is indeed diagnosed with pyloric stenosis, know that there is a remedy to stop vomiting. Children with pyloric stenosis require surgery to expand the pyloric muscle of the lower stomach. Children usually recover quickly and start eating normally within a couple of days after surgery.

Vomiting fountain in a child

Fountain is a word that has often been used in the context of regurgitation and vomiting. Some parents vividly describe their child's vomiting as "a shot across the room." Although relatively mild regurgitation and vomiting may cause fluid to "jump" or "fly out" a few centimeters from your child's mouth, true vomit is more powerful, farther, and so on. If it happens regularly, it can indicate some pretty serious problems. Read on for more information.

Gag reflex and salivation

Some babies have a higher gag reflex than others, which on the one hand is very good, because the gag reflex keeps food (or in the case of a newborn, breast milk or formula) from "going where it shouldn't", in particular the lungs. On the other hand, a child who vomits or who salivates profusely is certainly very frightening for parents. If your baby is throwing up or having trouble breathing while feeding, you can quickly lift her upright, pat her back, turn her head to the side or tilt her head down a bit to let the milk or saliva flow out of her mouth and give her a chance to catch her breath. In almost all cases, children recover quickly from such episodes on their own. If these episodes are not uncommon in your child, or especially if he stops breathing even for a short time, turns bluish in color at the time of vomiting or coughing, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor.

What to give a child if he vomits?

Most often, when you think your baby is throwing up, it's just burping from too much food or reflux. However, vomiting in newborns requires a medical examination, as it may be a sign of a more serious illness or lead to severe dehydration. Perhaps the pediatrician will recommend that you feed your baby less next time and see if he burps? However, if vomiting does not stop, you should go to the doctor or even call an ambulance.

If the vomiting becomes very strong (reaches the other side of the room), if it is profuse, happens often, or after two or more feedings in a row, it's time to call the doctor. Also, if there is bright red blood or dark brown "coffee beans" in your vomit, or if you have any other concerns, call your doctor right away or call an ambulance.

If the child vomits strongly, it is better not to give him anything. When the vomiting stops, try to give only fluids, more often and very little. Start with one teaspoon every 10 minutes; if the child does not vomit within an hour, you can gradually increase the portions. Your pediatrician may recommend starting with electrolyte solutions (Pedialyte, Infalitis, or Likvilit). After a few hours, if the vomiting does not return, the doctor may recommend giving some milk (breast, cow, or formula) again or whatever your baby is drinking, and gradually returning to normal portions after a few feedings. Many parents make the same mistake: when a child is thirsty, they give him a lot at once. If a child has stomach problems, everything drunk will immediately come back. Solid foods are best avoided - limit yourself to liquids for the next few hours after vomiting stops. If you give solid food, do it very carefully and gradually. Start with a small amount of simple food - for example, give one spoonful of rice cereal or one cracker, wait half an hour and see what happens next.

Call the doctor if the child cannot drink even a small amount of liquid without vomiting, if the vomiting does not stop for several hours, if it shows bright red blood or dark brown "coffee beans", or if the child has symptoms of dehydration.

When to start worrying about dehydration?

When a child is sick, dehydration is a constant concern, especially if an infant or young child vomits, with or without diarrhea, in which case they quickly become dehydrated. To prevent this when the child is not feeling well, give fluids often and in small amounts if he does not vomit.

Newborns become dehydrated very quickly. Don't wait until the signs appear (listed below for infants and children 1 to 3 years old). If your newborn vomits, drinks less than usual, urinates too infrequently, or soils diapers, call your doctor.

You should call your pediatrician if your child does not retain even a small amount of fluid in the stomach, vomiting does not stop for several hours, diarrhea does not stop for several days, or other signs of dehydration are present: too few wet diapers, lack of energy, no tears, dry lips and tongue, sunken fontanel (soft spot on the head), irritability, or sunken eyes.

How to keep fluid in the stomach

In order not to end up in the hospital and do not receive intravenous fluids, remember the following prescription for children from one to three. If the baby has vomited, go back to the previous step. If vomiting continues, be sure to call your doctor or call an ambulance. In the case of an infant, it is best to consult a physician before implementing this or any other plan. Like many recipes (even from Grandma's kitchen), it can be modified slightly to achieve the desired result. The ultimate goal is this: starting small, gradually increase portions to 120-240 ml in a few hours.

  • Hour 1 - nothing.
  • Hour 2 - 1 teaspoon of electrolyte solution every 10 minutes.
  • Hour 3-2 teaspoons of electrolyte solution every 15 minutes.
  • Hour 4 - 15 ml of electrolyte solution every 20 minutes.
  • Hour 5 - 30 ml of electrolyte solution every 30 minutes.
  • Hour 6 - Carefully and gradually return to normal liquid food (milk or formula).

The digestive system of a newborn baby is not yet adapted to "adult" food. His main and most useful food is his mother's breast milk. All other substances will only have a negative effect on the body of a little man, as a result of which a violation of the digestive process and vomiting in an infant may occur. For this reason, it is possible to start complementary foods or formula feeding only with the permission of the pediatrician and under his supervision.

Quite often, vomiting in an infant can occur due to an intestinal infection, with which the baby's immunity is not yet able to fight. There are times when a mother, forgetting about the rules of personal hygiene, is the cause of infection of the baby. In no case should mothers take a baby's pacifier and nipple into their mouths, taste the mixture, pick up a child without first washing their hands with soap and water.

In addition to an intestinal infection, there are a number of other reasons that may cause vomiting in an infant:

Nutritional errors in the diet of a nursing mother;

Sudden changes in temperature;

Violation of the development of the digestive tract;

Improperly vaccinated;

Binge eating. If the child ate more milk than his stomach allows, then the body will get rid of excess fluid through vomiting. This is a kind of protective reflex;

Feeding improperly prepared milk formula or formula from a powder that has been stored for a long time;

Feeding foods that are not intended for this age, which may result in gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) or gastroenteritis (inflammation of the organs located below).

If vomiting in a small child does not disappear for a sufficiently long time, causes lethargy and apathy of the baby, is accompanied by fever, convulsions, causes dryness, leads to a decrease in body weight, then this condition requires an immediate call for an ambulance. With a single vomiting, you can limit yourself to calling a doctor at home for a consultation.

Often in the practice of pediatricians there is severe vomiting in a child, accompanied by high fever. This disease occurs as a result of taking medications. The thing is that the baby's body is not ready to take pharmacological drugs, for this reason the baby has a vomiting process, thanks to which the child's body gets rid of the drug, antibiotic or antipyretic. Also, vomiting can occur as a reaction of the baby's body to a high temperature.

If you observe signs of vomiting and fever in your child, call an ambulance immediately. At this time, provide the baby with plenty of fluids, create conditions for the vertical position of the body, preventing the head from tilting back, do not feed the child and do not give him any medicines, periodically clean the baby's nasal passages and in no case prevent the exit of vomit.

If vomiting in an infant appears at the moment when complementary foods began to be introduced into the baby's diet, this indicates that the stomach is not ready to assimilate new food. In this case, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for several days, start giving a new product in a smaller volume, carefully monitor the quality of the food consumed by the baby, and be sure to contact your doctor.

If a baby has vomiting for up to a year (with the introduction of complementary foods), then medication may be needed. It will allow you to properly form the intestinal microflora and create conditions for the normal functioning of the pancreas.

The contraction of the muscles of the peritoneum, causing the rejection of food that is in the human stomach - this is vomiting. Let's start with the fact that vomiting in infants is both a threatening condition that requires an urgent visit to the pediatrician, and a common cause of overeating.

Often the phenomenon of vomiting in a newborn occurs at the very beginning of his life, when a small organism is just beginning its development, the systems have not yet learned how to work as it should by nature.

It is important to study the cause of vomiting in infants:

  • overeating (difficulty digesting individual particles of complementary foods)
  • air infiltration during feeding (food is expelled by air)
  • improper feeding
  • overexcitation
  • disease symptom
  • the appearance of the first teeth (not developed vestibular apparatus)

A fairly common phenomenon is overfeeding a baby, which provokes the release of food eaten through the oral cavity. Quite often, babies spit up both air and milk.

So how do you tell vomiting from spitting up?

Regurgitation is quite safe and is related to the physiological structure of the digestive system, occurs without effort, is manifested by heavy breaths and tension in the tummy. Perhaps a simple illiterate introduction of food during feeding, since the child is constantly in a supine position. Overeating also contributes to regurgitation, do not overfeed the child.

Taking readings of weight before and after feedings will help control the total amount of food per meal. After feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby in an upright position, which is called a “soldier” among experienced mothers, so that excess air swallowed with milk comes out of the stomach.

Vomiting is a serious symptom that is caused by spasms of the intestinal muscles, which primarily helps to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation.

- Accompanying symptoms.

Diarrhea and vomiting in infants can be the causes of very dangerous infections of the internal organs, requiring an urgent trip to the doctor for further treatment. It is absolutely impossible to ignore and wait for them to pass by themselves! Severe dehydration associated with diarrhea leads to a lack of fluid in the body, posing a serious threat to his life.

Start assisting your baby immediately, offering breasts or formula if formula-fed to replenish the fluid balance in the small body.

Almost every kid under three years of age at least once suffers the so-called "intestinal flu", which causes profuse vomiting and diarrhea. A high body temperature (usually rising at night) is accompanied by nausea during sleep. With this outcome, it is also reasonable to temporarily cancel complementary foods in breastfed children and arrange for the patient to drink abundantly - frequent drinking.

Diarrhea is also recommended to be stopped with antiviral drugs, which, of course, will be prescribed by a qualified pediatrician. You do not need to include antibiotics in the treatment, they further develop diarrhea and irritate the stomach.

You should immediately consult a pediatric specialist when, immediately after feeding, vomiting begins with a fountain in the baby. The reasons for this are different: overfeeding or the most complex pathologies.
Vomiting in a baby without fever and diarrhea is not yet a diagnosis, but a symptom caused by the possible presence of a disease of various internal organs:

- CNS pathology

  1. Intracranial hypertension, accompanied by swelling of the open fontanel of the baby.
  2. Concussion of the brain when receiving a craniocerebral injury.
  3. Acquired birth trauma.
  4. Neoplasm (brain tumor).

More on the topic: Vomiting for no reason in adults: no diarrhea

- Endocrine diseases

  1. Increased growth hormone.
  2. Conn's syndrome (benign tumor of the adrenal gland).
  3. Brain disease.
  4. Hypopituitarism (tumor, syphilis, meningitis ...).
  5. Congenital obesity and much more ...

- Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Acute appendicitis. It can be either congenital (associated with the shape of the process), extremely rare, or acquired (more often in premature babies).
  2. Gastritis or ulcer of the stomach or pancreas. The mucous membrane of the stomach is irritated by systematic overeating or not digesting food.
  3. Intestinal obstruction (there are two forms - partial and complete). In the event that vomiting in infants after feeding occurs due to the fault of intestinal obstruction, then it begins in the first days of life.

The cause of frequent vomiting is often the presence of a foreign body in the esophagus of a curious baby. If you notice crying, restless behavior, difficulty eating, refusing to eat at all - you should immediately contact an ambulance!

It is important that the foreign object does not linger in the body - this is dangerous with complications and may well lead to an irreparable outcome.

Often there may be vomiting without fever and diarrhea. For timely first aid, you need to know exactly what to do, it is important to find out the reason for this.

Often this phenomenon occurs in the summer (during the hot season), when bacteria actively multiply, which can easily get into the baby's food, provoking an intestinal infection. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to disinfect the feeding equipment and clean the room where the baby spends time as often as possible.

Sometimes in such cases, the symptoms described are the result of taking certain medications as a side effect. The drug used should be immediately discontinued and consult a doctor.
Vomiting also occurs as a result of nervous excitement. But it usually happens in older children and there are no manifestations of abdominal pain and stool changes.

Often, fever and vomiting occur during force-feeding, or prolonged hysteria, due to overexcitation of the nervous system.

- Opinion of professionals

Dr. Komarovsky recognizes regurgitation and vomiting as practically the same phenomenon. Of course, if the behavior of the child does not look unhealthy, and he has a stable weight gain, and this does not happen regularly.

- The appearance of the first teeth.

During teething, the baby may vomit, but in this situation, this phenomenon, fortunately, is not too frequent. Only in a small number of children this process is completely calm and painless. With the advent of teeth (especially several at once), most people experience crying, inflammation of the gums, a decrease in appetite, even refusal to eat, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

No direct relationship was found between tooth growth and vomiting. Concomitant factors (fever, force-feeding, screaming and tears) provoke urges.

More on the topic: Remedies for vomiting and diarrhea: which pills to take?

In any manifestations of pain, fatigue, parents should immediately show the child to an experienced pediatrician or gastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, study the nature of the vomit, make a connection with the food taken, compare the symptoms and the time when they began to appear.

A child in a hospital must undergo a mandatory examination and take the main part of the tests:

  • - general urine analysis
  • - blood biochemistry
  • - blood for bacteria
  • - gastroscopy
  • - ultrasound examination of the digestive organs
  • - radiography

Perhaps these results will not be enough, then the baby should be additionally consulted with an infectious disease specialist.
As a last resort, if the infant has no retention of food in the esophagus at all, then this physiological problem should be immediately studied. In severe cases, surgery may be required.
No one knows a child better than his parents!

While the baby is in infancy, create a calm, peaceful environment for him, let the baby adapt to a new, unfamiliar environment. Crying is not necessarily a manifestation of any disease. Most importantly, you need to follow simple rules for care. These are the usual procedures: feeding, bathing, sleep, wakefulness, mandatory walks in the fresh air, hygiene, massage.

How healthy and happy your baby will be is up to you! Parents, in no case, should panic, even if the baby vomits after feeding, in any extremely unpleasant situation, know what to do, contact a medical facility in a timely manner.

The most rare case of vomiting is a concussion. If the baby suddenly fell off the couch, or from any other height, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Vomiting after a fall is the main symptom of a concussion. This should not be left unattended, because in the future it can lead to serious violations and complications.

Other causes of vomiting may be due to inflammation of the appendix, strangulated hernia, meningitis, pneumonia, or nervous system abnormalities, or other serious disorders. Constant regurgitation is possible due to heredity.

Example: Mom periodically hiccups all day once a month. The baby also hiccups all day every month. This is a matter of heredity. If there are suspicions of certain deviations, you should definitely consult a doctor, because the main thing is the health of your crumbs, for which you are responsible.

Constant regurgitation and vomiting in newborns can be explained by the structural features of their gastrointestinal tract:

  • short esophagus;
  • the shape of the esophagus, like a funnel;
  • narrowing of the esophagus on a physiological basis;
  • the muscular sphincter is underdeveloped;
  • the mucous membrane is very sensitive.

The danger of vomiting in a newborn also lies in the fact that dehydration occurs. After all, often the child himself refuses even to take water.

The loss of 20% of the body's fluid can be fatal. Therefore, it is worth taking serious measures if parents are faced with a similar phenomenon. It is best to find a good specialist in advance who will advise the parents of the newborn on a particular issue.

Fountain vomiting in an infant can occur in different situations - for example, teething or appendicitis. One way or another, frequent vomiting leads to severe dehydration of the body, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

If frequent vomiting in infants is accompanied by lethargy and fever, and he himself refuses to breastfeed, urgently call an ambulance. The longer you delay calling the doctor and trying to determine the causes yourself, the worse the child can become.

Causes of vomiting

Most often, vomiting in an infant occurs during teething. It is usually short-term and passes quickly.

It can be very difficult to determine that frequent vomiting occurs during teething. The only sign that signals teething is a change in the child's behavior: he becomes restless, irritable, constantly crying, sometimes there is an increase in temperature.

If at this time you carefully examine the baby's oral cavity and notice swelling of the gums, then your diagnosis was confirmed - the vomiting that appeared like a fountain really warned of teething.


Due to the large amount of food eaten by the baby, his stomach may not have enough space to accommodate and digest it, which causes vomiting, which is also called regurgitation.

To prevent spitting up, try to observe the feeding schedule of the child and within 30 minutes after eating, let him lie down and rest calmly.

Vomiting during overfeeding and teething is the most harmless and goes away on its own.

What to do to make the child stop spitting up

Mom's lack of hygiene and proper diet

Violation of hygiene rules by a nursing mother can lead to a serious infectious disease in a child, the main symptoms of which are vomiting and fever. To prevent this from happening, be sure to wash your breasts before and after feeding.

The quality of milk and, consequently, the health of the child is completely dependent on how and what the young mother eats.

Any fatty, salty, or spicy foods in the diet can spoil breast milk and cause the baby to vomit and have diarrhea.

Often, formula-fed babies (especially those under a year old) react very sharply to frequent changes in formula.

This can lead not only to vomiting, but also to other serious disorders - for example, allergies, dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction - many of which are accompanied by diarrhea.

To prevent this from happening, you must do the following:

  1. Feed your baby only one carefully selected milk formula. It must necessarily include thickeners - for example, gum, starch or casein. The latter tends to quickly curdle in the stomach, turning into flakes that inhibit food. If there are no thickeners in the mixture, you can thicken it yourself with rice powder in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon for 60 ml of the mixture.
  2. If you need to change the mixture, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

A single vomiting after the introduction of complementary foods is a natural reaction of the body to new food, but if the gag reflex is repeated in children over and over again, despite the fact that the baby does not have fever and diarrhea, this fact cannot be left without due attention.

  • the introduction of complementary foods should begin with a one-component product (apple puree, pear juice, etc.) - this way it is easier to determine the body's reaction to each new component;
  • feeding the baby should be from a new, just opened jar;
  • always check the expiration date of baby food;
  • do not save on the quality of the product;
  • feed your baby small meals.

If you do these simple procedures, the introduction of complementary foods will pass without harm to the body.


Poor quality food that has entered the child's stomach is immediately rejected by the body, and as a result, a gag reflex occurs with a fountain. Self-treatment of poisoning in young children is very dangerous and risky, so the first thing you should do is call an ambulance.

While the ambulance is on the way, every 10 minutes give your baby a teaspoon of clean boiled water. Once the urge to vomit has passed, you can increase the portions of water to a tablespoon.

When children are poisoned, vomiting with a fountain is often accompanied by fever and diarrhea.

To reduce diarrhea a little, you can dilute smecta or activated charcoal in a bottle of water. But in any case, a call to the doctor at home is required.

Intestinal infection

This disease is accompanied by frequent vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea and fever, which leads to a large loss of fluid in the body. Therefore, you need to constantly give the baby clean water in small quantities. If he independently refuses water due to age, the doctor may begin to replenish the body with fluid intravenously. Any intestinal infection should be treated only in stationary conditions.


After the fall of newborns from any height (bed, chair, changing table), serious consequences can occur. It is urgent to call an ambulance if, after a fall, his condition has deteriorated sharply, namely:

  • he began to lose consciousness;
  • began to cry for a long time and for no reason, constantly clutching his head;
  • his coordination of movements was disturbed;
  • there was frequent vomiting with a fountain;
  • an increase in temperature is observed.

Probably, the baby received a concussion, and a clearer picture can be obtained after an x-ray and ultrasound of the brain area.

We examined the most common reasons why vomiting occurs in infants. Some of them are absolutely harmless (for example, when teething). Others are very serious and require immediate medical attention (appendicitis, intestinal infection, concussion).

It is worth taking a responsible approach to determining the cause of gag reflexes in children, especially since we are talking about tiny people who still do not know how to talk and explain what hurts them.

Sometimes it may seem that vomiting occurred during overeating or teething, even swollen gums are visible, and then it turns out that the disorder of the body occurred for a completely different reason. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and call a doctor at home so that he can accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the necessary treatment.
